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[Fri Mar 19 11:53:16 2004]
Odgovor kršćanske religije, odnosno teologije trebao bi biti sadržan u jednoznačnom Ťneť.
The answer of the Christian religion, or theology in other words should be comprised in an unambiguous Ťnoť.

[Fri Mar 19 11:54:01 2004]
Zanimljivo je da ni suvremene prirodne znanosti više ne dijele stvarnost na elemente Ťkartezijanskog raskolať, tj. na Ťres cogitansť i Ťres extensať, nego pletu dojmljivu mrežu odnosa između čovjeka i prirode.
It is interesting to notice that even modern natural sciences no longer divide the reality on elements of ŤCartesian separationť, i.e. on Ťres cogitansť and Ťres extensať, but instead weave an impressive network of relations between man and nature.

[Fri Mar 19 11:54:01 2004]
Upravo je Ťodnosť pojam koji puno obećava u ovom kontekstu.
Exactly the Ťrelationť is the notion which promises a lot in this context.

[Fri Mar 19 11:59:37 2004]
Pitanje o Bogu staro je koliko i onaj koji ga postavlja - čovjek.
Question on God is as old as is the one asking it man.

[Fri Mar 19 12:06:12 2004]
A pitanje o Prirodi?
And the question on Nature?

[Fri Mar 19 12:06:33 2004]

[Fri Mar 19 12:08:37 2004]
I ono također ima identičnu povijesnu težinu za čovjeka.
And it also has the same historical importance for the man.

[Fri Mar 19 12:09:50 2004]
No, povijest čovječanstva, promatrana i življena iz kolijevke s logotipom ŤZapadna civilizacijať, radikalno je podijeljena na Ťprijeť i poslijeť.
But, the history the mankind, looked at and experienced from a cradle with the logotype ŤWestern civilizationť, has radically been divided into Ťbeforeť and afterť.

[Fri Mar 19 12:10:27 2004]
Ono Ťprijeť je označeno iskustvom u kojem je sastavni veznik Ťiť igrao presudnu ulogu.
That Ťbeforeť is marked by experience in which the component conjunction Ťiť had a crucial role.

[Fri Mar 19 12:11:24 2004]
Dakle, i Bog i Priroda.
Therefore, both God and Nature also.

[Fri Mar 19 12:11:28 2004]
Ono Ťposlijeť je označeno dominantnim iskustvom rastavnog veznika Ťiliť.
That Ťafterť is marked by a predominant experience of the disjunctive Ťorť.

[Fri Mar 19 12:12:10 2004]
Dakle, ili Bog ili Priroda.
Therefore, either God or Nature.

[Fri Mar 19 12:12:10 2004]
U tom kontekstu razlika između Ťiť i Ťiliť je bitna, štoviše, odlučujuće radikalna i revolucionarno zahtjevna
In this context the difference between Ťandť and Ťorť is essential, what is more, it is crucially radical and revolutionary demanding

[Fri Mar 19 12:22:46 2004]
Može li suvremeni čovjek, koji je do krajnjih granica isprepleten silnicama onog povijesnog i vrijednosno angažiranoga Ťposlijeť, još uvijek spokojno vjerovati u osobnoga Boga kršćanske objave?
Could the modern man, who to extremes has been interwoven with lines of magnetic force of that historical and valuably engaged Ťafterť, still peacefully believe in personal God of the Christian announcement?

[Fri Mar 19 12:25:00 2004]
Ne zahtijeva li se danas od tog istog čovjeka da svoju sposobnost vjerovanja bespogovorno povjeri Prirodi kako je objašnjavaju i shvaćaju suvremene prirodne znanosti?
Is not that same man required today to confide his ability to believe unquestionybly to Nature as explained and understood by modern natural sciences?

[Fri Mar 19 12:25:15 2004]
Jer, ako bi na mjesto transcendentnoga Boga definitivno trebala doći imanentna Priroda, u čemu bi se sastojala razlika među njima?
Because, if the immanent Nature should definitely take the place of transcendental God, in what would they differ then?

[Fri Mar 19 12:27:33 2004]
Zar Priroda ne bi zamijenila Boga?
Would not Nature replace God?

[Fri Mar 19 12:27:33 2004]
To pomalo naivno pitanje samo od sebe ukazuje na besmislenost poistovjećivanja pitanja o Bogu s pitanjem o Prirodi, ali i njihovog totalnog razdvajanja.
This in a way naive question points itself to the meaninglessness of identifying questions about God with questions about Nature, and also of their total separation.

[Fri Mar 19 12:32:12 2004]
Tu se, ipak, radi o dva različita reda stvarnosti, koja uključuju dva različita reda spoznaje.
Here, however, we deal with two different sequences of reality, which involve two different sequences of cognition.

[Fri Mar 19 12:35:05 2004]
Bez slobodne ljudske odluke ta dva reda stvarnosti nisu međusobno sukobljena.
These two sequences of reality are not mutually in conflict without a free human decision.

[Fri Mar 19 12:40:43 2004]
Rečenim se ne brišu granice povijesnog Ťprijeť i Ťposlijeť s već ostvarenim posljedicama.
This statement does not erase borders of the historical Ťbeforeť and Ťafterť of already achieved results.

[Fri Mar 19 12:41:17 2004]
Samo se skreće pozornost na goleme nepravde učinjene protiv sudbonosne međuovisnosti i nikad do kraja iscrpljene usmjerenosti Boga na Prirodu, i obrnuto, a na način tvrdoglavog zanemarivanja i podcjenjivanja.
The attention is only diverted towards big injustices done against the inevitable interdependence and against never completely worn inclination of God towards Nature, and vice versa, in a way of stubborn neglect and disregard.

[Fri Mar 19 12:42:32 2004]
Stoga bi presudnu ulogu trebao odigrati sastavni veznik Ťiť.
Therefore, the component conjunction Ťandť should have the crucial role.

[Fri Mar 19 12:44:36 2004]
No, da se razumijemo.
But, let's get something straight.

[Fri Mar 19 12:44:45 2004]
ŤBogu se ne pristupa vanjskim postupkom - objašnjenjem, dokazivanjem i zaključkom, nego unutrašnjim postupkom - iskustvom i provjeravanjem toga iskustvať (F.
ŤGod cannot be approached with an exterior action explaning, proving and concluding, but with an interior action experiencing and checking these experiences???ť (F.

[Fri Mar 19 12:45:37 2004]

[Fri Mar 19 12:49:55 2004]
To ne bi trebalo krivo shvatiti.
This should not be misunderstood.

[Fri Mar 19 12:49:57 2004]
Čak ni tu ne bi smjelo biti mjesta za nekakav Ťslužbeniť svjetonazor kršćanskog sentimentalizma, ma koliko danas bio privlačan, kao obrambena reakcija na onaj Ťslužbeniť svjetonazor prirodoznanstvenog materijalizma, koji je danas od mnogih, makar prešutno, prihvaćen i promican.
Even here, some Ťofficialť philosophy of life of Christian sentimentalism should not be allowed, no matter how attractive it may seem today, as a defensive reaction to that Ťofficialť philosophy of life of natural-scientific materialism, which many, though quietly, accept and promote today.

