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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Wed May 12 08:50:09 2004]
Policija je u Zadru uhitila Vladu Ćosića, osumnjičenog za sudjelovanje u zločinu u selu Ahmići u BiH 1993.
Police has arrested in Zadar Vlado Ćosić, a suspect for participating in criminal actions in the village Ahmići in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993.

[Wed May 12 08:53:19 2004]
Ćosić je nekadašnji zamjenik Paška Ljubičića, zapovjednika 4.
Ćosić was a deputy of Paško Ljubičić, commander of 4.

[Wed May 12 08:54:58 2004]
bojne VP-a HVO-a, koju se tereti za izvršenje zločina u Ahmićima.
Battalion of the military formation of the Croatian Defense Council, which is charged of commiting criminal actions in Ahmići.

[Wed May 12 08:55:36 2004]
Za Ćosićem je tjeralica raspisana još 2000.
An APB was issued for Ćosić still in 2000

[Wed May 12 08:55:41 2004]
, a prvi pokušaj uhićenja u Zadru odigrao se u rujnu te godine.
An APB was issued for Ćosić still in 2000, and the first attempt of arrest in Zadar happened in September that year.

[Wed May 12 08:55:42 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 7)
(Jutarnji list, page 7)

[Wed May 12 08:55:47 2004]

[Wed May 12 08:57:19 2004]
HFP - Croatian Privatization Fund:

[Wed May 12 08:59:10 2004]
raspisat će natječaji za Hotel Split, Grand Hotel Park, Hoteli Omišalj i Željezaru Split
Announcement of public tenders for Hotel Split, Grand Hotel Park, Hotels Omišalj and Željezara Split

[Wed May 12 08:59:52 2004]
HFP je donio odluku o raspisivanju više natječaja, među kojima će se 68% dionica Hotela Split ponuditi za 61,3 mil.
HFP has decided to announce several public tenders, among which 68 % shares of Hotel Split will be tendered for 61.3 million

[Wed May 12 09:05:46 2004]
kuna, dok će se dubrovački Grand Hotel Park prodavati za 31,8 mil.
3 million kuna, while Grand Hotel Park in Dubrovnik will be sold for 31.8 million

[Wed May 12 09:06:09 2004]
kuna, ukoliko DAB otpiše 90% potraživanja, a kupac jednokratno podmiri preostalih 10%.
8 million kuna, if DAB (State agency for deposit insurance and bank rehabilitation) writes off 90 % of debit claims, and if the buyer settles the remaining 10 % with a single payment.

[Wed May 12 09:08:04 2004]
Prodaju se i Hoteli Omišalj, za 3,4 mil.
Hotels Omišalj are also on sale for 3.4 million

[Wed May 12 09:08:09 2004]
kuna, te Željezara Split, za koju treba dati tek kunu, ali i preuzeti obveze kredita za modernizaciju.
4 million kuna, as well as Željezara Split, which will be sold for only one kuna, but the buyer will have to take over the liabilities of the modernization loan.

[Wed May 12 09:08:11 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)

[Wed May 12 09:08:52 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:11:46 2004]
Komisija za vrijednosne papire istražit će jesu li povrijeđena prava malih dioničara
Securities Commission will investigate if the rights of small shareholders were violated

[Wed May 12 09:14:25 2004]
Komisija za vrijednosne papire istražit će jesu li prilikom otkupa dionica malih dioničara Končara trgovine i zastupstva povrijeđena njihova prava, rečeno je iz Komisije.
Securities Commission will investigate if the rigts of small shareholders during the buyoff of shares of Končar trade and dealership were violated, declared the Commission.

[Wed May 12 09:14:29 2004]
Do istrage će doći nakon izjava člana Uprave Končara Elektroindustrije Davora Mladine da su dionice kupovane na temelju informacije o strateškom partnerstvu Končara, o kojem dioničari KTiZ-a nisu izviješteni.
To investigation will take place after the statements of a member of the management board of Končar Electrical industry Davor Mladina that the shares were bought based on the information about the strategic partnership of Končar, about which the shareholders were not informed.

[Wed May 12 09:14:30 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 3)
(Jutarnji list, page 3)

[Wed May 12 09:14:52 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:15:28 2004]
dionice pale za novih 3,16%
Shares dropped for yet 3.16 %

[Wed May 12 09:16:27 2004]
Izdanje Plivinih sedmogodišnjih obveznica, vrijedno 75 mil.
Issue of Pliva's seven-year bonds, worth 75 million euros

[Wed May 12 09:24:08 2004]
eura, uvršteno je jučer na Zagrebačku burzu.
Issue of Pliva's seven-year bonds, worth 75 million euros euro, was yesterday listed on Zagreb Stock Exchange.

[Wed May 12 09:24:53 2004]
Obveznice su na rok od sedam godina, a donose prinos od 5,75%.
The bonds are for a seven-year period, and they bring a yield of 5.75 %.

[Wed May 12 09:26:42 2004]
Agenti i pokrovitelji izdanja su Zaba, PBZ i RBA.
The agents and sponsors of the issue are Zaba, PBZ and RBA.

[Wed May 12 09:26:56 2004]
Cijena Plivine dionice je, pod utjecajem kretanja na Londonskoj burzi u ponedjeljak pala za novih 3,16%, na 465 kuna, prema 551 kuni, koliko se plaćala prije mjesec dana.
The price of one Pliva share is, under the influence of movements on London Stock Exchange, dropped on Monday for another 3,16 %, on 465 kuna, as compared to 551 kuna, as it was worth a month ago.

[Wed May 12 09:27:08 2004]
(HINA - Croatian News Agency)

[Wed May 12 09:27:20 2004]
Croatia osiguranje:
Croatia Osiguranje:

[Wed May 12 09:27:48 2004]
predložene dividende
Proposed dividends

[Wed May 12 09:28:15 2004]
Nadzorni odbor Croatia osiguranja predložio je glavnoj skupštini zakazanoj za 5.
Supervisory board of Croatia Osiguranje has proposed the general assembly scheduled for

[Wed May 12 09:29:10 2004]
srpnja da prihvati isplatu dividende od 128 kuna po dionici.
Supervisory board of Croatia Osiguranje has proposed the general assembly scheduled for July 5 to accepts the payment of dividends in the amount of 128 kuna per share.

[Wed May 12 09:29:21 2004]
Cijena dionice CO-a na Zagrebačkoj burzi u ponedjeljak je bila 3.300 kuna.
The price of Croatia Osiguranje share was 3,300 kuna on Zagreb Stock Exchange on Monday.

[Wed May 12 09:29:23 2004]
(HINA - Croatian News Agency)

[Wed May 12 09:29:24 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:29:31 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:31:18 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Wed May 12 09:32:56 2004]
Iračka islamistička skupina, povezana s Al Qaidom, prikazala je na svojoj web-stanici pogubljenje američkog taoca, civila kojem je odrubljena glava.
Iraqi Islamic group, associated to al-Qaida, has presented on its web site the execution of an American hostage, a civilian who had been decapitated.

[Wed May 12 09:33:53 2004]
Pentagon je objavio da je njegovo tijelo nađeno još u ponedjeljak, a Bijela kuća je snimku nazvala dokazom s kakvim se neprijateljem susreće u Iraku.
Pentagon has announced that his body was found on Monday, and the White House declared the recording a proof of the true nature of the enemy in Iraq.

