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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Mon Jun 16 15:39:50 2003]
Stav na šakama i da radi sklekove.
Handstand and push-ups.

[Mon Jun 16 15:40:25 2003]

[Mon Jun 16 15:41:40 2003]
Vježbe za udarce glavom u letu.
Exercises for headers in midair.

[Mon Jun 16 15:42:51 2003]
Okretnost u zraku
Agility in the air

[Mon Jun 16 15:42:51 2003]
Odskočna daska

[Mon Jun 16 15:50:06 2003]
Zalet, odraz i u doskoku imitacija udaraca glavom
Run-up, take-off and header imitation when landing

[Mon Jun 16 15:55:20 2003]

[Mon Jun 16 16:10:57 2003]
Ovo se može kombinirati i s loptom.
This can be combined with a ball.

[Mon Jun 16 16:12:26 2003]
Specijalna tjelesna priprema
Special physical training

[Tue Jun 17 16:05:36 2003]
Za slanje teksta na prijevod ispunite doljnji obrazac i pošaljite ga elektronskom poštom.
To send your text for translation fill in the form below and send it by e-mail.

[Tue Jun 17 16:10:27 2003]
U tom trenutku se vrši plaćanje.
Then you also make the payment.

[Wed Jun 18 12:26:08 2003]
Nogometaš stojeći okrenut prema zidu udari loptu u luku o zid.
Player, facing the wall, hits the ball in the arc to the wall.

[Wed Jun 18 12:29:48 2003]
Zatim u brzome tempu obiđe postavljeni predmet i poleti prema lopti koja se odbila od zida.
Then quickly goes around the set object and runs to the ball that rebounces from the wall.

[Wed Jun 18 12:32:46 2003]
Igrač A ima dvije lopte.
Player A has two balls.

[Wed Jun 18 12:33:44 2003]
Jednu odgurne nisko naprijed.
He pushes one low forward.

[Wed Jun 18 12:45:19 2003]
Niska dodavanja rade samo sposobniji nogometaši.
Only more capable players perform low passings.

[Wed Jun 18 12:45:57 2003]
Prvo trebamo primijeniti dodavanje u luku (lobovane lopte).
First we need to use the passing in the arc (lobbed balls).

[Wed Jun 18 12:54:36 2003]
Nakon izvjesnog vremena srednjega igrača treba mijenjati.
After some time the middle player must replaced.

[Wed Jun 18 14:11:36 2003]
Igrači se postave u jednu kolonu
Players stand in a line

[Wed Jun 18 14:11:37 2003]
Ispred kolone sa strane stanu dva igrača udaljeni jedan od drugoga 8 - 10 metara (sl.
Two players stand in front of the line on the side 8 - 10 meters from each other (fig.

[Wed Jun 18 14:31:32 2003]
Nogometaši se postave u dvije kolone
Players stand in two lines

[Wed Jun 18 14:33:13 2003]
Kolone su okrenute jedna prema drugoj.
The lines face each other.

[Wed Jun 18 15:08:01 2003]
Uvijek srednji igrač pokreće loptu.
Middle player always moves the ball.

[Wed Jun 18 15:10:23 2003]
Igrač B proigra loptu ispred igrača C koji trči naprijed iza njega na njegovo mjesto odnosno na njegovu liniju kretanja.
Player B passes the ball in front of the player C who runs behind him to his position, that is, to his line of moving.

[Wed Jun 18 15:18:55 2003]
Dodavanje lobovane lopte u cilj
Passing lobbed balls to the goal

[Wed Jun 18 15:20:39 2003]
Udarci lopte u cilj
Kicks to the target

[Wed Jun 18 15:28:33 2003]
Loptu koja se odbije od zida, a nakon prvoga odskoka nastoje naizmjenično pogoditi cilj (jedan pa drugi) u krug koji je nacrtan u visini od 1,5 - 2 metra (sl.
After the first rebounce, they take turns in trying to hit the target (one after another) in the circle which is on the 1,5 - 2 meter height (fig.

[Wed Jun 18 15:31:28 2003]
Ova se vježba može izvoditi i u obliku natjecanja.
This exercise can be organized as a competition.

[Wed Jun 18 15:59:10 2003]
Dodavanje lopte u koloni
Passing the ball in line

[Wed Jun 18 16:17:41 2003]
Nogometaši mogu dodavati sa izmjenom mjesta.
Players can pass with changing their places.

[Wed Jun 18 16:18:45 2003]
Igrač 3
Player 3

[Wed Jun 18 16:31:17 2003]
Drži je u zraku
In the air

[Wed Jun 18 16:32:55 2003]
Ova se vježba može izvoditi i u obliku natjecanja.
This exercises can be performed as a competition.

[Wed Jun 18 16:33:34 2003]
Dvije do tri ekipe se takmiče.
Two or three teams compete.

[Wed Jun 18 16:41:41 2003]
Ali na osnovi iskustava posljednjih godina, osobito u gimnastici, plivanju i umjetničkom klizanju, izmijenjena su dotadašnja vrlo kruta i konzervativna shvaćanja.
But based on the experiences of recent years, especially in gymnastics, swimming and figure skating, earlier rigid and conservative ideas have been changed.

[Wed Jun 18 16:41:41 2003]
I danas nije rijetka pojava da 15 ili 16-godišnjak postane klasični svjetski plivač, gimnastičar ili umjetnički klizač.
Even today is not the rare that 15 or 16-year old becomes a classic world swimmer, gymnast or figure skater.

[Fri Jun 20 09:10:35 2003]

[Fri Jun 20 09:30:58 2003]
Među vježbama izdržljivosti vrlo su omiljene vježbe u parovima.
Exercises in pairs are favourite among endurance exercises.

[Fri Jun 20 09:50:36 2003]
Opća i specijalna izdržljivost
General and special endurance

[Fri Jun 20 09:52:42 2003]
Ali područja kretanja iz drugih športskih grana mogu pridonijeti općem razvoju izdržljivosti naših igrača.
But movements from other branches can contribute to the general development of endurance our players.