[Fri Mar 19 12:52:57 2004]

[Fri Mar 19 12:52:57 2004]
Sasvim načelno, ključ rješenja je sakriven u odajama dvorca mudre i odgovorne bilateralne kontemplacije.
As a statement of principle, a key to the solution is hidden in chambers of the castle of a wise and reliable bilateral contemplation.

[Mon Mar 22 08:21:34 2004]

[Mon Mar 22 08:45:12 2004]
Petrač ipak optužen za poticanje na otmicu
Petrač nevertheless are accused for stimulation of kidnapping

[Mon Mar 22 08:46:58 2004]
Izvanraspravno vijeće zagrebačkog Županijskog suda djelomično je uvažilo žalbu USKOK-a, prihvativši zahtjev za proširenje istražnog postupka na Hrvoja Petrača u slučaju otmice sina generala Zagorca.
Izvanraspravno council of Zagreb County court has partly accepted the complaint of USKOK, after having accepted the request for expanding the investigative procedure on Hrvoje Petrač in the case of the kidnapping of general Zagorac's son.

[Mon Mar 22 08:50:06 2004]
Istraga će se voditi zbog poticanja na otmicu, a odbačen je zahtjev da se istraži udruživanje u zločinačku organizaciju.
Investigation will be conducted on grounds of encouragement to kidnapping, and the request to investigate the joining into a criminal organization has been rejected.

[Mon Mar 22 08:50:12 2004]
USKOK se žalio na odluku istražnog suca da se Petrača uopće ne istražuje.
USKOK appealed against the decision of the examining magistrate of not investigating Petrač at all.

[Mon Mar 22 08:50:12 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list strana 3)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list page 3)

[Mon Mar 22 08:59:30 2004]
Europska komisija će mišljenje o hrvatskoj kandidaturi objaviti 21.
European Commission judgement on Croatian candidacy will be announced on 21.

[Mon Mar 22 09:03:14 2004]
Europska komisija će mišljenje o hrvatskoj kandidaturi objaviti 21.
The European Commission will announce its opinion on Croatian candidacy on April 21

[Mon Mar 22 09:05:13 2004]
travnja, o čemu je Vlada već izviještena, neslužbeno saznaje Večernji list, što su podudara s ranije objavljenom najavom Jutarnjeg lista kako će se mišljenje objaviti tjedan nakon Uskrsa.
The European Commission will announce its opinion on Croatian candidacy on April 21 , about which the government has already been informed, according to unofficial sources from finds out Večernji list, and which corresponds to earlier published announcement from Jutarnji list that the opinion will be announced a week after Easter.

[Mon Mar 22 09:05:15 2004]
EK će preporučiti početak pregovora u lipnju, a spomenut će potrebu pune suradnje s Haaškim sudom, tvrdi list, za što iz Komisije ponovno nije stigla potvrda.
The EC will recommend the start of negotiations in June, and it will mention the need of a full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, according to the newspapers, which once more has not been confirmed by the Commission.

[Mon Mar 22 09:05:15 2004]
(subota, Večernji list strana 5)
(Saturday, Večernji list page 5)

[Mon Mar 22 09:09:12 2004]
Ivan Jarnjak je završio dvodnevni razgovor s haaškim istražiteljima
Ivan Jarnjak completes the two-day talk with the Hague investigators

[Mon Mar 22 09:11:14 2004]
Ivan Jarnjak je završio dvodnevni razgovor s haaškim istražiteljima, a medijima je otkrio samo da se razgovor odnosio na operacije Medački džep, Bljesak i Oluja, kad je bio ministar unutrašnjih poslova.
Ivan Jarnjak has completed the two-day talk with the Hague investigators, and told the media only that the talk concerned the operations of Medački džep, Bljesak and Oluja, when he was the Minister of interior affairs.

[Mon Mar 22 09:12:13 2004]
Novinari prenose da su razgovori bili cjelodnevni, te da je osumnjičenik bio vidno iscrpljen.
Reporters say the talks went on the entire day, and that the suspect was clearly exhausted.

[Mon Mar 22 09:12:16 2004]
Vjesnik tvrdi da je Jarnjak nezadovoljan općenitim pitanjima želio prekinuti razgovor.
Vjesnik claims that Jarnjak unsatisfied with general questions wanted to terminate the talk.

[Mon Mar 22 09:12:16 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik strana 1)
(Saturday, Vjesnik page 1)

[Mon Mar 22 09:20:34 2004]
istražitelji su s Jarnjakom uglavnom razgovarali o akciji u Medačkom džepu
Investigators talked with Jarnjak mostly about the operation in Medački džep

[Mon Mar 22 09:22:59 2004]
Prema upućenim izvorima Večernjeg lista, istražitelji su s Jarnjakom uglavnom razgovarali o akciji u Medačkom džepu, za koju je optužen Rahim Ademi.
According to well-informed sources of Večernji list, investigators talked with Jarnjakom mostly about the operation in Medački džep, for which Rahim Ademi has been accused.

[Mon Mar 22 09:23:01 2004]
Izvori tvrde da je razgovorom zaključen slučaj Jarnjak, koji je bio osumnjičen jer se tvrdilo da se na tom području osobno pojavio odmah nakon akcije, a istražitelje navodno najviše zanima kao svjedok za slučaj Ademi.
The sources claim that the talk finalized the Jarnjak case, who had been accused because there were indications that in that area he had personally appeared immediately after the operations, and the investigators are allegedly mostly interested in him as a witness in the Ademi case.

[Mon Mar 22 09:23:01 2004]
(nedjelja, Večernji list strana 2)
(Sunday, Večernji list page 2)

[Mon Mar 22 09:25:13 2004]
Banking business:

[Mon Mar 22 09:27:51 2004]
šest poslovnih banaka je na sastanku u HNB-u u srijedu izrazilo spremnost na kreditiranje države
Six commercial banks expressed their readiness to supply credit for the state at a meeting at Croatian National Bank on Wednesday

[Mon Mar 22 09:29:03 2004]
Prema tvrdnjama izvora koji Jutarnji list ocjenjuje dobro upućenim, šest poslovnih banaka je na sastanku u HNB-u u srijedu izrazilo spremnost na kreditiranje države po vrlo niskim kamatama, ukoliko im se smanji dio obavezne pričuve koji sad izdvajaju.
According to the claims by sources which Jutarnji list evaluates as well-informed, six commercial banks at a meeting at Croatian National Bank on Wednesday expressed their readiness to supply credit to the state on very low interests, if the part of necessary reserve which they now pay becomes reduced.