[Wed May 12 09:33:54 2004]
Američka vojska je objavila da je u borbama s pripadnicima šijitske milicije kod Najafa ubila 13, a zarobila 14 boraca.
US army has announced that in struggles with the members of Shiite militia near Najaf 13 soldiers were killed, and 14 captured.

[Wed May 12 09:33:56 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:34:03 2004]
Bliski istok:
Middle East:

[Wed May 12 09:38:17 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Wed May 12 09:39:19 2004]
Pri upadu izraelske vojske u Gazu poginulo je šest izraelskih vojnika, čije je oklopno vozila naletjelo na postavljenu minu.
During the raid of Israeli army into Gaza six Israeli soldiers died, when their armored vehicles came upon the mine.

[Wed May 12 09:41:12 2004]
U akciji je ubijeno i sedam Palestinaca, za koje Izraelci tvrdi da su svi bili naoružani militanti.
Seven Palestinians were killed in the action, for whom the Israelis claim that have all been armed militants.

[Wed May 12 09:41:14 2004]
Cilj akcije je bilo uništenje postrojenja u kojem se proizvode palestinske rakete tipa Qassam, kojima se, bez pretjerane štete, često gađa izraelski teritorij.
The aim of the action was to destroy facilities in which the Palestinian Qassam-type rockets are being produced, with which, without considerable damage, the Israeli territory is often being attacked.

[Wed May 12 09:41:16 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:41:35 2004]
Intesa BCI:
Intesa BCI:

[Wed May 12 09:41:46 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju neto prihod 2,42 mlrd.
In the first quarter net revenue 2.42 billion

[Wed May 12 09:41:52 2004]
eura i neto dobit 418 mil.
42 billion euros and net profit 418 million

[Wed May 12 09:43:05 2004]
42 billion euros and net profit 418 million euros

[Wed May 12 09:43:10 2004]
Talijanska bankarska grupacija Intesa BCI, vlasnica PBZ-a, ostvarila je 33,5% veću neto-dobit u prvom tromjesečju godine prema istom razdoblju lani, odnosno 418 mil.
The Italian banking group Intesa BCI, the owner of PBZ, has achieved a 33,5 % larger net revenue in the first quarter as compared to the same period last year, whish was 418 million

[Wed May 12 09:43:43 2004]
The Italian banking group Intesa BCI, the owner of PBZ, has achieved a 33,5 % larger net revenue in the first quarter as compared to the same period last year, whish was 418 million euros.

[Wed May 12 09:43:53 2004]
Neto prihod od bankarskih operacija povećan je 2,8% na 2,42 mlrd.
Net profit from banking operations was increased by 2.8 % to 2.42 billion

[Wed May 12 09:45:25 2004]
42 billion euros.

[Wed May 12 09:45:33 2004]
Na veliki rast dobiti utjecale su 20% manje rezervacije za nenaplativa potraživanja, kao i prihod od neto provizija, koji je rastao 5,5%.
This large growth was influenced by 20 % smaller reservations for irrecoverable debts, as well as the income from net commissions, which increased by 5.5 %.

[Wed May 12 09:45:34 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik, page 8)

[Wed May 12 09:45:51 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:48:30 2004]
EP u plivanju:
European Swimming Championship:

[Wed May 12 09:51:17 2004]
Sanja Jovanović osvojila brončanu medalju na 200m leđno
Sanja Jovanović wins bronze on 200-meter backstroke

[Wed May 12 09:55:14 2004]
Sanja Jovanović osvojila je brončanu medalju u utrci na 200m leđno na EP u plivanju u Madridu.
Sanja Jovanović won the bronze medal in 200-meter backstroke on the European Swimming Championship in Madrid.

[Wed May 12 09:56:25 2004]
Na cilj je, u vremenu novog hrvatskog rekorda, stigla iza Ruskinje Komarove i Slovenke Čarman.
She reached the aim, in the time of new Croatian record, after the Russian Komarova and Slovenian Čarman.

[Wed May 12 09:56:37 2004]
Gordan Kožulj osvojio je peto mjesto u finalnoj utrci na 100m leđno, u kojoj je pobijedio Mađar Czeh.
Gordan Kožulj won the fifth place in the run-off on 100-meter backstroke, in which the Hungarian Czeh won.

[Wed May 12 09:56:40 2004]
(Croatian Television)

[Wed May 12 09:57:34 2004]

[Wed May 12 09:57:34 2004]
tijekom dana pretežno sunčano, poslijepodne postepeno naoblačenje, s mjestimičnom kišom do kraja dana, najprije u gorju.
During the day predominantly sunny, in the afternoon gradual cloud over, in places with rain by the end of the day, first in the mountains.

[Thu May 13 10:01:22 2004]

[Thu May 13 10:05:03 2004]
Izvanraspravno vijeće:
Out-of-Court Council:

[Thu May 13 10:08:26 2004]
odbijen zahtjev za istragu protiv Mate Granića i Darinka Bage
Rejected request for investigation against Mato Granić and Darinko Bago

[Thu May 13 10:09:27 2004]
Izvanraspravno vijeće zagrebačkog Županijskog suda odbilo je zahtjev USKOK-a za provođenje istrage protiv Mate Granića i Darinka Bage, a pretpostavlja se da će se USKOK na tu odluku žaliti Vrhovnom sudu.
The out-of-court council of Zagreb County court has rejected the USKOK's request for investigation against Mato Granić and Darinko Bago, and it is assumed that USKOK will appeal this decision on the Supreme Court.

[Thu May 13 10:10:39 2004]
Jutarnji list je obavio dio transkripta razgovora Mate Granića i Vladimira Delonge, ne navodeći izvor.
Jutarnji list has published a part of transcript of conversation between Mato Granić and Vladimir Delonga, without naming the source.

[Thu May 13 10:10:51 2004]
U transkriptu Delonga i Granić dogovaraju proviziju za cijenu iznad nominalne, koju Bago treba predložiti NO Končara.
In the quoted transcript, Delonga and Granić are arranging the commission for the price above nominal, which Bago should propose to the Končar Supervisory Board.

[Thu May 13 10:10:52 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 2, Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Večernji list, page 2; Jutarnji list, page 2)

[Thu May 13 10:11:07 2004]

[Thu May 13 10:16:17 2004]
novi krug pregovora o stand-by aranžmanu
New round of negotiation about the stand-by arrangement

[Thu May 13 10:18:50 2004]
Vlada će sljedeći tjedan početi novi krug pregovora s MMF-om, od kojeg se očekuje da donese i konačan dogovor o novom stand-by aranžmanu.
Next week the Government will start new round of negotiation with the IMF, which is expected to bring the final agreement on the new stand-by arrangement.

[Thu May 13 10:19:12 2004]
Ministarstvo financija je počelo s najavljenim pripremama izmjena Zakona o javnim ponudama, pri čemu bi trebalo uvažiti primjedbe HUP-a na broj zahtjeva o izravnim pogodbama.
The Ministry of Finance has started with the announced preparations of amendments to the Laws about Public Tenders, which should consider remarks of Croatian Employers' Association on the number of requests about direct agreements.

