NeuroTran - Primjeri rečenica

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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.

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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Thu Oct 07 12:29:11 2004]
Ploča ukliještena na vanjskom rubu i opterećena koncentriranom silom u sredini.
Plate wedged in on the external edge and loaded with concentrated force in the middle.

[Thu Oct 07 12:29:51 2004]
Razmatrajući ravnotežu elementa polumjera
Considering the balance of element with radius

[Thu Oct 07 12:33:07 2004]
Rješavamo ovu jednadžbu kako slijedi
We solve this equation as follows

[Thu Oct 07 12:35:58 2004]
Uvrštenjem drugog rubnog uvjeta u (a) dobit ćemo
By putting the second boundary condition into (a) we get

[Thu Oct 07 12:39:29 2004]
Maksimalni progib u sredini ploče
Maximum deflection in the center of the plate

[Mon Oct 11 09:42:43 2004]
Vidimo da je maksimalni progib četiri puta veći ako sila djeluje koncentrirano u sredini, nego ako je raspodijeljena po čitavoj površini ploče.
We see that the maximum deflection is four times greater if the force takes effect concentratedly in the middle, than if it is distributed along the entire plate surface.

[Mon Oct 11 09:42:43 2004]
Da bismo odredili momente savijanja, odredit ćemo veličine
In order to determine the bending moments, we will determine the magnitudes

[Mon Oct 11 09:49:16 2004]
U sredini ploče oba momenta teže u beskonačnost.
In the plate center, both moments tend to the infinity.

[Mon Oct 11 09:49:16 2004]
U stvarnosti sila nikad ne djeluje u točki nego je podijeljena na malu površinu polumjera
In reality, the force never takes effect at the point but is distributed along a small surface of a radius

[Mon Oct 11 09:51:42 2004]
Iako u stvarnosti ne teže u beskonačnost, momenti su u sredini ploče vrlo veliki.
Although in reality they do tend towards the infinity, the moments are very large are in the plate center.

[Mon Oct 11 09:51:42 2004]
Na rubu ploče
At the plate edge

[Mon Oct 11 09:52:11 2004]
Dijagrami momenata savijanja
Diagrams of bending moments

[Mon Oct 11 09:54:43 2004]
Kružna prstenasta ploča debljine
Circular ringlike plate of a thickness

[Mon Oct 11 09:57:05 2004]
vezana je i opterećena prema slici 8.21. Naći raspored momenata savijanja
is fastened and loaded according to Figure 8.21. Find the arrangement of bending moments

[Mon Oct 11 09:58:01 2004]
te najveće radijalno i cirkularno normalno naprezanje
and the largest radial and circular normal stress

[Mon Oct 11 09:59:31 2004]
Prstenasta ploča opterećena jednoliko kontinuirano
Ringlike plate under uniformly distributed load

[Mon Oct 11 10:00:28 2004]
Na temelju ravnoteže elementa polumjera možemo dobiti
Based on the balance of radius element we can get

[Mon Oct 11 10:01:59 2004]
Opće rješenje ove jednadžbe je
General solution of this equations is

[Mon Oct 11 10:07:31 2004]
Ako riješimo ove dvije jednadžbe i pri tome uzmemo u obzir da je
If we solve these two equations and take into consideration that

[Mon Oct 11 10:08:49 2004]
Pomoću vrijednosti za
With the value for

[Mon Oct 11 10:09:31 2004]
moguće je za razne vrijednosti
it is possible for various values

[Mon Oct 11 10:11:31 2004]
Maksimalno radijalno naprezanje za
Maximum radial stress for

[Mon Oct 11 10:12:44 2004]
Maksimalno cirkularno naprezanje javlja se na unutarnjem rubu i iznosi
Maximum circular stress appears on the inner boundary and is

[Mon Oct 11 10:37:40 2004]
PBZ American Express ima također pravo na potpuni povrat sredstava i za sve utroške koje korisnik ne prihvaća, a kartica nije bila predočena u trenutku kada je utrošak nastao.
PBZ American Express also has the right to total refund of resources and for all consumptions which a user does not accept, and the card was presented in the moment when the consumption emerged.

[Mon Oct 11 10:37:40 2004]
Da bi se izbjegle nejasnoće, mi imamo pravo na potpuni povrat sredstava odmah i bez obzira na razlog reklamacije, na pitanje krivnje, te da Ii smo dali odobrenje tj. autorizaciju utroška ili ne, a vi ste solidaran dužnik za povrat prethodno navedenog ukupnog iznosa utroška.
In order to avoid any unclearness, we have a right to total refund of tools immediately and regardless of the reason of a complaint, on the question of fault, and if we gave the approval i.e. the authorization of consumption or not, and you are a solidary debtor for refund of abovementioned total sum of consumption.

[Mon Oct 11 10:37:40 2004]
Mi nemamo pravo na potpuni povrat sredstava za one utroške koje korisnik ne prihvaća jer niječe primitak robe ako nam vi predočite dostavnicu potpisanu od naručitelja (ovlaštene osobe) koja dokazuje dostavu robe na billing adresu naručitelja (korisnika American Express kartice), a koju mi koristimo, uz uvjet da naručitelj ne osporava vjerodostojnost potpisa
We do not have a right to total refund of resources for those consumptions which a user does not accept because he denies the acceptance of goods if you present us a delivery note signed by the consignee (authorized individual) which proves that the goods were delivered to the billing address of the consignee (the user of the American Express Card), and which we use, with the condition that the consignee does not dispute the credibility of the signature

[Mon Oct 11 10:45:49 2004]
Suglasni ste s našim neopozivim pravom na refundaciju kod vas, ili vas možemo teretiti odnosno umanjiti naredna plaćanja obaveza prema vama za bilo koje ili sve utroške putem American Express kartica, ako navedeni utrošci nisu naplativi radi zlouporabe, bez obzira da Ii smo mi o tome obaviješteni u trenutku nastanka utroška.
You agree with our irrevocable right on the refund by you, otherwise we can charge you, i.e. reduce subsequent payments to you for any or all consumptions via American Express card, if quoted consumptions are not collectible because of misuse, regardless of whether we were informed on the subject in the moment when the consumption emerged.

[Mon Oct 11 10:45:49 2004]
Mi ćemo zadržati to pravo čak i kada od nas primite broj odobrenja, i kada su ispunjeni svi ostali uvjeti predviđeni Osnovnim ugovorom
We will preserve this right even when you receive the approval number from us, and when all the other conditions specified in the Basic contract were fulfilled

[Mon Oct 11 10:48:14 2004]
Vi ćete prikazati American Express identifikaciju (Iogo) u najmanje jednakom omjeru u kojem su istaknuta imena, ikone ili druge identifikacije ostalih kartica koje prihvaćate na vašem Internet prodajnom mjestu
You will present the American Express identification (logotype) in at least equal proportion with the prominent names, icons or other identifications of other cards which you accept in your Internet sale

[Mon Oct 11 10:49:35 2004]
Prihvatit ćete i slijediti sve naše dodatne upute i zahtjeve glede Internet narudžbi koje bismo mogli imati s vremena na vrijeme
You will accept and follow all our additional instructions and requests regarding the Internet orders which we could have from time to time

[Mon Oct 11 10:50:49 2004]
Vi ste suglasni da ćete nas pismeno obavijestiti mjesec dana unaprijed o bilo kakvoj promjeni vaše Internet adrese
You agree to inform us in writing one month in advance about any changes of your Internet address

[Mon Oct 11 10:54:14 2004]
PBZ American Express će s vremena na vrijeme određivati sigurnosne protokole koje prihvaća i odobrava za uporabu, od strane vašeg računala kao prodajnog mjesta do računala kupca, za enkripciju ( ŤEncryption Software).
PBZ American Express will, from time to time, define safety protocols accepted and approved for usage, by your computer as the point-of-sale to the computer of the buyer, for the encryption ("Encryption Software").

