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[Tue Dec 09 12:07:45 2003]
Sastavni dio strukture su (I) senzorski mehanizmi koji su ugrađeni u strateški raspoređenim štapovima strukture, (II) kompjutorski regulacijski sustav s mehanizmom povratne veze, (III) sustav ventilatora/kompresora za reguliranje tlaka u konstrukciji, (IV) energetski izvori napajanja sustava i rezervni izvori napajanja energijom.
Component part of the structure are (I) sensory mechanisms built in strategically distributed members of the structure, (II) a computer regulatory system with a feedback mechanism, (III) a fan/compressor system for pressure regulation in the structure, (IV) power supply sources of the system and reserve energy supply sources.
[Tue Dec 09 12:07:45 2003]
Kostur konstrukcije je proračunan samo na opterećenje koje je nešto veće od vlastite težine strukture
The skeleton of the structure is estimated only for the load which is slightly greater than the structure's own load
[Tue Dec 09 12:16:23 2003]
Kod porasta opterećenja, kojeg registriraju senzori u senzorskim štapovima, uključuju se kompresori/ventilatori koji tlače zrak u konstrukciju, te ona djeluje kao na zrak oslonjena membrana koja se unutarnjim tlakom opire vanjskom opterećenju.
When the load is increased, which is registered by sensors in sensory members, compressors/fans which compress the air in the structure get activated, and function as an air-supported membrane which resists the exterior load with the inner pressure.
[Tue Dec 09 12:20:27 2003]
Kad nema vanjskog opterećenja, ventilatori se isključuju.
When there is no exterior load, the fans get deactivated mutually.
[Tue Dec 09 12:20:27 2003]
Na taj se način postiže velika energetska ušteda za održavanje oblika strukture, a konstrukcije se mogu izvesti s minimumom potrebne mase materijala.
In this way, a great amount of energy for the maintenance of the structure's form is saved, and structures can be performed with a minimum mass of the material necessary.
[Tue Dec 09 12:23:05 2003]
a) Kibernetski sustav strukture:
a) Cybernetic system of the structure:
[Tue Dec 09 12:23:05 2003]
s-senzori, a-senzor zapažanja vjetra, R-regulacijski mehanizam sa ES, K-kompresorski sustavi.
s-sensors, a-sensor for wind detection, R-regulatory mechanism with ES, K-compress systems.
[Tue Dec 09 12:38:42 2003]
b) Stanje neopterećene konstrukcije:
b) State of unloaded structures:
[Tue Dec 09 12:38:42 2003]
kostur strukture preuzima opterećenje stalnog opterećenja i vlastite težine strukture.
the skeleton of the structure take on the load of permanent load and the structures' own load.
[Tue Dec 09 12:40:01 2003]
c) Opterećeno stanje:
c) Loaded state:
[Tue Dec 09 12:40:01 2003]
kompresori se uključuju i održavaju potreban predtlak p unutar strukture i ona djeluje kao pneumatska konstrukcija.
compressors get activated and maintain a necessary prepressure p inside the structure and the structure functions as a pneumatic structure.
[Tue Dec 09 12:45:05 2003]
d) Mogući oblik senzorskog štapa:
d) Possible form of a sensory member:
[Tue Dec 09 12:45:05 2003]
pri porastu opterećenja, baždarena opruga u cijevi štapa deformira se i ostvaruje električni kontakt pri određenoj sili u senzorskom štapu.
with an increase of the load, a calibrated spring in the pipe of a member gets deformed and an electric contact at a particular force in the sensory member is produced.
[Tue Dec 09 12:48:10 2003]
tlačni "bajunet" štap
compressive " bayonet " member
[Tue Dec 09 12:49:22 2003]
nosivi kostur
bearing skeleton
[Tue Dec 09 12:50:31 2003]
ovješena napeta trevira
suspended tightened trevira
[Tue Dec 09 12:51:46 2003]
[Tue Dec 09 14:11:54 2003]
U nekim diplomskim radovima studenata u prikazima automobilskog blatobrana i struktura automobila, prikaz strukture i napona je jedino moguć na radnoj stanici i ploterom.
In some students theses in illustrations of car splashguards and car structures, illustrations of a structure and voltage are possible only on a workstation and data plotter.
[Tue Dec 09 14:13:38 2003]
Prikazi složenih prostornih sustava i mreža i njihova kompleksna analiza su danas jedino mogući i jedino racionalni s tzv.
Illustrations of complex spatial systems and nets and of their complex analyses are today possible and rational only by a so-called.
[Tue Dec 09 14:20:31 2003]
projektiranjem koje je potpomognuto računalima (RPPP ili bolje poznato kao CAD).
computer-aided design (RPPP or better known as CAD).
[Tue Dec 09 14:20:55 2003]
Transmisija CAD izvedbenih crteža ka izvođačima struktura ili dijelova struktura nastoji se izbjeći direktnom transmisijom CAD crteža ka CAM strojevima (strojevima koji su upravljani programima) i robotskim strojevima.
There have beeen to try to avoid the transmission of CAD working drawings to contractors of structure or parts of structures by a direct transmission of CAD drawing to CAM machines (machines controlled by programs) and to robot machines.
[Tue Dec 09 14:20:55 2003]
To su CAD-CAM sustavi projektiranja i izvođenja.
These are CAD-CAM systems of design and execution.
[Tue Dec 09 14:29:06 2003]
Dizajn konstrukcija slobodnih oblika, kao što je drvena mrežasta višenamjenska hala u Manheimu, nezamisliv je bez podrške računala i modelskih istraživanja.
Structure design of free forms, such as the wooden netlike multipurpose hall in Manheim, would be inconceivable without the computer and model research support.
[Tue Dec 09 14:35:47 2003]
Isto to važi i za oblike stadiona olimpijskih igara u Münchenu.
The same applies to shapes of Olympic stadiums in Munich.
[Tue Dec 09 14:37:02 2003]
Time se ušlo u područje dizajna struktura, kod kojih je računalo uobičajeni i nužni alat za dizajn konstrukcije.
This included the area of structure design, in which teh computer is a normal and necessary tool for the structure design.
[Tue Dec 09 14:38:13 2003]
Računalom se još uvijek koristi ograničen, mali broj inženjera, ali se situacija mijenja iz dana u dan.
The computer still is used by a limited, small number of engineers, but the situation changes day by day.
[Tue Dec 09 14:42:53 2003]
Još nedavno se sasvim mali broj arhitekata koristio CAD-om.
Still recently a very small number of architects used CAD.
[Tue Dec 09 14:44:04 2003]
Nastojanjem CAD FORUMA u okviru Saveza arhitekata situacija se u par godina potpuno (skoro spektakularno) izmijenila:
The situation has changed completely (almost spectacularly) in the past few years by the efforts of the CAD FORUM, a part of the Association of architects:
[Tue Dec 09 14:44:04 2003]
CAD je uveden na Arhitektonskom fakultetu i u arhitektonskoj praksi.
CAD has been introduced to the Faculty of Architecture and to the architecture profession.
[Tue Dec 09 14:47:20 2003]
Jedan od mogućih oblika kibernetske konstrukcije.
One of possible forms of a cybernetic structure.
[Tue Dec 09 14:50:38 2003]
Višenamjenska drvena mrežasta hala u Mannheimu.
Multipurpose wooden netlike hall in Mannheim.
