NeuroTran - Strojni prevoditelj i rječnik

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NeuroTran online demo - dosadašnji primjeri prevođenja s engleskog na hrvatski

Na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti dosadašnje primjere prevođenja proizvoljnih rečenica koje su izabrali naši korisnici.

Klikom na bilo koju rečenicu vidjet ćete animaciju prevođenja te rečenice u realnom vremenu upotrebom našeg NeuroTran softvera. Animacije su rađene u animiranom GIF formatu i potrebno je da vaš web preglednik (browser) ima uključen prikaz slika i animacija. Ukoliko imate sporu vezu na Internet bit će potrebno malo pričekati kako bi se animacije učitale.

Napomena: Navedena vremena potrebna za prijevod bez pomoći NeuroTran softvera odnose se na osobe koje vrlo dobro znaju strani jezik i u stanju su brzo tipkati. U praksi to vrijeme ovisno o stručnosti osobe koja prevodi (naročito u slučaju potrebe za pisanim rječnikom) može trajati i znatno više.

Ako korisnik ne zna prevesti neku kraticu ili neku riječ vrlo je lako moguće potrošiti više sati tražeći prijevod samo jedne riječi. Ponekad to može potrajati i više dana a ponekad korisnik nikada neće moći prevesti tu riječ.

Demo rečenica Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja stručne osobe bez pomoći NeuroTran® softvera (mm:ss) Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja uz pomoć NeuroTran® softvera (mm:ss, ušteda %) Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja uz pomoć NeuroTran® Professional softvera (mm:ss, ušteda %) Ušteda u slučaju da osoba nije vrlo dobar poznavatelj stranog jezika (%)
Researchers first genetically engineered a mouse in 1980. But until recently, such creations were mostly scientific novelties. 00:59 00:27 (54%) 00:18 (69%) 100%
Villagers often sleep in the fields to guard their crops against nocturnal pests such as wild pigs. 00:49 00:24 (51%) 00:16 (67%) 100%
A career with the most disproportionate ratio of training to pay is a career of academic research scientist. 00:28 00:12 (58%) 00:08 (72%) 100%
How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky? Yes, and how many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? Yes, and how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind. 02:32 01:11 (54%) 00:59 (62%) 100%
The contracts or licenses by which the state controls telephone companies often require that the companies must provide access for tapping lines to the security services and the police. 01:10 00:36 (49%) 00:29 (59%) 100%
Unlike some other NVIC's we have brought to your attention, this one is not a rule that is binding on the USCG, other Federal agencies, or on the regulated community. 02:14 00:54 (60%) 00:48 (65%) 100%
To understand our customers' needs and opportunities, to offer them ICT solutions for their business faster and better than any competitor, and to be a competitive supplier of software and services within the Ericsson group. In doing so, we will generate profit and growth for our stakeholders. 02:57 01:24 (53%) 01:11 (60%) 100%
I merely paint, calligraphic visions at the intersections of mundanity, with dreams changing the vigorously boring into ephemerally enchanting. Sometimes I sculpt, molding the geometrically perfect rigidity of shapes assailing your sight into flowing amorphism tanged with out-seasonal bottled flavors of oranges in bloom. 04:42 01:44 (64%) 01:27 (71%) 100%
Globules of weld metal of filler expelled during welding and adhering to parent metal or solified weld metal. 01:14 00:42 (44%) 00:36 (52%) 100%
The two stances of the Denobulans and Antarans are very credibly presented (even if Phlox and his patient may not be representative of their whole respective species). 01:23 00:45 (46%) 00:37 (56%) 100%
What would a Multimeter be used to measure? 1. CD-ROM data 2. Power-supply voltage 3. Floppy drive speed 4. RAID controller synchronization Answer: 2 Explanation: A multimeter can be used to measure voltage. 02:44 01:22 (50%) 01:18 (53%) 100%
Quitting smoking is not easy. This section will outline why it is hard to quit smoking. It will also help you to understand why you smoke and why you want to quit. 01:21 00:36 (56%) 00:33 (60%) 100%
The main idea is based on the fact that a stochastic differential equation defines a diffusion process, generated by an elliptic differential operator. 01:04 00:12 (82%) 00:12 (82%) 100%
Translation Experts Ltd is a company dedicated to the provision of products and services that bridge language barriers. 01:01 00:25 (60%) 00:23 (63%) 100%
Thank you for your interest for our apartments. We have free terms from 13.09. to 30.09. and the price is 30 euros per one day. 01:43 00:32 (69%) 00:27 (74%) 100%
The Milwaukee Bucks have signed free agent forward Bobby Simmons to a multi-year contract, General Manager Larry Harris announced today. 02:21 01:04 (55%) 00:57 (61%) 100%
The tool designer is a network designer using the platform to create a new network design tool for himself and other network designers. 02:23 00:54 (63%) 00:42 (70%) 100%
The Boolean object corresponding to the primitive value false. 00:54 00:23 (58%) 00:21 (62%) 100%
The state is entitled to profit sharing, to a mining royalty, for the mineral raw material exploited by the mining entrepreneur who acquires the property thereof, as well as for the geothermal energy generated. 03:11 01:14 (62%) 01:03 (68%) 100%
Available with a new Supercharged 4.2 litre 396 bhp V8, new naturally aspirated 4.4 litre 306 bhp V8 or the technically advanced 177 bhp in-line turbodiesel engine. 02:05 00:53 (58%) 00:44 (65%) 100%
Through the selection and application of appropriate safeguards, security helps the organization's mission by protecting its physical and financial resources, reputation, legal position, employees, and other tangible and intangible assets. 02:21 01:00 (58%) 00:52 (64%) 100%
We state herewith that we have not been affiliated in any way with the Employer, Consultants or any entity responsible for preparing the Project designs, Specifications and Contact document. 02:16 01:04 (53%) 00:54 (61%) 100%
Here is your order confirmation. Please reconfirm the orders to me so we can start preparing for transport. 01:21 00:29 (65%) 00:26 (68%) 100%

