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[Thu Apr 15 08:42:12 2004]
Izvoz je zabilježio rast od 20%, usprkos padu prihoda od prodaje Vegete za oko 13%, na 595 mil.
Export achieved the growth of 20%, in spite of sales income decrease of Vegeta product by approximately 13%, to 595 mil.

[Thu Apr 15 08:42:13 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Jutarnji list page 10)

[Thu Apr 15 08:48:59 2004]
nastavljeni pozitivni trendovi i ove godine
Positive trends continued this year also

[Thu Apr 15 08:49:20 2004]
Podravka je objavila i kako je u prvom tromjesečju ove godine nastavila pozitivne trendove i ostvarila 27 mil.
Podravka company has said and that in the first quarter of the year has continued with positive trends and achieved 27 mil.

[Thu Apr 15 08:52:16 2004]
kuna neto dobiti, što je više od plana.
kuna of net profit, which is more than planned.

[Thu Apr 15 08:53:12 2004]
Prodaja u Poljskoj je udvostručena, nakon što su lanjski rezultati na tom tržištu skrivili veliki pad dobiti.
Sale in Poland has been doubled, after last year's results in that market caused a significant decrease of profits.

[Thu Apr 15 08:53:16 2004]
Podravka je svoj udjel od 10% u trgovačkom lancu Dinova, bivšoj Dioni, prodala Gavriloviću.
Podravka sold its share of 10%in the commercial chain Dinova, former Diona, to Gavrilović company.

[Thu Apr 15 08:55:35 2004]
planira uložiti 150 mil.
planning to invest 150 mil.

[Thu Apr 15 08:57:39 2004]
eura u širenje mreže benzinskih crpki u Hrvatskoj
euro in the expansion of gas station network in Croatia

[Thu Apr 15 08:57:41 2004]
Austrijski OMV planira u pet godina u širenje mreže benzinskih crpki u Hrvatskoj uložiti 150 mil.
In the next five years, Austrian OMV plans to invest 150 mil euro in the expansion of gas station network in Croatia.

[Thu Apr 15 09:02:59 2004]
Kompanija namjerava stvoriti lanac od 80 do 100 crpki, gradnjom novih i kupnjom postojećih crpki od privatnika, kojima bi potom prodala svoju franšizu.
The company intends to create a chain of 80 to 100 gas stations, by building new and buying of already existing gas stations from private owners, to whom then they would then sell their franchise.

[Thu Apr 15 09:03:00 2004]
OMV planira osvojiti 20% tržišta, a uskoro se očekuje i izlazak slovenskog Istrabenza iz zajedničke tvrtke, pa će kompanije nastupati samostalno.
The OMV plans to conquer 20%of the market, and Slovene Istrabenz company will probably soon exist the shared company, so the companies will appear independently.

[Thu Apr 15 09:03:00 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik page 8)

[Thu Apr 15 09:07:06 2004]
2% više turista i 5% manje noćenja nego lani
2% more tourists and 5% less night's accommodations than last year

[Thu Apr 15 09:08:36 2004]
Na Jadranu je za uskrsne praznike ostvareno 5% manje noćenja nego lani, kad je Uskrs bio devet dana kasnije, dok je zabilježeno 2% više turista nego u to doba.
In the Adriatic for Easter holidays are achieved 5%less night's accommodations than last year, when Easter has been nine days later, while has been registered 2%more tourists than in that period.

[Thu Apr 15 09:08:37 2004]
Uskrsni praznici se obično drže prvim ozbiljnim pokazateljem kretanja u glavnoj turističkoj sezoni, a rezultati su obično bolji što je Uskrs kasniji.
Easter holidays usually are considered first serious indicator of movements in the high tourist season, and results are usually better as Easter comes later.

[Thu Apr 15 09:08:37 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 7)
(Vjesnik page 7)

[Thu Apr 15 09:17:39 2004]
skoro proširuje asortiman Lurinih proizvoda
Soon expanding its assortment of Lura products

[Thu Apr 15 09:19:22 2004]
Prema saznanjima Jutarnjeg lista i Dnevnika, trgovački lanac Konzum će uskoro znatno proširiti asortiman Lurinih proizvoda, čime bi došlo do prekida višegodišnjeg sukoba vlasnika Agrokora Ivice Todorića i Luke Rajića.
According to information from Jutarnji list and Dnevnik, commercial chain Konzum will soon considerably expand its assortment of Lura products, which would stop a conflict between owners of Agrokor Ivica Todorić and Luka Rajić which has been on-going for years.

[Thu Apr 15 09:19:23 2004]
Problemi s Konzumom su Luru svojedobno potakli i da se kroz sudjelovanje u preuzimanju Dione u stečaju uključi u stvaranje trgovačkog lanca.
Problems with Konzum induced Lura at one time that through the participation in the takeover of the bankrupt Diona to join the creation of a commercial chain.

[Thu Apr 15 09:19:23 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 3)
(Jutarnji list page 3)

[Fri Apr 16 09:36:39 2004]
nema komentara o članku u Financial Timesu
no comment on the article in the Financial Times

[Fri Apr 16 09:37:43 2004]
Iz Europske komisije nije bilo komentara članka u Financial Timesu, u kojem se tvrdi da će Hrvatska u utorak dobiti pozitivno mišljenje o kandidaturi, uz uvjet potpune suradnje s Haaškim sudom, koja bi omogućila početak pregovora do kraja godine.
European Commission has not given any comments on the article in the Financial Times, which claims that Croatia will be given positive report on the candidacy on Tuesday, with the requirement of a complete cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, which could start the negotiations by the end of the year.

[Fri Apr 16 09:37:45 2004]
Prema predsjedniku Sabora Vladimiru Šeksu, Carla del Ponte je u prekjučerašnjem razgovoru s Güntherom Verheugenom pozitivno ocijenila hrvatsku suradnju s Haagom.
according to the President of the Parliament Vladimir Šeks, Carla del Ponte in the of the day before yesterday talk with Güntherom Verheugen positively evaluates Croatian cooperation with the Hague.

[Fri Apr 16 09:37:45 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2, Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Jutarnji list page 2, Vjesnik page 1)

[Fri Apr 16 09:40:29 2004]
Pregovori o Protokolu 7 će se danas vjerojatno završiti
Negotiations on Protocol 7 probably completed today

[Fri Apr 16 09:43:04 2004]
Pregovori o Protokolu 7 će se danas vjerojatno završiti, najavio je ministar Čobanković.
Minister Čobanković has said that negotiations on Protocol 7 will be probably completed today.

[Fri Apr 16 09:47:36 2004]
Sporno je još sedam već spominjanih proizvoda poput mliječnih i mesnih, o čemu su hrvatski pregovarači jučer razgovarali s predstavnicima poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije.
Another seven already mentioned products such as milk and meat are still disputable, about which Croatian negotiators talked yesterday with the representatives of farming and food processing industries.

[Fri Apr 16 09:47:43 2004]
Pregovarači tvrde da su iz Protokola izbacili zahtjev da se u kvote uračunaju i neispunjene izvozne kvote novih članica EU, a neslužbeni izvori kažu da će njihove kvote biti veće za $50 mil.
The negotiators claim that from the Protocol have excluded the request of in quotas including also incomplete export quotas of new EU members, and unofficial sources say that their quotas will be higher in the amount of $50 million.

