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[Wed Sep 24 17:31:58 2003]
It is in this aspect that we must regard it, and in so doing we shall relieve the Legend of another charge of absurdity.
U takvom ga aspektu moramo promatrati, i na taj način ćemo osloboditi Legendu još jedne optužbe za apsurdnost.

[Wed Sep 24 17:37:29 2003]
It is true that we are unable now to determine how much of true history and how much of symbolism were contemplated by the authors of the Legend, when they introduced the Temple of Jerusalem into that document as a part of their traditional narrative.
Istina je da sada ne možemo utvrditi koliko su točne povijesti, a koliko simbolizma autori Legende imali pred očima, kad su uveli jeruzalemski Hram u taj dokument kao dio svoje tradicionalne pripovijesti.

[Wed Sep 24 17:37:29 2003]
But there is a doubt, and we can not now positively assert that the mediaeval Freemasons had not some impression of a symbolic idea when they incorporated it into their history.
Ali postoji dvojba, i sad ne možemo sa sigurnošću ustvrditi da srednjovjekovni slobodni zidari nisu bili pod dojmom simbolične ideje kad su ju uključivali u svoju povijest.

[Wed Sep 24 17:51:58 2003]
The Temple might, indeed, from its prominence in the ritual, be almost called the characteristic symbol of Speculative Masonry.
Hram bi se, doista, zbog svoje istaknutosti u obredu, gotovo mogao nazvati izrazitim simbolom spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva.

[Wed Sep 24 17:51:58 2003]
The whole system of Masonic Symbolism is not only founded on the Temple of Jerusalem, but the Temple idea so thoroughly permeates it that an inseparable connection is firmly established, so that if the Temple symbol were obliterated and eliminated from the system of Freemasonry - if that system were purged of all the legends and myths that refer to the building of the Solomonic Temple, and to the events that are supposed to have then and there occurred, we should have nothing remaining by which to recognize and identify Speculative Masonry, as the successor of the Operative System of the Middle Ages.
Ne samo da se čitav sustav slobodnozidarskog simbolizma temelji na jeruzalemskom Hramu, nego ga predodžba Hrama tako temeljito prožima da se čvrsto uspostavlja neraskidiva veza, tako da kad bi simbol Hrama bio izbrisan i izbačen iz sustava slobodnog zidarstva - kad bi se taj sustav pročistio od svih legendi i mitova koji se odnose na gradnju salomonskog Hrama, i na događaje koji su se navodno tada i tamo dogodili, ne bi nam ostalo ništa čime bismo mogli prepoznati i označiti spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo kao nasljednika operativnog sustava srednjeg vijeka.

[Thu Sep 25 09:42:48 2003]
The history of the Roman Empire with no account of Julius Caesar, or of Pompey, or that of the French Revolution, with no allusion to Louis XVI, or to Robespierre, would present just as mutilated a narrative as Freemasonry would, were all reference to the Temple of Solomon omitted.
Povijest Rimskog Carstva bez opisa Julija Cezara ili Pompeja, ili povijest Francuske revolucije bez spominjanja Louisa XVI ili Robespierra, predstavljala bi jednako krnju pripovijest kao i slobodno zidarstvo kad bi se izostavilo spominjanje Salomonovog Hrama.

[Thu Sep 25 09:42:48 2003]
Seeing, then, the importance of this symbol, it is proper and will be interesting to trace it back through the various exemplars of the Legend of the Craft contained in the Old Constitutions, because it is to that Legend that modern Freemasonry owes the suggestion at least, if not the present arrangement and formulae of this important symbol.
Uviđajući, onda, važnost ovog simbola, prikladno je i bit će zanimljivo otkrivati mu podrijetlo kroz razne uzorke Legende o Zanatu sadržane u Starim Konstitucijama, jer upravo toj Legendi suvremeno slobodno zidarstvo duguje barem naznaku, ako ne i sadašnje uređenje i formule ovog važnog simbola.

[Thu Sep 25 09:51:19 2003]
In the oldest Constitution that we have, the one known as the Halliwell manuscript, whose date is supposed not to be later than the end of the 14th century, there is not the least allusion to the Temple of Solomon, which is another reason why I ascribe to that document, as I have before said, an origin different from that of the other and later manuscripts.
U najstarijoj Konstituciji koju imamo, onoj poznatoj kao Halliwellov rukopis, za koju se pretpostavlja da je nastala najkasnije krajem 14. stoljeća, ne postoji ni najmanja nagovijest Salomonovog Hrama, što je još jedan razlog zbog kojeg tom dokumentu pripisujem, kao što sam već rekao, podrijetlo različito od onog ostalih i kasnijih rukopisa.

[Thu Sep 25 09:55:43 2003]
The word temple occurs but once in the entire poem, and then it is used to designate a Christian church or place of worship.
Riječ hram se pojavljuje svega jedanput u čitavoj pjesmi, i tada se koristi da označi kršćansku crkvu ili mjesto bogoštovlja.

[Thu Sep 25 09:55:43 2003]
But in the Cooke manuscript, written, as it is estimated, about a century afterward, there are ample references to the Solomonic Temple, and the statement made in the Legend of the Craft is for the first time enunciated.
Ali u Cookeov rukopis, napisan, kako se procjenjuje, oko stoljeće kasnije, obilato spominje salomonski Hrama, i tvrdnja izrečena u Legendi o Zanatu se prvi put artikulira.

[Thu Sep 25 10:00:35 2003]
After this, there is not a Constitution written in which the same narrative is not repeated.
Nakon toga, nema ni jedne Konstitucije u kojoj se ne ponavlja ista pripovijest.

[Thu Sep 25 10:00:35 2003]
There does not appear in any of them, from the Landsdowne manuscript in 1560 to the Papworth in 1701, any enlargement of the narrative or any development of new occurrences
Ni u jednoj od njih, od Landsdowneovog rukopisa iz 1560. do Papworthovog iz 1701, ne dolazi ni do kakvog proširenja pripovijesti ili ikakvog razvoja novih događaja

[Thu Sep 25 10:24:30 2003]
Each of them dilates, in almost the same words, upon the Temple of Solomon as connected with Masonry in many words, and gives elaborate details of the construction of the edifice, of the number of Masons employed, how they were occupied in performing other works of Masonry, and, finally, how one of them left Jerusalem and extended the art into other countries.
Svaka od njih raspreda, gotovo istim riječima, o Salomonovom Hramu povezanom sa slobodnim zidarstvom u mnogo riječi, i pruža opširne detalje o izgradnji građevine, broju uposlenih slobodnih zidara, kako su se bavili drugim djelima slobodnog zidarstva, i, konačno, kako je jedan od njih napustio Jeruzalem i proširio umijeće u druge zemlje.

[Thu Sep 25 10:35:20 2003]
In the beginning of the 18th century the Legend began to assume a nearer resemblance to its present form.
stoljeća, Legenda je počela preuzimati oblik sličniji sadašnjem.

[Thu Sep 25 10:36:10 2003]
The document already referred to as the Krause manuscript, and which Dr. Krause too hastily supposed was a copy of the original York Constitutions of 926, is really, as I have heretofore shown, a production of the early part of the 18th century.
Krause prenaglo pretpostavio da je primjerak izvornih Konstitucija iz Yorka iz 926, je zapravo, kao što sam već pokazao, nastao je početkom 18. stoljeća.

