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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.

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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Fri Dec 12 14:57:57 2003]
Razvoj kompjutera i informacijskih tehnologija omogućio je ne samo (pred par godina) neslućeni razvoj metodologija i postupaka modeliranja i proračunavanja, te i razvio virtualni laboratorij u kojem se mogu "testirati" objekti i entiteti.
Development of computers and information technologies have made possible not only (a few years ago) an unimagined progress of methodologies and procedures of modellings and calculations, but also developed a virtual laboratory in which objects and entities can be "tested".

[Fri Dec 12 15:06:49 2003]
Razvoj IT i Interneta omogućio je instantne komunikacije i smanjio opseg svijeta, koju je svojedobno predvidio McLuhan (globalno selo).
Development of the IT and Internet has made instant communications possible and reduced the range of the world, which was at one time predicted by McLuhan (global village).

[Fri Dec 12 15:07:21 2003]
Suradnja unutar struke je i inače normalna stvar koju se prakticira u praksi, no ta se suradnja odvija danas i na geografski udaljenim lokacijama putem interneta i WEB-a, a međustrukovna suradnja postaje potreba vremena, kako bi se na vrijeme uočile greške i uskladilo razne interese sudionika u procesu projektiranja i građenja, kao i korisnika već izgrađenih objekata, te postiglo optimum u projektiranju i izvođenju objekata.
Cooperation within the line of work is otherwise normal and performed in practice, but this cooperation also happens on geographic distant locations via the Internet and web today, and the interprofessional cooperation is becoming a necessity in our age, in order to notice errors on time and coordinate different interests of participants in the process of designing and building, as well as of users of already built objects, and achieve the optimum in the design and realization of objects.

[Fri Dec 12 15:09:04 2003]
Nitko danas nije sam u svijetu.
Nobody is alone in the world today.

[Fri Dec 12 15:09:04 2003]
Međustrukovnom suradnjom se osigurava ukrštanje raznih ideja i rađanje novih ideja, često i drugačijih od pratipova postojećih tunelskih vizija.
The interprofessional cooperation insures the confrontation of different ideas and creation of new ideas, often different than architypes of existing tunnel visions.

[Fri Dec 12 15:12:01 2003]
Razvijaju se CAD-CAM postupci te tzv.
Develop CAD-CAM procedures and so-called.

[Fri Dec 12 15:21:03 2003]
I ne treba biti nervozan u očekivanju instantne primjene novih tehnologija.
And one should not be nervous in anticipation of instant use of new technologies.

[Fri Dec 12 15:24:43 2003]
Na planetu zemlji, živi i danas mnogo svemira koji se međusobno niti znaju niti surađuju, a međusobno su udaljeni više vjekova.
Even today, there are many universes living on the planet Earth that neither know eachother nor cooperate, and are mutually remote for many centuries.

[Fri Dec 12 15:24:43 2003]
Osim toga sustavi projektiranja i građenja su se razvijali stoljećima, pa nije ni umjesno očekivati promijene (usađenih i putem školovanja) stoljetnih navika struke - preko noći.
Furthermore, systems of designing and building were being developed for centuries, so it would not even fitting to expect changes (learned also through the education) in habits of lines of work centuries-old - overnight.

[Fri Dec 12 15:31:39 2003]
Mi smo u Hrvatskoj donekle podalje od tih kretanja u svijetu.
We in Croatia are to some extent farther away from these movements in the world.

[Fri Dec 12 15:32:31 2003]
Naravno da i u svijetu razvijenih ima nesnalaženja i zaostajanja, no to nam ne treba biti alibi za naše nesudjelovanje i ograđivanje.
Of course, there are disorientations and delays in the developed world also, but this should not be our alibi for the non-participation and distance.

[Fri Dec 12 15:33:50 2003]
Naše zaostajanje struke je i direktno mjerljivo i vidljivo.
delay of our line of work is directly measurable and apparent.

[Fri Dec 12 15:35:10 2003]
Na IABSE konferenciji o obnovi graditeljskog naslijeđa bivših istočnoeuropskih zemalja u Berlinu 1998.
The IABSE conference on the reconstruction of building heritages of former Eastern European countries held in Berlin in 1998,

[Fri Dec 12 15:37:27 2003]
. Pogotovo nije bila prisutna naša operativa, koja bi trebala biti zainteresirana za nove poslove, kad već nema posla kod kuće.
Especially was not present our operational body, who is supposed to be interested for new businesses, if there is no work at home.

[Fri Dec 12 15:38:49 2003]
Naravno, da se ne može očekivati suradnja sa svijetom, kad u tom svijetu nismo prisutni.
Of course, the cooperation with the world cannot be expected, if we are absent from it.

[Fri Dec 12 15:39:46 2003]
Istina, informacije na mreži su jedan oblik prisustva u svijetu (informacija), ali ne i garancije i pokazanog interesa za bilo kakvom suradnjom.
It is true that, the network information is one form of presence in the world (information), but not a guarantee of a shown interest for any kind of cooperation.

[Fri Dec 12 15:41:18 2003]
Neprisustvo u svijetu je mjerljivo našim beznačajnom suradnjom u međunarodnim institucijama, tehničkim komitetima i odborima, a i brojem učesnika i referata na međunarodnim skupovima i kongresima.
Absence from the world can be measured by our insignificant cooperation in international institutions, technical committees and councils, and number of participants and reports at international meetings and congresses.

[Fri Dec 12 15:42:15 2003]
Na takvim skupovima upoznaju se i razrađuju se i nove ideje, koje se potom godinama razvijaju u međunarodnim istraživačkim projektima.
At such meetings, new ideas are introduced and developed, which are then developed for years in international research projects.

[Fri Dec 12 15:42:15 2003]
Navesti će se samo neke ideje, koje danas već i nisu više ideje već su to trendovi u Europi i u svijetu.
only some ideas will mentioned, which even today are no longer ideas but trends in Europe and in the world.

[Fri Dec 12 15:47:36 2003]
Buckminster Fuller (http:
Buckminster Fuller Institute (http:

[Fri Dec 12 15:47:38 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 15:52:29 2003]
Fuller Institute home page i ) je 1950-tih opisao ideju industrijskog načina građenja cijelih višekatnih zgrada, koje je moguće transportirati iz tvornice na gradilište pomoću velikih zepellina.
Fuller Institute home page and) 1950-s in described the idea of an industrial building way of the entire multistory buildings, which can be transported from a factory to a building site by using a large zepellin.

[Fri Dec 12 15:54:21 2003]
Ova fantastična ideja je danas ostvariva i moguća nakon gradnje flote Cargolliftera - novovjekih zepellina nosivosti i do 160 t tereta, brzinom od 80 do 135 km/sat, doleta do 10000 km.
This fantastic idea is today achievable and possible because of building the Cargollifter fleet modern zepellin whose bearing capacity amounts to 160 t of the load, speed from 80 to 135 km/hour, range to 10000 km.

