NeuroTran - Primjeri rečenica

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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.

Više o NeuroTran® softveru možete doznati na web stranici:

NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Fri Jan 09 12:37:08 2004]
Ekološka kuća na UBC-u u Vancouveru.
Eco-house on UBC in Vancouver.

[Fri Jan 09 12:37:08 2004]
Konstrukcija je od PARALAM nosača
The structure is made of PARALAM beams

[Fri Jan 09 12:45:22 2004]
Danas postoji niz programskih paketa i programskih sustava kojima se može pomoću CAD-a kreirati model kojeg istražujemo, a zatim se ti modeli mogu predočiti konačnim elementima, koristeći razne automatske rutine za kreiranje mreža konačnih elemenata.
Today, there are series of software packages and systems which can be used, together with CAD, to create the model which we are exploring, and then these models can be presented with finite elements, using various automatic routines for creating finite element meshes.

[Fri Jan 09 12:45:22 2004]
Prikazuje se neke kreacije dobivene ALLFEM sustavom
Some creations obtained with ALLFEM system are shown

[Fri Jan 09 12:54:37 2004]
Kreiranje mreže KE, konstrukcija uređaja za odsumporavanje korištenjem ALLFEM sustava.
Designing FEM, structure of the device for desulphurizing using the ALLFEM system.

[Fri Jan 09 12:54:37 2004]
Iz prospekta za ALLFEM sustav
From the brochure for ALLFEM system

[Fri Jan 09 12:58:29 2004]
Također se prikazuje postupak proračuna armirano betonskih ploča jednog višekatnog poslovnog objekta.
Procedure of calculation of reinforced concrete plates of a multistorey business facility is also shown.

[Fri Jan 09 12:58:29 2004]
Rad sa ALLFEM sustavom odvija se interaktivno na radnoj stanici
Work with the ALLFEM system goes on interactively on the workstation

[Fri Jan 09 12:59:30 2004]
Postupak proračuna armirano-betonskih ploča pomoću ALLFEM sustava
Procedure of calculating reinforced-concrete plates using the ALLFEM system

[Fri Jan 09 14:16:29 2004]
Prikazani su neki ekrani vizualne predodžbe opterećenja ploča, te armature ploče.
Visual displays of plate load are presented, and of plate armature.

[Fri Jan 09 14:16:29 2004]
Armatura ploče dobivena ALLPLOT modulom nije prikazana zbog kompleksnosti prikaza u kojem smanjenje crteža čini nacrt armature nečitljivim
Plate armature obtained with the ALLPLOT module is not shown because of the complexity of display in which the diminishment of drawing makes the sketch of the armature illegible

[Fri Jan 09 14:21:11 2004]
ALLFEM je modul opsežnog interaktivnog paketa za analizu i dizajn konstrukcija.
ALLFEM is the module of an extensive interactive package for analysis and structural design.

[Fri Jan 09 14:21:14 2004]
Ostali su moduli:
The other modules are:

[Fri Jan 09 14:24:21 2004]

[Fri Jan 09 14:25:59 2004]
S ALLFEM modulom mogu se proračunati ploče, ljuske, diskovi, zidovi, složenice, sustavi štapnih konstrukcija, mogu se provoditi statičke i dinamičke analize te linearne i nelinearne analize.
With the ALLFEM module you can calculate plates, shells, discs, walls, composite structures, bar structure systems, you can carry out static and dynamic analyses, and linear and nonlinear analyses.

[Fri Jan 09 14:26:50 2004]
Naravno, ovdje nije moglo biti govora o drugim sustavima za kompleksne interaktivne analize struktura i građevina, o NASTRAN-u, MARC-u, sustavu PAFEC i sličnim sustavima.
Naturally, in this case we could not include other systems for complex interactive analyses of structures and buildings, such as NASTRAN, MARC, PAFEC and similar systems.

[Fri Jan 09 14:26:50 2004]
Bitan je i sustav CAD/CAM SEMA I DIETRICH za 3D dizajn drvenih konstrukcija
CAD/CAM SEMA and DIETRICH are other important systems for 3D design of wooden structures

[Fri Jan 09 14:39:36 2004]
Na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu na mreži je dostupan vrlo kompleksni FE program SOFISTIK.
At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, a very complex FE program SOFISTIK is available from the net.

[Fri Jan 09 14:42:36 2004]
Taj program ne samo da je CAD modelar, on je ujedno i rješavač FE statičkih, dinamičkih, linearnih i nelinearnih analiza, a ujedno se mogu njim projektirati betonske, metalne i drvene konstrukcije (jer ima ugrađene suvremene EC standarde).
This program is not only a CAD modeler, it is also a solver of FE static, dynamic, linear and nonlinear analyses, and it can also be used to design concrete, metal and wooden structures (because it contains current EC standards).

[Fri Jan 09 14:42:36 2004]
Njim se mogu simulirati problemi građenja (rasta - efekti puzanja i relaksacije materijala), armiranja, prednaprezanja i slični problemi koji se javljaju u dizajnu i izvođenju konstrukcija zgrada i mostova
It can be used to simulate problems of building (of growth - effects of creep and relaxation of material), reinforcing, prestressing and similar problems that occur in the design and realization of structures of buildings and bridges

[Fri Jan 09 14:52:11 2004]
Program ESA PRIMA WIN za dizajn složenih konstrukcija s ugrađenim modulima za projektiranje čeličnih i armirano betonskih konstrukcija prema EC standardima.
Program ESA PRIMA WIN for the design of complex structures with integrated modules for the design of steel and reinforced concrete structures according to EC standards.

[Fri Jan 09 14:52:11 2004]
Prikaz dizajna kutnog spoja čeličnog okvira
Display of the design of the angle connection of a steel frame

[Fri Jan 09 14:53:53 2004]
Robot 97 posjeduje velike mogućnosti analiza i formatiranja rezultata analize.
Robot 97 has great possibilities of analyses and analysis results formatting.

[Fri Jan 09 14:53:53 2004]
Primjenjuju se i EC standardi za beton, čelik i drvo
EC standards for concrete, steel and wood are applied

[Fri Jan 09 14:57:56 2004]
Uvodni ekran nudi izbor tipa konstrukcije
Introductory screen offers the selection of a structural type

[Fri Jan 09 14:59:37 2004]
Prikaz stanja naprezanja.
Display of stress states.

[Fri Jan 09 14:59:37 2004]
Velik izbor načina prikaza stanja naprezanja
A large selection of methods for displaying stress states

[Fri Jan 09 15:03:27 2004]
Serija programa L S+S Software GmbH za parcijalne analize elemenata, spojeva i konstrukcija.
Program series L S+S Software GmbH for partial analyses of elements, connections and structures.

[Fri Jan 09 15:03:38 2004]
Analize stabiliteta s BEM1, proračuna presjeka s BEM2, dokaza naprezanja s BEM3, određivanja duljina izvijanja štapova okvira s BEM5, dokaza sigurnosti okvira s KON1, nosivosti stupova s KON3, nastavaka u čeliku s KON4, dizajna zglobnih veza s KON5.
Analyses of stability with BEM1, calculation of sections with BEM2, proof of stress with BEM3, determination of effective lengths of frame legs with BEM5, proof of frame safety with KON1, bearing capacity of columns with KON3, extensions in steel with KON4, design of hinge joints with KON5.

[Fri Jan 09 15:10:22 2004]
Umor prema EC3 propisima.
Fatigue according to EC3 regulations.

