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[Mon Oct 13 15:22:12 2003]
And yet this appears to be the theory that was entertained by this learned but too credulous scholar.
A ipak, čini se da je upravo to teorija koju je podržavao ovaj učeni, ali previše lakovjerni znanstvenik.

[Mon Oct 13 15:30:36 2003]
The Temple Legend is a name that I give to that legend or tradition which traces the origin of Freemasonry as an organized institution to the Temple of Solomon and to the builders, Jewish and Tyrian, who were employed in the construction of that edifice.
Legenda o Hramu je naziv koji dajem legendi ili predaji koja podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva kao organizirane institucije pripisuje izgradnji Salomonovog Hrama i graditeljima, židovskim i tirskim, koji su radili na podizanju te građevine.

[Mon Oct 13 15:40:27 2003]
This is the legend that is now almost universally accepted by the great mass of the Masonic fraternity.
To je legenda koju danas gotovo univerzalno prihvaća glavnina članova bratstva slobodnih zidara.

[Mon Oct 13 15:43:17 2003]
Perhaps nine out of ten of the Freemasons of the present day - that is to say, all those who receive tradition with the undoubting faith that should be given to history only - conscientiously believe that Freemasonry, as we now see it, organized into lodges and degrees with Grand Masters, Masters, and Wardens, with the same ritual observances, was first devised by Solomon, King of Israel, and assumed.
Možda devet od deset današnjih slobodnih zidara - to jest, svi oni koji prihvaćaju tradiciju s bezuvjetnom vjerom kakvu zaslužuje jedino povijest - savjesno vjeruje da je slobodno zidarstvo, onakvo kakvim ga danas vidimo, organizirano u lože i stupnjeve s Velikim Majstorima, Majstorima i Čuvarima, s istim obrednim običajima, prvi put osmislio Salomon, kralj Izraela, i da je zauzelo

[Mon Oct 13 15:50:10 2003]
This theory is not a new one.
Ova teorija nije nova.

[Mon Oct 13 15:52:16 2003]
It was probably at first suggested by the passage in the Legend of the Craft which briefly describes the building of the Temple and the confirmation by Solomon of the charges which his father David had given to the Masons.
Vjerojatno ju je prvi put sugerirao odlomak u Legendi o Zanatu koji ukratko opisuje izgradnju Hrama i Salomonovo potvrđivanje dužnosti koje je njegov otac David bio dao slobodnim zidarima.

[Mon Oct 13 15:53:23 2003]
There can be no doubt from this passage in the Legend that the Temple of Solomon occupied a prominent place in the ideas of the mediaeval Masons.
Ovaj odlomak nedvojbeno ukazuje na to da je Legenda o Salomonovom Hramu zauzimala istaknuto mjesto u mislima srednjovjekovnih slobodnih zidara.

[Mon Oct 13 15:53:23 2003]
How much use they made of it in their esoteric ceremonies we, of course, are unable to learn.
Koliko su ju koristili u svojim ezoteričnim obredima, dakako, ne možemo saznati.

[Mon Oct 13 15:56:04 2003]
In a sermon by the Rev. A.
U propovijedi vlč.A.

[Mon Oct 13 15:58:15 2003]
Keigwin, at the dedication of the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia (1873), we find the following passage:
Keigwina, povodom posvećenja slobodnozidarskog Hrama u Philadelphiji (1873), nalazimo sljedeći odlomak:

[Mon Oct 13 15:58:55 2003]
"Historically, Masonry dates from the building of the Temple of Solomon.
"Povijesno gledano, slobodno zidarstvo datira iz vremena izgradnje Salomonovog Hrama.

[Mon Oct 13 16:00:41 2003]
No one at the present day disputes this claim."
Danas nitko ne osporava tu tvrdnju."

[Mon Oct 13 16:02:14 2003]
I cite this out of hundreds of similar passages in other writers, to show how universal among such educated Masons is the belief in the Temple theory.
" Navodim ovaj između stotina sličnih odlomaka ostalih pisce, da pokažem kako je uobičajeno među takvim obrazovnim slobodnim zidarima vjerovanje u teoriju o Hramu.

[Mon Oct 13 16:02:14 2003]
It is, in fact, very true that only those scholars who have made the history of the Order an especial study have any doubts upon the subject.
Zapravo, istina je da jedino oni znanstvenici kojima je povijest Reda predmet posebnog proučavanja dvoje oko te teme.

[Mon Oct 13 16:22:33 2003]
It is, however, a significant coincidence, if nothing more, that there was a somewhat similar legend among the " Compagnons de la Tour," those mystical associations of workmen who sprang up in France about the 12th century , and who are supposed to have been an offshoot of dissatisfied journeymen from the body of oppressive Masters, who at that period constituted the ruling power of the corporate guilds of operative Masons and other crafts.
Međutim, značajna je podudarnost, ako ništa više od toga, da je postojala donekle slična legenda među "Compagnons de la Tour", tim mističnim udruženjima radnika koji su niknuli u Francuskoj otprilike u 12. stoljeću, i za koje se pretpostavlja da su bili ogranak nezadovoljnih šegrta iz skupine tiranskih Majstora, koji su u tom razdoblju činili vladajuću snagu udruženih cehova operativnih slobodnih zidara i drugih zanata.

[Mon Oct 13 16:38:21 2003]
As the traditions of this society in reference to the Temple of Solomon are calculated to throw much light on the ideas which prevailed among the Masons in respect to the same subject, and as the Temple legends of the " Compagnons " are better known to us than those of the mediaeval operative Masons, and finally, as it is not at all unlikely that the ideas of the former were derived from those of the latter, it will not be inexpedient to take a brief view of the Temple legend of the Compagnonage.
Kako su tradicije ovog društva u vezi sa Salomonovim Hramom zamišljene tako da dobro osvijetle ideje koje su prevladale među slobodnim zidarima u vezi s tom temom, i kako su nam legende o Hramu "Kompanjona" poznatije od onih srednjovjekovnih operativnih slobodnih zidara, i konačno, kako nije sasvim nemoguće da su ideje prvospomenutih dobivene od onih potonjih, bit će korisno ukratko pregledati legendu o Hramu Kompanjonaže.

[Mon Oct 13 16:43:06 2003]
The Compagnons de la Tour have three different legends, each of which traces the association back to the Temple of Solomon, through three different founders, which causes the Compagnonage to be divided into three distinct and, unfortunately, hostile associations.
Compagnons de la Tour imaju tri različite legende, svaka od kojih prati podrijetlo udruženja sve do do Salomonovog Hrama, preko tri različita osnivača, zbog čega je Compagnonage podijeljena na tri različita i, nažalost, neprijateljska udruženja.

[Mon Oct 13 16:43:06 2003]
These are the Children of Solomon, the Children of Maitre Jacques, and the Children of Pere Soubise.
To su Djeca Salomona, Djeca Maitre Jacquesa, i Djeca Pere Soubisea.

[Mon Oct 13 16:50:49 2003]
The Children of Solomon assert that they were associated into a brotherhood by King Solomon himself at the building of the Temple.
Djeca Salomona tvrde da ih je u bratstvo udružio sam kralj Salomon za vrijeme izgradnje Hrama.