[Thu May 13 10:19:16 2004]
Radna skupina će razmatati plaćanje PDV-a na tv-pretplatu.
Work group shall consider paying of VAT on TV-subscription.

[Thu May 13 10:19:24 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)

[Thu May 13 10:20:11 2004]

[Thu May 13 10:25:40 2004]
izmjene POS-a i osnivanje Fonda hrvatskih branitelja
Modifications in Subsidized Housing Construction and foundation of the Fund of Croatian Defenders

[Thu May 13 10:28:36 2004]
Vlada bi danas bi trebala raspravljati i o izmjenama POS-a, u koje bi se, po hitnoj proceduri, uvrstila odredba da svi građani koji nadograđuju ili adaptiraju stan mogu zatražiti kredit pod istim uvjetima kao i oni koji ga kupuju.
The Government should today also discuss the modifications in the Subsidized Housing Construction, which should, by emergency procedure, include a provision according to which all citizens who annex or adapt their flats can ask for a loan under the same conditions as those who buy new flats.

[Thu May 13 10:28:47 2004]
U redovnu proceduru će ići zakon kojim se osniva Fond hrvatskih branitelja, kao otvoreni fond koji će članovima dijeliti trećinu dobiti, trećinu reinvestirati, a ostatkom pomagati društvene djelatnosti branitelja.
The regular procedure will include a law by which a Fund of Croatian Defenders will be established, as an open fund which will distribute one third of the profits to its members, reinvest the other third, and the aid the social activities of defenders with the remaining funds.

[Thu May 13 10:29:19 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2, Večernji list stranica 5)
(Vjesnik, page 2; Večernji list, page 5)

[Thu May 13 10:30:30 2004]
Suđenje za zločin na Ovčari
Trial for crimes on Ovčara

[Thu May 13 10:33:18 2004]
Srbijanski Specijalni tužitelj za ratne zločine do kraja lipnja namjerava optužiti još 14 osoba za zločin na Ovčari, a među njima se nalaze i dosad uhićene osobe.
Serbian Special Plaintiff for war crimes intends by the end of June to accuse 14 more individuals for war crimes on Ovčara, and among them are the so far arrested individuals.

[Thu May 13 10:33:19 2004]
Prema izvoru B92, Carla del Ponte je sudski postupak za Ovčaru srbijanskom pravosuđu prepustila kao test spremnosti za preuzimanje drugih slučajeva.
According to the source of B92, Carla del Ponte transferred the legal proceeding for Ovčara to the Serbian Justice Administration as a test of readiness to take over the other cases.

[Thu May 13 10:33:20 2004]

[Thu May 13 10:33:21 2004]

[Thu May 13 10:35:18 2004]

[Thu May 13 10:39:12 2004]
iza svega leže interesi lokalnih moćnika
Interests of local power structures lie behind everithing

[Thu May 13 10:41:17 2004]
Iza svega leže interesi lokalnih moćnika koji su htjeli omastiti brke Končarevim nekretninama, rekao je predsjednik Uprave Končara Darinko Bago, odgovarajući na pitanje o pozadini afere s podmićivanjem.
Interests of local power structures which wanted to feast upon Končar real estates lie behind this whole affair, said the board manager of Končar Darinko Bago, in answering the question on the background of the bribery affair.

[Thu May 13 10:41:21 2004]
Bago tvrdi da dogradonačelnik Zagreba Milan Bandić nije intervenirao oko prodaje dionica, a izbjegao je konkretno označiti izvore pritiska u zadnje četiri godine da Končar proda svoje nekretnine.
Bago claims that the deputy mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandić, did intervene about the sale of stocks, and avoided to specifically indicate the sources of pressure in the last four years which were forcing Končar to sell its real estates.

[Thu May 13 10:41:32 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 2)
(Večernji list, page 2)

[Thu May 13 10:42:44 2004]
Hercegovačka banka:
Hercegovačka banka:

[Thu May 13 10:43:13 2004]
ponuda bi mogla vrijediti oko 60 mil.
Offer could be worth approximately 60 million euros

[Thu May 13 10:48:33 2004]
Offer could be worth approximately 60 million euros

[Thu May 13 10:49:17 2004]
Cijena po kojoj je hrvatski konzorcij kupio Hercegovačku banku znat će se za dva mjeseca, najavila je prinudna upraviteljica Toby Robinson, koja nije upoznata s informacijom da su transakciju dogovorili visoki predstavnik u BiH Paddy Ashdown i premijer Sanader.
Price for which the Croatian consortium has bought the Herzegovačka banka it will be publicly announced in two months, informed the emergency administrator Toby Robinson, who is not the familiar with the information that the transaction was arranged by high representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina Paddy Ashdown and Prime Minister Sanader.

[Thu May 13 10:50:19 2004]
Vjesnik prenosi procjene da bi ponuda mogla vrijediti 60 mil.
Vjesnik reports the evaluations according to which the offer could be worth 60 million

[Thu May 13 10:50:49 2004]
eura, što neizravno potvrđuje i upraviteljica, koja je Dnevniku rekla kako očekuje 103 mil.
Vjesnik reports the evaluations according to which the offer could be worth 60 million euros, what was indirectly confirmed by Robinson, who has said to Dnevnik that she expects 103 million

[Thu May 13 10:51:02 2004]
KM za pokriće depozita, uz još 15 mil.
Vjesnik reports the evaluations according to which the offer could be worth 60 million euros, what was indirectly confirmed by Robinson, who has said to Dnevnik that she expects 103 million KM for deposit coverage, and another 15 million

[Thu May 13 10:51:10 2004]
KM Agenciji za bankarstvo.
Vjesnik reports the evaluations according to which the offer could be worth 60 million euros, what was indirectly confirmed by Robinson, who has said to Dnevnik that she expects 103 million KM for deposit coverage, and another 15 million KM for the Banking Agency.

[Thu May 13 10:51:16 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 7, Dnevnik)
(Vjesnik, page 7; Dnevnik)

[Thu May 13 10:53:06 2004]
Hrvatske autoceste:
Croatian Motorways:

[Thu May 13 10:54:17 2004]
potpisan ugovor o projektiranju autoceste od Zagreba do Siska
Signed contract on planning the motorway from Zagreb to Sisak

[Thu May 13 10:54:57 2004]
Hrvatske auto-ceste potpisale su ugovore o projektiranju tri dionice ceste od Zagreba do Siska, vrijedne 50,1 mil.
Croatian motorways have signed the contracts on planning three shares of the road from Zagreb to Sisak, worth 50.1 million

[Thu May 13 10:55:37 2004]
kuna, s tvrtkama IGH i IPZ.
1 million kuna, with the companies IGH and IPZ.

[Thu May 13 10:55:51 2004]
Cesta će biti duga 46 km, a Vlada očekuje da bi radovi mogli početi na proljeće 2005.
The road will be 46 kilometers long, and the Government expects the works to start in the spring 2005

[Thu May 13 10:56:51 2004]
i završiti u roku od dvije godine.
The road will be 46 kilometers long, and the Government expects the works to start in the spring 2005 and finish within two years.

