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[Mon Oct 06 16:37:28 2003]
The latter procured a charter from Athelstan for the Masons to meet annually in communication at York, where the first Grand Lodge of England was formed in 926, at which Edwin presided as Grand Master.
On je od Atelstana dobio povelju da se slobodni zidari mogu sastajati jednom godišnje u priopćenju u Yorku, gdje je 926. utemeljena prva Velika Loža Engleske, kojoj je Edwin bio na čelu kao Veliki Majstor.

[Mon Oct 06 16:37:28 2003]
The Legend of the Craft, in reference to the collection of old writings, is here repeated.
Legenda o Zanatu, s obzirom na zbirku starih tekstova, se ovdje ponavlja.

[Mon Oct 06 16:44:18 2003]
On the death of Edwin, Athelstan undertook in person the direction of the Lodges, and under his sanction the art of Masonry was propagated in peace and security.
Nakon smrti Edwina, Atelstan je osobno preuzeo upravljanje Ložama, i s njegovim odobrenjem se umijeće slobodnog zidarstva širilo u miru i sigurnosti.

[Mon Oct 06 16:44:19 2003]
On the death of Athelstan, the Masons dispersed and continued in a very unsettled state until the reign of Edgar, in 960, when they were again collected by St. Dunstan, but did not meet with permanent encouragement.
Nakon smrti Atelstana, slobodni zidari su se raštrkali i nastavili djelovati u vrlo nestabilnom stanju sve do vladavine Edgara, 960. godine, kad ih je ponovo okupio Sv. Dunstan, no nisu naišli na trajnu potporu.

[Mon Oct 06 16:49:34 2003]
For fifty years after Edgar's death Masonry remained in a low condition, but was revived in 1041 under the patronage of Edward the Confessor, who appointed Leofric, Earl of Coventry, to superintend the Craft.
Pedesete godina nakon Edgarove smrti slobodno zidarstvo je bilo u lošem položaju, no oživljeno je 1041. pod pokroviteljstvom Edvarda Ispovjednika, koji je imenovao Leofrica, grofa od Coventrya, nadzornikom Zanata.

[Mon Oct 06 16:51:40 2003]
William the Conqueror, who acquired the crown in 1066, appointed Gundulph Bishop of Rochester, and Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, joint patrons of the Masons
došao na prijestolje, imenovao je Gundulpha, biskupa iz Rochestera, i Rogera de Montgomerya, grofa od Shrewsburya, zajedničkim zaštitnicima slobodnih zidara

[Mon Oct 06 16:54:51 2003]
The labors of the fraternity were employed, during the reign of William Rufus, in the construction of various edifices.
Članovi bratstva su, za vrijeme vladavine Williama Rufusa, radili na izgradnji različitih građevina.

[Mon Oct 06 16:57:30 2003]
The Lodges continued to assemble under Henry I and Stephen.
Lože su se nastavile okupljati za vrijeme Henrika I i Stjepana.

[Mon Oct 06 16:57:30 2003]
In the reign of the latter, Gilbert de Clare, Marquis of Pembroke, presided over the Lodges.
Za vrijeme vladavine potonjeg, Gilbert de Clare, markiz od Pembrokea, je predsjedavao Ložama.

[Tue Oct 07 09:13:16 2003]
In the reign of Henry II, the Grand Master of the Knights Templars employed the Craft in I 135 in building their Temple.
Za vladavine Henrika II, Veliki Majstor Vitezova Templara je 1135. uposlio članove Zanata na izgradnji njihovog Hrama.

[Tue Oct 07 09:14:59 2003]
Masonry continued under the patronage of this Order until 1199, when John succeeded to the throne and Peter de Colechurch was appointed Grand Master.
Slobodno zidarstvo se nastavilo pod pokroviteljstvom ovog Reda sve do 1199, kad je John došao na prijestolje, a Peter de Colechurch je imenovan Velikim Majstorom.

[Tue Oct 07 09:16:25 2003]
Peter de Rupibus succeeded him, and Masonry continued to flourish during this and the following reign.
Njega je naslijedio Peter de Rupibus, a procvat slobodnog zidarstva se nastavio tijekom ove i naredne vladavine.

[Tue Oct 07 09:16:25 2003]
Preston's traditionary narrative, or his theory founded on Legends, may be considered as ending here.
Za Prestonovu se tradicijsku pripovijest, ili njegovu teoriju utemeljenu na Legendama, može reći da ovdje završava.

[Tue Oct 07 09:20:20 2003]
The rest of his work assumes a purely historical form, although many of his statements need for authenticity the support of other authorities.
Ostatak ovog djela ima sasvim povijesni oblik, iako mnogi njegovi navodi za vjerodostojnost trebaju potporu drugih izvora.

[Tue Oct 07 09:22:47 2003]
These will be subjects of consideration when we come to the next part of this work.
Oni će se razmatrati kad dođemo do idućeg dijela ovog rada.

[Tue Oct 07 09:22:47 2003]
At present, before dismissing the theory of Preston, a few comments are required which have been suggested by portions of the narrative.
Zasad, prije nego odbacimo Prestonovu teoriju, potrebno je nekoliko komentara koje nameću neki dijelovi pripovijesti.

[Tue Oct 07 09:30:06 2003]
As to the Legend of Carausius, to whom Preston ascribes the patronage of the British craft in the latter part of the 3d century, it must be remarked that it was first made known to the fraternity by Dr. Anderson in the 2d edition of his Constitutions.
Što se tiče Legende o Carausiusu, kojem Preston pripisuje pokroviteljstvo britanskog zanata u drugoj polovici 3. stoljeća, mora se napomenuti da ju je bratstvu prvi put obznanio dr. Anderson u 2. izdanju svojih Konstitucija.

[Tue Oct 07 09:30:59 2003]
He says that the tradition is contained in all the old Constitutions and was firmly believed by the old English Masons.
On kaže da se ova predaja nalazi u svim starim Konstitucijama i da su u nju čvrsto vjerovali stari engleski slobodni zidari.

[Tue Oct 07 09:32:05 2003]
But the fact is that it is to be found in none of the old records that have as yet been discovered.
No činjenica je da se ne može pronaći niti u jednom od dosad otkrivenih starih zapisa.

[Tue Oct 07 09:33:55 2003]
They speak only of a king who patronized St. Alban and who made him the steward of his household and his Master of Works.
Oni govore jedino o kralju koji je bio patron Sv. Albina i koji ga je imenovao upraviteljem svog kućanstva i svojim Majstorom Radova.

[Tue Oct 07 09:35:54 2003]
Anderson designated this until then unnamed king as Carausius, forgetting that the Saint was martyred in the same year that the monarch assumed the throne.
Anderson ovog dotad neimenovanog kralja označava kao Carausiusa, zaboravljajući da je Svetac umro mučeničkom smrću iste godine kad je ovaj vladar došao na prijestolje.

[Tue Oct 07 09:35:54 2003]
This was a strange error to be committed by one who had made genealogy his special study and had written a voluminous work on the subject of royal successions.
To je neobična greška za nekoga kome je genealogija bila predmet posebnog proučavanja i tko je napisao opsežno djelo na temu kraljevskih naslijeđivanja.