[Thu Sep 25 10:36:10 2003]
In this document the Legend is given in the following words :
U tom se dokumentu Legenda navodi sljedećim riječima:

[Thu Sep 25 10:45:43 2003]
"Although, by architecture great and excellent buildings had already been everywhere constructed, they all remained far behind the holy Temple, which the wise King Solomon caused to be erected in Jerusalem, to the honor of the true God, where he employed an uncommonly large number of workmen, as we find in the Holy Scriptures;
"Iako su uz pomoć arhitekture već posvuda bile sagrađene velike i izvrsne građevine, sve su one daleko zaostajale za svetim Hramom, kojeg je mudri kralj Salomon dao podići u Jeruzalemu, u čast pravog Boga, gdje je uposlio neobično velik broj radnika, kako je zapisano u Svetom Pismu;

[Thu Sep 25 10:50:50 2003]
and King Hiram of Tyre also added a number to them.
a kralj Hiram iz Tira je također pridodao veliki broj radnika.

[Thu Sep 25 10:55:13 2003]
Among these assistants who were sent was King Hiram's most skilful architect, a widow's son, whose name was Hiram Abif, and who afterwards made the most exquisite arrangements and furnished the most costly works, all of which are described in the Holy Scriptures.
Među tim pomoćnicima koje je poslao bio je Hiramov najvještiji arhitekt, sin udovice, čije je ime bilo Hiram Abif, i koji je zatim izvršio najdelikatnije pripreme i opremio najskuplje radove, što je sve opisano u Svetom Pismu.

[Thu Sep 25 11:07:23 2003]
Whether the author of the Krause manuscript had copied from Anderson, or Anderson from him, or both from some other document which is no longer extant, is a question that has already been discussed.
Je li autor Krauseovog rukopisa prepisivao od Andersona, ili Anderson od njega, ili obojica iz nekog drugog dokumenta koji više ne postoji, je pitanje o kojem se već raspravljalo.

[Thu Sep 25 11:11:16 2003]
But the description of the Temple and its connection with the history of Masonry, are given by Dr. Anderson with much of the features of the Krause form of the Legend, except that the details are more copious.
Anderson navodi opis Hrama i njegove povezanosti s poviješću slobodnog zidarstva uz mnoga obilježja Krauseovog oblika Legende, osim što je mnogo izdašniji u detaljima.

[Thu Sep 25 11:11:16 2003]
Now, what was taught concerning the Temple by Anderson in his History contained in the first edition of the Constitutions, although afterward polished and perfected by Preston and other ritual makers, is substantially the same as that which is taught at the present day in all the Lodges.
Ono što je Anderson podučavao u vezi s Hramom u svojoj Povijesti koja se nalazi u prvom izdanju Konstitucija, iako kasnije dotjerano i usavršeno od strane Prestona i drugih autora obreda, je u osnovi jednako onomu što se danas podučava u svim Ložama.

[Thu Sep 25 11:22:24 2003]
Therefore, notwithstanding that Dr. Krause asserts, that "the Temple of Solomon is no symbol, certainly not a prominent one of the English system," I am constrained to believe that it was one of the prominent symbols alluded to in the Mediaeval Legend, and that the symbol of the Temple upon which so much of the symbolism of Modem Speculative Masonry depends, was, in fact, suggested to the revivalists by the narrative contained in the Legend of the Craft.
Krause tvrditi da "Salomonov Hram nije nikakav simbol, a sigurno ne istaknut simbol engleskog sustava" prisiljen sam vjerovati da je bio jedan važnih simbola na koje se aludira u srednjovjekovnoj Legendi, i da je simbol Hrama, na koji se oslanja tako mnogo simbolizma suvremenog spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, bio, ustvari, predložen preporoditeljima u pripovijesti koja se nalazi u Legendi o Zanatu.

[Thu Sep 25 11:38:32 2003]
Whether the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, who seem to have accepted this Legend as authentic history, had also, underlying the narrative, a symbolic interpretation of the Temple and of certain incidents that are said to have occurred in the course of its erection, as referring to this life and the resurrection to a future one, or whether that interpretation was in existence at the time when the Legend of the Craft was invented, and was subsequently lost sight of, only to be recovered in the beginning of the 18th century, are questions that will be more appropriately discussed in succeeding pages of this work, when the subject of the myths and symbols of Freemasonry is under consideration.
Jesu li operativni slobodni zidari srednjeg vijeka, koji su, čini se, prihvatili ovu Legendu kao autentičnu povijest, također pronašli, u osnovi pripovijesti, simbolično tumačenje Hrama i nekih događaja koji su se navodno dogodili tijekom njegove izgradnje, u vezi s ovim životom i uskrsnućem u budućemu, ili je li to tumačenje postojalo u vrijeme kad je Legenda o Zanatu bila osmišljena, a kasnije se izgubilo iz vida, da bi se ponovo otkrilo početkom 18. stoljeća, su pitanja o kojima će se primjerenije raspravljati na narednim stranicama ovog djela, kad će se razmatrati tema mitova i simbola slobodnog zidarstva.

[Thu Sep 25 11:48:48 2003]
But it is evident that between the narrative in the Legend concerning the Temple, with its three builders, the Kings of Israel and Tyre, and Solomon's Master of the Works, and the symbolism of Modem Speculative Masonry in allusion to the same building and the same personages, there has been a close, consecutive connection.
No, očito je da postoji bliska, posljedična veza između pripovijesti u Legendi u vezi s Hramom, s njegova tri graditelja, kraljevima Izraela i Tira, i Salomonovim Majstorom Radova, i simbolizma suvremenog spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, u aludiranju na istu građevinu i iste likove.

[Thu Sep 25 11:48:48 2003]
Hence, again, we find that the Legend of the Craft is of value in reference to the light which it throws on the progress of Masonic science and symbolism, which otherwise it would not possess, if it were to be considered as a mere mythical narrative without any influence on history.
Stoga, još jednom, otkrivamo da Legenda o Zanatu ima vrijednost s obzirom na svjetlo koje baca na razvoj slobodnozidarske znanosti i simbolizma, a koju inače ne bi imala, kad bi se promatrala tek kao mitska priča bez ikakvog utjecaja na povijest.

[Thu Sep 25 12:03:26 2003]
Before concluding this subject, it will be necessary to refer to the name of the chief builder of the Temple, and whose name has undergone that corruption in all the manuscripts to which all proper names have been subjected in those documents.
Prije no što zaključimo ovu temu, bit će nužno osvrnuti se na ime glavnog graditelja Hrama, ime koje je pretrpjelo isto onakvo iskrivljavanje u svim rukopisima kakvo su pretrpjela sva vlastita imena u tim dokumentima.

[Thu Sep 25 12:03:26 2003]
Of course, it is known, from the testimony of Scripture, that the real name and title of this person, as used in reference to King Solomon and himself, was Hiram Abif, that is, "his father Hiram."
Dakako, poznato je, iz svjedočenja Svetog Pisma, da je pravo ime i titula te osobe, kako se koristi s obzirom na kralja Salomona i osobu samu, bilo Hiram Abif, odnosno, "njegov otac Hiram".

[Thu Sep 25 12:21:24 2003]
This Hebrew appellative is found for the first time in Masonic documents in Anderson's Constitutions, and in the Krause manuscript, both being of the date of the early part of the 18th century.
Ovaj hebrejski apelativ se u slobodnozidarskim dokumentima prvi put pojavljuje u Andersonovim Konstitucijama i u Krauseovom rukopisu; oba ova dokumenta datiraju s početka 18. stoljeća.

