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[Mon Dec 08 11:52:08 2003]
Kod lameliranih grednih nosača
In laminated beam trusses

[Mon Dec 08 11:52:25 2003]
Kod rešetki s čeličnim vlačnim vertikalama
In trusses with steel tensile verticals

[Mon Dec 08 11:52:44 2003]
Kod HOWE rešetki su
In HOWE trusses

[Mon Dec 08 11:54:23 2003]
Preliminarna vlastita težina pojedine konstrukcije može se izračunati na osnovi tih koeficijenata prema izrazu
The preliminary dead load of a single construction can be calculated based on these coefficients according to the expression

[Mon Dec 08 11:55:52 2003]
masa stalnog tereta po metru (pokrov, podgled, vezovi, podrožnice i sl.)
mass of constant burden per meter (covering, underside view, bracings, roof purlines, etc.)

[Mon Dec 08 11:55:52 2003]
pripadnog nosaču
) inherent to beam

[Mon Dec 08 11:57:01 2003]
masa pokretnog tereta po metru na pripadni nosač
mass of movable burden per meter to the inherent beam

[Mon Dec 08 11:57:35 2003]
raspon konstrukcije u m
construction range in meters

[Mon Dec 08 12:07:50 2003]
Nakon projektiranja trebalo bi ponovno proračunati koeficijent kd na osnovu utvrđene projektirane vlastite težine, a prema izrazu
After designing, we should recalculate the coefficient kd, based on determined projected dead load, and according to the expression

[Mon Dec 08 12:09:24 2003]
i utvrditi razliku težina između projektirane i stvarne težine nos
and determine the difference of weight between projected and actual beam weight

[Mon Dec 08 12:11:30 2003]
No težina konstrukcije i nije uvijek presudni čimbenik, ali je ona u nekoj relaciji s cijenom konstrukcije:
The design weight is not always crucial factor, but it is in certain relation with the construction price:

[Mon Dec 08 12:11:30 2003]
cijenama materijala, rada, transporta i montaže
price of material, work, transport and assembly

[Mon Dec 08 12:29:28 2003]
O ovom svemu se ne bi niti pisalo, kad nam iskustva iz prakse ne bi ukazala da se lamelirani drveni nosači često koriste i tamo gdje bi ih trebalo i ne bi trebalo koristiti.
All this would not be written about, if our practical experience would not indicate that laminated wooden beams are often used where they should, but also where they should not be used.

[Mon Dec 08 12:29:30 2003]
Ako se arhitekti ne slažu s izgledom rešetkastih nosača, onda se bočne strane rešetki mogu maskirati nekim pločama kao što su to gips ploče, furnirske ploče ili sl.
If architects disagree with the appearance of trusses, then lateral sides of trusses can be masked with certain sheets such as plaster cast sheets, veneer sheets or similar

[Mon Dec 08 12:30:51 2003]
If architects disagree with the appearance of trusses, then lateral sides of trusses can be masked with certain sheets such as plaster cast sheets, veneer sheets or similar materials.

[Mon Dec 08 12:36:43 2003]
Oblaganje gips pločama je i u skladu s protupožarnom zaštitom i drveta i metala.
Covering with plaster cast sheets is in accordance with fire protection of wood and metal.

[Mon Dec 08 12:45:15 2003]
Detalji tih konstrukcija su izvanredno jednostavni.
Details of these constructions are remarkably simple.

[Mon Dec 08 12:45:15 2003]
Osim toga za nastavljanje i monolitne drvene građe može se koristiti lijepljenje s zupčastim spojem te time uštedjeti na otpadnoj građi drveta, preostaloj od piljenja elemenata na određene duljine
Besides, for the continuation of monolithic woodwork we can apply pasting with jagged connection, and thereby save the exhaust wood material, which remained from sawing of units in specific lengths

[Mon Dec 08 12:50:02 2003]
O proračunu rešetki s čeličnim vlačnim vertikalama nema se što bitno navesti
There is nothing particularly important to say about the calculation of trusses with steel tensile verticals

[Mon Dec 08 12:52:17 2003]
Proračun HOWE rešetki može se provesti pojednostavljeno, a potom se ti rezultati mogu obraditi sa jednim od FEA programa.
Calculation of HOWE trusses can be executed in a simle manner, and then these results can be treated with one of the FEA programs.

[Mon Dec 08 12:52:17 2003]
Pojednostavljeni proračun je relativno jednostavan
Simplified calculation are relatively plain

[Mon Dec 08 12:58:38 2003]
HOWE rešetka se promatra kao superpozicija slučaja A) nosača koji nema opterećenje već je samo opterećen priteznim silama čeličnih vertikala sa B) rešetkom koja je opterećena samo vanjskim silama i kod koje vertikale nisu pritegnute.
HOWE truss is observed as a superposition of case A) of a beam, which does not have a load, but is only loaded by compression forces of steel verticals with B) truss, which is loaded only by outer forces, and which does not have tightened verticals.

[Mon Dec 08 12:59:00 2003]
Sam slučaj A) razmatra se potom kao superpozicija dvaju rešetki:
Case A) is then considered as a superposition of two trusses:

[Mon Dec 08 14:07:08 2003]
(1) i (2), kako je to u slici prikazano.
(1) and (2), as is presented by the Figure.

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:00 2003]
Pri tome se pritezne sile u vertikalama smatraju vanjskim silama VS(i).
By that, the tightening forces in verticals are considered to be the outer forces VS(i).

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:17 2003]
Uz priklon dijagonala pod kutom ?
With the lean of diagonals under the angle?

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:17 2003]
, može se razmatrati sile u štapovima rešetke
, we can examine the forces in truss members

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:42 2003]
Slika 19.3 Osnovni proračunski sustavi
Figure 19.3 Basic budget systems

[Wed Dec 10 14:17:04 2003]
Nosač bez težine i bez opterećenja, samo s priteznim silama
Weightless and loadless beam, with onl< the compression forces

[Wed Dec 10 14:17:34 2003]
Nosač s priloženim opterećenjima bez priteznih sila
Beam with applied loads, without the compression forces

[Wed Dec 10 14:18:03 2003]
a sile u gornjem i donjem pojasu su
and the forces in upper and bottom flange are

[Wed Dec 10 14:24:33 2003]
Superpozicija oba stanja daje sile u rešetki od opterećenja zatezanja vertikala.
Superposition of both states provides forces in the truss because of the load of streching the verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 14:24:33 2003]
Štapovi gornjeg i donjeg pojasa su zatezani, a štapovi dijagonala su samo tlačeni
Rods of the upper and the bottom flange are strained, and the rods of diagonals are just pressed

[Wed Dec 10 14:27:36 2003]
Rešetku s vanjskim silama promatramo opet kao superpoziciju dvaju rešetki, one sa uzlaznim dijagonalama i one sa silaznim dijagonalama
Truss with the outer forces is observed as a superposition of two trusses, the one with rising diagonals and the one with descending diagonals

[Wed Dec 10 14:28:47 2003]
Općenito su sile u štapovima u slučaju (b):
In general, the forces in rods in case of (b):

[Wed Dec 10 14:32:10 2003]
Oznake su sile za čvor n:
Markings of force for the knot n are:

[Wed Dec 10 14:32:10 2003]
U -uzlazne dijagonale, V -vertikale, G -gornji pojas i D -donji pojas
U - rising diagonals, V - verticals, G - upper flange and D - bottom flange

[Wed Dec 10 14:33:03 2003]
Slika 19.4.
Figure 19.4.