[Fri Jan 09 15:10:39 2004]
Spregnuti presjeci prema EC4/DIN 18800, dio 5.
Coupled sections according to EC4/DIN 18800, part 5.

[Fri Jan 09 15:10:39 2004]
Savijanje i posmik prema DIN 1045 novi/EC2
Bending and shear according to DIN 1045 new/EC2

[Fri Jan 09 15:17:04 2004]
Kalkulator za dimenzioniranje i provjeru armirano betonskih presjeka
Calculator for dimensioning and testing of reinforced concrete sections

[Fri Jan 09 15:18:37 2004]
RC kalkulator je grafički alat koji maksimalno koristi mogućnosti Windows95/NT tehnologije
RC calculator is a graphic tool which uses the possibilities of Windows95/NT technology to a maximum degree

[Fri Jan 09 15:19:23 2004]
Za više informacija i demo verziju pogledati WEB stranice
For more information and a demo version see WEB page

[Fri Jan 09 15:28:41 2004]
Na Webu se mogu naći i kupiti i određeni programi za dimenzioniranje drvenih konstrukcija:
On the Web you can find and purchase some programs for dimensioning wooden structures:

[Fri Jan 09 15:28:41 2004]
drvene grede i stupovi od monolitnog i lameliranog drva, dimenzioniranje panela zgrada, dimenzioniranje spojeva rešetki s raznim spajalima
wooden beams and columns from monolithic and laminated timber, dimensioning of panels in buildings, dimensioning of connections of bars with various fasteners

[Fri Jan 09 15:31:25 2004]
Programa ima jako mnogo.
There is a vast number of programs.

[Fri Jan 09 15:40:08 2004]
Navode se neke Web stranice gdje se mogu pronaći podaci o FEA programima.
Here is a list of some Web sites where you can find information about FEA programs.

[Fri Jan 09 15:40:10 2004]
Ukoliko se spojimo na Internet i pretražimo preko nekog pretražitelja mreže (Alta Vista, Yahoo!
If we go on Internet and with some web browser (Alta Vistat, Yahoo!

[Fri Jan 09 15:41:25 2004]
programe za FE analize, dobit će se opsežna lista dostupnih programa, od kojih velika većina ima svoje Web stranice
) search for programs for FE analyses, we will get an extensive list of available programs, most of which hve their Web sites

[Mon Jan 12 09:17:51 2004]
Navode se neke liste FE programa.
Here are some lists of FE programs.

[Mon Jan 12 09:17:52 2004]
Neki FEA programi su slobodni, a drugi se mogu kupiti (obično putem e-maila)
Some FEA programs are free, and some can be bought (usually via e-mail)

[Mon Jan 12 09:19:53 2004]
U nastavku se daju informativni ispisi samo nekih WEB stranica s FE programima dostupnim preko WEB
Here are informative lists of some WEB sites with FE programs available through WEB

[Mon Jan 12 09:53:33 2004]
Popis komercijalnog software-a za proračunavanje mostova
List of commercial software for bridge calculation

[Mon Jan 12 10:01:27 2004]
Stranica TDL proizvoda od drveta i lameliranih sustava
Web page about TDL wooden products and laminated systems

[Mon Jan 12 10:04:57 2004]
Informacije o proizvodima od drveta (ENERCALC products - liste za proračun elemenata za grede i lamelirane grede)
Information about wooden products (ENERCALC products - lists for calculation of elements for beams and laminated beams)

[Mon Jan 12 10:06:04 2004]
Informacije o pokrivenim drvenim mostovima u USA
Information about covered wooden bridges in USA

[Mon Jan 12 10:10:43 2004]
Stranice za download demo meke podrške za dizajn (kanadska web stranica CWC)
Pages for the download of demo software support for design (Canadian web site CWC)

[Mon Jan 12 10:12:29 2004]
Za mrežaste konstrukcije od drveta pogledati
For wooden mesh structures see

[Mon Jan 12 10:13:56 2004]
Grafički prikaz građenja visokih objekata u svijetu do 1963
Graphic presentation of building high-rise objects around the world until 1963

[Mon Jan 12 10:47:15 2004]
programi za proračune 'malih' konstrukcija:
programs for calculating 'small' structures:

[Mon Jan 12 10:47:15 2004]
greda, okvira, podrožnica, lukova
beams, framework, roof purlines, arches

[Mon Jan 12 11:07:19 2004]
eliptična rupa
elliptic hole

[Mon Jan 12 11:17:22 2004]
Detalj oslanjanja lameliranog vezača za čelični stup
Detail of a laminated truss supported by a steel column

[Mon Jan 12 11:22:31 2004]
navarena ležajna ploča
welded bearing plate

[Mon Jan 12 11:27:30 2004]
usidreni T profil
anchored T profile

[Mon Jan 12 12:01:12 2004]
Priključak lameliranog nosača za AB stup ili AB zid
Connection of a laminated girder with the AB column or AB wall

[Mon Jan 12 12:11:46 2004]

[Mon Jan 12 12:14:14 2004]
Detalj ukrućenja od drvenog sprega za nosivi sustav
Detail of stiffening of a wooden bracing for the bearing system

[Mon Jan 12 12:21:48 2004]
čelični lim
steel sheet

[Mon Jan 12 12:30:04 2004]
Detalj priključka drvenog sprega za nosivi sustav
Detail of a wooden bracing connection with the bearing system

[Mon Jan 12 12:35:36 2004]
Detalj priključka metalnog vitkog sprega
Detail of a slender metal truss connection

[Mon Jan 12 12:45:30 2004]

[Mon Jan 12 12:46:02 2004]
jednostrani moždanik s vijkom
one-side connector with a screw

[Mon Jan 12 12:51:42 2004]
Detalji pričvršćenja podrožnica za nosače
Details of attaching purlins to girders

[Mon Jan 12 13:01:40 2004]
čavli (otvori bušeni);
nails (bored openings);

[Mon Jan 12 13:02:08 2004]
priključci podrožnica
purlins connections

[Mon Jan 12 14:11:37 2004]
jednostrani moždanik
one-side connector

[Mon Jan 12 14:12:45 2004]
hrbat iz lima
metal web

[Mon Jan 12 14:13:52 2004]
konstruktivni vijak
constructive screw

[Mon Jan 12 14:14:47 2004]

[Mon Jan 12 14:15:07 2004]
patentni moždanik
patented connector

[Mon Jan 12 14:15:43 2004]
hrbat iz lima
metal web

[Mon Jan 12 14:17:20 2004]
šesterokutni vijak za drvo
the hexagonal lag screw

[Mon Jan 12 14:23:18 2004]
ovalna rupa
oval hole

[Mon Jan 12 14:23:51 2004]
dvodijelni drveni stup
the two-part wooden column

[Mon Jan 12 14:32:14 2004]
vanjski zid
external wall

[Mon Jan 12 14:32:28 2004]
toplinska izolacija
thermal insulation

[Mon Jan 12 14:36:11 2004]
Bitno je da su detalji dobro zračeni.
It is important that details are properly aerated.

[Mon Jan 12 14:38:59 2004]
Drvo nikako ne smije nalijegati na betonsku površinu.
Wood should by no means lean against the concrete surface.