[Thu Sep 25 12:21:44 2003]
Previous to that period we find him variously called in all the Old Manuscripts, from the Dowland in 1550 to the Alnwick in 1701, Amman, Amon, Aynone, Aynon, Anon, and Ajuon.
Prije tog razdoblja nalazimo ga pod različitim imenima u svim Starim Rukopisima, od Dowlandovog iz 1550. do Alnwicka 1701. - Amman, Amon, Aynone, Aynon, Anon, i Ajuon.

[Thu Sep 25 12:30:43 2003]
Now, of what word are these a corruption ?
Od koje riječi dolaze sva ova imena?

[Thu Sep 25 12:32:56 2003]
The Cooke manuscript does not give any name, but only says, that "the King's son of Tyre was Solomon's Master Mason."
Cookeov rukopis ne daje nikakvo ime, nego kaže samo da je "sin kralja Tira bio Salomonov Majstor slobodni zidar".

[Thu Sep 25 12:39:43 2003]
All the other and succeeding manuscripts, without exception, admit this relation.
Svi ostali i kasniji rukopisi, bez iznimke, prihvaćaju ovaj odnos.

[Thu Sep 25 12:39:43 2003]
Thus the Dowland, in which it is followed by all the others, says that King Hiram " had a son that was called AYNON , and he was a Master of Geometry, and was chief Master of all Solomon's Masons."
Tako Dowlandov rukopis, u čemu ga slijede svi ostali, kaže da je kralj Hiram "imao sina koji se zvao AYNON, i bio je Majstor Geometrije, i bio je glavni Majstor svih Salomonovih slobodnih zidara."

[Thu Sep 25 12:50:09 2003]
The idea was thus established that this man was of royal dignity, the son of a King, and that he was also a ruler of the Craft.
Tako je utemeljena predodžba da je taj čovjek bio kraljevski dostojanstvenik, sin kralja, i da je također bio vladar Zanata.

[Thu Sep 25 12:51:18 2003]
Now, the Hebrew word Adon denotes a lord, a prince, a ruler or master.
Hebrejska riječ Adon označava gospodara, princa, vladara ili majstora.

[Thu Sep 25 13:02:31 2003]
It is, in short, a title of dignity.
Ukratko, to je titula koja označava visok položaj.

[Thu Sep 25 14:16:58 2003]
The old Masons may have confounded this person with Hiram from the similarity of the terminational syllables.
Moguće je da su stari slobodni zidari pomiješali ovu osobu s Hiramom zbog sličnosti završnih slogova.

[Thu Sep 25 14:17:56 2003]
The modern Continental Masons committed the same error when they established the Rite of Adonhiram or Adbniram, and gave to Hiram Abif the title of Adon Hiram, or the Lord or Master Hiram.
Suvremeni europski slobodni zidari su počinili istu pogrešku kad su utemeljili Obred Adonhirama ili Adonirama, i dodijelili Hiramu Abifu naziv Adon Hiram, tj. Gospodar ili Majstor Hiram.

[Thu Sep 25 14:17:56 2003]
If the Old Masons did this, then it is evident that they abbreviated the full name and called him Adon.
Ako su to učinili stari slobodni zidari, onda je očito da su skratili puno ime i nazvali ga Adon.

[Thu Sep 25 14:25:36 2003]
But I am more inclined to believe that the author of the first or original old manuscript, of which all the rest are copies, called the chief builder of Solomon Adon, Lord and Master, in allusion to his supposed princely rank and his high position as the chief builder or Master of the Works at the Temple.
No, skloniji sam vjerovati da je autor prvog ili izvornog starog rukopisa, čije su kopije svi ostali, nazvao glavnog Salomonovog graditelja Adonom, Gospodarom i Majstorom, aludirajući na njegov navodni prinčevski položaj i visoki status glavnog graditelja ili Majstora Radova na Hramu.

[Thu Sep 25 14:31:30 2003]
The Papworth manuscript, whose supposed date is 1714, rejects all these words and calls him Benaim, which is a misspelling of Bonaim, builders, and that a grammatical error forBoneh, the Builder.
Papworthov rukopis, koji navodno potiče iz 1714, odbacuje sve ove riječi i naziva ga Benaim, što je pogrešno napisana riječ Bonaim, graditelji, i gramatička greška u riječi Boneh, graditelj.

[Thu Sep 25 14:32:06 2003]
The writer had evidently got an inkling of the new form which the Legend was beginning to assume.
Pisac je očito naslućivao novi oblik koji je Legenda počinjala poprimati.

[Thu Sep 25 14:32:06 2003]
Anderson, it will be recollected, speaks of the "Bonai, or builders in stone."
Anderson, prisjetit ćemo se, govori o "Bonai, ili graditeljima u kamenu."

[Thu Sep 25 14:44:20 2003]
The corruption from Adon to Aynon, or Amon, or even Ajuon, is not greater than what occurs in other names in these manuscripts, as where Hermes is transmuted into Hermarines, and Euclid into Englet.
Iskrivljavanje imena Adon u Aynon, ili Amon, ili čak Ajuon, nije ništa gore od onoga koje se događa s drugim imenima u ovim rukopisima, poput onoga gdje je Hermes preinačen u Hermarinesa, a Euklid u Engleta.

[Thu Sep 25 14:45:01 2003]
Indeed the copyists of these mediaeval documents appear to have had a Gallic facility in corrupting the orthography of all foreign names, very often almost totally destroying their identity.
Doista, čini se da su prepisivači ovih srednjovjekovnih dokumenata posjedovali galsku spretnost u iskrivljavanju pravilnog pisanja svih stranih imena, i vrlo su često gotovo u potpunosti uništavali njihov identitet.

[Thu Sep 25 14:47:54 2003]
As to the real meaning of Hiram Abif, either as a historic or symbolic character, that topic will be thoroughly considered in another part of this work, when the subject of Masonic Symbols comes to be considered.
Što se tiče pravog značenja Hirama Abifa, ili kao povijesnog ili simboličnog lika, ta će tema biti temeljito razmotrena u drugom dijelu ovog rada, kad na red dođe pitanje slobodnozidarskih simbola.

[Thu Sep 25 14:47:54 2003]
The topic of the corruption of the name in the old manuscripts, and its true signification, will again be treated when I come to investigate the "Legend of Hiram Abif."
Tema iskrivljenosti imena u starim rukopisima, i njegovo pravo značenje, će se još jednom obraditi kad budem istraživao "Legendu o Hiramu Abifu."

[Thu Sep 25 14:58:41 2003]
The Legend of the Temple could not be appropriately completed without a reference to Solomon, King of Israel, and some inquiry as to how he became indebted for the important place he has held in mediaeval Freemasonry.
Legenda o Hramu se ne može primjereno zaključiti bez osvrta na Salomona, kralja Izraela, i nekakvog istraživanja o tome kako je zaslužio važno mjesto koje je zauzimao u srednjovjekovnom slobodnom zidarstvu.

[Thu Sep 25 15:17:20 2003]
The popularity of King Solomon among the Eastern nations is a familiar fact, known not only to Oriental scholars, but even to those whose knowledge on the subject is confined to what they have learned from their youthful reading of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments.
Popularnost Kralja Salomona među istočnjačkim narodima je poznata činjenica, ne samo stručnjacima za orijentalistiku, nego i onima čije je poznavanje te teme ograničeno na ono što su naučili kad su u mladosti čitali priče Tisuću i jedna noć.

