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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:40 2004]
kuna i neto dobit 3,74 mil.
kuna and net gain 3,74 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:40 2004]

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:41 2004]
Badel 1862 je prošle godine ostvario samo 3,74 mil.
Badel 1862 last year is realized only 3,74 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:42 2004]
kuna neto dobiti, prema 53 mil.
kuna of net gains, according to 53 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:43 2004]
kuna dobiti iz prethodne godine.
kuna derives from previous years.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:43 2004]
Badelov prihod je lani također drastično smanjen, a dosegao je 321,86 mil.
Badelov income has been blabbed also drastically are reduced, and has reached 321,86 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:44 2004]
kuna, što je 118,1 mil.
kuna, what is 118,1 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:45 2004]
kuna manje nego 2002.
kuna fewer than 2002.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:45 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik page 9)

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:46 2004]
Lošinjska plovidba:
Lošinjska navigation:

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:47 2004]
lanjski gubitak 20,74 mil.
the last year's loss 20,74 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:51 2004]

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:55 2004]
Lošinjska plovidba smanjila je lani gubitak 26,3%, na 20,74 mil.
Lošinjska navigation has reduced let her blab the loss 26,3 %, on 20,74 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:43:17 2004]
kuna, zahvaljujući manjim operativnim troškovima i jeftinijem dolaru.
kuna, thanks to smaller running costs and cheaper dollar.

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:55 2004]
Tvrtka je gubitak ipak objasnila tečajnim razlikama i nepovoljnom situacijom na međunarodnom tržištu.
Company is loss nevertheless explain currency translation gains and losses and unfavourable situation on the international market.

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:56 2004]
Splitski Jadroplov je nedavno objavio da mu je povoljna situacija na međunarodnom tržištu omogućila pretvaranje 38 mil.
Split Jadroplov is recently announce that him favourable situation on the international market has enabled the pretending 38 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:57 2004]
kuna gubitka iz 2002.
kuna of loss from 2002.

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:57 2004]
, u 92 mil.
, in 92 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:58 2004]
kuna lanjske dobiti.
kuna of last year's profit.

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:58 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list page 9)

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:59 2004]

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:00 2004]
ponovno podigla cijene goriva
once more rise prices fuels

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:01 2004]
Ina je ponovno podigla cijene goriva, na nove rekordno visoko razine, pri čemu će benzin u prosjeku poskupiti još 2,9%, a dizel 3,4%.
Ina is once more rise prices fuels, on new record high levels, at what gas averagely will raise the price yet 2,9 %, and the diesel 3,4 %.

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:02 2004]
Litra Supera 98 stajat će 7,62 kune, a Supera 95 7,04 kune.
Liter of Super 98 stands 7,62 curses, and Super 95 7,04 curses.

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:02 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Jutarnji list page 2)

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:03 2004]

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:04 2004]

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:06 2004]
predsjednik Bush je izrazio žaljenje zbog najave povlačenja španjolskih vojnika iz Iraka
president Bush has expressed the regretting because of the announcement of retreats of Spanish soldiers from Iraq

[Tue Apr 20 11:47:08 2004]
Američki predsjednik Bush je izrazio žaljenje zbog najave povlačenja španjolskih vojnika iz Iraka, koje bi se, po procjenama Madrida, moglo obaviti za manje od šest tjedana.
The American president Bush has expressed the regretting because of the announcement of retreats of Spanish soldiers from Iraq, which was, according to evaluations of Madrid, can wrap for less than six weeks.

[Tue Apr 20 12:37:53 2004]
Američka vojska je postavila uvjete za prekid opsade Falluje, gdje od pobunjenika traži da predaju sve teško naoružanje.
The American army has laid down conditions for the break blockades Falluje, where than the rebel looks for that hand over all difficult armament.

[Wed Apr 21 11:10:43 2004]
Unibind u Hrvatskoj datira od X/2001.
Unibind operates in Croatia since October 2001

[Wed Apr 21 11:12:08 2004]
Unibind operates in Croatia since October 2001.

[Wed Apr 21 11:14:02 2004]
Tog datuma počinje suradnja sa distributerom FRAVERO d.o.o., Zagreb.
At that time it started the cooperation with the distributor FRAVERO Ltd., Zagreb.

[Wed Apr 21 11:19:54 2004]
U početku rad obilježava samo troje ljudi i to suvlasnici firme, te jedan komercijalista.
At first, only three employees worked there, all three of whom were co-proprietors of the company, and one business administrator.

[Wed Apr 21 11:20:45 2004]
Počinje prodaja Unibind Steelbinding produkata sa dotadašnjim kupcima uredskog materijala, koja se odvijala iz sestrinske firme iste vlasničke strukture.
Then started the sale of Unibind Steelbinding products to the earlier buyers of office material, which was conducted from a fellow subsidiary of the same ownership structure.

[Wed Apr 21 11:23:03 2004]
Dotadašnji kupci uredskog materijala postaju dobar poligon za početak prodaje koja se pokazuje vrlo uspješna.
The buyers of office material became a good polygon for the start of a sale, which turned out very successful.

[Wed Apr 21 11:24:38 2004]
Iskoristivši taj segment krenuli smo dalje za što nam je trebao dobar telemarketing.
Making use of this segment, we moved on, but we needed a good telemarketing.

[Wed Apr 21 11:24:38 2004]
Odmah u početku shvatili smo važnost tog radnog mjesta, te se potrudili naći pravu osobu
from the very beginning, we undrestood the importance of that working position, and we made an effort to find the right person for the job

[Wed Apr 21 11:29:33 2004]
Prve godine smo dosta lutali u pronalaženju pravog tima i usredotočili se na mktg.
In the first year we drifted a lot in trying to come upon the right team, and we focused our efforts on marketing

[Wed Apr 21 11:30:55 2004]
obradu dvije lokacije, na dva velika grada ZAGREB i RIJEKU.
In the first year we drifted a lot in trying to come upon the right team, and we focused our efforts on marketing research of two locations, in two large cities - ZAGREB and RIJEKA.

[Wed Apr 21 11:31:27 2004]
Tu je skoncentrirano 70 % industrije i kompletne privredne snage Hrvatske.
There is a concentration of 70 % of the industry and the complete economic powers of Croatia.

[Wed Apr 21 11:31:48 2004]
Hrvatska je relativno malo tržište sa 4,5 mil.
Croatia is a relatively small market with only 4.5 million

[Wed Apr 21 11:32:01 2004]
stanovnika i sa oko 1,2 mil.
5 million inhabitants and with approximately 1.2 million

[Wed Apr 21 11:32:01 2004]
2 million of employed citizens

[Wed Apr 21 11:33:13 2004]
Prva godina 2002.
Our first business year, 2002,

[Wed Apr 21 11:33:26 2004]
završava uspješno i ostvarujemo zadani plan Unibinda.
Our first business year, 2002, finished successfully and we realized the assigned plan of Unibind.