[Mon Jan 12 14:38:59 2004]
Ukoliko detalji nisu izvedeni tako da se drvo zrači, dolazi do razvoja truleži i propadanja drveta
If details are not been executed in a way that wood is aerated, wood will rot and decay

[Mon Jan 12 14:45:12 2004]
T profil zavaren na ležajnu ploču
T section welded to the bearing plate

[Mon Jan 12 14:50:59 2004]
sidreni moždanik
anchored dowel

[Mon Jan 12 15:31:34 2004]
hrbat iz lima
metal web

[Mon Jan 12 15:39:23 2004]
betonski sokl
concrete socle

[Mon Jan 12 15:42:15 2004]
vijak sa jednostranim moždanikom
screw with the one-side connector

[Mon Jan 12 15:44:13 2004]
zatvorena reška
closed joint

[Mon Jan 12 15:54:42 2004]
trozglobni okviri
three-hinged frames

[Mon Jan 12 15:59:21 2004]
navareni hrbat iz lima
welded metal web

[Mon Jan 12 16:03:36 2004]
nos za preuzimanje horizontalnih sila
girder for taking over horizontal forces

[Mon Jan 12 16:17:07 2004]

[Mon Jan 12 16:18:23 2004]
kružno razmješteni moždanici
circularly arranged dowels

[Mon Jan 12 16:30:35 2004]
Priključci okvira na temelje
Frame connentions with foundations

[Mon Jan 12 16:33:22 2004]
sidreni moždanik
anchored dowel

[Mon Jan 12 16:33:45 2004]
plošno željezo
flat iron

[Mon Jan 12 16:36:34 2004]
tjemeni zglobovi
crown hinges

[Mon Jan 12 16:50:11 2004]
Tjemeni zglob
Crown hinge

[Tue Jan 13 10:10:19 2004]
betonski čelik
reinforcing steel

[Tue Jan 13 10:11:48 2004]
upeti drveni stup
restraint wooden column

[Tue Jan 13 10:14:50 2004]
jednostrani moždanik
one-side connector

[Tue Jan 13 10:18:17 2004]
upeti drveni stup
restraint wooden column

[Tue Jan 13 10:21:15 2004]
vijak za drvo
lag screw

[Tue Jan 13 10:21:38 2004]
drveni stup
wooden column

[Tue Jan 13 10:33:45 2004]
Tlocrt razvedene krovne konstrukcije rađen sa CAD/CAM programom SEMA TIMBER FRAMING PROGRAM.
The plan of a divided roof structure created with the CAD/CAM program SEMA TIMBER FRAMING PROGRAM.

[Tue Jan 13 10:33:57 2004]
Projekt izrađen u Izgradnji d.o.o. Ogulin za klijenta Ivanić Grad.
Project made in Izgradnja d.o.o. Ogulin for the client Ivanić Grad.

[Tue Jan 13 10:34:01 2004]
Projektant ing.
Planning engineer

[Tue Jan 13 10:34:51 2004]
Prikazani CAD crteži odmah se procesiraju na robotskom stroju Hundegger.
Displayed CAD drawings are immediately processed in the robotic machine Hundegger.

[Tue Jan 13 10:34:51 2004]
Vidjeti web stranice SEMA
See the web site of SEMA

[Tue Jan 13 10:40:05 2004]
Aksonometrijski pogled na konstrukciju krovišta u Ivanić Gradu.
Axonometric view of the roof structure in Ivanić Grad.

[Tue Jan 13 10:43:35 2004]
Projekt izrađen u Izgradnji Ogulin sa CAD/CAM sustavom SEMA TIMBER FRAMING PROGRAM.
The project is executed in Izgradnja Ogulin with the CAD/CAM system SEMA TIMBER FRAMING PROGRAM.

[Tue Jan 13 10:46:52 2004]
Svaki element ima svoju specifikaciju i može se posebno prikazati sa svim detaljima (utorima), zasjecima, rupama za vijke, čepovima i sl.)
Each element has its own specification and it can be displayed separately with all the details (grooves), cuts, holes for screws, stoppers etc.).

[Tue Jan 13 10:47:49 2004]
. Posebno se odmah iskazuje dokaznica i listing svih elemenata.
Certificate and the listing of all elements are given immediately.

[Tue Jan 13 10:48:07 2004]
CAD generirani podaci prosljeđuju se robotu Hundegger koji izrađuje elemente konstrukcije.
CAD generated data are passed on to the Hundegger robot which produces structural elements.

[Tue Jan 13 10:48:11 2004]
Izvela Izgradnja d.o.o. Ogulin.
Executed by Izgradnja d.o.o. Ogulin.

[Tue Jan 13 10:48:17 2004]
Planning engineer:

[Tue Jan 13 14:46:16 2004]
Za više primjera vidjeti skripte/prijevod s primjerima (Žagar:
For more examples see lecture notes/translation with examples (Žagar:

[Tue Jan 13 14:46:16 2004]
ICES STRUDL2 za UNIVAC i IBM verziju) ili originalne priručnike za ICES STRUDL sustav
ICES STRUDL2s for UNIVAC and IBM version) or original manuals for ICES STRUDL system

[Tue Jan 13 14:50:28 2004]
Kod odabira vremenskog koraka analize treba biti izuzetno pažljiv.
When selecting the time step of the analysis one should be extra careful.

[Tue Jan 13 14:50:28 2004]
Naime, pogrešan izbor vremenskog koraka može dovesti do
That is, the wrong selection of a time step can lead to

[Tue Jan 13 15:05:20 2004]
Da bi se ovi problemi odabira vremenskog koraka integracije riješili, načinjen je ekspertni sustav za odabir vremenskog koraka u numeričkim analizama (ETUDE - Time integration control) pisan u OPS5.
In order for these problems of selecting the integration time step to be solved, an expert system for the selection of time steps in numerical analysis was created (ETUDE Time integration control), written in OPS5.

[Tue Jan 13 15:05:21 2004]
Autori su M.
Its authors are M.

[Tue Jan 13 15:05:33 2004]
Ramirez i T.
Ramirez and T.

[Tue Jan 13 15:05:34 2004]
Belytschko s Departm.
Belytschko from the Department

[Tue Jan 13 15:05:54 2004]
Engineering, Northwest University, Evanston, IL, USA, a program je financiran od strane NASA agencije
Engineering, Northwest University, Evanston, IL, USA, and the program is financed by NASA agency

[Tue Jan 13 15:08:54 2004]
dopustiti korisniku korištenje toliko znanja koliko mu je potrebno
to allow the user to use as much knowledge as necessary

[Tue Jan 13 15:14:45 2004]
doći do rješenja koje neće biti baš optimalno, ali koje će biti blizu optimalnog rješenja
reach the solution which will not be optimal, but which will be close to the optimal solution

[Tue Jan 13 15:18:01 2004]
pružiti korisniku podatke o postupku i načinu izbora osjetljivih para-metara u raznim uvjetima
give the user information about the procedure and method of selecting the sensitive parameters in various conditions

[Tue Jan 13 15:22:37 2004]
pružiti mogućnost komunikacije korisnika s FEA programom
give the user possibility to communicate with the FEA program

[Tue Jan 13 15:23:33 2004]
dozvoliti korisniku mogućnost izvođenja postupka drugim metodama
give the user possibility to perform the procedure with other methods

[Tue Jan 13 15:46:43 2004]
U GEOSTAR modulu vremenski korak može biti izvanredno malen, pa se onda mora voditi strogi račun o izboru tipa rezultata analize, totalnom vremenu analize i vremenskom inkrementu pohrane proračunskih rezultata, neovisno o inkrementu vremenskog koraka analize, a ovisno o medijima pohrane (tvrdi disk s ograničenjem pohrane podataka) i sličnim pitanjima pohrane mnoštva podataka
In GEOSTAR module time step may be exceptionally small, and then one must be particularly careful about the selection of the type of analysis results, total analysis time and the time increment of storing calculated results, independent of the increment of analysis time step, and depending upon the media of storage (hard disk with the limitation of data storage), and similar matters of storing a large amount of data

[Wed Jan 14 09:49:22 2004]
Navodimo i primjer korištenja COSMOS/M paketa u dinamičkoj analizi konstrukcija.
We are giving the example of using the COSMOS/M package in the dynamic structure analysis.