[Fri Dec 12 15:54:47 2003]
Za dva Cargoliftera gradi se hangar na bivšem vojnom aerodromu Tempellhoff kod Berlina i dnevno se građenje može pratiti na WEB stranicama (
For two Cargolifters, a hangar on the former military airport, Tempellhoff, near Berlin is being built and everyday building can be monitored on WEB sites (

[Fri Dec 12 15:55:44 2003]
O i danas suvremenim idejama B.
About even today modern ideas of B.

[Fri Dec 12 15:55:45 2003]
Fulera i njegovog slijednika Shoi Sadao-e može se naći opsežnih obavijesti na WEB stranicama "great buildings online":
Fuler and his follower Shoi Sadao-can be found detailed information on WEB sites "great buildings online":

[Fri Dec 12 15:55:50 2003]

[Fri Dec 12 15:57:08 2003]
Kako mi gledamo na implikacije te inovacije.
How do we perceive the implications of that innovation.

[Fri Dec 12 15:57:08 2003]
Vjerojatno nas ta inovacija ne zanima.
We are probably not interested.

[Fri Dec 12 16:29:06 2003]
S druge strane, praktički ništa nije učinjeno da se i ostvare tipovi takvih objekata koji bi bili dovoljno lagani i transportabilni cargoloaderom.
On the other hand, practically nothing has not been done to realize types of such objects which would be light enough and transportable by a cargoloader.

[Fri Dec 12 16:29:22 2003]
To sigurno nisu ni betonske i ni zidane zgrade.
These certainly are neither concrete nor masonry buildings.

[Fri Dec 12 16:30:57 2003]
Od prve ideje B.
From the first B.

[Fri Dec 12 16:37:14 2003]
Fullera do njene realizacije prošlo je više od 50 godina, a do njene implementacije u graditeljstvo proći će još daljnjih 10 do 20 godina.
Fuller's idea to its realization more than 50 years have passed, and yet another 10 to 20 years will pass before it will be implemented into the building construction.

[Fri Dec 12 16:37:16 2003]
O mogućnostima građenja novih (starih) tipova laganih konstrukcija može se informirati na nekim od mnoštva Web stranica:
There is information in building possibilities of new (old) types of light structures in some of many web sites:

[Fri Dec 12 16:37:20 2003]
// (energy structures), http:
com/esi.htm (energy structures), http:

[Fri Dec 12 16:37:44 2003]
//, (geodetske konstrukcije), http:
com/~pdx4d/the home.html, (geodetic structures), http:

[Fri Dec 12 16:37:45 2003]
//, proizvođača kupola i mrežastih konstrukcija, i na:
com/~pdx4d/domeman.html, dome manufacturers and mesh structures, and in:

[Fri Dec 12 16:37:55 2003]
// polaznom portalu geodetskih kupola.
net/www/domeking/frames20.htm initial portal of geodetic domes.

[Fri Dec 12 16:45:08 2003]
Ideje cargoliftera generiraju i nove ideje o ultralaganim krovnim konstrukcijama sastavljenim od lebdećih pneumatskih greda, lukova ili jastuka, a s kojima se mogu na nov i jeftin način pokriti ogromni prostori:
Ideas about the cargolifter also generate new ideas about ultralight roof structures composed of suspended pneumatic beams, arches or pillows, and with which in a new and cheap way huge areas can be covered:

[Fri Dec 12 16:45:08 2003]
npr. stadioni i objekti sličnih namjena, umjesto da se takvi tereni natkrivaju teškim metalnim konstrukcijama
for example stadiums and objects of similar purposes, instead of covering such fields with heavy metal constructions

[Fri Dec 12 16:48:07 2003]
sa pretraživačem proizvođača pneumatskih konstrukcija u USA).
with the search engine of pneumatic structure manufacturers in the USA).

[Fri Dec 12 16:49:23 2003]
Ideje natkrivanja velikih prostora (npr.
Ideas for covering big spaces (e.g.

[Fri Dec 12 16:50:04 2003]
stadiona) raznim prostornim čeličnim rešetkama divovskih dimenzija je posljedica neinformiranosti projektanata.
stadiums) with different spatial steel trusses of giant dimensions is a result of planners' ignorance.

[Fri Dec 12 16:50:05 2003]
O novim istraživanjima na području konstrukcija ima informacija na stranicama o istraživanju novih tipova arhitekture i konstrukcija MIT-a:
About new research in the area of structures there is information on pages about the research of new types of architecture and structures of MIT:

[Fri Dec 12 16:52:34 2003]
prikazuju se istraživanja kolaborativnih alata za projektiranje
the research of collaborative tools for the design are shown

[Mon Dec 15 09:06:50 2003]
MIT grupa tehnologija projektiranja iznosi svoja istraživanja na
MIT group design technologies presents its research on

[Mon Dec 15 09:13:11 2003]
Zanimljivo da su neka od tih istraživanja u pogledu laganih i ultralaganih konstrukcija (http:
It is interesting that some of the research in respect light and ultralight structures (http:

[Mon Dec 15 09:13:11 2003]
// - MIT Kinetic Design Group) podudarna s našim istraživanjima i idejama iz 1990-tih, posebice u pogledu implementacije kinematskih (ili kako sam to nazvao sinergetskih) konstrukcija
edu/ MIT Kinetic Design Group) correspond to our research and ideas from the 1990-s, especially in respect of implementations of kinematic (or as I called it synergetic) structures

[Mon Dec 15 09:16:33 2003]
O svjetskim iskustvima u pogledu primjene pneumatskih konstrukcija može se naći mnoštvo WEB stranica, od kojih se spominju neke
on world experiences in respect of using pneumatic structures There are many web sites, as some are mentioned here

[Mon Dec 15 09:18:14 2003]
pridružene stranice
associated pages

[Mon Dec 15 09:19:26 2003]
uvod u na zrak oslonjene i zrakom ispunjene konstrukcije, shape finding proračuni, teorija, proračun konstrukcija, materijali, konstruiranje, sa FORTRAN programom na
introduction to air-supported and air filled structures, shape finding calculations, theory, construction calculation, materials, designing, with FORTRAN program on

[Mon Dec 15 09:20:23 2003]
htm informacije znanstveno tehničkog centra OZON, Dr.
htm information of the scientific technical centre OZONE, Dr.

[Mon Dec 15 09:20:23 2003]
Yuri Mosseev-a, u Moskvi
Yuri Mosseev-, in Moscow

[Mon Dec 15 09:21:48 2003]
portal američke tehnologije pneumatskih konstrukcija
portal of American pneumatic structures technology

[Mon Dec 15 09:22:33 2003]
lukovi, svodovi, baloni, tende
arches, vaults, balloons, awnings

[Mon Dec 15 09:22:56 2003]
ulazni portal za na zrak oslonjene konstrukcije
entry portal for air-supported structures

[Mon Dec 15 09:30:13 2003]
Za ilustraciju se navodi ispitivanja pneumatskih greda od "trevire", diplomskog rada D.
The testing of pneumatic "trevira" beams, from D. Kljajić's graduation thesis (1985), is shown for the illustration.