[Wed Apr 21 11:35:00 2004]
Poslovni plan za slijedeću godinu 2003.
The business plan for the following 2003

[Wed Apr 21 11:35:40 2004]
bio je prvenstveno okrenut u osvajanje velikih kupaca i proširenje lokacija izvan Zagreba i Rijeke.
The business plan for the following 2003 was primarily directed towards taking over big buyers and broadening our locations outside of Zagreb and Rijeka.

[Wed Apr 21 11:36:07 2004]
Za to su nam trebali novi komercijalisti i odlučili se na stalne agente sa ugovorom .
For that we needed new business administrators and we decided to emply permanent agents with contract.

[Wed Apr 21 11:36:19 2004]
Uspješno smo surađivali sa 3-4 stalna agenta.
We have successfully cooperated with 3 or 4 permanent agents.

[Wed Apr 21 11:37:54 2004]
We ended the year 2003

[Wed Apr 21 11:37:54 2004]
godinu završili smo sa 70 % boljim učinkom naspram 2002.godine i proširili za 100% broj korisnika.
We ended the year 2003 with 70 % better efficiency compared to the year 2002., and we expanded the number of our users by 100 %.

[Wed Apr 21 11:39:27 2004]
Danas imamo prodanih cca 350 aparata i 300 kupaca.
Up to this moment, we have sold approximately 350 appliances and cooperated with 300 buyers.

[Wed Apr 21 11:39:56 2004]
U 2003.
In 2003

[Wed Apr 21 11:44:11 2004]
već cca 50.000 komada.
000 steelbinding covers, and in the first quarter of 2004 we have already sold approximately 50.000 pieces.

[Wed Apr 21 11:44:11 2004]
Od toga na steelcrystal i mat otpada cca 83 %, back korica 13 %, i 4 % na Book korice.
Approximately 83% of that number accounts for steelcrystal and matte, 13 % on back covers, and 4 % on Book covers.

[Wed Apr 21 11:47:21 2004]
Za FRAVERO danas radi 10 ljudi, i to na poslovima direktne prodaje 5 komercijalista, post -prodaja 1 komercijalista, 1 na telemarketingu, 1 skladište i dostava, 2 direktora-financije i prodaja (ujedno i suvlasnici).
Today 10 people are employed in FRAVERO 10, of whom 5 business administrators work in direct sale 5, 1 business administrator in post-sale, 1 in telemarketing, 1 in warehouse and delivery service, 2 directors - finance and sales (coproprietors).

[Wed Apr 21 11:50:03 2004]
Za ovu 2004.godinu želimo mktg.
In the current 2004 we wolud like to axpand our marketing

[Wed Apr 21 11:51:16 2004]
proširiti i pokriti kompletno tržište Hrvatske, uvesti nove produkte za plastificiranje dokumenata i uvez na spiralu i žicu, te pojačati marketing na produktima za prezentaciju ( Portfolio i Duobiner mape).
In the current 2004 we wolud like to axpand our marketing and to cover entire Croatian market, to introduce new products for plasticizing of documents and spiral and wire binding, and also to intensify our marketing on presentation products (Portfolio and Duobiner maps).

[Wed Apr 21 11:51:16 2004]
Imamo ambiciozne planove za koje mislimo da ćemo ih i ostvariti zajedno sa Unibindom.
We have ambitious plans and we believe that we will realize them together with Unibind.

[Wed Apr 21 11:56:14 2004]
karta Hrvatske sa oznakom gradova Zagreba i Rijeke, oznaka 4,5 mil.
Map of Croatia with the designated cities of Zagreb and Rijeka, designation 4.5 million

[Wed Apr 21 11:56:14 2004]
5 million inhabitants

[Thu Apr 22 08:19:42 2004]
Javljam se na Vaš oglas za radno mjesto voditelja projekata
I am applying for your advertisement for the job of a project leader

[Thu Apr 22 08:21:26 2004]
Imam fakultetsku naobrazbu;
I have a college education;

[Thu Apr 22 08:22:48 2004]
diplomirani sam inženjer arhitekture tj. ovlašteni arhitekt s devetogodišnjim radnim iskustvom.
I am a graduated architecture engineer, i.e. I am an authorized architect with nine-year work experience.

[Thu Apr 22 08:24:21 2004]
Radila sam kao glavni projektant , imam iskustva u vođenju , razradi , organizaciji i koordinaciji projekata.
I worked as a chief planner, I have an experiences in managing, developing, organizing and coordinating of projects.

[Thu Apr 22 08:24:21 2004]
Osim u projektiranju, sudjelovala sam i u realizaciji projekata, konkretno na uređenju i adaptacijama objekata, a naročito me interesira rad na projektima turističke namjene.
Besides in designing, I have also participated and in the realization of projects, specifically in decoration and adaptations of objects, and I am especially interested in working on projects of tourist intended use.

[Thu Apr 22 08:25:15 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:25:22 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:26:05 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Thu Apr 22 08:27:42 2004]
U više bombaških napada u iračkoj Basri, za koje se pretpostavlja da su ih počinili bombaši samoubojice, poginulo je najmanje 68 Iračana.
In a number of bombing attacks in Basra, which are supposed to have been committed by suicide bombers, dies at least 68 Iraqis.

[Thu Apr 22 08:28:15 2004]
Napad je izveden ispred policijske stanice u središtu grada, a među stotinjak ozlijeđenih je i nekoliko britanskih vojnika, koji nadziru jug Iraka.
The attack was carried out in front of the police station in the town center, and among approximately a hundred injured people there were also several British soldiers, who supervised the south of Iraq.

[Thu Apr 22 08:28:16 2004]
Danska je potvrdila da je njen građanin za kojeg se vjerovalo da je otet pronađen mrtav.
Denmark has confirmed that its citizen for whom it was believed that has been kidnapped was found dead.

[Thu Apr 22 08:28:17 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:28:25 2004]
Saudijska Arabija:
Saudi Arabia:

[Thu Apr 22 08:29:13 2004]
eksplozija bombe
Bomb explosion

[Thu Apr 22 08:30:50 2004]
U eksploziji bombe u glavnom gradu Saudijske Arabije Rijadu poginule su četiri osobe, dok su ranija izvješća govorila o više od 10 žrtava.
In the explosion of a bomb in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, four persons were killed, while the earlier reports indicated more than 10 victims.

