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[Wed Oct 29 14:16:45 2003]

[Wed Oct 29 14:20:52 2003]
Mjerljiv je i brojem prijavljenih patenata.
It is also measurable by a number of registered patents.

[Wed Oct 29 14:27:07 2003]
Konačno, problem je danas i sasvim direktno mjerljiv i brojem nezaposlenih radnika, kao i brojem uvedenih novih tehnologija.
Finally, the problem is today also completely directly measurable by a number of unemployed workers, as well as by a number of recently introduced technologies.

[Wed Oct 29 14:33:43 2003]
Danu nam povijesnu šansu početkom devedesetih godina, nažalost, nismo znali iskoristiti.
Unfortunately, we didn't know how to use the historical chance givee to us at the beginning of the nineties.

[Wed Oct 29 14:33:43 2003]
Na razmeđu istoka i zapada i s zatečenom tehnološkom i menadžerskom bazom devedesetih godina moglo se iskoristiti našu do tada stečenu poziciju i prednost
At the crossroads of the east and the west, with unprepared technological and managerial base of the nineties, our until then acquired position and advantage could have been used

[Wed Oct 29 14:56:38 2003]
Sada na pragu novog milenija i nakon propuštene šanse uključivanja u Europu i tehnološki svijet informacijske tehnologije i današnjeg prijetećeg tehnološkog jaza teško je taj jaz (u eksponencijalnom rastu promjena) premostiti i izgubljenu šansu nadoknaditi.
Now, at the threshold of a new millennium, and after we have missed our opportunities of joining the Europe and the technological world of information technology, looking at the today's threatening technological gap, it is difficult to cross that gap (in the exponential growth of change) and to make up for the lost opportunity.

[Wed Oct 29 14:58:10 2003]
Naime mijene u tehnologijama i tehnikama građenja, projektiranja i međusobnih izmjena podataka među sudionicima procesa građenja su vrtoglavo brze, a prolaznost našeg izgubljenog vremena je (i za mlade) nenadoknadiva.
In other words, changes in building technologies and building techniques, changes in design and interchanges of data among participants of a building process are dizzily fast, and the transience our lost time is (even for for young people) irretrievable.

[Wed Oct 29 14:58:46 2003]
Nažalost zabrinjava i relativna nezainteresiranost građevinskih poduzeća za dobivanjem posla u inozemstvu:
Unfortunately, another thing that worries us is the relative indifference of building companies for obtaining jobs abroad:

[Wed Oct 29 15:01:46 2003]
na nedavno održanoj konferenciji IABSE - TU Berlin, u Berlinu (1998.)
at the recent conference of IABSE - TU Berlin, in Berlin (1998.)

[Wed Oct 29 15:02:30 2003]
o obnovi građevinskog naslijeđa bivših istočno-europskih zemalja, nisu bila prisutna poduzeća iz Hrvatske, a radilo se o 80 milijuna objekata (!)
) about the renovation of building heritage of the former East European countries, Croatian companies were not present, and they were talking about 80 million facilities (!)

[Wed Oct 29 15:02:30 2003]
koje treba na neki način obnoviti u idućem doglednom razdoblju
) that need to be renewed in some way in the next eventual period

[Wed Oct 29 15:12:15 2003]
Međutim, unatoč svemu, čini mi se, ipak, da su ovi problemi, jednom uočeni, ipak i relativno brzo rješivi, našim priklanjanjem i integracijom u EU i u grupaciju razvijenih zemalja.
However, in spite of everything,,, it seems that these problems, once they have been perceived, still relatively quickly resolvable, if we were to join and integrate with the EU and with the group of the developed countries.

[Wed Oct 29 15:12:15 2003]
Stoga i malo više optimizma u hodu ka i u novom stoljeću
Therefore we must have a little more optimism in going towards the new century

[Wed Oct 29 15:28:27 2003]
Današnji razvojni put graditeljstva nije u trendu svjetskog razvoja.
The present-day development of building construction is not following the trend of world development.

[Wed Oct 29 15:34:19 2003]
Obnova, ratom razorenih objekata, ma kako dobronamjerno i stručno zacrtana, nije usmjerena ka budućnosti, već se zasniva na prošlosti i prošlim iskustvima, te nas stoga vraća unazad, umjesto da nas katapultira u budućnost.
Reconstruction, of objects which were destroyed during the war, however well-intentioned and professionally defined, was not directed towards the future, but instead it was based on the past times and past experiences, so therefore it leads us backwards, instead of catapulting us into the future.

[Wed Oct 29 15:35:16 2003]
Ne razumije se (ili se ne želi razumjeti) današnje trendove razvoja, koji se zasnivaju na naprednim tehnologijama, integraciji CAD-CAM i A/E/C* lanca, razmjeni elektronskih informacija bezpapirnim medijima između svih sudionika procesa projektiranja i građenja, uključivanju u međunarodnu podjelu rada i iskustava.
We do not undrestand (or perhaps we do not want to understand) current trends of development, which are based on advanced technologies, on CAD-CAM and A/E/C* chain integration, on the electronic information exchange by way of paperless media between all the participants of designing and building processes, and on involvement in the international division of labour and experience.

[Wed Oct 29 15:38:20 2003]
Razvoj i primjena ekspertnih sustava, industrijska proizvodnja objekata, virtualna realnost i robotika su iluzije.
Development and application of the expert systems, the industrial production of objects, virtual reality and robotics are all illusions.

[Wed Oct 29 15:40:06 2003]
Uglavnom je pogled usmjeren na prošlost, iskustva prošlosti, načinima rješenja zasnovanih na iskustvima starim i više od desetak godina.
We are mostly looking at the past, at our former experience, at solutions based on the experience which is more than ten years old.

[Wed Oct 29 15:40:06 2003]
Primjena znanosti u praksi je minorna
The use of science is negligible in practice

[Wed Oct 29 15:44:42 2003]
Informacije s Web-a, Europski projekti s područja graditeljskih znanosti, mogu se doseći linkovima s WEB stranice prof. Ž.
Web information, European projects from the area of building science, can be found via links from the prof. Ž.