[Mon Oct 11 10:54:14 2004]
Trenutno, ŤEncryption Softwareť koji je odobren od PBZ American Expressa je Secure Soket layer (SSl) protokol
Currently, "Encryption Software" approved by PBZ American Express is Secure Soket layer (SSL) protocol

[Mon Oct 11 10:57:39 2004]
Donjim potpisom potvrđujemo primitak ukupnog teksta specijalnih uvjeta za prodajna mjesta American Expressa koja žele primati American Express kartice putem Interneta, te se slažemo s njihovom primjenom u cijelosti
The signature below confirms the acceptance of the whole text of special conditions for points-of-sale of the American Express which wish to receive the American Express cards via Internet, and we agree with their use entirely

[Mon Oct 11 10:59:36 2004]
Potpis odgovorne osobe ugovornog partnera i pečat
Signature and stamp of responsible person of contracting partner

[Mon Oct 11 11:00:42 2004]
Ime, prezime i naziv radnog mjesta odgovorne osobe
Name, surname and position of the responsible person

[Mon Oct 11 11:01:37 2004]
Potpis i šifra ovlaštenog predstavnika PBZ
Signature and code of the authorized representative of PBZ

[Mon Oct 11 11:10:09 2004]
Ovaj dodatak Ugovoru za prodaju putem Interneta sastavljen je u dva primjerka od kojih je jedan za ugovornog partnera a drugi za PBZ American Express d.o.o.
This additional clause for the sale via Internet was composed in two copies, of which one is for the contracting partner and the other for PBZ American Express d.o.o.

[Mon Oct 11 12:22:00 2004]
Dizzy je nastao 1997. godine kao grupa mladih programera i dizajnera, većinom studenata, koji su se okupili kako bi zajedno radili te me?usobno izmjenjivali znanje, savjete i ideje što je omoguaavalo realizaciju najsloženijih projekata
Dizzy emerged in 1997. as a group of young programers and designers, mainly students, who have gathered to work together and?exchange knowledge, advice and ideas, which enabled the realization of very complex projects

[Mon Oct 11 12:26:51 2004]
U tom su razdoblju mnoga su poduzeća su prepoznali prednosti mladenačkog pristupa i tehničke kompetencije te je broj klijenata rastao, a entuzijastičan projekt prerastao u ozbiljan posao.
In that period many companies have recognized the benefit of fresh approach and technical competence so the number of clients increased, and enthusiastic project developed into serious business.

[Mon Oct 11 12:26:51 2004]
Danas radimo kao samostalni odjel unutar tvrtke Limes plus d.o.o. iz Zagreba.
Today we work as an independent department within the company Limes plus d.o.o. from Zagreb.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
je prva hrvatska tvrtka specijalizirana za katalošku prodaju uredskog pribora.
is the first Croatian company which specialized in catalogue sale of stationery.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
Od samog osnivanja 1991. godine razvijan je poseban način prodaje i odnosa prema kupcima.
From its very foundation in 1991. a special method of sale and relationship with the customers was being developed.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
Zamisao da se tržištu ponudi servis brze, jeftine i jednostavne nabave svega potrebnog u uredu ostvarena je u potpunosti.
The idea to offer on the market a service of fast, cheap and simple acquisition of all office necessities was achieved entirely.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
Time je kupcu omogućeno da lagano nabavlja potrebno, a svoje vrijeme i energiju usmjerava u dohodovne aktivnosti.
This enabled the buyer to easily acquire the necessary material, and to direct his/her time and energy to the income-related activities.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
To najviše pogoduje manjim i srednjim firmama koje nemaju vlastitu nabavnu službu, te baš one čine većinu od preko 9000 kupaca.
This mostly favors and medium companies which do not have their own purchasing department, so that those firms make a majority more than 9000 buyers.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
Ipak, me?u njima su i neke velike, poput Ericsson Nikola Tesla, VIPneta i Siemensa.
Nevertheless, among them are also some large firms, like Ericsson Nikola Tesla, VIPnet and Siemens.

[Mon Oct 11 12:48:29 2004]
Uz katalošku prodaju uredskog pribora Limes plus ima i vlastiti grafički studio koji se bavi prijelomom, umnožavanjem i tiskom, a za ponudu izrade web-stranica brinu se Dizzy internetska rješenja.
Beside catalogue sale of stationery, Limes plus also has its own graphic studio which deals with the page layout, copying and printing, and for the offer of constructing webpages worries about Dizzy Internet solutions.

[Mon Oct 11 12:49:32 2004]
Uz katalošku prodaju uredskog pribora Limes plus ima i vlastiti grafički studio koji se bavi prijelomom, umnožavanjem i tiskom, a za ponudu izrade web-stranica brinu se Dizzy internetska rješenja.
Beside the catalogue sale of stationery Limit plus has and own graphic studio which deals with the break, multiplying and print, and for the offer make webpage worries about Dizzy Internet solutions.

[Mon Oct 11 14:16:19 2004]
Na temelju razgovora s gđom.
Based on the conversation with Mrs..

[Mon Oct 11 14:16:19 2004]
xxx, vezano uz vaš Science and Technology Project upućujem vam ovaj Expressions of interest s kratkim sažetkom o našoj
xxx, regarding your Science and Technology Project, I am sending you this Expressions of Interest with brief summary about our

[Mon Oct 11 14:16:19 2004]
tvrtci, poslovanju, načinu rada te s opisom nekoliko značajnijih projekata koje smo do sada radili.
company, business, way of work and description of a few important projects which we have so far worked on.

[Mon Oct 11 14:19:27 2004]
Vjerujem da ćete u nama prepoznati vrhunski studio za izradu web-stranica koji je sposoban i voljan realizirati i najsloženije projekte, što dokazuju naše brojne reference.
I trust that you will recognize our studio as the top studio for webpage design capable and ready to realize the most complex projects, what can be proved by our numerous references.

[Mon Oct 11 14:29:40 2004]
Naši djelatnici su renomirani programeri i dizajneri s višegodišnjim iskustvom, brojnim referencama i objavljenim stručnim člancima i knjigama iz područja internetskih rješenja, a nerijetko u rad na projektu uključujemo i mnogobrojne vanjske suradnike.
Our employees are renowned programers and designers with many years of experience, numerous references and published research papers and books from the field of Internet solutions, and we also often include numerous outside staff in the work on the project.