[Tue Oct 07 09:41:29 2003]
From Anderson, Preston appears to have borrowed the Legend, developing it into a minuter narrative, by the insertion of several additional circumstances, a prerogative which the compilers of Masonic as well as monastic Legends have always thought proper to exercise.
Čini se da je Preston posudio Legendu od Andersona, razvijajući ju u detaljniju pripovijest, umetanjem nekoliko dodatnih potankosti, što je povlastica za koju su sastavljači slobodnozidarskih kao i monastičkih Legendi smatrali da ju uvijek imaju pravo koristiti.

[Tue Oct 07 09:47:40 2003]
The advent of French Masons into England toward the end of the 7th century , brought thither by the Abbot Bennet or Benedict, which is recorded by Preston, is undoubtedly an historical fact.
Dolazak francuskih slobodnih zidara u Englesku krajem 7. stoljeća, koje je tamo doveo opat Bennet ili Benedikt, što bilježi Preston, je nesumnjivo povijesna činjenica.

[Tue Oct 07 09:50:36 2003]
Lacroix says that England from the 7th century had called to it the best workmen among the French Masons, the Maîtres de pierre.
stoljeća pozivala najbolje radnike među francuskim slobodnim zidarima, Maîtres de Pierre.

[Tue Oct 07 09:50:36 2003]
The Venerable Bede, who was contemporary with that period, says that the famous Abbot Benedictus Biscopius (the Bennet of Preston) went over to France in 675 to engage workmen to build his church, and brought them over to England for that purpose.
Beda Časni, koji je živio u to doba, kaže da je slavni opat Benedictus Biscopius (Prestonov Bennet) 675. otišao u Francusku da uzme u službu radnike za rad na njegovoj crkvi, i u tu svrhu ih je doveo u Englesku.

[Tue Oct 07 09:57:00 2003]
Richard of Cirencester makes the same statement.
Richard od Cirencestera tvrdi isto.

[Tue Oct 07 09:57:51 2003]
He says that " Bennet collected Masons (coementarios) and all kinds of industrious artisans from Rome, Italy, France, and other countries where he could find them, and, bringing them to England, employed them in his works."
On kaže da je "Bennet okupio slobodne zidare (coementarios) i razne vrijedne zanatlije iz Rima, Italije, Francuske i drugih zemalja gdje ih je mogao naći, i, dovodeći ih u Englesku, uposlio ih na svojim radovima."

[Tue Oct 07 09:58:49 2003]
Preston is, however, in error as to the reign in which this event occurred.
Preston, međutim, griješi što se tiče vladara za vrijeme kojeg se ovo dogodilo.

[Tue Oct 07 10:00:57 2003]
Kenred, or rather Coenred, did not succeed as King of Mercia until 704, and the Abbot Benedict had died the year before.
Kenred, ili radije Coenred, nije postao kralj Mercije prije 704. godine, a opat Benedikt je umro godinu dana prije.

[Tue Oct 07 10:00:57 2003]
Our Masonic writers of the last century, like their predecessors, the Legendists, when giving the substance of a statement, were very apt to get confused in their dates.
Naši slobodnozidarski pisci iz prošlog stoljeća, kao i njihovi prethodnici, pisci legendi, kad su davali sadržaj navoda, bili su vrlo skloni brkanju datuma.

[Tue Oct 07 10:09:03 2003]
Of the Legend of the " weeping St. Swithin," to whom Preston ascribes the revival of Masonry in the middle of the 9th century, it may be remarked that as to the character of the Saint as a celebrated architect, the Legend is supported by the testimony of the Anglo-Saxon chroniclers.
Swithinu", kojem Preston pripisuje preporod slobodnog zidarstva sredinom 9. stoljeća, može se napomenuti da što se tiče karaktera tog Sveca kao glasovitog arhitekta, Legendu podupiru svjedočanstva anglo-saksonskih kroničara.

[Tue Oct 07 10:10:05 2003]
Roger of Wendover, who is followed by Matthew of Westminster, records his custom of personally superintending the workmen when engaged in the construction of any building, " that his presence might stimulate them to diligence in their labors."
Roger iz Wendovera, kojeg slijedi Matthew iz Westminstera, bilježi njegov običaj da osobno nadzire radnike zaposlene na izgradnji neke građevine, "kako bi ih njegova prisutnost potakla na revnost u njihovom radu."

[Tue Oct 07 10:10:05 2003]
But the consideration of the condition of Masonry at that period, in England, belongs rather to the historical than to the legendary portion of this work.
No razmatranje položaja slobodnog zidarstva u tom razdoblju u Engleskoj, pripada prije povijesnom nego legendarnom dijelu ovog rada.

[Tue Oct 07 10:17:29 2003]
On the whole, it may be said of Preston that he has made a considerable improvement on Anderson in his method of treating the early progress of Masonry.
U cjelini, za Prestona se može reći da je, u odnosu na Andersona, znatno poboljšao svoju metodu obrađivanja ranog razvoja slobodnog zidarstva.

[Tue Oct 07 10:17:29 2003]
Still his narrative contains so many assumptions which "are not proved to be facts, that his theory must, like that of his predecessor, be still considered as founded on legends rather than on authentic history.
No njegova pripovijest sadrži toliko mnogo tvrdnji koje nisu dokazane činjenice, da se njegova teorija ipak mora, kao i teorija njegovog prethodnika, smatrati utemeljenom na legendama, prije nego na autentičnoj povijesti.

[Tue Oct 07 10:31:54 2003]
The theory advanced by Brother William Hutchinson as to the origin and the progress of Freemasonry, in his treatise, first published in the year 1775 and entitled The Spirit of Masonry, is so complicated and sometimes apparently so contradictory in its statements, as to require, for a due comprehension of his views, not only a careful perusal, but even an exhaustive study of the work alluded to.
Teorija u vezi podrijetla i razvoja slobodnog zidarstva koju je Brat William Hutchinson iznio u svojoj raspravi, prvi put objavljenoj godine 1775. i naslovljenoj Duh slobodnog zidarstva, je tako složena i ponekad naizgled tako proturječna u svojim tvrdnjama, da zahtijeva, za ispravno shvaćanje njegovih stajališta, ne samo pomni pregled, no čak i iscrpno proučavanje navedenog djela.

[Tue Oct 07 10:31:54 2003]
After such a study I think that I am able to present to the reader a correct summary of the opinions on the rise and progress of the Order which were entertained by this learned scholar.
Nakon takvog proučavanja, vjerujem da čitateljima mogu pružiti točan sažetak stajališta o nastanku i razvoju Reda, koje je zauzimao ovaj učeni znanstvenik.

[Tue Oct 07 10:41:48 2003]
Let it be said, by way of preface to this review, that however we may dissent from the conclusions of Hutchinson, he is entitled to our utmost respect for his scholarly attainments.
Neka bude rečeno, kao uvod u ovaj pregled, da koliko god se mi ne slagali s Hutchinsonovim zaključcima, on zaslužuje naše najveće poštovanje zbog svojih znanstvenih dostignuća.

[Tue Oct 07 10:42:29 2003]
To the study of the history and the philosophy of Masonry he brought a fund of antiquarian research, in which he had previously been engaged in the examination of the ecclesiastical antiquities of the province of Durham.
Proučavanju povijesti i filozofije slobodnog zidarstva je donio fond (???) istraživanja starina, u koji je prije toga bio uključen u proučavanju crkvenih starina pokrajine Durham.

[Tue Oct 07 10:43:42 2003]
Of all the Masonic writers of the 18th century, Hutchinson was undoubtedly the most learned.
Od svih slobodnozidarskih pisaca u 18. stoljeću, Hutchinson je nesumnjivo bio najučeniji.