[Wed Oct 29 15:44:42 2003]

[Wed Oct 29 15:48:10 2003]
Djelomični spisak URL adresa institucija, bibliografija, primjena i informacija o ES
Partial list of URL addresses of institutions, bibliography, the use and information about ES

[Wed Oct 29 16:14:04 2003]
Šanse su u obnovi bile obnoviti i revitalizirati uništeno, ali ne u smislu obnove vjernih faksimila, već kao unapređenje života pomoću suvremenih postupaka građenja, kao i unaprijediti industriju projektiranja i građenja, obnovi građevinskih objekata, već i cjelokupnog života i življenja, a što uključuje ne samo obnovu proizvodnje, već i njeno unapređenje, te i razvoj svih mogućih A/E/C tehnologija
Chances during the reconstruction were to renew and revitalize what has been destroyed, but not in the sense of reconstructing the exact facsimiles, but in the sense of promoting the life by using contemporary building processes, and improving the designing and building industry, reconstructing the building objects, but also the entire life and living, which includes not only the production reconstruction, but also its promotion, as well as the development of all possible A/E/C technologies

[Wed Oct 29 16:22:16 2003]
Plediralo se također i na A/C/E suvremenom pristupu obnovi cjelovitih objekata, zasnovanih na industrijskoj proizvodnji panela 3D objekata i cijelih blokova, uključujući i kompleksne sanitarno energetske čvorove (tzv.
There were also pleads for A/C/E contemporary access to reconstruction of integral objects, based on the industrial production of panels for 3D objects and entire blocks, including the complex sanitary power nodes (the so called

[Wed Oct 29 16:23:58 2003]
"ognjišta"), u koje su integrirani svi čvorni elementi potreba suvremenog života:
There were also pleads for A/C/E contemporary access to reconstruction of integral objects, based on the industrial production of panels for 3D objects and entire blocks, including the complex sanitary power nodes (the so called " hearths "), into which have been integrated all nodal elements that contemporary life requires:

[Wed Oct 29 16:25:45 2003]
opskrba energijom (vodom, plinom, strujom, grijanjem), komunikacijama (telefonski priključci), s uključivanjem mokrog čvora (WC, tuš-kupaona, kuhinja), i odvodom otpadnih tvari.
energy supply (by water, gas, electricity, heating), communications (telephone connections), the wet node (WC, shower-bathroom, kitchen), and drain pipe of waste products.

[Wed Oct 29 16:27:22 2003]
U ova rješenja uključivalo se i gradnju svih (povratnicima) važnih čimbenika života:
Included into these solutions was also the construction of all (for the returning emigrants) important factors of living:ž

[Wed Oct 29 16:30:03 2003]
prostore za multiaktivne djelatnosti, škole, crkve, objekte športa, trgovine.
ž premises for multiactive activities, schools, churches, sports objects, shops.

[Wed Oct 29 16:32:40 2003]
Za razvoj takvih iskustava bilo je bitno razviti suvremene pogone za proizvodnju elemenata i cjelina, a koje se pogone trebalo robotizirati, elemente građenja unificirati, te ostvariti pogodnu velikoserijsku industrijsku proizvodnju.
For the development of such experience it was important to develop contemporary plants for production of parts and entire units, and those plants needed to be robotized, building elements needed to be unified, and the appropriate large-scale serial industrial production needed to be realized.

[Wed Oct 29 16:32:42 2003]
Dio tog programa (minimalne tehnologije) je opisan u programima razvoja industrije i zanatstva sadržanim u knjizi "Management i poduzetništvo - 1000 programa ulaganja" (CP i Mladost, 1994.)
Part of that program (of minimal technology) has been described in development programs for industry and trade, and incorporated in the book " Management and entrepreneurship - 1000 investment programs " (CP and Mladost, 1994.)

[Wed Oct 29 16:32:42 2003]

[Wed Oct 29 16:37:10 2003]
Industrijsko građenje kuća
Industrial house building

[Wed Oct 29 16:37:30 2003]
industrijsko građenje kuća na licu mjesta
industrial house building on the spot

[Wed Oct 29 16:37:50 2003]
industrijalizirana prefabricirana gradnja
industrialized prefabricated building

[Wed Oct 29 16:43:25 2003]
Smatralo se da su 3D rješenja zasnovana na suvremenim prostornim koncepcijama i optimizaciji, svakako strukturalno i ekonomski pogodnija od "uhodanih" i tzv.
It was believed that 3D solutions, based on contemporary spacial conceptions and optimization, were certainly structurally and economically more appropriate than the "routine", so called

[Wed Oct 29 16:44:26 2003]
"jeftinih" dostupnih, iskustvom prošlosti naučenih i usvojenih rješenja, uglavnom zasnovanih na primjeni cigle, žbuke, zidanja, te klasičnih drvenih konstrukcija (visulje, stolci i sl.)
It was believed that 3D solutions, based on contemporary spacial conceptions and optimization, were certainly structurally and economically more appropriate than the "routine", so called "cheap" accessible, by the past experience learned and adopted solutions, mostly based on the use of bricks, plaster, bricklaying, and classic wooden structures (queen-post trusses, simple post trusses, and so on)

[Wed Oct 29 16:48:15 2003]
i betona te primjeni manualne (često nekvalificirane) radne snage.
It was believed that 3D solutions, based on contemporary spacial conceptions and optimization, were certainly structurally and economically more appropriate than the "routine", so called "cheap" accessible, by the past experience learned and adopted solutions, mostly based on the use of bricks, plaster, bricklaying, and classic wooden structures (queen-post trusses, simple post trusses, and so on) and concrete, and on the use of manual (often unqualified) labor.

[Wed Oct 29 16:49:58 2003]
Velikoserijska industrijska proizvodnja tih konstrukcija omogućila bi prodor novih ideja, racionalno korištenje resursa (vremenskih, novčanih, materijalnih, energetskih i resurse radne snage), a pomaklo bi i industriju građenja u jednom smjeru suvremenog industrijskog građenja i implementacije visokih A/E/C tehnologija.
The large-scale serial industrial production of these constructions would enable the breakthrough of new ideas, the rational use of resources (temporal, financial, material, energy and labor), and would move the building industry in the direction of contemporary industrial building and implementation of high A/E/C technologies.

[Wed Oct 29 16:50:15 2003]
Izvođenje tih prefabriciranih konstrukcija je nesrazmjerno brže u odnosu na klasične metode građenja i sanacija, opisane u tzv.
Execution of these prefabricated constructions is disproportionately faster in respect to classical methods of building and improvement, described in the so called

[Wed Oct 29 16:55:48 2003]
"žutoj knjizi" Ministarstva obnove.
Execution of these prefabricated constructions is disproportionately faster in respect to classical methods of building and improvement, described in the so called "yellow book" of the Ministry of Reconstruction.

[Wed Oct 29 17:03:57 2003]
Radilo se i na razvoju u nas i prve ideje integracije CAD-CAM procesa, projektiranja ka izvođenju, u cilju elektronske razmjene A/E/C informacija i podataka.
There was also some work on the development of our first idea of CAD-CAM process integration, designing towards the execution, for the purpose of the electronic exchange of A/E/C information and data.