[Mon Oct 11 14:29:40 2004]
Kako posao iz dana u dan raste, upravo smo u potrazi za novim djelatnicima kako bismo svojim klijentima ponudili još bržu uslugu uz zadržavanje visokog nivoa kvalitete.
As the work increases on a daily basis, we are currently in search of new employees, in order to be able to offer our clients even faster service with maintaining the high level of quality.

[Mon Oct 11 14:29:40 2004]
Iako volimo i poznajemo tehnologiju, svjesni smo da je ona samo oruđe kojim treba postići rezultate.
Although we love and know the technology, we are aware that it is only a tools with which to achieve the results.

[Mon Oct 11 14:29:40 2004]
Stoga nam je cilj pronaći optimalan omjer potreba, želja i mogućnosti.
Therefore our aim is to find the optimal proportion of needs, wishes and possibilities.

[Mon Oct 11 14:33:56 2004]
Osim HTML-a koji predstavlja osnovu svake web-stranice, koristimo JavaScript za klijentsko skriptiranje i Flash za zahtjevnije animacije i multimediju.
Besides HTML, which represents the basis of webpage, we use JavaScript for client encripting and Flash for more demanding animations and multimedia.

[Mon Oct 11 14:33:56 2004]
Na serverskoj strani programiramo u ASP-u i ASP-u .Net koji omogućavaju korištenje baza podataka (SQL Server i MS Access) i XML dokumenata.
On server side we program in ASP and ASP.Net which the use of databases (SQL Server and MS Access) and XML documents.

[Mon Oct 11 14:33:57 2004]
Dakako, ovo je tek vrh ledene sante - ovisno o potrebama i željama, u projekte uključujemo i ostale internetske tehnologije
Of course, this is only the top of the iceberg - depending on needs and wishes, we also include some ther Internet technologies into the projects

[Mon Oct 11 14:43:37 2004]
Testiranje i razvoj radimo unutar tvrtke zahvaljujući modernoj mrežnoj infrastrukturi koja uključuje nekoliko poslužitelja i dvije veze na Internet (stalnu i DSL).
Testing and development is done in the company owing to modern web infrastructure which includes several servers and two Internet connections (full-time and DSL).

[Mon Oct 11 14:43:37 2004]
Smještaj web-stranica nudimo na vlastitim poslužiteljima u Hrvatskoj i, u suradnji s partnerima, na poslužiteljima u SAD-u
We offer the placing of webpages on our own servers in Croatia and, in cooperation with partners, on servers in the USA

[Mon Oct 11 14:49:30 2004]
Brojnost dostupnih tehnologija omogućuje najrazličitije oblike internetskih prezentacija.
The number of available technologies enables the most diverse forms of Internet presentation.

[Mon Oct 11 14:49:30 2004]
Zbog bogatstva mogućnosti, naš posao nije samo izrada kvalitetnih internetskih rješenja, već i pronalaženje optimalne kombinacije tehnologije i potreba, kao i uklapanje sustava u poslovni proces poduzeća ili organizacije.
Due to the abundance of possibilities, our job is not only creation of quality Internet solutions, but also finding the optimal combination of technology and needs, as well as integration of system into the business process of a company or organization.

[Mon Oct 11 14:49:30 2004]
Cilj nam je podjednako paziti i na vizualan dojam i na tehničku pozadinu jer ona predstavlja jaku nevidljivu komponentu u konačnom dojmu posjetitelja
Our goal is to equally take care of the visual impression and of the technical background, because it represents a strong invisible component in the final impression of visitor

[Mon Oct 11 14:57:27 2004]
Veliku važnost dajemo i dizajnu stranica koje radimo jer on u najvećoj mjeri sudjeluje u stvaranju prvog dojma.
We attach great importance to design of Web pages that we create because design to the maximum extent participates in making the first impression.

[Mon Oct 11 14:57:27 2004]
Ipak, istovremeno pazimo da dizajn ne postane sam sebi svrha i time uništi druge aspekte doživljaja poput brzine učitavanja, uporabljivosti, univerzalnosti i informativnosti
However, at the same time we take care that the design does not become its own purpose and thereby destroy the other aspects of experience, such as the speed loading, usability, universality and informativeness

[Mon Oct 11 15:01:35 2004]
Usability je do nedavno bila tek stvar osjećaja iskusnijih autora web-stranica - kako koncipirati web-stranice da bi one bile pregledne, intuitivne i jednostavne za korištenje?
Until recently, usability was merely a matter of feeling of more experienced Web page authors - how to design Web pages in order to make them clear, intuitive and easy to use?

[Mon Oct 11 15:01:35 2004]
Danas uporabljivost dobiva znanstvenu dimenziju kroz brojna istraživanja i analize koje redovito pratimo i implementiramo u naša rješenja.
Today the usability gains a scientific dimension through numerous research and analyses which we regularly follow and implement into our solutions.

[Mon Oct 11 15:08:43 2004]
Jedna od ključnih razlika između internetskih prezentacija i, recimo, tiskanih materijala jest u tome da će potonja skupina uvijek izgledati vjerno originalu, bez obzira gdje je otisnuta.
One of key differences between Internet presentations and, for example, printed materials is in that the latter group will always seem literal, regardless of where it is printed.

[Mon Oct 11 15:08:43 2004]
Na računalima najčešće nije tako - sjetite se samo slučaja kad ste primili dokument koji je koristio tip slova koja nemate na svom računalu.
On computers, this is rarely the case - just remember the case when you received the document which used the font which you did not have installed on your computer.

[Mon Oct 11 15:08:43 2004]
Kod izrade web-stranica ima tisuće sitnica na koje pazimo da bi vaše stranice na svim računalima izgledale što vjernije originalu
In creating the Web pages, there are thousands of details of which we takes care in order to make your Web pages look as closest to the original as possible on all computers

[Mon Oct 11 15:11:43 2004]
Ipak, na kraju krajeva, najvažnija funkcija web-stranica jest pružanje informacija.
Nevertheless, after all, most important function of a Web page is to provide the information.

[Mon Oct 11 15:11:43 2004]
Dok će na kratkoročan uspjeh internetske prezentacije utjecati brojni čimbenici, dugoročno ona može biti uspješna samo ako sadrži točne i ažurne informacije
Dock short-term success of Internet presentation will be influenced by numerous factors, for a longer period it can be successful only if it comprises the accurate and up-to-date information

[Mon Oct 11 15:15:22 2004]
Prije i u toku izrade web-stranica posebnu pozornost posvećujemo optimiziranosti tekstova i sadržaja za web tražilice, analizirajući kompletan sadržaj vaših stranica i vodeći računa o desecima sitnica koje mogu utjecati na poziciju stranica na web pretraživačima.
Before and during the creation of a Web page, special attention is dedicated to optimization of texts and contents for Web search engines, analyzing the entire contents of your pages and paying attention to dozens of details which can influence the position of Web pages on web searchers.