[Thu Sep 25 15:17:20 2003]
Among the Arabians and the Persians, the King of Israel was esteemed as a great magician, whose power over the genii and other supernatural beings was derived from his possession of the Omnific Name, by the use of which he accomplished all his wonderful works, the said name being inscribed on his signet-ring.
Među Arapima i Perzijancima, kralj Izraela je bio štovan kao veliki čarobnjak, čija je moć, preko duhova i drugih nadnaravnih bića, dolazila iz njegovog posjedovanja Svestvoriteljskog Imena, korištenjem kojeg je ostvario sva svoja čudesna djela, a dotično ime mu je bilo urezano u pečatnjak.

[Thu Sep 25 15:25:19 2003]
It is not singular, seeing the communication which took place before and after the Crusades between the East and the West, that the wise son of David should have enjoyed an equal popularity among the poets and romancers of the Middle Ages.
) koja se odvijala prije i nakon Križarskih ratova između Istoka i Zapada, da je mudar sin Davidov uživao jednaku popularnost među pjesnicima i piscima romanci srednjeg vijeka.

[Thu Sep 25 15:30:01 2003]
But among them the character that he sustains is not that of a great magician, so much as that of a learned philosopher.
Ali među njima on ne zauzima toliko značaj velikog čarobnjaka, koliko učenog filozofa.

[Thu Sep 25 15:30:01 2003]
Whenever a Norman romancer or a Provençal minstrel composed a religious morality, a pious declamation, or a popular proverb, it was the name of Solomon that was often selected to "point the moral or adorn the tale."
Kad god bi normanski pisac romanci ili provansalski putujući glazbenik sastavljao religiozni moralitet, pobožnu recitaciju ili popularnu poslovicu, često bi odabirao Salomonovo ime da "ukaže na pouku ili ukrasi priču."

[Thu Sep 25 15:42:20 2003]
Unlike the Orientalists, whose tendencies were always toward the mystical, the mediaeval writers most probably derived their opinion of the King of Israel, from the account of him and of his writings in the Bible.
Za razliku od orijentalista, koji su uvijek težili mističnom, srednjovjekovni pisci su svoje mišljenje o kralju Izraela najvjerojatnije dobili iz njegovog opisa i napisa u Bibliji.

[Thu Sep 25 15:42:20 2003]
Now, there he is peculiarly distinguished as a proverbialist.
Tamo se on posebno ističe kao autor poslovica.

[Thu Sep 25 15:52:42 2003]
Proverbs are the earliest outspoken thought of the people, and they precede, in every nation, all other forms of literature.
Poslovice su najstarije jasno izražene misli ljudi, i one prethode, u svakom narodu, svim ostalim oblicima književnosti.

[Thu Sep 25 15:55:46 2003]
It was therefore to be expected, that at the awakening of learning in the Middle Ages, the romancers would be fascinated by the proverbial philosophy of King Solomon, rather than by his magical science, on which the Eastern fabulists had more fondly dwelt.
Moglo se, stoga, očekivati, da će u buđenju prosvijećenosti u srednjem vijeku, pisci romanci biti očarani poslovičnom filozofijom kralja Salomona, više nego njegovom magijskom znanosti, kojom su se istočnjački pisci bajki radije bavili.

[Thu Sep 25 15:55:46 2003]
Legrand D' Aussy, in his valuable work On the Fables and Romances of the 12th and 13th Centuries, gives two interesting specimens from old manuscripts, of the use made by their writers of the traditional reputation of King Solomon.
Legrand D' Aussy, u svom dragocjenom djelu O bajkama i romancama iz 12. i 13. stoljeća, daje dva zanimljiva primjera iz starih rukopisa, kako su njihovi pisci iskoristili tradicionalan ugled kralja Salomona.

[Thu Sep 25 15:59:40 2003]
The first of these is a romance called " The Judgment of Solomon."
Prvi primjer je romanca pod nazivom "Salomonov sud".

[Thu Sep 25 16:01:32 2003]
It is something like the Jewish story of the two mothers.
Slična je židovskoj priči o dvije majke.

[Thu Sep 25 16:03:01 2003]
But here the persons upon whom the judgment is to be passed are two sons of the Prince of Soissons.
No ovdje su osobe kojima treba presuditi dva sina Princa od Soissonsa.

[Thu Sep 25 16:08:13 2003]
The claim advanced was for a partition of the property.
Zahtjev je bio za podjelom imovine.

[Thu Sep 25 16:10:25 2003]
To determine who was better entitled to be the heir, by the reverence he might exhibit for the memory of his father, Solomon required each to prove his knightly dexterity by transfixing a mark with his lance, and that mark was to be the body of his dead father.
Da utvrdi tko više zaslužuje da bude nasljednik, prema pijetetu koji bi izrazio uspomeni na svog oca, Salomon je zahtijevao da svaki od njih dokaže svoju vitešku spretnost probijanjem mete svojim kopljem, a ta meta je trebala biti tijelo njegovog mrtvog oca.

[Thu Sep 25 16:11:32 2003]
The elder readily complied with the odious condition.
Stariji je spremno ispunio taj odvratan zahtjev.

[Thu Sep 25 16:12:03 2003]
The younger indignantly refused.
Mlađi ga je ogorčeno odbio ispuniti.

[Thu Sep 25 16:12:03 2003]
To him Solomon decreed the heritage.
Njemu je Salomon odredio nasljedstvo.

[Thu Sep 25 16:18:58 2003]
We see here how ready these romancers of the Middle Ages were to invent a narrative and fit it into the life of their favorite Solomon.
Ovdje vidimo kako su ovi srednjovjekovni pisci romanci bili spremni izmisliti priču i uklopiti ju u život svog omiljenog Salomona.

[Thu Sep 25 16:22:17 2003]
The makers of the Masonic Legend of the Craft, who were their contemporaries, promptly followed their example.
Autori slobodnozidarske Legende o Zanatu, koji su im bili suvremenici, spremno su slijedili njihov primjer.

[Thu Sep 25 16:22:17 2003]
There is in that Legend, as we have seen, some anachronisms, but none more absurd than that which makes a Prince of Soissons, who could not have been earlier than the time of Clovis, in the 6th century, the contemporary of a Jewish monarch who lived at least sixteen centuries before Soissons was known as a kingdom.
U toj Legendi postoje, kao što smo vidjeli, neki anakronizmi, ali nijedan apsurdniji od onog koji čini Princa od Soissonsa, koji nije mogao živjeti prije doba Klovisa, u šestom stoljeću, suvremenikom židovskog vladara koji je živio barem šestnaest stoljeća prije nego što je Soissons bio poznat kao kraljevstvo.

[Thu Sep 25 16:27:06 2003]
But it shows us the spirit of the age and how Legends were fabricated.
Ali pokazuje nam duh tog vremena i kako su Legende bile stvarane.

[Thu Sep 25 16:28:01 2003]
We are thus prepared to form a judgment of the Masonic myths.
Tako smo spremni stvoriti mišljenje o slobodnozidarskim mitovima.

[Thu Sep 25 16:29:52 2003]
The Middle Ages also attributed to King Solomon a very familiar acquaintance with the science of astrology.
Srednji vijek je kralju Salomonu također pripisivao vrlo dobro poznavanje znanosti astrologije.

