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[Tue Feb 03 15:53:42 2004]
Te su tri mreže KE u reški lijepljenja međusobno spojene konektivnim (dodirnim) elementima.
These three FE meshes in the joint of gluing interconnecting connective (contact) elements.

[Tue Feb 03 15:53:43 2004]
Međutim, može se i cijeli I lijepljeni nosač, bez veće greške smatrati jedinstvenom mrežom konačnih elemenata, bez obzira na fugu ljepila, koja se pri tome zanemaruje.
However, the entire I glued girder could be, without a bigger error considered the unique finite element mesh, regardless of the point of the glue, which in this process is neglected.

[Tue Feb 03 16:04:13 2004]
To je, naravno, jednostavniji model koji ne daje uvida u stanje naprezanja u samom filmu ljepila
That, of course, is a simpler model which does not give an insight in the state of stress in the glue film itself

[Tue Feb 03 16:12:09 2004]
Prikaz modela lijepljenog sastavljenog drvenog I nosača u kojem se u razmatranje uzima fuga ljepila.
Illustration of the model of the glued compound wooden I girders in which the point of the glue is taken into consideration.

[Tue Feb 03 16:12:43 2004]
1) poprečni presjek;
1) cross section;

[Tue Feb 03 16:12:47 2004]
2) dio mreže KE;
2) component of the FE mesh;

[Tue Feb 03 16:12:49 2004]
a) pojas;
a) flange;

[Tue Feb 03 16:13:02 2004]
b) hrbat;
b) web;

[Tue Feb 03 16:13:26 2004]
c) pojas MKE1 (THICKNESS b1);
c) MFE1 flange (THICKNESS b1);

[Tue Feb 03 16:13:45 2004]
d) fuga ljepila 0,1 mm;
d) point of the glue of 0,1 mm;

[Tue Feb 03 16:13:57 2004]
e) hrbat MKE2 (THICKNESS b2);
e) MFE2 web (THICKNESS b2);

[Tue Feb 03 16:13:57 2004]
f) pojas MKE3 (THICKNESS b1
f) MFE3 flange (THICKNESS b1

[Tue Feb 03 16:18:10 2004]
Prikaz modela lijepljenog I nosača u kojem se ne uzima u obzir fuga ljepila:
Illustration of the model of the glued I girder in which the point of the glue is not taken into consideration:

[Tue Feb 03 16:18:14 2004]
sve tri mreže konačnih elemenata spojene su u jedinstvenu mrežu KE (u kojoj elementi imaju razne debljine, ovisno kojoj grupi pripadaju;
all three finite element meshes are connected into a unique FE mesh (in which elements have different thickness, depending on the group they belong to;

[Tue Feb 03 16:18:14 2004]
pojasu ili hrptu)
flange or web)

[Tue Feb 03 16:26:15 2004]
Ako se pak detaljno modelira I lijepljeni složeni nosač, onda se sloj (film) ljepila debljine cca 0.1 mm može imitirati na dva načina:
If on the other hand modelled the I glued compound girder is modelled in detail, then the layer (film) of the glue of approximately 0.1 mm thickness can be imitated in two ways:

[Tue Feb 03 16:26:23 2004]
s konektivnim elementima koji se mogu uzeti kao TYPE SPRING ili s konektivnim elementima TYPE TRUSS;
with connective elements which are used as TYPE SPRING or with connective elements TYPE TRUSS;

[Tue Feb 03 16:27:56 2004]
ili GAP KE koji vežu pojaseve s hrptom.
or GAP FE which connect flanges with the web.

[Tue Feb 03 16:27:56 2004]
Ako se sloj ljepila modelira s TYPE TRUSS elementima njihovu duljinu treba uzeti jednakom debljini sloja ljepila (dakle 0.1 mm), a površinu jednaku umnošku hoda rastera (dx) konačnih elemenata i debljine hrpta
If the layer of the glue is modelled with TYPE TRUSS elements, their length needs to be equal to the thickness of the layer of the glue (therefore 0.1 mm), and the surface equal to the product of the screen stroke (dx) of finite elements and web thickness

[Tue Feb 03 16:32:48 2004]
Konektivni elementi (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) IMITIRAJU dodir, ali ne mogu preuzeti posmik u reškama lijepljenog spoja.
Connective elements (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) IMITATE the touch, but cannot take over the shear in joints of glued joint.

[Tue Feb 03 16:33:19 2004]
Zato, u tom slučaju treba spojiti konsekutivne točke reški obiju mreža KE (mreže pojasa i mreže hrpta u fugi ljepila) posebnim konektivnim elementima TYPE TRUSS, kako bi se IMITIRAO aksijalnim silama u tim spojnim štapovima, posmik u ljepilu reške.
Therefore, in that case consecutive joint points of both FE meshes (meshes of flange and meshes of web in the point glues) have to be connected with special connective elements TYPE TRUSS, in order to IMITATE axial forces in these joining members, shear in the glue of the joint.

[Tue Feb 03 16:33:30 2004]
Površina tih elemenata je umnožak debljine filma ljepila (0.1 mm) i širine hrpta (tj.
The surface of those elements is the product of thickness of the glue film (0.1 mm) and widths of the web (i.e.

[Tue Feb 03 16:33:30 2004]
širini lijepljenog spoja
width of the glued joint

[Tue Feb 03 16:38:36 2004]
Modeliranje spoja ljepila nizom štapova TYPE PLANE TRUSS.
Modelling of the glue joint with the series of members TYPE PLANE TRUSS.

[Tue Feb 03 16:39:19 2004]
1) 'Blow up' detalj spoja pojasa i hrpta.
1) 'Blow up' detail of flange and web joint.

[Tue Feb 03 16:39:23 2004]
2) Detalj reške ljepila.
2) Detail of glue joint.

[Tue Feb 03 16:39:26 2004]
a) pojas;
a) flange;

[Tue Feb 03 16:39:41 2004]
b) hrbat;
b) web;

[Tue Feb 03 16:40:06 2004]
c) MKE1 gornji pojas THICKNESS b1;
c) FEM1 top flange THICKNESS b1;

[Tue Feb 03 16:40:21 2004]
d) nije u mjerilu, sloj ljepila debljine 0,1 mm;
d) not in measure, glue layer of 0,1 mm thickness;

[Tue Feb 03 16:40:30 2004]
e) MKE2 hrbat THICKNESS b2;
e) FEM2 web THICKNESS b2;

[Tue Feb 03 16:40:40 2004]
f) MKE3 donji pojas THICKNESS b1;
f) FEM3 bottom flange THICKNESS b1;

[Tue Feb 03 16:40:42 2004]
g) THICKNESS b1, MKE gornjeg pojasa (MKE1);
g) THICKNESS b1, FEM of top flange (FEM1);

[Tue Feb 03 16:40:53 2004]
h) kontaktni elementi ili opružni elementi;
h) contact elements or spring elements;

[Tue Feb 03 16:41:24 2004]
i) zazor cca 0,1 mm;
i) approximately 0,1 mm gap;

[Tue Feb 03 16:42:15 2004]
j) mreža KE hrpta (MKE2), dio elemenata THICKNESS b2;
j) FE web mesh (FEM2), component of elements THICKNESS b2;

[Tue Feb 03 16:42:26 2004]
k) razmak/hod mreže KE u smjeru X osi;
k) distance/stroke of the FE mesh in the direction of the X axis;

[Tue Feb 03 16:42:37 2004]
l) mreža KE1;
l) FE1 mesh;

[Tue Feb 03 16:42:49 2004]
m) mreža KE2;
m) FE2 mesh;

[Tue Feb 03 16:42:49 2004]
n) reška sa kontaktnim elementima cca
n) joint with contact elements of approximately

[Tue Feb 03 16:50:23 2004]
Ovakvo modeliranje osigurava 'realno' ponašanje filma ljepila u spoju između hrpta i pojasa.
This kind of modelling garantees a 'realistic' behavior of the glue film in the joint between the web and flange.