[Thu May 13 10:56:58 2004]
Cesta bi, prema procjeni HAC-a, mogla stajati oko 135 mil.
The road could, according to the estimation of Croatian Motorways, cost about 135 million

[Thu May 13 10:57:04 2004]
The road could, according to the estimation of Croatian Motorways, cost about 135 million euros.

[Thu May 13 10:57:08 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 32)
(Vjesnik, page 32)

[Thu May 13 10:57:53 2004]
Croatian Bureau of Statistics:

[Thu May 13 10:58:49 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju broj građevinskih dozvola manji za 6,1%
Number of construction permits decreased for 6.1 % in the first quarter

[Thu May 13 10:59:27 2004]
Broj građevinskih dozvola izdanih u prvom tromjesečju godine bio je 6,1% manji od istog razdoblja lani, dok je pad u ožujku dosegao 7,3%.
The number of construction permits issued in the first quarter of the year was 6.1 % lower than in the same period last year, while the decrease in March reached 7.3 %.

[Thu May 13 10:59:40 2004]
Vrijednost radova predviđenih na temelju 2927 izdanih dozvola je 4,8 mlrd.
The cost of work envisaged on the basis of 2927 issued permissions amounts to 4.8 billion

[Thu May 13 11:00:00 2004]
kuna, što je 33,2% ili 2,54 mlrd.
8 billion kuna, which is 33.2 % or 2.54 billion

[Thu May 13 11:00:04 2004]
kuna manje od prvog tromjesečja prošle godine, objavio je DZS.
54 billion kuna less than in the first quarter last year, announced the Croatian Bureau of Statistics.

[Thu May 13 11:00:06 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list, page 9)

[Thu May 13 11:00:25 2004]
IDC Adriatics:
IDC Adriatics:

[Thu May 13 11:03:13 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju prodano 33.390 osobnih računala
33,390 personal computers sold in the first quarter

[Thu May 13 11:04:52 2004]
IDC Adriatics, nekadašnji hrvatski ured IDC-a, procijenio je da je u prvom tromjesečju godine prodano 1,5% osobnih računala više nego u istom razdoblju lani, ili 33.390.
IDC Adriatics, the former Croatian IDC office, has estimated that in the first quarter of the year the sale of personal computers increased by 1.5 % as compared to the same period last year, or 33.390.

[Thu May 13 11:05:10 2004]
Procjena potvrđuje nastavak trenda usporavanja rasta prodaje, zabilježen u zadnjem tromjesečju prošle godine, u kojoj je inače ostvarena rekordna prodaja računala.
The estimation confirms the continuing trend of slowdown of sale increase, noted in the final quarter of the last year, during which the record sale of PCs was accomplished.

[Thu May 13 11:05:11 2004]
Prodaja stolnih računala pala je 5,8%.
The sale of desktops dropped by 5.8 %.

[Thu May 13 11:05:18 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:05:49 2004]
Zadarski Trgovački sud:
Zadar Commercial Court:

[Thu May 13 11:05:49 2004]
Prigorka u stečaju prodana odvjetniku Marinu Mileti za 65,7 mil.
Bankrupt Prigorka sold to lawyer Marin Mileta for 65.7 million

[Thu May 13 11:06:48 2004]
7 million kuna

[Thu May 13 11:06:59 2004]
Tvrtka Prigorka u stečaju, čiji je dio i hotel Zadar, prodana je na zadarskom Trgovačkom sudu odvjetniku Marinu Mileti, koji je ponudio 65,7 mil.
Bankrupt company Prigorka, whose part was hotel Zadar, was sold on Zadar Commercial Court to lawyer Marin Mileta, who has offered 65.7 million

[Thu May 13 11:07:25 2004]
kuna, 24 mil.
7 million kuna, which was 24 million

[Thu May 13 11:08:29 2004]
kuna više od početne cijene na dražbi.
7 million kuna, which was 24 million kuna more than initially offered price.

[Thu May 13 11:08:34 2004]
Mileta je nadmašio konkurentsku ponudu Hypo Alpe-Adria Consultantsa, a neki vjerovnici tvrde da je Mileta Prigorku kupio za račun najvećeg razlučnog vjerovnika, tvrtke Sonik.
Miletus has surpassed the competitory offer of Hypo Alpe-Adria Consultants, and some creditors claim that Mileta bought Prigorka for the account of the biggest creditor with separate satisfaction right, the Sonik company.

[Thu May 13 11:08:35 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 19)
(Večernji list, page 19)

[Thu May 13 11:09:09 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:10:06 2004]
otvorila podružnicu u Beogradu
Opened branch office in Belgrade

[Thu May 13 11:10:45 2004]
Varaždinska brokerska kuća Fima vrijednosnice otvorila je podružnicu u Beogradu, pod nazivom Fima International.
The brokerage firm Fima from Varaždin has opened the branch office in Belgrade, under the name of Fima International.

[Thu May 13 11:10:58 2004]
Fimina tvrtka u SiCG pružat će u savjetničke usluge na području privatizacije i ulaganja.
Fima's company in Serbia and Montenegro will provide counseling services in the field of privatization and investments.

[Thu May 13 11:11:38 2004]
Fima od 1997.
Since 1997 Fima

[Thu May 13 11:11:43 2004]
ima i tvrtku u BiH, a u Beogradu, gdje djeluje 79 brokerskih tvrtki, želi osvojiti 15% do 20% tržišta.
Since 1997 Fima has a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Belgrade, where there are 79 brokerage firms, it plans to conquer 15 % to 20 % of the market.

[Thu May 13 11:11:44 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 10)
(Vjesnik, page 10)

[Thu May 13 11:11:46 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:11:53 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:14:03 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Thu May 13 11:15:25 2004]
Američka vojska i pobunjena iračka šijitska milicija oštro su se sukobile u gradu Karbali, prilikom pokušaja Amerikanaca da uđu u jednu od tamošnjih džamija.
The American army and rebellious Iraqi Shiite militia severely confronted in Karbala, during the attempts of the US army to enter one of the local mosques.

[Thu May 13 11:16:14 2004]
Šijitski vođa Al Sadr, kojeg Amerikanci žele uhititi ili ubiti, ponudio je primirje na području Najafa, dok je od svojih boraca u Karbali zatražio da izdrže napad.
Shiite leader al- Sadr, whom the Americans intend to arrest or kill, has offered the truce in the Najaf area, and asked from his soldiers in Karbala to endure the attack.

[Thu May 13 11:16:16 2004]
Prema nepotvrđenim vijestima, Amerikanci su spremni ublažiti stav prema Al Sadru.
According to unconfirmed news, the Americans are ready to soften their the attitude towards al-Sadr.

[Thu May 13 11:16:17 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:16:26 2004]
Bliski istok:
Middle East:

[Thu May 13 11:17:01 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Thu May 13 11:18:34 2004]
Izraelska vojska nastavila je akcije protiv palestinskih militanata u Pojasu Gaze, gdje je u dva dana usmrćeno 13 Palestinaca.
The Israeli army has continued their actions against Palestinian militants in Gaza Strip, where in two days 13 Palestinians were killed.