[Fri Apr 16 09:47:43 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 4, Vjesnik stranica 5)
(Večernji list page 4, Vjesnik page 5)

[Fri Apr 16 09:51:57 2004]
slovenski premijer Rop smatra sporazum Drnovšek-Račan temeljem arbitraže o granicama
Slovenian Prime Minister Rop considers the Drnovšek-Račan agreement the basis of the arbitration on borders

[Fri Apr 16 09:54:35 2004]
Čak i ako se bude raspravljalo o mogućnosti arbitraže o granicama, sporazum Drnovšek-Račan ostaje i uvijek će biti temelj za slovenske nagodbe s Hrvatskom, rekao je slovenski premijer Rop.
Even and if a possibility of the arbitration on borders will be discussed, Drnovšek-Račan agreement remains and always will be the basis for the Slovenian agreement with Croatia, has said Slovenian Prime Minister Rop.

[Fri Apr 16 09:54:36 2004]
Izjava je komentar vijesti kako će dvije zemlje do kraja godine dogovoriti uvjete arbitraže, utemeljene na izjavama ministra Žužula, dok je slovenski ministar Rupel jučer opovrgnuo da je takav dogovor postignut.
The statement is a comment on the news that the two countries by the end of the year will make arrangements on conditions of the arbitration, based on Minister Žužul's statements, while Slovenian Minister Rupel yesterday denied a possibility of achieving such agreement.

[Fri Apr 16 09:54:36 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 2)
(Večernji list page 2)

[Fri Apr 16 09:58:18 2004]
prihvatila novi Zakon o medijima
New Media Legislation adopted

[Fri Apr 16 10:00:08 2004]
Vlada je prihvatila prijedlog novog Zakona o medijima, u koji je unijeta odredba o dozvoljenoj tržišnoj koncentraciji u nakladi opće-informativnih dnevnih i tjednih novina od 40%.
Croatian Government has adopted a proposal of the new Media Legislation, in which the regulation on the allowed market concentration in the edition of public-news daily and weekly newspapers of 40% has been introduced.

[Fri Apr 16 10:00:09 2004]
Odredba je, prema Jutarnjem listu, u zakon uvrštena dan nakon što je njegov prijedlog u kojem je nije bilo, već odobrila Vladina Koordinacija za unutarnju politiku.
The regulation, according to Jutarnji list, was included in the legislation a day after its proposal in which is, had already approved the Government Coordination for the internal politics.

[Fri Apr 16 10:00:09 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 7)
(Jutarnji list page 7)

[Fri Apr 16 10:06:47 2004]
Državni ured za statistiku:
State Statistical Office:

[Fri Apr 16 10:07:34 2004]
Indeks potrošačkih cijena povećan 0,1%
Consumer Price Index increased by 0.1%

[Fri Apr 16 10:08:17 2004]
Indeks potrošačkih cijena, kao opća mjera inflacije, povećan je u ožujku 0,1% prema veljači.
Consumer Price Index, as a general inflation measure, was increased by 0,1% in March in comparison to February.

[Fri Apr 16 10:08:19 2004]
Cijene su od istog mjeseca lani bile veće 1,4%, objavio je Državni ured za statistiku.
Prices from the same month last year had been higher for 1.4%, has announced the State Statistical Office.

[Fri Apr 16 10:08:19 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik page 8)

[Fri Apr 16 10:14:04 2004]
ponuda stambenih kredita s povoljnom kamatom od 5,64%
offers of housing credits with favourable interest rate of 5,64%

[Fri Apr 16 10:17:02 2004]
Krediti se daju i u eurima i dolarima, do 150.000 eura, na 30 godina, ali zasad samo do kolovoza.
Credits are available also in euros and dollars, up to 150.000 euro, for the period of 30 years, but for now only until August.

[Fri Apr 16 10:17:03 2004]
Procjenjuje se da bi ponuda mogla izazvati odgovor drugih banaka, čije su EKS oko jednog i pol postotnog boda više.
It has been estimated that the offer could cause the reaction of other banks, whose is EX around one and a half percentage point higher.

[Fri Apr 16 10:17:03 2004]
(Dnevnik, Večernji list stranica 5)
(Dnevnik, Večernji list page 5)

[Fri Apr 16 10:23:10 2004]
tekući računi s kamatom ispod 10% za "minus" na računu
current accounts with interest bearing under 10% for the overdraft facility in account

[Fri Apr 16 10:23:50 2004]
Raiffeisenbank Austria najavljuje nastavak kampanje za Flexi tekuće račune koji su kamatnom stopom ispod 10% za "minus" na tekućem računu od studenog prošle godine privukli 35.000 novih korisnika.
Raiffeisenbank Austria has announced the continuation of its campaign for Flexi current accounts which have attracted 35.000 new users with the rate of interest under 10% for the overdraft facility in current account since November last year.

[Fri Apr 16 10:24:00 2004]
RBA očekuje da do sredine 2005.
RBA wants to by the middle of 2005.

[Fri Apr 16 10:26:05 2004]
poveća taj broj na 100.000.
increase this number to 100.000.

[Fri Apr 16 10:26:08 2004]
Nakon najave stambenih kredita Erste banke s nominalnom kamatom od 4.99%, analitičari najavljuju početak dugo očekivanog "rata kamatnih stopa" koji će dovesti do povoljnijih uvjeta zaduživanja za građane.
After the announcement of housing credits by the Erste Bank with nominal interest rate of 4.99%, analysts announce the start of long awaited " war of interest rates " which will create more favourable conditions of debt accumulations for citizens.

[Fri Apr 16 10:28:03 2004]
lanjski prihod 9,2 mlrd.
last year's income 9,2 billion.

[Fri Apr 16 10:28:03 2004]
kuna i neto dobit 103 mil.
kuna and net profit 103 million.

[Fri Apr 16 10:29:00 2004]
Koncern Agrokor je objavio 103 mil.
Business group Agrokor has informed of 103 million

[Fri Apr 16 10:31:25 2004]
Konsolidirani prihod je rastao 37,2% na 9,2 mlrd.
consolidated earnings increased by 37,2%to 9,2 billion.

[Fri Apr 16 10:34:29 2004]
Na rast prihoda koncerna najviše je utjecao prihod grupe maloprodaje, koji je rastom od 53%, pri čemu je velik utjecaj preuzetih tvrtki poput osječkog Alastora, dosegao 6,1 mlrd.
On the income increase of business group most has been influenced by the group's income from retail trade, which by the growth of 53%, at what is the strong influence of acquired companies like Osijek Alastor, has reached 6,1 the billion.

[Fri Apr 16 10:34:32 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 10, Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list page 10, Vjesnik page 9)

[Fri Apr 16 10:39:38 2004]
preuzima dubrovački Mediator
Acquisition of Mediator company from Dubrovnik

[Fri Apr 16 10:40:44 2004]
Vlasnik Agrokora Ivica Todorić je potvrdio da će preuzeti dubrovački Mediator, za kojeg je rekao da je pred propašću zbog više desetaka milijuna duga, pa će se transakcija obaviti za simboličan iznos.
The owner Agrokor company Ivica Todorić has confirmed the acquisition of Mediator company from Dubrovnik, which is facing bankruptcy because of more ten millions of debt, he has said, so the transaction will be performed for a symbolic amount.

[Fri Apr 16 10:40:45 2004]
Todorić je obznanio i kako Agrokor zanima kupnja Belja, te možda i državnog udjela od 28% u Podravci.
Todorić has also said that Agrokor has been interested in purchasing Belje company, as well as state a share of 28%in Podravka company.