[Fri Jun 20 10:02:01 2003]
U vježbe za razvoj specijalne izdržljivosti ubrajamo sve one koje se zbivaju za vrijeme nogometne utakmice.
For the development of special endurance, we include in all those exercises performed during a match.

[Fri Jun 20 10:02:29 2003]
Vježbe izdržljivosti i njena sredstva
Exercises of endurance and its means

[Fri Jun 20 10:12:33 2003]
Vježbe trčanja za vrijeme treninga svrhovito je povezati s takvim elementima koji se pojavljuju i za vrijeme same utakmice.
Running exercises during training sessions should be connected with the elements that even appear during matches themselves.

[Fri Jun 20 10:21:21 2003]
Jednostavne vježbe trčanja koje igrači pretrčavaju u dionicama na odgovarajući način i u odgovarajućim razdobljima rada.
Simple running exercises that players run in sections in a suitable way and in appropriate periods of training.

[Fri Jun 20 10:25:20 2003]
Za vrijeme trčanja izvesti skok uvis s jednom nogom te načiniti pokret udarca glavom u desno ili lijevo.
During the running the should perform a jump up with one foot and make a header to the right or left.

[Fri Jun 20 10:27:50 2003]
Izvoditi indijanske poskoke sa zamasima ruku naizmjenično ili u parovima (s objema rukama).
Performing Indian hops with arm swings interchangeably or in pairs (with both hands).

[Fri Jun 20 10:30:19 2003]
Trčanje uz podizanje pete.
Running with heels lifting.

[Fri Jun 20 10:33:13 2003]
Za vrijeme trčanja izvoditi dizanje koljena visoko.
During the running perform the high knee lifting.

[Fri Jun 20 10:33:47 2003]
Za vrijeme laganog trčanja izvoditi 'mlinsko kolo - vjetrenjaču'.
During the easy running perform the 'mill-wheel - windmill'.

[Fri Jun 20 10:34:14 2003]
skokovi, preskoci, pretkotrljanja.
jumps, jumps over, rolling forward.

[Fri Jun 20 10:34:31 2003]
Preskakanje konopca.
Skipping the rope.

[Fri Jun 20 10:35:03 2003]
Poskoci na određenoj udaljenosti s lijevom, desnom i objema nogama.
Hops on the determined distance with left, right and both foot.

[Fri Jun 20 10:38:52 2003]
Za vrijeme trčanja preskoci preko prepona.
During the running jumps above hurdles.

[Fri Jun 20 10:40:42 2003]
Poskoci između postavljenih prepreka - zapreka.
Hops between the set barriers obstacles.

[Fri Jun 20 10:42:26 2003]
Gimnastičke vježbe
Gymnastic exercises

[Fri Jun 20 10:47:01 2003]
na taj način igrači se gibaju i za vrijeme odmora.
in this way players also move during the break.

[Fri Jun 20 10:53:21 2003]
Osnovni sastav;
Basic structure;

[Fri Jun 20 10:58:14 2003]
U raskoračnom stavu izvesti pregib trupa naprijed dodirom članka noge, a na četvrti takt skok u čučanj s poduprtim rukama naprijed (četiri puta), na posljednji takt ustati.
In the straddle perform a forward arching with touching the joint, and on a fourth beat jump in a squat with arms supported forward (four times), on the last beat get up.

[Fri Jun 20 11:03:04 2003]
Skok u raskoračni stav, ruke u uzručenju, kruženje trupom u lijevo, zatim u desno (četiri puta jedno za drugim).
Jump in the straddle, arms up, rotate the torso to the left, then to the right (four times one after the other).

[Fri Jun 20 11:11:23 2003]
podizanje obje noge iza leđa tako da oba stopala noge dodirnu zemlju.
lifting both legs behind the back with both feet touching the ground.

[Fri Jun 20 11:12:45 2003]
Ponoviti četiri puta (sl.
Repeat four times (fig.

[Fri Jun 06 14:31:56 2003]
Za razvoj opće izdržljivosti prikladne su vježbe koje sa igračima radimo kroz dulje vrijeme.
Exercises which players perform over a longer period of time are appropriate for the development of the general endurance.

[Fri Jun 06 14:41:21 2003]
Najviše preporučujemo pješačenje, trčanje te različite dopunske športove, u prvome redu skijanje, plivanje, vožnju na biciklu.
Most highly recommend the walking, running and different additional sports, in the first order skiing, swimming, bike ride.

[Fri Jun 06 14:45:27 2003]
Najviše preporučujemo pješačenje, trčanje te različite dopunske športove, u prvome redu skijanje, plivanje, vožnju na biciklu.
Walking, running and different additional sports, first of all skiing, swimming, cycling are most highly recommended.

[Fri Jun 06 14:49:03 2003]
Ali nismo protiv niti za druge dopunske športove koje ne zahtijevaju stalan tempo.
We don't even oppose to other additional sports which do not require an invariable rhythm.

[Fri Jun 06 14:49:03 2003]
Tenis, košarka, rukomet, hokej na ledu iako kod njih opterećenje nije dugotrajno, niti stalno, mogu se ubrajati kao sredstva za povećanje opće izdržljivosti nogometaša.
Tennis, basketball, handball, ice-hockey although not having constant nor invariable load,, can be considered means for the increase of general endurance of players.

[Fri Jun 06 14:53:58 2003]
Za razvoj specijalne izdržljivosti pored ranije napomenutih sredstava spada trčanje, a između tjelovježbi gimnastika, te različite gimnastičke vježbe na tlu i vježbe skakanja, a zatim tehničke i taktičke vježbe nogometaša kao i različite igre, prikladne su ako ih izvodimo sa odgovarajućom metodikom rada.
for the development of special endurance beside earlier mentioned means belongs to running, and between physical training gymnastics, and different gymnastic exercises on the floor and jumping exercises, and further technical and tactical exercises of players as well as different plays, appropriate are if performed with appropriate teaching methods of training.