[Mon Dec 15 09:37:59 2003]
. Ovim ispitivanjima (provedenim u Laboratoriju Zavoda za ispitivanje gradiva i konstrukcija Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu) se lijepo ilustrirala nosivost dvojne pneumatske grede duljine od 650 gr "trevire" (90/90 Dena, prekidne čvrstoće 2960/2700 N/5 cm, debljine 0.6 mm) promjera 350 mm duljine 2000 mm.
With these testings (conducted in the Laboratory of the Department for testing materials and structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb), the bearing capacity of a double pneumatic beam in length of "trevira" 650 gr (90/90 Dens, 2960/2700 N/5 cm discontinued strength, 0.6 mm thickness), 350 mm diameter, 2000 mm long, is nicely represented

[Mon Dec 15 09:44:12 2003]
Mjerni instrumenti za mjerenje deformacije pneumatske grede.
Measuring instruments for measuring deformations of pneumatic beams.

[Mon Dec 15 09:45:38 2003]
Sasvim "neznanstveno" ispitivanje zbog radosti ispitivanja.
Completely " unscientific " testing for the pleasure of testing.

[Mon Dec 15 09:45:38 2003]
No dobro je ilustrirana nosivost pneumatske grede.
But good is nicely illustrated the bearing capacity of pneumatic beams.

[Mon Dec 15 09:49:39 2003]
U tom smislu mi se mukom odvajamo od tisućugodišnje navade građenjem "tlačnim" materijalima, usvajajući postupno i ubrzano mogućnosti novih "vlačnih" materijala.
In this respect, we separate from a thousand-year-old habit of building with "compressive" materials with difficulty, gradually and quickly adopting possibilities of new "tensile" materials.

[Mon Dec 15 09:51:24 2003]
Ti su materijali omogućili građenje novih konstruktivnih tipova:
These materials have made the building of new constructive types possible:

[Mon Dec 15 09:59:00 2003]
nebodera, visećih mostova, a i šinski i cestovni transport.
skyscrapers, suspension bridges, and also track and road transport.

[Mon Dec 15 10:03:21 2003]
Postupno s nevjericom usvajajući i nove nevidljive spone sila između raznih elemenata konstrukcija, kao što su to privlačno-odbijajuće magnetske silnice.
Also gradually adopting new invisible strength connectors between different elements of structures with scepticism, such as attractive-rejecting magnetic lines of magnetic force.

[Mon Dec 15 10:03:21 2003]
Nikako da se stasa s novim nazorima i mogućnostima novih i superiornih građevinskih materijala.
We just do not manage to develop with new views and possibilities of new and superior construction materials.

[Mon Dec 15 10:05:39 2003]
FE model pneumatske grede od tankog 0.2 mm tankog lima.
FE model of a pneumatic beam made from thin metal sheet 0.2 mm.

[Mon Dec 15 10:05:40 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 10:06:40 2003]
Diplomski rad.
Graduation thesis.

[Mon Dec 15 10:06:58 2003]
Duljina grede 1800 mm, promjer grede 200 mm.
1800 mm long beam, with a 200 mm diameter.

[Mon Dec 15 10:06:58 2003]
Rezultati ispitivanja objavljeni su u časopisu Građevinar.
Results of testing are published in the Building constructor magazine.

[Mon Dec 15 10:13:58 2003]
Transrapid magnetsko levitirajuće vozilo na magnetskom jastuku rađa ideje o novim načinima transporta velikim brzinama.
Transrapid magnetic levitating vehicle on a magnetic cushion gives ideas about new ways of transporting at high speed.

[Mon Dec 15 10:16:22 2003]
Bez obzira da li će se ostvariti veza Hamburga s Berlinom (poradi protesta zaštitara okoliša), sama ideja levitiranja vođenog šinskog vozila bez kotača, i promet velikim brzinama rađa nove ideje transporta, različite od howercrafta i sličnih lebdećih vozila na zračnim jastucima.
No matter if the connection of Hamburg with Berlin is realized or (because of protests of environmental protectors), the idea of levitating a vehicle without a wheel led by track and a high speed traffic create new transport ideas different from howercrafts and similar vehicles suspended on air bags.

[Mon Dec 15 10:18:48 2003]
Učestale nesreće uzrokovane velikim brzinama i starim unaprijeđenim tehnologijama frakcije između kotača i šine suvremenih vođenih šinskih vozila, očito ukazuju na limite tog stalno inkrementalno dograđivanog sustava.
Frequent accidents caused by high speed and old improved fraction technologies between the wheel and rail of modern vehicles led by track, apparently suggest the limit of this constantly incrementally upgraded system.

[Mon Dec 15 10:20:21 2003]
Ideja transrapida (MAGLEV-a) već je stara oko 50 godina, ona je zahtijevala velika sredstva za osmišljanje novih tehnologija i ispitivanja u laboratorijima i in situ.
Transrapid idea (MAGLEV's) is already about 50 years old, and it required large means for creating new technologies and testing in laboratories and in situ.

[Mon Dec 15 10:20:21 2003]
Bez razvoja elektronike (tehnike levitacije i linearnog elektromagnetskog polja), te mjerne i regulacijske tehnike ne bi bilo ni realizacije te ideje
Without the development of electronics (levitation and linear electromagnetic field techniques), measuring and regulatory techniques, neither the realization of this idea would have been possible

[Mon Dec 15 10:32:22 2003]
Elektronski osjetilima nadzirane konstrukcije u cilju promatranja ponašanja u vremenu, vođene kompleksnim ekspertnim sustavima i omogućene razvojem brzih kompjutora omogućuju instantne regulacije konstrukcija u odnosu na nailazeća poremećajna i destabilizirajuća djelovanja.
Structures controlled by electronic sensors which are used for observating behavior in time, guided by complex expert systems and realized by development of fast computers, make instant regulations of structures in relation to forthcoming disturbing and destabilizing activities possible.

[Mon Dec 15 10:36:07 2003]
A omogućuju i efikasni nadzor nad objektima.
They also make efficient surveillance over objects possible.

[Mon Dec 15 10:37:12 2003]
Dokazali smo da se cijeli sustav ljudskog reagiranja na vanjske pobude može se simulirati ponašanjem na primjerima trenirane živčane mreže.
We have proved that the entire system of human reacting on external impulses can be simulated by the behavior on examples of trained neural networks.

[Mon Dec 15 10:37:22 2003]
Ovakvi sustavi moći će se primijeniti i za reguliranja parcijalnih lokalnih poremećajima mega konstrukcija.
Such systems will also be used for regulations of partial local disturbances of mega structures.

[Mon Dec 15 10:39:43 2003]
No zašto graditi megakonstrukcije?
But why build megaconstructions?

[Mon Dec 15 10:39:47 2003]
Reguliranje konstrukcija se već primjenjuju u eksperimentalnim objektima za "instantno" reguliranje struktura na posljedice djelovanja potresa, eksplozija i sl.
Regulation of a structure has already been in use in experimental objects for "instant" regulations of structures, because of consequences of earthquake, explosion activities and similar

[Mon Dec 15 10:43:18 2003]
A i za reguliranje sila u mostovima, gdje se pokazalo da takva "ojačanja" donose i znatnu ekonomsku dobit.
And also for the regulation of force in bridges, where it appears that such "reinforcements" also bring a considerable economic income.