[Thu May 13 11:20:06 2004]
Izraelci su i jučer pretrpjeli znatne gubitke, kad je još jedno oklopno vozilo naišlo na minu u izbjegličkom logoru Rafah, pri čemu je, prema očevicima, poginulo pet vojnika.
Yesterday the Israelis suffered considerable losses, when another armored vehicle came upon a mine in the refugee camp Rafah, on which occasion, according to the eyewitnesses, five soldiers were killed.

[Thu May 13 11:20:07 2004]
Izraelci su u Gazi prekjučer potvrdili smrt šestorice vojnika, što su im bili najveći gubici u jednoj akciji u zadnje dvije godine.
The day before yesterday, the Israelis had confirmed the death of six soldiers in Gaza, which was their biggest loss in one action in the last two years.

[Thu May 13 11:20:09 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:20:22 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:22:48 2004]
cijena dosegla $40,38
Price reached $ 40.38

[Thu May 13 11:23:49 2004]
Cijene nafte nastavile su rasti i jučer, nakon što se iz izjave predsjednika Opeca Purnoma Yusgiantora, kako njegove članice već proizvode iznad dodijeljenih kvota, razabralo da proizvodnja na svjetskom tržištu ne zadovoljava potražnju.
Oil prices continued to grow yesterday, after the statement of Opeca's president Purnom Yusgiantor, by which the Opeca members already produce more than the assigned quotas, indiecated that the production on the world market does not satisfy the demand.

[Thu May 13 11:23:53 2004]
Cijena barela nafte u New Yorku, za buduću isporuku, dosegla je $40,38 što je samo $1 manje od najviše cijene u povijesti, iz listopada 1990.
Price of the oil barrel in New York, for future delivery, reached $ 40.38 which is only $ 1 less than the highest price in the history, in the October 1990.

[Thu May 13 11:23:54 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:24:00 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:24:40 2004]
Olimpijske igre:

[Thu May 13 11:25:35 2004]
borilišta će biti spreman od početka Igara
Arenas will be ready from the beginning of the Olympics

[Thu May 13 11:25:44 2004]
Međunarodni olimpijski odbor ustvrdio je nakon posjeta Ateni da će borilišta Olimpijskih igara biti spremna za početak Igara 13.
The International Olympic Committee has asserted after the visit to Athens that arenas of the Olympics will be ready for start of the Games on August 13.

[Thu May 13 11:27:18 2004]
Iz MOO-a su potvrdili da je prije posjeta bilo dvojbi hoće li objekti biti spremni, o čemu su mediji često izvještavali proteklih tjedana.
has confirmed that before the visit there were certain doubts whether the objects would be ready ready, about which the media have often reported during the last couple of weeks.

[Thu May 13 11:27:19 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:27:22 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:28:59 2004]
Hajduk i Osijek 1:0, Dinamo i Rijeka 1:0
Hajduk and Osijek 1:0, Dinamo and Rijeka 1:0

[Thu May 13 11:29:21 2004]
Nogometaši Hajduka svladali su u Osijeku domaću momčad s 1:0, pa im je za naslov prvaka potrebna još samo pobjeda protiv Varteksa u posljednjoj utakmici u Splitu.
Players of Hajduk beat the home team in Osijek with 10:, so for the title of champions they need only the victory against Varteks in the last match in Split.

[Thu May 13 11:29:25 2004]
Dinamo je istim rezultatom svladao Rijeku.
Dinamo beat Rijeka with the same result.

[Thu May 13 11:29:26 2004]
(Croatian Television)

[Thu May 13 11:29:58 2004]

[Thu May 13 11:30:24 2004]
većinom umjereno do znatno oblačno, s mjestimičnom kišom i grmljavinom.
Mostly moderately to considerably cloudy, in spots with rain and thunder.

[Thu May 13 11:30:24 2004]
Na Jadranu promjenljivo oblačno, mjestimice s kišom.
On the Adriatic variably cloudy, in places with rain.

[Fri May 14 08:40:15 2004]

[Fri May 14 08:41:24 2004]

[Fri May 14 08:43:06 2004]
ne može mijenjati odluku o slobodnom formiranju cijena naftnih derivata
Cannot change the decision on free pricing of petroleum products

[Fri May 14 08:44:58 2004]
Vlada ne može i ne želi mijenjati odluku o slobodnom formiranju cijena naftnih derivata, rekao je premjer Sanader, pozvavši Inu da pronađe unutarnje rezerve kojima bi spriječila daljnji rast cijena goriva.
The Government cannot and will not will change its decision on free pricing of petroleum products, said Prime Minister Sanader, inviting Ina to find internal reserves which would prevent further increase of fuel prices.

[Fri May 14 08:45:02 2004]
Ni Ministarstvo gospodarstva jučer, kao ni Ministarstvo financija prekjučer, nisu bili spremni komentirati mogućnost smanjenja državnih trošarina kako bi se usporio rast cijena goriva.
Neither the Ministry of Economy yesterday, nor the Ministry of Finance the day before, were ready to comment a possibility of minimizing of state excise duties in order to slows down the increase of fuel prices.

[Fri May 14 08:45:03 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)

[Fri May 14 08:45:30 2004]

[Fri May 14 08:47:23 2004]
Umirovljeni general Mate Laušić razgovarao s haaškim istražiteljima
Retired general Mato Laušić talked with the Hague investigators

[Fri May 14 08:50:41 2004]
Umirovljeni general Mate Laušić, bivši načelnik Vojne policije HV-a, jučer je razgovarao s haaškim istražiteljima, pretpostavlja se o akcijama Medački džep, Bljesak i Oluja.
The retired general Mato Laušić, former provost marshal of the Croatian Army, talked yesterday with the Hague investigators, supposedly about the military actions Medački džep, Bljesak and Oluja.

[Fri May 14 08:50:45 2004]
Laušić bi s istražiteljima trebao razgovarati i danas, a ni on ni njegovi odvjetnici nisu davali izjave za medije, pa se ne zna ima li status osumnjičenika, što se ranije neslužbeno tvrdilo, ili svjedoka.
Laušić should have another conversation with the investigators today, and neither he nor his lawyers have given any statements for media, so it is still unknown whether he has the status of a suspect, which was earlier unofficially claimed, or only the status of a witness.

[Fri May 14 08:50:52 2004]
(Croatian Television)

[Fri May 14 08:51:37 2004]

[Fri May 14 08:55:37 2004]
Prihvatila prijedlog hitnih izmjena zakona o POS-u
Accepted proposal about urgent modifications of the Law on Subsidized Housing Construction

[Fri May 14 08:59:16 2004]
Vlada je, prema najavama, prihvatila prijedlog hitnih izmjena zakona o POS-u, kojima se uvodi mogućnost poticanog kreditiranja i za preuređenje stambenog prostora.
The Government has, according to announcements, accepted the proposal about urgent modifications of the Law on Subsidized Housing Construction, which introduce a possibility of stimulated crediting for redecoration of housing units.

[Fri May 14 09:00:45 2004]
Obveznog učešća od 15% oslobađaju se obitelj s tri i više djece, a 300 neprodanih stanova se neće nuditi tržištu, već podijeliti ratnim stradalnicima i socijalno ugroženima.
Families with three or more children are released from the obligatory deposit of 15 %, and 300 unsold flats will not be offered on the market, but assigned to war victims and the socially threatened.