[Fri Jun 06 14:54:43 2003]
Metodika razvoja opće izdržljivosti
teaching methods of development of general endurance

[Fri Jun 06 14:55:20 2003]
U prijelaznom razdoblju i ljeti i zimi, uvrstit ćemo poneki izlet od 8 - 10 km pješačenja.
In the transitional period both in the summer and winter, we should include some excursion of 8 the 10 km of walking.

[Fri Jun 06 14:59:46 2003]
Odjednom i neprekidno neka pješače najmanje jedan sat.
Suddenly and constantly They should walk at least for one hour.

[Fri Jun 06 15:02:38 2003]
Ako je teren ravan nastojmo da tempo pješačenja bude stalan.
If the land is flat we should try to keep the pace of walking invariable.

[Fri Jun 06 15:02:38 2003]
Na brežuljkastom ili brdovitom terenu uvest ćemo više kratkih odmora.
On a hillocky or hilly land more short breaks should be introduced.

[Fri Jun 06 15:18:27 2003]
Na isti način korisno je ako igrače u prijelaznom razdoblju odvedemo i u plivalište (bazen).
In the same way It is useful if players in the transitional period we take to a swimming pool.

[Fri Jun 06 15:19:16 2003]
Plivanje ćemo tako organizirati da nakon odgovarajućeg zagrijavanja na suhome ili u vodi, odredimo dulje staze (dionice) koje će preplivati naši igrači (200 - 400 m).
swimming should be organized so that after an appropriate warm-up on land or in the water, we determine longer tracks (sections) which will swim our players (200 - 400 m).

[Fri Jun 06 15:21:10 2003]
Ne bi bilo ispravno ako bi se igrači natjecali u plivanju.
Would be incorrect if players competed in swimming.

[Fri Jun 06 15:21:10 2003]
Međutim, od njih zahtijevamo da određenu stazu prepliva svaki osobno.
However, we should demand from each player to the set path swims individually.

[Fri Jun 06 15:33:29 2003]
U ovome razdoblju možemo dozvoliti i vožnju na biciklu.
in this period the cycling can also be allowed.

[Fri Jun 06 15:35:40 2003]
Ako se organizira zajednički izlet, težimo tome da od jedanput izložimo igrače duljem opterećenju a ne tako jakog intenziteta.
If you organize a group excursion, our goal should be to unexpected expose players to longer-lasting load of so not so strong intensity.

[Fri Jun 06 15:37:08 2003]
Skijanje kao dopunski sport je jako pogodan za razvoj izdržljivosti, a naročito su pogodne trke na skijama.
Skiing as an additional sport is very useful for the development of endurance, and particularly useful ski running.

[Fri Jun 06 15:37:43 2003]
Po mogućnosti na ravnome terenu ili nešto uzvišenome ili na promjenjivom terenu, neka trče igrači sa skijama na nogama.
By possibilities on a flat land or a little elevated or on a variable land, let players run with skis on their feet.

[Fri Jun 06 15:37:43 2003]
Za takvo vježbanje i ne treba neka naročita tehnika.
For the such exercising and does not need No particular technique is needed for such training.

[Fri Jun 06 15:45:51 2003]
U prijelaznome razdoblju i početnoj fazi pripremnog razdoblja, preporučava se trčanje po prirodi (kros) ili još bolje, trčanje po šumi.
In the transitional period and initial stage of the preliminary period, is recommended the running in nature (cross-country race) or even beter, running through the forest.

[Fri Jun 06 15:47:53 2003]
Radi osiguranja prijelaza, ispravnije je ako takve treninge tračanja otpočnemo sa oštrim šetnjama ili pješačenjem.
To insure the change, it is more correct to start such running trainings with intense walks or walking.

[Fri Jun 06 15:48:26 2003]
Zatim, neka igrači postupno prelaze u trčanje laganim tempom.
After that, players should gradually change in running with easy pace.

[Fri Jun 06 15:51:32 2003]
Na doziranje trčanja utječu mnoge okolnosti.
running dosing affect many circumstances.

[Fri Jun 06 15:52:57 2003]
U prvome redu kakvo je bilo opterećenje treninga igrača u prijelaznome razdoblju ili to u kakvom su stanju naši igrači završili prijelazno razdoblje.
First of all the load of the training in the transitional period or in what condition our players finished the transitional period.

[Fri Jun 06 15:55:49 2003]
Općenito, duljina staze trčanja na prvome treningu neka ne bude dulja 1.400 - 1.800 m.
In general, length of running track in the first training must not be longer than 1.400 1.800 m.

[Fri Jun 06 15:55:49 2003]
Ovu udaljenost neka pretrče igrači u duljim dionicama (400 - 500 m), a prethodno su se zagrijavali trčanjem i gimnastikom na duljini od 300 - 400 m.
This distance players should run in longer sections (400 - 500 m), but previously were warmed up by running and gymnastics on the length of 300 - 400 m.

[Fri Jun 06 16:02:10 2003]
Isprva ritam trčanja neka bude potpuno lagan.
At first the running pace should be completely easy.

[Fri Jun 06 16:04:10 2003]
Između pojedinih dionica dajmo odmore od 2 - 4 minuta.
Between certain sections make 2 - 4 minute breaks.

[Fri Jun 06 16:04:57 2003]
Za to vrijeme neka se igrači šetaju, neka izvršavaju nekoliko živahnih gimnastičkih vježbi i neka duboko dišu.
In the meantime players should walk, make them perform a few lively gymnastic exercises and breathe deeply.

[Fri Jun 06 16:09:02 2003]
Vrijeme odmora se može riješiti i s loptom.
A ball could also be used in the break.