[Mon Dec 15 10:43:55 2003]
U tom smislu su poučne stranice WEB-a o istraživanjima kinetičkih zidova, posmične geometrije, makro-moda slažućih šatora, responsivnih membranskog ziđa, i aktivnog nadsvjetla s polaznih stranica KGD grupe na MIT-u.
In that sense, web pages on the research of kinetic walls, shear geometries, macro-mode of composing tents, responsive tympanic walls, and active skylight from starting pages of a KGD group on MIT are instructive.

[Mon Dec 15 10:43:55 2003]
Također se takva istraživanja vode na raznim sveučilišnim laboratorijima i istraživačkim projektima
such research has also been conducted in different university laboratories and research projects

[Mon Dec 15 10:52:19 2003]
gdje se iznose projekti tzv.
where projects of so-called

[Mon Dec 15 10:52:19 2003]
"smart" konstrukcija, a o istraživanjima i primjenama "smart" - pametne konstrukcija i "smart" -pametnih materijala ima informacija na
where projects of so-called "smart" structures are performed, and the information on the research and uses of "smart" structures and "smart" materials can be found on

[Mon Dec 15 10:53:19 2003]
dok se proračunski postupci za te konstrukcije navode na stranicama
while calculation procedures for these structures are mentioned on the following pages

[Mon Dec 15 10:56:22 2003]
O tim konstrukcijama održavaju se znanstveni skupovi a ima već i stručnih knjiga (npr.
There are scientific meetings being held and expert books written about these structures (e.g.

[Mon Dec 15 10:56:29 2003]
Adeli i A.
Adeli and A.

[Mon Dec 15 10:56:43 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 10:56:44 2003]
Control, Optimization, and Smart Structures, High-Performance Bridges and Buildings of Future, J.Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Control, Optimization, and Smart Structures, High-Performance Bridges and Buildings of Future, J.Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[Mon Dec 15 11:00:44 2003]
). O nekim se postavkama u toj knjizi može se diskutirati glede velikog opreza u primjeni regulacijske IT, koja se zasniva na brzim kompjutorima i pisanim programima.
Some assumptions from this book can be discussed in respect of great caution in the use of the regulatory IT, which is based on fast computers and written programs.

[Mon Dec 15 11:01:46 2003]
Mi smo (Žagar, Delić) pokazali da se regulacijski algoritam može zasnivati i na treniranim živčanim mrežama (ANN), koje "instantno" reagiraju na podražaje - vanjska djelovanja.
We (Žagar, Delić) have shown that the regulatory algorithm can also be based on trained neural networks (ANN), which "instantly" react to stimuli - exterior effects.

[Mon Dec 15 11:05:27 2003]
Postoje danas "pametne" skije, "pametni" bicikli, "pametne" bejzbol palice, "pametne" skije za vodu, u kojima su elektronika i živčane mreže sastavni dijelovi konstrukcije.
Today there are " smart " skis, " smart " bicycles, " smart " baseball sticks, " smart " water-skis, in which the electronics and neural networks are component parts of the structure.

[Mon Dec 15 11:05:27 2003]
O tome se može pobliže informirati na WEB-u
One can get more information about it on the Web-

[Mon Dec 15 11:09:46 2003]
Kako će "pametne" građevinske konstrukcije djelovati, može se naći na WEB stranicama Kevina Bonsora:
In what way " smart " building structures will work, can be found on Kevin Bonsor's web sites:

[Mon Dec 15 11:09:46 2003]
kako će raditi pametne konstrukcije
how smart structures will function

[Mon Dec 15 11:15:18 2003]
a gdje se opisuje MR (magnetno električni) fluid koji omogućava konstrukciju MR prigušivača oscilacija uređaja i konstrukcija (može se vidjeti i kratki film o primjeni MR dampera).
and where (magnetic electric) fluid is described the MR, which makes the structure of MR oscillation silencers of devices and structures possible (a short film about the use of a MR dumper can also be seen).

[Mon Dec 15 11:15:53 2003]
U kategoriju pametnih konstrukcija spadaju i pametna vozila DARPA i ALLVIN vozila bez vozača (automobil, bus), koja su već izašla u praksu.
Smart vehicles DARPA and ALLVIN without a driver (car, bus) also belong to the category of smart structures, which have already come out of practice.

[Mon Dec 15 11:16:41 2003]
Mogu se naći informacije na WEB-u.
More information can be found on the Web.

[Mon Dec 15 11:16:41 2003]
Naši građevinari i arhitekti, trebali bi se upoznati s tim ostvarenjima.
Our building constructors and architects, should get acquainted with these achievements.

[Mon Dec 15 11:31:25 2003]
Novi materijali - i njihovi suvremeni izrazi, razne tkanine, platna, kablovi, šipke i profili omogućuju nove promišljaje ultralaganih konstrukcija od membrana nategnutih i stabiliziranih kablovima i žicama, ili membrana napuhanih ili ispunjenih zrakom.
New materials - and their modern expressions, different fabrics, linens, cables, bars and profiles make possible new considerations of ultralight structures made from membranes of streched and stabilized cables and wires, or from membranes that are inflated or filled with air.

[Mon Dec 15 11:31:25 2003]
Još nismo niti zakoračili u područje istraživanja i primjene ultralaganih tensegrity konstrukcija, unatoč jedne sporadične gradnje takve konstrukcije (stadion u Alabami) u svijetu i niza eksperimentalnih (više arhitektonski usmjerenih) objekata.
Yet have not yet neither taken a step into the area of investigation and use of ultralight tensegrity structures, in spite of one sporadic building of such structures (stadium in Alabama) in the world and a series of experimental (more architectonically oriented) objects.

[Mon Dec 15 11:33:32 2003]
govore o takvim konstrukcijama.
tell us about such structures.

[Mon Dec 15 11:34:05 2003]
Performanse nekih materijala su u Zagrebu potpuno isključene (da li i zabranjene - lobijima ?)
Performances of some materials are in Zagreb completely excluded (or even forbidden by lobbies?)

[Mon Dec 15 11:36:33 2003]
iako se uspješno primjenjuju u svijetu.
) although successfully used in the world.

[Mon Dec 15 11:37:01 2003]
Još se povodimo idejama (grčevito držimo godinama usađivanih ideja?)
We are still following the ideas (frantically holding to deep-rooted ideas for years?)

[Mon Dec 15 11:37:38 2003]
o potrebi dugovječnih utilitarnih objekata.
) about the necessity of long-lasting utilitarian objects.

[Mon Dec 15 11:39:14 2003]
Konfrontacija Hrvatske sa Europom i svijetom promijeniti će ta razmišljanja.
Confrontation of Croatia with Europe and the world will change such view.

[Mon Dec 15 11:39:14 2003]
U nove materijale mogu se ubrojiti i spomenuti MR fluidi.
The already mentioned MR fluids can be counted in new materials.

[Mon Dec 15 11:43:40 2003]
Integracija struka dovodi do novih rješenja.
Integration of the profession leads to new solutions.