[Fri May 14 09:00:50 2004]
Gradnja pratećih objekata novih naselja u zagrebačkim Sesvetama i na splitskoj Brodarici prebačena je kao obveza lokalnim vlastima.
Building of accompanying objects of new settlements in Sesvete near Zagreb and on Brodarica in Split has been transferred as responsibility to local authorities.

[Fri May 14 09:00:54 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2)
(Vjesnik, page 2)

[Fri May 14 09:01:33 2004]
Social Democratic Party:

[Fri May 14 09:06:00 2004]
Traži povlačenje zagrebačkog dogradonačelnika Milana Bandića
Demanding the resignation of Zagreb Deputy Mayor of Milan Bandić

[Fri May 14 09:09:29 2004]
Prema izvorima Jutarnjeg lista, SDP će na današnjem sastanku od zagrebačkog dogradonačelnika Milana Bandića zatražiti da se povuče, a odbije li on tu sugestiju, SDP će od predsjedništva gradske organizacije tražiti da se o Bandiću izjasni.
According to sources of Jutarnji list, SDP will on today's meeting ask from the Zagreb Deputy Mayor Milan Bandić to resign his position, and if he turns down this proposition, SDP will ask from the executive council of city organization to declare itself about Bandić.

[Fri May 14 09:09:32 2004]
Slično su prekjučer najavljivali i izvori Vjesnika iz SDP-a, a ta stranka drži da joj je Bandić posljednjim potezima, poput objave oglasa s kritikom suda, narušio ugled.
Similar solution was announced the day before yesterday by sources of Vjesnik from SDP, which also believes that Bandić's recent moves, such as the newspaper announcement criticizing the Court, damaged the party's reputation.

[Fri May 14 09:09:33 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list, page 9)

[Fri May 14 09:09:38 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:10:27 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:12:22 2004]
Prihvaćen prijedlog kupnje Vladinog udjela putem radničkog dioničarstva
Accepted proposal of purchasing Government share by way of workers' shareholding

[Fri May 14 09:14:58 2004]
Prema neslužbenim vijestima Večernjeg lista, NO Podravke je prihvatio prijedlog Uprave da se Vladi ponudi kupnja njenog udjela od 28,5% dionica putem radničkog dioničarstva.
According to the unofficial news from Večernji list, Supervisory Board of Podravka has accepted the proposal of the management to offer the Government a purchase of its 28,5 % shares by way of workers' shareholding.

[Fri May 14 09:15:16 2004]
Procjenjuje se da bi se transakcija obavila tako da dionice preko svoje tvrtke otkupi sama Podravka, a potom ih proda radnicima, koji bi ih obročno otplaćivali.
It is estimated that the transaction would be performed in a way that Podravka buys off the shares through its own company, and then to sell them to workers, who would pay them off by instalments.

[Fri May 14 09:16:25 2004]
Tržišna cijena udjela je oko 200 mil.
Market price of a share is about 200 million

[Fri May 14 09:16:30 2004]
kuna, a Podravkini institucionalni dioničari su se dosad izjašnjavali protiv takvih poteza, koje neki vide i kao dodatno zatvaranje koprivničke tvrtke.
Market price of a share is about 200 million kuna, and Podravka's institutional stockholders have so far declared themselves against any such moves, which are seen by some as additional closing of Koprivnica company.

[Fri May 14 09:16:31 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 8)
(Večernji list, page 8)

[Fri May 14 09:17:41 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:19:57 2004]
Milan Artuković povećao svoj vlasnički udjel
Milan Artuković increased his equity share

[Fri May 14 09:20:11 2004]
Dugogodišnji čelnik i sadašnji predsjednik NO-a Francka Milan Artuković povećao je svoj vlasnički udjel u tvrtki Ivero konzalting, većinskom vlasniku Francka, na 75,1%, objavljeno je iz Francka, koji nije objavio i druge pojedinosti transakcije.
Milan Artuković, a longtime leader and current president of Franck Supervisory Board, has enlarged his equity share in the company Ivero consulting, which is a majority owner of Franck, to 75,1 %, it was announced from Franck, but without any other details of the transaction.

[Fri May 14 09:21:38 2004]
Ivero je osnovan 2002.
Ivero was founded in 2002

[Fri May 14 09:21:49 2004]
kako bi skupina dioničara, među kojima su bili članovi Uprave i NO-a, objedinila svoje portfelje, a s vremenom je povećao vlasnički udjel u Francku na 77,26%.
Ivero was founded in 2002 in order for a group of stockholders, among whom were the members of the management and supervisory boards, to integrate their portfolios, and with time enlarged the equity share in Franck to 77.26 %.

[Fri May 14 09:22:00 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)

[Fri May 14 09:23:44 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:25:08 2004]
očekuje odobrenje za eksploataciju izvorišta Košna voda kraj Gospića
Awaiting approval for exploitation of Košna voda source near Gospić

[Fri May 14 09:27:57 2004]
Franck očekuje da će sljedeći tjedan dobiti koncesiju od Hrvatskih voda za komercijalnu eksploataciju izvorišta Košna voda kraj Gospića, najavio je Artuković.
Franck expects to receive next week a concession from Croatian Waters for commercial exploitation of a river source Košna voda near Gospić, announced Artuković.

[Fri May 14 09:28:24 2004]
Iz Gospića je još početkom ožujka objavljeno kako je prihvaćeno pismo namjere Francka za gradnju punionice vode, kad je rečeno i da se planira proizvoditi oko 150 mil.
Early in March it was announced from Gospić that Franck's letter of intent Francka for building a bottling plant had been accepted, when it was stated that the plans are to produce about 150 million

[Fri May 14 09:28:29 2004]
litara vode godišnje.
Early in March it was announced from Gospić that Franck's letter of intent Francka for building a bottling plant had been accepted, when it was stated that the plans are to produce about 150 million liters of water per year.

[Fri May 14 09:28:31 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)

[Fri May 14 09:28:56 2004]
Ministarstvo financija:
Ministry of Finance:

[Fri May 14 09:28:59 2004]
povećalo ukupnu razinu trezorskih zapisa na preko 7 mlrd.
Increased total level of treasury bills to more than 7 billion

[Fri May 14 09:32:25 2004]
Increased total level of treasury bills to more than 7 billion kuna

[Fri May 14 09:32:38 2004]
Ministarstvo financija iskoristilo je posljednjih tjedana dobru kunsku likvidnost, pa je povećalo ukupnu razinu trezorskih zapisa na preko 7 mlrd.
Ministry of Finance made use of a good kuna liquidity in last weeks, so it increased the total level of treasury bills to over 7 billion

[Fri May 14 09:32:49 2004]
kuna, što je za 1,2 mlrd.
Ministry of Finance made use of a good kuna liquidity in last weeks, so it increased the total level of treasury bills to over 7 billion kuna, which is 1.2 billion

[Fri May 14 09:33:18 2004]
kuna više nego krajem 2003.
2 billion kuna more than at the end of 2003.

[Fri May 14 09:33:55 2004]
, primjećuju analitičari RBA.
, observed the RBA analysts.