[Fri Jun 06 16:11:00 2003]
Igrači se 'zabavljaju' s loptom 3 - 4 minuta.
Players 'have fun' with the ball for 3 - 4 minute.

[Fri Jun 06 16:11:00 2003]
Iz iskustva je poznato da ovo rješenje ima dobro djelovanje na živčani sustav.
Talking from experience this solution has a good impact on the nervous system.

[Fri Jun 06 17:13:00 2003]
Iz treninga u trening duljinu staze pretrčavanja produljujemo za 400 - 500 m.
From one training to another the length of running tracks prolong for 400 the 500 m.

[Tue Jun 10 08:37:20 2003]
Danas je lijep dan.
Today is the beautiful day.

[Tue Jun 10 14:32:58 2003]
Ako se polaganje temelja (grundiranje temelja) u prve dva tjedna odvija u smislu planiranog polaganja temelja izdržljivosti, tada na najjačem doziranom treningu neka pretrče igrači oko 3.500 - 3.800 m ili tako da ovu maksimalnu udaljenost ostvare (pretrče) do kraja druge dva tjedna u postupnom smanjivanju dionica.
If laying down grounds (foundation grounding) in first two weeks develops in the sense of planned laying down endurance grounds then in the most intensively dosed training session players should run about 3.500 - 3.800 m or achieve (run) this maximum distance by the end of two other weeks in a gradual decrease of the sections.

[Tue Jun 10 14:32:58 2003]
Praktički to znači da na kraju drugog tjedna planiranih 3.500 - 3.800 m pretrčavaju igrači već u dionicama od 200 - 300 m sa nešto blago pojačanim ritmom, a ujedno sa smanjenim odmorima.
Practically this means that in the end of the second week planned 3.500 3.800 m players run the already in sections of 200 the 300 m with somewhat intensified rhythm, and with reduced breaks.

[Tue Jun 10 14:41:05 2003]
Sljedeći primjer dajemo stoga da pokažemo kako treba udarati osnove (temelje) opće izdržljivosti trčanjem u prva dva tjedna.
The following example shows how set the basics (grounds) of general endurance by running in first two weeks.

[Tue Jun 10 14:41:05 2003]

[Tue Jun 10 14:48:48 2003]
srednji tempo
the medium pace

[Tue Jun 10 15:01:33 2003]
Naravno, ovdje želim naglasiti da je gornji sastav samo primjer čije se dionice u datoj situaciji mogu i preinačiti, a prema sposobnosti i znanju igrača.
Of course, I would like to stress here that the abovementioned structure is only an example whose sections in the given situation can also be changed, according to the capacity and knowledge of players.

[Tue Jun 10 15:02:41 2003]
Dakle, kod višerazrednih ekipa otežavamo uvjete rada, a kod nižerazrednih ćemo olakšavati.
Therefore, we make training conditions for higher-class teams more difficult, and easier for lower-class teams.

[Tue Jun 10 15:02:56 2003]
Osim toga, trebamo uzeti u obzir i kakvo smo opterećenje planirali za pojedine treninge.
Furthermore, we should also take into consideration the load we have planned for certain training sessions.

[Tue Jun 10 15:04:52 2003]
For example,

[Tue Jun 10 15:04:52 2003]
u drugom se tjednu pored trčanja nalaze već i vježbe za razvoj snage.
For example, beside the running, we should also introduce exercises for the development strengths already in the second week.

[Tue Jun 10 15:07:59 2003]
Sredstva specijalne tjelesne pripreme
Means of special physical training

[Tue Jun 10 15:09:34 2003]
U općoj tjelesnoj pripremi radimo na razvoju opće snage, brzine, okretnosti i izdržljivosti svih dijelova tijela.
In the general physical training, we develop general strength, speed, agility and endurance of all parts of of the body.

[Tue Jun 10 15:10:09 2003]
U specijalnoj tjelesnoj pripremi radimo na razvoju startne brzine, snazi odraza.
In the special physical training, we develop starting speed, take-off strength.

[Tue Jun 10 15:10:10 2003]
Sistematizacija specijalne tjelesne pripreme
Systematization of the special physical training

[Tue Jun 10 15:10:20 2003]
Specijalna tjelesna priprema
Special physical training

[Tue Jun 10 15:10:29 2003]
Specifična snaga
Specific strength

[Tue Jun 10 15:11:11 2003]
Specifična okretnost
Specific agility

[Tue Jun 10 15:17:00 2003]
Specifične vježbe oblikovanja
Specific body shaping exercises

[Tue Jun 10 15:20:55 2003]
Vježbe za razvijanje pokretljivosti i jačanje skočnog zgloba.
Exercises for the development of mobility and for the strengthening of ankle joint.

[Tue Jun 10 15:24:57 2003]
Vježbe u hodu (vanjska, unutarnja strana stopala, na prstima, razne rotacije u zglobu).
Walking exercises (on the outer, inner side of the foot, on tiptoes, different joint rotations).

[Tue Jun 10 15:34:01 2003]
Vježbe opružanja stopala, hrpta stopala, hrpt stopala se isteže u stojećem položaju, stopalo se previja uporom na podlogu.
Exercises of stretching the foot, back of the foot, back of the foot stretches in the standing position, foot twists with the support on the floor.

[Tue Jun 10 15:41:10 2003]
Kruženje stopala i da se stopalo uhvati rukom u sjedećem stavu i kruži rukom.
While sitting, grab the foot and rotate it with the hand.

[Tue Jun 10 15:42:14 2003]
Vježba da stanemo na prste i spuštamo i dižemo pete.
Exercises of standing on toes and lowering and rising heels.

[Tue Jun 10 15:46:52 2003]
Hod na švedskoj klupi, a da je klupa u kosom položaju.
Walking on the Swedish bench, which is in the slanting position.

[Tue Jun 10 15:49:21 2003]
Trčanje po pijesku i snijegu (bosi po pijesku i na travi) kombiniramo s igrom na dva gola.
Running on sand and snow (barefoot on sand and grass) combined with the two-goal game.