[Thu Apr 22 08:30:50 2004]
Napadnuta je zgrada ministarstva prometa, u koju se zaletio automobil bomba koji je vozio bombaš samoubojica, najvjerojatnije iz militantnih islamističkih krugova.
The attacked building is a Ministry of Transport, in which crushed a car bomb which was driven by a suicide bomber, most probably from the militant Islamic circles.

[Thu Apr 22 08:30:58 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:31:04 2004]
Bliski istok:
Middle East:

[Thu Apr 22 08:31:44 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Thu Apr 22 08:34:18 2004]
Izraelska vojska usmrtila je devet Palestinaca prilikom ulaska u grad Beit Lahija u Pojasu Gaze, a među poginulima su i četiri palestinska militanta.
The Israeli army killed nine Palestinians during their entry into the town Beit Lahi in Gaza Strip, and among the killed were four Palestinian militants.

[Thu Apr 22 08:34:22 2004]
Izrael je objavio da je akcija vezana uz uništenje lokacija s kojih se lansiraju palestinske rakete domaće izrade, kojih je posljednjih dana ispaljeno najmanje 15, bez veće štete po Izraelce.
Israel has announced that the action was related to destruction of locations from which Palestinian rockets of native manufacture were being launched, at least 15 of which were launched in tha last couple of days, without a greater damage to the Israelis.

[Thu Apr 22 08:34:23 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:35:03 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:36:42 2004]
predviđeni postotak rasta svjetskog gospodarstva povećan na 4,6%
Expected percentage of world economy growth increased by 4.6 %

[Thu Apr 22 08:38:22 2004]
Međunarodni monetarni fond podigao je procjenu rasta svjetskog gospodarstva ove godine s ranijih 4,1% na 4,6%, dok bi se rast sljedeće godine trebao blago usporiti na 4,4%.
The International Monetary Fund increased the evaluation of world economy growth this year from the earlier 4.1 % to 4.6 %, while the growth in the following year should be mildly decreased on 4.4 %.

[Thu Apr 22 08:38:23 2004]
MMF je upozorio i na mogućnost rasta kamata u većini vodećih gospodarstva, ubrzanjem ritma gospodarskog oporavka.
IMF has cautioned on the growth potential of interest rates in majority of leading economies, by acceleration of economic recovery rate.

[Thu Apr 22 08:38:24 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:39:44 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:41:59 2004]
uskoro će biti potrebno podići kamatne stope radi obuzdavanja snažnog rasta američkog gospodarstva
It will soon be necessary to raise the interest rates in order to restrain powerful growth of the US economy

[Thu Apr 22 08:44:39 2004]
Čelnik američkog Feda Alan Greenspan rekao je pred odborom američkog Kongresa da američko gospodarstvo ostvaruje snažan rast, pa će zbog obuzdavanja inflacije biti potrebno podići kamatne stope.
Alan Greenspan, the leader of the US Fed, has said before the Congress committee that the US economy is accomplishing a powerful growth, and that in order to restrain the inflation it would be necessary to raise the interest rates.

[Thu Apr 22 08:44:40 2004]
Greenspan je ipak dodao da ga inflacija zasad ne zabrinjava, a slične izjave koje su protumačene naznakom skorog podizanja Fed-ove referentne kamatne stope od 1%, Greenspan je izrekao i prekjučer, pred odborom Senata.
Nevertheless, Greenspan added that inflation does not worry him at the moment, and similar statements which were interpreted as an indication of forthcoming raise of the Fed reference interest rate of 1 %, Greenspan declared the day before yesterday, before the Senate committee.

[Thu Apr 22 08:44:41 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:44:58 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:45:26 2004]
Tršenjevački Centar za socijalnu skrb:
Trešnjevka Center for Social Care:

[Thu Apr 22 08:46:18 2004]
uspješno završena talačka kriza
Successfully concluded hostage crisis

[Thu Apr 22 08:46:54 2004]
Nakon tri sata talačke krize u Centru za socijalnu skrb na zagrebačkoj Trešnjevci, otmičar Mirko G.
After three hours of a hostage crises at the Social Care Center in Zagreb's Trešnjevka, the kidnapper Mirko G.

[Thu Apr 22 08:47:39 2004]
se predao policiji kad su mu obećan stan, mirovina i 100.000 kuna.
surrended himself to the police after he was promised a flat, a pension and 100.000 kuna.

[Thu Apr 22 08:48:16 2004]
Nekadašnji pripadnik pričuvnog sastava MUP-a Mirko G.
A former member of a reserve group of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mirko G. has

[Thu Apr 22 08:51:30 2004]
je prethodno razoružao stražara i držao četvero djelatnika Centra kao taoce.
has first disarmed a guard and held four employees of the Center as hostages.

[Thu Apr 22 08:51:35 2004]
Neslužbeno se saznaje da je ranije zbog dugova kamatarima prodao dva stana, a već je prijavljivan zbog zlostavljanja obitelji.
According to the unofficial information, because of a debt, he has previously sold two of his flats to loan sharkers, and he was on several occasions reported on account of family abuse.

[Thu Apr 22 08:51:36 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 2)
(Večernji list, page 2)

[Thu Apr 22 08:51:51 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 08:52:02 2004]
većinom sunčano i razmjerno toplo.
Predominantly sunny and relatively warm.

[Thu Apr 22 08:52:02 2004]
Na Jadranu sunčano.
Sunny on the Adriatic.

[Thu Apr 22 09:13:53 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 09:14:23 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 09:14:23 2004]
arhitekture, Arhitektonski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
in architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb

[Thu Apr 22 09:18:00 2004]
suradnik u kulturno znanstvenim ustanovama, Jezična gimnazija (kulturni smjer) u Zagrebu
Associate in cultural scientific institutions, Language high school (cultural course) in Zagreb

[Thu Apr 22 09:21:39 2004]
voditelj marketinških projekata
manager of marketing projects

[Thu Apr 22 09:25:03 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 09:48:34 2004]
Ostali podaci
Other information

[Thu Apr 22 09:50:59 2004]
Microsoft Office, Auto - CAD
Microsoft Office, Auto - CAD

[Thu Apr 22 09:50:59 2004]
Adobe Protoshop, CorelDraw
Adobe Protoshop, CorelDraw

[Thu Apr 22 10:14:09 2004]
Osnovnu i srednju školu pohađala sam u Zagrebu, maturirala sam 1988.
I finished primary and secondary school in Zagreb, and graduated from Language high school in 1988.

[Thu Apr 22 10:14:51 2004]
I finished primary and secondary school in Zagreb, and graduated from Language high school in 1988

[Thu Apr 22 10:15:18 2004]
u Jezičnoj gimnaziji (kulturni smjer), služim se engleskim jezikom, a talijanskim i francuski jezik sam učila.
I finished primary and secondary school in Zagreb, and graduated from Language high school in 1988 (cultural course), I speak English language, and I have learned Italian and French language.