[Mon Oct 11 15:15:22 2004]
Prva mjesta na rezultatima pretraživanja garantiraju dobru posjećenost vaših web-stranica.
Top positions on search results guarantee the good attendance rate of your Web pages.

[Mon Oct 11 15:20:28 2004]
Bitno je da vaša internetska prezentacija bude prilagođena posjetiteljima, no još je važnije da se uklopi u vaš poslovni proces.
It is important that your Internet presentation is adjusted to visitors, but even more important that it fits into your business process.

[Mon Oct 11 15:20:28 2004]
Web-stranice i njihovo održavanje ne smiju postati teret i komplikacija u vašem radu, već ga trebaju pojednostaviti, olakšati i učiniti efikasnijim.
Web pages and their upkeep must not become burden and complication your work, on the contrary - they should make your work more simple, more easy and more efficient.

[Mon Oct 11 15:24:32 2004]
Osim klasičnih web-stranica namijenjenih osnovnoj prezentaciji poduzeća, nudimo i rješenja za upravljanje sadržajima, sustave za prodaju preko Interneta, izradu stranica za uređaje malih zaslona i razvoj internih web-stranica za podršku poslovanju
Apart from classic Web pages intended for basic company presentations, we also offer solutions for contents management, systems for sale via the Internet, creation of Web pages for small-screen devices and development of internal Web pages for business support

[Mon Oct 11 15:51:41 2004]
obavještavamo Vas o promjenama u načinu poslovanja PBZ American Expressa koje su vezane uz rad naših prodajnih mjesta putem Interneta.
we hereby inform you about the changes in the way of business of PBZ American Express, which are connected to the work of our Internet points of sale.

[Mon Oct 11 15:51:41 2004]
Ovime Vas, našeg uvaženog poslovnog partnera, pozivamo da uvođenjem novih tehnologija zajedno pratimo modeme načine poslovanja
We hereby invite you, our esteemed business partner, to join us in followng modern business methods by introduction of new technologies

[Mon Oct 11 15:59:16 2004]
PBZ American Express je uveo novi online sustav za plaćanje putem American Express kartica, tzv.
PBZ American Express has introduced a new online system for paying with the American Express cards, the so called

[Mon Oct 11 15:59:16 2004]
Payment Gateway sustav, što znači da će se autorizacija utroška od sada odvijati isključivo elektroničkim putem.
Pymt Gateway system, which means that authorization of consumption will from now happen strictly electronically.

[Mon Oct 11 15:59:16 2004]
Tim sustavom se obavlja postupak autorizacija i prijenosa transakcija prilikom kupnje roba i usluga putem Interneta.
This system performs the process of authorizations and transaction transfers when purchasing goods and services via the Internet.

[Mon Oct 11 15:59:16 2004]
Potrebno je pripremiti odgovarajuće okruženje pa Vas molimo da nas kontaktirate putem e-maila kako bismo Vam poslali specifikaciju s detaljnim uputama za pripremu sučelja na stranici Vaše web trgovine
It is necessary to prepare the adequat surroundings so we are asking you to we contact us via e-mail in order for us to send you a specification with detailed guidelines for preparation of interface on the of your Web trade page

[Mon Oct 11 16:19:16 2004]
Uz to je potrebno na stranicu Vaše web trgovine staviti logo American E

[Mon Oct 11 16:19:16 2004]
Kupce koji plaćaju American E

[Mon Oct 11 16:19:16 2004]
Vjerujemo da će ovo Jamstvo potaknuti naše korisnike da u što većem broju postanu kupcima u Vašoj web trgovini, posebno u vrijeme kad je u Hrvatskoj još uvijek prisutna rezerviranost prema online kupnji.
We believe that this Assurance will encourage our users to increasingly shop in your Web trade, especially when in Croatia there is still a presence of reservedness towards online shopping.

[Mon Oct 11 16:19:16 2004]
Naime, kupci osjećaju nelagodu pri unosu broja kartice na Internetu.
In other words, the buyers feel discomfort in entering the number of their credit card on the Internet.

[Mon Oct 11 16:21:30 2004]
Cilj ovoga programa je potaknuti potrošače na bezbrižnu kupnju roba i usluga putem Interneta, što će svakom našem prodajnom mjestu donijeti veći promet, promociju tvrtke, proizvoda i uspješnije poslovanje
The aim of this program is to encourage consumers for a carefree shopping of goods and services via the Internet, which would bring each of our points of sale bigger traffic, promotion of the company, the product and more successful business

[Mon Oct 11 16:25:23 2004]
Ovo Jamstvo, korišteno zajedno s učinkovitim programom za enkripciju podataka, SSL-om, omogućava da korisnik American Express kartice kupuje na h1temetu s osjećajem sigurnosti, bez straha od odgovornosti za troškove eventualne zlouporabe kartice.
This Assurance, together with efficient program for data encryption, SSL, enables the user of the American Express card to shop on the h1temetu with a feeling of safety, without fear from responsibility for the cost of possible card misuse.

[Mon Oct 11 16:25:23 2004]
Stoga Vas molimo da i dalje vodite brigu o osiguravanju sigurnog prijenosa podataka s korisnikovog računala do Vaše web trgovine, putem sigurne veze - SSL protokola
Therefore we ask you to keep taking care of assuring secure data transfer from the user's computer to your web trade, via secure connection - SSL protocol

[Mon Oct 11 16:33:09 2004]
Navedeni načini modernizacije poslovanja PBZ American Expressa, podrazumijeva i potpisivanje novog Dodatka ugovora za Internet.
The abovementioned methods of business modernization of PBZ American Express, includes the signing of a new Appendix to the Internet Contract.

[Mon Oct 11 16:33:09 2004]
Primjerke Vam šaljemo u prilogu, u nadi da ćete Dodatak ugovoru potpisati i jedan potpisani primjerak vratiti na adresu:
We are sending you enclosed copies, and hope that you will sign the Appendix to the Contract and return one signed copy to the address:

[Mon Oct 11 16:33:09 2004]
PBZ American Express, Direkcija marketinga i prodaje, n/r Ivane Vicić, Lastovska 23, 10000 Zagreb, a kopiju zadržati, te sukladno našem zahtjevu za provođenjem online autorizacija i transakcija provesti promjene do 1. listopada 2003 godine.
PBZ American Express, Board for Marketing and Sale, n/r Ivana Vicić, Lastovska 23, 10000 Zagreb, and keep the other copy, and in accordance to our request for implementation of online authorizations and transactions, introduce changes before October 1, 2003.

[Mon Oct 11 16:35:27 2004]
Molimo javite nam se e-mailom kako bismo Vam poslali dodatne materijale.
Please contact us on the e-mail in order for us to be able to send you additional material.

[Mon Oct 11 16:35:27 2004]
Za sve dodatne informacije smo Vam na raspolaganju.
We are at your disposal for all the additional information.

[Mon Oct 11 16:35:27 2004]
U želji za nastavkom uspješne suradnje, srdačno Vas pozdravljamo
In wishing to continue our successful cooperation, kind regards

[Tue Oct 12 08:38:50 2004]
Uz to je potrebno na stranicu Vaše web trgovine staviti logo American Expressa.
Moreover necessary on the page Your web trades puts the logo American of Express.