[Wed Dec 10 14:33:12 2003]
Superpozicija dvaju sustava:
Superposition of two systems:

[Wed Dec 10 14:36:01 2003]
s ulaznim i sa silaznim dijagonalama.
with incoming and descending diagonals.

[Wed Dec 10 14:36:01 2003]
Na svaku rešetku priložena je polovina ukupnog vertikalnog opterećenja cjelovite rešetke
A half of the total vertical load of integral truss is applied on each truss

[Wed Dec 10 14:36:47 2003]
Oznake sila u štapovima o indeksima (b) i (c)
Markings of force in rods on indexes (b) and (c)

[Wed Dec 10 14:38:31 2003]
Oznake su sila za neki čvor n, ili polje n-1, n, n+1 dane indeksima uz oznake štapova:
Markings of force for particular knot n, or for field n-1, n, n1+ are given by indexes alongside bar marks:

[Wed Dec 10 14:38:31 2003]
S -silazne dijagonale, V -vertikale, te G - gornji i D -donji pojas
S - descending diagonals, V - verticals, and G - upper and D - bottom flange

[Wed Dec 10 14:44:16 2003]
Svaku svornicu (vertikalu) HOWE nosača treba pritegnuti tako da je u njoj nastala vlačna sila po izrazu jednaka algebarskoj sredini poprečnih sila prosto oslonjenog nosača u polju lijevo i desno od nje.
Every bolt (vertical) of the HOWE support must be tightened so that it develops tensile force with the expression equal to algebraic center of shear forces of supported beam in the field left and right of the bolt.

[Wed Dec 10 14:46:20 2003]
Naime, treba eliminirati svaku i moguću pojavu vlačnih sila u dijagonalama rešetke.
In other words, we must eliminate every possible appearance of tensile forces in grid diagonals.

[Wed Dec 10 14:49:31 2003]
Time je spoj kladice s dijagonalama jednoznačno određen.
This unambiguously determines is the connection between chump and diagonals.

[Wed Dec 10 15:04:22 2003]
Isto tako i zasjek kladice u lamelirane pojaseve HOWE nosača.
Also, a dovetail of a chump in laminated flanges of the HOWE support.

[Wed Dec 10 15:15:34 2003]
Problem prijenosa pritezne sile rješava se preko krutog metalnog (uobičajeno U čeličnog) profila.
Problem of transition of tightening force is solved through stiff metal (usually U steel) profile.

[Wed Dec 10 15:16:00 2003]
Treba paziti da je krutost tog profila dovoljna.
We must ensure that the solidity of the profile is sufficient.

[Wed Dec 10 15:16:35 2003]
Ponekad se umjesto U profila stavljala poprečna kladica.
Sometimes instead of the U profile we use the transversal chump.

[Wed Dec 10 15:18:41 2003]
Vertikale mogu biti od običnog okruglog čelika, ali mogu to biti i šipke od VV čelika, ili BBWR kablovi s posebnim priteznim glavama.
Verticals can be made from ordinary round steel, but they can also be bars made from VV steel, or BBWR cables with special anchor heads.

[Wed Dec 10 15:19:07 2003]
U prošlosti se koristilo okrugle čelične profile s navojima s obje strane.
Formerly we used round steel sections with coils on both sides.

[Wed Dec 10 15:19:07 2003]
Vertikale nad ležajem su uvijek od drveta
Verticals above the bearing are always made from wood

[Wed Dec 10 15:27:09 2003]
To sve ovisi o arhitekturi same rešetke, da li su pojasevi dvodijelni, jednodijelni ili čak kod velikih raspona višedijelni
All this depends on architecture of the truss itself, whether flanges are two-part, one-part or even, at large ranges, multipart

[Wed Dec 10 15:31:19 2003]
Sada kad se ima preliminarne sile pritezanja vertikala, može se sustav riješiti FEA postupkom.
Now that there are preliminary forces of vertical stretching, we can solve the system by the FEA procedure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:34:14 2003]
Pri tome se u proračunskom modelu pojasevi tretiraju kao kontinuirani štapovi okvira (FRAME), te se kod pritezanja ponašaju kao grede na elastičnom mediju (elastični medij su dijagonalna ispuna i sama krutost pojaseva).
By this, in the calcuation model flanges are treated as continuous frame legs (FRAME), and during stretching they behave as beams on the elastic medium (elastic medium is the diagonal spandrel and the hardness of flanges).

[Wed Dec 10 15:38:32 2003]
Za štapove ispune uvodi se sustav čvorova s poluzglobovima, tako da su štapovi ispune (dijagonale i vertikale) uzete kao štapovi rešetke sa zglobovima na oba kraja svakog štapa (TRUSS KE ili FRAME KE s oslobađanjem momenata na krajevima štapova), kako je to na priloženoj skici i prikazano.
For diagonal bars the system of knots with semijoints was introduced, so that the diagonal bars (diagonals and verticals) are taken as truss members with hinges on both ends of each bar (TRUSS FE or FRAME FE with releasing of torques on the bar ends), as is shown on the accompanying Figure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:38:32 2003]
Za materijale elemenata unose se pripadni moduli elastičnosti, i dimenzije elemenata, a kod štapova vertikala i koeficijenti linearne termičke ekspanzije
For element materials we add associated elastic modules, and dimensions of elements, and for vertical bars we also add coefficients of linear thermal expansion

[Wed Dec 10 15:39:11 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 15:43:33 2003]
Opterećenje od prednapinjanja čeličnih vertikala treba uvesti preko njihovih deformacija (skraćenja štapova), što je moguće simuliranjem promjena (snižavanja) temperatura vertikale za odgovarajući iznos
Load from prestressing of steel verticals needs to be introduced through their deformations (shortening of bars), which is possible by simulating the changes (lowering) of temperature in verticals for appropriate amount

[Wed Dec 10 15:48:06 2003]
sa silom prednapinjanja V(i), modulima elastičnosti čelika Eč, površinom štapa vertikale Fi i koeficijentom termalne ekspanzije ač, materijala vertikale.
with the prestressing force V(i), elastic steel modules Eč, surface of bar verticals Fi and thermal expansion coefficient ač, material of vertical.

[Wed Dec 10 15:48:25 2003]
No sile V(i) u vertikalama mogu se zadati i kao vanjske sile u čvorovima rešetke na sustavu rešetke bez čeličnih vertikala.
But forces V(i) in verticals can be specified also as outer forces in grid nodes on truss system without steel verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 15:50:16 2003]
Vertikale iznad ležajeva su od drveta i one se ne prednapinju.
Verticals above bearings are made from wood and they do not prestress.