[Mon Mar 22 09:29:06 2004]
List tvrdi da će banke svoj prijedlog u ponedjeljak predočiti Ministarstvu financija, a potom će se u srijedu ponovno sastati sve tri strane.
The newspaper claims that banks their suggestion on Monday will present to the Ministry Of Finance, and then all three parties will meet once more on Wednesday.

[Mon Mar 22 09:29:06 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list strana 9)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list page 9)

[Mon Mar 22 09:35:16 2004]
odlučio preko burze prodati 67% dionica Belja
selling of 67% shares of Belje through the stock exchange

[Mon Mar 22 09:35:44 2004]
HFP je u petak odlučio preko burze prodati 67% dionica Belja po nominalnoj cijeni, koju nalaže zakon, a neće se raspisivati natječaj.
HFP on Friday decided through the stock exchange to sell 67%shares of Belje on a nominal price, which is prescribed by the law, and a bid invitation will not be organized.

[Mon Mar 22 09:38:44 2004]
Pretpostavlja se da će se cijena dionica naknadno smanjivati.
It is assumed that the price of a share subsequently will reduce.

[Mon Mar 22 09:39:04 2004]
Dioki će se privatizirati prodajom 25% i jedne dionice na javno j dražbi, dok će se 49% dionica po postignutoj cijeni, uz moguće popuste, ponuditi zaposlenima.
Dioki will be privatized through the sale of 25% and one share in a public auction, while 49% of the shares will be offered to employees on the realized price, with possible discounts.

[Mon Mar 22 09:39:04 2004]
(subota, Večernji list strana 11)
(Saturday, Večernji list page 11)

[Mon Mar 22 09:41:57 2004]
predložio prihvaćanje ponude švicarske tvrtke Doris
Acceptance of the offer by the Swiss firm Doris suggested

[Mon Mar 22 09:42:01 2004]
Fond je Vladi predložio prihvaćanje ponude švicarske tvrtke Doris od 30 mil.
The fund to the government has suggested the acceptance of the offer by the Swiss company Doris of 30 mil.

[Mon Mar 22 09:42:59 2004]
kuna i $2 mil.
kuna and $2 mil.

[Mon Mar 22 09:44:35 2004]
dokapitalizacije za 72% splitskog Jadroplova, koja je u studenom odbijena zbog navodnih problema s bonitetom.
of additional capitalization for 72% of Split Jadroplov, which in November was refused because of alleged problems with their financial reliability.

[Mon Mar 22 09:45:11 2004]
Tržištu će se ponuditi 66,28% dionica Hotela Srebreno od kojih je svojedobno odustao Generalturist.
The market will be offered 66,28% of shares of Hotel Srebreno from which Generalturist gave up once.

[Mon Mar 22 09:45:13 2004]
Po cijeni od 15% nominalne vrijednosti zaposlenicima je ponuđena PP Orahovica.
At the price of 15% of the nominal value, PP Orahovica has been offered to the employees.

[Mon Mar 22 09:45:13 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik strana 9)
(Saturday, Vjesnik page 9)

[Mon Mar 22 09:46:31 2004]
Neto dobit za prošlu godinu 74,2 mil.
Net gain for the last year is 74,2 mil.

[Mon Mar 22 09:46:59 2004]
Neto dobit banke za prošlu godinu dosegla je 74,2 mil.
Net gain of the Bank for the last year has reached 74,2 mil.

[Mon Mar 22 09:47:00 2004]
kuna, uz rast aktive od 26% na 4,68 mlrd.
kuna, with the asset growth from 26% to 4,68 billion.

[Mon Mar 22 09:47:37 2004]
Kreditni plasmani su rasli 12% na 1,25 mlrd.
Credit placing has grown from 12% to 1,25 billion.

[Mon Mar 22 09:47:38 2004]
, a depoziti 11% na 1,95 mlrd.
, and deposits from 11% to 1,95 billion.

[Mon Mar 22 09:47:41 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik strana 9)
(Saturday, Vjesnik page 9)

[Tue Mar 23 08:11:16 2004]
Međunarodna javnost:
International community:

[Tue Mar 23 08:13:01 2004]
Bijela kuća nazvala Jasinovu likvidaciju uznemirujućim činom
White House calles Jasin's liquidation a disturbing act

[Tue Mar 23 08:19:06 2004]
Bijela kuća nije osudila Jasinovu likvidaciju, nazvavši je ipak uznemirujućim činom, a Jasina osobom koja se bavila terorizmom.
The White House has not condemned Jasin's liquidation, calling it still a disturbing act, and Jasin as a person involved in terrorism.

[Tue Mar 23 08:22:42 2004]
Izraelski čin je osudio glavni tajnik UN-a Kofi Annan, rekavši da se radi o kršenju međunarodnog prava koje ne doprinosi mirovnom procesu.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has condemned the Israeli act, saying that it was the violation of international law which does not contribute to the piece process.

[Tue Mar 23 08:22:43 2004]
Povjerenik EU-a za sigurnost Javier Solana nazvao je atentat lošom vijesti.
EU safety Commissioner Javier Solana has described the assassination a bad news.

[Tue Mar 23 08:22:43 2004]

[Tue Mar 23 08:24:30 2004]
Svjetske burze:
World stock exchanges:

[Tue Mar 23 08:26:25 2004]
negativno reagirale na vijesti o likvidaciji čelnika Hamasa
negative reactions to the news about the liquidation of the Hamas leader

[Tue Mar 23 08:26:44 2004]
Vodeće svjetske burze su negativno reagirale na vijesti o likvidaciji čelnika Hamasa, koje su, uz vijesti o nestabilnosti na Tajvanu, doprinijele padu europskih burzovnih indeksa od 2% do 3%.
Leading world stock exchanges have negatively responded to the news about the liquidation of the Hamas leader, which have, together with the news about the instability in Taiwan, contributed to the fall of the European stock-exchange indexes by 2%to 3%.

[Tue Mar 23 08:26:45 2004]
Newyorški indeks Dow Jones pao je jučer 1,2%.
The New York index Dow Jones has fallen yesterday by 1,2%.

[Tue Mar 23 08:31:08 2004]

[Tue Mar 23 08:33:22 2004]
u okruženju vjerojatno drže nekog čečenskskog ili uzbečkog komandanta
some Chechen or Uzbek commander probably surrounded

[Tue Mar 23 08:34:49 2004]
Pakistanska vojska je u području gdje u okruženju drži više stotina pripadnika plemenskih boraca i islamskih militanata, otkrila tunele prema afganistanskoj granici kroz koje su okruženi mogli pobjeći.
The Pakistani armed forces at the area where they have surrounded a number of hundreds of members of clan fighters and Islamic militants, have discover tunnels that lead to the Afghan border through which the surrounded could have escaped.

[Tue Mar 23 08:36:24 2004]
Vojni konvoj koji se kretao u područje akcije napadnut je iz zasjede, pri čemu je 11 vojnika poginulo.
A military convoy which was going towards the line of action was attacked from an ambush, when 11 soldier died.