[Thu Sep 25 16:30:19 2003]
In so doing they by no means borrowed the Oriental idea that he was a great magician ;
U tome nipošto nisu prisvojili istočnjačku predodžbu o njemu kao o velikom čarobnjaku;

[Thu Sep 25 16:30:19 2003]
for astrology formed no part of Eastern occult magic.
jer astrologija nije bila dio istočnjačke okultne magije.

[Fri Sep 26 09:23:07 2003]
The mediaeval astrologer was deemed a man of learning, just as at this day is the astronomer.
Srednjovjekovne astrologe su smatrali vrlo učenim ljudima, kao što je danas slučaj s astronomima.

[Fri Sep 26 09:28:26 2003]
Astrology was, in fact, the astronomy of the Middle Ages.
Astrologija bila, zapravo, bila astronomija srednjeg vijeka.

[Fri Sep 26 09:28:41 2003]
Solomon's astrological knowledge was therefore only a part of that great learning for which he had the reputation.
Salomonovo poznavanje astrologije je stoga bilo tek dio velike učenosti koja mu je krasila ugled.

[Fri Sep 26 09:29:15 2003]
In the collection of unpublished Fabliaux et Contes, edited by M.
U zbirku neobjavljenog Fabliaux et Contes, su uredili pored M.

[Fri Sep 26 09:37:03 2003]
Meon, is a poem entitled, "Le Lunaire que Salemon fist" ;
Meon, nalazi se pjesma pod naslovom, "Le Lunaire que Salemon fist";

[Fri Sep 26 09:41:15 2003]
that is, "The Lunary which Solomon made."
odnosno, "Lunarij koji je Salomon napravio."

[Fri Sep 26 09:41:15 2003]
The lunary or lunarium was a table made by astrologers to indicate the influence exerted by the moon on human affairs.
Lunarij je bila tablica koju su astrolozi radili kako bi pokazali utjecaj mjeseca na ljudsko djelovanje.

[Fri Sep 26 09:47:31 2003]
The poem, which consists of 910 lines, written in the old French or Norman language, contains directions for the conduct of life, telling what is to be done or what omitted on every day of the month.
Pjesma, koja se sastoji od 910 stihova, na starofrancuskom ili normanskom jeziku, sadrži upute za ponašanje u životu, govoreći što se treba, a što ne smije raditi svakog pojedinog dana u mjesecu.

[Fri Sep 26 09:47:31 2003]
The concluding lines assign, without hesitation, the authorship to Solomon, while it pays the mediaeval tribute to his character :
Zaključni stihovi, bez oklijevanja, pripisuju autorstvo Salomonu, dok se njegovom liku odaje srednjovjekovno priznanje:

[Fri Sep 26 09:48:29 2003]
"Here is ended the lesson
"Ovdje završava pouka

[Fri Sep 26 09:48:53 2003]
Made by the good King Solomon,
dobrog kralja Salomona,

[Fri Sep 26 09:49:30 2003]
To whom in his life God gave
Kojem je u životu Bog dao

[Fri Sep 26 09:49:46 2003]
Riches and honor and learning,
Bogatstva i čast i učenost,

[Fri Sep 26 09:49:58 2003]
More than to any other born
Više nego ikome drugome

[Fri Sep 26 09:49:58 2003]
Or begotten of woman."
Rođenom od žene."

[Fri Sep 26 10:00:09 2003]
The canonical book of Proverbs gave the writers of the Middle Ages occasion to have an exalted opinion of Solomon as a maker of those pithy sayings - a characteristic of his genius of which the Orientals seem to have been unmindful.
Kanonska knjiga Mudrih izreka je srednjovjekovnim piscima pružila priliku da imaju visoko mišljenje o Salomonu kao o autoru tih znakovitih poslovica - što je obilježje njegovog stvaralačkog duha na koje se istočnjaci izgleda nisu obazirali.

[Fri Sep 26 10:00:10 2003]
One of the most remarkable works of mediaeval literature is a poem by the Comte de Bretagne, entitled " Proverbs of Marcol and Solomon."
Jedno od najizuzetnijih djela srednjovjekovne književnosti pjesma koju je napisao Comte de Bretagne, pod nazivom "Poslovice Marcola i Salomona."

[Fri Sep 26 10:05:58 2003]
This Marcol is represented as a commentator, or rather, perhaps, a rival of King Solomon.
Taj Marcol je prikazan kao komentator, ili čak možda suparnik kralja Salomona.

[Fri Sep 26 10:06:39 2003]
The work is a poem divided into stanzas of six lines each.
Pjesma je podijeljena u strofe od po šest stihova.

[Fri Sep 26 10:07:44 2003]
The first three lines contain a proverb of Solomon;
Prva tri stiha sadrže Salomonovu poslovicu;

[Fri Sep 26 10:08:53 2003]
the next three another proverb on the same subject, and in response, by Marcol.
sljedeća tri sadrže poslovicu na istu temu, ali kao Marcolov odgovor.

[Fri Sep 26 10:16:24 2003]
There is another mediaeval poem in the collection of M Meon, entitled " Of Marco and Solomon."
Postoji još jedna srednjovjekovna pjesma u zbirci M. Meona pod nazivom "O Marcu i Salomonu".

[Fri Sep 26 10:16:24 2003]
The responsive style is the same as that of the Comte de Bretagne, but the one hundred and thirty-seven proverbs which it contains are all new.
Stil odgovaranja je isti kao kod Comte de Bretagne, ali sto trideset sedam poslovica koje sadrži su sasvim nove.

[Fri Sep 26 10:32:42 2003]
But still more apposite to the present inquiry is the fact that among the mediaeval writers Solomon bore the reputation of an artisan of consummate skill.
No još prikladnija za trenutno istraživanje je činjenica da je među srednjovjekovnim piscima Salomon uživao ugled zanatlije besprijekorne vještine.

[Fri Sep 26 10:35:40 2003]
He was like the Volund or Wieland of the Scandinavian and Teutonic myths - the traditional smith who fabricated the decorations of chambers, the caparison of war-horses, and the swords and lances of cavaliers.
Bio je poput Volunda ili Wielanda iz skandinavskih i teutonskih mitova - tradicionalni kovač koji stvara dekoracije za odaje, ukrasne plaštove za bojne konje te mačeve i koplja za konjanike.

[Fri Sep 26 10:35:40 2003]
In the poems of the Middle Ages, whenever it becomes necessary to speak of any of these things as having been made with exquisite and surpassing skill, it is said to be "the work of Solomon "- l'uevre Salemon.
U srednjovjekovnim pjesmama, kada god se treba govoriti o bilo kojoj od ovih stvari kao o napravljenoj s izvanrednom i nenadmašnom vještinom, kaže se da je "djelo Salomonovo" - l'uevre Salemon.

[Fri Sep 26 10:48:15 2003]
But enough has been said to show that King Solomon was as familiar to the romancers of the Middle Ages as he was to the Jews of Palestine or to the Orientalists of Arabia and Persia.
No dovoljno je rečeno da se pokaže kako je kralj Salomon srednjovjekovnim piscima romanci bio poznat jednako kao Židovima u Palestini ili do orijentalistima u Arabiji i Perziji.