[Wed Jan 14 09:49:44 2004]
Prikazuje se upis podataka za jednu kvadratnu ploču.
Data input for one square plate is shown.

[Wed Jan 14 09:49:57 2004]
Dimenzije ploče su a=b=40.
Dimensions of the plate are a=b=40

[Wed Jan 14 09:51:01 2004]
E je uzeto E=30000.
E is taken to be E=30000.

[Wed Jan 14 09:51:15 2004]
, Poissonov koeficijent ni=0.3, gustoća RHO=0.0003.
, Poisson's ratio ni=0.3, density RHO=0.0003.

[Wed Jan 14 09:51:41 2004]
Ploča je slobodno oslonjena po rubovima.
The plate is freely supported along the edges.

[Wed Jan 14 09:51:41 2004]
Razmatra se samo jedna četvrtina ploče
Only one quarter of the plate is analyzed

[Wed Jan 14 09:55:27 2004]
Dinamička analiza modela ploče.
Dynamic analysis of a plate model.

[Wed Jan 14 09:55:27 2004]
Prikaz jedne četvrtine ploče
Display of one quarter of the plate

[Wed Jan 14 09:59:43 2004]
Kao izlazni rezultati dobiju se frekvencije ploče, koje se može prikazati i kao animaciju u 3D prostoru.
As output results we get frequencies of the plate, which can be presented as an animation in 3D space.

[Wed Jan 14 10:00:53 2004]
Ovo je samo jedan primjer opisa upisa za vrlo jednostavne sustave.
This is only one example of describing the input for very simple systems.

[Wed Jan 14 10:02:31 2004]
Sa COSMOS/M paketom mogu se proračunati i vrlo spektakularna ponašanja konstrukcija.
With COSMOS/M package you can calculate very spectacular structure behaviours.

[Wed Jan 14 10:04:08 2004]
Za te primjere treba pogledati opsežne priručnike za COSMOS/M, pogotovo izrađene primjere za vježbanje.
For those examples you should look at detailed manuals for COSMOS/M, especially the examples created for practice.

[Wed Jan 14 10:04:08 2004]
Slična je i primjena sustava SOFISTIK
The application of the system SOFISTIK is similar

[Wed Jan 14 10:11:00 2004]
Prikazuje se ispis upisa za pronalaženje frekvencije ploče (razmatramo 1 ploče) pomoću FEA programa COSMOS/M
Here is the list of input for the detection of plate frequency (1 plate is analyzed) using the FEA program COSMOS/M

[Wed Jan 14 10:15:11 2004]
generira se niz u X smjeru
the string is generated in X direction

[Wed Jan 14 10:30:24 2004]
Daje se još jedan primjer dinamičkog proračuna kretanja dvaju masa vezanih oprugama po hrapavoj podlozi, s primjenom tzv.
Here is another example of dynamic calculation of two masses connected with springs moving along the rough surface, using the so-called

[Wed Jan 14 10:31:38 2004]
Koriste se elementi TRUSS, koncentrirane mase i GAP-FRICTION elementi
TRUSS elements, concentrated masses and GAP-FRICTION elements are used

[Wed Jan 14 10:37:10 2004]
Skica FE modela za analizu titranja dvaju elastično vezanih masa na hrapavoj podlozi.
Sketch of the FE model for the analysis of vibration of two elastically connected masses on the rough surface.

[Wed Jan 14 10:37:22 2004]
a) trenje;
a) friction;

[Wed Jan 14 10:37:28 2004]
b) skica problema;
b) sketch of the problem;

[Wed Jan 14 10:37:28 2004]
c) GAP element sa trenjem
c) GAP element with friction

[Wed Jan 14 10:39:43 2004]
Uzme li se da je zadano
If we take that it is given

[Wed Jan 14 10:41:49 2004]
koeficijent trenja
coefficient of friction

[Wed Jan 14 10:45:05 2004]
Problem se formulira kao ulazna datoteka podataka za COSMOS/M:
The problem is formulated as an entry datafile for COSMOS/M:

[Wed Jan 14 10:45:05 2004]
Prikazuje se samo dio upisa FE modela
Only a part of FE model input is presented

[Wed Jan 14 10:46:40 2004]
Nakon te analize provodi se drugi dio analize
After this analysis, the other part of the analysis is carried out

[Wed Jan 14 10:52:43 2004]
Nakon ove analize može se pomoću XY plot rutine dobiti dijagrame ponašanja pomaka u vremenu za čvor 2 i za čvor 3.
After this analyses, with the XY plot routine, we can obtain diagrams of displacement behaviors in time, for node 2 and node 3.

[Wed Jan 14 10:52:43 2004]
Opisi u dijagramima provode se pomoću posebne rutine za opis grafikona
Descriptions in diagrams are executed with a special routine for graph description

[Wed Jan 14 10:54:22 2004]
Usporedne analize
Comparative analyses

[Wed Jan 14 11:02:21 2004]
Analiza izvijanja sustava, elemenata i dijelova sustava danas se lakoćom provodi analizama izvijanja, a vizualizacija modova izvijanja može se isto ostvariti pozivom grafičkih rutina.
Analysis of system buckling, elements and parts of the system is today easily carried out with buckling analyses, and visualization of buckling modes can also be achieved by calling graphic routines.

[Wed Jan 14 11:02:44 2004]
Prikazat će se primjer upisa podataka za analizu izvijanja okvira sastavljenog od KE ljuske SHELL4 pomoću COSMOS/M paketa.
We will show an example of data input for buckling analysis of a frame composed of the FE shell SHELL4, using the COSMOS/M package.

[Wed Jan 14 11:02:44 2004]
U analizi drvenih konstrukcija koristi se SHELL4L KE
In the analysis of wooden structures, SHELL4L FE is used

[Wed Jan 14 11:05:47 2004]
Nestabilnost okvira
Frame instability

[Wed Jan 14 11:14:12 2004]
Treba paziti kod definiranja rubnih uvjeta na uvjete deformacije elastične linije.
When defining boundary conditions, one should particularly take into account elastic line deformations.

[Wed Jan 14 11:14:45 2004]
Stoga je moguće da se isti model ne može primijeniti za različite modove izvijanja.
Therefore, it is possible that the same model cannot be used for different buckling modes.

[Wed Jan 14 11:14:45 2004]
To se prikazuje na primjeru izvijanja dvaju štapova
This is shown in the example of buckling of two bars

[Wed Jan 14 11:20:10 2004]
gubitka stabilnosti modela prikazanog na prethodnoj slici
stability loss of the model shown in the previous picture

[Wed Jan 14 11:34:18 2004]
Prikazan je još jedan mogući način modeliranja istog problema koristeći se CAD modelerom GEOSTAR FEA programa COSMOS/M.
Here is another possible method of modelling the same problem using the CAD modeler GEOSTAR of the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Wed Jan 14 11:34:18 2004]
S modulom Geostar modeliranje je jednostavnije i elegantnije
With the GEOSTAR module, modeling is easire and more elegant

[Wed Jan 14 11:43:40 2004]
Za pronalaženje drugog moda primijenit će se 'shift' opcija.
For finding another mode we will use the option 'shift'.