[Wed Dec 10 15:50:16 2003]
No s obzirom da se radi o interaktivnom sustavu, u simulaciji je pogodnije unositi sile preko promjena temperature vertikala, ili izravnim pozivom prednapinjanja, ako takav nalog postoji u FEA programu kojega se primjenjuje
But, since this is an interactive system, in simulation it is appropriate to introduce forces through temperature changes of verticals, or through direct prestressing, if such order exists in the FEA program which is being applied

[Wed Dec 10 15:52:45 2003]
Kod provjere elemenata pojaseva potrebno je uzeti u obzir neto presjek pojasa, kao i ekscentricitet sile u pojasu u odnosu na idealne osi štapova
In checking the elements of flanges we must take into consideration the net cut of a flange, as well as the force eccentricity in a flange as compared to the ideal bar axes

[Wed Dec 10 15:53:34 2003]
Slika 19.6.
Figure 19.6.

[Wed Dec 10 15:53:34 2003]
Detalj priključka ispune za pojasne štapove.
Detail of a spandrel connection for cord members.

[Wed Dec 10 15:58:04 2003]
Načelno se FE proračun HOWE rešetke provodi u dva prolaza.
Basically, the FE calculation of the HOWE truss is executed in two passages.

[Wed Dec 10 15:58:31 2003]
U prvom prolazu ustanove se maksimalne sile (envelope sila) u svim štapovima statički neodređenog sustava (dakle sustava s uključenim vertikalama).
In the first passage, we establish the maximum forces (envelop force) in all bars of hyperstatic system (a system which includes verticals).

[Wed Dec 10 16:00:23 2003]
Potom se sile u vlačnim dijagonalama projiciraju na smjer vertikala.
After that, the forces in tensile diagonals project on the direction vertical.

[Wed Dec 10 16:02:12 2003]
Ova projekcija sile pomnoži se jednim koeficijentom (obično je to 1.3), te se ta sila uzme kao sila s kojom se prednapreže vertikala u drugom prolazu proračuna.
This projection of a force is multiplied with one coefficient (usually it is 1.3), and this force is then taken as a force for prestressing of the a vertical in the second passing of a calculation.

[Wed Dec 10 16:02:12 2003]
Ponekad je potrebno provesti proračun i po treći put, kako bi se elastični sustav uravnotežio
Sometimes it is necessary to conduct a calculation three times, in order to bring the elastic system into balance

[Wed Dec 10 16:09:41 2003]
Mi smo radili takve provjere u okviru vježbi studenata iz predmeta Drvene konstrukcije na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu.
We have done such checks within the framework of student exercises for the subject Wooden structure, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb.

[Wed Dec 10 16:09:41 2003]
Bitno je odrediti maksimalne očekivane sile pa za njih raditi provjere
It is important to determine maximum expected forces and to do checks for them

[Wed Dec 10 16:11:53 2003]
Kod izvođenja, u koliko je to moguće kladica se može izvesti kao sastavni dio lameliranog pojasa.
In the execution, if it is possible, chump can be executed as a component part of a laminated flange.

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:08 2003]
To se može izvesti i kod obične rešetke s lameliranim pojasevima, monolitnim dijagonalama i s čeličnim vertikalama.
This can also be executed with the ordinary truss with laminated flanges, monolithic diagonals and with steel verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:08 2003]
Na taj se način izbjegava ekscentricitet priključka u čvorovima, kao i zasijecanje lameliranog pojaseva, i bolje koristi drvo pojasa nosača
This way we avoid the eccentricity of connection in nodes, as well as cutting into laminated booms, and we can better use the wood of a girder flange

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:56 2003]
Slika 19.7.
Figure 19.7.

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:56 2003]
Mogući načini priključka dijagonale za pojasni štap
Possible ways of diagonal connection to cord member

[Wed Dec 10 16:14:30 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 16:14:30 2003]
kladica lamelirana s pojasom
chump laminated with a flange

[Wed Dec 10 16:23:55 2003]
S tim u svezi trebalo bi i napomenuti, da u koliko se već ide u smjeru smanjenja težina konstrukcija i opće uštede materijala, da bi trebalo razmatrati i novije tipove potpuno laganih pa i translucentnih pokrova zasnovanih na pneumatskim jastucima ili sustavima pneumatskih greda, i grijanju u njih upuhivanog zraka.
In connection to this, we shoul also mention, that if we are heading in the direction of decreasing the weight of constructions and general materials saving, we should consider newer types of very light and translucent coverings based on pneumatic cushions or systems of pneumatic beams, and heating of the air that is being blown into them.

[Wed Dec 10 16:25:04 2003]
Membrane pneumatskih jastuka, s translucentnim membranama od mayara ili trevire debljine su svega 0.3 do 1 mm (oko 300 gr/m2).
Membranes of pneumatic cushions, with translucent membranes made from mayar or trevira, have a thickness of only 0.3 to 1 mm (about 300 gr/m2).

[Wed Dec 10 16:27:44 2003]
Kod ovih pokrova opterećenje snijegom se bitno smanjuje, jer se snijeg topi, te je sveukupno opterećenje konstrukcije bitno smanjeno.
With these coverings, snow load is considerably diminished, because snow melts, and the total burdening of a construction is significantly reduced.

[Wed Dec 10 16:28:21 2003]
Potpuno je besmisleno koristiti se teškim klasičnim krovnim pokrovnim sustavima, kod modernih suvremenih konstrukcija.
It is entirely pointless to use heavy classic roof covering systems, in modern contemporary constructions.

[Wed Dec 10 16:56:24 2003]
Rešetke s čeličnim vlačnim vertikalama i HOWE nosači ne moraju imati paralelne ravne pojaseve, gornji i donji pojas mogu biti blago zakrivljeni, i obično su međusobno paralelni, Međutim, i svaki drugi oblik rešetke je moguć, ali se pri tom mora imati na umu da su onda ponekad ovisno o obliku rešetke i dijagonale različitih duljina, što zamršuje posao izvođenja.
Trusses with steel tensile verticals and HOWE supports do not need to have parallel straight flanges, upper and bottom flange can be mildly curved, and they are usually mutually parallel. However, every other shape of a truss is possible, but we must keep in mind that sometimes, depending on their shape, trusses and diagonals are of different lengths, which complicates the work realization.

[Wed Dec 10 16:56:52 2003]
Kod dvozglobnih rešetki-lukova primjenjuje se u praksi gradnje skela sustav CRUCIANO kod kojega su prednapete sve čelične dijagonale, dok se vertikale izvode od monolitnog (ili lameliranog) drveta Za pojaseve kod tih nosača se koristi lamelirano drvo ili Delormove ili Emmyeve lukove od međusobno začavlanih ili zalijepljenih i začavlanih dasaka.
In two-hinged trusses-arches, in the practice of scaffold building, CRUCIANO system is often applied, where all steel diagonals are prestressed, while vertical ones are constructed from monolithic (or laminated) wood For flanges of those beams we use laminated wood or Delorme's or Emmy's arches, which are made from mutually nailed or glued and nailed boards.

[Wed Dec 10 16:57:40 2003]
Prikazuje se i detalj Cruciano drvene rešetke.
Figure also shows a detail of Cruciano trellisworks.