[Fri Apr 16 10:40:45 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Jutarnji list page 10)

[Fri Apr 16 10:44:57 2004]
lanjski prihod tvrtki veći 12,8% i neto dobit 17,18 mlrd.
last year's income of companies higher for 12,8%and net gain of 17,18 billion.

[Fri Apr 16 10:46:34 2004]
Prošlogodišnji prihodi tvrtki koje su dostavile podatke Fini bili su veći 12,8% nego prethodne godine i dosegli su 394,7 mlrd.
Last year's incomes of companies which have delivered their data to Financial Agency are higher for 12,8%than the previous year and have reached the amount of 394.7 billion

[Fri Apr 16 10:46:35 2004]
kuna, dok je dobit nakon oporezivanja pala 12,4% na 17,18 mlrd.
7 billion kuna, while the profit after taxation has fallen by 12,4%to 17,18 billion.

[Fri Apr 16 10:48:19 2004]
Prijavljeni gubici su povećani 17,3%, a dosegli su 9,86 mlrd.
Declared losses have been increased by 17,3%, and reached the amount of 9,86 billion.

[Mon Apr 19 08:09:46 2004]
HNS podržava kadidaturu predsjednika Mesića na sljedećim izborima
Croatian Popular Party (HNS) supports president Mesić's candidacy on the forthcoming elections

[Mon Apr 19 08:22:51 2004]
HNS će podržati kandidaturu predsjednika Mesića na sljedećim izborima, najavila je čelnica stranke Vesna Pusić.
HNS will support president Mesić candidacy on the forthcoming elections, the Party's leader, Vesna Pusić, has announced.

[Mon Apr 19 08:29:20 2004]
Damir Kajin iz IDS-a smatra da ni jedna stranka ljevice ne treba izaći za svojim kandidatom, dok predsjednica Glavnog odbora SDP-a Gordana Sobol ističe da se o podršci Mesiću još nije razgovaralo, iako je neslužbeni stav u stranci podrška predsjedniku.
Damir Kajin from the Istrian Democratic Assembly believes that neither of left wing parties should follow for their candidates, while the president of General Council of Social Democratic Party Gordana Sobol emphasizes that the support of Mesić yet has not been taken into account, although the unofficial stand in the party is to support the President.

[Mon Apr 19 08:29:21 2004]
Sličan je stav i LS-a, dok se HSS zasad ne izjašnjava.
Liberal Party has a similar stand, while Croatian Peasant Party for now has not made an official statement.

[Mon Apr 19 08:29:21 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 5)
(Vjesnik page 5)

[Mon Apr 19 08:40:50 2004]
HDZ osvojio apsolutnu većinu na izborima za gradsko vijeće u Šibeniku
HDZ wins an absolute majority on the elections for city council in Šibenik

[Mon Apr 19 08:42:31 2004]
Na prijevremenim izborima za gradsko vijeće Šibenika pobijedio je HDZ, koji je osvajanjem 16 od 25 mjesta dobio apsolutnu većinu.
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) has won on early elections for Šibenik city council, which got the absolute majority by winning 16 out of 25 places.

[Mon Apr 19 08:53:35 2004]
Stranke ranije vladajuće koalicije SDP i HSS, koje su u siječnju izgubile većinu u Vijeću, dobile su tek pet, odnosno dva mandata.
Parties the former ruling coalitions of Social Democratic Party and Croatian Peasant Party, which in January have lost the majority in the Council, got only five, that is two mandates.

[Mon Apr 19 08:53:58 2004]
Zadnja dva mandata pripala su stranci umirovljenika, uz iznimno loš odaziv birača od 29%.
Last two mandates went to the party of pensioners, with exceptionally bad turnout of voters of 29%.

[Mon Apr 19 08:54:01 2004]
Šibenska gradonačelnica će biti Neda Klarić iz HDZ-a.
The mayor of will be Šibenik Neda Klarić from the Croatian Democratic Union.

[Mon Apr 19 09:05:48 2004]
Uhićeni napadači na direktora Crvene zvezde
Attackers of the manager of Crvena zvezda football club arrested

[Mon Apr 19 09:19:25 2004]
Osim jednog napadača na sportskog direktora Crvene zvezde Igora Žeželja koji je uhićen na mjestu napada kod hotela Panorama, policija je preksinoć uhitila još šestoricu, tvrdi B92.
Besides one attacker of the sport manager of Crvena zvezda Igor Žeželj who was arrested on the place of the attack by the Panorama hotel, the police had arrested another six persons two nights ago, says the B92 Radio.

[Mon Apr 19 09:19:26 2004]
Navodno se radi o organiziranoj skupini koja je obilazila i hotel Sheraton, a B92 tvrdi da će policija protiv direktora Cibone Bože Miličevića podnijeti prijavu, jer ih nije obavijestio da je dio gostiju iz Beograda smješten u Panorami.
Allegedly this is a case of an organized group which also visited Sheraton hotel, and the B92 radio claims that the police will file a complaint against Božo Miličević, manager of the Cibona club, because he had not informed them about a part of guests from Belgrade residing at the Panorama hotel.

[Mon Apr 19 09:25:21 2004]
stekao 45,67% udjela u porečkom Riviera holdingu
Acquisition of a 45,67%share in Poreč Riviera holding

[Mon Apr 19 09:27:09 2004]
Dom holding je oglasom u tisku objavio da je javnom ponudom za dionice porečkog Riviera holdinga stekao 45,67% udjela.
Dom holding has announced, with the announcement in the papers, the acquisition of a 45,67% share of the Poreč Riviera holding in the public offer for shares.

[Mon Apr 19 09:31:20 2004]
Zajedno s osobama s kojima djeluje, SN holdingom i ciparskim Kvadrom, Dom kontrolira 78,77% temeljnog kapitala s pravom glasa.
Together with persons with whom it works, that is SN holding and Cyprus Kvadro, Dom controls 78,77% of base capital with voting rights.

[Mon Apr 19 09:31:21 2004]
Prije ponude su držali 58,1% udjela, kad je iz Doma procijenjeno da će kupiti od 10% do 15% dionica, što znači da su za preuzetih 20% dionica morali izdvojiti oko 115 mil.
Before the offer they had 58,1% of the share, when Dom had decided to buy from 10%to 15% of the shares, which means that for acquired 20% of the share they had to pay about 115 million.

[Mon Apr 19 09:39:32 2004]
cijena dionica porasla 4,72%
Growth of share prices to 4.72%

[Mon Apr 19 09:41:32 2004]
Cijena dionice Podravke je u tjednu u kojem su objavljeno rezultati i razmišljanje Ivice Todorića o kupnji 28% državnog udjela, porasla 4,72% na 178 kuna.
Share price of the Podravka company increased by 4,72% to 178 kuna in the week in which results and ideas of Ivica Todorić about the acquisition of 28% of the state share have been announced.

[Mon Apr 19 09:41:33 2004]
Cijena dionice Plive je u jednom trenutku dosegla 560 kuna, najviše u zadnjih 12 mjeseci, a rasla je novih 1,3%, završivši tjedan na 558 kuna.
share Price of the Pliva company in one moment reached 560 kuna, mainly in the past 12 months, and increased by another 1,3%, concluding the week with the amount of 558 kuna.