[Wed Oct 29 17:05:26 2003]
Ove su ideje naišle na dobar prijem u inozemstvu, a i radna komisija WC5 (za primjenu i razvoj informatike) međunarodne udruge konstruktora (IABSE) predložila je rad Alenke i Davora Delića, uz još tri druga rada, na razmatranje međunarodnoj stručnoj javnosti (tijekom 1995.)
These ideas came upon a good reception abroad, and the working commission WC5 (for the use and development of information science) of the international constructors association (IABSE - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering) has suggested the work of Alenka and Davor Delić, with three other works, for consideration of the international professional public (during 1995)

[Wed Oct 29 17:12:52 2003]
. Kod nas na žalost nije bilo pozitivne percepcije tih ideja, već se išlo dvojbenim putem tzv.
In our country, unfortunately, there was no positive perception of these ideas, and instead we chose the uncertain path of the so called

[Wed Oct 29 17:12:52 2003]
jeftine gradnje, koja je u konačnici za Hrvatsku i najskuplje rješenje, pogotovo ako se u račun uzmu vremenska zaostajanja za razvojem u svijetu, nedovršenost posla, nedomišljenost tehnologija, uspostava prijeratnog standarda, te energetska rastrošnost korištenja, te zaostajanje za integracionim A/E/C procesima u svijetu
In our country, unfortunately, there was no positive perception of these ideas, and instead we chose the uncertain path of the so called cheap building, which is, in the long run, also the most expensive solution for Croatia, especially if we consider temporal lags behind the world development, incompleteness of the job, uninventiveness of technologies, establishment of the pre-war standards, the dissipation of energy use, and lagging behind the integration A/E/C processes around the world

[Wed Oct 29 17:25:23 2003]
Forsiranjem ove politike, propustilo se uključiti na jedan superioran način i u predstojeću obnovu Bosne i Hercegovine, a i bilo gdje na zemljinoj kugli gdje bi to bilo potrebno (zbog destrukcija ratom, potresima, poplavama i drugih katastrofa).
By forcing this policy, we have missed to join in a superior way into the forthcoming reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as anywhere else in the world where it would be required (due to war destruction, earthquakes, floods and other catastrophes).

[Wed Oct 29 17:25:23 2003]
Napredne industrijske proizvodnje kuća omogućuju izvoz tih proizvoda
Advanced industrial production of houses enable the exportation of these products

[Thu Oct 30 12:22:14 2003]
Razvojem građevinskih znanosti i vještina građenja, nagomilavanjem iskustva eksperata, a posebice razvojem informatike, sve se više u graditeljstvu i arhitekturi implementiraju ekspertni sustavi (ES).
Development of building science and building skills, accumulation of expert experience, and especially the development of information science, expet systems (ES) are being increasingly implemented in building and architecture.

[Thu Oct 30 12:22:56 2003]
Iako su ES rođeni u krilu drugih područja - kompjuterskih znanosti i umjetne inteligencije - oni se danas sve više primjenjuju u projektiranju, izvođenju, kontroli procesa, monitoringu, kao i predstavljanju tumačenja standarda, kvalitativnom modeliranju i rezoniranju.
Although ES were born under the auspices of other fields - computer sciences and artificial intelligence - today they are increasingly applied in the design, performance, process control, monitoring, as well as in the presentation of standards interpretation, qualitative modelling and reasoning.

[Thu Oct 30 12:24:11 2003]
Ti se trendovi navode u referatu "Razvoj ekspertnih sustava i umjetne inteligencije" istog autora.
Those trends are stated in the report "The development of expert systems and artificial intelligences" by the same author.

[Thu Oct 30 12:24:11 2003]
Ovdje se samo navode neke ključne činjenice i trend razvoja ES
Here we shall only quote some key facts and trend of development of ES

[Thu Oct 30 12:32:42 2003]
U svijetu se razvijaju ES kao i područje umjetne inteligencije.
The ES and the field of the artificial intelligence are developing all around the world.

[Thu Oct 30 12:34:31 2003]
Iako je prošlo dosta godina od začetaka ES, očekivanja njihove masovne primjene nije se do sada ostvarilo.
Although many years have passed since beginnings of the ES, anticipation of their large-scale use has not yet been realized.

[Thu Oct 30 12:37:23 2003]
Na tom području su međutim fascinantni razvoji s jedne strane inteligentnih sustava (npr.
In that field, however, fascinating are the developments of the intelligent systems on one hand (e.g.

[Thu Oct 30 12:37:23 2003]
CIC, Dough Lenat), robotskih sustava, šeste generacije kompjutera (Japan), biočipova, a s druge strane prvi uspješni pokušaj implementacije integriranih CAD-CAM A/E/C profesionalnih sustava kolaboracije sudionika u građenju, za izmjenu elektronskih 3D modela za dizajn i izvođenje građevinskih objekata u cilju potpore razmjene podataka i pregovaranja među sudionicima građenja
CIC, Dough Lenat), robotic systems, the sixth generation of computers (Japan), biochips, and the first successful attempt of implementation of the integrated CAD-CAM A/E/C professional collaboration system of building participants on the other, for the exchange of electronic 3D models for design and execution of building objects for the purpose of supporting the exchange of data and negotiations between the building participants

[Thu Oct 30 12:43:16 2003]
U svijetu postoji cijelo mnoštvo ES s područja građevinarstva.
There is a large number of the ES from the area of civil engineering around the world.

[Thu Oct 30 12:44:26 2003]
Odustalo se od ideja univerzalizma ES.
The ideas of the ES universalism have been abandoned.

[Thu Oct 30 12:44:53 2003]
Opširno područje graditeljstva dijeli se na domene u kojima se razvijaju pojedini ES.
The extensive field of building is divided into domains in which particular ES are being developed.

[Thu Oct 30 12:45:24 2003]
Neki poznatiji operativni ES su:
Some well-known operational ES are:

[Thu Oct 30 12:49:28 2003]
HIRISE za dizajn čeličnih skeletnih objekata, ARCHIPLAN (G.
HIRISE, for designing the steel skeletal objects, ARCHIPLAN (G.

[Thu Oct 30 12:50:58 2003]
Smith) za kompletni arhitektonsko-strukturalno-instalacijsko-energetski dizajn višekatnih skeletnih objekata, DESARCH i DAMSAFE za dizajn i kontrolu lučnih betonskih brana, te IGOR, CALLISTO, CALEIDOS, MISTRAL, SCC i drugi ES.
Smith), for complete architectonic-structural-installation-power design of the multistorey skeletal objects, DESARCH and DAMSAFE, for designing and control of the arched concrete dams, and IGOR, CALLISTO, CALEIDOS, MISTRAL, SCC, and many other ES.

[Thu Oct 30 12:51:00 2003]
Zanimljivi su radovi na razvoju ES za preliminarni strukturalni dizajn zgrada (A.
Also interesting is the work on the development of the ES for the preliminary structural structure design (A.

[Thu Oct 30 12:51:19 2003]
Cauvin, G.
Cauvin, G.

[Thu Oct 30 12:51:20 2003]
Stagnitto), mostova (C.
Stagnitto), bridges (C.

[Thu Oct 30 12:51:28 2003]

[Thu Oct 30 12:51:29 2003]
Moore), prostornih čeličnih rešetki (A.
Moore), spacial steel trusses (A.

[Thu Oct 30 12:51:58 2003]
Borowski, N.
Borowski, N.