[Fri May 14 09:34:26 2004]
Ministarstvo je na zadnje četiri aukcije prodalo zapisa za čak 2 mlrd.
Ministry has at the last four auctions sell out bills for as much as 2 billion

[Fri May 14 09:34:27 2004]
kuna, čime je zaduženosti narasla za 1,3 mlrd.
Ministry has at the last four auctions sell out bills for as much as 2 billion kuna, by which the indebtedness increased for 1.3 billion

[Fri May 14 09:35:30 2004]
3 billion kuna.

[Fri May 14 09:35:37 2004]
Referentna stopa na jednogodišnje zapise je bila 5,85%.
Referential rate on annual bills was 5.85 %.

[Fri May 14 09:35:38 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:35:40 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:36:14 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:43:14 2004]
Indijska oporbena Kongresna stanka odnijela je iznenađujuću pobjedu na parlamentarnim izborima, nad vladajućom stankom BJP premijera Vajpayeeja.
The opposition Congress Party came off with a surprising victory on parliamentary elections, defeating the ruling BJP party of the Prime Minister Vajpayee.

[Fri May 14 09:44:13 2004]
Očekuje se da će nova premijerka Indije postati Sonia Gandhi, koja je najavila nastavljanje mirovnog procesa s Pakistanom.
It is expected that the new Prime Minister of India will become Sonia Gandhi, who has announced the continuation of peace process with Pakistan.

[Fri May 14 09:44:14 2004]
Vladajući BJP je izbore raspisao šest mjeseci prije roka, nadajući se da će mu napredak u odnosima s Pakistanom osigurati pobjedu.
The ruling BJP announced the elections six months before due time, hoping that a progress in relations with Pakistan will insure its victory.

[Fri May 14 09:44:15 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:44:23 2004]
Bliski istok:
Middle East:

[Fri May 14 09:45:30 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Fri May 14 09:47:03 2004]
U izraelskom helikopterskom napadu na palestinski izbjeglički logor Rafah na jugu Pojasa Gaze ubijeno je 11 Palestinaca, za koje Izraelci tvrdi da su napali njihove vojnike koji su pretraživali granično područje s Egiptom.
In Israeli air strike on Palestinian refugee camp Rafah in south Gaza Strip 11 Palestinians were killed, for which Israelis claim to have attacked their soldiers who were searchingd through the borderland with Egypt.

[Fri May 14 09:47:04 2004]
Palestinci su prekjučer egipatskim posrednicima predali tijela šestorice ranije ubijenih izraelskih vojnika, u zamjenu za povlačenje Izraelaca iz Gaze, gdje je u tri dana poginulo skoro 40 ljudi na obje strane.
The day before yesterday the Palestinians surrendered the bodies of six earlier killed Israeli soldiers to Egiptian mediators, in exchange for the retreat of Israelis from Gaza, where in three days almost 40 people died on both sides.

[Fri May 14 09:47:09 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:47:45 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:49:18 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju rast BDP-a 0,4%
GDP increased by 0.4 % in the first quarter

[Fri May 14 09:50:09 2004]
Njemački BDP ostvario je rast od 0,4% u prvom tromjesečju godine, što je ugodno iznenadilo analitičare, nakon pada BDP-a od 0,1% u 2003.
German GDP has increased by 0,4 % in the first quarter of the year, which pleasantly surprised the analysts, after 0,1 % drop of GDP in 2003.

[Fri May 14 09:51:23 2004]
Boljim vijestima iz najvećeg europskog gospodarstva pridonijeli su dobi izvozni rezultati.
The positive news from the biggest European economy were contributed by good export results.

[Fri May 14 09:51:33 2004]
Isti je rezultat u prvom tromjesečju polučio i drugi veliki hrvatski trgovinski partner, Italija, čije je gospodarstvo također nadmašilo očekivanja analitičara, koji su predviđali tek 0,1% rasta.
The same result has the first quarter achieved by another big Croatian trading partner, Italy, whose economy has also surpassed the expectations of analysts, who had predicted only 0.1 % increase.

[Fri May 14 09:51:35 2004]

[Fri May 14 09:52:14 2004]
Deutsche Telekom:
Deutsche Telekom:

[Fri May 14 09:52:39 2004]
eura i neto dobit 169 mil.
99 billion euros and net profit of 169 million

[Fri May 14 09:54:03 2004]
99 billion euros and net profit of 169 million euros in the first quarter

[Fri May 14 09:54:37 2004]
Deutsche Telekom je u prvom tromjesečju godine zabilježio pad neto dobiti od čak 80%, na 169 mil.
Deutsche Telekom has in the first quarter noted a decrease of a net profit from of as much as 80 %, to 169 million

[Fri May 14 09:54:43 2004]
eura, dok je prihod rastao 2,7% na 13,99 mlrd.
Deutsche Telekom has in the first quarter noted a decrease of a net profit from of as much as 80 %, to 169 million euros, while the revenue has increased by 2,7 % to 13,99 billion.

[Fri May 14 09:55:23 2004]
99 billion euros.

[Fri May 14 09:57:23 2004]
Na manju dobit je utjecao iznos od 148 mil.
The smaller profits were influenced by the amount of 148 million

[Fri May 14 09:58:06 2004]
eura za pokrivanje štete nastale kašnjenjem sustava naplate cestarine u Njemačkoj.
The smaller profits were influenced by the amount of 148 million euros for covering the damages which emerged on account of the overdue system of road toll payment in Germany.

[Fri May 14 09:58:12 2004]
Prihod s europskih tržišta izvan EU pao je 2,5%, na 1,23 mlrd.
Revenue from the European markets outside of EU has dropped by 2,5 %, to 1,23 billion.

[Fri May 14 09:58:36 2004]
23 billion euros.

[Fri May 14 09:59:11 2004]
Dug je prema ožujku 2003.
Debt according to March 2003 has

[Fri May 14 09:59:16 2004]
smanjen 21%, na 44,6 mlrd.
Debt according to March 2003 has been reduced by 21 %, to 44.6 billion

[Fri May 14 09:59:20 2004]
6 billion euros.

[Fri May 14 09:59:22 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik, page 8)

[Fri May 14 10:00:20 2004]
Bosnia and Herzegovina:

[Fri May 14 10:01:58 2004]
dio sredstava za GSM licencu koristit će se za dokumentaciju za gradnju autoceste
Part of funds for GSM license will be used for motorway building documentation

[Fri May 14 10:02:34 2004]
Vijeće ministara BiH odredilo je da će se dio sredstava koja će tri mobilna operatera uplatiti na račun licence za GSM koristiti za financiranje pripremne dokumentacije za gradnju autoceste na koridoru Vc.
Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina has determined that a part of the funds which the three mobile operators will pay on account of the license for GSM will be used for financing of the preparatory documentation for building a motorway on the Vc corridor.

[Fri May 14 10:02:43 2004]
BIH će time prikupiti oko 32 mil.
Bosnia and Herzegovina will in this way gather approximately 32 million

[Fri May 14 10:02:43 2004]
Bosnia and Herzegovina will in this way gather approximately 32 million euros.