[Tue Dec 09 14:52:19 2003]
Kad senzori registriraju padanje snijega, uključuju se grijači zraka koji su usmjereni k pokrovnoj membrani konstrukcije i grijanjem membrane tope snijeg koji na nju pada.
When sensors record a falling of snow, air heaters directed toward the covering construction membrane get activated and, by heating the membrane, melt the snow that falls on it.
[Tue Dec 09 14:52:19 2003]
Konstrukcija je dizajnirana tako da nosi samo stalni teret i vlastitu težinu konstrukcije.
The structure is designed so that it only bears a constant load and the structure's own load.
[Tue Dec 09 15:00:23 2003]
Tlocrt drvene mrežaste konstrukcije hale višenamjenskog centra u Mannheimu.
Ground plan the wooden mesh structure of a multipurpose center hall in Mannheim.
[Tue Dec 09 15:00:23 2003]
Primijenjenim principom ulaganja energije, kad je energija potrebna za održavanje stabilnosti, nosivosti i upotrebljivosti konstrukcije, postižu se velike uštede energije u tijeku vremena korištenja objekta.
By the applied principle of energy investment, when the energy is necessary for the maintenance of stability, bearing capacity and usability of the structure, large savings of energy are achieved in the course of the period in which the object has been used.
[Tue Dec 09 15:10:58 2003]
Građevinari se koriste utilitarnim programima, a u studiju građevinarstva koriste se već dugo programi STRESS i SAP te veliki (integrirani) sustavi za FEM analize konstrukcija, kao što su mainframe verzije ICES STRUDL2, (starija UNIVAC-ova verzija instalirana na RC SRCE i nova IBM verzija koja je bila instalirana u bivšem RC INUG), te u novije vrijeme, pribavljena PC verzija MSTRUDL i CAST UTILITY, zatim od nedavna i jedan od najmoćnijih paketa za FEM analize konstrukcija COSMOS/M operabilan na osobnim računalima.
Building constructors use utilitarian programs, and STRESS and SAP programs and big (integrated) systems for FEM structure analyses, such as mainframe versions ICES STRUDL2s, (older UNIVAC version installed in the CC SRCE and a new IBM version which was installed in the former CC INUG), and recently, the acquired PC version MSTRUDL and HONOR UTILITY, then also from recently, one of the most powerful packages for FEM structure analyses COSMOS/M operable on personal computers have long been in use in Civil engineering studies.
[Tue Dec 09 15:10:58 2003]
COSMOS/M omogućava linearne i nelinearne statičke i dinamičke analize metodom KE.
COSMOS/M makes linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analyses possible with the FE method.
[Tue Dec 09 15:21:43 2003]
Osim toga modul GEOSTAR omogućava interaktivno (na ekranu) automatsko kreiranje složenih struktura i optimalne mreže KE na bilo kakvim plohama i volumenima, što je velika prednost, kao što je i bogatstvo mogućih prikaza deformacija i naponskih stanja, zumiranje, mijenjanje pogleda, animacija, prikazi relacija među varijablama (XY PLOT) i slični postupci CAD-a, kao i mogućnosti interakcija s drugim programima sličnih namjena.
Furthermore the GEOSTAR module makes possible the interactive (onscreen) automatic designing of complex structures and optimal KE nets on any surfaces and volumes, which is a big advantage, such as and abundance of possible illustrations of deformations and voltage conditions, zooming, changing of view, animations, relation illustrations among variables (XY PLOT) and similar CAD procedures, as well as interaction possibilities with other programs of similar purposes.
[Tue Dec 09 15:23:13 2003]
uvodi se u vježbe i FEA program SOFISTIK.
FEA program SOFISTIK was also introduced in exercises.
[Tue Dec 09 15:23:13 2003]
Sličnih su mogućnosti i NASTRAN, SAP, DIANA i slični programi.
Even NASTRAN, SAP, DIANA and similar programs have similar abilities.
[Tue Dec 09 15:37:29 2003]
Sve se češće pojavljuju i diplomski radovi u kojima se koriste ili razvijaju ekspertni sustavi.
Even theses in which expert systems are used or developed appear more often.
[Tue Dec 09 15:37:29 2003]
Time se bitno pomiču granice naših saznanja i mogućnosti percepcija djelovanja vrlo složenih strukturalnih sklopova.
With that, limits of our knowledge and possibilities of conceiving the performances of very complex structural assemblies have been significantly moved.
[Tue Dec 09 15:41:49 2003]
Neke od suvremenih prostornih konstrukcija se i ne mogu dizajnirati bez podrške CAD sustava.
Some of modern spatial structures cannot even be designed without the CAD system support.
[Tue Dec 09 15:41:49 2003]
Stoga se i na tom sektoru dizajna laganih i ultralaganih konstrukcija mogu očekivati pomaci u dizajnu.
Therefore even in this designing sector of light and ultralight structures changes in the design can be expected.
[Tue Dec 09 15:43:44 2003]
Ostvarenje kibernetske konstrukcije.
Realization of a cybernetic structure.
[Tue Dec 09 15:43:48 2003]
Hala je "Veliko jaje" sportske dvorane u Tokiju.
The hall is the " Big egg " of a sports hall in Tokyo.
[Tue Dec 09 15:43:56 2003]
Operabilna od 1988.
Operable from 1988.
[Tue Dec 09 15:44:05 2003]
Dijagonalni rasponi 200 metara.
Diagonal spans of 200 meters.
[Tue Dec 09 15:45:19 2003]
Cijeli sustav senzora regulira unutarnji tlak u konstrukciji.
The whole system of sensor regulates the inner pressure in the structure.
[Tue Dec 09 15:47:07 2003]
Nosivi sustav sastoji se od prostorne mreže ovješenih čeličnih kabela ?
bearing system consists of a spatial net of 80 mm suspended steel cables?
[Tue Dec 09 15:48:40 2003]
80 mm, pokrivenih membranom od polimera debljine 0.8 mm, te betonskog prstena i konstrukcije gledališta i ostalih prostora.
8 mm polymer membrane, and of a concrete ring and the structures for the audience and other spaces.
[Tue Dec 09 15:49:25 2003]
Tri anemomometra registriraju promjene brzine vjetra, tri detektora snijega mjere opterećenje snijegom, dok senzori u kabelima mjere promjene sila u kabelima.
Three anemomometers record the change of wind speed, three snow detectors measure the snow load, while sensors in cables measure the changes of force in cables.
[Tue Dec 09 15:50:57 2003]
Senzori kontroliraju stanje ulaza.
Sensors control the state of entrance.
[Tue Dec 09 15:50:57 2003]
Ti podaci se prenose preko sustava za prijenos obavijesti (i posebnog back-up sustava) k centralnom kompjuterskom upravljačkom sustavu, koji regulira unutarnji tlak u hali.
These data are transfer through the system for data transmission (and through a special backup system) to the central computer operating system, which regulates the inner pressure in the hall.
[Tue Dec 09 15:56:38 2003]
Normalni unutarnji tlak od 30 mm stupca vode drži ravnotežu masi krovne konstrukcije od svega 15 kg/m2.
A normal internal pressure of a 30 mm on a water column keeps balance of the roof structure mass of only 15 kg/m2.
[Tue Dec 09 15:57:24 2003]
. Maksimalni tlak pri maksimalnom vanjskom opterećenju krova iznosi 90 mm stupca vode.
The maximum pressure by the maximum exterior load of roof is 90 mm on a water column.
[Tue Dec 09 16:01:39 2003]
Tlak proizvodi 36 turboventilatora/kompresora.