[Thu Apr 22 10:15:20 2004]
Na Arhitektonskom fakultetu diplomirala sam 1995.
I graduated on the Faculty of Architectonics in 1995.

[Thu Apr 22 10:15:39 2004]
I graduated on the Faculty of Architectonics in 1995

[Thu Apr 22 10:15:39 2004]
u klasi prof Filipovića
I graduated on the Faculty of Architectonics in 1995 in the class of professor Filipović

[Thu Apr 22 10:18:25 2004]
Tokom studija radila honorarno sam stjecala radno iskustvo u arhitektonskim biroima (Comikon, Biro-ing, AR Projekt ).
During the study I worked part-time, acquiring work experience in architectual bureaus (Comikon, Biro-ing, AR Project).

[Thu Apr 22 10:18:25 2004]
Obzirom da volim putovati, kao član EASA-e (Europsko udruženje studenata arhitekture) sudjelovala sam u radionicama koje su se organizirale po Europi.
Since I like to travel, as a member of EASA (European Association of Students of Architecture) I have participated in workshops which were organized throughout Europe.

[Thu Apr 22 10:21:32 2004]
Odmah nakon završenog studija zaposlila sam se u Ministarstvu prostornog uređenja u odjelu za prostorno planiranje kao pripravnik;
Immediately after graduation from the university I was employed in the Ministry of Zoning in the department for the urban planning as a trainee;

[Thu Apr 22 10:23:46 2004]
konkretno radila sam na izdavanjima lokacijskih dozvola.
specifically, I worked on issuing of location permits.

[Thu Apr 22 10:24:32 2004]
Zatim sam se zaposlila u ZTP Investu-u, gdje sam radila na poslovima projektiranja (Hotel Riva u Rabu, stambene zgrade na Bijeniku), potom u projetnom uredu Apis (stambeni objekt u Novoj cesti - publicirano, trg A.
Then I got a job in ZTP Invest, where I worked on jobs of designing (Hotel Riva in Rab, residential buildings on Bijenik), and afterwards in project office Apis (residential object in Nova cesta - published, A.

[Thu Apr 22 10:25:27 2004]
Mihanovića u Klanjcu- publicirano, disco- club, etc.)
Mihanović Square in Klanjec- published, disco-club, etc.)

[Thu Apr 22 10:26:20 2004]
2000 god.
In the year 2000

[Thu Apr 22 10:27:02 2004]
zaposlila sam se u Iskon Internetu.
In the year 2000 I got a job in Iskon Internet.

[Thu Apr 22 10:36:53 2004]
pločica u Ozaljskoj ulici - izložba realizacija, poslovni objekt Tim Novak, adaptacija bivše tržnice u Poreču u javni akvarij ŤAquarium Porečť - izložba realizacija, adaptacija Ladanjske vile u Funtani u malen hotel, etc.
I am currently employed in the company Temex on jobs of project managing, which includes the creation of investments, development of projects, designing, supervision and coordination (industrial objects, urban villas, adaptations of sanitary salons and ceramic tiles in Ozaljska street - realization exhibition, business object Tim Novak, adaptation of a former market in Poreč into a public aquarium ŤAquarium Porečť - realization exhibition, adaptation of a rural villa in Funtana into a small hotel, etc.

[Thu Apr 22 10:36:53 2004]
). Konkretno od idejnog projekta, ishođavanja dozvola i kontakata sa referentima do samog građenja.
To be more specific, I do jobs from preliminary design, acquiring licenses and contacting with officials, to the construction itself.

[Thu Apr 22 10:41:32 2004]
Komunikativna sam, fleksibilna i dinamična osoba sklona timskom radu, te sam silno zainteresirana za rad u vašoj tvrtci, obzirom da me naročitio zanima rad na projektima veznim za obnavljanje i unapređenje turističkih objekata.
I am a communicative, flexible and dynamic person inclined to teamwork, and I am very interested in working in your company, since I am particularly interested in working on the projects concerning the renovation and promotion of tourist objects.

[Thu Apr 22 10:41:32 2004]
Unaprijed Vam se zahvaljujem na ukazanom povijerenju.
I thank you in advance on your confidence.

[Thu Apr 22 11:01:21 2004]
Interijeri u Kaptol centru
Interiors in Kaptol Center

[Thu Apr 22 11:01:23 2004]
Trgovačko poslovni centar sa tržnicom ŤKvatrićť
Commercial business center with a market ŤKvatrićť

[Thu Apr 22 11:01:25 2004]
Američka Ambasada, Buzin
American Embassy, Buzin

[Thu Apr 22 11:01:29 2004]
Interijer Galović
Interior Galović

[Thu Apr 22 11:01:46 2004]
Interijer Kobra
Interior Kobra

[Thu Apr 22 11:23:31 2004]
Interijer vile i uređenje vrta sa bazenom u Vodicama
Interior of a villa and decoration of garden with a pool in Vodice

[Thu Apr 22 11:24:13 2004]
Stambeno naselje u Bleiwaisovoj ul.
Housing project in Bleiwaisova St.

[Thu Apr 22 11:24:22 2004]
Dogradnja skladišta ŤGavrilovićť
Annexing of the ŤGavrilovićť warehouse

[Thu Apr 22 11:24:33 2004]
Stambena zgrada u Sokolgradskoj ul.
Residential building in Sokolgradska street

[Thu Apr 22 11:24:36 2004]
Mercedes-benz , Euroline
Mercedes-benz, Euroline

[Thu Apr 22 11:24:39 2004]
Kozmetički salon Jasna
Beauty salon Jasna

[Thu Apr 22 11:25:56 2004]
Hala u Zaprešiću
Hall in Zaprešić

[Thu Apr 22 11:26:06 2004]
Dogradnja i uređenje interijera salona sanitarne opreme i ker.
Annexing and decoration of the interior of a sanitary equipment and ceramics salon

[Thu Apr 22 11:26:10 2004]
u Ozaljskoj ul.
Annexing and decoration of the interior of a sanitary equipment and ceramics salon in Ozaljska street

[Thu Apr 22 11:26:19 2004]
, Aquaboutique ( Omega Nova)
Annexing and decoration of the interior of a sanitary equipment and ceramics salon in Ozaljska street, Aquaboutique (Omega Nova)

[Thu Apr 22 11:26:32 2004]
Javni akvarij u Poreču , Aquarium Poreč
Public aquarium in Poreč, Aquarium Poreč