[Tue Oct 12 08:38:50 2004]
Kupce koji plaćaju American Express karticom logo obavještava o Jamstvu sigurne online kupnje.
Buyers which pays American Express card logo informs about Guarantee of the sure online purchase.

[Tue Oct 12 08:38:50 2004]
Vjerujemo da će ovo Jamstvo potaknuti naše korisnike da u što većem broju postanu kupcima u Vašoj web trgovini, posebno u vrijeme kad je u Hrvatskoj još uvijek prisutna rezerviranost prema online kupnji.
Believe that this Guarantee will encourage our users that in that the larger number become buyers in Your web to the trade, especially during when is in Croatia still the present reservedness towards the online purchase.

[Tue Oct 12 08:38:50 2004]
Naime, kupci osjećaju nelagodu pri unosu broja kartice na Internetu.
That is, buyers feel the discomfort by the input of number of card on Internet.

[Tue Oct 12 08:38:50 2004]
Cilj ovoga programa je potaknuti potrošače na bezbriŽ11u kupnju roba i usluga putem Interneta, što će svakom našem prodajnom mjestu donijeti veći promet, promociju tvrtke, proizvoda i uspješnije poslovanje.
Aim this program arouses consumers on the bezbriŽ11u purchase of goods and services via Internet, that everyone our point-of-sale will bring the bigger traffic, graduation ceremony companies, product and more successfully the business.

[Tue Oct 12 08:43:30 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
PBZ American Express d.o.o.
PBZ American Express d.o.o.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Lastovska 23, 10000 Zagreb
Lastovska 23, 10000 Zagreb

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
01/612 44 22
01/612 44 22

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Faks 01/ 612 44 51
Fax 01/612 44 51

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
obavještavamo Vas o promjenama u načinu poslovanja PBZ American Expressa koje su vezane uz rad naših prodajnih mjesta putem Interneta.
inform you about changes in the way businesses PBZ American of Express which tie beside the work our points-of-sale via Internet.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Ovime Vas, našeg uvaženog poslovnog partnera, pozivamo da uvođenjem novih tehnologija zajedno pratimo modeme načine poslovanja.
This you, our appreciated business partner, call that the introduction of new technologies together follow modems make businesses.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
PBZ American Express je uveo novi online sustav za plaćanje putem American Express kartica, tzv.
PBZ American Express has brought in the new online system for the paying via American Express card, so called.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Payment Gateway sustav, što znači da će se autorizacija utroška od sada odvijati isključivo elektroničkim putem.
Pymt Gateway system, what means that the authorization of consumption from now will unwind only the electronic way.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Tim sustavom se obavlja postupak autorizacija i prijenosa transakcija prilikom kupnje roba i usluga putem Interneta.
This system does the procedure of authorizations and transfer of transactions during the purchase of goods and services via Internet.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Potrebno je pripremiti odgovarajuće okruženje pa Vas molimo da nas kontaktirate putem e-maila kako bismo Vam poslali specifikaciju s detaljnim uputama za pripremu sučelja na stranici Vaše web trgovine.
Necessary prepares adequately surroundings so Vas ask for that we contact via the e-mail how Vam would send the specification with detailed guidelines for the preparation interfaces on the page Your web trades.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Uz to je potrebno na stranicu Vaše web trgovine staviti logo American Expressa.
Moreover necessary on the page Your web trades puts the logo American of Express.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Kupce koji plaćaju American Express karticom logo obavještava o Jamstvu sigurne online kupnje.
Buyers which pays American Express card logo informs about Guarantee of the sure online purchase.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Vjerujemo da će ovo Jamstvo potaknuti naše korisnike da u što većem broju postanu kupcima u Vašoj web trgovini, posebno u vrijeme kad je u Hrvatskoj još uvijek prisutna rezerviranost prema online kupnji.
Believe that this Guarantee will encourage our users that in that the larger number become buyers in Your web to the trade, especially during when is in Croatia still the present reservedness towards the online purchase.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Naime, kupci osjećaju nelagodu pri unosu broja kartice na Internetu.
That is, buyers feel the discomfort by the input of number of card on Internet.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Cilj ovoga programa je potaknuti potrošače na bezbriŽ11u kupnju roba i usluga putem Interneta, što će svakom našem prodajnom mjestu donijeti veći promet, promociju tvrtke, proizvoda i uspješnije poslovanje.
Aim this program arouses consumers on the bezbriŽ11u purchase of goods and services via Internet, that everyone our point-of-sale will bring the bigger traffic, graduation ceremony companies, product and more successfully the business.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Ovo Jamstvo, korišteno zajedno s učinkovitim programom za enkripciju podataka, SSL-om, omogućava da korisnik American Express kartice kupuje na h1temetu s osjećajem sigurnosti, bez straha od odgovornosti za troškove eventualne zlouporabe kartice.
This Guarantee, is used together with the efficient program for the data encryption, SSL, enables that the user American Express cards buys on the h1temetu with feeling the safety, without fear from the responsibility for costs of the possible abuses of card.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Stoga Vas molimo da i dalje vodite brigu o osiguravanju sigurnog prijenosa podataka s korisnikovog računala do Vaše web trgovine, putem sigurne veze - SSL protokola.
Therefore Vas asks for that still take care of the insurance of sure data transfers from the user's computer to Your web trades, via the sure connection - SSL of protocol.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Navedeni načini modernizacije poslovanja PBZ American Expressa, podrazumijeva i potpisivanje novog Dodatka ugovora za Internet.
Quoted ways of modernization of business PBZ American of Express, includes and signing of new Rider for Internet.

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
Primjerke Vam šaljemo u prilogu, u nadi da ćete Dodatak ugovoru potpisati i jedan potpisani primjerak vratiti na adresu:
Examples Vam send enclosed, hoping to Appendix will sign and one signed examples will switch back the address:

[Tue Oct 12 08:51:54 2004]
PBZ American Express, Direkcija marketinga i prodaje, n/r Ivane Vicić, Lastovska 23, 10000 Zagreb, a kopiju zadržati, te sukladno našem zahtjevu za provođenjem online autorizacija i transakcija provesti promjene do 01. listopada 2003 . godine.
PBZ American Express, Managements of marketings and sells, n/r Ivan Vicić, Lastovska 23, 10000 Zagreb, and the copy will stay, as well as consistently our request for the implementation of online authorizations and transactions have a good time changes to the 01. October 2003. years.

[Tue Oct 12 10:43:04 2004]
Za ploču zadanu i opterećenu, prema slici 8.22, naći maksimalni progib.
For the plate which is specified and loaded, according to Figure 8.22, find the maximum deflection.