Pressure produces 36 turbo fans/compressors.
[Tue Dec 09 16:02:34 2003]
Četiri bloka prigušivača ugrađenih u krovnu konstrukciju smiruju moguće nagle oscilacije krova uzrokovane naletima vjetra.
Four blocks of mufflers built in the roof structure calm possible unexpected roof oscillations caused by gusts of wind.
[Tue Dec 09 16:03:15 2003]
Kao što se vidi, postoji osnovni i tzv.
As it is seen, there is also a basic so-called.
[Tue Dec 09 16:03:25 2003]
back-up operacijski sustav, kao i osnovni i back-up energetski sustav napajanja sustava, s neovisnim izvorima energije.
backup operating system, as well as a basic and backup energy system of power supply system, with independent power sources.
[Tue Dec 09 16:03:25 2003]
[Tue Dec 09 16:08:03 2003]
Kod suvremenih konstrukcija je bitno prostorno djelovanje cjeline, ali je bitna i analiza detalja.
In modern structures, the spatial function of the unit is essential, but also the analysis of details.
[Tue Dec 09 16:09:32 2003]
Samo se analizom KE može doći do "realnih" rezultata, od kojih se neki moraju potvrditi laboratorijskim eksperimentima.
Only with the FE analysis one can obtain " real " results, some of which must be confirmed by laboratory experiments.
[Tue Dec 09 16:10:12 2003]
Posebice su zanimljive FE analize strukturalnih detalja, kao što su to zasjeci, vlačni nastavci (čavlani spojevi i spojevi trnovima i vijcima), analize detalja zglobova i sl.
Especially interesting are FE analyses of structural details, such as cuts, tensile splices (nailed joints and joints with thorns and screws), analyses of details of joints and similar.
[Tue Dec 09 16:10:45 2003]
detalji, kao razmatranje ponašanja uslojenih ploča.
details, such as the analysis of behaviors of layered boards.
[Tue Dec 09 16:10:45 2003]
Tu su nezamjenjive nelinearne analize s konačnim elementima.
Nonlinear analyses with finite elements are irreplaceable here.
[Tue Dec 09 16:13:43 2003]
Ovješena drvena krovna konstrukcija dvorane za klizanje, arene Nagano, Japan.
suspended wooden roof structure of a skating hall, Nagano arena, Japan.
[Tue Dec 09 16:14:58 2003]
Shema krovišta stadiona - arene u Naganu.
sketch of a stadium roof - arena in Nagano.
[Tue Dec 09 16:15:56 2003]
i konstr.
and constructors.
[Tue Dec 09 16:16:05 2003]
(joint venture) Kume, Kajima, Okumura, Nissan, Iijima, Takgi.
(joint venture) Kume, Kajima, Okumura, Nissan, Iijima, Takgi.
[Tue Dec 09 16:21:23 2003]
Izvedeno 1996.
Performed in 1996.
[Tue Dec 09 16:21:31 2003]
Viseća konstrukcija sastoji se od niza dvojnih GLULAM nosača dimenzija 30x125 na 60 cm razmaka.
Suspended structure consists of a series of double GLULAM girders of a 30x125 dimension on a 60 cm distance.
[Tue Dec 09 16:22:44 2003]
Pokrovna ploča je višeslojna furnirska ploča.
covering board is a multilayer veneer sheeting.
[Tue Dec 09 16:22:46 2003]
Između dvojnih nosača ugrađena je čelična 12x200 m/m ploča, te sustav djeluje kao kompozitni presjek.
A steel 12x200 m/ms panel is built in between double structures, and the system functions as a composite section.
[Tue Dec 09 16:22:46 2003]
Prema SEI 3/98.
According to CEI 3/98.
[Tue Dec 09 16:25:43 2003]
Mansardna konstrukcija Marlesa.
mansard Marles structure.
[Tue Dec 09 16:25:50 2003]
Iz prospekta Marles strešni nosilci - marles hiše, Maribor, R.
From the brochure Marles strešni nosilci marles hiše, Maribor, R.
[Tue Dec 09 16:25:50 2003]
[Tue Dec 09 16:28:01 2003]
Mansardni nosači Marles.
Mansard Marles girders.
[Tue Dec 09 16:28:25 2003]
Spojevi su izvedeni s GANGNAIL zubatim pločama.
Joints done with GANGNAIL toothed plates.
[Tue Dec 09 16:28:32 2003]
Prikazani su neki detalji spojeva elemenata.
Illustration of some details of element joints.
[Tue Dec 09 16:28:33 2003]
Iz prospekta Marles strešni nosilci - marles hiše, Maribor, R.
From the brochure Marles strešni nosilci marles hiše, Maribor, R.
[Tue Dec 09 16:28:33 2003]
[Tue Dec 09 16:39:24 2003]
U analizama koje smo provodili sa studentima, na rutinskoj osnovi u okviru vježbi iz drvenih konstrukcija, u okviru diplomskih i magistarskih radova, služilo se uglavnom mainframe verzijom ICES STRUDL FEM sustava, a sasvim rijetko sa STRESS-om i SAP programom za analize konstrukcija.
In the analyses conducted among students, on a regular basis as a part of wooden structure exercises, of graduation and postgraduation theses, mainly was used the mainframe version of the ICES STRUDL FEM system, and quite rarely with the STRESS-and SAP program for structure analyses.
[Tue Dec 09 16:40:21 2003]
Smatramo da je STRESS zastarjeli "alat".
The STRESS is considered an outdated " tool ".
[Tue Dec 09 16:40:21 2003]
Njihova pogodnost izvire iz činjenice da su operabilni na PC računalima.
Their advantage comes from the fact that they are PC operable.
[Tue Dec 09 16:55:42 2003]
Međutim, ti su programi limitirani grafičkim prikazima i spektrom analiza koje se na njima može provoditi.
However, these programs are limited by graphic representations and spectrum analysis which can be conducted on them.
[Tue Dec 09 16:58:01 2003]
U posljednje vrijeme se studenti u analizama koriste verzijama COSMOS/M sustava operabilnog na PC računalima i radnim stanicama.
In analyses, students have been recently using versions of the COSMOS/M system which is operable on PCs and workstations.
[Tue Dec 09 16:59:21 2003]
Niz je studentskih i diplomskih radova posvećeno ponašanju struktura, analizama stabilnosti, i kako je već navedeno, analizama detalja.
A series of student and graduation theses which analyze the behavior of structures, stability analyses, and as already mentioned, detail analyses.
[Tue Dec 09 17:00:14 2003]
Sve se više koristi mogućnost analiza anizotropnih i uslojenih medija.
The possibility to use the analyses of anisotropic and layered media has become more frequent.
[Tue Dec 09 17:00:14 2003]
Često se provode i paralelne analize u laboratoriju Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku.
Even parallel analyses in the laboratory of Department for Engineering Mechanics are often conducted.
[Tue Dec 09 17:11:42 2003]
Da bi se ilustriralo neke od tih analiza navode se analize metodom konačnih elemenata vlačnog vijčanog spoja, provedenog pred par godina sustavom ICES STRUDL2.
In order to illustrate some of these analyses, we refer to the analyses of the finite element method of a tensile bolted connection, conducted a few years ago with the ICES STRUDL2 system.
[Tue Dec 09 17:13:47 2003]
Obzirom da ICES STRUDL2 sustav nije nikada bio osposobljen davati grafičke prikaze (nedostatak radne stanice i plotera), ovi su prikazi rađeni crtanjem rukom.