[Tue Feb 03 16:50:23 2004]
U elementima TYPE PLANE TRUSS mogu se proračunom dobiti aksijalne sile i naprezanja, te na taj način pratiti tok napona u reški lijepljenog spoja
In elements TYPE PLANE TRUSS, axial forces and stresses can be calculated, and in this way the flow of voltage in the joint of the glued joint can be observed

[Wed Feb 04 09:17:20 2004]
Dakle, ukoliko se fuga ljepila uzima u razmatranje, kao posebni element pripravit će se mreže konačnih elemenata kao tri neovisne mreže KE, koje će se međusobno u fugi lijepljenja spojiti konektivnim elementima
Therefore, if the point of the glue is considered, as a special element finite element meshes will be prepared as three independent FE meshes, which will mutually in the point of gluing join with connective elements

[Wed Feb 04 09:21:12 2004]
Ukoliko se koriste TYPE SPRING elementi treba im znati svojstva (treba imati eksperimentalne podatke o modulima ljepila, kako bi se upisali podaci KFX i KFY).
If TYPE SPRING elements are used, we should be familiar with their characteristics (there should be experimental data about glue moduli, in order to register KFX and KFY data).

[Wed Feb 04 09:22:33 2004]
Mogu se, naravno, uzeti da su ti podaci slični svojstvima drveta.
We can, of course, consider these data similar to the characteristics of the wood.

[Wed Feb 04 09:22:33 2004]
Sam model je jednostavniji, ali se u njemu ne može pratiti tok promjene napona u fugi ljepila
The model is simpler, but the flow voltage switchings in the point of the glue cannot be observed in it

[Wed Feb 04 09:27:37 2004]
Proračunski modeli koje smo koristili u našoj istraživačkoj praksi uglavnom su bili kreirani s TYPE PLANE TRUSS konektivnim (kontaktnim) elementima i s GAP KE.
Calculation models used in our research work were mainly created with TYPE PLANE TRUSS connective (contact) elements and with GAP FE.

[Wed Feb 04 09:30:11 2004]
Treba napomenuti da je kreiranje modela ugodnije sa SPRING (opružnim) elementima, jer je kreacija mreže KE jednostavnija.
In needs to be mentioned that the creation of the model is easier with SPRING (resilient) elements, because is the creation of the FE mesh is simpler.

[Wed Feb 04 09:30:57 2004]
Naime, pri korištenju TRUSS elemenata mora među elementima mreža KE koje ti elementi spajaju, postojati geometrijski zazor od cca 0.1 mm, a što je vrlo složeno kreirati kod kosih fuga.
In other words, when using TRUSS elements among the elements of the FE mesh which these elements connect, there must be a geometrical gap of approximately 0.1 mm, which is very complicated to create with inclined points.

[Wed Feb 04 09:32:38 2004]
Kod I nosača, koji su geometrijski jednostavne tvorbe, moguće je translatirati mreže KE za cca 0.1 mm.
with I girders, which are simple formations geometrically, it is possible to translate FE meshes for approximately 0.1 mm.

[Wed Feb 04 09:33:33 2004]
Također treba biti oprezan s tako malim pomacima, jer neki programi automatski spajaju bliske točke mreža KE unutar jedne zadane domene točnosti.
We also have to be careful with such small displacements, because some programs automatically connect close points of FE meshes within one specified accuracy domain.

[Wed Feb 04 09:33:33 2004]
Mreže se ne smiju međusobno 'merge'-ati
Meshes should not be 'merge'-rized mutually

[Wed Feb 04 09:43:03 2004]
Kod korištenja SPRING elemenata čvorovi "i" i "j" koji pripadaju dvama zasebnim mrežama KE, mogu imati iste ili različite koordinate X,Y,Z.
When using SPRING elements, the " i " and " j " nodes which belong to two separate FE meshes, can have same or different X,Y,Z coordinates.

[Wed Feb 04 09:43:34 2004]
Čvorovi "i" i "j" spojeni su kod SPRING elemenata sa translatornim oprugama u smjeru X,Y,Z, i rotacionim oprugama oko osi X,Y,Z.
" i " and " j " nodes are connected at the SPRING elements with translative springs in the X,Y,Z direction, and with rotational springs around the X,Y,Z axes.

[Wed Feb 04 09:43:45 2004]
Karakteristike su opruga KFX, KFY, KFZ, KMX, KMZ.
Characteristics are KFX, KFY, KFZ, KMX, KMZ springs.

[Wed Feb 04 09:43:51 2004]
Svojstva mogu biti elastična, elastoplastična i sa zazorom.
Characteristics can be elastic, elastoplastic and with a gap.

[Wed Feb 04 09:43:54 2004]
a) čvor 'i';
a) node 'i';

[Wed Feb 04 09:44:16 2004]
b) čvor 'j'.
b) node 'j'.

[Wed Feb 04 09:44:16 2004]
In the COSMOS, these are GAP FE

[Wed Feb 04 09:47:49 2004]
U programu COSMOS/M postoji sofisticirani GENERAL GAP ELEMENT (tlačni i vlačni opružni element s prigušenjem, trenjem i zazorom) kod kojega se svojstva opruge mogu definirati kao elastična, linearna ili nelinearna, a prigušenje može biti zadano kao nelinearno, ovisno o brzini kretanja
In the COSMOS/M program, there is a sophisticated GENERAL GAP ELEMENT (compressive and tensile spring element with damping, friction and gap) in which characteristic of a spring can be defined as elastic, linear or nonlinear, and damping can be specified as nonlinear, depending on the speed of moving

[Wed Feb 04 09:52:28 2004]
Slični problemi nastaju kod modeliranja 2D jednostrukog ili dvostrukog zasjeka.
Similar problems occur when modelling 2D of a single or double heel joint.

[Wed Feb 04 09:56:21 2004]
Materijal/medij dijagonale zasjeka dodiruje se u priljubnoj reški zasjeka s materijalom pojasa.
Material/medium of a heel joint diagonal touches the flange material in the adjoining joint of heel joint.

[Wed Feb 04 09:57:43 2004]
Obzirom da se radi o vlaknastoj strukturi drva, bilo bi potrebno uključiti anizotropiju materijala u smjeru vlakanaca i okomito na vlakna drveta.
Since we deal with fibrous structures of the wood, it would be necessary to include the anisotropy of the material in the direction of thin fibers and vertically on wood fibers.

[Wed Feb 04 10:01:20 2004]
Bila bi velika greška obje mreže KE (mrežu KE dijagonale i mrežu KE pojasa) promatrati kao jedinstvenu mrežu KE.
It would be a mistake to observe both meshes (FE mesh of the diagonal and FE mesh of the flange) as a unique FE mesh.

[Wed Feb 04 10:02:00 2004]
Između tih mreža KE postoji zazor (koji je u stvarnosti bez dimenzije debljine:
Between these FE meshes, there is a gap (which is, in reality, without thickness dimensions:

[Wed Feb 04 10:06:28 2004]
debljina zazora = 0.0), ali koji se u proračunu mora uzeti u obzir kao diskontinuitet medija.
0), but which in the calculation must be considered as a medium discontinuity.