[Tue Oct 07 10:43:42 2003]
And yet the theory that he has propounded as to the origin of the Masonic Institution is altogether untenable and indeed, in many of its details, absurd.
A ipak teorija koju je iznio o podrijetlu Institucije slobodnog zidarstva je sasvim neodrživa i, štoviše, u mnogim pojedinostima besmislena.

[Tue Oct 07 10:53:39 2003]
Of all the opinions entertained by Hutchinson concerning the origin of Freemasonry , the most heterodox is that which denies its descent from and its connection, at any period, with an operative society.
Od svih stajališta koja je Hutchinson zauzimao u vezi s podrijetlom slobodnog zidarstva, najheterodoksnije je ono koje osporava njegovo podrijetlo i povezanost s operativnim društvom, u bilo kojem razdoblju.

[Tue Oct 07 10:54:06 2003]
"It is our opinion," he says, " that Masons in the present
"Naše je mišljenje" kaže, "da slobodni zidari u sadašnjem

[Tue Oct 07 11:02:12 2003]
We ground a judgment of the nature of our profession on our ceremonials and flatter ourselves every Mason will be convinced that they have not relation to building and architecture, but are emblematical and imply moral and spiritual and religious tenets."
Mišljenje o prirodi našeg zvanja temeljimo na našim obredima i vjerujemo da će svaki slobodni zidar biti uvjeren da oni nisu povezani s građevinom i arhitekturom, nego da su simbolički i da obuhvaćaju moralna i duhovna i religijska pravila."

[Tue Oct 07 11:12:59 2003]
In another place, while admitting that there were in former times builders of cities, towers, temples, and fortifications, he doubts "that the artificers were formed into bodies ruled by their own proper laws and knowing mysteries and secrets which were kept from the world.
Na jednom drugom mjestu, dok priznaje da su u davna vremena postojali graditelji gradova, kula, hramova i utvrda, on sumnja "da su majstori bili organizirani u skupine kojima su upravljali njihovi vlastiti zakoni i da su poznavali misterije i tajne koje su čuvali od ostatka svijeta."

[Tue Oct 07 11:28:20 2003]
Since he admits, as we will see hereafter, that Masonry existed at the Temple of Solomon, that it was there organized in what he calls the second stage of its progress, and that the builders of the edifice were Masons, one would naturally imagine that Hutchinson would here encounter an insuperable objection to his theory, which entirely disconnects Masonry and architecture.
Budući da priznaje, kako ćemo kasnije vidjeti, da je slobodno zidarstvo postojalo za vrijeme izgradnje Salomonovog Hrama, da je tamo bilo organizirano u ono što on naziva drugim stupnjem njegovog razvoja, i da su graditelji građevine bili slobodni zidari, prirodno je pretpostaviti da bi se Hutchinson ovdje susreo s nesavladivim protivljenjem svojoj teoriji, koja u potpunosti odvaja slobodno zidarstvo od arhitekture.

[Tue Oct 07 11:37:03 2003]
But he attempts to obviate this difficulty by supposing that the principles of Freemasonry had, before the commencement of the undertaking, been communicated by King Solomon to "the sages and religious men amongst his people," and that these " chosen ones of Solomon, as a pious and holy duty conducted the work."
No on pokušava otkloniti ovaj problem pretpostavljajući da je Kralja Salomon, prije početka pothvata, priopćio načela slobodnog zidarstva "mudracima i religioznim ljudima u svom narodu", i da su ti "koje je Salomon izabrao, provodili radove kao pobožnu i svetu dužnost."

[Tue Oct 07 11:37:03 2003]
Their labors as builders were simply incidental and they were no more to be regarded by reason of this duty as architects by profession, than were Abel, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and David by reason of the building of their altars, which were, like the Temple, works of piety and devotion.
" Njihov graditeljski rad je bio tek slučajan i zbog te dužnosti ih se ne treba smatrati arhitektima po zanimanju, ništa više nego Abela, Nou, Abrahama, Jakova, Mojsija i Davida zbog izgradnje oltara, koji su bili, poput Hrama, djela pobožnost i religioznosti.

[Tue Oct 07 11:46:49 2003]
This theory, in which all connection between operative and speculative Masonry is completely dissevered, and in which, in fact, the former is entirely ignored, is peculiar to Hutchinson.
Ova teorija, koja potpuno presijeca svaku vezu između operativnog i spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, i koja, zapravo, ovo prvo sasvim zanemaruje, je svojstvena Hutchinsonu.

[Tue Oct 07 11:48:44 2003]
No other writer, no matter to what source he may have attributed the original rise of speculative Masonry, has denied that there was some period in the history of its progress when it was more or less intimately connected with the operative art.
Nijedan drugi pisac, bez obzira na to kojem izvoru pripisuje prvotni nastanak spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, nije zanijekao da je postojalo neko razdoblje u povijesti njegovog razvoja kad je bilo manje više blisko povezano s operativnim umijećem.

[Tue Oct 07 11:48:44 2003]
While, therefore, it is plain that the opinion of Hutchinson is in opposition to that of all other Masonic writers, it is equally evident that it contradicts all the well-established facts of history.
Dok je, stoga, jasno da je Hutchinsonovo stajalište u suprotnosti sa stajalištima svih ostalih slobodnozidarskih pisaca, jednako je očito da proturječi svim ustaljenim povijesnim činjenicama.

[Tue Oct 07 11:52:51 2003]
But besides these opinions concerning the non-operative character of the Institution, Hutchinson has been scarcely less peculiar in his other views in respect to the rise and progress of Freemasonry and its relations to other associations of antiquity.
No osim ovih stajališta u vezi s ne-operativnom naravi Institucije, Hutchinson nije bio ništa manje osebujan u svojim drugim gledištima što se tiče nastanka i razvoja slobodnog zidarstva i njegovih odnosa s drugim drevnim društvima.

[Tue Oct 07 12:05:18 2003]
The Hutchinsonian theory may indeed be regarded as especially and exclusively his own.
Hutchinsonova teorija se doista može smatrati posebno i isključivo njegovom.

[Tue Oct 07 12:08:43 2003]
It is therefore worthy of consideration and review, rather in reference to the novelty of his ideas than in respect to anything of great value in the pseudo-historical statements that he has advanced.
Zato zaslužuje razmatranje i ispitivanje, prije s obzirom na novost njegovih ideja, nego s obzirom na veliku vrijednost pseudo-povijesnih postavki koje je iznio.

[Tue Oct 07 12:08:43 2003]
The prominent thought of Hutchinson in developing his theory is that Masonry in its progress from the earliest times of antiquity to the present day has been divided into three stages, respectively represented by the three ancient Craft degrees.
Glavna Hutchinsonova ideja u razvijanju ove teorije je da je slobodno zidarstvo u svom razvoju od najdavnijeg doba do danas je bilo podijeljeno u tri faze, koje predstavljaju tri drevna stupnja Zanata.

[Tue Oct 07 12:26:02 2003]
He does not give a very lucid or satisfactory explanation of the reasons which induced him to connect each of these " stages of progress" with one of the symbolical degrees, and indeed the connection appears to be based upon a rather fanciful hypothesis.
On ne nudi dovoljno jasno ili zadovoljavajuće objašnjenje razloga koji su ga naveli da poveže svaku od ovih "faza razvoja" s jednim od simboličnih stupnjeva, i doista čini se da se ta povezanost temelji na prilično maštovitoj pretpostavci.