[Thu Apr 22 11:26:38 2004]
Trgovački centar , Vodice
Shopping center, Vodice

[Thu Apr 22 11:26:49 2004]
Vikend kuća na Rabu
Weekend house on Rabu

[Thu Apr 22 11:27:07 2004]
Vila Damvergis, Gračani
Villa Damvergis, Gračani

[Thu Apr 22 11:27:24 2004]
Uređenje salona sanitarne opreme i ker.
Decoration of a sanitary equipment and ceramics salon

[Thu Apr 22 11:27:24 2004]
Tim Novak u Škorpikovoj ul.
Decoration of a sanitary equipment and ceramics salon Tim Novak in Škorpikova street

[Thu Apr 22 11:28:06 2004]
projekt interijera
project of an interior

[Thu Apr 22 11:28:18 2004]
izvedbeni projekt
executional project

[Thu Apr 22 11:28:27 2004]
glavni projekt
main project

[Thu Apr 22 11:28:36 2004]
projekt interijera
interior project

[Thu Apr 22 11:28:38 2004]
projekt interijera
interior project

[Thu Apr 22 11:28:45 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 11:29:04 2004]
izvedbeni nacrti
execution design

[Thu Apr 22 11:29:05 2004]
izvedbeni nacrt
execution design

[Thu Apr 22 11:29:14 2004]
glavni projekt
main project

[Thu Apr 22 11:29:24 2004]
idejni projekt
preliminary design

[Thu Apr 22 11:29:30 2004]
projekt interijera
interior project

[Thu Apr 22 11:29:37 2004]
projekt, nadzor
project, supervision

[Thu Apr 22 11:30:05 2004]
projekt, izvedba, nadzor
project, execution, supervision

[Thu Apr 22 11:30:12 2004]
idejni i izvedbeni project, nadzor
preliminary and execution design, supervision

[Thu Apr 22 11:30:13 2004]
izvedbeni projekt
executional project

[Thu Apr 22 11:30:22 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 11:30:28 2004]
idejni i glavni projekt
preliminary and main project

[Thu Apr 22 11:30:28 2004]
idejni i izvedbeni nadzor
ideological and execution supervision

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:38 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:45 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:49 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:52 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:56 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:57 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:57 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:58 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:31:59 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:00 2004]

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:11 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:16 2004]
voditelj projekta
project manager

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:17 2004]
autor i glavni projektant
author and main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:18 2004]
autor i glavni projektant
author and main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:19 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:21 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:32 2004]
autor i glavni projektant
author and main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:32:32 2004]
autor i gl. projektant
author and main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:41:21 2004]
Uređenje interijera građanskog stana u Centru Zagrebu
Interior decoration of a flat in Zagreb center

[Thu Apr 22 11:41:39 2004]
Tri urbane vile na Bukovcu
Three urban villas on Bukovac

[Thu Apr 22 11:42:07 2004]
Bio -plinsko postrojenje u Dvoru
Bio-gas plant in Dvor

[Thu Apr 22 11:42:24 2004]
Dogradnja kuće na Trešnjevci
Annexing of a household on Trešnjevka

[Thu Apr 22 11:42:33 2004]
Projekt obiteljske kuće u Stupniku
Design of a family house in Stupniku

[Thu Apr 22 11:42:38 2004]
Projekt obiteljske kuće u Brezovici
Design of a family house in Brezovica

[Thu Apr 22 11:42:52 2004]
Hala u Stupniku
Hall in Stupnik

[Thu Apr 22 11:43:02 2004]
Adaptacija ladanjske vile u Funtani
Adaptation of a rural villa in Funtana

[Thu Apr 22 11:43:21 2004]
Projekt obiteljske kuće u Poreču
Design of a family house in Poreč

[Thu Apr 22 11:43:35 2004]
Adaptacija lifta i sanitarija na Velesajmu
Adaptation of elevator and toilet facilities on Velesajam

[Thu Apr 22 11:43:35 2004]
Adaptacija urbane vile na Perjavici
Adaptation of an urban villa on Perjavica

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:11 2004]
idejni i izvedbeni nadzor
preliminary and execution supervision

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:26 2004]
idejni projekt
preliminary design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:39 2004]
idejni i gl. projekt
preliminary and main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:44 2004]
idejni i glavni projekt
preliminary and main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:45 2004]
glavni projekt
main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:45 2004]
glavni projekt
main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:46 2004]
glavni projekt
main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:46 2004]
glavni projekt
main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:44:59 2004]
glavni projekt
main design

[Thu Apr 22 11:45:07 2004]
projekt adaptacije
adaptation design

[Thu Apr 22 11:45:07 2004]
projekt interijera
interior design

[Thu Apr 22 11:45:48 2004]
glavni projektant voditelj projekta
main planning engineer project manager

[Thu Apr 22 11:45:57 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:04 2004]
voditelj projekta
project manager

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:07 2004]
voditelj projekta
project manager

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:10 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:18 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:25 2004]
voditelj projekta
project manager

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:27 2004]
voditelj projekta
project manager

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:30 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:32 2004]
planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 11:46:33 2004]
glavni projektant
main planning engineer

[Thu Apr 22 14:13:27 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'tst crd' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'tst crd' we press the button Team.

[Thu Apr 22 14:15:04 2004]
Prilikom aktiviranja ključa ili žetonjere javiti će se kratki zvučni signal i zasvijetliti će lampice FAULT.
When activating the key or coin selector there appears a short audio signal and FAULT lamps start flashing.

[Thu Apr 22 14:15:23 2004]
Prilikom testiranja ključa ili žetonjere krediti se ne uključuju niti se upisuju u knjigovodstvo ili na brojač.
When testings the key or coin selector the credits do not switch on nor register in the bookkeeping or on the numerator.

[Thu Apr 22 14:15:23 2004]
Sa tipkom Team izlazimo iz podmenija
With the Team button Tms we exit the submenu

[Thu Apr 22 14:42:34 2004]
Ako je mikroprekidač br.4 u poziciji ON na displayu će biti ispisan broj kredita.
4 is in the position ON, the display will show the number of credits.

[Thu Apr 22 14:43:14 2004]
Ovo elektronsko knjigovodstvo je siguran bezbaterijski dvostruki obračunski sistem za stalnu kontrolu prihoda.
This electronic bookkeeping is a safe no-battery double accounting system for permanent income control.

[Thu Apr 22 15:57:22 2004]
Ne da se izbrisati i podaci se čuvaju stalno.
It cannot be erased and the data are kept permanently.