Since ICES STRUDL2 system could never give graphic representations (lack of workstations and data plotters), these illustrations were drawn with a hand.
[Tue Dec 09 17:15:48 2003]
Paralelno tome prikazuje se i nedavno provedena analiza čavlane veze s COSMOS/M sustavom.
Along with this, a recently conducted analysis of a nailed connection with COSMOS/M system is also shown.
[Tue Dec 09 17:15:48 2003]
U potonjoj se vide naponska stanja i deformacije čavlane veze, što ranije nije bilo moguće automatski vizualizirati.
In the latter, one can see voltage conditions and deformations of the nailed connection, which previously was not possible to visualize automatically.
[Tue Dec 09 17:21:39 2003]
U ovim formulacijama modela bitno je izabrati dobar i odgovarajući proračunski model.
In these formulations of a model it is essential to choose a good and matching calcuation model.
[Tue Dec 09 17:22:04 2003]
Modeliranju konstrukcija je zato posvećeno veliko poglavlje u kojem se razmatraju pravila i umijeće (art) modeliranja strukture i detalja.
Structural modelling is therefore given a long chapter in which rules and arts of modelling structures and details are examined.
[Tue Dec 09 17:22:04 2003]
Prikazuju se neki zanimljivi aspekti tih analiza.
Some interesting aspects of these analyses are shown.
[Tue Dec 09 17:24:39 2003]
FEM model vlačnog vijčanog spoja;
FEM model of a tensile bolted connection;
[Tue Dec 09 17:24:42 2003]
a) model i nasloni;
a) model and balustrades;
[Tue Dec 09 17:24:51 2003]
b) pomaci vijaka;
b) displacements of screws;
[Tue Dec 09 17:24:57 2003]
c) moment u vijku;
c) moment in a screw;
[Tue Dec 09 17:25:39 2003]
d) poprečna sila u vijku;
d) shear force in a screw;
[Tue Dec 09 17:25:59 2003]
e) opterećenje vijka (pritisak na plašt).
e) load of a screw (pressure on the jacket).
[Tue Dec 09 17:25:59 2003]
Rad studenata.
Work of students.
[Tue Dec 09 17:30:19 2003]
Uz današnje mogućnosti suptilnih FEM analiza struktura moguć je uvid u naponska stanja i deformacije spoja s čavlima.
With today's possibilities of subtle FEM structures analyses, the insight into voltage conditions and deformations of joint with nails is possible.
[Tue Dec 09 17:30:53 2003]
Prikazuje se tako model jednostrane, jednorezne veze ploče iverice pričvršćene čavlom za gredicu.
Thus the model of a one-sided, single-sheer sectioned connection of a plywood board, attached a with nail for the joist, is shown.
[Tue Dec 09 17:31:45 2003]
Model se analizirao s COSMOS/M ograničenom verzijom, pa je MKE relativno gruba.
The model was analyzes with a COSMOS/M limited version, so the FEM is relatively rough.
[Tue Dec 09 17:32:41 2003]
Iz bogatstva prikaza prikazani su samo neki od njih.
From a big number of illustrations, only some of them are shown.
[Tue Dec 09 17:32:41 2003]
Model se analizirao s COSMOS/M (limited version), pa je MKE relativno gruba.
The model was analyzed with the COSMOS/M (limited version), so is the FEM is relatively rough.
[Tue Dec 09 17:40:24 2003]
"Blow-up" model čavlane veze iverice s drvetom.
" Blow-UP " model of a nailed connection of a chipboard with wood.
[Tue Dec 09 17:41:14 2003]
Kontakt iverice s drvetom (kontaktna ploha) simuliran je nizom kratkih (0,1 cm dugih) štapova TRUSS2D, modulom EEJTR i površinom na kojoj taj kontaktni štap realno i djeluje.
Contact of the chipboard with wood (contact surface) is simulated by a series of short (0,1 cm long) TRUSS2D members, EEJTR module and surface on which this contact member actually has effect.
[Tue Dec 09 17:41:59 2003]
Za čavao se koristi element grede FRAME2D od čelika.
The element of a steel FRAME2D beam is used as a nail.
[Tue Dec 09 17:42:38 2003]
Model se analizirao s COSMOS/M (limited version), pa je MKE relativno grub model.
Model was analyzed with the COSMOS/M (limited version), so the FEM is a relatively rough model.
[Tue Dec 09 17:44:26 2003]
Umjesto TRUSS2D moglo se koristiti GAP elemente.
GAP elements could be used instead of TRUSS2D.
[Tue Dec 09 17:44:26 2003]
Također se moglo uvesti i zajedničke (prisilne) pomake čvorova MKE u reški spoja s CPDOF nalozima, čime bi se bitno pridonijelo vjerodostojnosti modela.
Also shared (compulsory) FEM node dislocations in the slot of a joint with CPDOF commands could be introduced, which would have significantly contributed the model credibility.
[Wed Dec 10 09:13:58 2003]
Rezultati analize s (COSMOS/M) paketom.
Analysis results with the (COSMOS/M) package.
[Wed Dec 10 09:13:58 2003]
Prikaz MKE, pomaka i naponskih stanja SIGMAX i SIGMAY na deformiranom modelu i kolor kodiranom kartom napona SIGMAX.
Illustration of FEM, displacements and voltage conditions SIGMAX and SIGMAY on the deformed model and with a color coded card of SIGMAX voltage.
[Wed Dec 10 09:15:42 2003]
Rezultati analize s COSMOS/M paketom.
analysis Results with the COSMOS/M package.
[Wed Dec 10 09:17:56 2003]
Prikaz naponskih stanja TAUXY, PRINCX, PRINCY i VON MISES na deformiranom sustavu MKE.
Illustration of voltage conditions TAUXY, PRINCX, PRINCY and VON MISES on the deformed FEM system.
[Wed Dec 10 09:17:56 2003]
Kolor kartica napona odnosi se na glavne napone PRINX.
The color voltage card refers to main PRINX voltages.
[Wed Dec 10 09:29:27 2003]
Također se za ilustraciju prikazuje analiza KE dvostrane jednorezne simetrične veze ploče iverice s drvetom čavlima f 3mm.
The FE analysis of a two-sided single-sheer sectioned symmetrical connection of a chipboard panel with wood with f 3mm nails is also shown for the illustration.
[Wed Dec 10 09:32:51 2003]
Obzirom na simetriju, moglo se koristiti prethodno prikazani model KE, s promjenom načina oslanjanja, tj. promjenom rubnih uvjeta.
In regard to the symmetry, the previously shown FE model could be used, with the change of a support mode, that is, with the change of boundary conditions.
[Wed Dec 10 09:33:43 2003]
Model tog spoja je prikazan.
The model of that connection is illustrated.
[Wed Dec 10 09:35:06 2003]
Također se prikazuje "blow-up" model u kojem se vide tzv.
The " blow- up " model is also shown in which are visible so-called.
[Wed Dec 10 09:35:26 2003]
dodirni (GAP) elementi između ploče iverice i drveta za kojeg je ploča prikucana čavlom.
contact (GAP) elements between the chipboard panel and wood to which the panel is nailed.
[Wed Dec 10 09:35:46 2003]
Analiza je provedena s COSMOS/M (ograničenom verzijom), modulima MODSTAR i PLOTSTAR.
The snalysis is conducted with the COSMOS/M (limited version), MODSTAR and PLOTSTAR modules.