[Fri Sep 26 10:51:59 2003]
Now, about the same time that these fable-makers and song-writers of the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries were composing these stories about King Solomon, the makers of the Masonic Legend of the Craft were inventing their myths about the same monarch and the Temple which he erected.
stoljeća sastavljali te pripovijesti o kralju Salomonu, autori slobodnozidarske Legende o Zanatu su osmišljali svoje mitove o tom istom vladaru i Hramu koji je podigao.

[Fri Sep 26 11:12:54 2003]
This is a concurrence of time which suggests that possibly the popularity of King Solomon with the romancers of the Middle Ages made the incorporation of his name in the Masonic Legend less difficult to those who framed that mythical story.
Ovo je vremensko podudaranje koje navodi na zaključak da je popularnost koju je kralj Salomon uživao kod srednjovjekovnih pisaca romanci vjerojatno olakšala uključivanje njegovog imena u slobodnozidarsku Legendu onima koji su oblikovali tu mitsku priču.

[Fri Sep 26 11:12:54 2003]
We might, indeed, be led to suspect that the use of Solomon in their Legends and traditions was first suggested to the Stonemasons and to the cognate associations, such as the " Compagnons de la Tour " of France, from the frequent references to it by the contemporary romancers.
Možemo, doista, naslutiti da je često spominjanje Salomona od strane tadašnjih pisaca romanci, najprije navelo kamenoresce i srodna društva, kao što je "Compagnons de la Tour" iz Francuske, na korištenje njegovog imena u svojim Legendama i tradicijama.

[Fri Sep 26 11:16:55 2003]
But the subsequent myths connected with Solomon as the head of the association of Masons at the Temple were, at a much later period, borrowed, in great part, from the Talmudists, and have no place among the song-writers and fabulists of the Middle Ages.
No kasniji mitovi povezani sa Salomonom kao poglavarom društva slobodnih zidara u Hramu su bili, mnogo kasnije, velikim dijelom posuđeni od Talmudista, i nije im mjesto među pjesnicima i piscima bajki iz srednjeg vijeka.

[Fri Sep 26 11:25:49 2003]
The Legend of the Craft next proceeds to narrate how Masonry was extended " into divers countryes," some of the Masons traveling to increase their knowledge of their art, and others to extend that which they already possessed.
Legenda o Zanatu zatim nastavlja pripovijedati kako je slobodno zidarstvo bilo prošireno "u razne zemlje", jer su neki slobodni zidari putovali da povećaju znanje o svom umijeću, a ostali da prošire znanje koje su već imali.

[Fri Sep 26 11:35:56 2003]
This subject is very briefly treated in the different manuscripts.
Ova tema je vrlo sažeto obrađena u različitim (???) rukopisima.

[Fri Sep 26 11:35:56 2003]
The Halliwell poem says nothing of the progressive march of Masonry, except that it details almost as an episode the persecution of the " Four Crowned Martyrs "as Christian Masons, in the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and we should almost be led to infer from the tenor of the poem that Masonry was introduced directly into England from Egypt.
Halliwellova pjesma ništa ne govori o postupnom napredovanju slobodnog zidarstva, osim što potanko opisuje, gotovo kao epizodu, progon "Četiri okrunjena mučenika" kao kršćanskih slobodnih zidara, za vladavine rimskog cara Dioklecijana, i duh pjesme nas gotovo navodi na zaključak da je slobodno zidarstvo u Englesku došlo izravno iz Egipta.

[Fri Sep 26 11:38:59 2003]
The Cooke manuscript simply says that from Egypt Masonry "went from land to land and from kingdom to kingdom," until it got to England.
Cookeov rukopis kaže samo da je iz Egipta slobodno zidarstvo "išlo od zemlje do zemlje i od kraljevstva do kraljevstva", dok nije došlo u Englesku.

[Fri Sep 26 11:42:12 2003]
The later manuscripts are a little more definite, although still brief.
Kasniji rukopisi su malo određeniji, iako još uvijek sažeti.

[Fri Sep 26 11:42:12 2003]
They merely tell us that skillful craftsmen largely traveled into various countries, some that they might acquire more knowledge and skill, and others to teach those who had but little skill.
Kažu nam tek da su vješti zanatlije uvelike putovali u razne zemlje, neki da bi mogli steći još znanja i vještina, a ostali da bi podučavali one koji nisu posjedovali mnogo umijeća.

[Fri Sep 26 11:44:51 2003]
There is certainly nothing that is mythical or fabulous in this statement.
U ovom navodu doista nema ničeg mitskog ili fantastičnog.

[Fri Sep 26 11:45:10 2003]
Every authentic history of architecture concurs in the
Svaka vjerodostojna povijest arhitekture se slaže u

[Fri Sep 26 11:50:16 2003]
Every authentic history of architecture concurs in the statement that at an early period the various countries of Europe were perambulated by bodies of builders in search of employment in the construction of religious and other edifices.
Svaka vjerodostojna povijest arhitekture se slaže s tvrdnjom da su u davno doba razne zemlje Europe obilazila mnoštva graditelja u potrazi za zaposlenjem na izgradnji religijskih i drugih građevina.

[Fri Sep 26 11:50:16 2003]
The name, indeed, of " Traveling Freemasons" which was bestowed upon them, is familiar in architectural historical works.
Štoviše, ime "putujući slobodni zidari" koje im je bilo dodijeljeno, je poznato u arhitekturnim povijesnim djelima.

[Fri Sep 26 12:08:04 2003]
Indeed, as Mr. George Godwin says, " There are few points in the Middle Ages more pleasing to look back upon than the existence of the associated Masons;
George Godwin kaže, "Postoji malo mjesta u srednjem vijeku na koja se ugodnije osvrnuti nego na postojanje udruženih slobodnih zidara;

[Fri Sep 26 12:09:35 2003]
they are the bright spot in the general darkness of that period, the patch of verdure when all around is barren."
oni su svijetla točka u sveopćem mraku tog doba, oaza u jalovoj zemlji."

[Fri Sep 26 12:10:25 2003]
This portion of the Legend can not be said to belong to the prehistoric period.
Za ovaj se dio Legende ne može reći da pripada pretpovijesnom razdoblju.

[Fri Sep 26 12:17:20 2003]
It is sufficient, for the present, to have shown that in this part, as elsewhere, the Legend of the Craft is not a merely fictitious narrative, but that the general statement of the extension of Freemasonry throughout Europe at an early period is confirmed by historical evidence.
Zasad će biti dovoljno pokazati da u ovom dijelu, kao i drugdje, Legenda o Zanatu nije tek izmišljena pripovijest, nego da općenitu tvrdnju o širenju slobodnog zidarstva diljem Europe u davno doba potvrđuju povijesni dokazi.

[Fri Sep 26 12:30:05 2003]
On examining the Legend of the Craft, it will be found to trace the extension of Masonry through its successive stages of progress from Babylon and Assyria to Egypt, from Egypt to Judea, from Judea to France, and from France to England.
U istraživanju Legende o Zanatu, moći će se slijediti širenje slobodnog zidarstva kroz njegove postupne faze razvoja iz Babilona i Asirije do Egipta, iz Egipta do Judeje, iz Judeje do Francuske, i iz Francuske do Engleske.

[Fri Sep 26 12:31:05 2003]
Accepting Masonry and the art of building as synonymous terms, this line of progress will not be very adverse, with some necessary modifications, to that assumed to be correct by writers on architecture.
Prihvaćajući slobodno zidarstvo i umjetnost gradnje kao istoznačne pojmove, ovaj pravac razvoja neće biti vrlo suprotan, uz neke nužne izmjene, onom kojeg povjesničari (???) arhitekture smatraju točnim.