[Tue Mar 23 08:36:25 2004]
Pakistanska vojska da drži da se u okruženju vjerojatno nalazi neki čečenski ili uzbečki komandant, a ne čelnici Al Qaide.
The Pakistani army says that there is probably some Chechen or Uzbek commander in the surrounded area, and Al-Qaeda not leaders.

[Tue Mar 23 08:37:46 2004]
kazna od 497 mil.
punishment from 497 mil.

[Tue Mar 23 08:38:20 2004]
eura od Europske komisije
euro punishment from the European Commission

[Tue Mar 23 08:39:10 2004]
Europska komisija će Microsoft kazniti s čak 497 mil.
European Commission will punish Microsoft with even 497 mil.

[Tue Mar 23 08:39:27 2004]
eura u poznatom slučaju optužbi za nelegalno vezivanje multimedijskog softvera s Windowsima, tvrde još neslužbene vijesti.
euro in the familiar case of accusations about illegal bundling of multimedia software with Windows, claim still unofficial news.

[Tue Mar 23 08:39:28 2004]
EK će presudu objaviti sutra.
The EC will announce its sentence tomorrow.

[Thu Mar 25 08:07:35 2004]
Vladinih euroobveznice:
Government's Eurobonds:

[Thu Mar 25 08:07:52 2004]
UBS i J.P.
UBS and J.P.

[Thu Mar 25 08:08:06 2004]
Morgan bit će aranžeri
Morgan as arrangers

[Thu Mar 25 08:10:23 2004]
Banke UBS i J.P.
UBS and J.P.

[Thu Mar 25 08:10:25 2004]
Morgan bit će aranžeri travanjskog izdanja Vladinih euroobveznica, vrijednog 500 mil.
Morgan banks will be arrangers of April editions of government's Eurobonds, worth 500 mil.

[Thu Mar 25 08:13:27 2004]
Obveznice će biti na deset godina, a cijena će se odrediti nakon turneje na kojem će se predstaviti izdanje, zakazane za razdoblje od 29.
The bonds will be issued for the period of ten years, and the price will be defined after the tour on which the edition will ne presented, scheduled for the period from 29.

[Thu Mar 25 08:13:28 2004]
ožujka do 5.
March to 5.

[Thu Mar 25 08:13:29 2004]

[Thu Mar 25 08:13:29 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 9)
(Vjesnik page 9)

[Thu Mar 25 08:14:30 2004]
Grawe Hrvatska:
Grawe Croatia:

[Thu Mar 25 08:14:31 2004]
prošlogodišnji bruto prihod 324 mil.
last year's gross revenue - 324 mil.

[Thu Mar 25 08:17:34 2004]
Osiguravatelj Grawe Hrvatska ostvario je 221,1 mil.
The insurance company Grawe Croatia earned 221,1 mil.

[Thu Mar 25 08:21:13 2004]
kuna zaračunatih bruto premija životnog osiguranja prošle godine, pa su u društvu procijenila da su i petu godinu za redom zadržali prvo mjestu na tržištu životnih osiguranja.
kuna of charged gross premiums of life insurance last year, so the company has estimated that have kept the first market place of life insurances a fifth year in a roll.

[Thu Mar 25 08:22:29 2004]
Prvo mjesto među životnim osiguranjima je prilikom nedavnog predstavljanja rezultata najavilo i Croatia osiguranje.
Croatia Insurance company has also announced the first place among life insurance companies is at the recent result presentations.

[Thu Mar 25 08:22:30 2004]
Ukupne premijer Grawea dosegle su lani 324 mil.
total Grawe premiums amounted to last year 324 mil.

[Thu Mar 25 08:22:31 2004]
(Večernji list strana 8)
(Večernji list page 8)

[Thu Mar 25 08:24:33 2004]
novi teroristički napadi u Falluji i Bagdadu
new terrorist attacks in Falluji and Baghdad

[Thu Mar 25 08:25:45 2004]
U napadu iračkih pobunjenika na američki vojni konvoj u Falluji je poginulo šest iračkih vojnika koji su se nalazili u konvoju, a više je američkih i iračkih vojnika ranjeno.
In the attack of Iraqi rebels on the American military convoy in Falluji six Iraqi soldiers died who had been in the convoy, and a number of American and Iraqi soldiers injured.

[Thu Mar 25 08:26:54 2004]
U raketnom napadu na bagdadski hotel Sheraton, u kojem odsjedaju strani poslovni ljudi i novinari, nije bilo žrtava.
In the rocket attack on the Bagdad hotel Sheraton, at which foreign businessmen and journalists are staying, there are no casualties.

[Thu Mar 25 08:26:55 2004]
Napad na nastavak kampanje protiv stranih civila, u kojoj su prekjučer ustrijeljena dva finska poduzetnika.
It is a continued attack of the campaign against foreign civilians, in which the day before yesterday two Finnish businessmen were killed.

[Fri Mar 26 08:12:15 2004]
Ericsson Nikola Tesla:
Ericsson Nikola Tesla:

[Fri Mar 26 08:12:16 2004]
glavnu skupštinu dioničara održat će se 18.
general assembly of stockholders will be held 18.

[Fri Mar 26 08:13:04 2004]
Ericsson Nikola Tesla objavio je poziv za glavnu skupštinu dioničara koja se treba održati 18.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla has announced the invitation for the general assembly of stockholders which is to be held on 18.

[Fri Mar 26 08:19:24 2004]
Dioničarima se predlažu odluke o isplati dividende i zadržavanju lanjske dobiti koje su najavljene i prilikom nedavnog predstavljanja rezultata, dok se smanjenje temeljnog kapitala isplatom dioničarima, mogućnost koja je utjecala na veliki rast cijene dionica, ni ovaj put ne spominje.
The stockholders have been proposed decisions about paying dividends and keeping last year's profit which were also announced at the recent result presentation, while the reduction of the base capital by paying to the stockholders, a possibility which has affected a big growth of stock prices, has not been mentioned even this time.

[Fri Mar 26 08:24:34 2004]
Nizozemski političar Gijs de Vries postat će koordinator za mjere borbe protiv terorizma
Dutch politician Gijs de Vries becomes a coordinator for counterterrorism measures

[Fri Mar 26 08:27:33 2004]
Nizozemski političar Gijs de Vries postat će u ponedjeljak koordinator Europske Unije za mjere borbe protiv terorizma, odlučili su čelnici zemalja Unije.
Dutch politician Gijs de Vries will become on Monday the European Union coordinator for counterterrorism measures, according to the decision of leaders of the EU countries.

[Fri Mar 26 08:27:34 2004]
Dogovoreni su i drugi potezi poput nadzora telefonskih poziva u mobilnoj mreži, odnosno zadržavanja svih telekomunikacijskih podataka u određenom roku, kako bi se omogućila istraga nadležnih službi.
Other measures have also been arranged, such as the supervision of telephone calls in the mobile network, that is the keeping of all telecommunication data within the specified term, in order to make the investigation of competent services possible.