[Wed Dec 10 16:57:40 2003]
Kladica se izvodi naknadno, a moguće ju je izvesti i za vrijeme lamelacije pojaseva
Chump is constructed subsequently, and it is possible to construct it during lamination of flanges

[Wed Dec 10 16:58:40 2003]
Detalj CRUCIANO nosača.
Detail of a CRUCIANO beam.

[Wed Dec 10 16:58:40 2003]
Dijagonale su prednaprezane
Diagonals sre prestressed

[Wed Dec 10 16:58:59 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 16:59:02 2003]
lamelirano drvo
laminated wood

[Wed Dec 10 16:59:04 2003]
čelični profili
steel sections

[Wed Dec 10 16:59:04 2003]
monolitno drvo
monolithic wood

[Wed Dec 10 17:01:02 2003]
Nema smisla na silu trošiti dragocjeno drvo i novčana sredstva, u koliko se može uštedjeti na konstrukciji.
There is no sense in using up precious wood and financial resources, if we can economize the construction.

[Wed Dec 10 17:02:01 2003]
Naravno svako rješenje ima svoju genezu i svoju domenu primjene.
Of course, every solution has its genesis and its domain of use.

[Wed Dec 10 17:02:25 2003]
U nas bi trebalo revitalizirati industrijsku proizvodnju rešetki od drveta kao i HOWE rešetki od drveta s prednapetim vertikalama.
We should revitalize our industrial production of wooden trusses, as well as the HOWE trusses made from wood with prestressed verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 17:02:25 2003]
Treba koristiti lamelirano drvo zajedno s monolitnom građom
We should use laminated wood together with the monolithic structure

[Wed Dec 10 17:02:54 2003]
Nema smisla na silu trošiti dragocjeno drvo i novčana sredstva, u koliko se može uštedjeti na konstrukciji.
Does not make sense by force will wear out the precious wood and financial resources, in how was able save on the construction.

[Wed Dec 10 17:02:55 2003]
Naravno svako rješenje ima svoju genezu i svoju domenu primjene.
Of course the every solution has her genesis and her domain uses.

[Wed Dec 10 17:03:19 2003]
U nas bi trebalo revitalizirati industrijsku proizvodnju rešetki od drveta kao i HOWE rešetki od drveta s prednapetim vertikalama.
In us would need revitalize the industrial production to the wooden truss as well as HOWE truss from the wood with prestressed verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 17:03:25 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 11:12:24 2003]
Težnja da se sa što manje energije i materijala učini što više i što kvalitetnije nije starog datuma.
The ambition to accomplish more quality work with less energy and material is of recent date.

[Mon Dec 15 11:14:26 2003]
U povijesti graditeljstva, može se slobodno reći, vjekovima je prevladavao suprotan trend.
In the history building constructions, we can freely say, the opposite trend prevailed for centuries.

[Mon Dec 15 11:16:32 2003]
Nemilice se rasipao materijal i trošila energija sloganom kojem je ishodište u fortifikacijskom poimanju struktura:
The material and energy were relentlessly dispersed with the slogan which originated from fortifiable structure conception:

[Mon Dec 15 11:19:03 2003]
što teže i masivnije, to sigurnije i bolje.
heavier and more massive constructions are safer and better.

[Mon Dec 15 11:19:03 2003]
Posljedice tog trenda osjećamo i danas, na primjer u dizajnu jednonamjenskih sklonišnih prostora, teških velebnih konstrukcija, konstrukcijama impresivnih dimenzija, i u poimanju trajnosti i sigurnosti obitavališta
Results of this trend are felt even today, for example in the design of single-purpose shelters, heavy monumental constructions, constructions of impressive dimensions, and in the comprehension of durability and safety of dwellings

[Mon Dec 15 11:27:09 2003]
Suočeni s energetskom krizom, svjesnošću o ograničenosti resursa, sirovina i energije, a i s manjkom novčanih sredstava, postupno se suočavamo i s potrebom sinergetskog sagledavanja SVAKOG problema dizajna.
Confronted with the energy crisis, awareness of the limitations of resources, raw materials and energy, and with the lack of financial resources, gradually we are facing and the need of synergetic perception of EVERY designing problem.

[Mon Dec 15 11:29:58 2003]
Struke različite od graditeljske (graditeljskog zanata, umijeća i vještina građenja), mlađe od tisućugodišnjeg graditeljskog naslijeđa pa stoga i manje opterećene tim naslijeđima prošlosti, suočavaju se sa sinergijom i sinergetskim načinima rješavanja svojih problema struke od samog postojanja tih struka.
Professions which are different from the building profession (architectural trade, skill and construction), younger than a thousand-year-old building heritage and therefore less burdened with these past legacies, are facing the synergy and synergetic ways of solvings their professional problems from the very existence of these professions.

[Mon Dec 15 11:29:58 2003]
Tako je s automobilskom, zrakoplovnom, brodograđevnom industrijom, općenito industrijom prometala, pa i s industrijama montažnih dijelova i sustava, na primjer industrijama kontejnera, kamp-prikolica, a da ne govorimo o industrijama kao što su elektronska, svemirska, informatička i naravno, vojna industrija
The same problems exist in automobile industry, aircraft industry, shipbuilding industry, and in general the transportation industry, so also in the industries of assembly parts and systems, for example in container industries, camp-trailer industries, not to mention the electronic, space, computer and, of course, military industry

[Mon Dec 15 11:36:07 2003]
Današnji zrakoplovi, rakete i raketoplani imaju dimenzije ovećih zgrada, a brodovi-lineri veliki su poput osrednjeg gradskog urbanog bloka, a ujedno su i mnogo složeniji sustavi od onih s kojima se susrećemo u klasičnom građevinarstvu gradnje stambenih zgrada i urbanog tkiva.
Contemporary airplanes, rockets and rocket airplanes have dimensions of large buildings, and ships-liners are as large as are the average urban block, and at the same time they are much more complex systems than those we encounter in classic civil engineering of building residential buildings and urban texture.

[Mon Dec 15 11:36:55 2003]
U tim "novim" i vitalnim strukama primarna je primjena znanosti i istraživanje, jer se već poodavno spoznalo da se bez znanosti ne može zamisliti napredak u tim strukama.
In these " new " and vital professions primary concern is the use of science and research, because it was realized long ago that without science we cannot imagine the progress in these professions.

[Mon Dec 15 11:38:38 2003]
A napredak pokreće i nemilosrdna konkurencija.
And the progress is urged by pitiless competition.

[Mon Dec 15 11:42:49 2003]
Sinergija nipošto ne znači da s manje energije i materijala gradimo manje kvalitetno i manje lijepo.
Synergy by no means implies that with less energy and material we build with lesser quality and lesser attractiveness.

[Mon Dec 15 11:49:37 2003]
Naprotiv, osnova je sinergetskog pristupa da se sa što manje materijala i energije učine složeni sustavi koji su bolji, kvalitetniji, ljepši i efikasniji od postojećih proizvoda.
On the contrary, basis of synergetic access is to produce better, of higher quality, more attractive and more efficient complex systems with minimum material and energy.

[Mon Dec 15 11:53:45 2003]
Naravno da se i u tom trendu primjene sinergije počesto prokrijumčari i podosta ružnog i nekvalitetnog u dizajnu proizvoda, pa onda takve nakaradnosti mogu u neupućenih dezavuirati i cijeli trend.
Of course, in this trend of synergy there emerge some quite ugly and inferior constructions in product design, and such ugliness can deny the whole trend to those who are not informed.