[Tue Oct 12 10:43:04 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 10:44:56 2004]
Prstenasta ploča opterećena koncentriranom silom preko krutog srednjeg dijela
A ringlike plate loaded by concentrated force across the stiff central part

[Tue Oct 12 10:46:04 2004]
pa diferencijalna jednadžba savijanja glasi
so that differential equation for bending is:

[Tue Oct 12 10:47:02 2004]
Opće rješenje ove diferencijalne jednadžbe našli smo u prethodnom primjeru i ono je dano izrazom
General solution to this differential equation was found in the previous example and it given in the expression

[Tue Oct 12 10:47:56 2004]
Pomoću ovih rubnih uvjeta određujemo konstante
With these boundary conditions we determine the constants

[Tue Oct 12 10:48:51 2004]
Uvrštenjem vrijednosti za konstante u opće rješenje dobit ćemo
By substituting the values for constants into general solution we get

[Tue Oct 12 10:50:34 2004]
Nakon sređivanja izraz za progib glasi
After rearrangement, the expression for deflection is:

[Tue Oct 12 10:53:34 2004]
Problemi s više područja integracije
Problems with multiple regions of integration

[Tue Oct 12 11:05:15 2004]
Svi do sada riješeni primjeri imaju jedinstven zakon promjene poprečne sile u cijelom području ploče tj. za
All thus far solved examples have a unique law shear force change on the entire plate i.e. for

[Tue Oct 12 11:10:11 2004]
Prema tome, za cijelo područje imamo jedinstvenu diferencijalnu jednadžbu.
Consequently, for the entire region we have a unique differential equation.

[Tue Oct 12 11:10:11 2004]
Međutim, ako za razna područja imamo različite izraze za poprečnu silu, tada imamo dvije ili više različitih diferencijalnih jednadžbi, pa ćemo imati četiri ili više konstanti integracije.
However, if for different regions we have different expressions for shear force, then we have two or more different differential equations, so we will have four or more integration constants.

[Tue Oct 12 11:10:11 2004]
Tada pored rubnih uvjeta upotrebljavamo i uvjete kontinuiranosti (neprekinutosti) progiba
Then, beside boundary conditions, we also use continuity conditions for deflections

[Tue Oct 12 11:19:04 2004]
ukliještena je po rubu i opterećena duž kružnice polumjera
is wedged in along its edge and loaded along radius circumference

[Tue Oct 12 11:19:50 2004]
Kružna ploča s dva područja
Cycle plate with two regions

[Tue Oct 12 11:22:15 2004]
Premda se radi o čistom savijanju kad je poprečna sila jednaka nuli u čitavom području, ipak imamo dva područja integracije, jer su za unutarnje i vanjsko područje različiti rubni uvjeti.
Although it is a matter of pure bending when shear force is equal to zero in the entire , we still have two regions of integration, because there are different boundary conditions for internal and external region.

[Tue Oct 12 11:22:15 2004]
Opća rješenja tada glase
So the general solutions are:

[Tue Oct 12 11:24:01 2004]
Jer je ploča puna, imamo samo jedan rubni uvjet, tj.
Because the plate is full, there is only one boundary condition, i.e.

[Tue Oct 12 11:25:00 2004]
Uvjet kontinuiranosti kuta nagiba
Condition of continuity for angle of inclination

[Tue Oct 12 11:26:41 2004]
Na temelju uvjeta ravnoteže elementa ploče na polumjeru
Based on conditions of plate element balance on radius

[Tue Oct 12 11:30:38 2004]
Postaviti dovoljan broj rubnih uvjeta i uvjeta kontinuiranosti za ploču zadanu i opterećenu prema slici 8.24. Zadano
Set sufficient number of boundary conditions and continuity conditions for a plate specified and loaded according to Figure 8.24. specified

[Tue Oct 12 11:31:32 2004]
Kako je poprečna sila jednaka nuli, opća rješenja diferencijalnih jednadžbi s
As shear force is equal to zero, general solutions of differential equations are

[Tue Oct 12 11:32:43 2004]
Kružna ploča sastavljena iz dva dijela s različitim fleksijskim krutostima
Cycle plate is composed of two parts with different flexural rigidity

[Tue Oct 12 11:47:44 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 11:57:57 2004]
Uvod u teoriju ploha
Introduction to surface theory

[Tue Oct 12 12:04:48 2004]
Geometrija ljuske je potpuno određena ako je poznat oblik srednje plohe i debljina h u svakoj njenoj točki.
Shell geometry is fully determined if the shape of middle surface and thickness h in each point are known.

[Tue Oct 12 12:04:48 2004]
Prije nego priđemo analizi pomaka, deformacija i naprezanja proučit ćemo osnovne pojmove teorije ploha, odnosno osnovne pojmove diferencijalne geometrije.
Before we approach the analyses of displacements, deformations and stresses, we will examine basic notions in surface theory, that is, basic notions of differential geometry.

[Tue Oct 12 12:04:48 2004]
Ploha se u trodimenzionalnom prostoru opisuje eksplicitno jednadžbom
In three-dimensional space, a surface is described explicitly with the equation

[Tue Oct 12 12:06:06 2004]
Ploha s ucrtanim Gaussovim koordinatama
Surface with Gaussian coordinates

[Tue Oct 12 12:19:10 2004]
jednoznačne i neprekinute funkcije nezavisnih varijabli
uniform and continuous functions of independent variables

[Tue Oct 12 12:20:21 2004]
Gaussove koordinate
Gaussian coordinates

[Tue Oct 12 12:26:27 2004]
Vrijednosti parametara
Values of parameters

[Tue Oct 12 12:27:28 2004]
tako su ograničene da svakoj točki na plohi odgovara samo jedan par koordinata
are so limited that every surface point corresponds with only one pair of coordinates

[Tue Oct 12 12:30:09 2004]
nastat će na plohi porodica krivulja koju ćemo zvati krivulje
a family of curves will emerge on the surface, and we will mark them as curves

[Tue Oct 12 12:31:23 2004]
Na sličan način kontinuiranom promjenom parametra
Similarly, with continuous change of parameter

[Tue Oct 12 12:33:54 2004]
Očito je da se na jednoj te istoj plohi mogu odabrati Gaussove koordinate na po volji mnogo načina.
It is obvious that on one and the same surface Gaussian coordinates can be selected at will in different ways.

[Tue Oct 12 12:37:40 2004]
Analogno zakrivljenosti krivulje definira se i zakrivljenost plohe.
Analogously to curvature of a curve also curvature a surface is defined.

[Tue Oct 12 12:37:40 2004]
Međutim, za razliku od zakrivljenosti krivulje zakrivljenost plohe jest složeniji pojam.
However, unlike curvature of a curve, curvature of a surface is a more complex concept.

[Tue Oct 12 12:37:40 2004]
Zapravo zakrivljenost plohe je tenzor drugog reda.
Actually, curvature of a surface is a second order tensor.

[Tue Oct 12 12:37:40 2004]
Tangencijalna ravnina u nekoj točki plohe npr. u točki
Tangential plane in some point of a surface, e.g. in point

[Tue Oct 12 12:39:16 2004]
Zamislimo u blizini točke
Suppose that near point

[Tue Oct 12 12:40:46 2004]
koje leže na promatranoj plohi
which are positioned on the observed surface

[Tue Oct 12 12:49:58 2004]
Ove tri točke ne smiju ležati na jednom pravcu i tada definiraju ravninu D koja sječe zadanu plohu.
These three points must not be positioned in one straight line and then they define plane D which cuts the given surface.