[Fri Mar 26 08:28:45 2004]

[Fri Mar 26 08:30:49 2004]
Al Jazeera emitirala novu snimku Egipćanina Aymana Al Zawahirija
Al Jazeera broadcast a new recording of Egyptian Aymana Al Zawahiri

[Fri Mar 26 08:33:02 2004]
Arapska televizija Al Jazeera emitirala je jučer novu snimku Bin Ladenovog pobočnika, Egipćanina Aymana Al Zawahirija, za kojeg se tvrdilo da bi se mogao nalaziti u okruženju palestinske vojske na tamošnjim autonomnim plemenskim područjima.
Arabic television Al Jazeera broadcast yesterday a new recording of Bin Laden's adjutant, Egyptian Aymana Al Zawahiri, who is claimed to be can in the area surrounded by the Palestinian army in local autonomous clan areas.

[Fri Mar 26 08:33:03 2004]
Al Zawahiri je pozvao Pakistance da sruše režim generala Musharrafa, koji je već ranije utvrdio da ga je Al Qaida više puta pokušala ubiti.
Al Zawahiri has encouraged the Pakistanis to overthrow general Musharraf's regime, who is already earlier said that Al-Qaeda had tried to kill several times.

[Mon Mar 29 08:29:11 2004]
Premijer Sanader boravi u SAD-u gdje će prisustvovati primanju novih članica u NATO
Prime minister Sanader sojourns in the US where he will attend the admittance of new members in NATO

[Mon Mar 29 08:30:37 2004]
Premijer Sanader boravi u SAD-u gdje će prisustvovati primanju novih članica u NATO te će se susresti s američkim predsjednikom.
Prime minister Sanader sojourns in the US where he will attend the admittance of new members in NATO and meet with the American president.

[Mon Mar 29 08:30:41 2004]
Prema neslužbenim izvorima Večernjeg lista, ne postoji mogućnost da se tijekom susreta od Hrvatske zatraži potpisivanje sporazuma o neizručivanju američkih državljana Stalnom sudu te slanje vojnika u Irak.
According to the unofficial sources of Večernji list, there is no possibility that during the meeting Croatia will be asked to sign the agreement on the non-extradition of American citizens to the Permanent court and the sending of soldiers in Iraq.

[Mon Mar 29 08:30:41 2004]
(nedjelja, Večernji list strana 2)
(Sunday, Večernji list page 2)

[Mon Mar 29 08:42:09 2004]
bivši pomoćnik ministra unutarnjih poslova Joška Morića tereti se za sprečavanje istrage poslije Oluje
Former undersecretary of Interior Affairs Joško Morić has been charged with the obstruction of the investigation after the Oluja operation

[Mon Mar 29 08:43:34 2004]
Iskaz jednog od tada rukovodećih ljudi u kninskoj policiji haškim istražiteljima teško tereti Joška Morića, bivšeg pomoćnika ministra unutarnjih poslova u vezi s ubojstvom šest srpskih civila u selu Grubori poslije Oluje, piše Jutarnji list.
Testimony of one of then leading men in Knin police to Hague investigators heavily accuses Joško Morić, former undersecretary of interior affairs in connection with the murder of six Serbian civilians in Grubori village after the Oluja operation, says Jutarnji list.

[Mon Mar 29 08:43:37 2004]
Prema tom iskazu, kojeg Morić naziva apsolutnom laži, Morić je osobno spriječio policiju u obavljanju očevida.
According to that statement, which Morić calls an absolute lie, Morić himself prevented the police in the execution of the investigation.

[Mon Mar 29 08:43:37 2004]
(nedjelja, Jutarnji list strana 5)
(Sunday, Jutarnji list page 5)

[Mon Mar 29 08:56:24 2004]
Vlada dala suglasnost za dobivanje kredita za modernizaciju ličke pruge
Government agrees to give a loan for the modernization of Lika railway line

[Mon Mar 29 08:57:20 2004]
Vlada je na redovnoj sjednici dala suglasnost HŽ-u za dobivanje druge tranše kredita od njemačke KfW banke, što će omogućiti modernizaciju ličke pruge, odnosno vožnju nagibnih vlakova, do sredine lipnja.
Government in the ordinary session gave its consent to the Croatian Railways for getting another loan installment from German KfW bank, which will enable the modernization of Lika railway line, that is driving of inclined ?? trains, till the middle of June.

[Mon Mar 29 08:57:25 2004]
Premijer Sanader je istaknuo da se iz ove odluka vidi da Vlada nastavlja s punim programom modernizacije željezničke infrastrukture i HŽ-a.
Prime minister Sanader has emphasized that it is clear from these decisions that the Government continues with the full program of modernization of rail infrastructure and Croatian Railways.

[Mon Mar 29 08:57:25 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list strana 7, Večernji list strana 2)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list page 7, Večernji list page 2)

[Mon Mar 29 08:59:59 2004]
Armed forces:

[Mon Mar 29 09:00:02 2004]
doneseni kreteriji za tzv.
delivered criteria for a so called.

[Mon Mar 29 09:01:17 2004]
predsjedničku mirovinu
presidential pension delivered

[Mon Mar 29 09:01:18 2004]
Vlada je donijela odluku o kriterijima za odlazak vojnih osoba u tzv.
Government has made a decision about criteria for the retirement of military persons in a so called.

[Mon Mar 29 09:02:57 2004]
predsjedničku mirovinu.
presidential pension.

[Mon Mar 29 09:03:00 2004]
Za umirovljenje će moći biti predložena samo djelatna vojna osoba koja ima najmanje deset godina vojne službe, najmanje šest mjeseci sudjelovanja u Domovinskom ratu, te najmanju godišnju službenu ocjenu "ističe se".
For the retirement will be suggested only active military person who has at least ten years of military service, at least six months of participations in the Croatian War Of Independence, and at least an annual official evaluation of " standing out ".

[Mon Mar 29 09:03:00 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list strana 7)
(the Saturday, Jutarnji list page 7)

[Mon Mar 29 09:06:59 2004]

[Mon Mar 29 09:10:03 2004]
glavni državni inspektor Branko Jordanić i ravnateljica Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje Sanja Crnković-Pozaić razriješeni dužnosti
Main State Inspector Branko Jordanić and Head of Croatian Central Employment Office Sanja Crnković-Pozaić released from duty

[Mon Mar 29 09:10:05 2004]
Vlada je smijenila glavnog državnog inspektora Branka Jordanića zbog afere s građevinskom dozvolom te je bez objašnjena razriješila dužnosti i dugogodišnju ravnateljicu Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje Sanju Crnković-Pozaić, koja je za smjenu doznala na radiju.
Government has removed from office Main State Inspector Branko Jordanić because of the affair with the building permit and without the explanation released from duty also longstanding Head of Croatian Central Employment Office Sanja Crnković-Pozaić, who about the dismissal found out on the radio.