[Mon Dec 15 11:57:49 2003]
Sinergija prepoznaje povijest progresivno sve većih i složenijih koncepcija, koje su eliminirale prethodno manje opsežna ponašanja lokalnih svemira.
Synergy recognizes the history of progressively increasing and more complex conceptions, which have eliminated previously less extensive behaviors of local universes.

[Mon Dec 15 11:58:10 2003]
Ona shvaća da elegantne koncepcije jednog perioda koje su pomogle širenju horizonta ljudskih shvaćanja dosežu granice informacijskih kapaciteta da bi progresivno bile odbačene kao zastarjele koncepcije i zamijenjene složenijim koncepcijama u težnji daljnjeg razvoja i želje za novim znanjima.
Synergy understands that elegant conceptions of one period, which helped to expand the horizon of human understandings, reach the borders of information capacities in order to be progressively thrown away as obsolete conceptions, and to be replaced by more complex conceptions in the aspiration of further development and desire for new knowledge.

[Mon Dec 15 11:59:09 2003]
To je u suštini beskonačni scenarij konceptualnih otkrića novih općih principa.
This is in essence the endless scenario of conceptual discoveries of new general principles.

[Mon Dec 15 11:59:09 2003]
Sinergija povećava prospekt ljudskog roda i omogućavajući mu da postane progresivno istraživački orijentiran
Synergy increases the prospect of mankind by enabling it to become progressively exploratory oriented

[Mon Dec 15 12:04:52 2003]
Također je danas sve prisutnija spoznaja o trajnosti i potrebnoj trajnosti i upotrebljivosti naših objekata, a općenito i svih proizvoda.
In addition, there is a great presence the idea of durability and requisite durability and usability of our objects, and all products in general.

[Mon Dec 15 12:05:55 2003]
Većina proizvoda ima određen vijek trajanja.
Most products have a determined life cycle.

[Mon Dec 15 12:06:18 2003]
Samo su rijetki trajni miljokazi razvoja čovječanstva i ljudske djelatnosti:
Rare are those permanent milestones of mankind development and human activities:

[Mon Dec 15 12:06:21 2003]
piramide, katedrale, brane i sl.
pyramids, cathedrals, dams, and similar

[Mon Dec 15 12:07:00 2003]
pyramids, cathedrals, dams, and similar objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:07:00 2003]
Utilitarni objekti jednog doba postaju umjetnička djela u budućnosti
Utilitarian objects of one period become artworks in the future

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:26 2003]
Većina objekata koji nisu više podesni razaraju se, po mogućnosti recikliraju u nove i bolje predmete.
Most objects whic became unappropriate are being destroyed, and if possible recycled as new and better objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:48 2003]
Brodovi se grade da bi se nakon nekoliko desetaka godina razrezali u rezalištima ili pretvorili u ploveće muzeje, gdje kao eksponati podliježu posebnom režimu održavanja.
About ten years after the ships are built they are dissected in breaker's yards or turned into floating museums, where, as exhibits, they become subjected to special regime of maintenance.

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:48 2003]
Poneki se pretvaraju u hotele, kao privremeno rješenje
Some are turned into hotels, as a temporary solution

[Mon Dec 15 12:15:53 2003]
Zrakoplove gradimo, a nakon nekog vremena zamjenjujemo ih novim prometnim sredstvima - obično boljim i kvalitetnijim.
First we build airplanes, and after some time we replace them with new transportation means - usually better and of higher quality.

[Mon Dec 15 12:15:53 2003]
Neki primjerci završavaju u tehničkim muzejima, a poneki se koriste za snimanje filmova iz prošlih vremena
Some examples end up in technical museums, and some are used for in filming historical movies

[Mon Dec 15 12:19:27 2003]
Automobile proizvodimo da bismo ih nakon prilično kratkog vremena zamijenili novima, boljima, ekonomičnijima i sigurnijima.
We produce cars, and after considerably short time we replace them with new, better, more economical and safer models.

[Mon Dec 15 12:21:34 2003]
Neki se materijali i produkti mogu pritom reciklirati, a neki se, za sada, ne mogu reciklirati ili se to ne isplati
Some materials and products can be recycled, and some, for now, are still impossilble to recycle, or recycling is unprofitable

[Mon Dec 15 12:25:15 2003]
Svi objekti graditeljstva, u konačnoj liniji, ipak su samo proizvodi - možda specifični po potrebi, načinima korištenja, po trajnosti i načinima proizvodnje.
All building construction objects, are ultimately, only products - maybe with specific requirements, ways of use, durability and methods of production.

[Mon Dec 15 12:27:13 2003]
Ni stambene zgrade, tvorničke hale i slični objekti nisu trajne tvorevine, osim nekih koje su povijesnog značaja u razvoju čovječanstva.
Residential buildings, factory halls and similar objects are not permanent creations, except some which have historical importance in development of the humankind.

[Mon Dec 15 12:27:13 2003]
Većinu njih nakon nekog vremena treba srušiti da bi se sagradili novi (i bolji) objekti, koji više odgovaraju vremenu življenja, napretku standarda življenja, napretku tehnike, potrebama društva i sl
Most of them must be demolished after certain time in order to build new (and better) objects, which are more suitable to their time, advancement of living standards, progress of technology, society needs, etc

[Mon Dec 15 12:29:25 2003]
Slika 16.1.
Figure 16.1.

[Mon Dec 15 12:30:24 2003]
Mehanička razgradnja jedne zgrade.
Mechanical deconstruction of a building.

[Mon Dec 15 12:31:41 2003]
Na ovaj se način, ako propisi dopuštaju, mogu demolirati zgrade do visine 5 etaža.
In this way, if regulations permit, we can demolish buildings which are up to 5 level high.

[Mon Dec 15 12:32:34 2003]
Sve više ćemo se susretati s ovakvim deložacijama zastarjelih zgrada i objekata.
We will increasingly encounter with such removals of outdated buildings and objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:32:34 2003]
Što je objekt lakši to je manje posla pri razgradnji objekata.
The lighter the object is, the easier it is to deconstruct it.

[Mon Dec 15 12:34:21 2003]
Slika 16.2.
Figure 16.2.

[Mon Dec 15 12:34:59 2003]
Neki mogući proizvodi od plastičnih masa.
Some attainable plastic mass products.

[Mon Dec 15 12:34:59 2003]
Prevladava 3D prostorni koncept složenica i ljusaka.
There prevails a 3D spatial concept made from composite structures and shells.

[Mon Dec 15 12:37:28 2003]
Slika 16.3.
Figure 16.3.

[Mon Dec 15 12:37:39 2003]
Ovješene membranske konstrukcije od trevire koje se po potrebi mogu skupiti ili raširiti nad prostorima stadiona i gledalištem.
Suspended membrane structures made from trevira, which, where necessary, can be assembled or extended above stadiums and audiences.