[Thu Oct 30 12:52:12 2003]
Fleischmann), a sve u cilju optimalnog i sigurnijeg dizajna, kao i njihove implementacije u tzv.
Fleischmann), and all for the purpose of optimal and safer design, as well as their implementation in the so called

[Thu Oct 30 12:57:16 2003]
"modeliranje proizvoda".
Fleischmann), and all for the purpose of optimal and safer design, as well as their implementation in the so called "product modeling".

[Thu Oct 30 12:57:28 2003]
Mnoštvo ES primjenjuje se u elaboratnim opservacijama kvalitete proizvoda, rasuđivanju o upotrebljivosti konstrukcija, procjeni šteta od korozije, planiranju radova i alokaciji novčanih resursa na rekonstrukcijama objekata, organiziranju gradilišta i sl.
Many ES are applied in elaborate observations of product quality, reasoning about the construction usability, assessment of the corrosion damage, work planning and allocation of financial resources for objects reconstruction, building site organization, and similar

[Thu Oct 30 13:00:38 2003]
Many ES are applied in elaborate observations of product quality, reasoning about the construction usability, assessment of the corrosion damage, work planning and allocation of financial resources for objects reconstruction, building site organization, and similar works.

[Thu Oct 30 13:00:38 2003]
ES su već odavno izašli iz laboratorija umjetne inteligencije i već imaju znatnog utjecaja na razvoj raznih struka, a masovno se primjenjuju u ratnoj opremi, naoružanju i vojnoj tehnici
The ES came out of the artificial intelligence laboratoy a long time ago and they already have a considerable influence on the development of various lines of work, and they are massively applied in the production of military equipment, armament and military technique

[Thu Oct 30 13:07:31 2003]
Primjer konstrukcije trozglobnog GLULAM okvira.
Example of the construction of a three-hinged GLULAM frame.

[Thu Oct 30 13:07:36 2003]
Poljoprivredni objekt:
Farm facility:

[Thu Oct 30 13:07:36 2003]
farma krava (GAJ)
cow farm (GAJ)

[Thu Oct 30 13:08:27 2003]
Konstrukcije poljoprivrednih objekata.
Constructions of farm facilities.

[Thu Oct 30 13:08:29 2003]
Trozglobni luk od lameliranog drveta (GAJ).
A three-hinged arch made of the laminated wood (GAJ).

[Thu Oct 30 13:08:29 2003]
Farma krava.
Cow farm.

[Thu Oct 30 13:09:15 2003]
Razne primjene GLULAM greda.
Various uses of GLULAM beams.

[Thu Oct 30 13:10:16 2003]
Sustav jednostavnih greda na betonskim stupovima.
A system of simple beams on concrete columns.

[Thu Oct 30 13:10:16 2003]
Primjena u poljoprivredi (izveo GAJ).
Use in the agriculture (carried out by GAJ).

[Thu Oct 30 13:10:46 2003]
Primjer konstrukcije trozglobnog GLULAM okvira.
Example of the construction of a three-hinged GLULAM frame.

[Thu Oct 30 13:10:48 2003]
Poljoprivredni objekt:
Farm facility:

[Thu Oct 30 13:10:48 2003]
farma krava (GAJ).
cow farm (GAJ).

[Thu Oct 30 13:16:25 2003]
Kad se govori o CAD-u, nastoji se CAD implementirati u CAM i automatsku razmjenu podataka između projektanata i izvođača te i krajnjih korisnika.
When talking about CAD, we try to implement CAD into CAM and into the automatic exchange of data between planners and contractors, as well as the end users.

[Thu Oct 30 13:18:39 2003]
Naime, polazi se od toga da je cijeli dizajn objektivno zapravo neovisan o metodologiji prikaza informacija.
That is, we start from the fact that the whole design is objectively actually independent of the information presentation methodology.

[Thu Oct 30 13:19:37 2003]
Informacije objektivno postoje i mogu se razmjenjivati raznim medijima, od kojih su jedan crteži na papiru.
The information objectively exist and can be exchanged via various media, one of which are the sketches on paper.

[Thu Oct 30 13:22:16 2003]
ESPRIT ATLAS je razvojni europski projekt integralne razmjene CAD-CAM informacija i djelatnosti u graditeljstvu.
ESPRIT ATLAS is the European development project for integral exchange of CAD-CAM information and building activities.

[Thu Oct 30 13:26:17 2003]
Opisat će se ukratko stanje razvoja i primjene ES na području graditeljstva kod nas
We shall briefly describe the state of development and use of the ES in the area of building in Croatia

[Thu Oct 30 13:40:07 2003]
U okviru dvaju znanstvenih tema koje su potpomognute sredstvima Ministarstva znanosti R.
In the framework of two scientific themes which are aided by the means of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of

[Thu Oct 30 13:40:46 2003]
Hrvatske, obrađivali smo dvije znanstvene teme:
In the framework of two scientific themes which are aided by the means of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia, have treated two scientific themes:

[Thu Oct 30 13:40:46 2003]
"Ekspertni sustavi u dizajnu drvenih konstrukcija" i "Ekspertni sustavi u upravljanju i kontroli ponašanja konstrukcija
" Expert systems in the design of wooden structures " and " Expert systems in the management and control of construction behavior

[Thu Oct 30 14:03:22 2003]
Koristilo se tada novi prijedlog EC 5 standarda za dizajn drvenih konstrukcija.
At that time a new suggestion of EC 5 standard for design of wooden structures was used.

[Thu Oct 30 14:03:22 2003]
Koliko mi je poznato, to je bila i prva primjena EC 5 standarda u ES
As far as I know, that was the first use of the EC 5 standard in the ES

[Thu Oct 30 14:07:11 2003]
Razvijen je i ES za klasificiranje drvene građe (na I, II, III klasu i ostalo) koristeći se ljuskom NeuroShell, koju se treniralo na velikom broju generiranih primjera (Žagar, Delić)
The ES for the woodwork classification (on I, II, III class and the rest) ws also developed, by using the NeuroShell, which was trained on numerous generated examples (Žagar, Delić)

[Thu Oct 30 14:11:59 2003]
Razvijen je i savjetodavni ES za odabir povoljnih konstrukcijskih rješenja pokrovnih konstrukcija (Saler, Žagar, Bjelanović) koristeći se ljuskom GURU-SOLVEUR (MDS).
The advisory ES for selection of favourable constructional solutions of covering constructions (Saler, Žagar, Bjelanović) was also developed, by using the GURU-SOLVEUR shell (MDS).

[Thu Oct 30 14:16:21 2003]
Sačinjena je i prototipna ekspertna mreža za vrednovanje i sanaciju ratom oštećenih prizemnica (Delić, Žagar) koristeći se ljuskom GURU i s na primjerima treniranom run-time neuralnom (Wards NeuroShell) mrežom
There was also a prototype expert network for evaluation and improvement single-story houses which were damaged during the war (Delić, Žagar) by using the GURU shell and the run-time neural network (Wards NeuroShell) which was trained on examples

[Thu Oct 30 14:38:11 2003]
Također smo razvili proračunsko modelski sustav moguće kontrole stabiliziranja složenih konstrukcija, pomoću, na manualno generiranim primjerima trenirane NM i ugrađenih u konstrukciju upravljačkih kompjutora i senzora (Žagar, Delić), te time pokazali jedan mogući put razvoja novih "inteligentnih" (smart) strukturalnih rješenja.
We have also developed a budgetary model system for the possible control of stabilizing complex constructions, by using, on manually generated example- trained NN and operating computers and sensors which were built into the construction (Žagar, Delić), and with that we have shown one possible way of development of new " intelligent " (smart) structural solutions.