[Wed Feb 04 10:07:10 2004]
Taj se diskontinuitet može fizikalno predočiti kao sloj beskonačno tankog papira (nekog dodirnog medija), kojeg se može simulirati s TYPE SPRING elementima, ili ako se mreže konačnih elemenata dijagonale i pojasa rešetke u zasjeku razmaknu za neki mali razmak (npr.
This discontinuity can be physically presented as a layer of endlessly thin paper (of some contact medium), which can be simulated with TYPE SPRING elements, or if finite element meshes of the diagonal and grid flange in the heel joint make some small distance (e.g.

[Wed Feb 04 10:08:36 2004]
za 0.1 mm) sa spojnim TYPE PLANE TRUSS elementima.
1 mm) with connecting TYPE PLANE TRUSS elements.

[Wed Feb 04 10:08:38 2004]
U tom slučaju im je poprečna površina AX jednaka pripadnoj dodirnoj površini, a duljina im je jednaka debljini uzete reške (npr.
In that case their transversal surface AX is equal to the associated contact area, and their length equal to the thickness of the used joint (e.g.

[Wed Feb 04 10:08:58 2004]
Moguće je korištenje GAP KE
There is a possibility to use GAP FE

[Wed Feb 04 10:19:04 2004]
Analiza zasjeka mreže KE dijagonalnog i horizontalnog pojasnog štapa dodiruju se preko dodirnih TYPE PLANE TRUSS elemenata.
heel joint Analyses of of the FE mesh of the diagonal and horizontal cord member touch through contact TYPE PLANE TRUSS elements.

[Wed Feb 04 10:19:04 2004]
Položaj vijaka je samo označen
Position of screws is only indicated

[Wed Feb 04 10:21:44 2004]
To je prikazano na skici modela jednostrukog zasjeka.
This is illustrated on the drawing of the single heel joint model.

[Wed Feb 04 10:21:44 2004]
Ugodnije je koristiti TYPE SPRING elemente, naprosto zbog opisa koordinata u dodirnoj reški razdvojenih mreža konačnih elemenata
It is easier to use TYPE SPRING elements, simply because of the description of coordinates in the contact joint of separated finite element meshes

[Wed Feb 04 10:22:52 2004]
Analiza zasjeka.
Heel joint analysis.

[Wed Feb 04 10:24:20 2004]
Modeliranje vijka u modelu jednostrukog zasjeka.
screw modelling in the single heel joint model.

[Wed Feb 04 10:24:20 2004]
Paziti na smjerove vlakanaca drveta
Pay attention to grain directions of the wood

[Wed Feb 04 10:29:25 2004]
Vijak kao sastavni dio zasjeka modelirat će se na prije opisan način.
Screw as a component of the heel joint will be modelled in an earlier described way.

[Wed Feb 04 10:32:18 2004]
U dodirnu rešku vijka s drvetom postavit će se 'dodirni medij' preko kojeg se mreža KE čeličnog vijka (TYPE PLANE FRAME) dodiruje s mrežama KE dijagonale i pojasa.
"Contact medium' will be put in the contact joint of the screw with the wood, through which the FE mesh of a steel screw (TYPE PLANE FRAME) touches FE meshes of the diagonal and flange.

[Wed Feb 04 10:38:10 2004]
Dodir MKE vijka s mrežama KE dijagonale i pojasa ostvaruje se preko TYPE SPRING (ugodnije) dodirnih elemenata ili preko TYPE PLANE TRUSS dodirnih elemenata (neugodnije).
Contact of a FEM screw with FE meshes of the diagonal and flange is achieved through TYPE SPRING (less difficult) contact elements or through TYPE PLANE TRUSS of contact elements (more difficult).

[Wed Feb 04 10:44:50 2004]
Ugodnost i neugodnost se odnose na kreiranje geometrije (koordinata) mreža KE.
Difficulty and non-difficulty refer to creating of geometry (coordinates) of FE meshes.

[Wed Feb 04 10:44:50 2004]
Glava i matica vijka simuliraju se kao istovjetne (zajedničke) točke inače odvojenih mreža KE vijka dijagonale i pojasa
Screw head and screw nut are simulated as identical (shared) points of usually separated screw FE meshes of the diagonal and flange

[Wed Feb 04 10:49:00 2004]
Ovdje se samo htjelo pokazati, da se o aspektima dodirivanja elemenata treba voditi računa, što ponekad predstavlja vrlo kompleksno modeliranje
The idea was to show, that contact aspects of elements have to be considered, which sometimes complicates the modelling

[Wed Feb 04 10:54:34 2004]
Pozornost treba obratiti i modeliranju ležaja.
Attention should also be paid to the bearing modelling.

[Wed Feb 04 10:54:34 2004]
Bilo bi vrlo 'opasno' modelirane oslonaca na načine da se promjeni 'klasični' ležaj (simbol =Č), a što je već ranije naglašeno
The modelling of support would be very "dangerous" if the 'classic' bearing (symbol =Č) was changed, as it was already stressed earlier

[Wed Feb 04 10:56:41 2004]
Naime, primjena ovakvog ležaja (Č/oštrica) uzrokovat će koncentracije naprezanja od djelovanja 'sječice' ležaja, kojih u stvarnosti nema
In other words, the utilization of such bearing (Č/cutting edge) will create stress concentrations because of the impact of the 'secants' of the bearing, which in reality do not exist

[Wed Feb 04 10:59:53 2004]
Neodgovarajuće modeliranje ležaja.
Inadequate bearing modelling.

[Wed Feb 04 11:00:03 2004]
Sječica "ležaja" uzrokuje nepostojeću koncentraciju naprezanja.
Secants of " bearing " creates a nonexisting stress concentration.

[Wed Feb 04 11:00:08 2004]
a) formiranje ležaja;
a) forming of the bearing;

[Wed Feb 04 11:00:08 2004]
b) raspodjela naprezanja
b) stress distribution

[Wed Feb 04 11:08:06 2004]
Na istovjetan slučaj se naišlo pri simplifikaciji modela ležaja oslonca (zglob) okvira od uslojenog lijepljenog drveta, kad se poradi pojednostavljenja, zanemarila čelična ležajna ploča, a zglob zamijenio (modelirao) sječicom (Č), kako je to u inženjerskoj praksi uvriježeno.
In the same way, we came across the simplification of the bearing model of support (joint) of the framework made from the layered glued wood when, because of the simplification, the steel bearing plate was neglected, and the joint replaced (modelled) by the secant (Č), as it is customary in the engineering practice.

[Wed Feb 04 11:14:56 2004]
U rezultatima (analize COSMOSM programom), dobili smo sasvim neadekvatne deformacije na mjestu dodira drveta sa simuliranim ležajem (Č).
In results (of the analysis made with the COSMOSM program), we got totally inadequate deformations in the contact point of the wood with a simulated bearing (Č).

[Wed Feb 04 11:14:56 2004]
Naknadnim umetanjem čelične podložne ploče (kako se to i obvezatno izvodi zbog izbjegavanja koncentracije napona na mjestu oslanjanja i opasnosti cijepanja drveta), dobili su se odgovarajući/prihvatljivi naponi i deformacije
By subsequently inserting the steel washers (as it is necessarily done in order to avoid the concentration of voltage in the point of leaning and the risk of wood splitting), we got adequate/acceptable voltages and deformations

[Wed Feb 04 11:17:17 2004]
Neispravno i ispravno modeliranje ležaja drvenog okvira od uslojenog drveta.
inaccurate and accurate bearing modelling of a wooden frame made from layered wood.