[Mon Dec 15 11:47:37 2003]
Naravno da se ostvaruju veliki i zadivljujući rasponi mostova svih konstruktivnih tipova, jer su novi materijali i nove mogućnosti provjere to omogućili.
Of course, great and amazing spans of bridges of all constructive types have been realized, because new materials and new possibilities of testing have made it possible.

[Mon Dec 15 11:48:27 2003]
Očito se kod velikih raspona koriste lančane konstrukcije mostova ili kablovima zavješene konstrukcije.
Chain structures of bridges or structures curtained by cables are apparently used with large spans.

[Mon Dec 15 11:53:09 2003]
No i tu pri konvencionalnom dizajnu ima granica rasponima.
But also in the conventional design there are limits to spans.

[Mon Dec 15 11:57:13 2003]
U gradskom tkivu, očito se ide drugim smjerom u cilju integracija raznih interesa gradskog stanovništva:
There is apparently another direction used in the town's core with the purpose to integrate different interests of the town population:

[Mon Dec 15 12:01:51 2003]
teži se k integralnom planiranju i arhitektonsko-strukturalno-ekonomskoj izgradnja novih (novovjekih) nastanjenih mostova, bilo da su to objekti iznad ili ispod terena, prometnica i prepreka.
tendency toward the integral planning and architectonically-structurally-economic construction of new (modern) inhabited bridges, be these objects above or below the ground, roads and obstacles.

[Mon Dec 15 12:02:27 2003]
Ti arhitektonsko-strukturalni osmišljaji u suradnji s drugim strukama, ne samo da su rukovođeni estetskim kriterijima već i novim idejama generiranih i u drugim strukama te generiranim interesom oplodnje uloženog kapitala u tako isplative objekte.
Such architectonically-structural ideas in cooperation with other professions are not just controlled by aesthetic criteria but also by new ideas of those generated in other lines of work and of those generated by the interest of transformation of the capital input into such profitable objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:02:54 2003]
U Zagrebu postoji takva složena konstrukcija nastanjenog mosta.
There is such complex structure of the inhabited bridge in Zagreb.

[Mon Dec 15 12:02:59 2003]
To je pothodnik kod zagrebačkog kolodvora (Importane), prof. K.
It is the underground passage near the Zagreb station (Importane), by prof. K.

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:51 2003]
Tonkovića i Projektnog biroa 51.
Tonković and Project bureau 51.

[Mon Dec 15 12:12:51 2003]
To je zapravo željeznički nadvožnjak ili pothodnik uređen sadržajima.
It is actually a railway overpass or underground passage arranged with different facilities.

[Mon Dec 15 12:20:51 2003]
Brzo građenje stambenih objekata omogućeno je novim tehnologijama montažnog građenja, robotizacijom i integracijama CAD-CAM sustava.
The fast building of residential objects has been made possible by new prefabricated building technologies, robotization and integrations of the CAD-CAM system.

[Mon Dec 15 12:22:40 2003]
Kod nas unatoč prvim (i neuspješnim) koracima danas nema industrije građenja montažnih stambenih i drugih zgrada.
Here in spite of first (and unsuccessful) steps there is no today a industry of building prefabricated residential and other buildings.

[Mon Dec 15 12:23:59 2003]
Potencijalne mogućnosti drveta u tom smislu nisu još ni izdaleka iskorištene.
In that sense, potentialities of the wood have yet not been used, not even by far.

[Mon Dec 15 12:25:17 2003]
Unatoč recentnim uspješnim građenjem montažnih objekata u smislu implementacije kanadske tehnologije, ništa nije urađeno da se takva ili slična tehnologija usvoji i kod nas.
In spite of recent successful building of prefabricated objects in the sense of implementating the Canadian technology, nothing has not been done here to also acquire such or similar technology.

[Mon Dec 15 12:26:46 2003]
Brzo građenje niza prostora omogućeno je primjenom repetitivnih elemenata, modula, kao što je slučaj kod mrežastih i sličnih hala od drveta i metala.
The fast building of series of spaces has been made possible by the use of repetitive elements, moduli, such as in meshlike and similar halls made from wood and metal.

[Mon Dec 15 12:26:46 2003]
Pri upotrebi betona ne vodi se računa o utrošcima energije u proizvodnju proizvoda i cjelokupnoj cijeni transporta i materijala i proizvoda.
In the use of concrete is not kept counts about energy uses in the production of products and total price of transport of both materials and products are not taken into account.

[Mon Dec 15 12:34:42 2003]
O suvremenim stremljenjima IT (informacijske tehnologije) u građevinarstvu, projektiranju i građenju, te o projektima ICARIS, TIGRA, te ESPRIT ToCEE može se poći sa stranice prof. Ž.
About the modern efforts of the IT (information technology) in the civil engineering, designing and building, and about projects ICARIS, TIGER, and ESPRIT ToCEE start from the page of prof. Ž.

[Mon Dec 15 12:41:13 2003]
U Hrvatskoj se samo na jednoj lokaciji (IZGRADNJA u Ogulinu) koristi robotski CAD-CAM sustav za proizvodnju drvenih krovišta, s potencijalnim mogućnostima izvođenja drvenih zgrada iz piljene građe.
Only in one location in Croatia (IZGRADNJA in Ogulin), the robotic CAD-CAM system is used for the production of wooden roofs, with realization potentialities of wooden buildings from sawed timber.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:04 2003]
Također ima mjesta optimizmu kad se pogleda nova robotska industrijska proizvodnja veliko dimenzionalne šuplje cigle u Karlovcima (Wienerberger).
There also room for optimism when a new robotic industrial production of great dimensional hollow bricks in Karlovci (Wienerberger) is taken into consideration.

[Mon Dec 15 12:44:04 2003]
Građenje robotima je još kod nas u domeni znanstvene fantastike.
Robotic building belongs still here to the domain of science fiction.

[Mon Dec 15 12:49:52 2003]
Nadziranje faza građenja na daljinu ostvaruje se primjenom virtualne realnosti (VR).
Supervising the phases of buildings on long-distance is realized by the use of virtual reality (VR).

[Mon Dec 15 12:52:47 2003]
Primjena VR već danas pomaže arhitektima i inženjerima da "vide" u prostoru objekt kojeg projektiraju, kojeg će nadzirati građenje, graditi i koristiti u budućnosti.
Already today the use of VR has been helping architects and engineers to "see" in the space an object which they are designing, which they will supervise in the building process, which they will build and use in the future.

[Mon Dec 15 12:54:44 2003]
Radi se na V-manipulacijama R-bazama podataka vezanim uz sve faze projektiranja, građenja i eksploatacije objekata.
We are talking about V-manipulations with R-databases which are connected to all phases of planning, building and exploitating objects.

[Mon Dec 15 12:54:44 2003]
Razmatraju se ideje kompjutora-odijela (wearable computers), kao osobnog asistenta osoba.
Ideas of computers-suits (wearable computers), as a personal assistant to individual, have been considered.