[Tue Jun 10 15:51:47 2003]
Vježbe za pokretljivost i jačanje zgloba koljena, tetiva i mišićnih grupa
Exercises for mobility and for strengthening of knee-joints, tendons and muscular groups

[Tue Jun 10 16:13:15 2003]
Vježbe čučnjeva u spetnom stavu, čučanj u raznožnom stavu, čučanj u iskoračnom stavu na prstima, čučanj na stopalu, kombinacija čučnja i podizanje na prstima, čučnjevi s utezima, kruženje koljena prema unutra i prema vani, čučnjevi s počučnjem, oblici u čučnjevima naprijed-nazad, lijevo-desno, 'kazačok' u lijevo i desno, vježba da se netko sruši (podijelimo se u dvojke i u čučnju poskakujemo nastojeći da jednoga srušimo).
Squatting exercises in the heel position, squatting in the standing position with feet apart, squatting in the position on tiptoes with a step forward, foot squat, combination of squatting and rising on toes, squats with weights, rotation of knees inside and outside, squatting with a half squat, shapes of squats back and forth, left-right, 'kazachok' left and right, exercise to knock somebody down (dividing in twos and trying to knock down somebody in the squatting position by hopping).

[Tue Jun 10 16:16:17 2003]
Razni oblici počučnja (bekovski ples).
Different shapes of half squat (back play).

[Tue Jun 10 16:17:02 2003]
Razni oblici hodanja u počučnju.
Different shapes of walking in the half squatting position.

[Tue Jun 10 16:17:19 2003]
Kruženje potkoljenice u raznim pravcima.
Rotation of a lower leg in different directions.

[Tue Jun 10 16:22:11 2003]
Razne imitacione vježbe, imitacija udaranja lopte, imitacija zavrtanja lopte, imitacija rolanja lopte.
Different imitation exercises, imitations striking, curving, and rolling the ball.

[Wed Jun 11 09:08:27 2003]
Zato u našem prikazivanju i opisivanju preporučujemo da igrače opteretimo na kratkim udaljenostima sa malim brojem preskoka preko prepona i preskakivanja sa skakutanjem (sunožno).
That is why we recommend in our presentation and description to have players loaded at short distances with a small number of hurdles and jumpings with hopping (with both feet).

[Wed Jun 11 09:14:17 2003]
Odmor dajmo često nogometašima između pojedinih vježbi.
Players should frequently rest between single exercises.

[Wed Jun 11 09:14:18 2003]
Uvjete rada olakšat ćemo tako da vježbe nogometaši izvode s laganim tenisicama i samo ponekad neka navuku kopačke.
Training conditions can be eased by performing exercises with light shoes and players should wear only sometimes football boots.

[Wed Jun 11 14:27:58 2003]
Vježbe se nadopunjuju vježbama iz opće tjelesne pripreme koje dolaze prije ovih vježbi.
Exercises are supplemented by exercises from the general physical training which are performed before these exercises.

[Wed Jun 11 14:29:00 2003]
Vježbe za pokretljivost i jačanje karličnog pojasa i prepona
Exercises for the mobility and strengthening of pelvic belt and groins

[Wed Jun 11 14:31:31 2003]
Kruženje karlicom (potiskujemo i s rukama guramo karlicu)
Rotation of the pelvis ( the pelvis is being pushes and pressed with hands)

[Wed Jun 11 14:34:53 2003]
Rad karlice naprijed i natrag, bočno lijevo i desno i spojimo u kruženje.
Circular movments of the pelvis back and forth, laterally left and right.

[Wed Jun 11 14:40:46 2003]
Preponski sijed:

[Wed Jun 11 14:40:47 2003]
iz raskoračnog stava prijeđemo u sjed ili radimo sa pretklonom gornjeg dijela tijela (mijenjati obje strane).
from the straddle change into the sitting position or move a top part of the body with a forward bend (change both sides).

[Wed Jun 11 14:45:56 2003]
Turski sjed, potiskivanje objema rukama.
Turkish seat, pushing with both hands.

[Wed Jun 11 14:47:03 2003]
Ispadi naprijed i nazad, bočno, lijevo i desno.
Falling back and forth, sideways, left and right.

[Wed Jun 11 14:47:28 2003]
Pretkloni u svim oblicima (stojećem i sjedećem stavu).
Forward bends in all positions (standing and sitting position).

[Wed Jun 11 14:49:02 2003]
Zamasi nogom.
Leg swings.

[Wed Jun 11 14:50:18 2003]
Kompleksne vježbe za pokretanje i jačanje mišića
Complex exercises for moving and body-building

[Wed Jun 11 14:52:16 2003]
Zabacivanje potkoljenice prema nazad (peta do stražnjice).
Swinging of a lower leg to the back (heels to the bottom).

[Wed Jun 11 14:53:18 2003]
Izvrtanje noge prema vani u laganom kretanju.
Turning of a leg out with light movements.

[Wed Jun 11 14:55:24 2003]
U hodu visoki zamasi nogom (naprijed, nazad, bočno), zamasi mogu biti vezani s otklonom trupa i rukom.
High swings of a leg while walking (forth, back, sideways), swings can be performed with a bend of a trunk and with a hand.

[Thu Jun 12 14:21:43 2003]
Tehničke vježbe
Technical exercises

[Thu Jun 12 14:23:18 2003]
Za stjecanje specijalne izdržljivosti najprikladnije su vježbe koje se izvode s loptom, u prvome redu tehničke vježbe.
Exercises with the ball, primarily the technical exercises, are most appropriate for acquiring special endurance.

[Thu Jun 12 14:26:50 2003]
Međutim, trener treba voditi računa da igrači izvode vježbe na odgovarajući način, tj. da se izdržljivost stvarno razvija.
However, a coach must ensure that the players perform exercises in the appropriate way, i.e. that the endurance really develops.