[Mon Mar 29 09:10:05 2004]
(subota, Večernji list strana 3)
(Saturday, Večernji list page 3)

[Mon Mar 29 09:12:53 2004]
lani porastao za 4,3%
growth of 4,3% last year

[Mon Mar 29 09:13:15 2004]
Bruto domaći proizvod (BDP) porastao je lani 4,3 posto, ali je stopa rasta od 3,3% u posljednjem tromjesečju 2003.
Gross domestic product (GDP) grew last year for 4,3 percent, but is the rate of growth of 3,3%in the last quarter of 2003.

[Mon Mar 29 09:18:20 2004]
najniža kvartalna stopa rasta od posljednjeg tromjesečja 2001.
the lowest quarter rate of growth since the the last quarter of 2001.

[Mon Mar 29 09:20:31 2004]
Time se nešto brže od očekivanja nastavilo usporavanje rasta BDP-a, koje je najvećim dijelom posljedica usporavanja rasta osobne potrošnje, navodi se u analizi RBA.
That somewhat faster than expected continued to slow down the growth of GDP, which was mostly a result of slowing down the growth of personal consumption, according to the RBA analysis.

[Mon Mar 29 09:22:11 2004]
Investicije u posljednjem tromjesečju 2003.
Investments in the last quarter 2003.

[Mon Mar 29 09:22:11 2004]
i nadalje bilježe visoke stope rasta od 14,8%, dok je državna potrošnja ponovno zabilježila pad od -0,1%.
and furthermore record high rates of growth of 14,8%, while the government spending once more shows the decrease of 0,1%.

[Mon Mar 29 09:26:46 2004]
u gubitku od 77,8 milijuna kuna
at a loss of 77.8 million kunas

[Mon Mar 29 09:30:37 2004]
Prema objavljenim rezultatima poslovanja, prehrambena industrija Lura lani je ostvarila 15-postotni rast ukupnog prometa na oko dvije milijarde kuna, ali je na kraju godine u gubitku od 77,8 milijuna kuna zbog troškova restrukturiranja od 74 milijuna kuna.
According to published business results, food processing industry Lura last year realized a 15-percent growth of total revenues of about two billion kunas, but in the end the year was at a loss of 77,8 million kunas because of restructure costs of 74 million kunas.

[Mon Mar 29 09:30:44 2004]
Restrukturiranje omogućuje Luri da čiste bilance uđe u realizaciju konvertibilnog zajma EBRD-a i DEG-a u iznosu 22 do 66 milijuna eura, što se očekuje u sljedećih mjesec dana, najavio je predsjednik Uprave Željko Perić.
The restruction enables Lura to enter the realization of convertible loan stock of EBRD DEG with a clean balances in the amount from 22 to 66 millions euros, which is expected in the following month, president of the board Željko Perić has announced.

[Mon Mar 29 09:30:44 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik strana 9, Večernji list strana 6)
(Saturday, Vjesnik page 9, Večernji list page 6)

[Mon Mar 29 09:33:40 2004]
Nova i Dubrovačka banka:
Nova and Dubrovačka bank:

[Mon Mar 29 09:35:49 2004]
pripajaju se u Novu banku najkasnije do sredine 2006
Joini into the New bank at the latest by the middle of 2006

[Mon Mar 29 09:36:43 2004]
Nova i Dubrovačka banka sklopile su ugovor o pripajanju koje bi trebalo završiti najkasnije u trećem tromjesečju ove godine, a novonastala banka najvjerojatnije će poslovati pod imenom Nove banke.
Nova and Dubrovačka bank have concluded a contract on the joining which should end at the latest in the third quarter of this year, and a newly risen bank will most probably work the under name of Nova bank.

[Mon Mar 29 09:37:12 2004]
Predsjednik Uprave Nove banke Damir Odak potvrdio je da vlasnik planira prodati banku početkom ili najkasnije do sredine 2006.
The president of the board of Nova bank Damir Odak has confirmed that the owner is planning to sell the bank in the beginning or at the latest by the middle of 2006.

[Mon Mar 29 09:37:14 2004]
, a kao potencijalne kupce imenovao je HVB, Erste, RBA i Hypo u Hrvatskoj, odnosno mađarski OTP i belgijsku KBC banku od inozemnih kupaca.
, and as prospective buyers has mentioned HVB, Erste, RBA and Hypo in Croatia, that is Hungarian OTP and Belgian KBC bank as foreign buyers.

[Mon Mar 29 09:37:14 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list strana 10)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list page 10)

[Mon Mar 29 10:41:21 2004]
Povratak Srba:
Return of the Serbs:

[Mon Mar 29 10:51:21 2004]
Premijer Sanader i čelnik SDSS-a Pupovac dogovorili su mjere za ubrzanje povratka
Prime minister Sanader and SDSS (Serbian Democratic Independent Party) leader Pupovac have agreed on measures for the speeding up of the return

[Mon Mar 29 10:54:41 2004]
Premijer Sanader i čelnik SDSS-a Pupovac dogovorili su mjere za ubrzanje povratka Srba, u koje spada i prijenos nadležnosti za povratak imovine s Uprave za povratnike i izbjeglice na novo povjerenstvo, što je tražio SDSS.
Prime minister Sanader and SDSS leader-Pupovac has arranged measures for the speeding up of the return of the Serbs, which include also the transfer of the jurisdiction for the property return from the Administration for returned emigrants and refugees to a new committee, requested by SDSS.

[Mon Mar 29 10:54:41 2004]
Vlada je najavila da će zbrinuti i one koji bespravno koriste prostore koji pripadaju povratnicima, a Pupovac da su dogovoreni instrumenti koji će omogućiti useljavanje Srba i prije nego što se korisnici njihovih kuća isele.
The Government has announced that it also will take care of those illegally using the area which belongs to returned emigrants, whereas Pupovac has said that have been arranged instruments which will enable the immigration of the Serbs even before than occupants of their houses move out.

[Mon Mar 29 10:54:41 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 5)
(Jutarnji list page 5)

[Mon Mar 29 10:59:44 2004]
Policija i sudstvo:
Police and judicial system:

[Mon Mar 29 11:01:29 2004]
Luka Rajić opovrgnuo je navode da je njegov sin bio žrtva otmice
Luka Rajić denies statements that his son was a victim of the kidnapping

[Mon Mar 29 11:02:32 2004]
Luka Rajić opovrgnuo je navode Jutarnjeg lista da je njegov sin bio žrtva otmice te da je platio otkupninu.
Arch Rajić has denied statements by Jutarnji list that his son was a victim of the kidnapping and that paid the ransom.

[Mon Mar 29 11:04:53 2004]
Rajić tvrdi da bi se u takvom slučaju obratio policiji, a da otkupninu ne bi platio.
Rajić claims that in such case he would have contacted the police, and would not have paid the ransom.