[Wed Dec 10 09:35:46 2003]
Koristila se linearna statička analiza.
Linear static analysis was also used.
[Wed Dec 10 09:39:27 2003]
Model simetričnog čavlanog priključka ploča iverica za drveni element.
Model of a symmetrically nailed connection of chipboard panel for a wooden element.
[Wed Dec 10 09:41:45 2003]
FEM model.
FEM model.
[Wed Dec 10 09:41:45 2003]
Treba obratiti pozornost na rubne uvjete oslanjanja modela kojima se simulira podužna simetrija spoja.
Attention should be paid to the boundary conditions of the model which simulate the longitudinal symmetry of the connection.
[Wed Dec 10 09:42:26 2003]
center line
[Wed Dec 10 09:45:05 2003]
Blow-up" model rešetke između ploče iverice i drveta.
Blow-up " grid model between the chipboard panel and wood.
[Wed Dec 10 09:45:43 2003]
Kontaktni elementi TRUSS2D simuliraju kontakt iverice i drveta.
TRUSS2D Contact elements simulate a contact between the chipboard and wood.
[Wed Dec 10 09:45:43 2003]
Umjesto TRUSS2D kontaktnih elemenata TRUSS2D moglo se koristiti GAP elemente.
Instead of the TRUSS2D contact elements TRUSS2D GAP elements could be used.
[Wed Dec 10 10:10:01 2003]
Prikazujemo i jednu stariju analizu MKE čvora rešetkastog nosača s kontinuiranim pojasom u kojem je jedna (tlačna) dijagonala priključena za pojas dvostrukim zasjekom osiguranim vijkom (u FE modelu zbog pregleda vijak nije prikazan), a dvodijelna vlačna dijagonala priključena čavlanom vezom.
We also illustrate one older FEM analysis of a truss node with a continuous flange in which one (compressive) diagonal is connected to a belt by a screw protected with a double heel joint (in the FE model, the screw is not illustrated because of a better layout), and a two-part tensile diagonal attached by a nailed connection.
[Wed Dec 10 10:11:19 2003]
Analiza je provedena s ICES STRUDL2 sustavom u okviru vježbi iz drvenih konstrukcija.
The analysis was conducted with ICES STRUDL2 system as a part of wooden structure exercises.
[Wed Dec 10 10:11:19 2003]
Naravno, da su se u to doba dijagrami napona morali raditi rukom.
Of course, pressure diagrams had to be done by hand at that time.
[Wed Dec 10 10:17:43 2003]
Primjena MKE u analizi čvora rešetkastog nosača.
Use of the FEM in the analysis of a truss node.
[Wed Dec 10 10:18:44 2003]
Jednodijelna tlačna dijagonala priključuje se na jednodijelni pojas preko dvostrukog zasjeka, a vlačna je dvodijelna i priključuje se čavlima za gornji pojas koji je kontinuiran.
One-part compressive diagonal is attached to a one-part belt through a double heel joint, and a tensile diagonal is two-part and attached by nails to a top buckle that is continuous.
[Wed Dec 10 10:20:33 2003]
Sila vlačne dijagonale prenosi se preko sila na mjestu čavala.
Force of the tensile diagonal is transfered through forces on the point of nails.
[Wed Dec 10 10:21:08 2003]
U modeliranju se uzelo u obzir i utjecaj vijaka u tom spoju.
In the modeling process, the effect of screws has been also taken into consideration in this connection.
[Wed Dec 10 10:21:08 2003]
(Studentski rad).
(Student paper).
[Wed Dec 10 10:29:32 2003]
Kod ovakvih analiza rezultati koji se dobiju proračunom MKE daju nam bolji uvid u "igre" napona, u "zbivanje" u konstrukciji ili u strukturalnom sklopu.
In such analyses, the results obtained by a FEM calculation give us a better idea of "games" of voltage, of "developments" in the structure or in the structural assembly.
[Wed Dec 10 10:30:19 2003]
Odatle onda proizlaze i racionalnija rješenja:
So more rational solutions result from that:
[Wed Dec 10 10:30:19 2003]
mogu se brzo verificirati postavke.
hypotheses can be quickly verified.
[Wed Dec 10 10:36:02 2003]
U sklopu jednog drugog diplomskog rada razmatran je isti problem, ali je jednodijelna vlačna dijagonala rešetke bila priključena s "GANGNAIL" zubatim pločama.
The same problem was analyzed within another graduation thesis, but here the one-part tensile grid diagonal was attached by "GANGNAIL" toothed plates.
[Wed Dec 10 10:37:56 2003]
U tom modelu je korištena mreža od nekoliko stotina konačnih elemenata.
In this model, a net of a few hundred finite elements was used.
[Wed Dec 10 10:39:35 2003]
I ova se analiza provela s ICES STRUDL2 sustavom, a za prikaz naponskih stanja koristio se prostorni model izrađen od kartona.
Also this analysis was conducted with the ICES STRUDL2 system, and a spatial model made from cardboard was used for the illustration of voltage conditions.
[Wed Dec 10 10:41:53 2003]
U to vrijeme to je bio jedini mogući prostorni prikaz rasporeda naponskih stanja u spojnoj GANGNAIL ploči.
At that time this was the only possible spatial illustration of the arrangement of voltage conditions in the connection GANGNAIL board.
[Wed Dec 10 10:45:32 2003]
Na skici je prikazano stanje naprezanja u čvoru rešetkastog nosača.
the draft illustrates the state of stress in the truss node.
[Wed Dec 10 10:45:33 2003]
Zbog boljeg pregleda (a i zbog generacije čvorova mreže KE), sustav je zaokrenut, a nebitni detalji su izostavljeni.
For a better layout (and for the generation of FE network nodes), system has been turned around, and unimportant details left out.
[Wed Dec 10 10:48:31 2003]
Raspodjela naprezanja u elementima čvora rešetkastog nosača, kojeg je proračunski model prikazan na prethodnoj slici.
Stress distributions in elements of the truss node, illustrated by the calcuation model in the previous Figure.
[Wed Dec 10 10:50:14 2003]
Prikazi promjena uzdužnih napona SIGMAX, posmičnih napona TAUXY, poprečnih napona SIGMAY.
Illustrations of changes of longitudinal voltages SIGMAX, shear voltages TAUXY, transversal voltages SIGMAY.
[Wed Dec 10 10:50:14 2003]
Proračun MKE rađen je programskim paketom ICES STRUDL2 (studentski rad).
FEM calculation was made with the ICES STRUDL2 software package (student paper).
[Wed Dec 10 10:51:18 2003]
uzdužni naponi
longitudinal voltages
[Wed Dec 10 10:51:33 2003]
posmični naponi
shear voltages
[Wed Dec 10 10:51:48 2003]
poprečni naponi
transversal voltages
[Wed Dec 10 11:01:37 2003]
Proračunski model čvora MKE.
Calcuation model of a FEM node.
[Wed Dec 10 11:02:49 2003]
Analiza istovjetnog čvora gornjeg pojasnog kontinuiranog štapa rešetkastog nosača uz priključak vlačnog štapa GANGNAIL pločama.
Analysis of the same node of an upper belt continuous member of a truss with the connection of a tension member by GANGNAIL boards.
[Wed Dec 10 11:07:04 2003]
Analiza tog proračunskog modela detalja čvora rešetke rađena je sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom za inženjerske analize konstrukcija.