[Mon Dec 15 12:58:52 2003]
i stranice stih stranica, kao i sa stranica međunarodnih i europskih znanstvenih projekata (ESPRIT ToCEE i drugih) s navedenog portala prof. Ž.
and pages from these page, as well as from pages of international and European scientific projects (ESPRIT ToCEE and other) from the mentioned portal of prof. Ž.

[Mon Dec 15 12:58:52 2003]
Turka, kao i s europskog polaznog portala za obavijesti i savjete u graditeljskom okruženju
Turk, as well as from the European starting portal for information and advice in the building environment

[Mon Dec 15 13:00:22 2003]
Što već rade u Sloveniji, može se pročitati s web stranice IKPIR-a
about what has already been done in Slovenia, you read from the IKPIR web site-

[Mon Dec 15 14:11:06 2003]
Posebice je tu značajno uvođenje IT u studij građevinarstva i arhitekture te međunarodni studentski projekti kolaborativnog projektiranja i građenja.
Especially is here important introduction of the IT into the Civil engineering and architecture studies and international student projects of collaborative designs and buildings.

[Mon Dec 15 14:19:28 2003]
Razvoj hardvera i softvera je brz, i vjerojatno će već za desetak godina proračuni konstrukcija (nosivosti i stabilnosti) biti će riješeni rutinskim korištenjem softvera s ugrađenim inteligentnim komunikacijskim mogućnostima s korisnicima.
Development of hardware and software is fast, and construction calculations (of bearing capacities and stabilities) will be probably solved already in ten years by a routine use of a built-in software with intelligent communication possibilities with users.

[Mon Dec 15 14:21:02 2003]
Dio standardnih tablica i rutinskih programa (softvera) nalaziti će se na WEB stranicama, kao što će se i standardi (EC, ISO i drugi) nalaziti na Web stranicama brokera za standarde.
Part of standard charts and routine programs (softwares) will be found on web sites, just as the standards (EC, ISO and other) will be found on web sites of standards brokers.

[Mon Dec 15 14:23:14 2003]
U glavnom će za par godina standardi biti uobličeni kao ekspertni sustavi.
In a few years, the standards will be mostly formed as expert systems.

[Mon Dec 15 14:23:14 2003]
Već je sada jasno da se veliki dio znanja može uobličiti u obliku ES (bilo pisanog na pravilima ili živčanim mrežama, ili integriranih obiju sustava).
It is already clear that a large part of the knowledge can be made into an ES form (written on rules or neural networks, or integrated into both systems).

[Mon Dec 15 14:30:29 2003]
Dio struke će se stoga morati reprofilirati i redefinirati.
A part of the profession will therefore have to be reshaped and redefined.

[Mon Dec 15 14:31:41 2003]
To se već nazire i u mijenjaju imena nekim građevinskim, arhitektonskim i geodetskim fakultetima u industrijski naprednim zemljama.
This already be seen in changing names of some building, architectual and geodetic colleges in industrially developed countries.

[Mon Dec 15 14:31:41 2003]
Također je jasno da će i edukacija građevinskih inženjera pretrpjeti radikalne izmjene uvođenjem virtualne ili tele-edukacije.
Also It is clear that education of civil engineers will undergo radical changes by introducing virtual or tele-educations.

[Mon Dec 15 14:36:13 2003]
Navedene promjene su neposredno predstojeće.
The mentioned changes are coming without stopping.

[Mon Dec 15 14:37:21 2003]
One su već prisutne u svijetu.
They are but present around the world.

[Mon Dec 15 14:40:04 2003]
Za implementaciju tih promjena potreban je drugačiji informacijski pristup od dosadašnjeg pristupa.
For the implementation of these changes, an information approach different than the current one is necessary.

[Mon Dec 15 14:41:56 2003]
Bez široke osnove savladavanja osnovnih znanja IT već u najranijoj dobi, ne može biti ni uključivanja u suvremeno informatičko ili "post-informatičko" doba.
Without a wide basis of mastering basic IT knowledges already at the earliest age, neither the involvement into modern computer or "post-computer" era can occur.

[Mon Dec 15 14:43:45 2003]
Većina nastojanja je "krpanje" tehnološkog zazora.
Most efforts represent a "patching up" of the technological aversion.

[Mon Dec 15 14:43:45 2003]
Privremeni zastoj u primjeni robotizacije u građenju zgrada u Japanu, uzrokovan je nedovoljnom informatičkom obrazovanošću svih sudionika (subcontractora) u cijelom procesu građenja
A temporary interruption of the use of robotization in the building process in Japan was caused by an insufficient computer education of all participants (subcontractors) in the entire building process

[Mon Dec 15 14:55:31 2003]
Stoga neke korporacije razmatraju mogućnosti (koje i realiziraju) razdjele kompjutora svojim radnicima i namještenicima, kao što i neke vlade (među njima i Italija) donose odluku da svakom školarcu namjene njegov kompjutor, kako bi se i djeca i radnici uputili u novu eru informatičkog i post-informatičkog razvoja.
Hence some corporations consider possibilities (and also realize them) of giving computers to their workers and employees, just as even some governments (among them Italy also) have decided to give a computer to each pupil, in order to direct both children and workers into a new era of the computer and post-computer development.

[Mon Dec 15 14:55:39 2003]
U Velikoj Britaniji planski nastoje mala građevna poduzeće podići na razinu potrebite informatičke obrazovanosti, kako bi se svi sudionici procesa građenja mogli uključiti u IT procese.
In Great Britain, there is a plan according to which small building companies are being helped in the process of reaching a required level of computer education, in order to include all the participants of the building process into IT processes.

[Mon Dec 15 14:57:20 2003]
Naša pozicija u tom smislu nije ružičasta.
Our position in that sense is not pink.

[Mon Dec 15 14:57:20 2003]
Osim izgubljenog vremena i našeg autističkog "samoisključenja" iz Europe i naprednog svijeta i gubitka međugeneracijskog kontakta struke, mi još i sada ništa ne poduzimamo u smislu kročenja u smjeru već poznatog i nezaobilaznog puta napretka.
Apart from the lost time and our autistic " self-exclusion " from Europe and developed world and loss of intergenerational contact of the profession, we even now do nothing to start marching in the direction of the already known and unavoidable way of progress.

[Mon Dec 15 15:07:08 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 15:09:04 2003]
Trapezni lamelirani nosač.
trapeziodal laminated girder.

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:10 2003]
Prikaz opterećenja, nosača, momentalnog dijagrama i dijagrama naprezanja.
Illustration of the load, girder, line of moment diagram and stress diagram.

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:10 2003]
Najveće naprezanje paralelno vlaknima nalazi se na udaljenosti x od ležaja.
The biggest stress parallel to grains is on x distance from the bearing.