[Fri Sep 26 12:31:05 2003]
But, as I have just said, the consideration of this subject belongs not to the prehistoric, but to the historic period of the Society.
Ali, kao što sam upravo rekao, razmatranje ove teme ne pripada pretpovijesnom, nego povijesnom razdoblju Društva.

[Fri Sep 26 12:51:22 2003]
The Legend, now approaching the domain of authentic history , but still retaining its traditional character, proceeds to narrate, but in a very few words, the entrance of Masonry into France.
Legenda, približavajući se sada domeni autentične povijesti, ali još uvijek zadržavajući svoju tradicionalnu narav, nastavlja opisivati, no u vrlo malo riječi, dolazak slobodnog zidarstva u Francusku.

[Fri Sep 26 12:51:22 2003]
This account is given in the following language in the Dowland manuscript :
U Dowlandovom rukopisu je to opisano kako slijedi:

[Fri Sep 26 14:36:23 2003]
This Legend is repeated, almost word for word, in all the later manuscripts up to the year 1714.
Ova Legenda se ponavlja, gotovo istim riječima, u svim kasnijim rukopisima sve do godine 1714.

[Fri Sep 26 14:36:23 2003]
It is not even alluded to in the earliest of all the manuscripts - the Halliwell poem - which is another proof that that document is of German origin.
U najstarijem od svih rukopisa - Halliwellovoj pjesmi - uopće se ne spominje, što je još jedan dokaz da je taj dokument njemačkog podrijetla.

[Fri Sep 26 14:44:26 2003]
The absence of all allusion to Namus Grecus (a personage who will directly occupy our attention) in the Cooke document is worthy of notice.
Činjenica da se u Cookeovom dokumentu uopće ne spominje Namus Grecus (lik kojim ćemo se uskoro pozabaviti) zaslužuje pozornost.

[Fri Sep 26 14:44:27 2003]
When Dr. Anderson was putting the Legend of the Craft into a modern shape, he also omitted any reference to Namus Grecus but he preserved the spirit of the Legend, so far as to say, that according to the old records of Masons, Charles Martel "sent over several expert craftsmen and learned architects into England at the desire of the Saxon kings."
Anderson Legendi o Zanatu davao moderan oblik, također je propustio spomenuti Namusa Grecusa, no očuvao je duh Legende, u toj mjeri da se može reći, da je prema starim zapisima slobodnih zidara, Karlo Martel "poslao nekoliko iskusnih zanatlija i učenih arhitekata u Englesku, po želji saskih kraljeva."

[Fri Sep 26 14:59:43 2003]
I think it will be proved, when in the course of this work the authentic history of Masonry comes to be treated, that the statement in the Legend of the Craft in relation to the condition of the art in France during the administration of Charles Martel is simply a historical fact.
Mislim da će se dokazati, kad se u toku ovog djela bude obrađivala autentična povijest slobodnog zidarstva, da je navod u Legendi o Zanatu u vezi sa stanjem umijeća u Francuskoj za vrijeme vlasti Karla Martela naprosto povijesna činjenica.

[Fri Sep 26 14:59:43 2003]
In claiming for the "Hammerer" the title of King of France, while he assumed only the humble rank of puke of the Franks and Mayor of the Palace, the legendists have only committed a historical error of which more experienced writers might be guilty.
Pripisujući "Kovaču" titulu kralja Francuske, dok je on imao tek skroman status franačkog vojvode i upravitelja palače, pisci legendi su počinili povijesnu grešku za koju bi mogli biti krivi iskusniji pisci.

[Fri Sep 26 15:07:00 2003]
The introduction of the name of Namus Grecus, an unknown Mason, who is described as being the contemporary of both Solomon and of Charles Martel, is certainly an apparent anachronism that requires explanation.
Uvođenje imena Namusa Grecusa, nepoznatog slobodnog zidara, koji se opisuje kao suvremenik i Salomona i Karla Martela, je svakako očigledan anakronizam koji zahtijeva objašnjenje.

[Fri Sep 26 15:16:40 2003]
This Namus Grecus has been a veritable sphinx to Masonic antiquaries, and no Odipus has yet appeared who could resolve the riddle.
Taj Namus Grecus je prava sfinga za slobodnozidarske proučavatelje starina, i još se nije pojavio nijedan Edip koji bi riješio tu zagonetku.

[Fri Sep 26 15:16:40 2003]
Without assuming the sagacity of the ancient expounder of enigmas, I can only offer a suggestion for what it may be considered worth.
Ne svojatajući mudrost drevnog odgonetača zagonetki, mogu jedino ponuditi svoj prijedlog, koliko on mogao biti od pomoći.

[Fri Sep 26 15:29:52 2003]
I suppose Grecus to be merely an appellative indicating the fact that this personage was a Greek.
Pretpostavljam da je Grecus tek opća imenica koja ukazuje na činjenicu da je ova osoba bila Grk.

[Fri Sep 26 15:31:24 2003]
Now, the knowledge of his existence at the court of Charles Martel was most probably derived by the English legendist from a German or French source, because the Legend of the Craft is candid in admitting that the English Masons had collected the writings and charges from other countries.
Engleski pisac legende je podatak o njegovom životu na dvoru Karla Martela najvjerojatnije dobio iz njemačkog ili francuskog izvora, jer Legenda o Zanatu iskreno priznaje da su engleski slobodni zidari prikupili tekstove i dužnosti iz drugih zemalja.

[Fri Sep 26 15:40:34 2003]
Now, if the account and the name of this Greek architect had been taken from the German, the text would most probably have been "ein Maurer Namens Grecus".
Ako su opis i ime ovog grčkog arhitekta bili preuzeti iz njemačkog, tekst je najvjerojatnije glasio "ein Maurer Namens Grecus".

[Fri Sep 26 15:44:51 2003]
The English legendist would, probably, mistake the words Namens Grecus, or nommé Grecus, each of which means "he was named Grecus," or, literally, "a Mason by the name of Grecus," for the full name, and write him down as Namus Grecus.
Engleski pisac legendi je vjerojatno pogrešno shvatio izraze Namens Grecus, ili nommé Grecus, svaki od kojih znači "zvao se Grecus", ili, doslovno, "slobodni zidar po imenu Grecus", kao vlastito ime, i zapisao ga kao Namusa Grecusa.

[Fri Sep 26 15:45:03 2003]
The Maymus in the Dowland manuscript is evidently a clerical error.
Maymus u Dowlandovom rukopisu je očito greška prepisivača.

[Fri Sep 26 15:46:25 2003]
In the other manuscripts it is Namus.
U ostalim rukopisima je Namus.

[Fri Sep 26 15:46:25 2003]
The corrected reading, then, would be - "there was a Mason named (or called) a Greek."
Ispravno bi, dakle, bilo "bio je jedan slobodni zidar po imenu (ili zvan) Grk."

[Fri Sep 26 15:58:16 2003]
It can not be said that it is not probable that any legendist would have fallen into such an error when we remember how many others as great, if not greater, have been perpetrated in these Old Records.
Ne može se reći da nije vjerojatno da bi bilo koji pisac legendi mogao počiniti takvu grešku kad se prisjetimo koliko je drugih velikih, ako ne i većih, grešaka počinjeno u ovim Starim Zapisima.