The analysis of this calcuation model of grid node details was conducted with the ICES STRUDL2 system for engineering structure analyses.
[Wed Dec 10 11:08:55 2003]
Gornji tlačni pojas je kontinuiran i na njega se priključuju dvostrukim zasjekom tlačna dijagonala i vlačna dijagonala preko GANGNAIL spojnih ploča.
Upper compressive flange is continuous and compressive and tensile diagonals are attached to it by a double heel joint through GANGNAIL connective boards.
[Wed Dec 10 11:10:18 2003]
Prethodno je cijeli sustav rešetke proračunan kao TYPE PLANE FRAME sustav, te su rezultati tog proračuna preuzeti u ovoj analizi detalja.
Previously the entire truss system was calculated as a TYPE BURSTS INTO FLAME FRAME system, so the results of that calculation are used in this detail analysis.
[Wed Dec 10 11:11:09 2003]
Treba obratiti pozornost na kontaktne elemente (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) između materijala tlačne dijagonale i pojasa u reški kontakta dvostrukog zasjeka.
Attention needs to be paid to contact elements (TYPE BURSTS INTO FLAME TRUSS) between the material of compressive diagonals and flange in the slot of a double heel joint contact.
[Wed Dec 10 11:11:17 2003]
Osobito je kompleksan FE model GANGNAIL ploče s mnoštvom zubi i rupa.
The FE model of the GANGNAIL board with many of teeth and holes is particulary complex.
[Wed Dec 10 11:11:17 2003]
(Studentski rad.)
(Student paper.)
[Wed Dec 10 11:14:49 2003]
[Wed Dec 10 11:19:59 2003]
Prikaz veoma složene mreže KE (TYPE PLANE STRESS) za analizu čvora rešetkastog nosača.
Illustration of a very complex FE mesh (TYPE PLANE STRESS) for the analysis of a truss node.
[Wed Dec 10 11:22:50 2003]
Detalj priključka vlačnog štapa s GANGNAIL spojnom pločom.
connection Detail of a tension member with the GANGNAIL connective plate.
[Wed Dec 10 11:23:55 2003]
Nažalost, nije se raspolagalo grafičkim alatom (ploter, radna stanica i sl.)
Unfortunately, no graphical tool was at disposal (data plotter, workstation and alike.)
[Wed Dec 10 11:24:02 2003]
, te su crteži geometrije KE i crteži naponskih stanja rađeni ručno.
), so FE geometry drawings and voltage condition drawings were done by hand.
[Wed Dec 10 11:24:59 2003]
(Studentski rad.)
(Student paper.)
[Wed Dec 10 11:33:35 2003]
"Herojsko djelo" s obzirom na ondašnje prilike.
) " heroic work " concerning the circumstances of that time.
[Wed Dec 10 11:33:51 2003]
Komunikacija s main-frame računalom SRCE-a putem bušenih kartica.
Communication with the main-frame computer of the SRCE center through punch cards.
[Wed Dec 10 11:33:51 2003]
Povijest modeliranja.
History of modeling.
[Wed Dec 10 11:35:55 2003]
[Wed Dec 10 11:36:21 2003]
konstruktivni dio gang-nail
constructive part of the Gang-nail
[Wed Dec 10 11:36:39 2003]
dio dvostrukog zasjeka
part of double heel joint
[Wed Dec 10 11:37:07 2003]
gornji dio rešetke
upper part of the truss
[Wed Dec 10 11:37:19 2003]
vlačni štap
tension member
[Wed Dec 10 11:40:26 2003]
Kosa redukcija visine lameliranog nosača s donje strane nosača.
oblique height reduction of laminated girder from a lower girder part.
[Wed Dec 10 11:44:48 2003]
Skica postupne redukcije visine lameliranog nosača s donje strane nosača.
Draft of a gradual height reductions of a laminated girder from a lower part of the girder .
[Wed Dec 10 11:44:48 2003]
Ispituje se utjecaj nagiba te redukcije na naponsko stanje u nosaču.
effect of inclination and reduction on the voltage condition in the girder is examined.
[Wed Dec 10 11:53:06 2003]
Primjer analize utjecaja kose redukcije visine s donje strane lameliranog nosača na ležaju primjenom proračunskog modela MKE.
Example of the analysis of influence of oblique height reduction from the lower part of a laminated girder on the bearing by using the FEM calcuation model.
[Wed Dec 10 11:53:21 2003]
Postupno se iz proračuna isključivalo KE i na taj način simuliralo razne nagibe redukcije visine presjeka nosača.
The FE was gradually excluded from the calculation and in this way different inclinations of height reduction of girder sections were simulated.
[Wed Dec 10 12:00:52 2003]
Prikazuje se MKE.
The FEM is illustrated.
[Wed Dec 10 12:04:21 2003]
Nedostatak MKE je sustav oslanjanja simulacijom niza od 5 točkastih ležajeva.
Lack of the FEM is a support system by the simulation of a 5 point bearing series.
[Wed Dec 10 12:04:21 2003]
Trebalo je primijeniti elastično podatljive oslonce - na primjer neoprenski ležaj, čime bi se znatno poboljšalo proračunski model.
elastically flexible supports had to be used for example neoprene bearing, which considerably improved the calcuation model.
[Wed Dec 10 12:13:10 2003]
Prikazi posmičnih napona TAUXY za razne nagibe redukcije visine poprečnog presjeka uz ležaj nosača.
Illustrations of shear voltages TAUXY for different inclinations of height reduction of a cross section near the girder bearing.
[Wed Dec 10 12:13:37 2003]
Prikazi dijagrama SIGMAY (okomito na vlakna drveta) kod postupne redukcije visine presjeka s donje strane uz ležaj lameliranog nosača.
Illustrations of the SIGMAY diagram (vertically on wood fibers) in a gradual height reduction of a section from the lower part near a laminated girder bearing.
[Wed Dec 10 12:15:52 2003]
Ovi dijagrami dobro se slažu s teoretskim izvodima i eksperimentalnim rezultatima.
These diagrams well correspond to theoretical deductions and experimental results.
[Wed Dec 10 12:15:52 2003]
Proračun rađen MKE sa sustavom ICES STRUDL2 UNIVAC verzijom.
FEM calculation made with the ICES STRUDL2 system with the UNIVAC version.
[Wed Dec 10 12:19:10 2003]
Varijacije naprezanja u presjecima drvenog lijepljenog nosača s kosim redukcijama visine presjeka nosača uz ležaj, dobivenih proračunom MKE.
Stress variations in sections of a glued wood girder with oblique height reductions of girder sections by the bearing, obtained by the FEM calculation.
[Wed Dec 10 12:19:10 2003]
Primjer primjene analize detalja konstrukcija MKE.
Example of the use of the detail analysis of FEM structures.
[Wed Dec 10 12:21:59 2003]
Također se analiziralo utjecaj nagiba redukcija visine lameliranog nosača s donje strane pri ležaju grede (sl.
Effect of the inclination of height reductions of the laminated girder from the lower part by the beam bearing was also analyzed (fig.
[Wed Dec 10 12:34:08 2003]
. Analiziralo se razne nagibe redukcija, kako bi se dobila naponska stanja i zaključilo o koncentracijama naprezanja uzrokovanim takvim redukcijama presjeka, te zaključilo zakonitosti odnosa redukcije, nagiba i koncentracije napona.
Different reduction inclinations were analyzed, in order to obtain voltage conditions and conclude about stress concentrations caused by such section reductions, and also to conclude about the regularity of relations of reduction, inclination and voltage concentrations.