[Thu Jun 12 14:28:11 2003]
Izdržljivost se neće prikladno razvijati ako igrači ne izvode vježbe s potrebnim intenzitetom u određeno vrijeme, ako poslije završenog udarca ne trči za loptom ili ako udara loptu da bi time dobio na vremenu.
Endurance will not appropriately develop if players do not perform exercises with the required intensity at a given time, if they do not run after the ball after the final kick, or if they kick the ball just to gain extra time.

[Thu Jun 12 14:29:02 2003]
Tehničke vježbe za razvoj izdržljivosti možemo izvoditi i u kružnom obliku:
Technical exercises for the endurance development can also be performed in a circular form:

[Thu Jun 12 14:30:37 2003]
npr. tako da naši nogometaši izvode 5 do 6 tehničkih vježbi tijekom izdržljivosti ponekog kruga.
so that the players perform 5 to 6 technical exercises during the endurance of a particular circle.

[Thu Jun 12 14:35:43 2003]
(Praktična su i takva rješenja da se među tehničkim vježbama nalaze vježbe spretnosti, okretnosti, snage ili brzinske vježbe).
(It is also practical to include into technical exercises the exercises of skill, agility, strength or speed).

[Thu Jun 12 14:40:40 2003]
Ako specijalnu izdržljivost želimo razviti s pomoću tehničkih vježbi, vrlo je važno da među vježbama nalaze tehničke vježbe koje igrači već poznaju otprije i to na svakoj stanici kružnog vježbanja.
If we want to develop special endurance with the technical exercises, it is very important to apply technical exercise with which the players are already familiar, and also to apply them in every station(???) of a circular exercising.

[Thu Jun 12 14:44:21 2003]
Najbolje je da na pojedinim stanicama nastupe samo dva igrača, a najviše četiri.
It would be best to place only two players at particular stations, or four players at most.

[Thu Jun 12 14:46:37 2003]
Vježbe sastavimo tako da ih približno odjedanput izvode igrači na svakoj stanici.
Exercises are organized in such a way so that the players perform them at approximately same time at every station.

[Thu Jun 12 14:52:27 2003]
Vježbanje na pojedinim stanicama neka traje 3 do 6 minuta, ovisno o uzrastu dječaka nogometaša.
Exercising at single stations should last 3 to 6 minutes, depending on the age of the boys.

[Thu Jun 12 14:52:28 2003]
Poslije svake obavljene serije vježbi treba napraviti odmor 30 do 40 sekundi.
After each completed series of exercise there must be a break of 30 to 40 seconds.

[Thu Jun 12 14:56:04 2003]
Vježbanje izdržljivosti s loptom
Endurance training with the ball

[Thu Jun 12 15:05:44 2003]
Igrači A i B stoje jedan pored drugog na mjestu ukrštavanja aut-linije i linije polovice igrališta.
Players A and B stand next to each other on the touchline intersection and half-field line.

[Thu Jun 12 15:06:39 2003]
Lopta je kod igrača A.
The ball is with the player A.

[Thu Jun 12 15:09:29 2003]
Trčanje počinju obojica odjedanput.
Both players start to run simultaneously.

[Thu Jun 12 15:23:15 2003]
Igrač A vodi loptu u dinamičnom tempu duž središnje linije i prije nego što stigne do središnjeg kruga iz naglog okreta udara loptu desnom nogom pred igrača B, koji trči duž aut-linije;
Player A leads the ball dynamically medium along the centre line and before he arrives to the center circle, he quickly turns and kicks the ball with his right leg in front of player B, who runs along the tuochline;

[Thu Jun 12 15:25:24 2003]
on je primi i vodi duž aut-linije do visine prostora koji čine aut-linija i golmanski prostor ('finfer') a zatim je ubacuje u luku.
player B receives the ball and leads it along the touchline to the position of the touchline and goalkeeper area ('the goal area') and then shoots the ball in the arc.

[Thu Jun 12 15:25:29 2003]
Za to vrijeme igrač A treba stići unutar šesnaesterca i treba ubačenu loptu pucati na gol glavom ili nogom (sl.
In the meantime, player A must arrive to the the penalty area and shoot that ball at a goal with his head or leg (figure

[Thu Jun 12 15:27:16 2003]
Slika 55.
Figure 55.

[Thu Jun 12 15:31:04 2003]
Dva igrača okrenuta jedan prema drugom vode loptu, kada dođu jedan pored drugoga, udaraju lopte naprijed 15 do 20 metara.
Two players are leading the ball towards each other, and when they come one next to each other, they shoot the balls ahead 15 to 20 meters.

[Thu Jun 12 15:31:08 2003]
Igrač A trči za loptom koju je udario igrač B, a igrač B za loptom koju je udario igrač A (sl.
Player A runs after the ball which was kicked by player B, and player B runs after the ball which was kicked by player A (figure

[Thu Jun 12 15:31:23 2003]
Slika 56.
Figure 56.

[Thu Jun 12 15:35:19 2003]
Voditi loptu iz središnjeg kruga prema golu te izvesti udarac na gol s udaljenosti 16 do 18 metara.
Player leads the ball from the center circle towards the goal and perofrms a shooting from the distance of 16 to 18 meters.

[Thu Jun 12 15:35:21 2003]
(Poslije udarca na gol igrač ide po loptu, zatim se u laganom trčanju vraća na polaznu točku).
(After shooting at the goal, the player goes to get the ball, and then runs easy returns to the starting position).

[Thu Jun 12 15:38:00 2003]
Igrač A s udaljenosti 6 do 8 metara dodaje loptu igraču B u desno i u lijevo, tako da B treba ubrzati trčanje jer inače neće stići loptu.
Player A, from the distance of 6 to 8 meters, passes the ball to player B to the right and to the left, so that B must accelerate his running because otherwise he will not reach the ball.

[Thu Jun 12 15:38:54 2003]
Pošto je dohvati, doda nazad i trči natrag.
After he has reached it, he passes it back and runs back back.