[Wed Feb 04 11:17:38 2004]
Nema razloga za simplifikaciju modela.
There is no the reason to simplify the model.

[Wed Feb 04 11:17:43 2004]
a) neispravno;
a) incorrectly;

[Wed Feb 04 11:17:43 2004]
b) ispravno
b) correctly

[Wed Feb 04 11:24:36 2004]
disperzija koncentriranog ležaja (sječice = ^) s jednog čvora mreže KE na više okolnih čvorova, može imati i neželjenih efekata
dispersion of a concentrated bearing (secants =] from one FE mesh node to more neighbouring nodes, can also be counter-productive

[Wed Feb 04 11:27:42 2004]
Neodgovarajuće modeliranje ležajeva.
inappropriate bearing modelling.

[Wed Feb 04 11:28:02 2004]
Disperzija ležaja (lijevo) uzrokuje nepostojeću upetost elemenata u podlogu (desno).
Dispersion of the bearing (left) causes the nonexisting fixity of elements in the base (right).

[Wed Feb 04 11:33:46 2004]
U ovom slučaju je smanjena koncentracija naprezanja na osloncu (u točki dodira s MKE), ali je uvedena neka vrsta upetosti, koja tu, u stvarnosti ne postoji, jer je konstrukcija zglobno oslonjena na mjestu A.
In this case, the stress concentration on the support (in the contact point with FEM) is reduced, but a sort of fixity is introduced, which here does not exist in reality, because the structure is articularly supported in A point.

[Wed Feb 04 11:34:34 2004]
Upetost je uzrokovana neadekvatnim modeliranjem detalja.
Fixity is caused by an inadequate modelling of details.

[Wed Feb 04 11:35:47 2004]
Na tom mjestu pojavljuju se opet koncentracije naprezanja, samo nešto drugačije no u prethodnom primjeru.
stress concentrations appear again in this point, only a bit different than in the previous example.

[Wed Feb 04 11:35:47 2004]
Adekvatnije modeliranje ležaja ostvaruje se modelom naliježnog 'jastuka', kako je to i u stvarnosti
more adequate bearing modelling is achieved by the model of an attached 'cushion', as in reality

[Wed Feb 04 11:38:40 2004]
Moguće rješenje oslanjanja preko modela mekog 'jastuka'.
possible solution of leaning through a soft 'pillow' model.

[Wed Feb 04 11:38:41 2004]
a) mreža KE sa realnim E.
a) FE mesh with real E.

[Wed Feb 04 11:38:50 2004]

[Wed Feb 04 11:38:52 2004]
b) 'jastuk' sa relativno malim modulom E;
b) 'cushion' with the relatively small modulus E;

[Wed Feb 04 11:38:52 2004]
c) ležajevi
c) bearings

[Wed Feb 04 11:41:24 2004]
Ovakvo modeliranje s 'naliježnim jastukom' omogućava relaksaciju napona unutar medija jastuka i sprječava efekt upetosti u ležaj.
such modelling with the 'attached cushion' allows the relaxation of voltage within cushion media and prevents the fixity effect in the bearing.

[Wed Feb 04 11:41:24 2004]
Druga je mogućnost umetanje jedne čelične ploče, dakle mreže KE 'jastuka' s realnim konstantama i dimenzijama
another possibility would be to insert one steel plate, therefore an FE mesh of the 'cushion' with real constants and dimensions

[Wed Feb 04 11:59:05 2004]
Moguće rješenje oslanjanja preko FE modela čelične ploče.
possible solution of leaning through an FE model of steel plate.

[Wed Feb 04 11:59:06 2004]
a) mreža KE sa realnim E.
a) FE mesh with real E.

[Wed Feb 04 11:59:31 2004]

[Wed Feb 04 11:59:34 2004]
b) MKE čelične podložne ploče s odgovarajućim modulima;
b) FEM of the steel washer with corresponding moduli;

[Wed Feb 04 11:59:34 2004]
c) ležaj
c) bearing

[Wed Feb 04 12:04:10 2004]
Navedeni su modeli više istraživačkog karaktera.
Models of a more investigative character are mentioned.

[Wed Feb 04 12:04:10 2004]
Bliži su inženjerskoj praksi modeli nosača-rešetki, koje se često eksploatira u inženjerskoj praksi, ali se ti sustavi, vrlo često neadekvatno modeliraju u praksi proračuna sila, progiba i dokaza naprezanja, nosivosti i stabilnosti
Girder-truss models are closer to the engineering practice and are often exploited in the engineering practice, but these systems are very often inadequately modelled in the calculation of forces, deflections and evidence of stress, bearing capacities and stabilities

[Wed Feb 04 12:08:07 2004]
U inženjerskom studiju, učilo se svojevremeno, da se sile u štapovima rešetki mogu proračunati za proračunske modele rešetki (TYPE SPACE TRUSS ili TYPE PLANE TRUSS), u kojima su štapovi rešetke u čvorovima međusobno zglobno vezani, bilo grafički ili analitički.
In the engineering studio, it was once taught that forces in truss members could be calculated for calculation models of trusses (TYPE SPACE TRUSS or TYPE PLANE TRUSS), in which truss members were mutually articulatedly connected in nodes, graphically or analytically.

[Wed Feb 04 12:08:35 2004]
Kompjutorsko proračunavanje je, naravno, analitički postupak.
Computer calculation is, of course, an analytical procedure.

[Wed Feb 04 12:08:35 2004]
Također se i pomaci čvorova mogu naći analitički i/ili grafički
node dislocations can also be found analytically and/or graphically

[Wed Feb 04 12:12:48 2004]
Međutim, osnova je tih klasičnih postupaka pretpostavka nepostojećih zglobnih veza elemenata (štapova rešetki) u čvorovima sustava.
However, the basis of these classic assumption procedures of nonexistant hinge joints of elements (truss members) in the nodes of the system.

[Wed Feb 04 12:13:46 2004]
Ukoliko ta pretpostavka nije ispunjena, mora biti ispunjen uvjet vitkih štapova rešetke.
If that assumption is not fulfilled, the condition of slim truss members must be the fulfilled.

[Wed Feb 04 12:17:14 2004]
U načelu, zglobne su veze samo daleka idealizacija problema veza štapova u čvorovima.
In principle, articular connections are only remote idealizations of the bracing problem of the members in nodes.

[Wed Feb 04 12:18:38 2004]
Kod čeličnih rešetkastih konstrukcija veze su ostvarene zakivanjem zakovicama (ranije), a danas u većini slučajeva zavarivanjem.
In steel frameworks, the connections are made by rivetting (before), and today in majority cases by welding.

[Wed Feb 04 12:20:08 2004]
Kod rešetki od armiranog betona jasno je da su međusobne veze štapova potpuno krute, a štapovi obično nisu vitki.
In trusses made from reinforced concrete it is clear is that the interrelations of members are totally rigid, and members are usually not slender.

[Wed Feb 04 12:21:23 2004]
Kod drvenih rešetki, redovito su pojasni štapovi kontinuirani i izvedeni od piljene građe ili uslojenog lijepljenog drveta.
In wooden trusses, cord members are normally continuous and made from sawed timber or layered glued wood.

[Wed Feb 04 12:21:43 2004]
Dijagonalni štapovi su vezani za pojaseve raznim podatljivim spajalima (koja mogu biti u rasponu od krute veze kod lijepljenja (?
Diagonal members are connected to flanges with various pliant fasteners (which range from a rigid connection in the gluing ?