[Mon Oct 13 16:50:49 2003]
The Children of Maître Jacques and those of Pere Soubise declare that both of these workmen were employed at the Temple, and after its completion went together to Gaul, where they taught the arts which they had learned at Jerusalem.
Djeca Maître Jacquesa, kao i djeca Pere Soubisea tvrde da su oba ova radnika radila na Hramu, i nakon njegovog dovršenja zajedno otišli u Galiju, gdje su podučavali umijeća koja su bili naučili u Jeruzalemu.

[Mon Oct 13 16:53:55 2003]
The tradition of Maître Jacques is particularly interesting.
Predaja o Maître Jacquesu je posebno zanimljiva.

[Mon Oct 13 16:54:03 2003]
He is said to have been the son of a celebrated architect named Jacquain, who was one of the chief Masters of Solomon and a colleague of Hiram Abif.
Navodno je bio sin glasovitog arhitekta po imenu Jacquain, koji je bio jedan od glavnih Salomonovih Majstora i kolega Hirama Abifa.

[Mon Oct 13 16:54:55 2003]
age of fifteen he was employed as a stone-cutter.
Od petnaeste godine je radio kao klesar.

[Mon Oct 13 16:59:00 2003]
He traveled through Greece, where he acquired a knowledge of architecture and sculpture.
Proputovao je Grčku, gdje je stekao znanje o arhitekturi i kiparstvu.

[Mon Oct 13 16:59:00 2003]
He then went to Egypt and thence to Jerusalem, where, being engaged in the construction of the Temple, he fabricated two pillars with such consummate skill that he was at once received as a Master of the Craft.
Zatim je otišao u Egipat, a otamo u Jeruzalem, gdje je, zaposlen na izgradnji Hrama, izradio dva stupa takvom savršenom vještinom da je odmah bio prihvaćen kao Majstor Zanata.

[Mon Oct 13 17:08:20 2003]
It is not necessary to pursue the legend of the French Compagnonage any further.
Nije potrebno dalje slijediti legendu o francuskoj Compagnonage.

[Mon Oct 13 17:08:20 2003]
Sufficient has been told to show that they traced their origin to the Temple of Solomon and that the legend referred to events connected with that edifice.
Dovoljno je rečeno da se pokaže da su pripisivali svoje podrijetlo Salomonovom Hramu i da se legenda odnosila na događaje povezane s tom građevinom.

[Mon Oct 13 17:29:59 2003]
Now, as these traveling Journeymen (for thus may we translate their French title) are known to have separated themselves in the 12th century from the corporations of Master Workmen in consequence of the narrow and oppressive policy of these bodies, making what in modern times would be called a "strike," it is reasonable to suppose that they carried with them into their new and independent organization many of the customs, ceremonies, and traditions which they had learned from the main body or Master's guilds of which they were an offshoot.
stoljeću izdvojili iz društava Majstora Radnika zbog ograničavajuće i ugnjetavalačke politike ovih tijela, izvršavajući ono što bi se u moderna vremena nazivalo "štrajkom", opravdano je pretpostaviti da su u svoju novu i neovisnu organizaciju donijeli mnoge običaje, obrede i tradicije koje su bili naučili od glavne skupine ili cehova Majstora, čiji su bili ogranak.

[Mon Oct 13 17:29:59 2003]
Therefore, although we have not been able to find any legend or tradition of the mediaeval operative Masons which traced their origin to the Temple of Solomon, yet as we find such a tradition prevailing among an association of workmen who, as we know, were at one time identified with the Operative Masons and seceded from them on a question of policy, we have a reasonable right to believe that the legend of the Compagnons de la Tour, or Traveling Journeymen, which traced their origin to the Temple of Solomon, was derived by them from the Corporations of Masters or Guilds of Operative Masons, among whom it was an accepted tradition.
Stoga, iako nismo mogli pronaći ikakvu legendu ili predaju srednjovjekovnih operativnih slobodnih zidara koja bi njihovo podrijetlo pripisivala izgradnji Salomonovog Hrama, a kako ipak nalazimo takvu tradiciju raširenu među udruženjem radnika koji su, kao što znamo, jednom bili poistovjećivani s operativnim slobodnim zidarima i koji su se od njih odvojili zbog politike, imamo opravdano pravo vjerovati da je legenda o Compagnons de la Tour, ili Putujućim Kalfama, koja je njihovo podrijetlo dovodila u vezu da Salomonovim Hramom, bila dobivena od Udruženja Majstora ili Cehova operativnih slobodnih zidara, među kojima je to bila prihvaćena tradicija.

[Mon Oct 13 17:35:54 2003]
And therefore we have in this way the foundation for a reasonable belief that the Legend of the Temple origin of Masonry is older than the era of the Revival in the 'beginning of the 18th century, and that it had been a recognized doctrine among the operative Masons of the Middle Ages.
I tako imamo temelj za opravdano vjerovanje da je Legenda o podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva za vrijeme izgradnje Hrama starija od razdoblja Preporoda s početka 18. stoljeća, i da je bila priznata doktrina među operativnim slobodnim zidarima srednjeg vijeka.

[Mon Oct 13 17:52:20 2003]
The absence of the Legend in any formal detail from all the old manuscripts does not prove that there was no such Legend, for being of an esoteric character, it may, from conscientious motives, or in obedience to some regulation, never have been committed to writing.
Nepostojanje Legende, čak ni u osnovnim detaljima, ni u jednom od starih rukopisa ne dokazuje da takva Legenda nije postojala, jer kako je bila ezoterične naravi, moguće je da, iz savjesnih motiva, ili zbog poštivanja nekog propisa, nikad nije bila zapisana.

[Mon Oct 13 17:52:48 2003]
This is, however, a mere supposition and can not in any way interfere with deductions drawn from positive data in reference to the Legend of the Third Degree.
To je, međutim, tek pretpostavka i nikako ne može utjecati na zaključke dobivene iz pozitivnih podataka u vezi s Legendom o trećem stupnju.

[Tue Oct 14 09:13:26 2003]
There may have been a Temple Legend, and yet the details narrated in it may have been very incomplete and not have included the events related in the former Legend.
Možda je postojala Legenda o Hramu, no moguće je da su potankosti ispričane u njoj bile vrlo nepotpune i nisu uključivale događaje ispričane u prijašnjoj Legendi.

[Tue Oct 14 09:16:14 2003]
The first reference in the old records to the Temple of Solomon as connected with the origin of Freemasonry is to be found in the Cooke manuscript and is in the following words :
Prvo spominjanje Salomonovog Hrama u starim zapisima u vezi s podrijetlom slobodnog zidarstva može se naći u Cookeovom rukopisu, i napisano je sljedećim riječima:

[Tue Oct 14 09:38:37 2003]
The Dowland manuscript, whose supposed date is some fifty or sixty years later than the Cooke, gives substantially the same Legend, but with the additional circumstances, that David learned the charges that he gave, from Egypt, where they had been made by Euclid ;
Dowlandov rukopis, za koji se pretpostavlja da je nastao pedeset ili šezdeset godina nakon Cookovog, navodi u osnovi istu Legendu, no uz neke dodatne pojedinosti, da je David dobio dužnosti koje je dodijelio, iz Egipta, gdje ih je osmislio Euklid;

[Tue Oct 14 09:39:47 2003]
that he added other charges to these;
da je njima dodao druge dužnosti;

[Tue Oct 14 09:40:54 2003]
that Solomon sent into various countries for Masons, whom he gathered together;
da je Salomon poslao po slobodne zidare u razne zemlje, koje je okupio;

[Tue Oct 14 09:41:30 2003]
that the name of the King of Tyre was Iram, and that of his son, who was Solomon's chief Master, was Aynon ;
da je ime kralja Tira bilo Iram, a njegov sin, koji je bio Salomonov glavni Majstor, se zvao Aynon;

[Tue Oct 14 09:41:30 2003]
and finally that he was a Master of Geometry and of carving and graving.
i konačno da je bio Majstor geometrije te rezbarenja i graviranja.