[Tue Oct 12 12:49:58 2004]
Neka se sada točke
Now make the points

[Tue Oct 12 12:51:04 2004]
beskonačno približe točki
infinitely approach point

[Tue Oct 12 14:11:16 2004]
Okomica na tangencijalnu ravninu u točki dodira ujedno je i naziva se normala na plohu.
Vertical line on tangential plane in the point of contact is also called vertical on surface.

[Tue Oct 12 14:11:16 2004]
Bilo koja ravnina koja prolazi kroz normalu siječe promatranu plohu u ravninskoj krivulji koju zovemo normalnom presječnom krivuljom.
Any plane which goes through vertical cuts the observed surface in plane curve called normal cutting curve.

[Tue Oct 12 14:11:16 2004]
Očito je da se kroz danu normalu može postaviti proizvoljno mnogo presječnih ravnina i tako dobiti proizvoljno mnogo presječnih krivulja.
It is obvious that through given vertical we can arbitrarily set many cutting planes and so obtain arbitrarily many cutting curves.

[Tue Oct 12 14:11:16 2004]
Oblik presječne krivulje ovisi o orijentaciji (smjeru) presječne ravnine.
Shape of cutting curve depends on orientation (direction) of cutting plane.

[Tue Oct 12 14:13:42 2004]
Zakrivljenost presječne krivulje po definiciji je jednaka zakrivljenosti ili fleksiji plohe u danom smjeru.
Curvature of cutting curve is by definition equal to curvature or flexion of surface in given direction.

[Tue Oct 12 14:13:42 2004]
Osim zakrivljenosti definira se i uvijenost ili torzija elementa plohe koji obuhvaća točku
Apart from curvature, also involution or torsion of surface element which includes the point is defined

[Tue Oct 12 14:19:33 2004]
Mijenjajući orijentaciju presječne ravnine mijenja se presječna krivulja, a time i sama zakrivljenost.
By changing the orientation of cutting plane we change the cutting curve, and thereby the curvature itself.

[Tue Oct 12 14:19:33 2004]
Međutim, može se pokazati da postoje dva međusobno okomita smjera za koja zakrivljenost u danoj točki poprima ekstremne vrijednosti:
However, it can be shown that there exist two mutually orthogonal directions for which curvature in given point acquires extreme values:

[Tue Oct 12 14:19:33 2004]
jedna je maksimalna a druga minimalna.
one is maximum and the other minimum.

[Tue Oct 12 14:19:33 2004]
Te se zakrivljenosti označavaju s
These curvatures are marked with

[Tue Oct 12 14:20:06 2004]
glavne zakrivljenosti
principal curvatures

[Tue Oct 12 14:20:35 2004]
Umnožak glavnih zakrivljenosti nazivamo Gaussovom zakrivljenošću
Product of principal curvatures is called Gaussian curvature

[Tue Oct 12 14:22:07 2004]
Ako je Gaussova zakrivljenost pozitivna, ploha je sinklastična, a ako je negativna, onda je antiklastična.
If Gaussian curvature is positive, surface is synclastic, and if it is negative, surface is anticlastic.

[Tue Oct 12 14:22:07 2004]
Ploha, kojoj je Gaussova zakrivljenost u svakoj točki jednaka nuli, jest razmotljiva ploha.
Surface, on which Gaussian curvature in the every point equals zero, is developable surface.

[Tue Oct 12 14:22:07 2004]
Takve plohe su npr. stožasta i valjkasta ploha
Such surfaces are, e.g. conical and cylindrical surface

[Tue Oct 12 14:24:10 2004]
Skicirati Gaussove koordinate na polukugli koje su zadane izrazima
Line out on hemisphere Gaussian coordinates which are given with expressions

[Tue Oct 12 14:25:17 2004]
Gaussove koordinate na sfernoj plohi
Gaussian coordinates on spheric surface

[Tue Oct 12 14:25:59 2004]
Koordinatne linije (krivulje) u ovom su slučaju meridijani i paralele kako je prikazano na slici 10.3.
Coordinate lines (curves) are in this case meridians and parallels, as shown in Figure 10.3.

[Tue Oct 12 14:37:52 2004]
Plohe se mogu klasificirati na mnogo načina.
Surfaces can be classified in many ways.

[Tue Oct 12 14:37:52 2004]
Opisat ćemo plohe koje se često koriste kao ljuske u konstrukcijama, npr. rotacijske i translacijske plohe.
We will describe surfaces which are often used as shells in constructions, e.g. rotational and translatory surfaces.

[Tue Oct 12 14:37:52 2004]
Rotacijska ploha nastaje kad ravninska krivulja rotira oko nepomične osi pri čemu krivulja ne mora sječi samu os.
Rotational surface emerges when plane curve rotates around motionless axis where curve does not have to cut the axis itself.

[Tue Oct 12 14:37:52 2004]
Na slici 10.4 prikazani su neki tipovi rotacijskih ploha.
Figure 10.4 represents some types of rotational surfaces.

[Tue Oct 12 14:37:52 2004]
Sve prikazane plohe su osno-simetrične
All displayed surfaces are axial-symmetrical

[Tue Oct 12 14:40:27 2004]
Translacijska ploha nastaje kad se jedna ravninska krivulja giba translatorno po drugoj ravninskoj krivulji.
Translatory surface emerges when one plane curve moves translatively the other plane curve.

[Tue Oct 12 14:40:27 2004]
Ravnine koje sadrže obje krivulje međusobno su okomite.
Planes which consist of both curves are mutually vertical.

[Tue Oct 12 14:40:27 2004]
Tipične translacijske plohe su eliptični i hiperbolni paraboloid.
Typical translatory surfaces are elliptical and hyperbolic paraboloid.

[Tue Oct 12 14:45:52 2004]
Neke rotacijske plohe:
Some rotational surfaces:

[Tue Oct 12 14:45:52 2004]
a) valjak, b) stožac, c) kugla, d) hiperboloid, e) torus i f) opća rotacijska ploha
a) cylinder, b) cone, c) sphere, d) hyperboloid, e) torus and f) general rotational surface

[Tue Oct 12 14:49:41 2004]
Eliptični paraboloid nastaje kad se jedna parabola pomiče po drugoj pri čemu obje parabole imaju otvor s iste strane kako je prikazano na slici 10.5. Presjeci eliptičkog paraboloida ravninama
Elliptical paraboloid when one parabola moves on the other at which both parabolas have an opening on the same side, as shown on Figure 10.5. Sections of elliptic paraboloid on planes

[Tue Oct 12 14:50:32 2004]
dok je presjek paraboloida ravninom
while section of paraboloid with plane

[Tue Oct 12 14:55:08 2004]
Hiperbolni paraboloid nastaje pomicanjem jedne parabole po drugoj pri čemu im se otvori nalaze sa suprotnih strana.
Hyperbolic paraboloid occurs by moving one parabola on the other, at which their openings are at the opposite sides.