[Mon Dec 15 12:37:39 2003]
Pogonska mehanika je sastavni dio tih struktura
The operating mechanics is the component part of these structures

[Mon Dec 15 12:39:02 2003]
Slika 16.4.
Figure 16.4.

[Mon Dec 15 12:39:29 2003]
Radomi od plastičnih masa.
Plastic mass radomes.

[Mon Dec 15 12:40:40 2003]
Prikaz raznih mogućnosti podjele sfere:
Presentation of various possibilities of sphere division:

[Mon Dec 15 12:40:50 2003]
a) kriškasta ("orange-peel"), b) slična podjela ali s manjim elementima, pogodno za veće volumene, reške su posmaknute, c) ikosaedarska geometrija podjele, d) radom Goodyear Aircraft Corp.
a) sliced (" orange-peel "), b) similar division, but with smaller elements, suitable for larger volumes, slots are shifted, c) icosahedral geometry of division, d) Goodyear Acfts Corp. radome

[Mon Dec 15 12:40:50 2003]
: dodekaedarska geometrija.
the dodecahedral geometry.

[Mon Dec 15 12:41:52 2003]
Slika 16.5.
Figure 16.5.

[Mon Dec 15 12:41:59 2003]
Geodetska kupola od poliesterskih panela armiranih staklenim vlaknima.
Geodetic dome made from polyester panels reinforced with glassfibres.

[Mon Dec 15 12:42:43 2003]
Promjer 16.5 m.
Diameter is 16.5 m.

[Mon Dec 15 12:42:43 2003]
Dio montažnog plana 1/5 sfere 2/3 kupole
Part of compositional plan 1/5 sphere 2/3 dome

[Mon Dec 15 12:43:50 2003]
Slika 16.6.
Figure 16.6.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:13 2003]
Geodetske mrežaste kupole.
Geodetic reticular domes.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:15 2003]
Industrijski proizvodi.
Industrially manufactured elements.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:21 2003]
Strukturalni kišobrani.
Structural umbrellas.

[Mon Dec 15 12:45:21 2003]
Nove konstrukcije zahtijevaju i nova rješenja:
New constructions demand new solutions:

[Mon Dec 15 12:45:47 2003]
ponekad je jednostavnije kupolu podizati i spuštati nad skladištem nego na njoj izgraditi klasične ulaze.
sometimes it is more simple to raise and lower a dome over the warehouse, than build classic entrances on it.

[Mon Dec 15 12:45:47 2003]
To su ultralagane konstrukcije, poklopci za pokrivanje prostora.
These are ultralight structures, caps for covering of space.

[Mon Dec 15 12:46:38 2003]
Slika 16.7.
Figure 16.7.

[Mon Dec 15 12:48:39 2003]
Drvena mrežasta kupola sagrađena u Kutini.
Wooden reticular dome built in Kutina.

[Mon Dec 15 12:48:43 2003]
Sličnu drvenu kupolu sagradili su studenti Međufakultetskog prometnog studija u okviru vježbi iz Nosivih struktura pred zgradom Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 1975.
Similar wooden dome was built by students of Interfaculty of Traffic and Transportation Study in the framework of exercises from Bearing structures, in front of the Faculty of Civil Engineering building in Zagreb, 1975.

[Mon Dec 15 12:49:06 2003]
Similar wooden dome was built by students of Interfaculty of Traffic and Transportation Study in the framework of exercises from Bearing structures, in front of the Faculty of Civil Engineering building in Zagreb, 1975.

[Mon Dec 15 12:49:06 2003]
O tome je snimljen i kratki film.
There is also a short fim about it.

[Mon Dec 15 12:51:44 2003]
Slika 16.8.
Figure 16.8.

[Mon Dec 15 12:51:44 2003]
Građenje jedne velike radarske kupole (radoma) nad sustavom radarskih antena u Yorkshireu.
Building a large radar dome (radome) above the system of radar aerials in Yorkshire.

[Mon Dec 15 12:52:32 2003]
Slika 16.9.
Figure 16.9.

[Mon Dec 15 12:52:48 2003]
Paviljon SAD na izložbi u Montrealu 1967.
USA pavilion on the exhibition in Montreal, in 1967.

[Mon Dec 15 12:52:50 2003]
Projekt R.
Project of R.

[Mon Dec 15 12:52:51 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 12:53:04 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:03:38 2003]
Vrlo sofisticirano prostorno rješenje.
Very sophisticated spacial solution.

[Mon Dec 15 13:10:16 2003]
Mreža štapova kupole je dvoslojna, 80 frekventna.
Dome member mesh is two-ply, 80 frequent.

[Mon Dec 15 13:10:28 2003]
Posebnim sustavom elektronske senzorske regulacije polja su se zamračivala i osvjetljavala prema trenutnim položajima sunca.
By a special system of electronic sensory regulation the fields became darker and brighter according to current positions of the Sun.

[Mon Dec 15 13:10:28 2003]
Hala je u požaru uništena.
Hall was destroyed in the fire.

[Mon Dec 15 13:11:14 2003]
Slika 16.10.
Figure 16.10.

[Mon Dec 15 13:11:16 2003]
Montaža LIO kupola.
Assembly of LIO cupola.

[Mon Dec 15 13:11:40 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:11:42 2003]
montaža kostura štapova.
assembly of members framework.

[Mon Dec 15 13:12:14 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:12:14 2003]
Montaža membrane od 360 gramske trevire.
Assembly of a membrane made from 360 g trevira.

[Mon Dec 15 13:14:00 2003]
Slika 16.11.
Figure 16.11.

[Mon Dec 15 13:15:09 2003]
Mrežaste konstrukcije industrijski proizvedenog sustava LIO od aluminijskih cijevi i PVC plastificiranog tekstila od poliesterskih niti (LIOPLAST - TREVIRA).
Mesh structures of industrially manufactured LIO system made from aluminium pipes and PVC plasticized textile with polyester threads (LIOPLAST - TREVIRA).

[Mon Dec 15 13:15:56 2003]
Svod je montiran kao skladište raspona 15.0 metara, na prefabriciranim temeljnim gredama u pločama.
Vault is installed as a store with the range of 15.0 m, on prefabricated elementary beams in slabs.

[Mon Dec 15 13:21:04 2003]
Problem jeftinog pada do sada nije efikasno riješen.
Problem of a cheap fall has not yet been efficiently solved.

[Mon Dec 15 13:22:08 2003]
Konstrukcija je podignuta kao skladište robe u krugu tvornice LIO.
Construction was erected as a warehouse within a LIO factory circle.

[Mon Dec 15 13:22:10 2003]
Konstrukcija i sustav:
Construction and system:

[Mon Dec 15 13:22:12 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:22:14 2003]
Žagar i B.
Žagar and B.

[Mon Dec 15 13:22:38 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:22:38 2003]
U ovom agresivnom ratu protiv Hrvatske uništeno.
Destroyed during the aggressive war against Croatia.

[Mon Dec 15 13:24:30 2003]
Slika 16.12.
Figure 16.12.

[Mon Dec 15 13:24:32 2003]
Mrežasta konstrukcija tenis hale u Rovinju.
Mesh structure of a tennis hall in Rovinj.

[Mon Dec 15 13:24:34 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:24:35 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:24:35 2003]
Haiman i B.
Haiman and B.