[Tue Oct 07 12:27:49 2003]
The three stages into which he divides the progress of Masonry from its birth onwards to modem times are distinguished from each other, and distinctively marked by the code of religious ethics professed and taught by each.
Tri faze na koje je podijelio razvoj slobodnog zidarstva od njegovog nastanka pa do modernog doba se međusobno razlikuju, i znatno se ističu po kodeksu religijske etike koji svaka od njih iskazuje i podučava.

[Tue Oct 07 12:27:49 2003]
The first stage, which is represented by the Entered Apprentice degree, commences with Adam and the Garden of Eden and extends to the time of Moses.
Prve faza, koju predstavlja stupanj Pripravnika, počinje s Adamom i rajskim vrtom i obuhvaća Mojsijevo doba.

[Tue Oct 07 12:36:11 2003]
The religious code taught in this first stage of Masonry was confined to a "knowledge of the God of Nature and that acceptable service wherewith He was well pleased."
Religijski kodeks koji se podučavao u ovoj prvoj fazi slobodnog zidarstva bio je ograničen na "znanje o Bogu Prirode i prihvatljivoj službi kojom je zadovoljan."

[Tue Oct 07 12:37:49 2003]
To Adam, while in a state of innocence, this knowledge was imparted, as well as that of all the science and learning which existed in the earliest ages of the world.
Adamu je, dok je bio u stanju nevinosti, ovo znanje bilo pruženo, kao i poznavanje svih znanosti i učenja što je postojalo u najdavnije doba na svijetu.

[Tue Oct 07 12:43:01 2003]
When our first parent fell, although he lost his innocence, he still retained the memory of all that he had been taught while in the Garden of Eden.
Kad je naš prvi roditelj posrnuo, iako je izgubio svoju nevinost, još uvijek je sačuvao u pamćenju sve što je bio naučio dok je bio u rajskom vrtu.

[Tue Oct 07 12:43:01 2003]
This very retention was, indeed, a portion of the punishment incurred for his disobedience.
Upravo ovo pamćenje je, doista, bilo dio kazne kojoj se izložio zbog svog neposluha.

[Tue Oct 07 12:53:02 2003]
" It is known to the world, but more particularly to the brethren, that there are three degrees of Masons - Apprentices, Craftsmen, and Masters;
"Poznato je u svijetu, a osobito među braćom, da postoje tri stupnja slobodnih zidara - Pripravnici, Zanatlije i Majstori;

[Tue Oct 07 12:53:17 2003]
their initiation, and the several advancements from the order of Apprentices, will necessarily lead us to observations in these distinct channels."
njihova inicijacija, i nekoliko unapređenja iz reda Pripravnika, će nas nužno dovesti do opažanja u ovim različitim kanalima."

[Tue Oct 07 12:53:21 2003]
- " Spirit 0f Masonry," lect.
" - " Duh slobodnog zidarstva, " pred.

[Tue Oct 07 14:32:57 2003]
By them these lessons were transmitted to their descendants as the cornerstone and foundation of Masonry , whose teachings at that early period consisted of a belief in the God of Nature and a knowledge of the sciences as they had been transmitted by Adam to his posterity.
Oni su ta učenja prenijeli svojim potomcima kao temelj slobodnog zidarstva, čija su se učenja u tom ranom razdoblju sastojala od vjerovanja u Boga Prirode i poznavanja znanosti koje je Adam prenio svom potomstvu.

[Tue Oct 07 14:32:57 2003]
This system appears to have been very nearly the same as that afterward called by Dr. Oliver the "Pure Freemasonry of Antiquity."
Čini se da je ovaj sustav bio gotovo jednak onome koji je dr. Oliver kasnije nazvao "čistim slobodnim zidarstvom drevnog doba."

[Tue Oct 07 14:51:01 2003]
All of the descendants of Adam did not, however, retain this purity and simplicity of dogma.
Ipak, nisu svi Adamovi potomci sačuvali čistoću i jednostavnost dogme.

[Tue Oct 07 15:03:20 2003]
After the deluge, when mankind became separated, the lessons which had been taught by the antediluvians fell into confusion and oblivion and were corrupted by many peoples, so that the service of the true God, which had been taught in the pure Masonry of the first men, was defiled by idolatry.
Nakon potopa, kad se ljudski rod razdvojio, učenja pretpotopnih ljudi su se pomiješala i pala u zaborav i mnogi narodi su ih iskrivili, tako da je služenje pravom Bogu, koje se podučavalo u čistom slobodnom zidarstvu prvih ljudi, bilo oskvrnuto idolatrijom.

[Tue Oct 07 15:04:26 2003]
These seceders from the pure Adamic Masonry formed institutions of their own, and degenerated, as the first deviation from the simple worship of the God of Nature, into the errors of Sabaism, or the adoration of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.
Ovi su otpadnici od čistog Adamovog slobodnog zidarstva osnovali vlastite institucije i propali su, kao primjer prvog odstupanja od jednostavnog štovanja Boga Prirode, u grijeh heliolatrije, ili obožavanja Sunca, Mjeseca i zvijezda.

[Tue Oct 07 15:04:26 2003]
They adopted symbols and allegories with which to teach esoterically their false doctrines.
Usvojili su simbole i alegorije da ezoterički podučavaju svoje lažne doktrine.

[Tue Oct 07 15:10:25 2003]
The earliest of these seceders were the Egyptians, whose priests secreted the mysteries of their religion from the multitude by symbols and hieroglyphics that were comprehensible to the members of their own order only.
Najstariji od ovih otpadnika su bili Egipćani, čiji su svećenici sakrili misterije svoje religije od naroda pomoću simbola i hijeroglifa koji su bili razumljivi jedino članovima njihovog reda.

[Tue Oct 07 15:11:49 2003]
A similar system was adopted by the priests of Greece and Rome when they established their peculiar Mysteries.
Sličan su sustav usvojili svećenici iz Grčke i Rima kad su utemeljili svoje posebne Misterije.

[Tue Oct 07 15:11:49 2003]
These examples of conveying truth by symbolic methods of teaching were wisely followed by the Masons for the purpose of concealing their own mysteries.
Te primjere prikrivanja istine pomoću simboličnih metoda podučavanja su mudro slijedili slobodni zidari u svrhu prikrivanja vlastitih tajni.

[Tue Oct 07 15:18:19 2003]
From this we naturally make the deduction, although Hutchinson does not expressly say so, that, according to his theory, Masonry was at that early period merely a religious profession "whose principles, maxims, language, learning, and religion were derived from Eden, from the patriarchs, and from the sages of the East," and that the symbolism which now forms so essential an element of the system was not an original characteristic of it, but was borrowed, at a later period, from the mystical and religious associations of the pagans.
Iz ovog je prirodno zaključiti, iako to Hutchinson izričito ne kaže, da je, prema njegovoj teoriji, slobodno zidarstvo u tom ranom razdoblju bilo tek religiozno zanimanje "čija su načela, pravila, jezik, učenje i religija bili dobiveni iz Raja, od praroditelja i od mudraca s Istoka" i da simbolizam koji danas tvori tako bitan element sustava nije bio njegovo izvorno obilježje, nego je prisvojen, u kasnijem razdoblju, od mističnih i religijskih udruženja pogana.