[Tue Oct 14 09:51:30 2003]
In this brief narrative, the first edition of which dates back as far as the close of the 15th century , we see the germs of the fuller Legend which prevails among the Craft at the present day.
U ovoj kratkoj pripovijesti, čije prvo izdanje datira čak s kraja 15. stoljeća, vidimo zametke potpunije Legende koja je danas raširena u Zanatu.

[Tue Oct 14 09:51:30 2003]
That there was an organization of Masons with " Charges and Manners," that is, laws and customs at the building of the Temple of Jerusalem, and that King Solomon was assisted in the work by the King of Tyre and by a skillful artist who had been sent to him by Hiram, are the two most important points in the theory of the Temple origin of Masonry, and both are explicitly stated in these early legends.
Da je postojala organizacija slobodnih zidara s "Dužnostima i Pravilima" odnosno, zakonima i običajima pri izgradnji jeruzalemskog Hrama, i da su kralju Salomonu u poslu pomogli kralj Tira i jedan vješt zanatlija kojeg mu je poslao Hiram, su dvije najvažnije točke u teoriji o podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva iz Hrama, i obje su izričito navedene u ovim starim legendama.

[Tue Oct 14 10:05:13 2003]
We next find the Legend repeated, but with more elaborate details, most of which, however, are taken from the Book of Kings as referred to in the Legend of the Craft by Anderson, in the first edition of the Constitutions, and with a few additional particulars in the second edition of the same work.
Zatim nalazimo Legendu kako se ponavlja, no s razrađenijim detaljima, većina kojih je, međutim, uzeta iz Knjige o kraljevima kako se navodi u Andersonovoj Legendi o Zanatu, u prvom izdanju Konstitucija, i uz nekoliko dodatnih pojedinosti u drugom izdanju istog djela.

[Tue Oct 14 10:16:11 2003]
Preston, the next important Masonic writer after Anderson, does not indeed relate or refer to the Legend in any part of his Illustrations of Masonry, but the theory that Masonry found its origin at the Temple is to be deduced from the historical traditions contained in the third lecture of the Prestonian system, from which Webb derived it, and has perpetuated it among American Masons to the present day.
Preston, sljedeći važni slobodnozidarski pisac nakon Andersona, doista ne iznosi niti spominje Legendu u bilo kojem dijelu svojih Ilustracija slobodnog zidarstva, no teorija da je slobodno zidarstvo nastalo pri izgradnji Hrama se može izvesti iz povijesnih tradicija sadržanih u trećoj pouci Prestonovog sustava, iz koje ju je Webb izvukao, i sačuvao ju među američkim slobodnim zidarima sve do danas.

[Tue Oct 14 10:40:05 2003]
Hutchinson, who followed Preston, although, as has been seen, he inclined to a remoter origin of the Order, repeatedly refers in his Spirit of Masonry, and especially in his Sixth Lecture, to the Temple of Solomon as the place where " the true craftsmen were proved in their work," and where Solomon distinguished them into different ranks, giving to each appropriate signs and secret tokens, and organized them for the first time into an association of builders, the predecessors of the Masons being previous to that time ages who, though acquainted with the principles of geometry and architecture, were engaged solely in philosophical speculations.
Hutchinson, koji je naslijedio Prestona, iako je, kao što smo vidjeli, bio sklon Redu pripisivati udaljenije podrijetlo, opetovano spominje u svom Duhu slobodnog zidarstva, a posebno u svojoj Šestoj pouci, Salomonov Hrama kao mjesto gdje su se "pravi zanatlije dokazivali u svom poslu", i gdje ih je Salomon podijelio u različite kategorije, dajući svakoj odgovarajuće znakove i tajne simbole, i po prvi put ih je organizirao u udruženje graditelja, jer su preteče slobodnih zidara prije toga bili mudraci koji su se, iako upućeni u načela geometrije i arhitekture, bavili isključivo filozofskim umovanjem.

[Tue Oct 14 10:40:05 2003]
In this way Hutchinson gave the weight of his influence in favor of the Legend which ascribed the origin of operative and speculative Masonry to Solomon and to his Temple, although his views on this subject differ from those of other writers.
Tako je Hutchinson utjecao u korist Legende koja je podrijetlo operativnog i spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva dovodila u vezu sa Salomonom i njegovim Hramom, iako se njegovi stavovi o ovoj temi razlikuju od stavova drugih pisaca.

[Tue Oct 14 10:52:49 2003]
Oliver, one of the latest and the most prolific of the legendary writers, although in his own theory he seeks to trace the origin of Freemasonry to a much more remote antiquity, yet speaks so much in detail in most of his works, but principally in his Antiquities and in his Historical Landmarks, of the system which was for the first time organized at the building of the Solomonic Temple, that most readers who do not closely peruse his writings and carefully scan his views are under the impression that he had fully adopted the Legend of the Temple origin, and hence his authority has been lent to the popular belief.
Oliver, jedan od kasnijih i najplodonosnijih legendarnih pisaca, iako u svojoj teoriji pokušava podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva smjestiti u mnogo davnija vremana, ipak tako opširno govori u većini svojih djela, a posebno u Starinama i u Povijesnim prekretnicama, o sustavu koji je po prvi put bio organiziran za vrijeme izgradnje salomonskog Hrama, tako da većina čitatelja koji pažljivo ne čitaju njegove tekstove i pomno ne ispituju njegova gledišta imaju dojam da je on u potpunosti usvojio Legendu o podrijetlu iz Hrama, i tako je popularno vjerovanje preuzelo njegov autoritet.

[Tue Oct 14 10:59:24 2003]
Existing, as may be supposed from the analogy of a similar legend of the Compagnons de la Tour, among the craftsmen of the Middle Ages;
Kako je postojala, kao što se može pretpostaviti iz analogije slične legende Compagnons de la Tour, među zanatlijama u srednjem vijeku;

[Tue Oct 14 10:59:24 2003]
transmitted to the Revival era of the beginning of the 18th century, and since then taught in all the rituals and sustained by the best Masonic writers up to a recent period, this Legend of the Temple origin of Freemasonry, or, in plainer words, the theory that Freemasonry received at the time of the building of the Temple of Jerusalem that form and organization which it holds at the present day, has been and continues to be a dogma of faith implicitly believed by the masses of the fraternity.
prenijet do Preporoda doba početka osamnaestog stoljeća, i otad je naučio u svim obredi i je održavala pored najbolje slobodnozidarske pisce do suvremenog razdoblja, ova Legenda Hrama podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva, ili, u jasnije riječi, teorija to Masonstvo je dobilo u vrijeme građevina jeruzalemskog Hrama da oblik i ustroj što drži u suvremen, su bila i nastavi biti dogma vjere implicitno je vjerovalo pored glavnine bratstva.

[Tue Oct 14 11:10:11 2003]
It is well, therefore, that we should now see what precisely is the form and substance of this popular Legend.
Dobro bi bilo, stoga, sada vidjeti kakav je točan oblik i sadržaj ove popularne Legende.