[Wed Dec 10 12:35:55 2003]
Ovakva se redukcija ne preporuča, ali se ponekad ne može izbjeći.
such reduction is not recommended, but it cannot be avoided sometimes.
[Wed Dec 10 12:38:23 2003]
Ta su istraživanja rađena u okvirima jednog diplomskog rada.
This research was carried out as a part of one graduation thesis.
[Wed Dec 10 12:47:32 2003]
Pritom se koristila ista generirana mreža KE, koja se reducirala prema analiziranim nagibima, izostavljanjem čvorova i elemenata KE.
The same generated FE mesh was used in this process, which was reduced according to analysed inclinations, by omitting the nodes and FE elements.
[Wed Dec 10 12:47:32 2003]
Pokazalo se da dobiveni rezultati dobro pristaju onim iz teorije i s laboratorijskim ispitivanjima.
It was demonstrated that the obtained results corresponded well to theoretical and lab results.
[Wed Dec 10 12:57:59 2003]
I ova je analiza provedena sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom.
This analysis was conducted with ICES STRUDL2 system, too.
[Wed Dec 10 12:58:10 2003]
Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da bi svakako takve redukcije trebalo izbjegavati, a ako se već izvode treba koristiti što blaže nagibe redukcija;
Research results indicate that such reductions should certainly be avoided, but if made anyway, gentler reduction slopes should be used;
[Wed Dec 10 12:58:10 2003]
standardi su u tom pogledu jasni.
standards in that respect are clear.
[Wed Dec 10 14:28:08 2003]
U nekim praktičnim primjerima moglo se dokazati, kako pomoću blagovremenih simulacija izbjegavamo urušenja sustava pod velikim opterećenjima snijegom.
In some practical examples could be proven that system collapses under heavy snow loads can be avoided by using on-time simulations.
[Wed Dec 10 14:35:39 2003]
Na priloženoj slici (sl.
in the enclosed Figure (fig.
[Wed Dec 10 14:37:21 2003]
10.15) vidi se urušena drvena čavlana rešetka, nad nekim vojnim skladištem.
15) one can see a caved-in wooden nailed truss, above some military depot.
[Wed Dec 10 14:39:54 2003]
Analiza sustava rađena je minuciozno s pažnjom u razradi detalja sustava.
System analysis was conducted in minute detail, with taking care of the development of system details.
[Wed Dec 10 14:45:32 2003]
Sustav je detaljno snimljen na terenu, a izvagano je opterećenje snijegom pri kome se rešetka urušila.
The system was recorded in detail in the field, and the snow load under which the truss caved in was measured.
[Wed Dec 10 14:45:39 2003]
Taj proračunati sustav u kojem je statički sistem promatran kao okvir s ekscentrično priključenom štapnom ispunom uspoređen je s konvencionalnom analizom sustava kao rešetkastog sistema s centrično u zglobu priključenim štapovima ispune, kako je to projektirano i proračunato.
This calculated system in which a static system, observed as a frame with eccentrically connected member fill, was compared to the conventional system analysis as in the latticed system with fill members connected centrally to the joint, as it had been designed and calculated.
[Wed Dec 10 14:45:39 2003]
Rezultati se prikazuju.
Results are shown.
[Wed Dec 10 14:53:47 2003]
Vidljivo je da ekscentriciteti priključaka štapova ispune uzrokuju momente u sustavu, ali i znatne posmične sile i napone, koje su u nekim čvorovima veće od čvrstoće drveta.
It is clear that connection eccentricities of fill members cause moments in the system, and significant shear forces and voltages also, who in some nodes are greater than the wood's strength.
[Wed Dec 10 14:55:07 2003]
Detalji čvorova ispitani su posebno, kako bi se dobio raspored naponskih stanja unutar čvorova rešetke.
Node details are examined separately, in order to get the voltage condition arrangement inside the nodal points.
[Wed Dec 10 14:55:12 2003]
Ovu je analizu proveo s ICES STRUDL2 sustavom suradnik inž.
This analysis was conducted with ICES STRUDL2 system colleague
[Wed Dec 10 15:08:56 2003]
Iz nje je vidljivo da suvremene standarde treba dopuniti klauzulom o obaveznom provjeravanju dijela spoja između dijagonala koje su ekscentrično pričvršćene za pojaseve prema kriteriju složenih naponskih stanja prema Norrisu:
conducted this analysis with ICES STRUDL2 system From this analysis it is clear that modern standards need to be complemented by a clause om the obligatory checking connection parts of between diagonals which are eccentrically attached to flanges according to the criterion of complex voltage conditions according to Norris:
[Wed Dec 10 15:16:50 2003]
za zategnutu zonu
for the tensile zone
[Wed Dec 10 15:26:18 2003]
Urušenje čavlane rešetkaste konstrukcije od drveta.
Caving in of a nailed wooden latticed structure.
[Wed Dec 10 15:26:31 2003]
Uzrok urušenju su prekoračeni naponi i prekoračena čvrstoća drveta unutar dijela čvorova rešetke pri opterećenju snijegom.
The cause of the caving in are excessive voltages and excessive wood's strength inside the part of nodal points under the snow load.
[Wed Dec 10 15:27:38 2003]
Opisana analiza odnosi se na ovu konstrukciju.
The described analysis refers to this structure.
[Wed Dec 10 15:27:38 2003]
Primjer nepodudarnog proračunskog modela (rešetka s centričkim priključcima štapova u čvorovima) i stvarno izvedenog stanja (okvirna konstrukcija s kontinuiranim pojasevima i ekscentričnim priključcima štapova ispune za pojaseve nosača).
Example of unmatching calcuation model (truss with central connections of members in nodes) and really executed state (frame structure with continuous flanges and excentric connections of fill members for girder flanges).
[Wed Dec 10 15:38:57 2003]
Slika 9.16 Analiza uzroka urušenja drvene rešetke raspona 18,0 metara:
16 Analysis of cause for caving in of a wooden truss of a 18,0 meter span:
[Wed Dec 10 15:40:13 2003]
a) proračunski model rešetke prema projektu (prava rešetka);
a) calcuation model of the truss according to the project (real truss);
[Wed Dec 10 15:40:28 2003]
b) proračunski model okvira prema stvarno snimljenom stanju izvedene konstrukcije.
b) calcuation model of the frame according to the really recorded state of the built structure.
[Wed Dec 10 15:40:30 2003]
Analiza je provedena sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom (ing.
Analysis is conducted with the ICES STRUDL2 system (ing.
[Wed Dec 10 15:44:17 2003]
Dijagrami momenata savijanja i poprečnih sila u stvarno izvedenoj konstrukciji.
Diagrams of bending moments and shear forces in a really built structure.
[Wed Dec 10 15:47:55 2003]
Vidljive su izvanredno velike poprečne T-sile unutar čvorova donjeg pojasa nosača.
Exceptionally large transversal T-forces inside the nodes of bottom girder flange can be observed.
[Wed Dec 10 15:47:55 2003]
Te poprečne sile uzrokovane su velikim nagibom linije M-dijagrama uzrokovanog ekscentričnim priključcima štapova ispune, jer je T=dM/dx.
These shear forces are caused by a large slope of a line of the M-diagram caused by excentric connections of fill members, because TdM=/dx.