[Fri May 14 10:02:44 2004]

[Fri May 14 10:03:08 2004]

[Fri May 14 10:03:24 2004]
eura i neto dobit 466 mil.
21 billion euros and net profit 466 million

[Fri May 14 10:04:54 2004]
21 billion euros and net profit 466 million euros in the first quarter

[Fri May 14 10:05:02 2004]
Talijanski Unicredito, većinski vlasnik Zagrebačke banke, u prvom tromjesečju godine je zabilježio pad neto dobiti od 9,5% prema istom razdoblju lani, na 466 mil.
Italian Unicredito, the majority owner of Zagrebačka Banka, has in the first quarter noted the fall of net profits by 9,5 % as compared to the same period last year, to 466 million

[Fri May 14 10:05:34 2004]
Italian Unicredito, the majority owner of Zagrebačka Banka, has in the first quarter noted the fall of net profits by 9,5 % as compared to the same period last year, to 466 million euros.

[Fri May 14 10:06:15 2004]
Pad od 4,8% na 1,21 mlrd.
A decrease of 4.8 % to 1.21 billion

[Fri May 14 10:07:03 2004]
eura zabilježili su i prihodi od kamata.
21 billion euros also occured in interest income.

[Fri May 14 10:07:57 2004]
Dobit odsjeka Nova Europa rastao je 16,8%, na 118 mil.
Profit of the New Europe department grew by 16.8 %, to 118 million

[Fri May 14 10:08:02 2004]
eura, dok je prihod s tržišta srednje i istočne Europe rastao 10,2%, na 410 mil.
8 %, to 118 million euros, while the revenue from the markets of Central and Eastern Europe increased by 10.2 %, to 410 million

[Fri May 14 10:08:07 2004]
2 %, to 410 million euros.

[Fri May 14 10:08:08 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)

[Fri May 14 10:08:29 2004]

[Fri May 14 10:10:14 2004]
Uhićen Mate Mejdanac
Mato Mejdanac arrested

[Fri May 14 10:10:57 2004]
Policija je jučer u Čepinu kod Osijeka uhitila Matu Mejdanca, koji je u srijedu navečer u selu Petrijevci hicima iz automatske puške ubio suprugu i muža njene sestrične, dok je sestričnu teško ranio.
The police has yesterday in Čepin near Osijek arrested Mato Mejdanac, who on Wednesday evening in village Petrijevci shot from the automatic gun his wife and her cousin's husband, while the cousin earned serious injuries.

[Fri May 14 10:11:39 2004]
Zločin je počinio nakon svađe sa suprugom koja se sklonila u kuću svoje rođakinje.
He has committed the crime after a quarrel with the wife who then took shelter in the house of her relative.

[Fri May 14 10:11:45 2004]
Mejdanac dosad nije bio evidentiran zbog kršenja zakona.
Mejdanac did not have any previous criminal record.

[Fri May 14 10:11:48 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 65)
(Jutarnji list, page 65)

[Fri May 14 10:12:51 2004]

[Fri May 14 10:13:15 2004]
pretežno sunčano, povremeno s umjerenom naoblakom.
Predominantly sunny, occasionally with moderate cloud over.

[Fri May 14 10:13:15 2004]
Na Jadranu sunčano, većinom s malom naoblakom.
On the Adriatic sunny, mostly with partial cloud over.

[Mon May 17 15:14:13 2004]
rujna 2003.
Sugar supply on September 1, 2003.

[Mon May 17 15:14:21 2004]
godine u kg
Sugar supply on September 1, 2003. in kg

[Mon May 17 15:16:13 2004]

[Mon May 17 15:21:50 2004]
Šećer iz repe I.1.
Sugar produced from beet. I.1.

[Mon May 17 15:25:10 2004]
Zaliha šećera na dan 01.
Sugar supply on September 1,

[Mon May 17 15:25:35 2004]
rujna 2003.
Sugar supply on September 1, 2003;

[Mon May 17 15:25:39 2004]
godine u kg
in kg

[Mon May 17 15:25:56 2004]
in kgI.

[Mon May 17 15:26:00 2004]
Šećer iz repe
Sugar produced from beet

[Mon May 17 15:27:35 2004]

[Mon May 17 15:27:42 2004]
Šećer iz repe u krugu tvornice
Sugar produced from beet in factory premises

[Mon May 17 15:27:55 2004]
Vlastiti šećer
Own sugar

[Mon May 17 15:28:16 2004]
Šećer Državnih robnih zaliha
Sugar from State merchandise supplies

[Mon May 17 15:29:24 2004]
Ukupno šećer
Sugar in total

[Mon May 17 15:29:32 2004]
Šećer kristal rinfuza
Crystal sugar in bulk

[Mon May 17 15:29:42 2004]
Šećer kristal 50/l
Crystal sugar 50/l

[Mon May 17 15:30:18 2004]
Šećer kristal 1/1 papir
Crystal sugar 1/1 paper

[Mon May 17 15:30:49 2004]
Šećer kocka 1/1
Sugar lump 1/1

[Mon May 17 15:30:58 2004]
Šećer ugostiteljski 5 g
Sugar for caterers 5 g

[Mon May 17 15:31:06 2004]
Šećer u prahu 250 g
Ground sugar 250 g

[Mon May 17 15:31:10 2004]
In total

[Mon May 17 15:31:30 2004]

[Mon May 17 15:31:34 2004]
Šećer iz repe u vanjskim skladištima
Sugar produced from beet in external warehouses

[Mon May 17 15:31:38 2004]
IPK Foodmark RC Samobor
IPK Foodmark RC Samobor

[Mon May 17 15:31:41 2004]
Kupres Donji Miholjac
Kupres Donji Miholjac

[Mon May 17 15:31:43 2004]
Trgocentar dd Zabok
Trgocentar DD Zabok

[Mon May 17 15:31:56 2004]
Velmal Osijek
Velmal Osijek

[Mon May 17 15:32:04 2004]
Pristanište i skladište Sisak
Pier and warehouse Sisak

[Mon May 17 15:32:14 2004]
IPK Erdutski vinogradi Erdut
IPK Erdutski vinogradi Erdut

[Mon May 17 15:32:22 2004]
Ukupno I.2.
In total I.2.

[Mon May 17 15:32:35 2004]
Ukupno I
In total I

[Mon May 17 15:32:55 2004]
Šećer iz trske
Sugar produced from cane

[Mon May 17 15:33:03 2004]
Šećer iz trske u krugu tvornice
Sugar produced from the cane in factory premises

[Mon May 17 15:33:09 2004]
Šećer kristal 50/l
Crystal sugar 50/l

[Mon May 17 15:33:23 2004]
In total

[Mon May 17 15:33:30 2004]
Šećer iz trske u vanjskim skladištima
Sugar produced from cane in external warehouses

[Mon May 17 15:33:31 2004]
IPK Foodmark RC Samobor
IPK Foodmark RC Samobor

[Mon May 17 15:33:36 2004]
Velmal Osijek
Velmal Osijek

[Mon May 17 15:33:45 2004]
Pristanište i skladište Sisak
Pier and warehouse Sisak

[Mon May 17 15:33:47 2004]
In total

[Mon May 17 15:35:00 2004]

[Mon May 17 15:37:52 2004]
* Zamijenjen šećer s Ravnateljstvom za robne zalihe umjesto šećera smještenog u silos
* Sugar exchanged with Managership for commodity reserves instead of sugar placed in silo