[Mon Dec 15 13:25:42 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 13:25:45 2003]
Hala je sastavljena od drvenih kosnica spojenih posebnim metalnim vezicama.
Hall is composed of wooden lattices which are connected by special metal straps.

[Mon Dec 15 13:25:45 2003]
Pokrov od trevire.
Trevira cover.

[Mon Dec 15 13:27:42 2003]
Slika 16.13.
Figure 16.13.

[Mon Dec 15 13:27:57 2003]
Strukturalni sustav mrežastog svoda.
Structural system of a meshed vault.

[Mon Dec 15 13:28:36 2003]
Konstrukcija je sračunata s FEA programima M_STRUDL i COSMOS/M.
Construction is calculated with FEA programs M_STRUDL and COSMOS/M.

[Mon Dec 15 13:28:36 2003]
Stabilnost sustava kontrolirana je FEA programom COSMOS/M.
System stability is controlled by the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Mon Dec 15 13:45:54 2003]
Na zapadu ruše cijele blokove zgrada, za naše poimanje još uvijek upotrebljivih, građenih prije dvadesetak godina.
In the Western world, entire blocks of buildings are being demolished, and those buildings, built more than twenty years ago, we still percieve as comprehension usable.

[Mon Dec 15 13:47:42 2003]
Objekti se ruše da bi se sagradili novi.
Objects are being torn down in order for new ones to be built.

[Mon Dec 15 14:02:26 2003]
U toku vijeka u kojem su eksploatirani, oni su se rentirali i amortizirali, a vjerojatno i donijeli dobru zaradu.
During the century of their exploitation, they were rented and amortized, and they probably made good profits.

[Mon Dec 15 14:03:52 2003]
Nedavno je (1998) održana u Berlinu međunarodna konferencija "Saving buildings in Central and Eastern Europe" o problemima rekonstrukcije cca 80 milijuna stambenih jedinica u bivšim zemljama socijalističkog lagera (uključujući istočno-europske zemlje, Rusiju i Ukrajinu).
In Berlin there was recently (1998) an international conference called "Saving buildings in Central and Eastern Europe" about the problems of reconstruction of approximately 80 million of housing units in former socialist countries (including east-European countries, Russia and Ukraine).

[Mon Dec 15 14:05:47 2003]
Ti objekti, uglavnom betonske panelne zgrade više ne zadovoljavaju suvremene potrebe i treba ih ili srušiti ili rekonstruirati.
Those objects, mostly concrete panel buildings, do not satisfy contemporary needs and need to be either demolished or reconstructed.

[Mon Dec 15 14:06:15 2003]
Rušenje tolikog broja je nemoguć zadatak - ostaje dakle - rekonstrukcija.
Demolition of such number is the impossible task - therefore, there is only reconstruction.

[Mon Dec 15 14:13:54 2003]
I prometnice, kao i prometne objekte, čeka ista sudbina.
Roads, as well as traffic objects, await for the same destiny.

[Mon Dec 15 14:21:29 2003]
To je zakon života i stalnog napretka ljudskog roda.
This is the law of life and constant progress of humankind.

[Mon Dec 15 14:44:37 2003]
Ponekad se pritom i ruši ono što se ne bi smjelo i trebalo rušiti, jer predstavlja povijesno naslijeđe.
Sometimes, in doing so, demolished are those buildings which shuld not be, because they present historical legacy.

[Mon Dec 15 14:44:37 2003]
Tome je uglavnom razlog manjkavo obrazovanje, manjak svijesti o povijesnom naslijeđu i identitetu naroda na tim prostorima, manjak procjene vrijednosti našeg graditeljskog naslijeđa i zasljepljenost pomodnim stilovima u svijetu i u nas, a ponekad i zasljepljenost vlastitog ega
This is mainly because of the insufficient education, lack of awareness of historical legacy and identity of nation that abides in those areas, insufficient evaluation of our building heritage and blindedness by fashionable styles around the world, and sometimes the blindness of our own ego

[Mon Dec 15 14:53:59 2003]
Želim se osvrnuti na mogućnost gradnje laganih i nepretencioznih konstrukcija od novih materijala, koje po trajnosti služe vremenu kojem su potrebne i koje nemaju pretenziju da budu miljokazi povijesti i razvoja konstrukcija, ali koje su trajne u svojoj privremenosti, jeftine za izvedbu, pogodne za montažu i demontažu, koje su prenosive i koje se mogu, ako je to potrebno, reciklirati u neki drugi proizvod ili pretvoriti (bar dio) u energiju
I would like to refer to the possibility of building lightweight and unpretentious constructions from new materials, which in terms of durability serve the time in which they are needed, and which do not have a pretension to be milestones of history and structural developments, but which are permanent in their temporariness, cheap in their execution, appropriate for assembling and dismantling, which are transportable and which can, if necessary, be recycled into some other product, or transformed (at least partially) into energy

[Mon Dec 15 14:58:26 2003]
Na žalost, većina izvođača odlučuje se za objekte od armiranog betona, eventualno od čelika ili, sasvim rijetko, od aluminija (na primjer paraljuske za pokrove hala, fasadne obloge i sl.)
Unfortunately, most contractors chose objects made from reinforced concrete, perhaps even from steel or, very rarely, from aluminum (for example, parashells for hall coverings, facade linings, etc.)

[Mon Dec 15 15:00:23 2003]
, rjeđe od drveta, koje je, kao lamelirano drvo, u modernim konstrukcijama jedan sasvim novi građevinski materijal.
), more rarely from wood, which, as the laminated wood, is in modern constructions a brand-new construction material.

[Mon Dec 15 15:04:49 2003]
Naime, sve su te konstrukcije prostorne 3D tvorevine koje gotovo da i nemaju ništa zajedničkog sa standardnim konstrukcijama, recimo onim koje su sastavljene od okvirnih sustava ili rešetki, iako i te konstrukcije kao elementi mogu biti sadržani u sklopovima novih prostornih struktura.
In other words, all these constructions are spatial 3D creations which barely have anything in common with standard constructions, say those which are composed from frame systems or trusses, although those constructions as elements can be comprised in systems of new spatial structures.

[Mon Dec 15 15:06:21 2003]
Još postoji jedna teškoća u dizajnu:
There is one more difficulty in design:

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:22 2003]
opiranje tih prostornih oblika da se pokažu u nacrtima, konvencionalnim načinima prikazivanja.
resistance of these spatial shapes to present themselves in drafts, in conventional ways of presentation.

[Mon Dec 15 15:13:24 2003]
Također se oblici tih prostornih struktura moraju skrojiti od elemenata platna ili folija koje imaju svoju standardnu širinu (u nas oko 150 do 160 cm, a u Njemačkoj do 250 i više centimetara).
Also, the shapes of these spatial structures must be tailored from from elements of canvas or foil, which have their standard width (here, it is about 150 to 160 cm, and in Germany 250 and more cm).

[Mon Dec 15 15:14:17 2003]
Krojenje membrane svodi se na intuiciju, znanje i iskustvo potpomognuto kompjutorskim generiranjem kroja i kompjutorski generiranim crtežima (CAD), te na generiranje mreže konačnih trokutastih elemenata.
Tailoring of membranes is reduced to intuition, knowledge and experience, supported by computer generation of pattern and computer generation of drawings (CAD), and to generation of final triangular elements mesh.