[Thu Apr 22 15:58:01 2004]
Na prvom i drugom displayu igrača, šesteroznamenkasti elektronski brojčanik, prikazani su svi krediti uključeni preko ulaza br.1 (ključ), dok su na trećem i četvrtom displayu igrača, šesteroznamenkasti elektronski brojčanik, prikazani svi krediti uključeni preko ulaza br.2 (žetonjera).
On the first and the second player display, a six-digit electronic numerator, all the credits that are switched on through the entrance no.1 (key) are displayed, while on the third and the fourth player display, a six-digit electronic numerator, all the credits switched on through the entrance no.2 (coin selector) are displayed.

[Thu Apr 22 15:58:01 2004]
Iz glavnog knjigovodstva izlazimo prebacujući mikroprekidač br.4 u poziciju OFF.
We exit the main bookkeeping by switching the microswitch no.4 into the OFF position.

[Thu Apr 22 15:59:14 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 08:19:42 2004]
Ako je mikroprekidač br.5 u poziciji ON na displayu će biti ispis broja kredita.
5 is in the position ON the displayu will show the number of credits.

[Fri Apr 23 08:20:46 2004]
Ovo knjigovodstvo je pomoćno i može se izbrisati držeći tipku Team 5 sec.
This bookkeeping is helpful and was can be erased by holding the button Team for 5 seconds.

[Fri Apr 23 08:22:49 2004]
Ovo knjigovodstvo se isto tako može očitati bez otvaranja aparata i prebacivanja mikroprekidača br.5 u stanje ON.
This bookkeeping can also be read without opening the devices and switching the microswitch no.5 in the ON position.

[Fri Apr 23 08:23:41 2004]
Da bi se pomoćno (konobarsko) knjigovodstvo očitalo samo je potrebno ugasiti aparat, stisnuti tipku Double In, Cut Throat i ponovo upaliti aparat, a na displayima će biti ispisano stanje kredita.
In order to read the auxiliary (waiter) bookkeeping you just need to turn out the device, press the button Double In, Cut Throat and turn the device back on, and the displays will show the state of credit.

[Fri Apr 23 08:25:05 2004]
Kad se pusti tipka Double In, Cut Throat aparat se odmah vraća u demo mode ili u eksploataciju ako ima kredita.
When the button Double In, Cut Throat is released, the device immediately returns into demo mode or into exploitation if there are any credits.

[Fri Apr 23 08:25:50 2004]
Kada se stanje očitava izvana knjigovodstvo se ne da izbrisati, brisanje stanja je moguće samo ako se mikroprekidač br.5 prebaci na ON.
When the state is read from outside the bookkeeping cannot be erased, the deletion of the state is possible only if the microswitch no.5 is switched to ON.

[Fri Apr 23 08:28:15 2004]
Ovaj način je omogućen zbog jednostavnog uvida osoblja i zato se ovo knjigovodstvo još zove i konobarsko.
This method is possible because of a simple insight of staff and therefore this bookkeeping is also called waiter bookkeeping.

[Fri Apr 23 08:28:49 2004]
Na prvom i drugom displayu igrača, šesteroznamenkasti elektronski brojčanik, prikazani su svi krediti uključeni preko ulaza br.1 (ključ), dok su na trećem i četvrtom displayu igrača, šesteroznamenkasti elektronski brojčanik, prikazani svi krediti uključeni preko ulaza br.2 (žetonjera).
On the first and the second player display, a six-digit electronic numerator, all the credits which are included through the entrance no.1 (key) are displayed, while are on the third and the fourth player display, a six-digit electronic numerator, all the credits included through the entrance no.2 (coin selector) are displayed.

[Fri Apr 23 08:28:49 2004]
Iz pomoćnog knjigovodstva se izlazi prebacujući mikroprekidač br.5 u poziciju OFF.
We exit the auxiliary bookkeeping by switching the microswitch no.5 into the OFF position.

[Fri Apr 23 08:31:31 2004]
Mikroprekdiačem br. 6 postavljamo aparat u turnir mode.
With the microswitch no. 6 we set the device into tournament mode.

[Fri Apr 23 08:31:57 2004]
Ovdje postoji mogućnost igranja igri uz beskonačan broj rundi.
Here we have a possibility of playing games with the infinite number of rounds.

[Fri Apr 23 08:31:57 2004]
Isključeni su zvučni efekti za postignute bodove do vrijednosti 50.
The sound effects for achieved points up to the value 50 are turned off.

[Fri Apr 23 08:34:54 2004]
Inicijalizacija E-eproma i RAM-a je moguća ako je mikroprekidač br.7 u ON položaju.
Initialization of E-eprom and RAM is possible if the microswitch no.7 is in the ON position.

[Fri Apr 23 08:35:18 2004]
Inicijalizacija služi postavljanju tvornički definiranih parametara koji su opisani pod stavkom 5.8.
Initialization serves for setting up manufactured defined parameters described under subsection 5.8.

[Fri Apr 23 08:36:25 2004]
, u slučaju da se nestručnim rukovanjem promjene.
, in case they are changed by unprofessional handling.

[Fri Apr 23 08:36:47 2004]
Da bi se inicijalizirao aparat potrebno je pritisnuti tipku Team i držati cca 3 sekunde dok se ne čuje dugačak zvučni signal kojem prethode tri kratka signala.
In order to initialize the device it is necessary to press the button Team and hold it for approximately 3 seconds until we hear a long audio signal preceded by three short signals.

[Fri Apr 23 08:37:55 2004]
Nakon zvučnog signala parametri su podešeni na tvorničke vrijednosti.
After the audio signal the parameters are set on factory values.

[Fri Apr 23 08:37:55 2004]
Prilikom inicijalizacije ne briše se glavno knjigovodstvo, ali prilikom inicijalizacije RAM-a briše se trenutno stanje kredita na displayu.
During initialization the main bookkeeping is not erased, but during the initialization of RAM a current state of credit on the displayu gets erased.

[Fri Apr 23 08:40:01 2004]
Unutar ovog menija možemo podešavati razne vrijednosti vezane uz cijenu kredita, dužinu igara, nagradnu igru i sl.
Inside this menu we can set different values related to the credit price, game length, winner game, etc.

[Fri Apr 23 08:40:43 2004]
Kad podesimo mikroprekidač br.8 u položaj ON aktiviramo ovaj meni.
When we set the microswitch no.8 in the ON position, we activate this menu.

[Fri Apr 23 08:40:47 2004]
U tablici 1 su prikazani tvornički definirani parametri koji se postvljaju inicijaliziranjem E-eproma, (paragraf 5.7.)
The table 1 shows factory defined parameters which are set by initialization of E-eprom, (paragraph 5.7.)