[Tue Oct 14 11:23:02 2003]
When Solomon was about to commence the building of his Temple, his own people not being expert or experienced architects, he applied to his friend Hiram, the monarch of the neighboring kingdom of Tyre, for assistance.
Kad je Salomon trebao započeti izgradnju svog Hrama, kako u njegovom narodu nije bilo vještih niti iskusnih arhitekata, obratio se za pomoć svom prijatelju Hiramu, vladaru susjednog kraljevstva Tira.

[Tue Oct 14 11:23:02 2003]
Hiram, in complying with his request, sent to him a numerous body of workmen, and at their head a distinguished artist called, as a mark of distinction, Hiram Abif, equivalent to the title, "Hiram his father," who is described as "a cunning man endued with understanding."
Hiram mu je, udovoljavajući njegovom zahtjevu, poslao veliki broj radnika, na čelu s istaknutim umjetnikom nazvanim, kao znak izvrsnosti, Hiram Abif, što je jednako nazivu, " Hiram njegov otac", koji je opisan kao "vješt čovjek prožet razumijevanjem."

[Tue Oct 14 11:34:09 2003]
King Solomon then proceeded to organize the institution into a form, which has been adopted as the model of that which exists at the present day in every country where Freemasonry exists.
Kralj Salomon je zatim krenuo organizirati instituciju u oblik koji je usvojen kao model za ono što danas imamo u svakoj zemlji gdje postoji slobodno zidarstvo.

[Tue Oct 14 11:34:49 2003]
The Legend that contains the classification of the workmen at the Temple, which has been adopted in the rituals of modern Masonry, is derived partly from Scripture and partly from tradition.
Legenda koja sadrži podjelu radnika u Hramu, koja je usvojena u obredima modernog slobodnog zidarstva, je dobivena dijelom iz Svetog Pisma, a dijelom iz tradicije.

[Tue Oct 14 11:34:49 2003]
An examination of it will not be inappropriate.
Neće biti neprikladno i nju ispitati.

[Tue Oct 14 11:37:07 2003]
There are two accounts, slightly conflicting, in the Scriptural narrative.
Postoje dva opisa, donekle proturječna, u biblijskoj pripovijesti.

[Tue Oct 14 11:37:07 2003]
In the Second Book of Chronicles, chapter ii, verses 17 and 18, are the following words :
U Drugoj knjizi ljetopisa, poglavlje ii, reci 17 i 18, su sljedeće riječi:

[Tue Oct 14 11:51:14 2003]
The same numerical details are given in the second verse of the same chapter.
Iste brojčane pojedinosti su navedene u drugom retku istog poglavlja.

[Tue Oct 14 11:51:14 2003]
Again in the First Book of Kings, chapter v, verses 13 and 14, it is said :
Opet, u Prvoj knjizi o kraljevima, poglavlje v, reci 13 i 14, kaže se:

[Tue Oct 14 12:00:00 2003]
In the Legend of the Craft this enumeration was not strictly adhered to.
Legenda o Zanatu se strogo ne pridržava ovih brojeva.

[Tue Oct 14 12:00:48 2003]
The Cooke manuscript says that there were " four score thousand masons at work," out of whom three thousand were chosen as Masters of the work.
Cookeov rukopis kaže da je bilo "osamdeset tisuća slobodnih na radovima", od kojih je tri tisuće izabrano za Majstore Radova.

[Tue Oct 14 12:03:08 2003]
The Landsdowne manuscript says that the number of Masons was twenty-four thousand.
Landsdowneov rukopis kaže je slobodnih zidara bilo dvadeset i četiri tisuće.

[Tue Oct 14 12:03:08 2003]
But this number must have been a clerical error of the copyist in which he is followed only by the Antiquity manuscript All the other manuscripts agree with the Dowland and make the number of Masons eighty thousand, including the three thousand overseers or Masters of the Work.
No ovaj broj mora da je bio pogreška prepisivača u čemu ga slijedi jedino rukopis Drevne Lože. Svi ostali rukopisi se podudaraju s Dowlandovim i navode broj slobodnih zidara od osamdeset tisuća, uključujući tri tisuće nadglednika ili Majstora Radova.

[Tue Oct 14 12:06:41 2003]
This statement does not accord with that which is in the Book of Kings nor with that in Chronicles, and yet it is all that the Legend of the Craft furnishes.
Ovaj navod nije u skladu s onime što se nalazi u Knjizi u kraljevima i u Knjizi ljetopisa, no to je sve što nam Legenda o Zanatu pruža.

[Tue Oct 14 12:13:58 2003]
Anderson, who was the first author after the Revival who made an enumeration and classification of the workmen at the Temple, abandoned the Legend altogether and made up his account from the Bible.
Anderson, koji je bio prvi pisac nakon Preporoda koji je naveo broj i podjelu radnika u Hramu, je sasvim napustio Legendu i sastavio svoj prikaz na temelju Biblije.

[Tue Oct 14 12:15:23 2003]
This he published in the first edition of the Constitutions and tempered it with some traditional information, whence derived I do not know.
Njega je objavio u prvom izdanju Konstitucija i pridodao mu neke tradicionalne podatke nepoznatnog podrijetla.

[Tue Oct 14 12:16:01 2003]
But it is on this classification by Anderson that all the rituals that have been in use since his time are framed.
Upravo su prema toj Andersonovoj podjeli sastavljeni svi obredi koji se odonda primjenjuju.

[Tue Oct 14 12:19:08 2003]
Hence he may justly be considered as the author of the Legend of the Workmen at the Temple;
Stoga se on može opravdano smatrati autorom Legende o radnicima u Hramu;

[Tue Oct 14 12:19:08 2003]
for notwithstanding the historical element which it contains, derived from Scripture, there are so many traditional interpolations that it properly assumes a legendary character .
jer unatoč povijesnom elementu koji sadrži, a koji je dobiven iz Svetog Pisma, postoji tako mnogo tradicionalnih interpolacija da ona doista zauzima legendarnu narav.

[Tue Oct 14 12:33:18 2003]
Anderson's account is that there were employed on the building three thousand six hundred Master Masons, to conduct the work according to Solomon's directions;
Anderson kaže da je na izgradnji hrama bilo uposleno tri tisuće šesto Majstora slobodnih zidara, do obavljaju radove prema Salomonovim uputama;

[Tue Oct 14 12:34:53 2003]
eighty thousand hewers of stone in the mountains who he says were Fellow Craftsmen, and seventy thousand laborers who were not Masons, besides the levy of thirty thousand who worked under the superintendence of Adoniram, making in all one hundred and eighty-three thousand six hundred.
osamdeset tisuća kamenorezaca u planinama za koje kaže da su bili članovi Zanata i sedamdeset tisuća radnika koji nisu bili slobodni zidari, uz mnoštvo od trideset tisuća koji su radili pod nadzorom Adonirama, što je sve zajedno činili stotinu osamdeset tri tisuće i šesto ljudi.

[Tue Oct 14 12:34:53 2003]
For this great number, Anderson says Solomon was " much obliged " to Hiram, King of Tyre, who sent his Masons and carpenters to Jerusalem.
Anderson kaže da je Salomon bio "vrlo zahvalan" Hiramu, kralju Tira, na ovom velikom broju slobodnih zidara i stolara koje mu je poslao u Jeruzalem.