[Wed Feb 04 12:21:47 2004]
=1), pa do raznih podatljivosti kod primjene čavala, trnova, vijaka, moždanika, spojnih zubatih ploča i patentnih spajala).
=1), to various pliancies in the use of nails, spikes, screws, dowels, connecting toothed plates and patent fasteners).

[Wed Feb 04 12:22:53 2004]
Podatljivost (?)
Pliancy ?)

[Wed Feb 04 12:22:53 2004]
veze dijagonalnih štapova ispune za kontinuirane pojaseve varira u granicama podatljivosti od
) of the connection of diagonal members of a spandrel for continuous flanges varies within pliancy limits from

[Wed Feb 04 12:28:57 2004]
U svim tim slučajevima idealizacije proračunskog modela s idealnom rešetkom (modelom TYPE PLANE TRUSS za rešetke u ravnini ili modelom TYPE SPACE TRUSS za prostorne 3D rešetke), daleke su idealizacije koje se mogu primijeniti samo u slučaju primjene vrlo vitkih štapova.
In all these cases of the idealization of a calculation model with the ideal truss (by the model TYPE PLANE TRUSS for trusses in the plane or by the model TYPE SPACE TRUSS for spatial 3D trusses), idealizations which can be used only in the event of the use of very slender members are remote.

[Wed Feb 04 12:28:57 2004]
Sreća je, da su u stvarnosti štapovi rešetki od čelika i drveta obično vitki štapovi
Luckily, truss members made from steel and wood are usually slender members in reality

[Wed Feb 04 12:33:50 2004]
Neosporno je da se u čvorovima javljaju realno kompleksna stanja naprezanja.
It is indisputable that realistically complex states of stress appear in nodes.

[Wed Feb 04 12:35:06 2004]
Kod rešetkastih konstrukcija od armiranog betona, činjenica je, da su te konstrukcije bliže ravninskim ili prostornim okvirima (TYPE PLANE FRAME ili TYPE SPACE FRAME), nego li idealiziranim rešetkama.
In frameworks made from reinforced concrete, it is a fact, that these structures are closer to plane or spatial frameworks (TYPE PLANE FRAME or TYPE SPACE FRAME), than to idealized trusses.

[Wed Feb 04 12:36:18 2004]
Slično je i kod rešetki od drveta, gdje je neosporno da su pojasevi rešetki kontinuirani.
It is similar with wooden trusses, where it is indisputable that truss flanges are continuous.

[Wed Feb 04 12:36:54 2004]
Također, dio problema modeliranja kod nekih rešetkastih konstrukcija, često izvire iz realne ekscentričnosti priključka dijagonalnih štapova ispune u odnosu na idealiziranu točku centričkog priključka štapova u čvoru.
Also, a part of the modelling problem in some frameworks, often emerges from real connection eccentricities of diagonal members of the spandrel in relation to the idealized point of the central connection of members in the node.

[Wed Feb 04 12:38:29 2004]
Svaki ekscentrični priključak uzrokuje lokalne momente, koji se raspodjeljuju na priključne štapove u čvoru, i konačno, na cijeli strukturalni sustav.
each eccentric connection causes local moments, which are distributed to connecting members in the node, and finally, upon the entire structural system.

[Wed Feb 04 12:39:41 2004]
O toj genezi momenata od ekscentričnosti priključka dijagonala za pojaseve štapova i preraspodjeli momenata vodi se obično računa na lokalnoj razini provjere naprezanja.
This genesis of moments from connection eccentricities of diagonals for flanges of members and redistribution of moments is usually taken care of on the local level of stress checking.

[Wed Feb 04 12:40:27 2004]
Obično se, međutim, zanemaruje utjecaj POPREČNIH SILA, koje su naravno, direktno ovisne o nagibu momentnih linija (T=dM/dx).
However, the effect of SHEAR FORCES is usually neglected, which are of course directly dependent on the slope of the moment lines (T=dM/dx).

[Wed Feb 04 12:40:27 2004]
Kod ekscentričnog priključka taj je moment direktno zavisan od ekscentriciteta spoja i veličine sile u priključnom elementu
In the excentric connection, this moment is directly dependent on the eccentricity of joint and force in the connecting element

[Wed Feb 04 12:47:54 2004]
Nagib momentne linije u pojasu, u čvoru, između ekscentrično priključenih štapova ispune je vrlo strm, tako da je i iznos poprečne sile znatan.
Moment line slope in the flange, in the node, between eccentrically connected bars of the spandrel is steep, so even the sum of shear forces is considerable.

[Wed Feb 04 12:50:01 2004]
Kako se uočilo u praksi izvođenja drvenih rešetkastih konstrukcija s ekscentričnim priključcima dijagonalnih štapova ispune za kontinuirane pojasne štapove, iznos poprečne sile može biti takvog intenziteta da je samo naprezanje od poprečne sile u čvoru već takav da iznosom premašuje dopušteni posmični napon okomito na vlakna drveta, dapače, i posmičnu čvrstoću drveta.
As it was noticed in the executing practice of wooden frameworks with excentric connections of diagonal members of the spandrel for continuous cord members, the sum of shear forces may be of such intensity that already the stress from shear forces in the node is that high that it exceeds the allowed shear voltage vertically on wood fibers, and even, the shear wood's strength.

[Wed Feb 04 12:52:06 2004]
U jednom slučaju urušenja takve rešetke, kod koje je konstrukcija proračunata po metodama proračuna sila u rešetki, bez predviđanja ekscentriciteta priključka štapova ispune, a koja je izvedena s takvim ekscentričnim priključcima, to je naprezanje uzrokovano poprečnom silom bilo veće od čvrstoće drveta.
In the one case of the collapse of such a truss, where the structure was calculated according to calculation methods of forces in the truss, without predictions of eccentricities of of diagonal bar connections, and which was performed with such excentric connections, that stress caused by shear force was greater than wood's strength.

[Wed Feb 04 12:52:06 2004]
U čvoru rešetke (realno okvira u ravnini), kod takvog spoja vlada složeno stanje naprezanja, pa je onda prirodno da se pod opterećenjem snijega navedena rešetka urušila
In the truss node (in fact framework in the plane), in such joint there is a complex state of stress, so it is only natural that the mentioned truss collapsed under the load of snow

[Wed Feb 04 14:22:56 2004]
Na žalost, naši standardi drvenih konstrukcija o tom fenomenu ne vode računa.
Unfortunately, our standards of wooden structures do not pay attention to that phenomenon.

[Wed Feb 04 14:24:35 2004]
Vodi se samo računa o preraspodjeli momenata u pojasu rešetki, ali ne i o poremećajima od poprečnih sila, koje mogu biti znatne.
Attention is only paid to the redistribution of moments in the truss flange, and not to disorders caused by shear forces, which can be considerable.