[Mon Dec 15 15:10:44 2003]
Osnovni izrazi za proračun naprezanja:
Basic terms for stress calculation:

[Mon Dec 15 15:13:02 2003]
Udaljenost x mjesta najvećih savojnih naprezanja od ležaja A (lijevog ležaja), a za kontinuirano jednoliko priloženo opterećenje:
X distance of points of biggest bending stresses from the A bearing (left bearing), and for continuously repetitive applied load:

[Mon Dec 15 15:15:36 2003]
kod nesimetričnih dvostrešnih trapeznih nosača nalazi se na
with nonsymmetrically double-sloping trapezoidal beams found on

[Mon Dec 15 15:16:39 2003]
na tom mjestu visina presjeka hx iznosi:
at that point the section height Hx is:

[Mon Dec 15 15:19:00 2003]
kod dvostrešnih simetričnih trapeznih nosača
with double-sloping symmetrical trapezoidal beam

[Mon Dec 15 15:21:03 2003]
kod jednostrešnih trapeznih nosača
with single-slope trapezoidal beams

[Mon Dec 15 15:21:55 2003]
i na tom mjestu je visina nosača
beam height at that point is

[Mon Dec 15 15:22:43 2003]
Naprezanje savijanja
curving Stress

[Mon Dec 15 15:23:08 2003]
Naprezanje vlaka poprijeko na vlakna drveta
Stress of tension diagonally on wood fibers

[Mon Dec 15 15:27:47 2003]
Deformacija se sastoji od deformacija uzrokovanih savijanjem i deformacija uzrokovanih poprečnim silama:
Deformation consists of deformations caused by bending and deformations caused by shear forces:

[Mon Dec 15 15:30:53 2003]
Dijagram naprezanja paralelnih vlaknima i okomitih na smjer vlakanaca drveta u apeksu nosača.
stress Diagram of parallel fibers, vertical to the grain direction of the wood in the girder apex.

[Mon Dec 15 15:32:13 2003]
Zakrivljeni lamelirani nosač.
curved laminated girder.

[Mon Dec 15 15:34:49 2003]
Dijagrami naprezanja od savijanja u zakrivljenom lameliranom nosaču u poredbi s dijagramima naprezanja od savijanja u ravnim nosačima.
Stress diagrams of bending in the curved laminated girder compared to stress diagrams of bending in straight girders.

[Mon Dec 15 15:38:25 2003]
Uslijed zakrivljenosti nosača nastaju neugodna vlačna naprezanja okomito na vlakna drveta.
As a consequence of girder curvatures, unpleasant tensile stresses appear vertically on wood fibers.

[Mon Dec 15 15:42:26 2003]
Ova se naprezanja mogu preuzeti konstruktivnim mjerama:
These stresses can take over constructive measures:

[Mon Dec 15 15:42:26 2003]
obujmnim vilicama, vijcima okomitim na os nosača, ulijepljenim rebrastim čeličnim šipkama, nalijepljenim furnirskim pločama ili u najnovije vrijeme nalijepljenim folijama od ugljikovih (karbonskih) vlakana.
volume stirrups, screws vertical on the girder axis, glued ribbed steel bars, glued veneer sheets or most currently glued carbon () fibre foils.

[Mon Dec 15 15:43:18 2003]
Srpasti lamelirani drveni lijepljeni nosač.
sickle laminated wooden glued girder.

[Mon Dec 15 15:43:19 2003]
Osnovne geometrijske dimenzije.
Basic geometric dimensions.

[Mon Dec 15 15:44:15 2003]
Izrazi za proračun:
Expressions to be calculated:

[Mon Dec 15 15:45:05 2003]
Naprezanja okomito na vlakna drveta
Stresses vertical on wood fibers

[Mon Dec 15 15:46:30 2003]
Kao i ranije progib se dobije iz:
As previously, the deflection is obtained from:

[Mon Dec 15 15:56:36 2003]
Dimenzioniranje i procjene navedenih lameliranih konstrukcija može se provesti automatski pomoću STEP EC5 programa ili preko ekspertnih sustava za uobličavanje EC5 propisa u obliku ES.
Dimensioning and evaluations of the mentioned laminated structures can be done automatically by using the STEP EC5 program or with expert systems for the formation of EC5 regulations in the shape of ES.

[Mon Dec 15 15:56:36 2003]
Pomoću ES za EC5 razvijenog u magistarskom radu i doktorskoj disertaciji Adriane Bjelanović mogu se provesti sve navedene analize 3D krovnih vezača od lameliranih nosača, a i preliminarno ih dimenzionirati pomoću "run-time" verzije ANN, koja je učena na parametarski generiranim FE modelima korištenjem FE programa COSMOS/M i navedenog ES za EC5 (u GURU okružju), te korištenjem WARD-ove neuralne ljuske.
By means of ES for EC5, developed in the master's thesis and doctor's dissertation of Adriana Bjelanović, all mentioned analyses of 3D roof trusses made from laminated girders, and preliminarily dimensioned by using "run-time" ANN version can be conducted, which was instructed on parametrically generated FE models by using FE programs COSMOS/M, by the mentioned ES for EC5 (in GURU environment), and by the WARD neuro shell.

[Mon Dec 15 15:57:55 2003]
Preslika dvaju ekrana ES za tumačenje i primjenu EC5 propisa (A.
copy of two ES screens for the interpretation and use of EC5 regulations (A

[Mon Dec 15 16:00:46 2003]
forma izbora tipske grupe GLULAM nosača NOSAC.IPF.
option form of the standard group of GLULAM structure BEARER.IPF.

[Mon Dec 15 16:01:05 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 16:01:05 2003]
forma izbora glavnog nosača GEOMOP.IPF.
option form of main girders GEOMOP.IPF.

[Mon Dec 15 16:03:59 2003]
izbor statičke sheme nosača paralelnih pojaseva (varijabla PN).
choice of a static scheme of girders of parallel flanges (PN variable).

[Mon Dec 15 16:05:03 2003]
osnovni parametri definicije dispozicije krovne konstrukcije (primjer upisa geometrije hale).
basic definition parameters of roof structure disposition (input example of hall geometry).

[Mon Dec 15 16:05:54 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 16:12:40 2003]
Danas se pomoću FE modeliranja i provedbe tzv.
Today by using FE models and executions of so-called

[Mon Dec 15 16:12:40 2003]
"BUCKLING" analize dobivaju relevantne vrijednosti za izračun stabilnosti elemenata i sklopova (iz bilo kojeg materijala ili kompozita) uz uvjet ispravnog (pravilnog) FE modeliranja, podrazumijevajući modeliranje uvjeta oslanjanja i prilaganja opterećenja.
Today by using FE models and executions of so-called "BUCKLING" analyses, relevant values for the stability calculation of elements and complexes (made from any material or composite) are obtained under condition of accurate (regular) FE modelling, including the modelling of support conditions and adding of load.

[Mon Dec 15 16:20:07 2003]
Opterećenje djeluje na
Load takes effect on

[Mon Dec 15 16:20:26 2003]
gornjem rubu grede
the upper edge of the beam

[Mon Dec 15 16:29:17 2003]
Pretpostavlja se da su bočni pomaci i rotacije spriječeni na mjestima ležajeva.
It is assumed that lateral dislocations and rotations are blocked at bearings.

[Mon Dec 15 16:29:17 2003]
Označeni detalj na slici pokazuje presjek gdje je spriječen bočni pomak gornjeg ruba grede (ali ne i vertikalni pomak ili rotacija).
The marked detail in the Figure shows the section where is blocked the lateral dislocation of the upper edge the beam (but this is not a vertical displacement or rotation).