[Tue Oct 14 12:42:51 2003]
Over this immense number of builders and laborers, Anderson says that King Solomon presided as Grand Master at Jerusalem, King Hiram in the same capacity at Tyre, and Hiram Abif was the Master of Work.
Anderson kaže da je kralj Salomon bio na čelu ovog golemog broja graditelja i radnika kao Veliki Majstor u Jeruzalemu, kralj Hiram je imao isti položaj u Tiru, a Hiram Abif je bio Majstor Radova.

[Tue Oct 14 12:50:50 2003]
Fifteen years afterward, Anderson, in the second edition of his Constitutions somewhat modified these views and added certain other particulars.
Petnaest godina kasnije, Anderson je, u drugom izdanju svojih Konstitucija malo izmijenio ova stajališta i dodao neke druge pojedinosti.

[Tue Oct 14 12:50:55 2003]
He promotes Hiram Abif from the position of Magister Operis or Master of the Work, to that of Deputy Grand Master in Solomon's absence and to that of Senior Grand Warden in his presence.
Promiče Hirama Abifa s položaja Magister Operis ili Majstora Radova, na mjesto Zamjenika Velikog Majstora u Salomonovoj odsutnosti, ili Starijeg Velikog Čuvara u njegovoj prisutnosti.

[Tue Oct 14 12:50:55 2003]
He also says :
Također kaže:

[Tue Oct 14 12:59:34 2003]
" Solomon partitioned the Fellow Crafts into certain Lodges with a Master and Wardens in each;
"Salomon je podijelio članove Zanata u određene Lože s Majstorom i Čuvarima u svakoj;

[Tue Oct 14 13:00:27 2003]
that they might receive commands in a regular manner, might take care of their tools and jewels, might be paid every week, and be duly fed and clothed, etc.
da bi mogli primati naredbe na propisan način, brinuti se za svoj alat i dragocjenosti, dobiti plaću svaki tjedan i biti propisno nahranjeni i odjenuti, itd.,

[Tue Oct 14 13:00:27 2003]
, and the Fellow Crafts took care of their succession by educating Entered Apprentices."
,, a Pomoćnici su se brinuli za svoje nasljednike tako što su obrazovali Pripravnike."

[Tue Oct 14 14:09:41 2003]
Anderson adds in a marginal note that his authority for this statement is " the traditions of old Masons, who talk much of these things."
Anderson dodaje u napomeni da su mu izvor za ovaj navod bile "tradicije starih slobodnih zidara, koji mnogo govore o ovim stvarima."

[Tue Oct 14 14:16:30 2003]
If such a tradition ever existed, it is now lost, for it can not be found in any of the old manuscripts which are the record of the Masonic traditions.
Ako je takva predaja ikada postojala, danas je izgubljena, jer se ne može pronaći niti u jednom od starih rukopisa koji su zapisi slobodnozidarskih predaja.

[Tue Oct 14 14:16:30 2003]
It is admitted that similar usages were practiced by the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, but we have no historical authority, nor even legendary, outside of Anderson's work, for tracing them to the Temple of Jerusalem.
Priznato je da su slične običaje imali operativni slobodni zidari u srednjem vijeku, no nemamo povijesni izvor, čak ni legendarni, izvan Andersonovog djela, koji bi ih doveli u vezu s jeruzalemskim Hramom.

[Tue Oct 14 14:23:25 2003]
Out of these materials the ritualists have manufactured a Legend ;
Iz ove su građe ritualisti proizveli Legendu;

[Tue Oct 14 14:27:04 2003]
which exists in all the Masonic rituals and which must have been constructed in London, at a very early period after the Revival, to have secured such an universal acceptance among all the nations who derived their Masonry from the Grand Lodge of England.
Iz ove su građe ritualisti proizveli Legendu koja postoji u svim slobodnozidarskim obredima i koja mora da je bila sastavljena u Londonu, nedugo nakon Preporoda, jer si je osigurala takvo univerzalno prihvaćanje u svima narodima čije slobodno zidarstvo potječe iz Velike Lože Engleske.

[Tue Oct 14 14:28:52 2003]
The Legend of the Temple origin of Masonry, as generally accepted by the Craft at the present day, is that there were one hundred and fifty-three thousand, three hundred workmen employed in the construction of the Temple.
Legenda o nastanku slobodnog zidarstva u Hramu, kakva je danas općeprihvaćena u Zanatu, kaže da je na izgradnji Hrama radilo stotinu pedeset tri tisuće i tristo radnika.

[Tue Oct 14 14:28:52 2003]
Three thousand three hundred of these were overseers, who were among as well as over the Craft, but who at the completion of the Temple were promoted to the rank of Master Masons.
Tri tisuće i tristo njih su bili nadglednici, koji su bili među članovima Zanata kao i nad njima, a koji su po završetku Hrama bili promaknuti na položaj Majstora slobodnih zidara.

[Tue Oct 14 14:32:26 2003]
The remaining workmen were divided into eighty thousand Fellow Crafts and seventy thousand Entered Apprentices.
Ostali radnici su bili podijeljeni u osamdeset tisuća Pomoćnika i sedamdeset tisuća Pripravnika.

[Tue Oct 14 14:36:18 2003]
Three Grand Masters presided over the large number of workmen, namely, Solomon, King of Israel;
Tri Velika Majstora su predsjedavala tim velikim brojem radnika, a to su bili Salomon, kralj Izraela;

[Tue Oct 14 14:37:41 2003]
Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif.
Hiram, kralj Tira, i Hiram Abif.

[Tue Oct 14 14:39:26 2003]
These were the only persons who at the building of the Temple were Master Masons and in possession of the secrets of the Third Degree.
Oni su bili jedine osobe koje su za vrijeme izgradnje Hrama bile Majstori slobodni zidari i koje su poznavale tajne trećeg stupnja.

[Tue Oct 14 14:42:10 2003]
The statement in the ritual is that the workmen were divided into Lodges.
U obredu se tvrdi da su radnici bili podijeljeni u Lože.

[Tue Oct 14 14:42:47 2003]
The Lodge of Master Masons, for there could be only one of that degree, consisted of three members;
Loža Majstora slobodnih zidara, jer mogla je biti samo jedna na tom stupnju, se sastojala od tri člana;

[Tue Oct 14 14:43:32 2003]
the Lodges of Fellow Crafts, of which there must have been sixteen thousand, was composed of five members each;
Lože Pomoćnika, kojih mora da je bilo šesnaest tisuća, imale su pet članova svaka;

[Tue Oct 14 14:43:32 2003]
and the Lodges of Entered Apprentices, of which there must have been ten thousand, was composed of seven each.
a Lože Pripravnika, kojih je moralo biti deset tisuća, imale su po sedam članova.

[Tue Oct 14 14:52:27 2003]
But as this statement has neither historical authority nor logical possibility to support it, it must be considered, as it undoubtedly was originally intended to be considered, merely as a reference to the symbolic character of those sacred numbers in Masonry - three, five, and seven.
No kako za ovu tvrdnju ne postoji povijesni izvor, niti ju je moguće logički poduprijeti, mora se smatrati, kao što se nesumnjivo izvorno i trebala smatrati, tek aluzijom na simbolički značaj tih svetih brojeva u slobodnom zidarstvu - tri, pet, i sedam.