Povratak na glavnu NeuroTran demo stranicu

NeuroTran® Professional

Ako uz pomoć NeuroTran®-a želite dobiti točniji i precizniji prijevod, preporučujemo NeuroTran® Professional. Bez obzira čime se bavi Vaša tvrtka, organizacija, ili Vi osobno, analizom čestoće pojavljivanja termina/fraza moguće je utvrditi terminologiju koja je specifična za djelatnost kojom se bavite. Česti termini u nekoj djelatnosti mogu npr. biti: "bilanca dobitaka", "upravno pravni postupak", "imovinskopravni odnosi", "prenatalna diagnostika", "odobrenje za puštanje u promet", "matičarstvo", "matični ured", "stupna dizalica", "vitlo mačke", "Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju", "Ministarstvo europskih integracija"... itd. Dodavanjem svih najčešćih termina/fraza s njihovim prijevodima u NeuroTran-ovu bazu znanja ti termini bit će uvijek točno prevedeni. NeuroTran® Professional se izrađuje prema zahtjevima naručitelja. Naručitelj mora dostaviti tekstove s kojima se često susreće ili samo nazive web stranica njegove ili srodnih djelatnosti. Na temelju dostavljenog teksta naša ekipa lingvista vrši optimizaciju softvera što omogućava:
Optimizacija traje 1-3 tjedna ovisno o količini i formatu dostavljenog teksta te o dostupnosti stručnjaka određenog područja i potrebne literature.

Za optimizaciju su potrebni:
Godišnja nadogradnja

NeuroTran® se stalno usavršava u sljedećem:
NeuroTran® Professional se može kupiti samo sa godišnjom pretplatom (plaćanje po ugovoru). Prije dobivanja licencnog broja za NeuroTran® Professional treba potpisati i poslati ugovor o godišnjoj pretplati. Za više informacija o NeuroTran® Professional izdanju molimo nazovite na telefon: (00 385) (0)1 2313 015.

Ako želite saznati više informacija o našim proizvodima i uslugama koje rade na drugim platformama, molimo izaberite ovdje:

Translation Experts Hrvatska d.o.o.
Šeferova 6
10 000 Zagreb
Tel: (00 385) (0)1 2313 015