[Wed Feb 04 14:24:35 2004]
U slučaju navedene urušene rešetke, ta su proračunski (i zapravo, realno postojeća) naprezanja jednostavno, kao oštricom, presjekla pojas na mjestu čvora između priključaka štapova ispune u čvoru
in case of the mentioned ruined truss, those calculated (and actually, existing) stresses are simply, as with a cutting edge, cut the flange at the point of the node between connectings of diagonal bars in the node

[Wed Feb 04 14:29:54 2004]
Realno bi u standardima za proračun drvenih konstrukcija trebalo uvesti klauzulu o obvezatnosti provjere kompleksnog stanja Norissovog (ili nekog sličnog u praksi dokazanog) izraza za provjeru složenog stanja naprezanja
In fact in standards for the wooden structure calculation should be introduced the clause about the obligation of testing a complex state of Noriss's (or some similar, proved in practice) expression for testing of compound states of stress

[Wed Feb 04 14:33:24 2004]
gdje je s indeksom u označen uzdužni naprezanje (tlak ili vlak), a prema stvarnom stanju naprezanja
where is the index u indicates a longitudinal stress (pressure or tension), according to the real stress condition

[Wed Feb 04 14:34:49 2004]
Neki mogući modeli simulacije priključaka štapova ispune (dijagonala) za pojasne štapove u rešetkastih nosača
Some possible simulation models of connections of diagonal bars (diagonals) to cord members in trusses

[Wed Feb 04 14:35:08 2004]

[Wed Feb 04 14:35:29 2004]
elastične veze
elastic connections

[Wed Feb 04 14:37:50 2004]
Prikazana je:
The following is shown:

[Wed Feb 04 14:39:10 2004]
urušena rešetka, model po kojem je bila proračunata (kao idealna rešetka) i stvarno izvedeno stanje, koje nije bilo kontrolirano proračunom.
collapsed truss, model according to which the truss was calculated (as the ideal truss) and actual performance state, which was not controlled by the calculation.

[Wed Feb 04 14:39:36 2004]
Treba napomenuti, da proračun takvog stvarnog proračunskog modela, danas, pri razini razvijenih alata za proračune konstrukcija, uopće ne predstavlja teškoću.
It needs to be mentioned, that the calculation of such real calculation model, today, at the level of developed tools for construction calculations, does not represent any difficulty at all.

[Wed Feb 04 14:39:36 2004]
Dapače, to je najobičnija inženjerska rutina
Indeed, this is the most common engineering routine

[Wed Feb 04 14:45:19 2004]
Utjecaj ekscentričnog priključka štapova ispune za pojas rešetke
Impact of eccentric connection of diagonal bars for the truss flange

[Wed Feb 04 14:49:05 2004]
Standard navodi da se pri proračunu naprezanja u pojasevima mora uzeti u obzir doprinos ekscentričnog priključka.
Standard says that when calculating stress in flanges, the contribution of eccentric connection must be taken into consideration.

[Wed Feb 04 14:52:47 2004]
Također navodi, da se za ekscentrični kruti priključak štapova ispune na pojaseve rešetkastog nosača mora pri proračunu naprezanja uzeti u obzir raspodjela sila od ekscentričnosti priključka na sve štapove u čvoru.
It also says that for the eccentric rigid connecting of diagonal bars on flanges of truss, the distribution of forces from connection eccentricities on all members in the node must be taken into consideration when calculating stress.

[Wed Feb 04 14:52:47 2004]
Standard također navodi da se kod priključaka dijagonala zasjekom, ukoliko postoji vjerojatnost rasušivanja kontaktne spojnice (m-m), mora pri dokazu naprezanja uzeti u obzir ekscentrični moment D*e za pojasne štapove
The standard also says that when connecting diagonals with a heel joint, if there is a probability for a connector (m-m) to dry, the eccentric moment D*e for cord members must be taken into consideration when trying to determine stress

[Wed Feb 04 14:54:50 2004]
Prikaz proračunskog modela urušene rešetke.
Illustration of the calculation model of the collapsed truss.

[Wed Feb 04 14:56:12 2004]
Prikazan je momentni dijagram i dijagram poprečnih sila u donjem pojasu rešetke.
The moment diagram and diagram of shear forces at the bottom flange of the truss are illustrated.

[Wed Feb 04 14:56:12 2004]
Dijagram uzdužnih sila nije prikazan, jer se ne razlikuje bitno od dijagrama uzdužnih sila dobivenog klasičnim proračunom sila u rešetki
Axial forces diagram is not illustrated, because it is not very much different from the axial forces diagram which was made by a classic calculation of forces in the truss

[Wed Feb 04 14:57:28 2004]
varijabilni presjek
variable section

[Wed Feb 04 14:57:49 2004]
Proračunski FE model
Calculated FE model

[Wed Feb 04 14:59:42 2004]
Dimenzije uzete prema stvarnom stanju
Dimensions are made according to real state

[Wed Feb 04 15:00:28 2004]
Rezne sile uzete prema modelskom proračunu
Section forces taken according to the model calculation

[Wed Feb 04 15:11:52 2004]
Kao što je vidljivo u standardu se ništa ne govori o potrebi provjere posmičnih naprezanja uzrokovanih poprečnim silama na dijelu ekscentričnog priključka štapova ispune za pojaseve rešetki.
As it is seen, in the standard nothing refers to the need to test shear stresses caused by shear forces on the part of eccentric connection of diagonal bars for flanges of the truss.

[Wed Feb 04 15:13:16 2004]
To je očita manjkavost tih standarda, ukoliko se prednje citiranim stavovima standarda isto automatski ne podrazumijeva, jer je iz osnova statike poznato da je poprečna sila derivacija momenta savijanja (T=dM/dx).
This is an obvious flaw of those standards, if the same thing is not automatically implied by earlier mentioned attitudes of the standard, because it is known from the statics basis that the shear force derives from the bending moment (T=dM/dx).

[Wed Feb 04 15:13:16 2004]
Međutim, vjeruje se da je to opće poznata relacija, koju ni ne treba navoditi
However, this relation is considered generally known, so it does not even have to be mentioned

[Wed Feb 04 15:21:12 2004]
Kolike su te sile prikazano je na dijagramima proračuna reznih sila proračunskog modela već navedene urušene rešetke
The intensity of those forces is illustrated on diagrams of section-forces calculations of calculation model of the already mentioned collapsed truss

[Wed Feb 04 15:22:10 2004]
Dijagram uzdužnih sila nije prikazan
Axial forces diagram is not illustrated

[Wed Feb 04 15:22:35 2004]
Izmjerena opterećenja snijegom
Measured snow loads

[Wed Feb 04 15:22:54 2004]
Idealizirani proračunski model
idealized calculation model

[Wed Feb 04 15:23:12 2004]

[Wed Feb 04 15:24:00 2004]
Proračunski model prema stvarnom stanju izvedbe
Calculation model based on the real execution condition

[Wed Feb 04 15:24:59 2004]
M dijagram u donjem pojasu nosača
M diagram at the bottom flange of the girder

[Wed Feb 04 15:25:34 2004]
T dijagram za donji pojas nosača
T diagram for the bottom flange of the girder

[Wed Feb 04 15:27:00 2004]
Detalj čvora rešetke simuliran je i analiziran MKE
Detail of th truss node was simulated and analysed with the FEM

[Wed Feb 04 15:28:58 2004]
Model ekscentričnog priključka dvaju panela u modelu rešetke.
Model of the eccentric connection of two panels in the truss model.

[Wed Feb 04 15:28:58 2004]
Iz proračuna ravninskog okvira
From the calculation of the plane framework

[Wed Feb 04 15:33:24 2004]
Pokazalo se pritom, da zapravo, što se tiče naprezanja od vlačne sile u donjem pojasu, da to naprezanje uopće nije mjerodavno.
while doing so, it turned out, that actually, as for the stress from tensile forces in the bottom flange, that stress is not at all relevant.

[Wed Feb 04 15:33:24 2004]
Međutim, provjera složenih napona prema Norrisu pokazuje, da je moralo doći do sloma drveta u tom čvoru jer je taj napon
However, testing of compound voltages according to Norris shows that the breaking of wood in that node had to happen because this voltage is

[Wed Feb 04 15:36:25 2004]
Vrijednost kompozitnog usporednog naprezanja je daleko veća od 1.0 te je stoga moralo doći do sloma pri ekstremnom opterećenju snijegom (uzetom prema mjerenjima na terenu).
Value of the composite parallel stress is far greater than 1.0 and therefore the breaking had to occur under the extreme snow load (according to measurements on the field).