[Tue Oct 07 15:30:27 2003]
Long after, Mr. Grote, in his " History or Greece," spoke or an hypothesis or an ancient and highly instructed body or priests having their origin either in Egypt or the East, who communicated to the rude and barbarous Greeks religious, physical, and historical knowledge under the veil of symbols.
Grote je u svojoj "Povijesti Grčke" govorio o pretpostavci o drevnoj i visoko obrazovanoj skupini svećenika koji su potjecali ili iz Egipta ili s Istoka, i koji su primitivnim i barbarskim Grcima prenijeli znanje o religiji, fizici i povijesti, prikriveno pod velom simbola.

[Tue Oct 07 15:30:27 2003]
The same current of thought appears to have been suggested to the Masonic writer and to the historian of Greece, but each has directed it in a different way - one to the history or the Pagan nations, the other to that of Masonry.
Čini se da su i slobodnozidarski pisac i povjesničara Grčke imali isti tok misli, no svaki ga je drukčije usmjerio - jedan na povijest poganskih naroda, a drugi na povijest slobodnog zidarstva.

[Tue Oct 07 15:39:30 2003]
Such, according to the theory of Hutchinson, was the "first stage" in the progress of Masonry represented by the Entered Apprentice degree, and which consisted simply of a belief in and a worship of the true God as the doctrine was taught by Adam and the patriarchs.
To je, prema Hutchinsonovoj teoriji, bila "prva faza" u razvoju slobodnog zidarstva koju predstavlja stupanj Pripravnika, i koja se sastojala samo od vjerovanja i štovanja pravog Boga jer su tu doktrinu poučavali Adam i rodozačetnici.

[Tue Oct 07 15:40:55 2003]
It was a system of religious principles, with few rites and ceremonies and fewer symbols.
To je bio sustav religijskih načela, s malo obreda i ceremonija i još manje simbola.

[Tue Oct 07 15:40:55 2003]
The second stage in the progress of Masonry, which Hutchinson supposes to be represented by the Fellow Craft degree, commences at the era of Moses and extends through the whole period of the Jewish history to the advent of Christianity.
Druga faza u razvoju slobodnog zidarstva, za koju Hutchinson pretpostavlja da ju predstavlja stupanj Pomoćnika, počinje u doba Mojsija i obuhvaća čitavo razdoblje židovske povijesti do pojave kršćanstva.

[Tue Oct 07 15:57:54 2003]
According to the theory of Hutchinson, the Jewish lawgiver was, of course, in possession of the pure Masonry of the patriarchs which constituted the first stage of the institution, but was enabled to extend its ethical and religious principles in consequence of the instructions in relation to God and the duties of man which he had himself received by an immediate revelation.
Prema Hutchinsonovoj teoriji, židovski zakonodavac je, dakako, poznavao čisto slobodno zidarstvo rodozačetnika koje je sačinjavalo prvu fazu institucije, no bilo mu je omogućeno da proširi njegova etička i religijska načela slijedom uputa u vezi s Bogom i dužnostima čovjeka koje je dobio izravnom objavom.

[Tue Oct 07 16:08:04 2003]
In other words, Masonry in its first stage was cosmopolitan in its religious teachings, requiring only a belief in the God of Nature as he had been revealed to Adam and his immediate descendants, but in the second stage, as inaugurated by Moses, that universal belief was exchanged for one in the Deity as He had made himself known on Mount Sinai.
Drugim riječima, slobodno zidarstvo je u prvoj fazi bilo kozmopolitsko u svojim religijskim učenjima, zahtijevajući jedino vjerovanje u Boga Prirode, onakvog kakav se objavio Adamu i njegovim izravnim potomcima, no u drugoj fazi, koju je ustoličio Mojsije, to univerzalno vjerovanje je zamijenjeno vjerovanjem u Boga kakav se objavio na Brdu Sinaj.

[Tue Oct 07 16:08:04 2003]
That is to say, the second or Mosaic stage of Masonry became Judaic in its profession.
To jest, druga ili mojsijevska faza slobodnog zidarstva je postala židovska u svom vjerovanju.

[Tue Oct 07 16:16:10 2003]
But in another respect Masonry in its second stage assumed a different form from that which had marked its primitive state.
Ali s druge strane, slobodno zidarstvo je u svojoj drugoj fazi poprimilo drugačiji oblik od onoga koji je obilježio njegovo prvotno stanje.

[Tue Oct 07 16:22:29 2003]
Moses, from his peculiar education, was well acquainted with the rites, the ceremonies, the hieroglyphs, and the symbols used by the Egyptian priesthood.
Mojsije je, zahvaljujući svom osebujnom obrazovanju, bio dobro upoznat s obredima, ceremonijama, hijeroglifima i simbolima koje su koristili egipatsk svećenici.

[Tue Oct 07 16:22:29 2003]
Many of these he introduced into Masonry, and thus began that system which, coming originally from the Egyptians and subsequently augmented by derivations from the Druids, the Essenes, the Pythagoreans, and other mystical associations, at last was developed into that science of symbolism which now constitutes so important and essential a characteristic of modern Freemasonry.
Mnogo od toga je uveo u slobodno zidarstvo, i tako je započeo taj sustav koji se, potječući izvorno od Egipćana i kasnije povećan uzimajući od Druida, Esena, Pitagorejaca i drugih mističnih udruženja, naposlijetku razvio u znanost simbolizma koja danas čini tako važno i ključno obilježje suvremenog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Tue Oct 07 16:33:11 2003]
A third change in the form of Masonry, which took place in its Mosaic or Judaic stage, was the introduction of the operative art of building among its disciples.
Treća promjena u obliku slobodnog zidarstva, koja se dogodila u njegovoj mojsijskoj ili židovskoj fazi, je bilo uvođenje operativnog umijeća građenja među njegove učenike.

[Tue Oct 07 16:33:11 2003]
Instances of this occurred in the days of Moses, when Aholiab, Bezaleel, and other Masons were engaged in the construction of the Tabernacle, and subsequently in the time of Solomon, when that monarch occupied his Masons in the erection of the Temple.
Primjeri ovog su se dogodili u doba Mojsija, kad su Oholiab, Besalel i drugi slobodni zidari radili na izgradnji Prebivališta, i kasnije u doba Salomona, kad je taj vladar uposlio svoje slobodne zidare na podizanju Hrama.

[Thu Oct 09 11:28:33 2003]
But, as has already been shown in a preceding part of this chapter, Hutchinson does not conclude from these facts that Masonry was ever connected in its origin with " builders, architects, or mechanics."
No, kao što je već pokazano u prethodnom dijelu ovog poglavlja, Hutchinson iz ovih činjenica ne zaključuje da je slobodno zidarstvo po svom podrijetlu ikad bilo povezano s "graditeljima, arhitektima ili zanatlijama."

[Thu Oct 09 11:32:52 2003]
The occupation of these Masons as builders was entirely accidental, and did not at all interfere with or supersede their character as members of a purely speculative association.
" Zanimanje ovih slobodnih zidara kao graditelja je bilo sasvim slučajno i uopće nije utjecalo na ili nadmašilo njihov značaj kao članova jednog potpuno spekulativnog udruženja.