[Fri Apr 23 08:40:47 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 08:45:12 2004]
U ovom meniju se krećemo kao i u test meniju, sa tipkama Player, Double In, Cut Throat, 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 i Team Tipka Team služi za otvaranje željenog podmenija, njegovo zatvaranje i potvrđivanje izbora nove vrijednosti.
We move through this menu as through the test menu, with buttons Player, Double In, Cut Throat, 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 and Team. Team button serves for opening the desired submenu, its closing and confirming the choice of a new value.

[Fri Apr 23 08:46:22 2004]
Tipka Double In, Cut Throat služi za kretanje prema naprijed i za povećavanje vrijednosti, a tipka 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 za kretanje u nazad i smanjivanje vrijednosti po meniju i podmeniju.
Button Double In, Cut Throat serves for moving forward and for increasing the values, and button 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 for moving in backward and decrease the value in the menu and submenu.

[Fri Apr 23 08:46:22 2004]
Samo u opciji 'price adjust' (namještanje cijena) i 'round adjust' tipka Player služi za kretanje u podmeniju jer se sa tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 mijenjamo vrijednosti.
Only in the option 'price adjust' (setting of the price) and 'round adjust' the Player button serves for moving through the submenu because with buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we change values.

[Fri Apr 23 08:51:42 2004]
Stiskanjem tipke Team otvaramo podmeni.
By pressing the Team button we open the submenu.

[Fri Apr 23 08:52:48 2004]
U podmeniju se krećemo (mijenjamo igre) tipkom Players, a tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 mijenjamo cijene igara.
We move through the submenu (change games) by the Player button, and change the prices with buttons Double In, Will hear Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.

[Fri Apr 23 08:53:36 2004]
Kad smo namjestili vrijednosti tipkom Team potvrđujemo novi izbor i zatvaramo podmeni.
When we have set the values, we confirm our new choice by pressing the Team button and we close the submenu.

[Fri Apr 23 08:53:36 2004]
U tablici 2 imamo uobičajene cijene igara koje su određene prilikom inicijalizacije.
The table 2 shows customary game prices which are determined during the initialization.

[Fri Apr 23 08:58:21 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set rnd' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the displayu shows 'set rnd' we press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 09:00:03 2004]
Stiskanjem tipke Team otvaramo podmeni.
By pressing the Team button we open the submenu.

[Fri Apr 23 09:07:52 2004]
U podmeniju se krećemo (mijenjamo igre) tipkom Players, a tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 mijenjamo broj rundi igara.
We move through the submenu (change games) by pressing the Player button, and with the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we change the number of game rounds.

[Fri Apr 23 09:07:52 2004]
Kad smo namjestili vrijednosti tipkom Team potvrđujemo novi izbor i zatvaramo podmeni
When we have set the values we confirm our new choice by pressing the Team button and close the submenu

[Fri Apr 23 09:11:48 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set tim' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the Double In, Cut Throat button we move onward and when the display shows 'set tim' we press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 09:12:29 2004]
Unutar ovoga podizbora možemo mijenjati i utvrditi maksimalno vrijeme koje ima igrač za bacanje svake strelice u metu.
Inside this submenu we can change and determine maximum time that a player has for throwing each arrow at the target.

[Fri Apr 23 09:12:53 2004]
Sa tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 mijenjamo vrijeme od 00 do 60 sekundi, uvećavajući ga za 10 sekundi.
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we change the time from 00 to 60 seconds, increasing it for 10 seconds.

[Fri Apr 23 09:13:52 2004]
Vrijeme se vidi na privremenom displayu rezultata (TEMPORAL).
The time is shown on temporary display of results (TEMPORAL).

[Fri Apr 23 09:14:44 2004]
Ako odaberemo nulu (00), tada za sve strelice imamo neograničeno vrijeme.
If we choose zero (00), then we have unlimited time for all arrows.

[Fri Apr 23 09:14:44 2004]
Kada smo odredili vremensku granicu, da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti, trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
When we have determined the time limit, in order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 09:23:18 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set cnt' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set cnt' we press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 09:24:07 2004]
Unutar ovoga podizbora možemo mijenjati broj okretaja mehaničkog brojčanika u odnosu na broj kredita i to od 0 do 10.
Inside this submenu we can change the revolution of mechanical numerator in relation to the number of credits from 0 to 10.

[Fri Apr 23 09:25:12 2004]
Broj kazuje koliko kredita od 10 neće biti prikazano na mehaničkom brojčaniku.
The number tells us the how many credits out of 10 will not be displayed on mechanical numerator.

[Fri Apr 23 09:25:52 2004]
Tako npr broj 3 kaže da će od 10 ubačenih kredita na brojčaniku biti otkucanih samo 7.
So for example, number 3 tells that out of 10 inserted credits the numerator will show only 7.

[Fri Apr 23 09:26:43 2004]
Ako se odabere broj 10 mehanički brojčanik je isključen.
If number 10 is chosen, the numerator gets automatically turned off.

[Fri Apr 23 09:26:43 2004]
Kada smo odredili željenu vrijednost, da bismo je potvrdili i pohranili, trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
When we have determined the desired value, in order to confirm and store it, we need to pressed the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 09:29:08 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:29:27 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:30:40 2004]
sudar teretnih vlakova
Freight-trains crash

[Fri Apr 23 09:31:44 2004]
U sudaru dvaju teretnih vlakova s gorivom u Sjevernoj Koreji, blizu granice s Kinom, poginulo je, po dosadašnjim izvješćima, do 3.000 ljudi.
In the crash of two fuel freight-trains in North Corea, near the Chinese border, died, according to current reports, up to 3,000 people.

[Fri Apr 23 09:31:45 2004]
Pretpostavlja se da je jedan od vlakova prevozio ukapljeni plin, a tvrdi se da je stanica u kojoj su se vlakovi sudarili potpuno uništena.
It is assumed that one of the trains was transporting liquefied gas, and there are claims that the station in which the trains collides is completely destroyed.

[Fri Apr 23 09:31:46 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:31:54 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:32:53 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Fri Apr 23 09:34:45 2004]
Američka vojska nastavlja opsadu iračke Falluje, gdje od nekoliko stotina pobunjenika očekuje predaju oružja.
The American army continues the siege of Falluja, where they expect several hundreds of rebels to surrender their weapons.

[Fri Apr 23 09:35:54 2004]
Nakon borbi u okolici grada u srijedu, u kojima su Amerikanci usmrtili 36 iračkih pobunjenika, Iračanima je rečeno da za predaju oružja imaju nekoliko dana, a ne tjedana.
After the struggles in near the town on Wednesday, in which the Americans killed 36 Iraqi rebels, the Iraqis were told to the surrender their weapons in a matter of days, not weeks.