[Thu Jun 12 15:39:14 2003]
Svrsishodno je ovu vježbu izvoditi tako da igrač B stigne do lopte unutar određenog prostora (slika 57.)
It is purposeful to perform this exercise so that player B reaches the ball inside the determined area (Figure 57.)

[Thu Jun 12 15:39:45 2003]
.Vježbu izvoditi s promjenom uloga.
Exercise should be performed with the change of roles.

[Thu Jun 12 15:55:58 2003]
Vođa navale iz središnjeg kruga uključuje neko svoje krilo koje otrči te s udaljenosti linije šesnaesterca ubacuje loptu, a dotrčali vođa navale puca na gol.
Center-forward from the center circle includes one of his wingers, who then runs and from the distance of penalty area line kicks the ball, meanwhile, centre-forward runs to that position and shoots at the goal.

[Thu Jun 12 15:56:27 2003]
(Zatim obojica trče nazad).
(Then both run back).

[Thu Jun 12 15:59:59 2003]
Igrač A s prostora oko polovice igrališta uključuje igrača B koji trči duž aut linije, zatim oko šesnaesterca izvodi dribbling unutar igrališta, udara loptu nazad k igraču A te lagano trčeći vraća se na polazno mjesto (sl.
Player A, from the area on approximately half of the field, includes player B who then runs along the touchline, and when he reaches the penalty area he performs the dribbling inside the field, then hits the ball back towards player A and easy runs back to the starting position (figure

[Thu Jun 12 16:00:35 2003]
Izvoditi s promjenom uloga.
this should be performed with the change of roles.

[Thu Jun 12 16:00:38 2003]
Slika 58.
Figure 58.

[Thu Jun 12 16:04:37 2003]
Igrač A s udaljenosti 25 do 30 metara šutira loptu u luku k igraču B koji stoji na polovici igrališta, zatim duž aut-linije krene k protivničkom golu.
Player A from the distance of 25 to 30 meters kicks the ball in the arc towards player B who stands on the half field, then along the touchline he heads towards the opponent goal.

[Thu Jun 12 16:10:16 2003]
Igrač B primljenu loptu dodaje pred igrača A, zatim u punom trku krene prema golu.
Player B passes the received ball to player A, and then quickly runs towards the goal.

[Thu Jun 12 16:10:56 2003]
Igrač A povede loptu u brzom tempu duž aut-linije te je iznosi pred igrača B koji je u dobrom tempu stigao i završava akciju udarcem noge ili glavom.
Player A takes the lead at fast pace along the touchline, and brings the ball out in front of player B, who has arrived at fast pace, and completes the action with a leg kick or a head kick.

[Thu Jun 12 16:12:06 2003]
Zatim se obojica trčećim korakom vraćaju na polazne pozicije;
Then both run back to the starting positions;

[Thu Jun 12 16:12:11 2003]
poslije određenog vremena uloge se mijenjaju (sl.
after a while the roles change (figure

[Thu Jun 12 16:17:45 2003]
Igrač A i B vode svaki po jednu loptu;
Players A and B each lead a ball;

[Thu Jun 12 16:17:50 2003]
na znak zviždaljke obojica prebace loptu u luku suigraču, zatim vode novu loptu dalje (tuđu loptu), ali tako da zaobiđu polazno mjesto suigrača te sada vode loptu s drugom nogom jedan prema drugome i predaja lopte izvodi se tom nogom (sl.
on the whistle signal, each player passes his ball to the other, then lead the new ball ahead (teammate's ball), but so that they go around the starting position of a teammate and now lead the ball with the other leg towards each other, and pass the ball with that leg (figure

[Thu Jun 12 16:32:40 2003]
Igrači A i B odjedanput krenu od mjesta križanja središnje linije i aut-linije:
Players A and B start to run from the position of intersection of the centre line and touchline:

[Thu Jun 12 16:36:46 2003]
igrač A 'igrajući' se loptom na glavi, lagano krećući se duž središnje linije prijeđe preko igrališta do suprotne aut-linije.
player A 'plays' the ball on his head, and slowly moving along the centre line he crosses the field to the opposite touchline.

[Thu Jun 12 16:42:23 2003]
Treba paziti da lopta po mogućnosti što manje puta padne na zemlju.
He should try not to let the ball fall down too many times.

[Thu Jun 12 16:43:04 2003]
Za to vrijeme igrač B trči u jakom tempu duž aut-linije do korner-linije, obilazeći zastavicu, trči unakrsno po sredini igrališta do mjesta gdje se linija polovine igrališta križa s aut-linijom.
In the meantime, player B runs at a strong pace along the touchline to the corner line, going around the streamer, and runs crossway along the middle of the field to the position where the half field line intersects with the touchline.

[Thu Jun 12 16:44:38 2003]
Tu primi loptu od suigrača - tj. uloge se mijenjaju.
There he accepts the ball from the teammate, i.e. they change roles.

[Thu Jun 12 16:44:47 2003]
Ta se vježba može izvoditi u obliku vođenja lopte u raznoraznim varijantama
This exercises can be performed in various variants of leading the ball

[Thu Jun 12 16:50:40 2003]
Dva igrača vode loptu između prepreka, a zatim kada dođu približno jedan pored drugoga - jedan drugome predaju lopte po zemlji i s primljenom loptom trče prema polaznom mjestu suigrača.
Two players lead the ball between barriers, and when they arrive close to each other - they exchange the balls aground and run towards the starting position of a teammate.

[Thu Jun 12 16:50:44 2003]
Odatle ponovno vode loptu u 'živom tempu' između postavljenih zapreka, zatim ponovo slijedi predaja lopte (sl.
From there they resume leading the ball in 'dynamic tempo' between placed obstacles, and then again they pass the ball (figure

[Thu Jun 12 16:51:57 2003]
Igra 1:1 na male golove.
Play 1:1 on small goals.