[Tue Oct 14 14:53:38 2003]
In the same spirit of symbolic reference the steps of the winding stairs leading to the middle chamber were divided into a series of three, five, and seven, with the addition in the English ritual of nine and eleven.
U istom duhu simbolične aluzije krivudave stepenice koje vode do središnje odaje su podijeljene u nizove od tri, pet i sedam, s dodatkom od devet i jedanaest u engleskom obredu.

[Tue Oct 14 14:53:38 2003]
All of this is, therefore, to be rejected from the class of legends and referred to that of symbols.
Sve se to, stoga, treba izbaciti iz kategorije legendi i uputiti u kategoriju simbola.

[Tue Oct 14 15:07:22 2003]
Viewing then this Legend or theory of the origin of Masonry at the Temple, tracing it from the almost nude state in which it is presented in the Legend of the Craft through the extraneous clothing which was added by Anderson and I suppose by Desaguliers, to the state of tinsel ornamentation in which it appears in the modern ritual, we will come to the following conclusion :
Promatrajući tako ovu Legendu ili teoriju o nastanku slobodnog zidarstva u Hramu, prateći je od gotovo ogoljelog stanja u kojem ju donosi Legenda o Zanatu, preko vanjskog pokrova koji joj je dodao Anderson i, pretpostavljam, Desaguliers, do stanja blještave kićenosti u kojem se pojavljuje u suvremenom obredu, doći ćemo do sljedećeg zaključka:

[Tue Oct 14 15:13:06 2003]
In the Legend of the Craft we find only the following statement :
U Legendi o Zanatu nalazimo samo sljedeći navod:

[Tue Oct 14 15:14:54 2003]
That King Solomon was assisted in the building of the Temple by the King of Tyre, who sent him materials for the edifice and a skillful artist, on whose name scarcely any two of them agree, and whom Solomon appointed as his Master of the Work ;
Da je kralju Salomonu u izgradnji Hrama pomogao kralj Tira, koji mu je poslao materijal za građevinu i jednog vještog zanatliju, oko čijeg imena postoje mnoga neslaganja, a kojeg je Salomon imenovao svojim Majstorom Radova;

[Tue Oct 14 15:18:39 2003]
that Solomon invited Masons from all lands and having collected them together at Jerusalem, organized them into a body by giving them a system of laws and customs for their government.
da je Salomon pozvao slobodne zidare iz svih krajeva i sve ih skupa okupio u Jeruzalemu, organizirao ih u jedno tijelo, dajući im sustav zakona i običaja za njihovo vladanje.

[Tue Oct 14 15:18:39 2003]
Now, most of these facts are sustained by the historical authority of the Books of Kings and Chronicles, and those that are not have the support of extreme probability.
Većina ovih činjenica ima uporište u povijesnom izvoru tj. Knjizi o kraljevima i Knjizi ljetopisa, a ostale imaju uporište u krajnjoj vjerojatnosti.

[Tue Oct 14 15:26:52 2003]
That Solomon, King of Israel, built a Temple in Jerusalem is an historical fact that can not be doubted or denied.
Da je Salomon, kralj Izraela, podigao Hram u Jeruzalemu povijesna je činjenica oko koje ne može biti sumnje i koju se ne može poreći.

[Tue Oct 14 15:28:20 2003]
Richard Carlile, it is true, says, " My historical researches have taught me that that which has been called Solomon's Temple never existed upon earth ;
"Iz svojih sam povijesnih istraživanja naučio da ono što se naziva Salomonovim Hramom nikad nije postojalo na zemlji;

[Tue Oct 14 15:28:20 2003]
that a nation of people called Israelites never existed upon earth, and that the supposed history of the Israelites and their Temple is nothing more than an allegory."
da narod Izraelićana nikad nije postojao na zemlji i da navodna povijest Izraelićana i njihovog Hrama nije ništa nego alegorija."

[Tue Oct 14 15:38:57 2003]
But the measure of the moral and mental stature of Carlile has long been taken, and even among the most skeptical critics he remains alone in his irrational incredulity.
No o Carlileovom moralnom i intelektualnom statusu je odavno donesen sud, pa čak i među najsumnjičavijim kritičarima ostaje usamljen u svojoj nerazumnoj skeptičnosti.

[Tue Oct 14 15:42:00 2003]
Doubtless there are Oriental exaggerations in respect to the amount of money expended and the number of workmen employed on the building, which have been overestimated.
Nedvojbeno postoje orijentalna pretjerivanja što se tiče količine potrošenog novca i broja radnika uposlenih na izgradnji, koja su precijenjena.

[Tue Oct 14 15:42:00 2003]
But the simple, naked fact that King Solomon built a temple remains uncontradicted, and is as historically true and undoubted as that of the construction of any other public edifice in antiquity.
No ostaje jednostavna, gola činjenica da je kralj Salomon podigao hram, kojoj se ne može proturječiti, i koja je povijesno točna i nedvojbena, kao što je i činjenica o izgradnji bilo koje druge javne građevine u davna vremena.

[Tue Oct 14 15:51:24 2003]
It is equally historical that the King of Tyre gave assistance to Solomon in carrying out his design.
Jednako je tako povijesni podatak da je kralj Tira pomogao Salomonu u izvršenju njegovog plana.

[Tue Oct 14 15:51:24 2003]
However fiercely the skeptics may have attacked certain portions of the Bible, the Books of Kings and Chronicles have been placed upon the footing of other ancient historical records and subjected to the same canons of criticism.
Koliko god žestoko skeptici napadali određene dijelove Biblije, Knjige o kraljevima i Knjige ljetopisa su postavljene za temelj drugih drevnih povijesnih zapisa i podvrgnute su istim načelima kritike.

[Tue Oct 14 16:12:17 2003]
Now we are distinctly told that Hiram, King of Tyre, " sent masons and carpenters to David to build him a house;
Jasno nam se kaže da je Hiram, kralj Tira, "poslao Davidu zidare i tesare da mu grade dvor;"

[Tue Oct 14 16:13:39 2003]
" we learn subsequently that the same Hiram (some say his son) was equally friendly with Solomon, and although there is no distinct mention either in Kings or Chronicles that he sent workmen to Jerusalem, except his namesake, the artificer, yet we may infer that he did so, from the friendship of the two kings, from the need of Solomon for expert workmen, and from the fact which we learn from the First Book of Kings, that the stones for the edifice were hewn by " Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders and the Giblim."
" kasnije saznajemo da je taj isti Hiram (neki kažu njegov sin) bio u jednako prijateljskim odnosima sa Salomonom, i iako se niti u Knjizi o kraljevima, niti u Knjizi ljetopisa nigdje posebno ne spominje da je poslao radnike u Jeruzalem, osim svog imenjaka, zanatlije, ipak možemo zaključiti da je tako učinio, iz iz dvaju kraljeva, iz Salomonove potrebe za iskusnim radnicima i iz činjenice koju navodi Prva knjiga o kraljevima, da su kamenje za građevinu tesali "graditelji Salomonovi i Hiramovi, i oni iz Gibela."

[Tue Oct 14 16:14:51 2003]
The authorized
" Autorizirana

[Tue Oct 14 16:14:51 2003]
version, on what authority I know not, translates this word "Giblim " as " stone-squarers."
verzija, ne znam po kojem izvoru, prevodi riječ "Giblim" kao " kamenoklesari".