[Wed Feb 04 15:36:48 2004]
Da se to provjerilo ranije, nije trebalo doći do urušenja rešetke.
If it had been verified earlier, the collapse of the truss could have been avoided.

[Wed Feb 04 15:37:00 2004]
Ovu analizu proveo je ing.
This analysis was carried out by eng.

[Wed Feb 04 15:37:00 2004]
Cvitić, s FEA programom ICES STRUDL2
Cvitić, with FEA program ICES STRUDL2

[Wed Feb 04 15:39:41 2004]
Ponekad su istraživački modeli vrlo složeni.
Research models are sometimes very compound.

[Wed Feb 04 15:40:10 2004]
Ukoliko želimo istraživati detalje veza elemenata, ne može se izbjeći složene modele.
If we want to research the details of element connections, complex models cannot be avoided.

[Wed Feb 04 15:40:10 2004]
Takav je model priključka dijagonale za pojas preko GANGNAIL ploča
Such is the model of connecting the diagonals for the flange through GANGNAIL boards

[Wed Feb 04 15:44:22 2004]
Prikazuje se i dio složenog (istraživačkog modela) priključka dijagonalnog vlačnog štapa preko GANGNAIL ploče, rađen u okviru vježbi konstruktorskog smjera na četvrtoj godini studija FGZ Zagreb.
A part of the complex (research model) connection of a diagonal tension member through GANGNAIL board is shown, made as a part of construction exercises at the fourth year of the FGZ University in Zagreb.

[Wed Feb 04 15:44:22 2004]
O tome je i referirano u literaturi
Literature also refers to it

[Wed Feb 04 15:47:53 2004]
FE model GANGNAIL ploče u priključku vlačne dijagonale rešetke.
FE model of a GANGNAIL boards in the connection of a tensile truss diagonal.

[Wed Feb 04 15:47:53 2004]
Čvor rešetkastog nosača, mreža konačnih elemenata na GANGNAIL pločama
Node of the truss, finite element mesh on GANGNAIL boards

[Wed Feb 04 15:57:17 2004]
U inženjerskoj praksi često se susrećemo s primjerima sasvim neadekvatnog modeliranja uobičajenih inženjerskih struktura.
In the engineering practice we often meet examples of totally inadequate modellings of regular engineering structures.

[Wed Feb 04 15:57:17 2004]
Primijećeno je, a i opetovano upozoreno, da se o položaju težišne linije nosača u odnosu na položaj težišne linije i položaj ploče kod složenih T presjeka, ne vodi dovoljno računa, što uzrokuje sasvim pogrešne rezultate proračuna, u koje mnogi vjeruju, jer su pri proračunu korišteni suvremeni alati za proračun konstrukcija (SAP, ICES STRUDL2, M-STRUDL, COSMOS/M i drugi slični programi
It has been noticed, and also warned about many times, that the position of gravity line of the girder in comparison with the position of gravity line and position of a plate with compound T of section, is not taken into account enough, which leads to totally incorrect analysis results, to which many people trust, because modern tools for the construction calculation were used in the calculation (such asSAP, ICES STRUDL2s, M-STRUDL, COSMOS/M and other similar programs

[Wed Feb 04 16:00:50 2004]
Djelomice je o zanemarivanju ekscentričnosti geometrije položaja ploče prema osi grede već bilo govora, kao što je bilo govora i o zanemarivanju ekscentriciteta ležaja u odnosu na os grede
We partially spoke about the neglect of geometry eccentricity of plate position according to the beam axis, as we already spoke about the neglect of bearing eccentricity in relation to the beam axis

[Wed Feb 04 16:04:51 2004]
Ukoliko se radi o simulacijama štapova s promjenjivom visinom nosača ili s prikazom greda s vutama o položaju osi /ili n_linije/ nosača mora se voditi računa.
If we deal with the simulations of members with the variable height of girders or with the illustration of beams with vutas about, the position of axis/or n_line/girder must be taken into account.

[Wed Feb 04 16:04:51 2004]
Ne može se uvijek koristiti nalog za primjenu varijabilnog (-ih) presjeka, samo zbog toga što je presjek po svojoj osi promjenjiv
We cannot always use the command for the use of the variable (-) section, simply because the section changes on its axis

[Wed Feb 04 16:05:43 2004]
Formulacija varijabilnog presjeka k i j
Formulation of variable section k and j

[Wed Feb 04 16:21:07 2004]
ukupna duljina štapa
total length of the member

[Wed Feb 04 16:23:00 2004]
Formulacija varijabilnog presjeka štapa.
Formulation of the variable section of a member.

[Wed Feb 04 16:23:06 2004]
Štap je simetričan u odnosu na os štapa.
Member is symmetrical in relation to the axis of the member.

[Wed Feb 04 16:23:15 2004]
a) štap k;
a) member k;

[Wed Feb 04 16:23:22 2004]
b) štap k definiran je kao 'k' i 'j';
b) member k defined as 'k' and 'j';

[Wed Feb 04 16:23:31 2004]
c) os štapa;
c) axis of the member;

[Wed Feb 04 16:23:31 2004]
d) os simetrije
d) center line

[Wed Feb 04 16:29:14 2004]
Pri formulacijama štapnih modela i štapova s varijabilnim presjecima treba biti oprezan, jer se formulacija varijabilnosti odnosi na os štapa uz pretpostavku simetrije štapa u odnosu na os štapa.
When formulating bar models and members with variable sections we should be careful, because variability formulation refers to the axis of member if we assume the symmetry of the member with reference to the axis of the member.

[Wed Feb 04 16:29:14 2004]
O tome se u uputama korištenja programa za strukturalne analize opširno elaborira, pa te formulacije treba koristiti kako se u uputama za pojedine programe to i traži
This has been elaborated in detail in instructions of the program for structural analyses elaborates, so these formulations need to be used as the instructions for single programs require

[Wed Feb 04 16:31:37 2004]
Primjer pogrešnog modeliranja vute jednog mosta (loše).
Example of an incorrect modelling of a bridge vuta (bad).

[Wed Feb 04 16:31:42 2004]
a) težišna os;
a) gravity axis;

[Wed Feb 04 16:31:42 2004]
b) kruta zatega
b) rigid brace

[Wed Feb 04 16:35:37 2004]
U navedenom modelu na sl.
In the mentioned model in fig.

[Wed Feb 04 16:37:30 2004]
21.60 i 21.61 nije se vodilo računa o suštini naloga definicije štapa varijabilnog presjeka.
61 about the main point of the command the definition of variable section member was not taken into account.

[Wed Feb 04 16:37:30 2004]
Tim se nalozima definira os štapa, stoga će se ovakvim modelima definirati os štapova i neće se postići korektno modeliranje utjecaja vute
These commands define the member axis, therefore such models will define the member axis and the correct modelling of vuta impact will not be achieved

[Wed Feb 04 16:42:51 2004]
Proračunski model kojeg se kreiralo pogrešnim modeliranjem.
Calculation model created with an incorrect modelling.

[Wed Feb 04 16:43:50 2004]
Označeni su čvorovi.
Nodes are indicated.