[Mon Mar 29 11:04:54 2004]
USKOK je listu potvrdio da istražuje je li do ovakve otmice došlo, a Jutarnji se poziva na više neslužbenih izvora koji su mu poslužili za provjeru ove vijesti.
USKOK to the newspaper has confirmed that it has been investigating the possibility of such kidnapping, and Jutarnji list refers to a few unofficial sources which served as the verification of the news.

[Mon Mar 29 11:04:54 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 3)
(Jutarnji list page 3)

[Mon Mar 29 11:15:30 2004]
Europski parlament će u srijedu raspravljati o hrvatskoj molbi za članstvo u Europskoj Uniji
European Parliament will discuss the Croatian request for the membership in the European Union on Wednesday

[Mon Mar 29 11:17:27 2004]
Europski parlament će u srijedu raspravljati o hrvatskoj molbi za članstvo u Europskoj Uniji, a njegovo mišljenje će u obzir uzeti i Europska komisija, kod svoje ocjene zahtjeva za kandidaturu.
European Parliament on Wednesday will discuss the Croatian request for the membership in the European Union, and its opinion will also take into consideration the European Commission, in its evaluation of the candidacy request.

[Mon Mar 29 11:17:28 2004]
Vanjskopolitički odbor je nedavno usvojio izvješće o Hrvatskoj, u kojem se ocjenjuje da je Hrvatska spremna za članstvo te da bi pozitivan odgovor Unije bio vrlo značajan za ostale zemlje regije.
The foreign policy committee has recently adopted the report on Croatia, in which it says that is Croatia ready for the membership and also that the positive answer of the Union would also be very important for other countries og the region.

[Mon Mar 29 11:17:28 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 1)
(Vjesnik page 1)

[Mon Mar 29 11:21:36 2004]
smije od 1.
permission from 1.

[Mon Mar 29 11:22:06 2004]
travnja poskupiti dobavnu cijenu plina za 7%
permission to raise the supply price of gas by 7% from April 1

[Mon Mar 29 11:24:18 2004]
Ina može od 1.
INA can from 1.

[Mon Mar 29 11:27:32 2004]
travnja poskupiti dobavnu cijenu plina za 7%, odlučilo je Vijeće za regulaciju energetskih djelatnosti, nakon što je četiri puta odbijalo znatno više Inine zahtjeve za poskupljenje.
INA is permitted to increase the supply price of gas for 7% after April 1, the Council for the regulation of energy services has decided, after having four times refused INA's requests for a higher price increase.

[Mon Mar 29 11:28:41 2004]
Ini je ovaj put pomogla preporuka Ministarstva gospodarstva Vijeću da prihvati Inin model izračunavanja cijene domaćeg plina, što je ranije odbijalo.
INA was this time helped by the recommendation of the Ministry of Economy to the Council to accept INA's calculation model of prices of domestic gas, what was refused earlier.

[Mon Mar 29 11:28:42 2004]
Plin bi za korisnike koji ga kupuju od distributera trebao poskupiti upola manje.
Gas should for users which buy it from distributors increase the price by a half less.

[Mon Mar 29 11:28:42 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 2)
(Vjesnik page 2)

[Mon Mar 29 11:33:27 2004]
Kupovni tečaj eura na tečajnicama poslovnih banaka pao je ispod 7,40 kuna za euro
Purchase rate of euro exchange on lists of rates of exchange of business banks below 7.40 kuna for euro

[Mon Mar 29 11:35:03 2004]
Kupovni tečaj eura na tečajnicama poslovnih banaka pao je ispod 7,40 kuna za euro, a tečaj se na međubankarskom tržištu spustio na samo 7,35 do 7,37 kuna, što je niže nego prije posljednje devizne intervencije HNB-a.
Purchase rate of exchange of euro on lists of rates of exchange of business banks has fallen below 7,40 kuna for euro, and the course in the interbank market has fallen only from 7,35 to 7,37 kuna, which is less than before the last foreign-exchange intervention of Croatian National Bank.

[Mon Mar 29 11:35:30 2004]
Analitičari s kojima je razgovarao Dnevnik tvrde da banke kune plasirane intervencijama čuvaju za kupnju još jeftinijih eura od emisije 500 mil.
Analysts who were interviewed by Dnevnik claim that banks kunas marketed by interventions keep for the buying of more cheaper euros from issues of 500 mil

[Mon Mar 29 11:35:32 2004]

[Mon Mar 29 11:44:40 2004]
Ina:Ina je dobila koncesiju za istraživanje nafte i plina u Egiptu
Concession for the research of oil and gas in Egypt won

[Mon Mar 29 11:47:45 2004]
Ina je potpisala koncesijski ugovor s korporacijom Egyptian General Petroleum o koncesiji na šest i pol godina za istraživanje nafte i plina u egipatskoj Zapadnoj pustinji.
INA has signed the concessionary contract with the corporation Egyptian General Oil about the concession for the period of six and half years for the research of oil and gas in the Egypt's Western Desert.

[Mon Mar 29 11:48:20 2004]
Ina i njen partner, njemački RWE Dea, ugovorom su obvezni uložiti najmanje $16 mil.
INA and its partner, German RWE DEA, by the contract are obliged to invest at least 16 mil.

[Mon Mar 29 11:48:21 2004]
u istraživanje, a posao je rezultat pregovora koji su trajali gotovo godinu i pol.
in the research, and the business is the result of negotiation which lasted almost a year and a half.

[Mon Mar 29 11:48:21 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 9)
(Vjesnik page 9)

[Mon Mar 29 12:28:17 2004]
zatražio je lokacijsku dozvolu za svoj prvi zagrebački prodajni centar
asked a localization permit for its first Zagreb sales centre

[Mon Mar 29 12:32:07 2004]
Njemački diskontni trgovački lanac Lidl zatražio je lokacijsku dozvolu za svoj prvi zagrebački prodajni centar, u Zagrebačkoj ulici nedaleko centara Getroa i Bille.
The German discount commercial chain Lidl has asked a localization permit for its first Zagreb sales centre, in Zagrebačka street near Getro and Billa centres.

[Mon Mar 29 12:32:09 2004]
Lidl je već kod Jastrebarskog kupio zemljište na kojem će graditi distributivni centar, a istovremeno je u tisku pokrenuo i reklamnu kampanju u kojem navodi cijene u Hrvatskoj zasad najbližim trgovinama u Austriji.
Lidl has already bought a land near Jastrebarsko on which it will build a distributive centre, and it has also started at the same time an advertising campaign in the press in which quotes the prices of the nearest shops in Austria.

[Mon Mar 29 12:32:09 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 10)
(Jutarnji list page 10)

[Mon Mar 29 12:32:57 2004]
Ericsson Nikola Tesla:
Ericsson Nikola Tesla:

[Mon Mar 29 12:32:58 2004]
glavnu skupštinu dioničara održat će se 18.
general assembly of stockholders to be held on 18.