[Fri Apr 23 09:35:55 2004]
Amerikanci su objavili i da je u nedavnoj eskalaciji nasilja polovica pripadnika iračkih snaga sigurnosti odbilo suradnju ili je surađivalo s pobunjenicima.
The Americans have announced that during the recent escalation of violence half of the members of Iraqi security forces refused to cooperate or has collaborated with the rebels.

[Fri Apr 23 09:37:18 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:42:44 2004]
Vrijednost dolara raste
Dollar value increasing

[Fri Apr 23 09:43:43 2004]
Dolar je nakon govora čelnika Fed-a Greenspana, koji je shvaćen naznakom skorog rasta kamata, jučer dosegao najviši tečaj prema svjetskim valutama u zadnjih pet mjeseci.
After the speech of the Fed director, Alan Greenspan, which was understood as a sign of forthcoming interest growth, yesterday reached the highest course according to world currencies in the last five months.

[Fri Apr 23 09:43:44 2004]
Tečaj dolara prema euru u Tokyju je dosegao $1,178, prešavši granicu od $1,18 za euro, prvi put od studenog.
Course of dollar according to euro reached in Tokyo $ 1.178, exceeding the limit of $ 1.18 for euro, first time since November.

[Fri Apr 23 09:43:45 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:46:09 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:46:57 2004]
mogla bi odustati od politike vezivanja tečaja uz dolar
Possible to drop the policy of pegging with the dollar

[Fri Apr 23 09:50:25 2004]
Kina bi mogla odustati od politike vezivanja tečaja uz dolar, nakon dugotrajnog pritiska SAD-a i MMF-a.
China could drop its policy of pegging with the dollar, after a long-lasting pressure from the USA and IMF.

[Fri Apr 23 09:50:25 2004]
Zamjenik guvernera narodne banke Guo Shuqing rekao je u razgovoru za Financial Times da kineska vlada drži da je plivanje tečaja bolje od vezivanja, no Peking istovremeno nastoji ublažiti američki pritisak na smanjenje trgovinskog suficita najavom oštre borbe protiv piratske krađe američkog intelektualnog vlasništva.
Deputy governor of the national bank, Guo Shuqing, said in the interview for Financial Times that Chinese government thinks that the float is better than pegging, but at the same time Beijing is trying to attenuate the US pressure on the decrease of trade surpluses by announcing a harsh struggle against the piratic theft of the American intellectual property.

[Fri Apr 23 09:50:27 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:50:28 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:51:36 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:51:40 2004]
u provom tromjesječju prodaja $756 mil.
Sale reached $ 756 million and profit $ 220 million in the first quarter

[Fri Apr 23 09:54:51 2004]
i dobit $200 mil.
Sale reached $ 756 million and profit $ 220 million in the first quarter

[Fri Apr 23 09:55:38 2004]
Američki pružatelj usluga dražbi preko Interneta eBay gotovo je udvostručio dobit u prvom tromjesečju godine, dosegavši profit od $200 mil.
eBay, the US Internet auction services provider almost doubled its earnings in the first quarter of the year, after reaching the profit of $ 200 million

[Fri Apr 23 09:57:36 2004]
Prodaja preko eBaya je porasla 59% i dosegla $756 mil.
eBay, the US Internet auction services provider almost doubled its earnings in the first quarter of the year, after reaching the profit of $ 200 million eBay sale was increased by 59 % and reached $ 756 million

[Fri Apr 23 09:57:36 2004]
, što je znatno više od predviđanja analitičara i nešto više od plana, a u eBayu su ocijenili da sve više postaju kanal za mainstream trgovinu i e-poslovanje.
eBay, the US Internet auction services provider almost doubled its earnings in the first quarter of the year, after reaching the profit of $ 200 million eBay sale was increased by 59 % and reached $ 756 million, which is much more than the analysts predicted and slightly more than was planned, and the eBay estimated that they are increasingly becoming a channel for mainstream trading and e-business.

[Fri Apr 23 09:58:08 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 09:58:16 2004]
Preminula književnica Sunčana Škrinjarić
Writer Sunčana Škrinjarić died

[Fri Apr 23 09:59:50 2004]
U Zagrebu je u srijedu u 74.
In Zagreb on Wednesday in 74.

[Fri Apr 23 10:00:29 2004]
godini preminula književnica Sunčana Škrinjarić, najpoznatija po djelima za djecu.
year died Sunčana Škrinjarić, author most famous for writing children books.

[Fri Apr 23 10:00:35 2004]
Autorica je romana "Čudesna šuma" i zbirke priča "Kaktus bajke".
The author of the novel " Miraculous forest " and collection of stories " Cactus fairy tales ".

[Fri Apr 23 10:00:38 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 25)
(Jutarnji list, page 25)

[Fri Apr 23 10:01:20 2004]

[Fri Apr 23 10:52:19 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set cre' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward, and when the display shows 'set cre' we press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 10:53:15 2004]
Unutar ovog podizbora možemo mijenjati i odrediti broj kredita za svaki impuls primljen okretanjem ključa.
Inside this submenu we can change and determine the number of credits for each impulse accepted by turn of the key.

[Fri Apr 23 10:53:55 2004]
Sa tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 mijenjamo broj kredita prema impulsu, od 1 do 10.
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we change the number of credits according to the impulse, from 1 to 10.

[Fri Apr 23 10:54:50 2004]
Vrijednost kredita vidi se na privremenom displayu rezultata (TEMPORAL).
Credit value is shown on temporary results display (TEMPORAL).

[Fri Apr 23 10:54:50 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
In order to confirm and store the values, we need to press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 11:00:07 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set lot' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set lead' we press the Team button.

[Fri Apr 23 11:00:39 2004]
Unutar ovog podizbora možemo aktivirati opciju lutrije.
Inside this submenu we can activate the lottery option.

[Fri Apr 23 11:01:33 2004]
Ako je aktivirana nakon svake igre vidi se neki broj na TEMPORAL displayu.
If it is activated after each game then there is a number on TEMPORAL display.

[Fri Apr 23 11:12:36 2004]
Ako je broj na TEMPORAL displayu identičan broju igrača, jednog ili više, onda igrač ili igrači dobivaju nagradni kredit.
If the number on TEMPORAL display is identical with the number of players, one or more, then the player or players receive bonus credit.

[Fri Apr 23 11:12:59 2004]
Igrač dobiva onoliko kredita koliko ta igra vrijedi npr. ako je igrao 301 dobiti će 1 kredit, a ako je igrao 701 igrač će dobiti 3 nagradna kredita.
The player receives as many credits as particular game is worth, e.g. if he played 301 he will receive 1 credit, and if he played 701 then he gets 3 bonus credits.