[Thu Oct 30 14:45:52 2003]
Ovaj je sustav regulacije "pametnih konstrukcija" izazvao zanimanje na EUROMECH 345 kolokviju 1996.
This system of regulation of "smart constructions" has aroused the interest on EUROMECH 345 colloquium in 1996

[Thu Oct 30 14:46:53 2003]
u Liverpoolu.
This system of regulation of "smart constructions" has aroused the interest on EUROMECH 345 colloquium in 1996 in Liverpool.

[Thu Oct 30 14:46:53 2003]
Danas u svijetu, inteligentne konstrukcije predstavljaju predmet zanimanja inženjera raznih struka.
In today's world, intelligent constructions are the object of interest of engineers from different lines of work.

[Thu Oct 30 15:27:29 2003]
Razvijeni su i relativno jednostavni originalni kodovi ekspertnih ljusaka (u MSBASIC-u), s mogućnostima učenja na primjerima, a s kojima je sačinjeno nekoliko edukacijskih ekspertnih sustava:
We have also developed a relatively simple original codes of expert shells (in MSBASIC), with possibilities of learning on examples, and with which we have composed a few educational expert systems:

[Thu Oct 30 15:28:39 2003]

[Thu Oct 30 16:46:24 2003]
Saler je objavila u časopisu Građevinar opis ekspertnog sustava za dimenzioniranje čeličnih stupova i greda, zasnovanog na korištenju DIN valjanih čeličnih profila.
Saler has published in the Civil Engineer Magazine a description of expert system for dimensioning of stanchions and beams, based on use of DIN rolled steel sections.

[Thu Oct 30 16:47:48 2003]
Također je s tom ljuskom sačinjen i ekspertni sustav za korištenje pajantnih krovišta iz tipske i istovjetne građe ciljan na korištenje pri obnovama ratom razorenih krovišta zgrada (Žagar, Saler, Bjelanović).
With this shell was also constructed the expert system for the use of queen-post truss roofs from standard and identical structures aimed at the use in reconstruction of roofs destroyed during the war (Žagar, Saler, Bjelanović).

[Thu Oct 30 16:50:18 2003]
Na žalost, ES nije nikad primijenjen u praksi i danas postoji samo tiskani zapis algoritma u skriptama o Ekspertnim sustavima (Žagar).
Unfortunately, the ES has never been used in practice and today there exists only the printed entry of the algorithm in lecture notes about the Expert systems (Žagar).

[Thu Oct 30 16:50:18 2003]
Isto je tako pokazano da se s tom ljuskom može ostvariti ES za proračun i dimenzioniranje drvenih rešetki uključujući i njihovu protupožarnu otpornost, a koji crpi podatke iz prethodno generirane baze podataka
Also, it has been shown that this shell can accomplish the ES for calculation and dimensioning of trelliswork, including their fire-prevention resistance, and which absorbs data from previously generated databases

[Fri Oct 31 10:20:59 2003]
U sadašnjoj fazi razvijen je prototip ES za ocjenu kvalitete uzoraka drvene građe pomoću perkusije standardiziranim uređajem s očitavanjem odaziva i korištenjem trenirane Wardove NeuroWindows NM, te i ultrazvučnog skeniranja uzoraka.
In the current phase the prototype ES for quality evaluation of lumber samples has been developed by using percussions with standardized appliance which reads responds and trained Ward's NeuroWindows NN, as well as the ultrasonic scanning of samples.

[Fri Oct 31 10:21:00 2003]
Treniranje NM upotpunjeno je odzivima korespondirajućih FE modela (magistarski rad V.
Training of NM has been supplemented by responses of the corresponding FE models (master's thesis of V.

[Fri Oct 31 10:23:01 2003]

[Fri Oct 31 10:23:02 2003]
Značajan je razvoj ES za tumačenje i primjenu hrvatske verzije EC 5 standarda za drvene konstrukcije koristeći se MDBS ljuskom GURU (magistarski rad A.
The development of the ES is important for interpretation and use of Croatian version of EC 5 standard for wooden structures by using MDBS GURU shell (master's thesis of A.

[Fri Oct 31 10:23:44 2003]

[Fri Oct 31 10:24:21 2003]
Razvijena je i vrlo složena ekspertna mreža za projektiranje i verifikaciju spregnutih betonskih stupova (magistarski rad D.
We have also developed a very complex expert network for design and verification of yoked concrete columns (master's thesis of D.

[Fri Oct 31 10:28:27 2003]
U stadiju razvoja je i E sustav za opsežni dizajn drvenih konstrukcija i entiteta (Magerle).
The E system for extensive design of wooden structures and wooden entities is currently under development (Magerle).

[Fri Oct 31 10:28:36 2003]
Također je u početnom razvoju ES za ocjenu protupožarne sigurnosti drvenih konstrukcija, kao nadopuna ES za EC 5 standard (dipl.
We have also started to develop the ES for evaluation of fire-prevention safety of wooden structures, as a supplement for the ES for EC 5 standard (graduation thesis

[Fri Oct 31 10:28:37 2003]
rad J.
We have also started to develop the ES for evaluation of fire-prevention safety of wooden structures, as a supplement for the ES for EC 5 standard (graduation thesis of J.

[Fri Oct 31 10:28:37 2003]

[Fri Oct 31 10:36:34 2003]

[Fri Oct 31 10:36:34 2003]
Kolić kreirao je ANN za prognozu ponašanja kontinuiranih armirano betonskih prednapregnutih cestovnih mostova, kao i ANN za projektiranje upetih u temelje, visokih stupova mostova (podaci za stupove visoke 46, 54, 105 m, Limska Draga, Istra, Hrvatska
Kolić has created ANN for prognosing the behaviour of continuous reinforced concrete prestressed road bridges, as well as ANN for design of high bridge columns which are propped in foundations, (data for columns which are 46m, 54m, 105 m high, Limska Draga, Istria, Croatia

[Fri Oct 31 11:03:00 2003]
Također je u postdiplomske studije Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu uveden kolegij Ekspertni sustavi, u kojem se u okviru seminarskih radova polaznika razvilo nekoliko zapaženih ekspertnih sustava, npr. sustav za idejno projektiranje masivnih grednih mostova (Mekjavić).
Also, a course of lectures on Expert systems has been introduced at the of Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, and several noted expert systems have been developed in the framework of student theses, e.g. a system for the preliminary design of massive beam bridges (Mekjavić).