[Wed Jan 14 11:44:02 2004]
Prikazuje se modeliranje u GEOSTAR-u i ispis SES.
Modeling in GEOSTAR is shown, and the printout of SES.

[Wed Jan 14 11:44:02 2004]
datoteke GEOSTAR modelera pri analizi izvijanja sustava
files of GEOSTAR modeler in system buckling analysis

[Wed Jan 14 11:55:49 2004]
S paketom COSMOS/M mogu se izvoditi vrlo složene statičke i dinamičke, linearne i nelinearne analize, te interakcije utjecaja medija, utjecaji distribucije termičkih gradijenta, te optimizacije struktura pri zadržavanju granica kao što su težina, međusobni pomaci, ograničene deformacije, ograničena naprezanja i sl.
With the COSMOS/M package we can perform very complex static and dynamic, linear and nonlinear analyses, and the interactions of media influences, influences of thermal gradients distribution, and the optimization of structures in retaining limits, such as weight, mutual displacements, limited deformations, limited stresses etc.

[Wed Jan 14 11:55:49 2004]
Postoji DEMO disketa na kojoj je vidljiv spektar mogućnosti tog vrlo opsežnog programskog paketa
There is a DEMO diskette which shows the range of possibilities of that very extensive software package

[Wed Jan 14 11:58:40 2004]
U novoj Windows verziji MODSTAR, PLOTSTAR i GEOSTAR integrirani su u jednu CAD rutinu
In the new version of Windows, MODSTAR, PLOTSTAR and GEOSTAR are integrated in one CAD routine

[Wed Jan 14 12:08:11 2004]
elektromagnetska/termalna analiza sa PCB analize
electromagnetic/thermal analysis with PCB analysis

[Wed Jan 14 12:11:54 2004]
3D analiza toka fluida (nelin.
3D analysis of fluid flow (nonlin.

[Wed Jan 14 12:11:54 2004]

[Wed Jan 14 12:25:49 2004]
Prikazuje se problem modeliranja i dinamičke analize cilindrične ljuske (cijevi) upete na obje strane.
Here is the problem of modeling and dynamic analysis of a cylindrical shell (pipe) fixed on both sides.

[Wed Jan 14 12:26:28 2004]
Zbog simetrije u geometriji i oblika modova prve tri prirodne frekvencije kod modeliranja se promatra samo 1/8 valjka.
Because of the symmetry in geometry and the shape of modes of the first three natural frequencies, only 1/8 of the cylinder is observed in modeling.

[Wed Jan 14 12:26:38 2004]
Prikazuje se modeliranje s GEOSTAR-om.
Modeling with GEOSTAR is shown.

[Wed Jan 14 12:26:38 2004]
Obratiti pažnju na rubne uvjete
Pay attention to boundary conditions

[Wed Jan 14 12:31:51 2004]
Usporedni rezultati proračuna s teoretskim proračunima pokazuju dobro slaganje rezultata proračuna
Parallel results of the analysis and theoretical calculations show a good concordance of analysis results

[Wed Jan 14 12:45:17 2004]
Naročito je važno paziti kod modeliranja zglobova, kad se provodi modeliranje zgloba 'oslobađanjem' (MEMBER RELEASES) krajeva štapa.
In hinge modeling, it is particularly important to be careful when carrying out hinge modeling by 'releasing' member ends (MEMBER RELEASES).

[Wed Jan 14 12:45:24 2004]
Na primjer, ne smije se kod zglobova osloboditi i desni i lijevi kraj štapa u zglobu jer bi to uzrokovalo nestabilni sustav.
For example, both left and right end of a member should not be released in a hinge, because that would cause an unstable system.

[Wed Jan 14 13:01:24 2004]
Primjeri pogrešnog i ispravnog modeliranja tjemenog zgloba trozglobnog luka
Examples of the incorrect and correct modeling of the crown hinge of a tree-hinged arch

[Wed Jan 14 14:13:33 2004]
Primjeri pogrešnog i ispravnog modeliranja Gerberovih nosača
Examples of the incorrect and correct modeling of Gerber trusses

[Wed Jan 14 14:18:02 2004]
Kod spoja okvira sa štapovima rešetke, treba paziti da se ne oslobodi previše Z momenata u nalogu MEMBER RELEASES
In case of a frame connection with truss members, we should bear in mind not to release too many Z moments in the command MEMBER RELEASES

[Wed Jan 14 14:26:20 2004]
Modeliranje priključaka rešetke za stup kod modeliranja okvira:
Modeling of truss connections with the column in frame modeling:

[Wed Jan 14 14:26:44 2004]
odabir pogodnih KE.
selection of the appropriate FEs.

[Wed Jan 14 14:26:44 2004]
U novoj Windows verziji MODSTAR, PLOTSTAR i GEOSTAR su integrirani u jednu CAD rutinu (KE)
In the new version of Windows, MODSTAR, PLOTSTAR and GEOSTAR are integrated in one CAD routine (FE)

[Wed Jan 14 14:38:38 2004]
U MSTRUDL-u nema PLANE TRUSS (ili SPACE TRUSS) štapova pa se PLANE TRUSS štap modelira sa PLANE (ili SPACE) FRAME štapovima i oslobađanjem krajeva štapova od momenata savijanja, tj. sa MEMBER RELEASES nalogom za START i END momenata Z i Y.
There are no PLAN TRUSS (or SPACE TRUSS) members in MSTRUDL, so PLANE TRUSS member is modeled with PLAN (or SPACE) FRAME members and by releasing the member ends from bending moments, i.e. with the MEMBER RELEASES command for START and END of moments Z and Y.

[Wed Jan 14 14:39:07 2004]
U primjeru koji je prikazan oslobađa se moment Z na početku (START) štapa 3.
In the example shown, moment Z is released a the beginning (START) of member 3.

[Wed Jan 14 14:41:03 2004]
Isto kod štapa 7.
The same case is with member 7.

[Wed Jan 14 14:41:12 2004]
Naime, štapovi su PLANE FRAME tip štapa.
That is, the members are of a PLANE FRAME member type.

[Wed Jan 14 14:44:19 2004]
Međutim, štapovi ispune 5, 6, .
However, diagonal bars 5, 6,.

[Wed Jan 14 14:45:23 2004]
.. moraju se u MSTRUDL programu osloboditi momenta oko Z osi na početku i kraju štapa.
in MSTRUDL program must be released from the moment around Z axis, at the beginning and at the end of a member.

[Wed Jan 14 14:45:23 2004]
Zato je i potrebno pri modeliranju označiti strelicama smjerove lokalne X osi, lokalnog koordinatnog sustava
Therefore, in modeling, directions of the local X axis of the local coordinate system must be marked with arrows

[Wed Jan 14 16:00:38 2004]
Modeliranje priključaka rešetke za stup kod modeliranja okvira:
Modelling of truss connections with the column in frame modeling:

[Wed Jan 14 16:01:13 2004]
odabir pogodnih KE.
selection of appropriate FEs.

[Wed Jan 14 16:01:13 2004]
U ICES STRUDL2 sustavu ovi štapovi su TYPE PLANE TRUSS dok su u MSTRUDL programu ti štapovi TYPE PLANE FRAME ali imaju oslobođeni moment Z na početku i na kraju štapa pod nalogom MEMBER RELEASES
In ICES STRUDL2s to the system these members are TYPE PLANE TRUSS while in MSTRUDL to the program these members TYPE PLANE FRAME but have the released moment Z initially and in the end the member under command MEMBER RELEASES

[Wed Jan 14 16:10:12 2004]
Međutim, kod primjene ICES STRUDL2 štapove ispune (5, 6, .
However, when using ICES STRUDL2, diagonal bars (5, 6,.