[Mon Dec 15 16:30:50 2003]
Dvostrešni trapezni nosač.
double-sloping trapezoidal beam.

[Mon Dec 15 16:31:08 2003]
Zasjenjena površina koristi se za proračun kvol (tj.
The shaded surface is used for the calculation kvol (i.e.

[Mon Dec 15 16:32:03 2003]
sljemena zona
ridge zone

[Mon Dec 15 16:32:19 2003]

[Mon Dec 15 16:33:04 2003]
poprečni presjek
cross section

[Mon Dec 15 16:35:10 2003]
Naprezanja u trapeznom nosaču.
Stresses in the trapezoidal beam.

[Mon Dec 15 16:35:10 2003]
?m,d su najveća naprezanja tlačnog ruba presjeka.
m,d are biggest stresses of the force curb of the section.

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:32 2003]
Uzdužna i poprečna naprezanja posmika na zakošenom rubu sa narezanim vlaknima kod:
Longitudinal and transversal stresses of the shear on the inclined edge with cut fibers at:

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:57 2003]
savojnih naprezanja tlaka;
bending pressure stresses;

[Mon Dec 15 16:37:57 2003]
b) savojnih naprezanja vlaka.
b) bending tension stresses.

[Mon Dec 15 16:41:04 2003]
točka tangencije
tangency point

[Mon Dec 15 16:42:36 2003]
Sedlasti nosač
The double-sloping girder

[Mon Dec 15 16:47:01 2003]
Osnovne duljine izvijanja tlačnih štapova
Basic buckling lengths of compression members

[Mon Dec 15 16:48:56 2003]
Duljina izvijanja elastično upetog konzolnog štapa
Buckling length of the elastically fixed cantilever

[Tue Dec 16 08:58:14 2003]
Prilog proračunu duljine izvijanja elastično upetog konzolnog štapa
Supplement to the buckling length calculation of the elastically fixed cantilever

[Tue Dec 16 09:05:51 2003]
Polazi se od osnovne jednadžbe savijanja tlačnog štapa
A starting point is from basic equation of the compression member's bending

[Tue Dec 16 09:07:18 2003]
Iz toga slijedi diferencijalna jednadžba
Differential equation comes from that

[Tue Dec 16 09:12:08 2003]
Uz rubne uvjete
With boundary conditions

[Tue Dec 16 09:16:21 2003]
Slijedi uvjet izvijanja
Follows the condition bending

[Tue Dec 16 09:18:41 2003]
za što ne postoji analitičko rješenje.
for which there is no analytic solution.

[Tue Dec 16 09:18:41 2003]
Međutim, za
However, for

[Tue Dec 16 09:19:57 2003]
postoji približno rješenje
there is the approximate solution

[Tue Dec 16 09:21:33 2003]
Ukoliko se usporedi kritična sila izvijanja za Eulerov slučaj
If the critical buckling load for the Euler's case is compared

[Tue Dec 16 09:24:17 2003]
Dobiva se koeficijent izvijanja ?
We get a buckling coefficient?

[Tue Dec 16 09:24:17 2003]
za elastično upeti konzolni štap:
for the elastically fixed cantilever:

[Tue Dec 16 09:35:43 2003]
Treba imati na umu, da se kod razmatranja stabiliteta trozglobnih ili dvozglobnih okvira u ravnini okvira, spoj prečke okvira i stupa mora smatrati elastično upetim u smislu podatljivosti spoja točke i stupa okvira.
One should keep in mind, that when considering the stability of three-hinged or two-hinged frames in the framework plane, the joint of the framework bar and pillar must be regarded as elastically fixed in the sense of the joint pliancy of the point and framework pillar.

[Tue Dec 16 09:35:43 2003]
U koliko se radi o kružnom spoju vijcima ili trnovima, raspoređenih po polumjeru r s modulom pomaka spajala Ku, s brojem spajala n može se izraziti rotacijska krutost spoja Kr sa:
If it is a matter of the circular joint with screws or spikes, distributed along the radius r by the elastic modulus of the displacement fastener KU, with the number of fasteners n, then the rotational joint stiffness Kr can be expressed with:

[Tue Dec 16 09:39:13 2003]
Na skici je prikazan sustav niza stupova povezanih krutom prečkom.
System of series of pillars connected with a rigid bar is illustrated in the drawing.

[Tue Dec 16 09:39:36 2003]
Niz stupova povezanih krutom prečkom.
Series of pillars connected with a rigid bar.

[Tue Dec 16 09:41:43 2003]
Uzimajući u obzir elastičnu upetost prvog stupa može se izraziti koeficijent izvijanja sustava kao:
Considering the elastic fixity of the first pillar, the buckling coefficient of the system can be expressed as:

[Tue Dec 16 09:43:28 2003]
Ako se uzme da je r gustoća drveta a d promjer štapastog spajala (vijka ili trna) može se ustanoviti vrijednost
If we assume that r is the density of the wood and d the diameter of a bar fastener (screw or spike), we can determine the value

[Tue Dec 16 09:45:31 2003]
Za dvokružni spoj spajalima s polumjerima R0 (vanjski s n0 spajala) i Ri (unutarnji s ni spajala) izračunava se
For a two-circle joint with fasteners of radiuses R0 (exterior with n0 fasteners) and Ri (interior with ni fasteners), it is calculated

[Tue Dec 16 09:48:18 2003]
S čime se dalje ulazi u proračun sustava.
With that we can further enter into the calculation of the system.

[Tue Dec 16 09:50:07 2003]
Ovaj se problem naravno, može elegantno riješiti sa BUCKLING analizom koristeći se FEA programom COSMOS/M ili nekim drugim FEA programima koji podržavaju analize izvijanja.
This problem of course, can be elegantly resolved with the BUCKLING analysis using the FEA program COSMOS/M or someone other FEA programs which supports buckling analyses.

[Tue Dec 16 09:51:34 2003]
Duljine izvijanja štapova trozglobnog okvira u ravnini okvira
buckling length of three-hinged framework members in the framework plane

[Tue Dec 16 09:52:11 2003]
Trozglobni okvir u kojem je prečka elastično spojena sa stupom.
Three-hinged frame in which the bar is elastically connected to the pillar.

[Tue Dec 16 09:57:25 2003]
Nagib stupa ograničen je na 15O.
Slope of the pillar is limited to 15O.

[Tue Dec 16 09:57:50 2003]
Na udaljenostima prečke 0.65 s i stupa 0.65 h izračunaju se momenti inercije prečke (I0) i stupa (I) i unutrašnje rezne sile u prečki (N0) i u stupu (N) okvira.
65 h, inertia moments of the bar (I0) and pillar (I) and internal section forces in the bar (N0) and in the pillar (N) of the framework are calculated.

[Tue Dec 16 09:58:26 2003]
Rotacijska krutost spoja prečke i stupa Kr sračuna se prethodno.
Rotational joint stiffness of the bar and pillar Kr was calculated previously.