[Tue Oct 12 14:55:08 2004]
Presjeci hiperbolnog paraboloida ravninama
Sections of hyperbolic paraboloid to planes

[Tue Oct 12 14:56:07 2004]
je hiperbola
is hyperbole

[Tue Oct 12 14:56:33 2004]
Hiperbolni paraboloid je antiklastička, a eliptički paraboloid sinklastička ploha.
Hyperbolic paraboloid is anticlastic, and elliptic paraboloid is synclastic surface.

[Tue Oct 12 14:57:04 2004]
Translacijske plohe - eliptični paraboloid
Translatory surfaces - elliptical paraboloid

[Tue Oct 12 15:02:19 2004]
Translacijske plohe - eliptički paraboloid
Translatory surfaces - elliptic paraboloid

[Tue Oct 12 15:18:55 2004]
Ti se nikada ne bih sjetio da napišeš jedan e-mail prvi.
You would never to write an e-mail first.

[Tue Oct 12 15:18:55 2004]
Ali ja se po običaju ne ljutim.
But as usual, I am not angry.

[Tue Oct 12 15:18:55 2004]
Tako sam bolesna od dana kada sam došla iz Varaždina da sam do sada jedva mogla sjediti za kompjuterom.
I am so ill from the day I arrived from Varaždin that untill now I was hardly able to sit in front of computer.

[Tue Oct 12 15:18:55 2004]
Moja kičma me opet boli do iznemoglosti.
Again, the pain in my back is unbearable.

[Tue Oct 12 15:42:59 2004]
Ti se nikada ne bih sjetio da napišeš jedan e-mail prvi.
You would never to write an e-mail first.

[Tue Oct 12 15:42:59 2004]
Ali ja se po običaju ne ljutim.
But as usual, I am not angry.

[Tue Oct 12 15:42:59 2004]
Tako sam bolesna od dana kada sam došla iz Varaždina da sam do sada jedva mogla sjediti za kompjuterom.
I am so ill from the day I arrived from Varaždin that untill now I was hardly able to sit in front of computer.

[Tue Oct 12 15:42:59 2004]
Moja kičma me opet boli do iznemoglosti.
Again, the pain in my back is unbearable.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
Eto još samo 1mj.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
pa sam opet tamo, nadam se jer ako ovo ne prođe, ne mogu putovati iako kao sto znaš , trebala bi se XXX do 20 novembra preseliti i želim se držati tog datuma.
and I will be there again, I hope so, because if this pain does not pass , I cannot travel, although, as you know, I should move XXX until November 20 and I want to stick to thas date.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
Što ima novo u Varaždinu, kod mene je sve ove dane bilo prilično sivo jer znaš kada se ne osjećaš dobro, nemaš volje ni za sto i dani su prolazili da sam nastojala uz dosta napora raditi, malo se opuštati, ići kod akupunkturiste, čitati, razmišljati.
What is new in Varaždin, here at my place all these days were rather gloomy, because you know when you don't feel ok, you don't have a will to do anything, so days were passing by and I tried, with much effort, to work, relax a bit, go to the acupuncturist, read, think.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
...Molim te nemoj mi odgovarati sa poštovana gđo Poje jer će me to do kraja dotuci.
...Please, do not answer my letters with 'dear Mrs. Poje' because that is going to destroy me completely.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
pronađi nešto autentičnije.
Find something more authentic.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
Opet ćeš reci da je ovo pismo suhoparno, ali tako se i osjećam i ne mogu biti ni veselija ni romantičnija i ne mogu misliti na lijepe stvari jer me ta bol odmah osvijesti i realnost je opet tu.
You will say again that this letter is dry, but that is how I feel and I cannot be more cheerful nor more romantic, and I cannot think about beautiful things because this pain immediately brings me back to my senses and reality is here again.

[Tue Oct 12 16:01:49 2004]
Puno pusa šalje ti
Many kisses

[Tue Oct 12 16:19:53 2004]
Translacijske plohe elip - hiperbolni paraboloid
Translatory surfaces elip - hyperbolic paraboloid

[Tue Oct 12 16:22:14 2004]
Klizne plohe nastaju kad krajevi jedne dužine klize po dvjema krivuljama.
Slip planes occur when ends of one line segment slide along two curves.

[Tue Oct 12 16:22:14 2004]
Ako je jedna od tih krivulja pravac, ploha koja pri tome nastaje naziva se konoid.
If one of those curves is a straight line, surface which occurs is called a conoid.

[Tue Oct 12 16:22:14 2004]
Tipovi ploha u ovisnosti o Gaussovoj zakrivljenosti prikazani su u tablici 10.1.
Types of surfaces dependent on Gaussian curvature are represented in table 10.1.

[Tue Oct 12 16:24:23 2004]
Kružni valjak,
circular cylinder,

[Tue Oct 12 16:24:23 2004]
Kružni stožac
circular cone

[Tue Oct 12 16:26:36 2004]

[Tue Oct 12 16:26:36 2004]
Kružni elipsoid,
spherical ellipsoid,

[Tue Oct 12 16:26:36 2004]
Kružni paraboloid,
spherical paraboloid,

[Tue Oct 12 16:26:36 2004]
Kružni dvostrani hiperboloid
spherical two-sided hyperboloid

[Thu Oct 14 14:11:50 2004]
Prema izloženom, plohe koje se koriste u tehničkoj primjeni ljusaka mogu se grubo podijeliti u četiri osnovne kategorije:
According to the displayed, surfaces which are used in engineering of shells can roughly be divided in four basic categories:

[Thu Oct 14 14:12:45 2004]
Jednostruko zakrivljene plohe nulte Gaussove zakrivljenosti
Simply twisted surfaces pf zero Gaussian curvatures

[Thu Oct 14 14:13:44 2004]

[Thu Oct 14 14:18:43 2004]
Dvostruko zakrivljene plohe pozitivne Gaussove zakrivljenosti
Doubly twisted surfaces with positive Gaussian curvature

[Thu Oct 14 14:19:10 2004]

[Thu Oct 14 14:19:10 2004]
kugla, rotacijski elipsoid i paraboloid, jednostrani i dvostrani hiperboloid
sphere, rotational ellipsoid and paraboloid, one-sided and two-sided hyperboloid

[Thu Oct 14 14:21:23 2004]
Dvostruko zakrivljene ljuske negativne Gaussove zakrivljenosti
Doubly twisted shells with negative Gaussian curvature

[Thu Oct 14 14:22:06 2004]
jednostrani hiperboloid
one-sided hyperboloid

[Thu Oct 14 14:23:13 2004]
Dvostruko zakrivljene ljuske mješovite Gaussove zakrivljenosti
Doubly twisted shells with mixed Gaussian curvature

[Thu Oct 14 14:25:02 2004]
Klizne plohe nastaju klizanjem dužine po dvjema krivuljama
Slip planes occur by length slide along two curves

[Thu Oct 14 14:25:47 2004]
rotacijski hiperboloid nastaje klizanjem dužine po dvjema kružnicama
rotation hyperboloid occurs by length slide along two circumferences