[Tue Oct 14 16:26:48 2003]
We are told in I Kings, v, and it is repeated in 2 Chron, ii.
Kaže se u Prvoj knjizi kraljeva, glava peta, i ponovo u Drugoj knjizi ljetopisa, glava druga,

[Tue Oct 14 16:28:14 2003]
The timber they were to carry to Joppa, where Solomon was to receive it, and, presumably, the workmen were to return to the forest .
Stabla su trebali odnijeti u Jafu, gdje ih je Salomon trebao preuzeti, a radnici su se, po svoj prilici, trebali vratiti u šumu.

[Tue Oct 14 16:36:38 2003]
They were, however, the inhabitants of the city of Gebal, called by the Greeks, Byblos, which was the principal seat of the worship and the mysteries of Adonis.
To su, međutim, bili stanovnici grada Gibela, kojeg Grci nazivaju Biblos, a koji je bio glavno sjedište štovanja i misterija Adonisa.

[Tue Oct 14 16:36:38 2003]
The inhabitants were celebrated for their skill in stone-carving and in shipbuilding.
Stanovnici su bili čuveni po svojoj vještini u klesanju i izgradnji brodova.

[Tue Oct 14 16:46:40 2003]
Thus we see that there were, according to the Scriptural account, three classes of Masons engaged at the building of the Temple.
Tako vidimo da su, prema biblijskom navodu, postojale tri kategorije slobodnih zidara uključenih u izgradnju Hrama.

[Tue Oct 14 16:54:48 2003]
First there were the workmen of Solomon:
Prvo su bili Salomonovi radnici:

[Tue Oct 14 16:54:48 2003]
these were of the " four score thousand hewers in the mountains" who were taken by Solomon from " the strangers that were in the land of Israel" - men whom Dr. Adam Clarke supposes to have been not pure Israelites, but proselytes to the Jewish religion so far as to renounce idolatry and to keep the precepts of Noah.
bilo ih je "osamdeset tisuća kamenorezaca u gori" koje je Salomon odabrao od "svih stranaca koji se zatekoše u Izraelovoj zemlji" - ljudi za koje dr. Adam Clarke pretpostavlja da nisu bili čisti Izraelićani, nego obraćenici na židovsku vjeru utoliko što su se odrekli idolatrije i sačuvali Noina pravila.

[Wed Oct 15 10:07:11 2003]
But we must believe that among these four score thousand strangers were to be enumerated the workmen who came from Tyre, or there will be no place allotted to them in the distribution in the First Book of Kings.
No moramo vjerovati da su među ovih osamdeset tisuća stranaca bili ubrojani i radnici koji su došli iz Tira, jer inače ne dobivaju mjesto u podjeli Prve knjige o kraljevima.

[Wed Oct 15 10:07:11 2003]
The three thousand three hundred who were " over the work," are said to have been chief officers of Solomon and therefore Israelites, and the remaining seventy thousand were mere laborers or bearers of burden - a class for whom Solomon need not have been indebted to the King of Tyre.
Tri tisuće i tristo onih koji su bili "nad radovima" su navodno bili glavni Salomonovi djelatnici i prema tome Izraelićani, a preostalih sedamdeset tisuća su bili obični radnici ili nosači tereta - kategorija za koju Salomon nije dužan kralju Tira.

[Wed Oct 15 10:15:21 2003]
Secondly, there were the workmen of Hiram, King of Tyre.
Zatim su tamo bili radnici Hirama, kralja Tira.

[Wed Oct 15 10:20:32 2003]
These I have already said were probably, and indeed necessarily, included in the number of four score thousand strangers or foreigners.
Već sam rekao da su oni vjerojatno, i zapravo bezuvjetno, bili uključeni u broj od osamdeset tisuća stranaca ili tuđinaca.

[Wed Oct 15 10:24:53 2003]
The words in the original are anoshim gherim, men who are foreigners, for Gesenius defines the word gherim, to be " sojourners, strangers, foreigners, men living out of their country."
Riječi u izvorniku su anoshim gherim, ljudi koji su stranci, jer Gesenius definira riječ gherim kao "gosti, stranci, tuđinci, ljudi koji ne žive u svojoj zemlji."

[Wed Oct 15 10:24:53 2003]
Thirdly, we have the Giblim, the inhabitants of the city of Gebal in Phoenicia, who came to Jerusalem, invited there by Solomon, to assist in the construction of the Temple, and who must also be reckoned among the four score thousand strangers.
Kao treće imamo stanovnike grada Gibela u Feniciji, koji su došli u Jeruzalem na Salomonov poziv da pomognu u izgradnji Hrama i koji se također moraju uračunati u osamdeset tisuća stranaca.

[Wed Oct 15 10:35:09 2003]
Thus the Legend of the Craft is justified in saying that Solomon " sent after Masons into divers countries and of divers landes," and that he had " four score workers of stone and were all named Masons.
Tako Legenda o Zanatu opravdano može reći da je Salomon "poslao po slobodne zidare u razne zemlje i razne krajeve" i da je imao "osamdeset tisuća radnika na kamenu i svi su se nazivali slobodnim zidarima."

[Wed Oct 15 10:35:09 2003]
" For these were the foreigners or sojourners, whom he found in Jerusalem, many of whom had probably come there on his invitation, and the Tyrians who had been sent to him by King Hiram, and the Phoenicians, whom he had called out of Gebal on account of their well-known skill in stone-cutting.
" Jer to su bili stranci ili gosti, koje je pronašao u Jeruzalemu, mnogi od kojih su vjerojatno došli na njegov poziv, i Tirijci koje mu je bio poslao kralj Hiram, te Feničani, koje je pozvao iz Gibela zbog njihove čuvene umješnosti u klesarstvu.

[Wed Oct 15 10:43:56 2003]
And all of these amounted to eighty thousand, the number stated in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, and just the number mentioned in the Legend of the Craft.
Svih zajedno ih je bilo osamdeset tisuća, što je broj koji navode Knjiga o kraljevima i Knjiga ljetopisa, i upravo onaj broj koji spominje Legenda o Zanatu.

[Wed Oct 15 10:58:13 2003]
It will be seen that the Legend of the Craft takes no notice of the levy of thirty thousand who worked under Adoniram on Mount Lebanon, nor of the seventy thousand who were employed as bearers of burdens.
Primijetit će se da Legenda o Zanatu ne spominje mnoštvo od trideset tisuća ljudi koji su radili pod nadzorom Adonirama na Libanonskoj gori, niti sedamdeset tisuća onih koji su radili kao nosači tereta.

[Wed Oct 15 10:58:59 2003]
As the former were merely wood-cutters and the latter common laborers, the Legend does not class them among the Masons, any more than it does the three thousand three hundred who were, according to the Biblical account, officers of the court of Solomon, who were appointed merely to overlook the Masons and to see that they worked faithfully;
Kako su prvospomenuti bili samo drvosječe, a potonji obični radnici, Legenda ih ne svrstava među slobodne zidare, kao ni tri tisuće tristo onih koji su bili, prema biblijskom opisu, Salomonovi dvorani, čija je dužnost bila samo da nadgledaju slobodne zidare i paze da savjesno rade;

[Wed Oct 15 10:58:59 2003]
perhaps also to pay them their wages, or to distribute their food, and to supervise generally their conduct.
možda da im daju plaće, ili da im dijele hranu i općenito da nadziru njihovo ponašanje.