[Mon Apr 19 09:41:33 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 10)
(Vjesnik page 10)

[Mon Apr 19 09:43:23 2004]

[Mon Apr 19 09:43:24 2004]
lanjska dobit nakon oporezivanja 285 mil.
285 million of the last year's profit after taxation

[Mon Apr 19 09:49:09 2004]
Osiguravatelji koji su poslovali pozitivno ostvarili su lani 285 mil.
Insurers with positive dealings have achieved last year 285 million

[Mon Apr 19 09:50:07 2004]
kuna dobiti nakon oporezivanja, a kad se ovih 18 društava pridoda i šest društava s gubitkom, branša je ostvarila rekordnih 250,7 mil.
Insurers with positive dealings have achieved last year 285 million kuna pf profit after taxation, and when these 18 companies are added to and six companies with a loss, the branch has realized a record 250,7 mil.

[Mon Apr 19 09:51:56 2004]
kuna dobiti, 33% više nego lani.
kuna of profits, 33%more than last year.

[Mon Apr 19 09:51:57 2004]
Životna osiguranja povećala su udjel na 22,3% u ukupnim premijama, obavezno osiguranje vozila je palo na 32,3%, a slijedi automobilsko kasko osiguranje s 11,8%.
Life insurance companies have increased their share to 22,3%in total premiums, required vehicle insurance have fallen to 32,3%, and total car insurance with 11,8% will follow.

[Mon Apr 19 09:51:57 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik page 9)

[Mon Apr 19 09:54:36 2004]
Trzište novca:
Money market:

[Mon Apr 19 10:04:15 2004]
Kuna jače prema euru i slabi prema dolaru
Kuna rises in comparison to euro and weakens in comparison to dollar

[Mon Apr 19 10:05:32 2004]
Prosječna kamatna stopa na tržištu novca porasla je na 4,46%, što je skoro cijeli postotni bod više nego tjedan dana ranije.
The average rate of interest in the money market has increased to 4,46%, which is almost an entire percentage point more than the week before.

[Mon Apr 19 10:07:14 2004]
Rast kamata je rezultat smanjene ponude novčanih viškova od 16% prema prethodnom tjednu.
Interest earning is the result of the reduced offer of monetary surpluses of 16%in comparison to the previous week.

[Mon Apr 19 10:07:15 2004]
Kuna je protekli tjedan ojačala prema euru za 0,25%, krećući se u smjeru koji obično prati kunsku likvidnost na tržištu novca, a oslabila je samo prema dolaru, čiji tečaj već neko vrijeme opet jača.
Kuna last week rose in comparison to euro for 0,25%, moving in the direction which usually follows the liquidity with respect to the Kuna in the money market, and weakened only in comparison to dollar, whose rate for some time again has been on the rise.

[Mon Apr 19 10:07:15 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik page 9)

[Mon Apr 19 10:16:44 2004]
povlači vojnike iz Iraka
Withdrawal of soldiers from Iraq

[Mon Apr 19 10:18:18 2004]
Novi španjolski premijer Jose Luis Zapatero naredio je, odmah po stupanju na dužnost, svojim vojnicima da se u najkraćem mogućem roku povuku iz Iraka.
Immediately after taking office, Jose Luis Zapatero, new Spanish Prime Minister, ordered the soldiers to withdraw from Iraq in the shortest period of time possible.

[Mon Apr 19 10:20:24 2004]
U više odvojenih akcija, od kojih je najveća bila zasjeda iračkih pobunjenika kod granice sa Sirijom, u subotu i nedjelju je poginulo 11 američkih vojnika.
In a number of separated actions, among which the largest one was the ambush og Iraqi rebels near the border with Syria, on Saturday and Sunday 11 American soldiers died.

[Mon Apr 19 10:20:25 2004]
Broj američkih vojnika poginulih u Iraku prešao je 700, od čega ih je 504 stradalo od neprijateljske vatre.
The number of US soldiers killed in Iraq has surpassed 700, and 504 of them got injured by enemy fires.

[Mon Apr 19 10:24:30 2004]
izrazile zabrinutost za mir i stabilnost na Bliskom istoku
Express of concern for peace and stability in the Near East

[Mon Apr 19 10:25:52 2004]
Bijela kuća je izrazila ozbiljnu zabrinutost za mir i stabilnost na Bliskom istoku nakon likvidacije vođe Hamasa Abdelaziza Rantisija, ali je ponovno istakla da se Izrael ima pravo braniti od terorizma.
The White House has expressed its sincere concern for peace and stability in the Near East after the liquidation of Hamas leader Abdelaziz Rantissi, but has once more emphasized that Israel has the right to defend against terrorism.

[Mon Apr 19 10:25:53 2004]
Hamas je očekivano najavio odmazdu, koju nije proveo nakon likvidacije šeika Jasina, a imenovan je novi šef organizacije, čije se ime neće javno objaviti.
Hamas as it was expected has announced its revenge, which was not carried out after the liquidation of sheik Jasin, and has been appointed a new leader of the organization, whose name will not be publicly announced.

[Mon Apr 19 10:28:00 2004]

[Mon Apr 19 10:28:51 2004]
na presjedničkim izborima pobijedio Ivan Gašparovič
Winning of Ivan Gašparovič on the presidential elections

[Mon Apr 19 10:32:01 2004]
Ivan Gašparovič pobijedio je u drugom krugu slovačkih predsjedničkih izbora svog nekadašnjeg stranačkog kolegu Vladimira Mečijara, dobivši blizu 60% glasova.
Ivan Gašparovič has won in the second round of the presidential elections in Slovakia his former party colleague Vladimir Mečijar, by winning nearly 60% of votes.

[Mon Apr 19 10:32:02 2004]
Procjenjuje sa da Gašparovič, porijeklom Hrvat, iznenađujuću pobjedu može zahvaliti biračima koji su za njega glasali da bi spriječili povratak nekadašnjeg premijera Mečijara na vlast, pa makar i samo s uglavnom protokolarnim predsjedničkim ovlastima.
It has been estimated that Gašparovič, originally Croatian, can be grateful for the surprising victory to voters which for him voted in order to prevent the return of the former Prime Minister Meciar in office, even only with mainly protocol presidential authorities.

[Mon Apr 19 10:32:02 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 7)
(Jutarnji list page 7)

[Mon Apr 19 10:33:35 2004]
Banjalučka pivovara:
Banja Luka brewery:

[Mon Apr 19 10:35:07 2004]
poništen javni natječaj za prodaju
Public tender for sale cancelled

[Mon Apr 19 10:36:52 2004]
Vlasti Republike Srpske poništile su natječaj za Banjalučku pivovaru, jer ni jedna ponuda za udjel od 54% nije ispunila uvjete.
Authorities of the Republic Of Srpska have cancelled the public tender for Banja Luka brewery, because neither of offers for a 54% share fulfilled the conditions.

[Mon Apr 19 10:36:54 2004]
Među zainteresiranima su se ranije spominjale velike kompanije prisutne u regiji, poput Interbrewa, Heinekena i Carlsberga.
Big companies present in the region, like Interbrew, Heineken and Carlsberg, had earlier been mentioned as interested parties.