[Fri Sep 26 16:01:46 2003]
See, for instance, in these manuscripts such orthographical mistakes as Hermarines for Hermes, and Englet for Euclid .
Pogledajmo, na primjer, u ovim rukopisima takve pravopisne greške poput Hermarines umjesto Hermes, i Englet umjesto Euklid.

[Fri Sep 26 16:02:40 2003]
to say nothing of the rather ridiculous blunder in the Leland manuscript, where Pythagore, the French, form of Pythagoras, has suffered transmutation into Peter Cower.
da ne spominjemo prilično smiješnu zabunu u Lelandovom rukopisu, gdje je Pythagore, francuski oblik imena Pitagora, pretrpio preinaku u Peter Gower.

[Fri Sep 26 16:02:40 2003]
So it is not at all unlikely that Namens Grecus, or nommé Grecus, should be changed into Namus Grecus.
Tako da uopće nije nemoguće da je Namens Grecus, ili nommé Grecus, bilo promijenjeno u Namus Grecus.

[Fri Sep 26 16:07:59 2003]
The original Legend, in all probability meant to say merely that in the time of Charles Martel, a Greek artist, who had been to Jerusalem, introduced the principles of Byzantine architecture into France.
Izvorna je Legenda, najvjerojatnije, htjela reći da je u doba Karla Martela, grčki umjetnik, koji je bio u Jeruzalemu, uveo načela bizantske arhitekture u Francusku.

[Fri Sep 26 16:11:03 2003]
Now, history attests that in the 8th century there was an influx of Grecian architects and artificers into Southern and Western Europe, in consequence of persecutions that were inflicted on them by the Byzantine Emperors.
stoljeću došlo do priljeva grčkih arhitekata i majstora u južnu i zapadnu Europu, kao posljedica toga što su ih proganjali bizantski carevi.

[Fri Sep 26 16:11:03 2003]
The Legend, therefore, indulges in no spirit of fiction in referring to the advent in France, at that period, of one of these architects.
Legenda se, stoga, ne prepušta nikakvom duhu izmišljanja kad opisuje dolazak u Francusku jednog od tih arhitekata, u to doba.

[Fri Sep 26 16:38:39 2003]
It is also a historical fact that Charles the Great of France was a liberal encourager of the arts and sciences, and that he especially promoted the cultivation of architecture on the Byzantine or Greek model in his dominions.
Također je povijesna činjenica da je francuski vladar Karlo Veliki Francuske bio darežljiv pomagač umjetnosti i znanosti, i da je posebno poticao razvoj arhitekture po bizantinskom ili grčkom modelu, na svom području vlasti.

[Fri Sep 26 16:54:10 2003]
He says that "Ethelbert, King of Mercia, and general monarch, sent to Charles Martel, the Right Worshipful Grand Master of France (father of King Pippin), who had been educated by Brother Mimus Graecus ;
Kaže da je "Etelbert, kralj Mercije, i glavni vladar, poslao Karlu Martelu, Pravom Velikom Starješini Francuske (ocu kralja Pipina), kojeg je obrazovao Brat Mimus Graecus;

[Fri Sep 26 16:54:10 2003]
he sent over from France (about AD 710) some expert Masons to teach the Saxons those laws and usages of the ancient fraternity, that had been happily preserved from the havock of the Goths."
godine) neke iskusne slobodne zidare da nauče Sase zakone i postupke drevnog bratstva, koji su se na sreću sačuvali od pustošenja Gota."

[Mon Sep 29 09:27:18 2003]
Pritchard, in his Masonry Dissected, gives, upon what authority I know not, the Legend in the following form :
Pritchard, u svojem djelu Raščlanjeno slobodno zidarstvo, navodi legendu, ne znam prema kojem izvoru, u sljedećem obliku:

[Mon Sep 29 09:27:18 2003]
Euclid "communicated the art and mystery of Masonry to Hiram, the Master Mason concerned in the building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, where was an excellent and curious Mason, whose name was Mannon Grecus, who taught the art of Masonry to one Carolus Marcil in France, who was afterwards elected King of France."
Euklid "je prenio umijeće i tajnu slobodnog zidarstva Hiramu, majstoru slobodnom zidaru u vezi izgradnje Salomonovog Hrama u Jeruzalemu, gdje je bio jedan izvrstan i vješt slobodni zidar, čije je ime bilo Mannon Grecus, koji je podučio umijeću slobodnog zidarstva izvjesnog Carolusa Marcila u Francuskoj, koji je kasnije bio izabran za kralja Francuske."

[Mon Sep 29 09:34:10 2003]
Upon this change of the name to Mannon Grecus, Krause suggests a derivation as follows:
Kraus ovako objašnjava promjenu imena u Mannon Grecus:

[Mon Sep 29 09:36:01 2003]
In using this name he thinks that Pritchard intended to refer to the celebrated scholastic philosopher Mannon, or Nannon, who was probably celebrated in his time for his proficiency in the language and literature of Greece.
On vjeruje da je Pritchard, koristeći ovo ime, mislio na glasovitog skolastičkog filozofa Mannona, ili Nannona, koji je u svoje doba vjerojatno bio slavan zbog svojeg poznavanja grčkog jezika i književnosti.

[Mon Sep 29 09:36:01 2003]
Nannon lived in the reign of Charles the Bold, and was the successor of Erigena in the direction of the schools of France.
Nannon je živio za vrijeme vladavine Karla Smjelog, i bio je nasljednik Erigene u vođenju škola Francuske.

[Mon Sep 29 09:41:05 2003]
I think the derivation of the name offered by Dr. Krause is wholly untenable though ingenious, for it depends upon a name not found in any of the old manuscripts, and besides, the philosopher did not live in the time of Charles Martel, but long afterward.
Krause sasvim neodrživo, iako oštroumno, jer ovisi o imenu koje se ne nalazi ni u jednom od starih rukopisa, i osim toga, filozof nije živio u doba Karla Martela, nego mnogo kasnije.

[Mon Sep 29 09:41:28 2003]
Between his derivation and mine, the:
Čitatelj može birati između mog i njegovog izvođenja

[Mon Sep 29 09:41:28 2003]
reader may select, and probably will be inclined to reject both.
Čitatelj može birati između mog i njegovog izvođenja a vjerojatno će biti sklon odbaciti oba.

[Mon Sep 29 09:48:23 2003]
As far as the Legend regards Charles Martel as the patron of architecture or Masonry in France, one observation remains to be made.
Još se nešto mora primijetiti u vezi s tim što Legenda smatra Karla Martela zaštitnikom arhitekture ili slobodnog zidarstva u Francuskoj.

[Mon Sep 29 09:48:23 2003]
If there has been an error of the legendists in attributing to Charles Martel the honor that really belonged to his successor, Charles the Great, it is not surprising when we consider how great was the ignorance of the science of chronology that prevailed in those days
Ako je došlo do greške autora legende u pripisivanju Karlu Martelu časti koja je zapravo pripadala njegovom nasljedniku, Karlu Velikom, to ne iznenađuje kad uzmemo u obzir koliko je bilo nepoznavanje znanosti kronologije koje je prevladavalo u to doba

[Mon Sep 29 09:52:48 2003]
However, it must be remarked, that at the present day the French Masonic writers speak of Charles Martel as the founder of Masonry in France.
Ipak, mora se primijetiti da danas suvremeni francuski slobodnozidarski pisci govore o Karlu Martelu kao o utemeljitelju slobodnog zidarstva u Francuskoj.