[Wed Mar 03 11:12:23 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:12:24 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:12:28 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:12:29 2004]
Invitation to an anniversary
Invitation to an anniversary

[Wed Mar 03 11:12:35 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:12:57 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:13:02 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:13:06 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:13:19 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:19:49 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear mister #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 11:19:54 2004]
Čast mi je pozvati Vas na svečanu proslavu #BROJ# godišnjice poduzeća #IME# koja će se održati #DATUM# godine u #BROJ# sati u #IME# #ADRESA#
It is my honour to invite you to a celebration of the #NUMBER# anniversary of the company #NAME# which will be held on #DATE# at #NUMBER# o'clock at #NAME# #ADDRESS#

[Wed Mar 03 11:19:58 2004]
S poštovanjem,
Yours sincerely,

[Wed Mar 03 11:20:03 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:20:03 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:07 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:19 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:20 2004]
Invititing a partner to visit our company
Invititing a partner to visit our company

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:27 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:34 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:39 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:44 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:23:58 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:24:43 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear mister #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 11:35:31 2004]
Čast mi je i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas da nas posjetite u poduzeću #TVRTKA#.
It is my honour and pleasure to invite you to visit us at the company #COMPANY#.

[Wed Mar 03 11:35:34 2004]
Poduzeće #IME# ima dugogodišnju uspješnu poslovnu suradnju s poduzećima u nama prijateljskoj #DRŽAVA# i želimo Vas upoznati s našim poduzećem, našim mogućnostima i daljnjim planovima.
The company #NAME# has for many years successfully run a business cooperation with companies in our friendly #STATE# and we wish to acquaint you with our company, our possibilities and further plans.

[Wed Mar 03 11:35:40 2004]
S poštovanjem
Yours sincerely

[Wed Mar 03 11:35:53 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:36:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:36:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:07 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:09 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:11 2004]
Refusing an invitation
Refusing an invitation

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:17 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:24 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:44:30 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:45:36 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:45:49 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:48:00 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear mister #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 11:49:15 2004]
Najljubaznije zahvaljujemo na pozivu upućenom gospodinu #IME# da prisustvuje potpisivanju sporazuma koji će biti upriličen u #DAN# #DATUM# u #BROJ# sati.
We kindly thank you for the invitation to mister #NAME# to attend the signing of agreement which will be arranged on #DAY OF THE WEEK# #DATE# at #NUMBER# o'clock.

[Wed Mar 03 11:51:48 2004]
Nažalost, zbog ranije preuzetih obveza gospodin #IME# nije u mogućnosti odazvati se pozivu.
Unfortunately, on account of previously arranged commitments, mister #NAME# will not be able to accept the invitation.

[Wed Mar 03 11:51:53 2004]
Upućujemo vam srdačne čestitke i želimo puno uspjeha u vašem daljnjem radu.
We extend hearty congratulations and wish you a lot of success in your further work.

[Wed Mar 03 11:51:58 2004]
S poštovanjem
Yours sincerely

[Wed Mar 03 11:52:05 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:52:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:52:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:10 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:12 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:15 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:17 2004]
Postponing a meeting
Postponing a meeting

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:25 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:33 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:42 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:54:49 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:55:09 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:57:33 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear Mr #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 11:58:36 2004]
U svezi s Vašim traženjem za zajednički sastanak u Vašem poduzeću, izvješćujem Vas da je mogući termin za sastanak #DATUM# u #BROJ# sati.
Regarding your wish for the common meeting in your company, I would like to inform you that the suitable term for the meeting would be on #DATE# at #NUMBER# o'clock.

[Wed Mar 03 11:58:39 2004]
Molim vas, da potvrdite imena drugih sudionika koji bi, s obzirom na sadržaj, mogli prisustvovati ovom sastanku.
Please, confirm the names of other participants which would, in respect of the subject, attend this meeting.

[Wed Mar 03 11:58:45 2004]
S poštovanjem
Yours sincerely

[Wed Mar 03 11:58:54 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:59:01 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 11:59:01 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:05 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:09 2004]
SUBTITLE:Christmas and New Year congratulations
Christmas and New Year congratulations

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:14 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:21 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:26 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:30 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:01:44 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:02:53 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear Mr #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 12:02:59 2004]
Sretan i blagoslovljen Božić i mnogo sreće i poslovnih uspjeha u #BROJ# godini žele vam
We wish you a merry and blissful Christmas, and a lot of happiness and business success in the year #NUMBER#

[Wed Mar 03 12:03:04 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:03:10 2004]
S poštovanjem
Yours sincerely

[Wed Mar 03 12:03:16 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:03:22 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:03:22 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:32 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:33 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:37 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:38 2004]
Congratulations on Promotion
Congratulations on Promotion

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:44 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:52 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:04:57 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:05:02 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:05:14 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:06:37 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear Mr #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 12:06:40 2004]
u ime zaposlenih u poduzecu #TVRTKA# i svoje osobno srdačno Vam čestitam na imenovanju na odgovornu i časnu dužnost i želim Vam mnogo uspjeha u budućem radu .
in the name of the employees of the company #COMPANY# and my own, I heartily congratulate you on your appointment to the responsible and honorable duty and wish you a lot of success in the future work.

[Wed Mar 03 12:06:46 2004]
S poštovanjem
Yours sincerely

[Wed Mar 03 12:06:55 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:07:03 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:07:03 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:08:30 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:08:31 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:08:32 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:08:40 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:08:47 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:08:54 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:09:09 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:09:29 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:18:30 2004]
Cijenjeni gospodine #IME#,
Dear Mr #NAME#,

[Wed Mar 03 12:19:22 2004]
Smrt Vašeg supruga veliki je gubitak za Vas i Vašu obitelj, ali i za cijelo naše poduzeće.
The death of your husband is a great loss for you and your family, but also for our entire company.

[Wed Mar 03 12:19:25 2004]
Uvijek će nam ostati u trajnoj uspomeni.
He will always remain in our lasting memories.

[Wed Mar 03 12:19:31 2004]
S poštovanjem
Yours sincerely

[Wed Mar 03 12:19:39 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:19:44 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:19:44 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:21:03 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:21:05 2004]
Internet prodaja
Internet sale

[Wed Mar 03 12:22:39 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:22:40 2004]
Više informacija
More information

[Wed Mar 03 12:51:18 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:51:31 2004]
Više informacija o našim proizvodima možete pronaći na:
You can find more information about our products on the web page:

[Wed Mar 03 12:52:15 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:52:19 2004]
Cijene i popis svih proizvoda možete pronaći na:
Prices and the list of all products can be found on:

[Wed Mar 03 12:52:22 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:52:28 2004]
S poštovanjem,
Yours sincerely,

[Wed Mar 03 12:52:42 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:53:00 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:53:00 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:56:02 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:56:04 2004]
Internet sale
Internet sale

[Wed Mar 03 12:56:06 2004]

[Wed Mar 03 12:56:07 2004]
Purchase of Other Products
Purchase of Other Products

[Wed Mar 03 12:56:20 2004]