[Thu Oct 09 11:32:52 2003]
But it may be as well to give, at this point, in his own words, his explanation of the manner in which the Masons became, on certain occasions, builders, and whence arose in modern times the erroneous idea that the Masonic profession consisted of architects.
No bilo bi dobro, u ovom trenutku, dati, njegovim riječima, objašnjenje načina na koji su slobodni zidari postali, u nekim prilikama, graditelji, odakle je u moderno doba proizašla kriva predodžba da se slobodnozidarska struka sastojala od arhitekata.

[Thu Oct 09 11:44:43 2003]
" I presume," he says, " that the name of Mason in this society doth not denote that the rise or origin of such society was solely from builders, architects, or mechanics;
"Pretpostavljam" kaže, "da naziv slobodni zidar u ovom društvu ne označava da je takvo društvo nastalo ili proizašlo isključivo od graditelja, arhitekata ili zanatlija;

[Thu Oct 09 11:52:08 2003]
at the times in which Moses ordained the setting up of the sanctuary, and when Solomon was about to build the Temple at Jerusalem, they selected from out of the people those men who were enlightened with the true faith, and, being full of wisdom and religious fervor, were found proper to conduct these works of piety.
u doba kad je Mojsije naredio podizanje svetišta, i kad je Salomon namjeravao sagraditi Hram u Jeruzalemu, oni su iz svog naroda izabrali ljude koji su bili prosvijećeni pravom vjerom, i, budući da su bili puni mudrosti i religioznog žara, smatrali su ih prikladanima za izvršenje ovih pobožnih djela.

[Thu Oct 09 11:54:36 2003]
It was on those occasions that our predecessors appeared to the world as architects and were formed into a body, under salutary rules, for the government of those who were employed in these great works, since which period builders have adopted the name of Masons, as an honorary distinction and title to their profession.
U tim prilikama su naši prethodnici djelovali kao arhitekti i bili su udruženi u skupinu, s korisnim pravilima, jer za upravljanje onima koji su bili uposleni na ovim velikim radovima, i od tog su vremena graditelji usvojili naziv slobodni zidari, kao počasno priznanje i ime svoje struke.

[Thu Oct 09 11:54:36 2003]
I am induced to believe the name of Mason has its derivation from a language in which it implies some indication or distinction of the nature of the society , and that it has not its relation to architects."
Sklon sam vjerovati da naziv slobodni zidar potječe iz jezika u kojem podrazumijeva neki znak ili odliku prirode društva, i da nije povezano s arhitektima."

[Thu Oct 09 12:02:44 2003]
Masonry was not organized at the Temple of Solomon, as is believed by those who adopt the Temple theory, but yet that building occupies, according to the views of Hutchinson, an important place in the history of the institution.
Slobodno zidarstvo nije bilo osnovano pri izgradnji Salomonovog Hrama, kako vjeruju oni koji prihvaćaju teoriju o Hramu, no ta građevina ipak zauzima, prema Hutchinsonovim stajalištima, važno mjesto u povijesti institucije.

[Thu Oct 09 12:05:02 2003]
It was erected during the second stage of the progress of Masonry , not, as we must infer from the language of our author, by the heathen operatives of Tyre, but solely by Israelitish Masons;
Za vrijeme druge faze razvoja slobodnog zidarstva su ju izgradili, ne, kako moramo zaključiti iz autorovih riječi, pogani radnici iz Tira, nego isključivo židovski slobodni zidari;

[Thu Oct 09 12:05:02 2003]
or, if assisted by any, it was only by proselytes who on or before their initiation had accepted the Jewish faith.
ili, ako im je itko pomagao, to su bili jedino obraćenici koji su prije ili nakon inicijacije prihvatili židovsku vjeru.

[Thu Oct 09 12:12:23 2003]
In a subsequent lecture (xiii.)
U sljedećem predavanju (xiii.)

[Thu Oct 09 12:12:23 2003]
he attempts, in an historical argument, to show that the guild of Masons incorporated in the reign of Henry V, and the laws concerning "congregations and confederacies of Masons," passed in the succeeding reign, had no reference whatever to the speculative society.
) on pokušava, uz povijesne dokaze, pokazati da ceh slobodnih zidara zakonski priznat za vrijeme vladavine Henrika V, i zakoni u vezi sa "skupovima i savezima slobodnih zidara", koji su doneseni za vrijeme iduće vladavine, nisu imali nikakve veze sa spekulativnim društvom.

[Thu Oct 09 12:13:13 2003]
"Spirit of Masonry ," lect.
"Duh slobodnog zidarstva", pred.

[Thu Oct 09 12:14:03 2003]
In another place in this work the etymological ideas of Hutchinson and other writers will be duly investigated.
Etimološke ideje Hutchinsona i drugih pisaca će biti propisno istražene drugdje u ovom djelu.

[Thu Oct 09 12:18:59 2003]
The language of Hutchinson is on this point somewhat obscure, yet I think that it admits only of the interpretation which has been given.
Ovdje su Hutchinsonove riječi ponešto nejasne, no mislim da dopuštaju jedino tumačenje koje je dano.

[Thu Oct 09 12:25:33 2003]
He says:

[Thu Oct 09 12:29:43 2003]
"As the sons of Aaron alone were admitted to the holy office and to the sacrificial rites, so none but devotees were admitted to this labour ( on the temple ).
"Kako su jedino Aronovi sinovi smjeli u svetu službu i žrtvene obrede, tako su samo pobožni bili primljeni na ove radove (na hramu).

[Thu Oct 09 12:29:43 2003]
On this stage we see those religious who had received the truth and the light of understanding as possessed by the first men, embodied as artificers and engaged in this holy work as architects."
U ovoj fazi vidimo te religiozne koji su dobili istinu i svjetlo razumijevanja kakvo su imali prvi ljudi, udružene kao zanatlije i uposlene na ovom svetom poslu kao arhitekte."

[Thu Oct 09 12:33:59 2003]
Still more explicit is the following statement, made in a subsequent part of the work:
Još je izričitija sljedeća tvrdnja, koju navodi kasnije u djelu:

[Thu Oct 09 12:35:41 2003]
" Solomon was truly the executor of that plan which was revealed to him from above;
"Salomon je doista bio izvršitelj tog plana koji mu je objavljen odozgo;

[Thu Oct 09 12:38:46 2003]
he called forth the sages and religious men amongst his people to perform the work ;
pozvao je mudrace i religiozne ljude u svom narodu da izvrše taj posao;

[Thu Oct 09 12:39:41 2003]
he classed them according to their rank in their religious profession, as the priests of the Temple were stationed in the solemn rites and ceremonies instituted there.
razvrstao ih je u skladu s njihovim položajem u religijskom zanimanju, kao što su svećenici u Hramu bili postavljeni u svečanim obredima i ceremonijama koji su tamo utemeljeni.

[Thu Oct 09 12:39:41 2003]
The chosen ones of Solomon, as a pious and holy duty, conducted the work."
Oni koje je Salomon odabrao su, kao pobožnu i svetu dužnost, obavljali posao."

[Thu Oct 09 12:53:37 2003]
Solomon did not, therefore, organize, as has very commonly been believed, a system of Masonry by the aid of his Tyrian workmen, and especially Hiram Abif, who has always been designated by the Craft as his " Chief Builder," but he practiced and transmitted to his descendants the primitive Masonry derived from Adam and modified into its sectarian Jewish form by Moses.
Salomon nije, stoga, organizirao, kako se vrlo često vjeruje, sustav slobodnog zidarstva uz pomoć svojih tirskih radnika, a posebno Hirama Abifa, kojeg su članovi Zanata uvijek nazivali njegovim "Glavnim graditeljem", nego je provodio i svojim potomcima prenio prvotno slobodno zidarstvo dobiveno od Adama, koje je Mojsije izmijenio u njegov ograničeni židovski oblik.