[Wed Jan 14 16:10:12 2004]
..) modelirat će se kao PLANE TRUSS elemente
) will be modeled as PLANE TRUSS elements

[Thu Jan 15 09:44:43 2004]
Prikaz modova titranja za okvir s prethodne slike
Display of vibration modes for the frame from the previous picture

[Thu Jan 15 09:46:39 2004]

[Thu Jan 15 09:47:19 2004]

[Thu Jan 15 09:53:16 2004]
Kod modeliranja prednaprezanja primjenom programa M-STRUDL treba za opterećenje prednaprezanjem primijeniti odgovarajuće naloge.
iN prestressing modeling WITH THE program M-STRUDL, for load prestressing we must use appropriate commands.

[Thu Jan 15 10:12:21 2004]
U M-STRUDL-u postoje samo štapovi PLANE ili SPACE FRAME, i elementi ploče/ljuske TYPE PLATE, ali nema mogućnosti opisa krutih zona i ekscentriciteta.
In M-STRUDL, there are only PLANE or SPACE FRAME members, and elements of plate/shell TYPE PLATE, but it is not possible to describe rigid zones and eccentricities.

[Thu Jan 15 10:16:44 2004]
Štapovi rešetke modeliraju se kao TYPE PLANE (ili SPACE) FRAME elementi, pa se oslobađaju momenti na krajevima štapova nalozima MEMBER RELEASES s odgovarajućim oslobođenjem momenata na krajevima (na START-u i na END-u) štapova, čime se štapovi okvira pretvaraju u štapove rešetke.
Truss members are modeled as TYPE PLANE (or SPACE) FRAME elements, so moments are released on member ends with commands MEMBER RELEASES, with the appropriate release of moments on ends (at START and END) of members, which turns frame members into truss members.

[Thu Jan 15 10:18:12 2004]
Krute zone štapova treba prikazati kao posebne krute elemente s velikim momentima inercije i velikim površinama presjeka.
Rigid zones of members should be presented as special rigid elements, with large inertia moments and large sectional areas.

[Thu Jan 15 10:18:24 2004]
Nema ni SPRING elementa, osim primjene pri modeliranju elastičnih ležajeva (prikaz neoprenskog ležaja i sl.)
There are no SPRING elements, except in modeling elastic bearings (the illustration of neoprene bearing, etc.)

[Thu Jan 15 10:18:24 2004]
kada se opisuju nalogom JOINT RELEASES
) when they are described with the command JOINT RELEASES

[Thu Jan 15 10:30:22 2004]
nakon čega slijedi nalog za upis konstanti, svojstava štapova, ekscentriciteta, krutih zona vertikalnih štapova i opterećenja kao što je već naprijed opisano, nakon čega slijede nalozi za izvršenje analize i ispise rezultata
followed by the command for entering constants, member properties, eccentricities, rigid zones of vertical members and loads, as described earlier, and then come the commands for execution of the analysis and printouts of results

[Thu Jan 15 10:35:24 2004]
Ekscentricitete kabela može se prikazati na razne načine.
Cable eccentricities can be presented in various ways.

[Thu Jan 15 10:43:10 2004]
Kod ovog primjera može se primijeniti ili jedno ili drugo opisivanje ekscentriciteta kabela u odnosu na os nosača (bolje je ono što je i jasnije).
In this example, we can use one or another description of cable eccentricities in relation to the beam axis (the clearer is better).

[Thu Jan 15 10:44:31 2004]
Mogle su se koordinate čvorova kabela, prikazati u stvarnim koordinatama (prikazati njihov realni položaj u prostoru/ravnini), pa onda te čvorove spojiti s krutim oprugama (TYPE SPRING), ali to bi naravno dalo opet identične rezultate analize.
Coordinates of cable nodes could be presented in real coordinates (show their real position in space/plane), and then nodes could be connected with rigid springs (TYPE SPRING), but that would, of course, again give identical analysis results.

[Thu Jan 15 10:45:05 2004]
Međutim, u tom slučaju moglo se izbjeći naloge opisa ekscentriciteta (izbjeći grupu naloga MEMBER ECCENTRICITIES).
However, in that case, we could avoid the commands for eccentricities description (avoid the command group MEMBER ECCENTRICITIES).

[Thu Jan 15 10:45:05 2004]
Možda bi bilo jednostavnije prikazivanje proračunskog modela
Perhaps the presentation of a calculation model would be more simple

[Thu Jan 15 10:55:27 2004]
Pritom čvorovi 2 i 102 imaju
In this process, nodes 2 and 102 have

[Thu Jan 15 11:20:50 2004]
Treba napomenuti da grupa definicije SPRING elemenata ne smije (po definiciji) nikako biti posljednja u opisu spojnica (INCIDENCES).
It should be remarked that the definition group of SPRING elements should (by default) in no way be the last in the description of connectors (INCIDENCES).

[Thu Jan 15 11:21:57 2004]
SPRING elementi se nikako ne smiju uključiti u naloge generacije vlastite težine konstrukcije.
SPRING elements should in no way be included in the commands for generating dead weight of the structure.

[Thu Jan 15 11:21:58 2004]
To treba izbjegavati i kod TRUSS elemenata
This should be avoided in case of TRUSS elements, as well

[Thu Jan 15 11:30:30 2004]
Modeliranje lijepljenog drvenog lameliranog nosača prema intencijama Eurocode 5 propisa za projektiranje drvenih konstrukcija
Modeling of a glued wooden laminated girder according to the intentions of Eurocode 5 regulations for wooden structures design

[Thu Jan 15 11:35:39 2004]
Ovdje se prikazuje modeliranje jednog GLULAM nosača većeg raspona kod kojeg se ne može više zanemarivati vjerojatna netočnost izvođenja.
This is the modeling of a GLULAM structure with larger span, where the probable imprecision of execution cannot be neglected anymore.

[Thu Jan 15 11:36:17 2004]
Prema smjernicama EC5 pretpostavlja se nemogućnost geometrijski točnog izvođenja nosača.
According to the directives of EC5, the impossibility of geometrically accurate execution of the girder is assumed.

[Thu Jan 15 11:37:38 2004]
Pretpostavlja se da je najmanja početna nesavršenost izvođenja jednaka L/450 za GLULAM nosače, a L/300 za ostale konstrukcije.
It is assumed that the minimum starting imperfection of execution equals L/450 for GLULAM structures, and L/300 for other structures.

[Thu Jan 15 11:41:56 2004]
S tim pretpostavkama formira se osnovna geometrija (od točaka PT, krivulja i crta CR, površina SF).
With that assumptions, the basic geometry is formed (from points PT, curves and lines CR, surfaces SF).

[Thu Jan 15 11:47:25 2004]
Također se pretpostavlja i početno nadvišenje nosača, kako bi se osigurale granične vrijednosti progiba.
The initial superelevation of the girder is also assumed, in order to insure marginal values of deflections.

[Thu Jan 15 11:47:25 2004]
Naime, kod provjera upotrebljivosti, tj. progiba, progib se određuje tako da se osigurava uključenje nadvišenja, te progibanja uzrokovana stalnim i promjenjivim djelovanjima
deflections, deflection is determined by insuring the inclusion of superelevation, and deflections caused by permanent and variable actions

[Thu Jan 15 11:59:17 2004]
nadvišenje nosača u neopterećenom stanju
girder superelevation in the unloaded state

[Thu Jan 15 12:20:27 2004]
Lamelirani nosač koji je izveden s početnom nesavršenošću i s nadvišenjem treba stabilizirati s vezovima za osiguranje bočne stabilnosti nosača, a koji je istovremeno i vjetrovni vez.
Laminated girder with starting imperfection and with superelevation should be stabilized with binders for insuring the lateral stability, and wind binders at the same time.