[Mon Dec 15 15:15:00 2003]
Neki od tih krojeva, crteža i mreža KE su prikazani na slikama.
Some of those patterns, drawing and KE meshes are presented on Figures.

[Mon Dec 15 15:15:02 2003]
Inženjeri se koriste i "FORMFINDING" programima za pronalaženje oblika takvih napetih membrana (prof.
Engineers also use " FORMFINDING " programs for discovering the shapes of such tight membranes (professor

[Mon Dec 15 15:15:03 2003]
Engineers also use " FORMFINDING " programs for discovering the shapes of such tight membranes (professor J.

[Mon Dec 15 15:15:03 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 15:19:09 2003]
Time se sužuje i broj dizajnera koji su sposobni dizajnirati takve objekte koje treba prikazati klijentima - investitorima u obliku makete ili crteža, a sam crtež je gotovo nezamisliv bez CAD-a.
This narrows the number of designers who are able to design such objects which need to be presented to clients - investors in the form of mock-up or drawing, and the drawing itself is almost unimaginable without the CAD.

[Mon Dec 15 15:19:54 2003]
A to je još danas poprilično daleko od načina kojim se danas radi:
And this is still rather far from current method of work:

[Mon Dec 15 15:19:54 2003]
sve se (ili barem većina crteža) ručno iscrtava koristeći se uglavnom trokutima i T-ravnalom
everything (or at least majority of drawings) is manually drawn, using mostly triangles and T-rules

[Mon Dec 15 15:27:59 2003]
Osim toga, radi se tu i o sasvim novim materijalima, koji stoga do sada nisu ni mogli biti primjenjivani u praksi pa nema ni iskustva u radu s tim materijalima.
Besides, there are also brand-new materials, which could not thus far be utilized in practice, so there is no experience in workiong with these materials.

[Mon Dec 15 15:28:30 2003]
Novi materijali traže i nove metode spajanja, nove metode pričvršćivanja za druge nosive elemente, nove metode analiza (nelinearne analize), nove provjere stabilnosti i dokaza nosivosti, kao i spoznaje o materijalu i reologiji materijala (reološkim modelima, puzanju povezanom s razinom napona u materijalu, promjenama fizičko kemijske strukture, hidrolizi, utjecaju UV zračenja, brzini kemijskih promjena i sl.)
New materials ask for new methods of connecting, new methods of attaching to other bearing elements, new methods of analyses (nonlinear analyses), new stability testings and bearing capacity proofs, as well as notions about the material and its rheology (rheological models, creeping connected to the level of stress in the material, changes of physical chemical structure, hydrolysis, influence of the UV radiation, speed of chemical changes, etc.)

[Mon Dec 15 15:28:56 2003]
. Traže se i pokusi "in situ" i u laboratorijima.
There is also a demand for " in situ " experiments in laboratories.

[Mon Dec 15 15:28:56 2003]
A sve to ograničava i otežava ili bar usporava primjenu novih konstruktivnih rješenja
And all this limits and aggravates, or at least slows down, the use of new constructive solutions

[Mon Dec 15 15:33:05 2003]
S druge strane, za takve privremene objekte (kišobrane, pidžama-konstrukcije i sl.)
On the other hand, such temporary objects (umbrellas, pajamas-constructions, etc.)

[Mon Dec 15 15:33:05 2003]
traže se isto svi dokumenti za izdavanje građevinskih dozvola kao i za jednu hidroelektranu
) must have as much documents for issuing building permits, as would be required for a hydroelectric power station

[Mon Dec 15 15:44:25 2003]
Neke od tih konstrukcija, na primjer pneumatske konstrukcije (konstrukcije stabilizirane zrakom, baloni, konstrukcije oslonjene na zrak ili ispunjene zrakom), zahtijevaju i poznavanje kompresorskih mehanizama, termodinamike, elektromehanike pa i elektronike.
Some of these constructions, for example pneumatic structures (constructions stabilized by air, balloons, constructions supported by air, or filled with air), demand knowledge of compression mechanisms, thermodynamics, electromechanics, and electronics.

[Mon Dec 15 15:49:04 2003]
Zasade tisućgodišnje tradicije gradnje KOMPRESIVNIM materijalima su tvrdokorne, gotovo genetske inhibicije, i ne možemo ih brzo i efikasno napustiti.
Principles of thousand-year-old building tradition by using COMPRESSION materials have the obstinate, almost genetic inhibition, and we cannot abandon them quickly and efficiently.

[Mon Dec 15 16:12:22 2003]
On raspolaže sredstvima kojima svoje zamisli može u praksi ostvariti.
He has the means which can realize his ideas in practice.

[Mon Dec 15 16:18:38 2003]
Njega je teško, gotovo nemoguće nagovoriti da dijelom sredstava koje ima na raspolaganju ostvari odgovarajuću racionalnu konstrukciju od sasvim novog i dosad u nas malo viđenog materijala ili u nas rijetko viđenu konstrukciju.
It is difficult, almost impossible, to persuade him to construct an adequate rational structure, by using resources that are at his disposal, from a brand-new and rarely seen material, or to construct a rarely seen structure.

[Mon Dec 15 16:18:38 2003]
Na žalost, mali je i broj arhitekata koji poznaju te materijale i konstrukcije, pa se ne treba čuditi zastojima u primjeni modernih koncepcija prekrivanja prostora
Unfortunately, small is the number of architects who know these materials and structures, so we should not be surprised by standstills in the use of the modern conceptions in covering of spaces

[Mon Dec 15 16:34:31 2003]
U svojoj praksi sam se susretao s investitorima koji nad glavama silom žele težak masivan armiranobetonski krov, sasvim nepodobnu konstrukciju toj određenoj namjeni, konstrukciju nezgodnu za izvođenje i koncepcijski stupidnu, a uz to skupu za društvo i, napokon, za sve nas.
During my practice, I have met investors who forcibly wanted above heads heavy massive reinforced concrete roof, fully unsuitable construction for that specific purpose, construction awkward for the execution and conceptionally senseless, and furthermore expensive to the society and, finally, for all of us.

[Mon Dec 15 16:35:33 2003]
Tu ne pomažu nikakva uvjeravanja u to da se umjesto tako koncipirane konstrukcije krova (radilo se o krovu - poklopcu silosa većeg promjera) može ostvariti isti efekt za nižu cijenu primjenom prostorne lagane lamelirane drvene konstrukcije.
In these situations, no kind of persuasion could help to convince that instead of thus conceived roof construction (it was the roof - cover of silo of large diameter) we could achieve the same effect for the lower price by using spatial lightweight laminated wooden structure.

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:09 2003]
Ne pomaže pozivanje na izvedene primjere u svijetu, na naša iskustva.
It is not even helpful to refer to examples around the world, to our experiences.

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:09 2003]
Mehanizam zaštite interesa društva na zapadu reguliran profitom i tržnim mehanizmima
Mechanism for protecting the interests of western society is regulated by profit and market mechanisms