[Mon Apr 19 10:36:54 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 10)
(Vjesnik page 10)

[Mon Apr 19 10:38:39 2004]
zainsteresirana za kupnju srbijanskog mobilnog operatera Mobtel
zainsteresirana for the acquisition of the Serbian mobile operator Mobtel

[Mon Apr 19 10:39:12 2004]
Najveća svjetska financijska grupacija Citigroup zainteresirana je za sudjelovanje u privatizaciji srbijanskog mobilnog operatera Mobtel, objavio je ministar financija Srbije Mlađan Dinkić.
The largest world financial group Citigroup is interested for participating in the the process of privatization of the Serbian mobile operator Mobtel, the Serbian Finance Minister Mlađan Dinkić has announced.

[Mon Apr 19 10:39:31 2004]
Dinkić će s njihovim izaslanstvom razgovarati u svibnju, a posjet je dogovoren na skupštini EBRD-a u Londonu.
Dinkić with their delegation will talk in May, and the visit was arranged at the EBRD assembly in London.

[Mon Apr 19 10:39:32 2004]
Dinkić tvrdi da je Citigroup zainteresiran i za druga ulaganja u srbijanski telekomunikacijski sektor.
Dinkić claims that the Citigroup is also interested for other investments in the Serbian telecommunication sector.

[Mon Apr 19 10:50:42 2004]

[Mon Apr 19 10:52:19 2004]
Beogradski Refleks svladao je u finalu Cibonu s 71:70
Reflex club from Belgrade won against Cibona in the finals with the result of 71:70

[Mon Apr 19 10:56:11 2004]
Beogradski Refleks svladao je u finalu završnog turnira Cibonu sa 71:70, čime je postao iznenađujući pobjednik regionalne Goodyear lige.
Reflex club from Belgrade won against Cibona in the final tournament finals with the result of 7170:, by which becoming the unexpected winner of the regional Goodyear league.

[Mon Apr 19 10:56:14 2004]
Kako je ULEB u međuvremenu najavio da će Goodyear liga, a ne državna prvenstva zemalja regije, ubuduće biti izlučno natjecanje za prvenstva koja organizira, ligu vjerojatno više neće izbjegavati ni jedan klub s prostora bivše SFRJ.
As Union des Ligues Européennes de Basketball (ULEB) in the meantime announced that the Goodyear league, and not state championships of the countries of the region, in the future will be an elimination contest for championships which it organizes, the league will probably no longer be avoided by clubs from the area of the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.

[Mon Apr 19 10:56:20 2004]
(Nova TV, Jutarnji list stranica 31)
(NOVA TV, Jutarnji list page 31)

[Mon Apr 19 10:56:46 2004]

[Mon Apr 19 10:56:46 2004]
umjereno i znatno oblačno, mjestimice sa slabom kišom, a u Dalmaciji i pljuskovima.
moderately and considerably cloudy, in places with weak rain, and in Dalmatia also with rain showers.

[Tue Apr 20 11:00:53 2004]
Europska komisija danas objavljuje mišljenje o hrvatskom zahtjevu za pristupanje Europskoj Uniji
European Commission today announces its opinion on the Croatian request for the joining to the European Union

[Tue Apr 20 11:02:28 2004]
Europska komisija će danas objaviti mišljenje o hrvatskom zahtjevu za pristupanje Europskoj Uniji, za koje se jednoglasno drži da će biti pozitivno.
European Commission today will announce the opinion on the Croatian request for the joining to the European Union, which is unanimously expected to be positive.

[Tue Apr 20 11:03:52 2004]
Mišljenje će se ministru Žužulu predati prije nastupa povjerenika Verheugena i Pattena pred Europskim parlamentom, kojem će i on prisustvovati.
The opinion will be to Minister Žužul given before the appearance of commissioners Verheugen and Patten before the European Parliament, at which Žužul will also be present.

[Tue Apr 20 11:03:53 2004]
Premijeru Sanaderu će ga u Banskim dvorima uručiti predstavnik EK u Hrvatskoj, Jacques Wunenburger.
Jacques Wunenburger, EC representative in Croatia will deliver it to Prime Minister Sanader in Banski Dvori.

[Tue Apr 20 11:03:53 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 3)
(Večernji list page 3)

[Tue Apr 20 11:10:31 2004]
britanski ministar za Europu dr. Dennis MacShane u Zagrebu
British Minister for Europe Dr Dennis MacShane visiting Zagreb

[Tue Apr 20 11:10:34 2004]
Siguran sam da će Hrvatska do kraja desetljeća, a možda i ranije, postati članicom Europske Unije, rekao je u Zagrebu britanski ministar za Europu dr. Dennis MacShane, nakon razgovora s ministrom Žužulom.
I am sure that Croatia will become an EU member by the end of this decade, and maybe even sooner, British Minister for Europe Dr Dennis MacShane has said in Zagreb, after the talk with Minister Žužul.

[Tue Apr 20 11:12:56 2004]
MacShane je istakao kako očekuje sutrašnje vrlo pozitivnom mišljenje Europske komisije, te da je London impresioniran suradnjom Zagreba s Haaškim sudom proteklih tjedana.
Dr MacShane has emphasized that he expects a very positive opinion of the European Commission tomorrow, and that London has been impressed by the cooperation of Zagreb with the Hague Tribunal in the last weeks.

[Tue Apr 20 11:12:56 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2, HTV)
(Jutarnji list page 2, HTV)

[Tue Apr 20 11:17:42 2004]
pregovori o pridruživanju EU počet će do kraja ove ili najkasnije početkom iduće godine
Negotiations on the joining to the EU will begin by the end of this or in the beginning of the following year at the latest

[Tue Apr 20 11:22:08 2004]
Hrvatski pregovori o pridruživanju EU počet će do kraja ove ili najkasnije početkom iduće godine, tvrdi njemački list Handelsblatt, pozivajući se na izvore oko povjerenika za proširenje Unije Günthera Verheugena.
Croatian negotiations on the joining to the EU will start by the end of this or at the latest in the beginning of the following year, German newspaper Handelsblatt claims, refering to sources close to EU Commissioner in charge of Enlargement Günther Verheugen.

[Tue Apr 20 11:22:08 2004]
List tvrdi da će Zagreb dobiti pozitivno mišljenje, za što je najzaslužnija ocjena Haaškog tužiteljstva da je Hrvatska spremna na aktivnu suradnju.
The newspaper claims that Zagreb will be given a positive opinion, mostly because of the opinion by the Hague prosecution authorities that Croatia is ready for active cooperation.

[Tue Apr 20 11:22:08 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 3)
(Večernji list page 3)

[Tue Apr 20 11:24:39 2004]
Ustavni sud:
Supreme Court:

[Tue Apr 20 11:28:12 2004]
sljedeći tjedan rasprava o ocjeni ustavnosti zakona koji uređuje rad trgovina nedjeljom
Hearing on the evaluation of constitutionality of the law which regulates the work of shops on Sunday scheduled for next week

[Tue Apr 20 11:32:10 2004]
Ustavni sud je za sljedeći tjedan odgodio sjednicu na kojoj će raspravljati o zahtjevu sedam trgovačkih lanaca za ocjenu ustavnosti zakona koji uređuje rad trgovina nedjeljom.
Constitutional court for next week has postponed the meeting on hearing the request of seven commercial chains for the evaluation of constitutionality of the law which regulates the work of shops on Sunday.

[Tue Apr 20 11:32:11 2004]
Neslužbeno se tvrdi da je do odgode došlo zbog dorade obrazloženja sudske odluke, a u medijima se ranije tvrdilo i kako će sud vjerojatno zakonske odredbe proglasiti protuustavnim.
It has been unofficially claimed that the postponement occured because of finishing court ruling explanation, whereas the media previously claimsed that the court would probably declare the legislations unconstitutional.