[Thu Jan 15 12:20:27 2004]
U modelu su prikazani ti vezovi koji čine 'stabilizacijsku rešetku' u kojoj su pojasevi te rešetke gornji (tlačni) pojas GLULAM nosača, a vertikale su neke podrožnice, dok su dijagonale pretpostavljene kao 'kruti' štapovi, koji mogu preuzeti i vlačne i tlačne sile
The model shows those binders which form 'the stabilization truss', in which flanges of the truss make the upper (compression) chord of the GLULAM structure, verticals are some purlins, while diagonals are assumed as 'rigid' members, which can take over both tensile and compression forces

[Thu Jan 15 12:27:13 2004]
Prema EC5 takav bi se vez za bočnu stabilizaciju nosača proračunavao na silu q, koja je za n jednakih pripadnih štapova (npr.
According to EC5, such binder for lateral stabilization of the girder would be calculated with force q, which, for n of equal associated members (e.g.

[Thu Jan 15 12:27:13 2004]
lameliranih nosača ili rešetki) pravokutnog presjeka iznosi
laminated beams or members) of rectangular sections equals

[Thu Jan 15 12:35:33 2004]
je uzdužna sila u tlačnom pojasu nosača ili u tlačnom pojasu rešetke.
is the axial force in the compressive flange of the girder or in the compressive flange of the member.

[Thu Jan 15 12:41:11 2004]
Kod GLULAM nosača koji je izložen najvećem momentu savijanja M i koji ima visinu h treba uzeti da je N=1.5*M/h.
With GLULAM structure which is exposed to the largest bending moment M, and which has the height h, it should be assumed that N1.5=*M/h.

[Thu Jan 15 12:41:11 2004]
Ukoliko je štap tlačni štap rešetke N je najveća tlačna sila štapova pojasa rešetke
If the member is the compression member of the truss, N is the largest compression force of grid flange members

[Thu Jan 15 12:46:58 2004]
Kod proračuna utjecaja podatljivosti u spojevima (npr.
When calculating the influence of pliancy in connections (e.g.

[Thu Jan 15 12:46:58 2004]
kod rešetki) trebalo bi uzeti u obzir i taj utjecaj
trusses), this influence should be taken into consideration

[Thu Jan 15 14:32:49 2004]
progib bočnog osiguranja uzrokovan progibom opterećenja q i vanjskog djelovanja (npr.
deflection of lateral insurance caused by the deflection of load q and external effect (e.g.

[Thu Jan 15 14:32:49 2004]
vjetra na čelo hale, trenje vjetra po krovu duž krova), a kojeg treba proračunati s modulom
influence of wind on the front of the hall, friction of wind down the roof), which should be calculated with the module

[Thu Jan 15 14:37:53 2004]
Štapovi stabilizacijske rešetke moraju se, naravno, sračunati na zbirno djelovanje opterećenja q i vanjskih djelovanja vjetra
Members of the stabilization truss must be, naturally, calculated to the aggregate effect ot load q and external effects of wind

[Thu Jan 15 14:41:47 2004]
Horizontalni proračunski nagib sprega za ukrućenje pri samostalnom djelovanju qd ne treba biti veći od
The horizontal calculated stiffening truss inclination during independent action qd should not be larger than

[Thu Jan 15 14:45:43 2004]
Ukupni horizontalni proračunski nagib sprega za ukrućenje pri djelovanju qd ne treba biti veći od
Total horizontal calculated stiffening truss inclination during action action qd should not be larger than

[Thu Jan 15 14:58:58 2004]
U prikazanom FE modelu vez nije predočen kao posebni entitet, već ima samo ulogu osiguranja stabilnosti GLULAM nosača
In the presented FE model, the binder is not presented as a separate entity, and its only role is to insure the stability of the GLULAM structure

[Thu Jan 15 15:05:12 2004]
Kod umrežavanja površina geometrije GLULAM nosača koriste se SHELL4L uslojeni KE sa 6 sloboda i s jednim slojem debljine širine nosača, jer se kod tih KE mogu zadati moduli EX, EY, GXY, kao i kut nagiba vlakanaca drveta u odnosu na lokalni koordinatni sustav
When meshing areas of GLULAM structure geometry, we use SHELL4L layered FEs with 6 freedoms and with one layer that is as thick as the girder is wide, because with these FEs modules EX, EY, GXY can be set, as well as the angle of inclination of wood fibers in respect to the local coordinate system

[Thu Jan 15 15:07:16 2004]
Zbog boljeg modeliranja uvjeta oslanjanja generira se geometrija i FE mreža čelične podložne ploče
Because of a better modelings of support conditions, geometry and the FE mesh of a steel washer are generated

[Thu Jan 15 15:08:49 2004]
Za podrožnice se koriste BEAM3D KE.
For purlins we use BEAM3D FEs.

[Thu Jan 15 15:09:04 2004]
Za njihovu orijentaciju lokalne y osi koristi se tzv.
For their orientation of the local y axis we use the so-called

[Thu Jan 15 15:31:49 2004]
Podrožnice su s jedne strane oslonjene te se ne mogu dobiti realni podaci o progibu sprega za stabilizaciju nosača.
Purlins are supported on one side, so it is not possible to obtain real data about deflection of the binder for girder stabilization.

[Thu Jan 15 15:40:50 2004]
No, cijeli se sustav KE GLULAM nosača zajedno s podrožnicama mogao višestruko generirati, pa dobiti stvarni FE model konstrukcije u 3D prostoru.
However, the entire FE system of the GLULAM structure together with purlins could be generated many times over, and thus real FE model of the structure in 3D space could be obtained.

[Thu Jan 15 15:40:50 2004]
Ovdje je uloga opisa edukativna, pa se ograničava samo na model jednog početno imperfektno izvedenog GLULAM nosača
The role of the description is here educational, so it is restricted to the model of one initially imperfectly executed GLULAM structure

[Thu Jan 15 15:52:18 2004]
Dijagonale su TRUSS3D KE određene zadane površine.
Diagonals are TRUSS3D FE of the particular given area.

[Thu Jan 15 15:54:25 2004]
Ukoliko bi se koristilo za dijagonalne štapove vitke okrugle čelične profile, onda bi trebalo koristiti GAP KE s upisom njihove realne krutosti.
If slim round steel sections were used for diagonal members, then it would be necessary to use GAP FEs with entering their actual stiffness.

[Thu Jan 15 15:54:25 2004]
Tlačni GAP štapovi će se u analizi linearne statike i analizi stabilnosti isključiti iz rada sustava
In the analysis of linear statics and the analysis of stability, compression GAP members will be excluded from the work of the system

[Thu Jan 15 16:02:01 2004]
Opterećenje je direktno stavljeno na podrožnice.
The load is directly placed on purlins.

[Thu Jan 15 16:08:07 2004]
Navedeno je samo jedno 'zbirno' opterećenje zbog boljeg pregleda upisa.
Only one 'aggregate' load is mentioned, because of a better inspection of input.