[Fri Oct 31 11:03:26 2003]
ES za odabir optimalne čelične konstrukcije cestovnih mostova (D.
The ES for selection of optimal steel structure of road bridges (D.

[Fri Oct 31 11:03:41 2003]
Čiček), ES za odabir armature a.b.
Čiček), the ES for selection of armature with a.b.

[Fri Oct 31 11:07:01 2003]
presjeka (I.
cut (I.

[Fri Oct 31 11:07:22 2003]
Gukov), te ES za odabir kvalitetne grupe čelika (M.
Gukov), and the ES for selection of the quality group of steel (M.

[Fri Oct 31 11:07:32 2003]
Balić), kao i neki drugi ES, koristeći se ljuskama PERSONAL CONSULTANT EASY (Texas Instr.)
Balić), as well as some other ES, by using STAFF CONSULTANT EASY shells (Texas Instr.)

[Fri Oct 31 11:07:37 2003]
. Za odabir spregnutih stropnih konstrukcija D.
For selection of yoked ceiling components D.

[Fri Oct 31 11:08:26 2003]
Markulak koristi GURU SOLVEUR.
Markulak uses GURU SOLVEUR.

[Fri Oct 31 11:11:04 2003]
Razrađeni su i neki drugi modelski ES.
Some other ES models have also been elaborated.

[Fri Oct 31 11:11:04 2003]
Zanimljiv je ES na osnovama na laboratorijskim rezultatima trenirane NM za prognozu čvrstoće betona
The ES based on NN trained on laboratory results for prognosing the concrete strength is also interesting

[Fri Oct 31 11:22:59 2003]
U području arhitekture razvijena su u okviru njegove disertacije, dva ES (inteligentna agenta) za savjetodavnu sveobuhvatnu arhitektonsku analizu, vrednovanje, ocjenu i dizajn trosobnih stanova B.
In the field of architecture, within the framework of his dissertation, two ES (intelligent agents) have been developed for the advisory comprehensive architectonic analysis, valuation, evaluation and design of three-room flats of B.

[Fri Oct 31 11:23:43 2003]

[Fri Oct 31 11:23:43 2003]
Ovi sustavi zasnivaju se na run-time verzijama na primjerima trenirane neuralne ljuske (Wards NeuroShell)
These systems are based on run- time versions of the example- trained neural shell (Wards NeuroShell)

[Fri Oct 31 11:50:11 2003]
U području primjene MKE razvijena je ideja o komunikacijsko-relaksacijskoj NM treniranih čvorova KE, koji u sebi imaju sva znanja o svojoj opstojnosti i svojnosti (Žagar).
In the field of FEM application, the idea of communication-relaxatory NM trained FE knots has been developed, with these knots possessing all knowledge about their viability and characteristics (Žagar).

[Fri Oct 31 11:54:45 2003]
Ovaj sustav je provjeren na sasvim jednostavnim primjerima, no za kompleksnije provjere i izradu programa potrebna su novčana sredstva i organizacija, a o čemu je referirano na EUROMECH 345 kolokviju, kao jednoj novoj mogućnosti analize proračunskih FE modela.
This system has been tested on rather simple examples, but for more complex testings and program construction we need financial resources and organization, on which was referred at EUROMECH 345 colloquium, as of a new possibility for the analysis of FE calculation models.

[Fri Oct 31 11:55:41 2003]
Ovaj novi i originalni način proračuna MKE, približavanje je proračunskog i stvarnog svijeta ponašanja materije u polju sila i pomaka.
This new and original method of FEM calculation, brings together the world of calculation and the real world of substance behavior in the field of forces and movements.

[Fri Oct 31 11:56:32 2003]
Sličan prvi korak paralelnog procesiranja u analizama MKE za paralelne strojeve (neurokompjutore) razvio je i Pan Zeng.
A similar first step of parallel processing in FEM analyses for parallel engines (neurocomputers) was also developed by Pan Zeng.

[Fri Oct 31 11:56:32 2003]
Treba spomenuti i genetičke algoritme (GA) koje postupno treba usvajati.
We must also mention genetic algorithms (GA) which we must gradually start to adopt.

[Fri Oct 31 14:09:52 2003]
Informacija u proizvodnom lancu od prve ideje sve do realizacije u praksi i do korištenja sagrađenog objekta postoji neovisno o stanju radova.
Information in the production chain from the forst idea ideas to the realization in practice and to the use of a built object exists independently of the state of work.

[Fri Oct 31 14:10:32 2003]
Bez ideje ne bi se ni moglo ništa realizirati.
Without the idea, nothing could be realized.

[Fri Oct 31 14:11:54 2003]
Razmjena tih obavijesti je danas na razini pisanih (i crtanih) dokumenata, obično još uvijek pisanih na papirima.
Exchanges of these information is today on the level of written (and drawn) documents, usually still written on paper.

[Fri Oct 31 14:14:09 2003]
Istina, sve više se koriste elektronske razmjene obavijesti, koristi se razmjena disketa, elektronski mediji, e-mail i drugi oblici razmjena obavijesti.
True, there is an increasing uses of electronic information exchange, exchanges of floppy disks, electronic media, e-mail and other forms information exchange.

[Fri Oct 31 14:14:28 2003]
Moguće je u najranijoj fazi dizajna raditi svojevrsne simulacije (strukturalne, arhitektonske, 3D, simulacije izgradnje, posljedične, environmentalne i sl.)
It is possible to perform, in the earliest design stage, specific simulations (structural, architectonic, 3D, construction simulations, resultant simulations, environmental simulations, and so on.)

[Fri Oct 31 14:17:29 2003]
. Ti su načini ponekad više ili manje uspješni.
Those methods are sometimes more or less successful.

[Fri Oct 31 14:17:29 2003]
Sve se više teži eliminaciji među-medija (na papirima i crtežima) i teži se uspostaviti lanac razmjene informacija na svim razinama sve do građenja i robotizacije gradnje u kojima roboti i strojevi razumiju elektronske naloge crpljene iz elektronskih medija razmjena obavijesti između SVIH sudionika procesa građenja
There is a growing tendency to eliminate inter-media (on papers and drawings) and to establish the chain information exchange at all levels, up to the building and building robotization building in which robots and engines understand electronic commands from the electronic media of information exchange between the ALL participants of a building process

[Wed Oct 29 14:33:18 2003]
Zaključci i preporuke izvedeni na 2.
Conclusions and recommendations from The 2nd

[Wed Oct 29 14:38:14 2003]
Konferenciji "Tehničke znanosti za hrvatsko gospodarstvo:
Conclusions and recommendations from The 2nd Conference "Technical sciences for Croatian economy:

[Wed Oct 29 14:38:15 2003]
Stvaranje postojanog, prilagodljivog i životno sposobnog gospodarstva u uvjetima svjetskih integracijskih procesa i nastajanja informacijskog društva u Europi"
Creation of a stable, flexible and compentent economy in the conditions of world integration processes and the development of information society in Europe"

[Wed Oct 29 14:39:11 2003]
Hrvatsko društvo za sustave i Hrvatska akademija tehničkih znanosti, Zagreb, 1995
Croatian Society for Systems and the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences, Zagreb, 1995

[Wed Oct 29 14:39:33 2003]
Inteligentni sustavi
Intelligent systems

[Wed Oct 29 14:44:07 2003]
IT i obrazovanje u graditeljstvu, u Obrazovanje za informacijsko društvo, Prvi dio (urednik J.
IT and education in civil engineering, in Education for information society, Part One (editor J.