[Tue Apr 20 11:32:11 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 6)
(Jutarnji list page 6)

[Tue Apr 20 11:33:12 2004]
Ministarstvo zdravstva:
Ministry of Health:

[Tue Apr 20 11:36:41 2004]
600 milijuna kuna više za bolničke ustanove
600 million kuna more for hospital institutions

[Tue Apr 20 11:37:48 2004]
Ministarstvo zdravstva povećalo je proračun bolničkim ustanovama za 11,4%, od čega 3 postotna boda čini veća masa za plaće, a 8,4 boda veći materijalni troškovi, izvijestio je ministar Hebrang.
Ministry of Health has increased the budget to hospital institutions by 11.4%, of which 3 percent points are made of a higher amount for salaries, and 8.4 point of more material costs, Minister Hebrang has reported.

[Tue Apr 20 11:38:44 2004]
Povećanje će na godišnjoj razini iznositi blizu 600 mil.
The increase for an entire year will amount to nearly 600 million

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:37 2004]
Vlada će provesti i manju preraspodjelu među bolnicama.
The government will conduct and a smaller redistribution in hospitals.

[Tue Apr 20 11:39:37 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 6)
(Večernji list page 6)

[Tue Apr 20 11:41:48 2004]
5,6% povećanje industrijske proizvodnje u prvom tromjesečju
5,6% increase of industrial production in the first quarter

[Tue Apr 20 11:44:15 2004]
Industrijska proizvodnja u prvom tromjesečju godine bila je 5,6% veća od one u istom razdoblju lani, objavio je DZS.
Industrial production in the first quarter the year has been 5,6%bigger than the one in the same period last year, Croatian Bureau of Statistics has announced.

[Tue Apr 20 11:44:24 2004]
Proizvodnja je u ožujku bila10,4% više od one u istom mjesecu lani, koji je imao dva radna dana manje, što je na mjesečne rezultate utjecalo za oko 5 postotnih bodova.
4% higher than the one in the same month last year, which had two working days less, which influenced monthly results for about 5 percentage points.

[Tue Apr 20 11:44:24 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list, page 9)

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:18 2004]
36,9% veći kunski depoziti u poslovnim bankama
Kuna deposits in commercial banks 36,9% higher

[Tue Apr 20 11:46:22 2004]
Vrijednost kunskih depozita u poslovnim bankama krajem siječnja je bila 36,9% veća nego 12 mjeseci ranije, odnosno 19,15 mlrd.
Value of kuna deposits in commercial banks by the end of January was 36,9% higher than 12 months earlier, that is 19,15 billion

[Tue Apr 20 11:48:52 2004]
Kunski depoziti su bili 4,3% veći od razine dosegnute krajem prosinca.
Kuna deposits were 4,3% higher than the level reached by the end of December.

[Tue Apr 20 11:49:59 2004]
Devizni depoziti su istovremeno na godišnjoj razini bilježili rast od samo 4,8%, a dosegli su 76,5 mlrd.
Foreign exchange deposits at the same time increased only by 4.8%, and reached the amount of 76,5 billion kuna for an entire year

[Tue Apr 20 11:50:03 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list, page 9)

[Tue Apr 20 11:54:03 2004]
više o namjeri Vlada da proda svoj udjel u tvrtki
more on the government's intention to sell its share in the company

[Tue Apr 20 11:55:06 2004]
Podravka je na vijesti o namjerama Vlade da proda udjel od 28% odgovorila priopćenjem kako ni NO ni Uprava u posljednje vrijeme nisu razmatrali promjenu vlasničke strukture.
Podravka to the information on the government's intentions to sell its 28% share 28% has responded with the statement that neither Supervisory Board nor Administration have lately considered the change of its ownership structure.

[Tue Apr 20 12:01:04 2004]
Podravka očekuje kako će Vlada surađivati s njenim menadžmentom kad se odluči na prodaju.
Podravka expects that the government will cooperate with its management when it decides to make the sale.

[Tue Apr 20 12:01:04 2004]
Dnevnik prenosi vijesti o sukobu u Upravi, a tvrdi da je čelnik Darko Marinac optužen za naklonost prema Agrokorovim namjerama kupnje udjela u Podravki.
Dnevnik has reported on about the conflict in the Administration, and claims that the leader Darko Marinac has been accused for the affinity towards Agrokor's intentions to buy a share in Podravka.

[Tue Apr 20 12:01:04 2004]

[Tue Apr 20 12:07:44 2004]
Šibenski TLM:
Šibenik TLM Ltd:

[Tue Apr 20 12:07:51 2004]
lanjski prihod 543,9 mil.
last year's income 543,9 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 12:07:52 2004]
kuna i gubitak 200 mil.
kuna and loss 200 mil.

[Tue Apr 20 12:10:13 2004]
Šibenski TLM objavio je gotovo 200 mil.
Šibenik TLM Ltd has informed on almost 200 million

[Tue Apr 20 12:10:17 2004]
kuna gubitka za prošlu godinu, u kojoj je ukupni prihod smanjen gotovo za trećinu, na 543,9 mil.
Šibenik TLM Ltd has informed on almost 200 million kuna of loss for the last year, in which aggregate revenue was reduced almost for a third, to 543,9 million

[Tue Apr 20 12:15:03 2004]
Na prihode je najviše utjecao smanjeni prihod od izvoza za čak 180 mil.
The earnings were mostly influenced by reduced export proceeds for even 180 million

[Tue Apr 20 12:15:25 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)

[Wed Apr 21 08:28:46 2004]
Hrvatska je stabilna demokratska zemlja koja je u potpunosti ispunila sve gospodarske i političke kriterije te u potpunosti surađuje s Haaškim sudom, kaže se u pozitivnom mišljenju Europske komisije o hrvatskoj molbi za početak pregovora o pridruživanju EU:
Croatia is a stable democratic country which completely has fulfilled all economical and political criteria and completely cooperates with the Hague Tribunal, says in the positive opinion of the European Commission on the Croatian request for the start of negotiations on joining the EU:

[Wed Apr 21 08:28:49 2004]
O preporuci za početak pregovora, koja ne sadrži nikakve dodatne uvjete, u lipnju bi trebalo raspravljati Europsko vijeće, kad će vjerojatno odrediti datum početka pregovora.
About the recommendation for the start of negotiations, which does not contain any additional requirements, in June should discuss the European Council, when probably will be set the date for the the start of negotiations.

[Wed Apr 21 08:33:03 2004]
Carla del Ponte u potpunosti zadovoljna suradnjom Hrvatske
Carla del Ponte completely satisfied with Croatian cooperation

[Wed Apr 21 08:34:41 2004]
Iz Europske komisije se ističe kako je haaška tužiteljica Carla del Ponte ocijenila da Hrvatska s njom u potpunosti surađuje, da očekuje kako će to i dalje činiti, te da u slučaju Gotovina radi sve što je u njenoj moći.
The European Commission emphasizes that Hague prosecutor Carla del Ponte evaluates that Croatia with her has been completely cooperating, that she expects that Croatia will continue to do the same, and also that in Gotovina case does everything in its power.