[Wed Feb 04 16:44:56 2004]
b) kruta zatega;
b) rigid brace;

[Wed Feb 04 16:45:15 2004]
c) štap 'A' duljine L1;
c) member 'A' of length L1;

[Wed Feb 04 16:45:15 2004]
d) štap 'B' duljine
d) member 'B' of length

[Thu Feb 05 09:10:17 2004]
Ispravni model grednog nosača s vutama (danas zastarjelo).
correct model of the beam support with vutas (outdated today).

[Thu Feb 05 09:10:20 2004]
a) težišna os;
a) gravity axis;

[Thu Feb 05 09:10:23 2004]
b) kruta zatega;
b) rigid brace;

[Thu Feb 05 09:10:25 2004]
c) štapovi;
c) members;

[Thu Feb 05 09:10:28 2004]
d) raspon L1;
d) span L1;

[Thu Feb 05 09:10:28 2004]
e) raspon
e) span

[Thu Feb 05 09:13:49 2004]
U ovom modelu su odsječci definirani kao štapovi (koji mogu biti zbog točnije formulacije promjenjivog presjeka).
In this model sections are defined as members (which can be there because of a more correct formulation of variable section).

[Thu Feb 05 09:14:32 2004]
Čvorovi su u tom modelu točno definirani, a vodi se računa i o ekscentričnosti oslanjanja.
Nodes in that model are correctly defined, and the eccentricity of leaning is also taken care of.

[Thu Feb 05 09:14:32 2004]
Na slici 21.65 prikazuje se formulacija BEAM3D KE u FEA programu COSMOS/M
the formulation BEAM3D FE in FEA program COSMOS/M is shown in Figure 21.65

[Thu Feb 05 09:16:05 2004]
Upisne vrijednosti za BEAM3D KE grede u FEA programu COSMOS/M
Registered values for BEAM3D FE beams in FEA program COSMOS/M

[Thu Feb 05 09:18:06 2004]

[Thu Feb 05 09:20:49 2004]
odnosi globalnog koordinatnog sustava (X,Y,Z) i lokalnog sustava (x,y,z) određenog s tri točke (PT1, PT2, PT3) pri kreaciji FE modela.
ratios of the global coordinate system (X,Y,Z) and the local system (x,y,z) determined with three points (PT1, PT2, PT3) when creating the FE model.

[Thu Feb 05 09:20:49 2004]
Prikazana su lica grede (1,2,3,4) na koje se može priložiti opterećenje tlaka
beam surfaces are shown (1,2,3,4) to which the load of pressure can be applied

[Thu Feb 05 09:22:51 2004]
relacije geometrije presjeka BEAM3D grednog KE u prostoru.
geometry relations of section BEAM3D beam FE in the area.

[Thu Feb 05 09:26:25 2004]
Presjek može biti simetričan i nesimetričan, konstantnog poprečnog presjeka i varijabilnog poprečnog presjeka.
The section can be symmetrical and unsymmetrical, of continuous cross section and variable cross section.

[Thu Feb 05 09:26:53 2004]
Os elementa može se ali i ne mora podudarati s težišnom osi elemenata.
Axis of the element can coincide with the gravity axes of elements, but it is not necessary.

[Thu Feb 05 09:26:53 2004]
Na slici su označeni
The following is marked in the figure

[Thu Feb 05 09:29:36 2004]
težište poprečnog presjeka
center of gravity of cross section

[Thu Feb 05 09:29:53 2004]
centar posmika poprečnog presjeka
shear center of cross section

[Thu Feb 05 09:30:54 2004]
točka u kojoj se traži proračun svih naprezanja
point for specifying the calculation of all stresses

[Thu Feb 05 09:31:22 2004]
Upisuju se sljedeće realne konstante
The following real constants are registered

[Thu Feb 05 09:31:37 2004]
površina poprečnog presjeka
cross section surface

[Thu Feb 05 09:31:49 2004]
moment inercije poprečnog presjeka oko lokalne osi
inertia moment of cross section around the local axis

[Thu Feb 05 09:32:24 2004]
moment inercije poprečnog presjeka oko lokalne osi
inertia moment of the cross section around the local axis

[Thu Feb 05 09:32:56 2004]
visina grede (depth) u smjeru osi
beam depth (depth) in the direction of axes

[Thu Feb 05 09:34:52 2004]
kod priključka za START štapa (točka 1):
in the connecting point for START member (point 1):

[Thu Feb 05 09:35:20 2004]
ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty, rotz, kodira se s=0 ako je spriječeno, s=1 ako je oslobođeno.
ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty, rotz, it is codified s0= if blocked, s1= if released.

[Thu Feb 05 09:35:28 2004]
Upeto znači:
Fixed means:

[Thu Feb 05 09:35:50 2004]
000000 ili =0, zglobno priključeno:
000000 or =0, articularly connected:

[Thu Feb 05 09:42:01 2004]
kod priključka za END štapa (točka 2):
in the connecting point for END member (point 2):

[Thu Feb 05 09:42:05 2004]
ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty, rotz, kodira se s=0 ako je spriječeno, =1 ako je oslobođeno.
ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty, rotz, it is codified s0= if blocked, =1 if released.

[Thu Feb 05 09:42:07 2004]
Upeto znači 000000 ili =0, zglobno priključeno:
Fixed means 000000 or =0, articularly connected:

[Thu Feb 05 09:43:04 2004]
Treba paziti na oslobođenje torzionog momenta:
The release of torsional moment should be taken into account:

[Thu Feb 05 09:43:17 2004]
početak štapa (1):
beginning of the member (1):

[Thu Feb 05 09:43:17 2004]
000111, ali za kraj štapa
000111, but for the end of thr member

[Thu Feb 05 09:44:08 2004]
moment inercije oko osi x
inertia moment around x axis

[Thu Feb 05 09:44:40 2004]
faktor učešća posmične površine u y smjeru
cross section shear participation factor in y direction

[Thu Feb 05 09:44:58 2004]
faktor učešća posmične površine u z smjeru
cross section shear participation factor in the z direction

[Thu Feb 05 09:45:21 2004]
temperaturna razlika u smjeru y osi
temperature difference in the direction of y axis

[Thu Feb 05 09:46:31 2004]
opseg presjeka (traženo samo kod termalne analize
range of the section (required only in the thermal analysis

[Thu Feb 05 09:46:52 2004]
torziona konstanta poprečnog presjeka C.G.
torsional constant of the cross section C.G.

[Thu Feb 05 09:46:52 2004]
u odnosu na čvor
in relation to the node

[Thu Feb 05 09:47:21 2004]
x-udaljenost težišta presjeka C.G.
x-center-of-gravity distance C.G.

[Thu Feb 05 09:47:21 2004]
u odnosu na čvor
in relation to the node

[Thu Feb 05 09:49:11 2004]
udaljenost centra posmika S.C.
shear center distance of S.C.

[Thu Feb 05 09:49:11 2004]
u odnosu na težište presjeka pri točki
in relation to the center of gravity at the point

[Thu Feb 05 11:13:14 2004]
Na primjer, ako se nakon proračuna ustanovi da su za simetrično opterećenje simetrične konstrukcije rezultati proračuna nesimetrični, očito je da se negdje pogriješilo, ili ako se nije pri opisu modela i upisima podataka pogriješilo, da je vjerojatno program neispravan, ili su pri korištenju programa prekoračene granične vrijednosti područja programa.
For example, if it has been determined after the calculation that the analysis results for the symmetrical load of symmetrical structure are unsymmetrical, apparently a mistake has been made somewhere, or if the model description and data input show no mistake, the program is most probably incorrect, or when using the program, boundary values of program sections have been traspassed.