[Wed Dec 10 15:54:12 2003]
Model čvora na kojem se na gustoj MKE provela analiza na određene rezne sile dobivene prethodnim ICES STRUDL2 proračunima proračunskog modela okvirne konstrukcije, s podacima snimljenim na terenu.
Node model on which, in a dense FEM, the analysis on determined cutting forces was conducted obtained by previous ICES STRUDL2 calculations of a frame structure calcuation model, with data recorded in the field.
[Wed Dec 10 15:54:30 2003]
Sam model KE nije ovdje prikazan.
The FE model itself is not illustrated here.
[Wed Dec 10 15:54:30 2003]
Prikazani su samo ulazni parametri.
Only entry parameters are illustrated.
[Wed Dec 10 15:56:40 2003]
SIGMAY naprezanje (N/cm2) za ekstremno opterećenje rešetke.
SIGMAY stress (N/cm2) for the extreme truss load.
[Wed Dec 10 15:58:46 2003]
Presjek 2-2 i 7-7 donjeg pojasa rešetke-okvira.
Section 2-2 and 7-7 of the bottom flange of a truss-frame.
[Wed Dec 10 15:59:08 2003]
Naravno da su naponi na granici čvrstoće.
Voltages are on the yield strength, of course.
[Wed Dec 10 15:59:08 2003]
Nije se analiziralo nelinearnom analizom.
Nonlinear analysis was not used.
[Wed Dec 10 16:01:15 2003]
Naponi TAUXY (posmični), lijevo, i SIGMAY (poprečni na vlakna), desno, u presjecima donjeg pojasa rešetkastog nosača (TYPE PLANE FRAME) - okvira.
Voltages TAUXY (shear), left, and SIGMAY (transversal on fibers), right, in sections of the bottom truss flange (TYPE PLANE FRAME) - frame.
[Wed Dec 10 16:03:16 2003]
Rešetka je analizirana kao okvirni sustav, onako kako je i stvarno izvedena.
The truss was analyzed as a frame system, as it really was built.
[Wed Dec 10 16:08:48 2003]
Prikazani rezultati su rezultati analize MKE na prethodno prikazanom modelu čvora koji se kod većine nosača presjekao pod opterećenjem snijegom.
Illustrated results are FEM analyses results on the previously shown node model which, in the majority of girders, was cut under the snow load.
[Wed Dec 10 16:08:48 2003]
To opterećenje snijegom uzeto je prema snimci profila snijega na neurušenim nosačima.
This snow load comes from the recordings of a snow profile on girders which did not cave in.
[Wed Dec 10 16:12:07 2003]
dijagrami naprezanja
stress diagrams
[Wed Dec 10 16:27:23 2003]
U slučaju navedene analizirane rešetke (okvira) izraz za maksimalno opterećenje (pri urušenju) iznosio je čak 8.73.
In the case of the mentioned analysed truss (frame) the maximum load expression (in collapse) amounted to even 8.73.
[Wed Dec 10 16:28:46 2003]
Čvor je naravno, bio "prerezan", a to se i u stvarnosti desilo.
The node was of course, " cut ", and this really happened.
[Wed Dec 10 16:31:17 2003]
Dakako, takva se analiza mogla izvesti za vrijeme dizajna konstrukcije, te nedostatak ukloniti, bez veće štete.
Of course, such analysis could be conducted during the designing of the structure, and the flaw remove, without any bigger damage.
[Wed Dec 10 16:31:29 2003]
Osim toga iz ove analize jasno proizlazi da se rešetke ne trebaju proračunavati kao "rešetke" - PLANE TRUSS već kao okviri - PLANE FRAME sustavi, a da i o posmičnim naponima treba voditi računa u analizi i dimenzioniranju presjeka i detalja s ekscentričnim priključcima štapova ispuna za pojaseve rešetkastog nosača.
Besides from this analysis results that trusses do not have to be calculated as " trusses " PLANE TRUSS but as frames PLANE FRAME systems, and that shear voltages also need to be taken into account in the analysis and dimensioning of sections and details with eccentric connections of fill members for truss flanges.
[Wed Dec 10 16:31:29 2003]
Naime, T=dM/dx.
In other words, T=dM/dx.
[Wed Dec 10 16:41:53 2003]
Na sličan način provedena je pomoću ICES STRUDL2 MKE analiza standardnog drvenog praga sa pričvrsnim priborom i šinom.
In a similar manner, the FEM analysis of a standard wooden threshold with the fastening set and rail is conducted by using ICES STRUDL2.
[Wed Dec 10 16:44:47 2003]
Uključena je i podložna elastična pločica pribora.
Also an elastic washer of the set is included.
[Wed Dec 10 16:45:37 2003]
Ta je analiza razrađena u okviru više diplomskih radova i nastavljena uz prigodna laboratorijska ispitivanja.
This analysis was elaborated as a part of a number of graduation theses and mantained in related lab testings.
[Wed Dec 10 16:46:59 2003]
U analizi je uzeta u obzir anizotropija drveta.
Also anisotropy of the wood was taken into consideration in the analysis.
[Wed Dec 10 16:48:16 2003]
S analizom MKE ustanovljene su putanje naprezanja u pragu.
With the FEM analysis, stress trajectories in the threshold were established.
[Wed Dec 10 16:48:16 2003]
Za analizu su zanimljive putanje naprezanja ispod pričvrsnog pribora.
Stress trajectories below the fastening set are interesting for the analysis.
[Thu Dec 11 09:14:56 2003]
To su naprezanja ustanovljena za:
These stresses are established for:
[Thu Dec 11 09:18:56 2003]
a) vertikalno prolazno i b) vertikalno prolazno opterećenje kombinirano s horizontalnim poprečnim silama koje djeluju na kolosijek.
a) vertically temporary and b) vertically temporary load combined with horizontal shear forces that have effect on the track.
[Thu Dec 11 09:19:32 2003]
Ta naprezanja su za ovako korišteni prirodni materijal praga (s vlaknima drveta u smjeru osi praga) izrazito nepovoljna.
These stresses are highly unconvening for a natural material of the threshold (with wood fibers in the direction of the threshold axis) used in this way.
[Thu Dec 11 09:25:44 2003]
Naime, najveća su naprezanja ona okomito na vlakna drveta.
In other words, greatest stresses are vertical to wood fibers.
[Thu Dec 11 09:32:17 2003]
Stoga se prišlo zamisli o drugačije dizajniranom drvenom pragu složenom od lijepljenih križanih slojeva lameliranog drveta.
Therefore, the idea about a differently designed wooden threshold composed of glued crossed layers of laminated wood was considered.
[Thu Dec 11 09:34:02 2003]
U takvom pragu više nismo ovisni o obliku praga u kojem je drvo korišteno na taj način zbog prirodnog rasta drva (vlakna su aksijalnog smjera u pogledu na deblo iz kojeg je sječen prag).
In such a threshold we no longer depend on a threshold form for which the wood is used in such way, because of a natural growth of the wood (fibers are axial when compared to the trunk out of which the threshold was cut).
[Thu Dec 11 09:35:36 2003]
Tako se došlo i do ideje o višeslojno križanim slojevima lameliranja drvenog praga.
In this way the idea about multilayer crossed layers to laminate a wooden threshold was born.
[Thu Dec 11 09:36:46 2003]
Opsežni proračunski modeli su analitički ispitani MKE, no za opsežnija laboratorijska ispitivanja manjkala su novčana sredstva.
Detailed calcuation models were examined analytically with the FEM, but financial resources were lacking for more detailed lab testings.