[Wed Apr 21 08:34:44 2004]
Od Zagreba se očekuje dodatni napor na povratku izbjeglica, reformi pravosuđa, a spominje se jednostrano proglašenje pojasa na Jadranu te problem korupcije.
Zagreb is expected to make an additional effort in the return of refugees, in the reform of the administration of justice, and one-sided declaration of Adriatic zone has been mentioned as well as the corruption problem.

[Wed Apr 21 08:37:26 2004]
pregovore o pridruživanju ne treba očekivati prije 2005.
Negotiation on joining should not be expected before the year 2005.

[Wed Apr 21 08:38:54 2004]
Nije realno očekivati da pregovori s Unijom o pridruživanju počnu prije 2005.
It would be unreal to expect the negotiations with the Union on joining to start before 2005.

[Wed Apr 21 08:39:05 2004]
godine, zbog ovogodišnjih izbora za tijela EU, ocijenila je ministrica Grabar-Kitarović u izjavi za Radio 101 iz Strasbourga.
, because of of this year's elections for EU bodies, Minister Grabar-Kitarović has evaluated in the statement for Radio 101 from Strasbourg.

[Wed Apr 21 08:40:10 2004]
Pregovori početkom 2005.
Negotiations at the beginning of 2005.

[Wed Apr 21 08:40:15 2004]
bi Hrvatskoj dali dobru šansu da ostvari zadani ritama pridruživanja, ocijenila je ministrica.
Croatia would give a good chance to achieve given rhythm of joining, minister has evaluated.

[Wed Apr 21 08:40:15 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2)
(Vjesnik, page 2)

[Wed Apr 21 08:41:57 2004]

[Wed Apr 21 08:44:06 2004]
uskoro natječaj za trećeg mobilnog operatera
Public tender for a third mobile operator soon

[Wed Apr 21 08:44:29 2004]
Tender za trećeg GSM operatera bit će gotov u petak, a čim se pregleda, objavit će se i natječaj, najavio je potpredsjednik Vlade Kalmeta.
Tender for a third GSM operator will be completed on Friday, and as soon as it is examined, and public tender will be made, Kalmeta, Vice President of the Government, has announced.

[Wed Apr 21 08:44:42 2004]
Kalmeta je potvrdio ranije najavljeno sniženje cijene koncesije za fiksnu telefoniju s 40 mil.
Kalmeta confirmed earlier the announced price reduction of the concession for fixed telephony from 40 million

[Wed Apr 21 08:45:18 2004]
kuna, uz ukidanje obaveze ulaganja 50 mil.
kuna, with canceling of investment obligation in the amount of 50 mil.

[Wed Apr 21 08:46:41 2004]
Dosadašnji uvjeti za fiksnu telefoniju su se u dijelu javnosti smatrali namjernom preprekom ulasku na tržište, za račun aktualnog operatera.
Past conditions for fixed telephony were considered among a part of the public the intentional obstacle to the entry on market, for the account of the current operator.

[Wed Apr 21 08:46:41 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 9)
(Večernji list, page 9)

[Wed Apr 21 08:49:35 2004]
Hotel industry:

[Wed Apr 21 08:51:35 2004]
pitanje dodjele zemljišta oko hotela
issue of allocation of land surrounding a hotel

[Wed Apr 21 08:53:19 2004]
Stav Vlade je da se hotelima treba prodati zemljište koje koriste, no to znači metar-dva oko hotela, dok će se ostalo zemljište dati u koncesije, najavio je Kalmeta.
The Government's stand is to hotels sell land which they use, but that means a meter-or two around the hotel, while the remained land will be given in concessions, Kalmeta has announced.

[Wed Apr 21 08:53:23 2004]
Više hotelskih tvrtki od Vlade traži da im povoljno proda zemljište koje koriste njihovi objekti, a koje je ušlo u temeljni kapital kod privatizacije.
a number of hotel companies require from the Government to them for a convenient price sells land which their facilities occupy, and which became a part of the base capital by the process of privatization.

[Wed Apr 21 08:53:23 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2)
(Vjesnik, page 2)

[Wed Apr 21 08:57:18 2004]
dobio kredit od 12 mil.
Receiving the loan of 12 mil.

[Wed Apr 21 08:58:47 2004]
Varteks je potpisao ugovor o kreditu HBOR-a vrijednom 12 mil.
Varteks has signed a loan contract with HBOR in the amount of 12 million

[Wed Apr 21 08:58:52 2004]
kuna, kojim će financirati obnovu pogona za proizvodnju odjeće u programu za Huga Bossa, čija će se dosadašnja vrijednost udvostručiti na 3,5 mil.
Varteks has signed a loan contract with HBOR in the amount of 12 million kuna, which will finance the reconstruction of the plant for clothing industry in Hugo Boss program, whose past value will be double to the amount of 3,5 mil.

[Wed Apr 21 09:00:25 2004]
Kredit je na rok od sedam godina, a HBOR je Varteks kreditom od 32,3 mil.
The loan has been issued on seven years, and HBOR is Varteks with the loan of 32,3 mil.

[Wed Apr 21 09:00:28 2004]
kuna već pratio u obnovi robne kuće u središtu Zagreba.
kuna already supported in the reconstruction of the department store in the center of Zagreb.

[Wed Apr 21 09:02:51 2004]
opovrgnute tvrdnje da Hrvatsku državu licenciranje Microsoftovog softvera godišnje košta 50 mil.
Statements that Croatian state yearly pays 50 million kuna for the Microsoft's software license denied

[Wed Apr 21 09:04:31 2004]
Izvršni direktor Microsofta Hrvatska Davor Majetić opovrgnuo je procjene da Vlada za licenciranje Microsoftovog softvera godišnje plaća 50 mil.
Executive manager of the Microsoft Croatia Davor Majetić has denied evaluations that the Government pays 50 million kuna for the Microsoft's software license per year

[Wed Apr 21 09:06:18 2004]
Majetić također ne vjeruje da su se medijske najave kako Vlada razmišlja o prelasku na sustav Linux pojavile kao oblik pritiska na Microsoft, s kojim će država uskoro početi pregovore o obnovi ugovora.
Majetić also does not believe that media announcements that the Government has been considering to transfer to the Linux system appear as a form pressure on Microsoft, with which the state soon will start negotiations on the renewal of the contract.

[Wed Apr 21 09:06:18 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 9)
(Večernji list, page 9)

[Wed Apr 21 09:08:36 2004]
imovina obaveznih mirovinskih fondova 5,21 mlrd.
assets of obligatory pension funds are 5,21 billion.

[Wed Apr 21 09:09:29 2004]
Obavezni mirovinski fondovi su krajem ožujka raspolagali imovinom od 5,21 mlrd.
Obligatory pension funds by the end of March had the assets of 5,21 billion.

[Wed Apr 21 09:10:37 2004]
Fondovi su 90% imovine uložili na domaćem tržištu, od čega 68,9% u državne obveznice.
The funds 90% of assets invested in domestic market, 68,9% belonging to government bonds.

[Wed Apr 21 09:10:38 2004]
Dobrovoljni fondovi su skupili tek 10.798 članova i imovinu od 38,6 mil.
Voluntary funds have gathered only 10.798 members and assets of 38,6 mil.

[Wed Apr 21 09:10:42 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 10)
(Vjesnik, page 10)

[Wed Apr 21 09:19:58 2004]
nastavljaju se sukobi
Conflict still on-going

[Wed Apr 21 09:21:58 2004]
U minobacačkom napadu na zatvor kojim upravljaju snage Koalicije u Bagdadu poginula su 22 zatvorenika.
In a mortar attack on Baghdad prison, which is controlled by Coalition forces, 22 prisoners died.