[Wed Oct 15 11:09:20 2003]
In all this, the Legend of the Craft differs entirely from the modern rituals, which have included all these classes, and therefore reckon that at the building of the Temple there were one hundred and fifty-three thousand three hundred Masons, instead of eighty thousand.
U svemu ovom, Legenda o Zanatu se potpuno razlikuje od modernih obreda, koji uključuju sve ove skupine i stoga računaju da je na izgradnji Hrama radilo stotinu i pedeset tri tisuće tristo slobodnih zidara, umjesto osamdeset tisuća.

[Wed Oct 15 11:09:20 2003]
The Legend is certainly more in accord with the authority of the Bible than are the rituals.
Legenda je svakako usklađenija s bibilijskim izvorom, nego što su obredi.

[Wed Oct 15 11:18:59 2003]
The Legend of the Craft is also justified in saying that Solomon organized these Masons into what might be called a guild, that is, a society or corporation, by giving them " charges and manners " - in other words a code of laws and regulations.
Legenda o Zanatu također opravdano kaže da je Salomon organizirao ove slobodne zidare u nešto što bi se moglo nazvati cehom, odnosno, društvom ili udruženjem, dajući im "dužnosti i pravila" - drugim riječima, kodeks zakona i propisa.

[Wed Oct 15 11:29:21 2003]
On this question the Bible account is silent, but it amounts to an extreme probability, the nearest approximation to historical evidence, that there must have been some regulations enacted for the government of so large a number of workmen.
Biblija po tom pitanju ništa ne govori, no krajnje je vjerojatno, najbliže povijesnom dokazu, da su morala postojati neka pravila donešena da bi se upravljalo tako velikim brojem radnika.

[Wed Oct 15 11:30:45 2003]
It is also equally probable that to avoid confusion these workmen must have been divided into sections, or what, in modern parlance, would be called " gangs," engaged in various parts of the building and in different employments.
Isto je tako moguće da su, kako bi se izbjegao nered, ovi radnici bili podijeljeni u različite jedince, ili, modernim rječnikom rečeno, "skupine radnika" uposlene na različitim dijelovima građevine i na raznim poslovima.

[Wed Oct 15 11:34:36 2003]
There must have been a higher and more skillful class occupied in directing the works of these several sections;
Mora da je postojala viša i vještija klasa radnika koja se bavila upravljanjem radova ovih nekoliko skupina;

[Wed Oct 15 11:34:36 2003]
there must have been others less skillful and yet competent to discharge the duties of stone-cutters and layers, and there must have been another and still inferior class who were only acquiring the rudiments of the profession.
morala je postojati još jedna kategorija radnika, ne toliko vještih, ali ipak sposobnih da ispune dužnosti klesara i zidara, a morala je postojati još jedna i još niža skupina radnika koji su tek bili stjecali osnove zanimanja.

[Wed Oct 15 11:51:36 2003]
Founded on these evident propositions, Anderson made his division of the workmen at the Temple into the three classes of Master Masons, Fellow Crafts, and Entered Apprentices.
Na temelju ovih jasnih navoda, Anderson je izveo svoju podjelu radnika u Hramu na tri kategorije - Majstore slobodne zidare, Pomoćnike i Pripravnike.

[Wed Oct 15 11:51:36 2003]
But he abandoned the Legend in calling the three thousand six hundred officers of King Solomon Master Masons and making the whole number, exclusive of the seventy thousand laborers and the thirty thousand wood-cutters on Mount Lebanon, eighty-three thousand, and afterward stating that there were one hundred and eighty-three thousand Masons in all - a contradiction of his own previous statement as well as of the Legend of the Craft which states the whole number of Masons to have been eighty thousand.
No on odstupa od Legende kad tri tisuće i šesto službenika kralja Salomona naziva majstorima slobodnim zidarima i kad kaže da je ukupan broj, bez sedamdeset tisuća radnika i trideset tisuća drvosječa na Libanonskoj gori, osamdeset i tri tisuće, a kasnije izjavljuje da je sve skupa bilo stotinu i osamdeset tri tisuće slobodnih zidara - što je u proturječju s njegovom prethodnom tvrdnjom kao i Legendom o Zanatu koja tvrdi da je ukupan broj slobodnih zidara bio osamdeset tisuća.

[Wed Oct 15 12:07:49 2003]
The modem ritual may, however, be considered as having adopted the Temple of Jerusalem as a type of that abstruse symbol of a spiritual temple, which forms, as will be hereafter seen, one of the most important and most interesting symbolic lessons on which the philosophy of Speculative Masonry depends.
Za moderni se obred, međutim, može reći da je usvojio jeruzalemski Hram kao primjer tog složenog simbola duhovnog hrama, koji čini, kao što će se kasnije vidjeti, jednu od najvažnijih i najzanimljivijih simboličnih pouka na koju se oslanja filozofija spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Wed Oct 15 12:13:09 2003]
But viewing it as an historical statement, it is devoid of all claims to credence.
No promatrajući ga kao povijesni navod, ne može se tražiti da u njega vjerujemo.

[Wed Oct 15 12:13:09 2003]
The facts stated in the ritual are an outgrowth of those contained in the Legend of the Craft which it has greatly altered by unauthorized additions, and it is in entire contradiction to those given in the Books of Kings and Chronicles.
Činjenice navedene u obredu su proizvod onih koje se nalaze u Legendi o Zanatu koju je uvelike izmijenio neovlaštenim dodacima, i u potpunom je proturječju s onim što navode Knjiga o kraljevima i Knjiga ljetopisa.

[Wed Oct 15 12:21:55 2003]
The claim that Freemasonry took its origin at the building of the Temple is without any historical authority.
Tvrdnja da je slobodan zidarstvo nastalo prilikom izgradnje Hrama nema nikakav povijesni autoritet.

[Wed Oct 15 12:27:50 2003]
The Legend of the Craft, upon which, to be consistent, all Masonic rituals should be founded, assigns its origin equally to two other periods - to that of the building of the Tower of Babel, when Nimrod was Grand Master, and to Egypt under the geometrician Euclid.
Legenda o Zanatu, na kojoj bi se, da budemo dosljedni, trebali temeljiti svi slobodnozidarski obredi, jednako tako pripisuje njegovo podrijetlo i dvjema drugim razdobljima - razdoblju izgradnje Babilonske kule, kad je Nimrod bio Veliki Majstor i Egiptu za vrijeme geometričara Euklida.

[Wed Oct 15 12:27:50 2003]
Why the Temple of Solomon was exclusively selected by the modem Masons as the incunabulum of their Order can be only conjecturally accounted for.
Zbog čega su suvremeni slobodni zidari odabrali jedino Salomonov Hram kao začetak svog Reda, može se jedino teoretski objasniti.

[Wed Oct 15 12:37:18 2003]
I am not unwilling to believe, for reasons that have been already assigned, that the Operative or Stone Masons of the Middle Ages had some tradition or Legend of the origin of the Institution at the Temple of Solomon.
Sklon sam vjerovati, zbog već navedenih razloga, da su operativni slobodni zidari ili kamenoresci u srednjem vijeku imali neku predaju ili Legendu o nastanku Institucije prilikom izgradnje Salomonovog Hrama.

[Wed Oct 15 12:37:18 2003]
If so, I am inclined to attribute their selection of this in preference to any other stately edifice of antiquity to these reasons.
U tom slučaju, sklon sam pripisati njihov odabir ovog, a ne nekog drugog drevnog velebnog zdanja, ovim razlozima.