[Thu Jan 15 16:08:07 2004]
Moglo se, naravno, analizirati djelovanja stalnog opterećenja i promjenjivih opterećenja snijegom i vjetrom, te njihove kombinacije, a što zbog preglednosti ovog modela nije uređeno
We could have, naturally, analyzed the actions of permanent load and of variable load with snow and wind, and their combinations, but this was not done because of the clarity of this model

[Thu Jan 15 16:18:27 2004]
Ukoliko se u GEOSTAR CAD modeleru FEA programa COSMOS/M ovi podaci upisuju utipkavanjem podataka, dobit će se navedeni model.
If in GEOSTAR CAD modeler of the FEA program COSMOS/M these data are typed in, the mentioned model will be obtained.

[Thu Jan 15 16:18:27 2004]
Primijetit će se vrlo često korištenje naloga ZOOMIN i ZOOMOUT zbog boljeg pregleda pri doradi modela
You will notice that commands ZOOMIN and ZOOMOUT are used very often, because of the better clarity when perfecting the model

[Thu Jan 15 16:29:18 2004]
Linearna analiza provodi se za statičko opterećenje s R_STATIC i analizu stabilnosti s R_BUCKLING
Linear analysis is carried out for static load with R_STATIC and stability analysis with R_BUCKLING

[Thu Jan 15 16:32:12 2004]
Podaci o samom FEA programu COSMOS/M nalaze se u priručnicima za primjenu tog programa i dostupnim primjerima analiza raznih sustava
Information about the FEA program COSMOS/M can be found in manuals for using that program and in available examples of analyses of various systems

[Thu Jan 15 16:46:50 2004]
Uočava se da bi svaki puta trebalo za svaku imalo drugačiju konstrukciju provesti isti, ipak zametni, postupak modeliranja modela KE, no svaki puta s drugim dimenzijama i opterećenjima.
You may notice that every time, for any somewhat different structure, the same, nevertheless strenuous, procedure of modelings FE models should be carried out, but each time with other dimensions and loads.

[Thu Jan 15 16:46:50 2004]
FEA program COSMOS/M u CAD modulu GEOSTAR omogućuje PARAMETARSKI upis svih relevantnih podataka za građenje i opterećivanje FE modela
FEA program COSMOS/M in the CAD module GEOSTAR enables the PARAMETRIC input of all relevant data for building and loading the FE model

[Fri Jan 16 09:20:45 2004]
Parametarskim upisom se jednom zauvijek opisuje model određene strukture (pratip).
The parametric input once for all describes the model of a certain structure (prototype).

[Fri Jan 16 09:27:52 2004]
Prikazan je sličan primjer prethodno upisan u parametarskom obliku.
A similar example is shown, previously entered in a parametric form.

[Fri Jan 16 09:42:18 2004]
Parametarskim upisom se jednom zauvijek opisuje model određene strukture (pratip).
Parametric input once for all describes the model of a certain structure (prototype).

[Fri Jan 16 09:43:07 2004]
Prikazan je sličan primjer prethodno upisan u parametarskom obliku.
A similar example previously entered in a parametric form is presented.

[Fri Jan 16 09:44:02 2004]
Samo su neke dimenzije upisane parametarski što bitno pojednostavljuje opis FE modela.
Only some dimensions are entered in a parametric form, which substantially simplifies the description of the FE model.

[Fri Jan 16 09:47:00 2004]
Parametarski se upisuju:
The following are entered in a parametric form:

[Fri Jan 16 09:48:44 2004]
raspon, visina nosača nad ležajem, visina nosača u sredini, nadvišenje nosača te mjera minimalne nesavršenosti, debljina nosača, razmak nosača i mjere poprečnog presjeka podrožnica, kao i vertikalno opterećenje krova.
span, girder height above the bearing, girder height in the middle, superelevation of the girder and the measure of minimum imperfection, thickness of the girder, girder span and measures of cross sections of purlins, as well as vertical load on the roof.

[Fri Jan 16 09:48:44 2004]
U danom modelu nije striktno odijeljen utjecaj stalnog i promjenjivog djelovanja (s njihovim faktoriziranim vrijednostima po EC5), ali to se može jednostavno isto tako parametarski upisati
In the given model, the influence of permanent and variable actions (with their factorized values according to EC5) is not strictly divided, but it can also be entered in a simple parametric manner

[Fri Jan 16 09:51:34 2004]
Parametarsko upisivanje ima svojih prednosti pred klasičnim (uobičajenim) načinom rješavanja svaki puta istog ili malo različitog problema.
Parametric way of entering data has its advantages over the classic (usual) method of solving a problem which is the same every time, or it is slightly different.

[Fri Jan 16 09:59:44 2004]
Parametarsko upisivanje omogućava brze analize niza istovjetnih entiteta.
Parametric input enables quick analyses of series of identical entities.

[Fri Jan 16 09:59:44 2004]
U istraživačkim radovima provedenim s nekim diplomantima sačinili su se parametarski modeli upisa raznih shema drvenih paraboloida, upisa lameliranih grednih konstrukcija, kao i trozglobnih štapova u FEA programu M-STRUDL i potom u FEA programu COSMOS/M kao razrađenih entiteta od SHELL4L KE, GAP KE i BEAM3D KE, moglo načiniti veliki broj provjera sustava s raznim rasponima, strelicama lukova, razmacima nosača, dimenzijama luka i podrožnica, moglo se te podatke prezentirati neuralnoj ljuski i 'naučiti' neuralnu mrežu 'dimenzioniranju' dvozglobnih 3D hala
In the research carried out with some graduating students, parametric models of entering various schemes of wooden paraboloids were made, as well as of laminated beam structures, and three-hinged members in the FEA program M-STRUDL and then in the FEA program COSMOS/M, as developed entities from SHELL4L FE, GAP FE and BEAM3D FE. Many system checks with various spans could be made, arrows of arches, girder spans, dimensions of arches and purlins, data could be given to the neuroshell and the neural network could be "taught" to 'dimension' two-hinged 3D halls

[Fri Jan 16 10:05:13 2004]
Pri tome se koristilo NeuroShell2 ljusku za Windows okruženje.
Neuroshell2 shell for Windows environment was used in this process.

[Fri Jan 16 10:06:21 2004]
Generirana RUN-TIME verzija praktički instantno 'dimenzionira' 3D trozglobne GLULAM hale, a generirane podatke može se direktno proslijediti CAM postupcima izvođenja.
Generated RUN-TIME version instantly 'dimensions' 3D three-hinged GLULAM halls, and generated data can be directly forwarded with CAM procedures of execution.

[Fri Jan 16 10:07:41 2004]
Kao što smo ustanovili, taj se postupak može primijeniti i na dimenzioniranje drugih entiteta iz drugih materijala.
As we have found out, this procedure can be applied to dimensioning of other entities from other materials.

[Fri Jan 16 10:12:22 2004]
Osim toga, pokazalo se da postupak može biti i sveobuhvatniji pa u sebe uključiti i dimenzioniranje temelja, dimenzioniranje zglobova, priključaka i sl.
Apart from this, it appeared that this procedure can be more comprehensive, and that it may include dimensioning of foundations, hinges, connections etc.

[Fri Jan 16 10:12:22 2004]
Iskorake i posljedice takvih načina analiza konstrukcija za sada je teško ocijeniti
At this point, it is hard to evaluate breakthroughs and consequences of such methods of analyzing structures

[Fri Jan 16 10:21:21 2004]
Prema intencijama EC5 treba obavezno provjeriti i stanja upotrebljivosti, pa stoga i provjeriti deformacije nosača.
According to the intentions of EC5, usability states should be checked in any case, which means girder deformations, as well.