[Wed Apr 21 09:22:59 2004]
U zatvoru se nalaze osobe koje Koalicija sumnjiči za sudjelovanje u oružanim napadima, a takvih je u Iraku oko 4.000.
In jail, there are persons which the Coalition suspects of participating in armed attacks, about 4.000 of them in Iraq.

[Wed Apr 21 09:24:24 2004]
Amerikanci su u Falluji usmrtili osam iračkih pobunjenika, dok je jedan njihov vojnik poginuo u Mosulu.
The Americans killed eight Iraqi rebels in Falluja, while one of their soldiers died in Mosul.

[Wed Apr 21 09:24:25 2004]
Neslužbeno se tvrdi da Poljaci neće produžavati misiju svojih 2.500 vojnika, koja ističe u rujnu.
Unofficial allegations claim that Poland will not prolong its mission of 2.500 soldiers, which ends the September.

[Wed Apr 21 09:27:12 2004]
Bliski istok
Near East

[Wed Apr 21 09:28:36 2004]
Šef izraelske vojne obavještajne službe, general Zeevi, rekao je pred parlamentarnim odborom kako u Hamasu vlada anarhija nakon ubojstva vođa.
Chief of the Israeli military intelligence agency, general Zeevi, said before the parliamentary committee that of anarchy has spread in Hamas after the murders of the leaders.

[Wed Apr 21 09:29:49 2004]
Zeevi je ocijenio da je palestinska organizacija u šoku, te da pokušava osigurati financijska sredstva u Iranu i kod libanonskog Hezbollaha.
Zeevi has evaluated that the Palestinian organization is in state of shock, and that it has been trying to insure assets in Iran and by the Lebanese Hezbollah.

[Wed Apr 21 09:29:49 2004]
Izraelska vojska je ubila trojicu Palestinaca u akciji u Pojasu Gaze, poduzetoj nakon što su na židovsko naselje ispaljene dvije rakete.
The Israeli army killed three Palestinians in an action in Gaza Strip, undertaken after two rockets had been fired on a Jewish settlement.

[Wed Apr 21 09:32:54 2004]
održat će se referendum o novom ustavu Europske Unije
Referendum on a EU new constitution will be held

[Wed Apr 21 09:34:02 2004]
Britanski premijer Blair je najavio održanje referenduma o novom ustavu Europske Unije, što je mogućnost koju je vlada dosad odbijala.
British Prime Minister Blair has announced that the referendum on a EU new constitution will be held, a possibility until now rejected by the government.

[Wed Apr 21 09:35:47 2004]
Referendum se ipak neće održati prije parlamentarnih izbora koji se očekuju sljedeće godine.
The referendum will still not be held before parliamentary elections which are expected next year.

[Wed Apr 21 09:36:34 2004]
Britanci se o EU nisu izjašnjavali na referendumima od 1975.
The British have not participated in a referendum about EU since 1975

[Wed Apr 21 09:41:24 2004]
Dow Jones i Nasdaq pali nakon govora Alana Greenspana
Dow Jones and NASDAQ fell after the speech of Alan Greenspan

[Wed Apr 21 09:42:53 2004]
Newyorški burzovni indeksi Dow Jones i Nasdaq pali su 1%, odnosno 2%, nakon govora guvernera Feda Alana Greenspana pred senatskim odborom za bankarstvo Čelnik američke središnje banke je rekao kako nema više prijetnji deflacije, te da se postepeno vraća sposobnost gospodarstva da određuje cijene.
New York stock-exchange indexes Dow Jones and NASDAQ fell by 1%, that is by 2%, after the speech of Fed governor Alan Greenspan before the senate committee for the banking. Leader of US Central bank has said that deflation threats no longer exist, and that the capacity of economy to determine prices has gradually been restored.

[Wed Apr 21 09:42:54 2004]
Ocjena se smatra novom najavom kako bi uskoro moglo doći do podizanja iznimno niske Fedove kamatne stope od 1%.
Evaluation is considered a new announcement of a possibility to increase soon exceptionally low Fed interest rates of 1%.

[Wed Apr 21 09:44:18 2004]

[Wed Apr 21 09:45:42 2004]
počela konferencija na kojoj sudjeluje 240 europskih tvrtki
Conference with the participation of 240 European companies started

[Wed Apr 21 09:46:52 2004]
U Tripoliju je počela dvodnevna konferencija na kojoj sudjeluje 240 europskih tvrtki, koja se nadaju osigurati poslovne ugovore prije nego što SAD ukine svoju zabranu poslovanja s tom zemljom.
In Tripoli, a two-day conference has started at which 240 European companies participate, which hope to establish business deals before the USA removes its businesses ban with that country.

[Wed Apr 21 09:47:34 2004]
Ukidanje tih sankcija se očekuje do kraja tjedna, a libijska vlada je u ponedjeljak potpisala više sporazuma o suradnji s Francuskom.
Removal of those sanctions is expected by the end of the week, and Libyan government on Monday signed a number of cooperation agreement with France.

[Wed Apr 21 09:47:35 2004]
Libiju je svojedobno obišlo hrvatsko izaslanstvo, kad se najavljivala mogućnost velikih poslova.
Libya was formerly visited by Croatian delegation, when a possibility of big business was announced.

[Wed Apr 21 09:49:57 2004]
Odžano prvo ročište u predmetu tužbe obitelji Zec
First hearing in the case of the family Zec complaint

[Wed Apr 21 09:51:00 2004]
Na općinskom sudu u Zagrebu održano je prvo ročište u predmetu tužbe obitelji Zec, koja od države potražuje 1,5 mil.
In the Municipal court in Zagreb was held the first hearing in the case of the family Zec complaint, which from the state claims 1,5 mil.

[Wed Apr 21 09:53:57 2004]
kuna kao odštetu za ubojstvo roditelja i starije sestre dvoje preživjele djece, u poznatom slučaju iz 1991.
kuna as the indemnity for the murder of parents and the older sister by two surviving children, in the famous case from 1991.

[Wed Apr 21 09:54:02 2004]
Državno odvjetništvo je nedavno odbilo prijedlog izvansudske nagodbe, a sud je jučer prihvatio zahtjev da se kao dokaz prihvati spis o priznanju zločina, svojedobno odbačen jer je nastao povredom procedure.
State prosecutor's office recently rejected the proposal for out-of-court settlement, and the court yesterday accepted the request to accept in evidence a document on the acknowledgment of crime, formerly refused because it resulted from violation of the procedure.

[Wed Apr 21 09:54:05 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 21)
(Večernji list, page 21)

[Wed Apr 21 09:54:47 2004]

[Wed Apr 21 09:54:47 2004]
u većini krajeva barem djelomice, a na Jadranu pretežno sunčano.
in most parts at least partially, and in the Adriatic mostly sunny.

[Thu Apr 22 08:08:43 2004]
nerealno očekivati članstvo do 2007.
Unrealistically expect the membership by 2007.

[Thu Apr 22 08:11:03 2004]
Izvori iz Europske komisije koje prenosi slovenska agencija STA drže hrvatsku želju da postane članicom EU već 2007.
European Commission Sources reported by the Slovenian agency STA consider the Croatian wish to becomes an EU member already in 2007.