[Thu Oct 09 12:55:41 2003]
The Masonry of Solomon, like that of the great lawgiver of the Israelites, was essentially Judaic in its religious ethics.
Slobodno zidarstvo Salomona, kao velikog zakonodavca Izraelićana, je bilo u biti židovsko u svojoj religijskoj etici.

[Thu Oct 09 12:55:41 2003]
It was but a continuation of that second stage of Masonry which, as I have already said, lasted, according to the Hutchinsonian theory , until the era of Christianity.
Bilo je nastavak druge faze slobodnog zidarstva koja je, kao što sam već rekao, trajala, prema Hutchinsonovoj teoriji, do doba kršćanstva.

[Thu Oct 09 14:18:11 2003]
But the wisdom and power of Solomon had attracted to him the attention of the neighboring nations, and the splendor of the edifice which he had erected extended his fame and won the admiration of the most distant parts of the world, so that his name and his artificers became the wonder of mankind, and the works of the latter excited their emulation.
No Salomonova mudrost i moć su pobudile pažnju susjednih naroda, a veličanstvenost građevine koju je bio podigao je proširila njegovu slavu i pribavila mu divljenje ljudi iz najudaljenijih dijelova svijeta, tako da su njegovo ime i njegovi majstori postali čudo ljudskog roda, a djela potonjih su potakla ostale na oponašanje.

[Thu Oct 09 14:18:12 2003]
Hence the Masons of Solomon were dispersed from Jerusalem into various lands, where they superintended the architectural labors of other princes, converted infidels, initiated foreign brethren into their mysteries, and thus extended the order over the distant quarters of the known world.
Stoga su se Salomonovi slobodni zidari Salomona iz Jeruzalema raspršili po različitim zemljama, gdje su nadzirali arhitekturne radove drugih vladara, preobraćali nevjernike, inicirali stranu braću u svoje misterije i tako širili red u udaljene dijelove poznatog svijeta.

[Thu Oct 09 14:23:02 2003]
I have employed in this paragraph the very language of Hutchinson.
U ovom sam odlomku upotrijebio točne Hutchinsonove riječi.

[Thu Oct 09 14:23:02 2003]
However mythical the statements therein contained may be deemed by the iconoclasts, there can be no doubt that they were accepted by the learned author as undeniably historical.
Koliko god ikonoklasti smatrali te tvrdnje mitskima, nema sumnje da ih je učeni pisac prihvaćao kao nedvojbeno povijesne.

[Thu Oct 09 14:30:23 2003]
Hence we see that, according to the theory of Hutchinson, King Solomon, although not the founder of Masonry at the Temple and not our first Grand Master, as he has been called, was the first to propagate the association into foreign countries.
Stoga vidimo da je, prema Hutchinsonovoj teoriji, kralj Salomon, iako nije bio osnivač slobodnog zidarstva u Hramu, niti naš prvi Veliki Majstor, kako ga se naziva, bio prvi koji je proširio udruženje u strane zemlje.

[Thu Oct 09 14:30:23 2003]
Until his time, it had been confined to the Jewish descendants of the patriarchs.
Do njegovog je vremena bilo ograničeno na židovske potomke rodozačetnika.

[Thu Oct 09 14:45:20 2003]
The next or third stage of the progress of Masonry, represented by the Master's degree, commenced at the advent of Christianity.
Sljedeća ili treća faza razvoja slobodnog zidarstva, koju predstavlja stupanj Majstora, je započela s pojavom kršćanstva.

[Thu Oct 09 14:45:20 2003]
As Hutchinson in his description of the two preceding progressive classes of Masons had assigned to the first, as represented by the Apprentices, only the knowledge of the God of Nature as it prevailed in the earliest ages of the world, and to the second, as represented by the Fellow Crafts, the further knowledge of God as revealed in the Mosaic Legation, so to this third stage, as represented by Master Masons, he had assigned the complete and perfect knowledge of God as revealed in the Christian dispensation.
Kako je Hutchinson u opisu dvaju prethodnih postupnih razreda slobodnih zidara pripisao prvome, kojeg predstavljaju Pripravnici, jedino poznavanje Boga Prirode kao što je prevladalo u najdavnija vremena na svijetu, a drugome, koje predstavljaju Pomoćnici, daljnje znanje o Bogu kakav se objavio u mojsijevskom poslanstvu, tako je ovoj trećoj fazi, koju predstavljaju Majstori slobodni zidari, pripisao potpuno i savršeno znanje o Bogu kakav se objavljuje u kršćanskom uređenju.

[Thu Oct 09 14:55:37 2003]
Masonry is thus made by him to assume in this third stage of its progressive growth a purely Christian character.
Tako po njemu slobodno zidarstvo u ovoj trećoj fazi svog postupnog razvoja poprima sasvim kršćanski značaj.

[Thu Oct 09 15:01:42 2003]
The introduction of rites and ceremonies under the Jewish law, which had been derived from the neighboring heathen nations, had clouded and obscured the service of God, and consequently corrupted the second stage of Masonry as established by Moses and followed by Solomon.
Uvođenje obreda i ceremonija pod židovskim zakonom, koji su dobiveni od susjednih poganih naroda, je zamračilo i zasjenilo služenje Bogu, i slijedom toga iskvarilo drugu fazu slobodnog zidarstva kakvu je utemeljio Mojsije, a slijedio Salomon.

[Thu Oct 09 15:04:46 2003]
God, perceiving the ruin which was overwhelming mankind by this pollution of His ordinances and laws, devised a new scheme for redeeming His creatures from the errors into which they had fallen.
Bog je, vidjevši rasulo koje je preplavilo ljudski rod zbog iskrivljavanja njegovih odredbi i zakona, smislio nov način da oslobodi svoja stvorenja od grijehova u koje su bili zapali.

[Thu Oct 09 15:04:46 2003]
And this scheme was typified in the Third or Master's stage in the progressive course of Masonry.
I taj način je simbolično predstavljen u trećoj ili fazi Majstora u postupnom tijeku slobodnog zidarstva.

[Thu Oct 09 15:12:49 2003]
Hence the Master's degree is, in this theory, exclusively a Christian invention;
Stoga je stupanj Majstora, prema ovoj teoriji, isključivo kršćanski izum;

[Thu Oct 09 15:13:46 2003]
the legend receives a purely Christian interpretation, and the allegory of Hiram Abif is made to refer to the death or abolition of the Jewish law and the establishment of the new dispensation under Jesus Christ.
legenda dobiva sasvim kršćansko tumačenje, a alegorija Hirama Abifa se odnosi na smrt ili ukidanje židovskog zakona i uspostavu novog poretka pod Isusom Kristom.

[Thu Oct 09 15:14:55 2003]
A few citations from the language of Hutchinson will place this theory very clearly before the reader.
Nekoliko navoda Hutchinsonovih riječi će ovu teoriju vrlo jasno predočiti čitatelju.

[Thu Oct 09 15:16:01 2003]
The death and burial of the Master Builder, and the consequent loss of the true Word, are thus applied to the Christian dispensation.
Smrt i pogreb Majstora Graditelja, i posljedični gubitak prave Riječi, se tako odnose na kršćansko uređenje.