[Wed Oct 29 14:44:07 2003]
Božićević), Hrvatska akademija tehničkih znanosti i Hrvatsko društvo za sustave
Božićević), Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences and Croatian Systems Society

[Wed Oct 29 14:55:15 2003]
Kompjutorska grafika u arhitekturi, disertacija, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Computer graphics in architecture, dissertation, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb

[Wed Oct 29 14:57:04 2003]
Materijali Zbornika Seminara
Materials from the Collection of papers

[Wed Oct 29 14:58:39 2003]

[Wed Oct 29 15:01:39 2003]
Informacijsku i sve postinformacijske revolucije preživjet će samo najsposobniji.
Only the fittest shall survive the information and all the postinformational revolutions.

[Wed Oct 29 15:05:02 2003]
Oni koji raspolažu znanjima.
Only those who posses knowledge.

[Wed Oct 29 15:05:28 2003]
Danas je ta sposobnost uvelike skopčana sa znanstvenim istraživanjima, i financiranjima znanstvenih istraživanja, te će preživjeti samo oni koji imaju i stoga znaju i mogu.
Nowadays, this kind of competence is to a large degree connected with research work and financing of research work, so the survivors will be only those who have, and therefore know and are able.

[Wed Oct 29 15:05:33 2003]
Približavamo li se novom društvenom poretku do sada nepoznatom u povijesti:
Are we approaching a new social order, so far unknown in history:

[Wed Oct 29 15:06:35 2003]
postneokolonijalnom sustavu.
the postneocolonial system.

[Wed Oct 29 15:06:35 2003]
Da li mi na to i pristajemo?
Do we agree to it?

[Wed Oct 29 15:21:46 2003]
Mreža, WWW, Internet, E-pošta, CAD, kompjutorski programi za FEA, alati za modeliranje, teleworking, telekonferencing, baze podataka, rudari podataka, robotika, prepoznavanje glasa, AI, ES, razni apleti JAVA, virtualna realnost, zatim industrijska CAD-CAM proizvodnja, modeliranje proizvoda, su danas sveprisutne odrednice našeg života i našeg stručnog rada.
The Net, WWW, Internet, E-mail, CAD, computer programs for FEA, modelling tools, teleworking, teleconferencing, databases, data miners, robotics, voice recognition, AI, ES, various JAVA applets, virtual reality, industrial CAD-CAM production, product modelling, are nowadays widespread guidelines in our lives and our professional work.

[Wed Oct 29 15:25:33 2003]
Tome se pridružuju i novi materijali, s novim svojstvima, koji stimuliraju nova istraživanja i omogućuju i gradnje sasvim novih konstrukcija i konstrukcijskih oblika.
They are joined by new materials with new features, which stimulate new research and enable the construction of brand-new structures and structural forms.

[Wed Oct 29 15:25:33 2003]
Često oslobađajući nas naučenog naslijeđa, pa se ponekad čini da je sve ono što se godinama učenja i studiranja naučilo samo jedan balast kojeg se teško oslobađamo, ili mali korak u nepoznato.
They often liberate us from our past knowledge, so it sometimes seems as if everything that we have learned during years of studying and learning is only a ballast which we find hard to loose, or a small step into the unknown.

[Wed Oct 29 15:32:14 2003]
Integracija je sveprisutni pojam.
Integration is an all-pervasive concept.

[Wed Oct 29 15:33:50 2003]
Kao što su to i reciklaža, ušteda energije, sinergija i efemerizacija.
As well as recycling, energy saving, synergy and ephemerization.

[Wed Oct 29 15:36:30 2003]
Sinergija i efemerizacija su danas sveprisutne činjenice.
Synergy and ephemerization are nowadays all-pervading.

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:29 2003]
Virtualna stvarnost (VR) prisutna je u kompjuterskim 3D igrama i još se koristi za vojne potrebe, simulacije raznih interesnih područja, a sve više i u arhitekturi.
The virtual reality (VR) present is in computer 3D games and yet uses for military needs, simulations of the different interest areas, and increasingly and in the architecture.

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:31 2003]
Samo je pitanje vremena kad će se početi primjenjivati u svim inženjerskim projektima (http:
Only asks times when will start will apply in all engineering projects (http:

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:33 2003]
// i druge stranice, npr.
com/the EI/the bridge/howto/vrml.htm and other pages, e.g.

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:34 2003]
Web stranica Virtual Reality and Architecture (VRArch), izvještaj No.
Web page Virtual Reality and Architecture (VRArch), report But.

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:35 2003]
B-95-2, revidiran 1996.
B-95-2, are revised 1996.

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:37 2003]
od Toni Emersona iz MIT Lab te vezni linkovi).
from Tony of Emerson from MIT Lab these brace links).

[Wed Oct 29 15:46:37 2003]
Navesti će se neke Web stranice u vezi s VR:
Will quote some Web pages in connection with VR:

[Wed Oct 29 16:04:09 2003]
Integracija funkcija je moguća i poželjna.
Integration of functions is possible and desirable.

[Wed Oct 29 16:05:15 2003]
Ideje o slagalicama:
The ideas of puzzles:

[Wed Oct 29 16:05:48 2003]
kućama, zgradama, prostorima i integriranim objektima danas je nešto u svijetu već uobičajeno.
houses, buildings, areas and integrated objects are nowadays something quite common in the world.

[Wed Oct 29 16:05:48 2003]
Više ne razmišljamo linearno.
We do not think linearly anymore.

[Wed Oct 29 16:12:50 2003]
Virtualna stvarnost (VR) prisutna je u kompjuterskim 3D igrama i još se koristi za vojne potrebe, simulacije raznih interesnih područja, a sve više i u arhitekturi.
Virtual reality (VR) is present is computer 3D games and is also used for military needs, simulations of various interest areas, and more and more in architecture.

[Wed Oct 29 16:13:17 2003]
Samo je pitanje vremena kad će se početi primjenjivati u svim inženjerskim projektima (http:
It is only a question of time when it will be used in all engineering projects (http:

[Wed Oct 29 16:13:29 2003]
// i druge stranice, npr.
com/ei/most/howto/vrml.htm and other pages, e.g.

[Wed Oct 29 16:13:57 2003]
Web stranica Virtual Reality and Architecture (VRArch), izvještaj No.
Web page Virtual Reality and Architecture (VRArch), report No.