[Thu Jun 12 16:54:36 2003]
Igrač A i B igraju jedan protiv drugoga na male golove;
Players A and B play one against the other on small goals;

[Thu Jun 12 16:56:47 2003]
cilj je da se lopta provede kroz gol protivnika.
the objective is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal.

[Thu Jun 12 16:58:07 2003]
S loptom počinje čas jedan, a čas drugi igrač.
The players take turns in starting the game.

[Thu Jun 12 16:58:37 2003]
Poslije svakog gola oba igrača polaze iz vlastitog gola;
After each goal both players set out from their own goal;

[Thu Jun 12 16:58:38 2003]
lopta je kod onoga igrača koji je primio gol.
the ball is with the player who has received a goal.

[Thu Jun 12 17:14:24 2003]
Igrač A i B s udaljenosti 20 do 25 metara jedan od drugoga, lobuju svoje lopte jedan drugome.
Players A and B stand at a distance of 20 to 25 meters, and they lob their balls to one another.

[Thu Jun 12 17:18:40 2003]
Igrač A s primljenom loptom probija se k golu u dinamičnom trku, i sa 16 do 18 metara puca na gol slobodnim udarcima.
Player A receives the ball and dynamically runs towards the goal, and from 16 to 18 meters shoots free kicks at the goal.

[Thu Jun 12 17:20:35 2003]
Za to vrijeme igrač B svoju loptu vodi unakrsno k sredini terena, zaobiđe postavljenu prepreku i u živom trku vodeći loptu krene prema golu, a zatim tamo odvlači loptu ispred istrčalog vratara.
In the meantime, player B leads his ball crossway towards the midfield, goes around the barrier and in the dynamic run leads the ball towards a goal, and when he arrives there he takes the ball in front of the goalkeeper who has run out in front of a goal.

[Thu Jun 12 17:21:18 2003]
Igrači A i B naizmjenice pucaju na gol, odnosno provedu loptu pokraj vratara.
Players A and B take turns in shooting at a goal, i.e. they lead the ball past the goalkeeper.

[Thu Jun 12 17:21:22 2003]
Za udarenom loptom moraju trčati (sl.
They have to run after the kicked ball (figure

[Thu Jun 12 17:23:07 2003]
Prisilni udarci glavom.
Compulsory head kicks.

[Thu Jun 12 17:24:47 2003]
Igrač A i B udaljeni su jedan od drugoga 2 do 3 metra.
Players A and B stand at a distance of 2 to 3 meters from each other.

[Thu Jun 12 17:27:28 2003]
Igrač A baci loptu tako da igrač B mora skočiti uvis i glavom vratiti loptu.
Player A throws the ball so that player B has to jump up and hit the ball with his head in order to return it to player A.

[Thu Jun 12 17:27:54 2003]
Igrač A treba nastojati da loptu baca brzo i jednu za drugom, a igrač B da je glavom vrati u ruke igraču A.
Player A must try to quickly throw successive balls, and player B has to return the ball with a head kick into the hands of player A.

[Thu Jun 12 17:27:58 2003]
Nakon 20 do 25 bacanja uloge se mijenjaju.
After 20 to 25 throws, they change roles.

[Thu Jun 12 17:57:35 2003]
Igrač A i B s udaljenosti 20 do 25 metara jedan od drugoga, lobuju svoje lopte jedan drugome.
Player And and B with the 20 to 25 one from other, lobs one's balls one other.

[Fri Jun 13 09:15:47 2003]
Theoretical study of a marble beam:
Teorijska analiza mramorne grede:

[Fri Jun 13 09:16:52 2003]
Let us consider in the first instance a marble beam embedded at one end and with the other end free, to which we shall apply specific loads at its point.
Razmotrimo najprije mramornu gredu čiji je jedan kraj ugrađen a drugi slobodan, na koju primjenjujemo specifične težine na njenoj točki. (?)

[Fri Jun 13 09:16:53 2003]
The beam has a longitude 1 and its cross-section is of width b and thickness h.
Greda ima dužinu 1 a njen je poprečni presjek širine b i debljine h.

[Fri Jun 13 09:20:54 2003]
Theoretical method:
Teorijska metoda:

[Fri Jun 13 09:27:31 2003]
according to the Navier-Bernouilli hypothesis, the transverse, plane and perpendicular cross-sections of the beam to the guideline.
prema Navier-Bernouillijevoj hipotezi, poprečni, ravni i okomiti presjeci grede u odnosu na smjer svijanja,

[Fri Jun 13 09:27:32 2003]
continue to be plane and perpendicular to the guideline when strained by bending.
prema Navier-Bernouillijevoj hipotezi, poprečni, ravni i okomiti presjeci grede u odnosu na smjer svijanja, i dalje su ravni i okomiti na smjer svijanja pri naprezanju kod savijanja.

[Fri Jun 13 09:33:03 2003]
This means that a cross-section at distance x from the free end where p is applied experiences a stretching ( + ) in the upper part and shortening at the lower part, whilst the fibres in the intermediate plane do not vary their length:
To znači da se poprečni presjek na udaljenosti x od slobodnog kraja gdje p je primijenjen rasteže (+) u gornjem dijelu i skraćuje u donjem dijelu, dok vlakna u srednji ravnini ne mijenjaju dužinu:

[Fri Jun 13 09:33:04 2003]
neutral fibre or neutral plane.
neutralno vlakno ili neutralna ravnina.

[Fri Jun 13 12:21:29 2003]
Nožni zamasi u laganom hodu s podizanjem koljena do visine grudi.
Leg swings in easy walking with the knee lifting to the height of the chest.

[Fri Jun 13 12:22:34 2003]
U istom položaju podizanje natkoljenice prema natrag.
In the same position, lifting of an upper leg backwards.

[Fri Jun 13 12:23:30 2003]
Visoko podizanje koljena prema gore.
High knee lifting upwards.