[Thu Oct 09 15:16:01 2003]
"Piety, which had planned the Temple at Jerusalem, was expunged.
"Pobožnost, koja je bila osmislila Hram u Jeruzalemu, je bila uništena.

[Thu Oct 09 15:31:08 2003]
The reverence and adoration due to the Divinity was buried in the filth and rubbish of the world.
Poštivanje i obožavanje Boga su nestali u prljavštini i nečistoći svijeta.

[Thu Oct 09 15:32:21 2003]
Persecution had dispersed the few who retained their obedience, and the name of the true God was almost lost and forgotten among men, "In this situation it might well be said 'That the guide to Heaven was lost and the Master of the works of righteousness was smitten.'
Progon je raštrkao nekolicinu koji su sačuvali tu pokornost, a ime pravog Boga je među ljudima bilo gotovo izgubljeno i zaboravljeno. U tim okolnostima moglo bi se reći 'Da je izgubljena vodilja do Neba, a Majstor djela pravednih je bio uništen.'

[Thu Oct 09 15:33:59 2003]
Again, "True religion was fled.
Opet, "Od prave se vjere bježalo.

[Thu Oct 09 15:35:09 2003]
'Those who sought her through the wisdom of the ancients were not able to raise her;
'Oni koji su ju tražili u mudrosti drevnih naroda, nisu ju mogli uzdići;

[Thu Oct 09 15:35:11 2003]
she eluded the grasp, and their polluted hands were stretched forth in vain for her restoration.'
bježala im je iz ruke, a njihove zaprljane ruke su se uzalud pružale u nadi da će ju ponovo obnoviti.'

[Thu Oct 09 15:45:10 2003]
Finally he explains the allegory of the Third degree as directly referring to Christ, in the following words:
Konačno, on sljedećim riječima objašnjava da se alegorija trećeg stupnja izravno odnosi na Krista:

[Thu Oct 09 15:45:31 2003]
"The great Father of All, commiserating the miseries of the world, sent His only Son, who was innocence itself, to teach the doctrine of salvation, by whom man was raised from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness;
"Veliki Otac sviju, suosjećajući zbog nevolja svijeta, je poslao svog Sina jedinca, koji je bio sama nevinost, da pouči učenje spasenja, i po kojem je čovjek uzdignut iz smrti grijeha u život pravednosti;

[Thu Oct 09 15:47:06 2003]
from the tomb of corruption unto the chambers of hope ;
iz groba pokvarenosti u odaje nade;

[Thu Oct 09 15:49:06 2003]
from the darkness of despair to the celestial beams of faith."
iz mraka očaja do nebeskog sjaja vjere."

[Thu Oct 09 15:54:00 2003]
And finally, that there may be no doubt of his theory that the third degree was altogether Christian in its origin and design, he explicitly says:
" I konačno, kako ne bi bilo sumnje da je treći stupanj po njegovoj teoriji u potpunosti kršćanski po svom podrijetlu i ideji, on izričito kaže:

[Thu Oct 09 15:57:38 2003]
"Thus the Master Mason represents a man under the Christian doctrine saved from the grave of iniquity and raised to the faith of salvation.
"Tako Majstor slobodni zidar predstavlja čovjeka koji je prema kršćanskom učenju izbavljen iz groba pokvarenosti i uzdignut vjere spasenja.

[Thu Oct 09 15:57:38 2003]
As the great testimonial that we are risen from the state of corruption, we bear the emblem of the Holy Trinity as the insignia of our vows and of the origin of the Master's order."
U veliku počast tome što smo uzdignuti iz stanja pokvarenosti, nosimo simbol Svetog Trojstva kao znak naših zavjeta i podrijetla reda Majstora."

[Thu Oct 09 16:09:18 2003]
In the 18th century it was supposed, by an incorrect translation of the Hebrew, that the substitute word signified " The Master is smitten."
stoljeću se smatralo, zbog netočnog prijevoda s hebrejskog, da je zamjenska riječ značila "Majstor je uništen."

[Thu Oct 09 16:09:18 2003]
Dr. Oliver adopted that interpretation.
Oliver je prihvatio to tumačenje.

[Thu Oct 09 16:14:07 2003]
By " the wisdom of the ancients " is meant the two preceding stages of Masonry represented, as we have seen, by the Apprentices and the Fellow Craft.
Pod "mudrosti drevnih naroda" se misli na dvije prethodne faze slobodnog zidarstva koje predstavljaju, kao što smo vidjeli, Pripravnici i Pomoćnici.

[Thu Oct 09 16:14:07 2003]
In the allegory of Hiram, the knowledge of each of these degrees is unsuccessfully applied to effect the raising.
U alegoriji Hirama, poznavanje svakog od ovih stupnjeva se bezuspješno primjenjuje da prouzroči uzdizanje.

[Thu Oct 09 16:16:05 2003]

[Thu Oct 09 16:16:48 2003]
The Greek word akakia means innocence.
Grčka riječ akakia znači nevinost.

[Thu Oct 09 16:16:48 2003]
Hence in the succeeding paragraph he calls Masons " true Acacians."
Stoga u sljedećem odlomku slobodne zidare naziva "pravim Akacijancima."

[Thu Oct 09 16:37:41 2003]
The christianization of the Third or Master's degree, that is, the interpretation of its symbols as referring to Christ and to Christian dogmas, is not peculiar to nor original with Hutchinson.
Kristijanizacija trećeg stupnja ili stupnja Majstora, odnosno, tumačenje njegovih simbola kao da se odnose na Krista i na kršćanske dogme, nije izvorno niti svojstveno Hutchinsonu.

[Thu Oct 09 16:42:07 2003]
It was the accepted doctrine of almost all his contemporaries, and several of the rituals of the 18th century contain unmistakable traces of it.
To je bila prihvaćena doktrina gotovo svih njegovih suvremenika, i neki obredi iz 18. stoljeća sadrže njene jasne tragove.

[Thu Oct 09 16:42:24 2003]
It was not, indeed, until the revisal of the lectures by Dr. Hemming, in 1813, that all references in them to Christianity were expunged.
Hemming, 1813. godine ponovno pregledao predavanja, su izbrisane sve aluzije na kršćanstvo.

[Thu Oct 09 16:47:29 2003]
19th century, Dr. Oliver had explicitly declared that if he had not been fully convinced that Freemasonry is a system of Christian ethics - that it contributes its aid to point the way to the Grand Lodge above, through the Cross of Christ - he should never have been found among the number of its advocates.
Oliver je izričito ustvrdio da kad ne bi bio potpuno uvjeren da je slobodno zidarstvo sustav kršćanske etike - da doprinosi njenoj potpori da pokaže put do Velike Lože gore, kroz Kristov Križ - nikad se ne bi našao među velikim brojem njegovih zagovornika.

[Thu Oct 09 16:59:02 2003]
Notwithstanding that the Grand Lodge of England had authoritatively declared, in the year 1723, that Masonry required a belief only in that religion in which all men agree, the tendency among all our early writers after the revival of I 717 was to Christianize the institution.
Unatoč tome što je Velika Loža Engleske službeno objavila, godine 1723, da slobodno zidarstvo zahtijeva vjerovanje jedino u onu religiju u kojoj se svi ljudi slažu, svi raniji pisci nakon preporoda 1717. su težili kristijanizaciji institucije.