[Wed Oct 29 16:14:32 2003]
B-95-2, revidiran 1996.
B-95-2, revised in 1996

[Wed Oct 29 16:14:54 2003]
od Toni Emersona iz MIT Lab te vezni linkovi).
B-95-2, revised in 1996 by Tony Emerson from MIT Lab and connected links).

[Wed Oct 29 16:14:54 2003]
Navesti će se neke Web stranice u vezi s VR:
Here are some Web pages connected with VR:

[Wed Oct 29 16:18:33 2003]
laboratorija za VR ETH u Zürichu, prof. G.
by the lab for VR ETH in Zürich, by prof. G.

[Wed Oct 29 16:18:33 2003]
Smitha, na kojoj se preko linkova mogu naći i radovi njegovih studenata arhitekture, te silabus predmeta,
Smith, where through links you can find the work of his students of architecture, and the silabus of the subject,

[Wed Oct 29 16:24:18 2003]
s kojih stranica vode daljnji linkovi, a ilustracija služi za uvid u širinu tog novog istraživačkog CAD područja
with further links, and the illustration serves to give the insight into the extent of this new CAD research area

[Wed Oct 29 16:31:07 2003]
S rigidnih specijalističkih stavova približavamo se integraciji znanja i integralnom inteligentnom naziranju na događaje, vezujući uzroke i posljedice mnoštva mogućih izbora.
From the rigid specialist attitudes we are approaching the integration of knowledge and the integral intelligent discernment of events, connecting causes and consequences of many possible choices.

[Wed Oct 29 16:50:22 2003]
To okružje, koje nas okružuje, koje nas prisiljava da u njemu sudjelujemo, da se s njim koristimo, krije u sebi i određene opasnosti i prijetnje.
This environment, which surrounds us, which makes us take part in it and use it, contains certain dangers and threats.

[Wed Oct 29 16:50:22 2003]
Pred stalnim prodorima novih ideja i valovima plime novih spoznaja i saznanja, otkrivanje sve novijih mogućnosti, saznanje o tome što se sve u svijetu upravo sada provodi, izvodi, istražuje, gradi i ostvaruje - uzrokuje u nama opasnu malodušnost uzrokovanu sudarom s našom svakodnevicom.
Facing the constant invasions of new ideas and the waves of tide of new notions and understanding, discovering of newer and newer possibilities, knowledge about what is at this very moment going on, being carried out, investigated, buildt and realized in the world - causes dangerous low-spiritedness in us which is caused by the collision with our everyday life.

[Wed Oct 29 17:00:54 2003]
Konačno, u uvjetima nagle ekspanzije znanja i sveprisutne mreže (živčanog informacijskog sustava planete) postavljaju se pred našu i buduće generacije i pitanja cjelokupnog trenda i oblikovanja školovanja kadrova sposobnih za izvršenje modernih zadaća graditeljstva.
Finally, in the circurmstances of the sudden expansion of knowledge and the all-pervading net (the nervous information system of the planet) our generation and the future generations are faced with the question of the entire trend and the design of the education of people capable executing modern tasks of civil engineering.

[Fri Oct 31 10:05:51 2003]
Nedvojbena je nagla ekspanzija znanja.
The sudden expansion of knowledge is undeniable.

[Fri Oct 31 10:07:12 2003]
Internet je prozor u razne komunikacije, u svako doba dana i noći, bilo gdje se nalazili, preko mreže se mogu razmatrati i iskusiti komunikacije i konverzacije o bilo kojem bilo kako sitnom ili bilo kako svestranom subjektu.
Internet is the window on different types of communication, at any time, day or night, wherever we are, through the net we can consider and experience communications and conversations about any kind of insignificant or universal subject.

[Fri Oct 31 10:12:41 2003]
Mreža (Web i Internet) omogućuju nagli pristup svim mogućim informacijama.
The Net (Web and Internet) enable quick access to all possible information.

[Fri Oct 31 10:14:07 2003]
Dovoljno je pri surfanju na mreži "kliknuti" mišem na neko, bilo koje područje ljudske djelatnosti i saznati skoro sve što se radi u znanstvenim institutima i istraživačkim centrima.
When surfing the net, it is enough to use the mouse and "click" on any area of human activity and find out about almost everything that is going on in scientific institutes and research centres.

[Fri Oct 31 10:14:27 2003]
Znati sve što je napisano, citirano i urađeno.
To know everything that is written, cited and carried out.

[Fri Oct 31 10:15:14 2003]
I sudjelovati u tom izazovu.
And to participate in this challenge.

[Fri Oct 31 10:16:40 2003]
Saznati kako je što i od koga je što i zašto, kada i kako financirano.
To find out what is financed, by whom, when and how.

[Fri Oct 31 10:19:28 2003]
Sve o ciljevima i rezultatima istraživanja.
Everything about goals and results of research.

[Fri Oct 31 10:22:42 2003]
Saznati sve o surađujućim znanstvenim timovima i pojedincima suradnicima.
To find out everything about co-operating scientific teams and particular coworkers.

[Fri Oct 31 10:22:44 2003]
O projektima, izvođenju, karakteristikama, programima, kritici, konzorcijima.
About projects, realization, characteristics, programs, reviews, consortia.

[Fri Oct 31 10:22:44 2003]
.., novim idejama.
, new ideas.

[Fri Oct 31 10:30:04 2003]
Samo je ljudska ignorancija ozbiljna prepreka apsorpciji svih tih znanja.
Human ignorance is the only serious obstacle to the absorbtion of all that knowledge.

[Fri Oct 31 10:35:10 2003]
Mi smo danas zasuti informacijama.
These days we are swamped with information.

[Fri Oct 31 10:35:14 2003]
Stoga i postoje inteligentni agenti koji nam mogu filtrirati informacije prema našim interesima, sklonostima i mogućnostima (npr.
Therefore, there are intelligent agents which can filter information according to our interests, inclinations and capabilities (e.g.

[Fri Oct 31 11:03:11 2003]
Stimulirati stoga što bi se njima mogli priključiti, kako bi ponešto od tih istraživanja naučili.
They can stimulate us because we could join them, in order to learn something from that research.

[Fri Oct 31 11:06:24 2003]
Zabrinuti, jer smo zaista u vidljivom zornom zaostatku, kojeg se jaz svakim časom povećava našim neprisustvovanjem, i nesudjelovanjem i neučestvovanjem.
They can worry us, because we are clearly lagging behind, and the gap is constanly being increased by our absence and non-participation.

[Fri Oct 31 11:11:29 2003]
Osvrnut ću se samo na neke istraživačke projekte integracije kompjutora u konstrukcije CIC.
I will comment on only some of the research projects of computer integration into CIC structures.

[Fri Oct 31 11:11:52 2003]
Aspekti ovog uključivanja su svestrani i danas još i nesagledivi.
Aspects of this integration are universal, and at this point still immeasurable.

[Fri Oct 31 11:12:19 2003]
To se mnogima i neće svidjeti.
Many people won't like this.

[Fri Oct 31 11:14:17 2003]
Komotnije je o tome ne razmišljati.
It is easier not to think about it.